Man, I Hate Mexicans…

Brown Americans (or any other color American, for that matter, ‘cept ragheads) are okay, but damn furriners piss me off…especially the illegal ones.

And any foreign cocksucker who comes here and won’t assimilate (and I include whites in this, too) should be killed as well. I hear bullshit about how illegals are breaking the law to ‘better themselves’ or their families, and I wonder what would happen to me if I commit a crime to help out my family? What about an omission, like not paying my taxes? Illegals don’t file income tax returns, why should I? They benefit from the taxes I pay, shouldn’t I be able to grab one and say “c’mere, fucker, mow my lawn”? Or, say, screw his wife to make up for how long I’ve been getting screwed by the IRS so spics can come here and screw out pillsbury popup ‘citizens’ and screw up our medical and educational systems?

These little brown turds are why a fucking Tylenol costs $40 in the hospital and my kids don’t use the lunch room at school anymore…because, forget it, if there’s a spic in line ahead of you, and he gets near the front, he motions for twenty-five other little cockroaches to get in front of him, and lunch is over before you ever get there, so your kids either don’t eat, or use their hard earned wages or allowance to go down the street and buy something at the store.

Check out the average cafeteria menu…you’ll see nothing but spic food, cuz those are the only assholes that eat there anymore…and God help you if you fight one of them, cuz then you gotta fight every fucking spic who ever lived, and their sisters. I normally think sexual harrassment is mostly bullshit and made up, but my daughter had two little spic fucks during PE class that were openly ogling her and touching her and driving her so crazy she was about to drop out before I came in and intervened. I had to do it extremely slyly and carefully, so the little bastards didn’t know where it was coming from and try to hurt her.
I have knocked mexicans on their asses in stores because they walked straight at me as if I was expected to move…surprise, assholes, I carry guns!!…pukes.
And it ain’t just the spics. When I was a cop (yeah, ponder THAT for a minute), we had a problem with the local Hmong who would heat coins red hot and press them into their kid’s flesh to ‘chase out demons’, or decapitate a dog and nail it’s head to your door as a warning of some sort.
But spics rule for being fucked up. My Mom was an RN in a psych ward where one of her patients was an elderly mexican woman from a wealthy mexican family. She’d had a breakdown and attempted suicide because she was tired of her male relatives fucking her all the time. She got an attorney and was trying to get asylum to stay here, but her family got the US State Dept involved, and one day they came and took her ‘back home’. It seems that a spic family tradition is to have the older women of the family be obligated to let the younger males fuck them whenever they get the urge…oh, yeah, and in the Napa Valley of California, it is a routine event for a mexican male farm worker, on the way back to mexico, to kidnap a young (8-13) year old white girl, rape the shit out of her all the way there, hook her on smack, and have her working in his field somewhere like a fuckin donkey til she dies. The whole community is in on it, because they turn her back over to him when she tries to escape.
Man, I hate mexicans…

2,904 Responses to Man, I Hate Mexicans…

  1. David Blacd says:

    Well said. I agree 100%. I hate fuckin’ mexicans, and that includes the two sorriest cock suckin’ mexicans of all time — vicente fox and his spic ass brother, george w. bush (lower case in the names intentional to imply contempt for both these sorry greaser shitheads)

    • fukk gringos says:

      man fukk ya gringos im 100% mexicans madafuckers and really wtf who made this page lil wanna be rich thats why ya have big ears arriva mexico cabrones!!!!!

      • Your mother says:

        Nobody likes you, you fucking spic. Every time all my hot white girlfriends see one of you they sneer and say eeewww. You’re all fucking dirty as shit, youre short, you have tiny dicks, you take all the foodstamps with no citizenship or rights to anything. You’re a bane of society. Your entire country should be bombed and all you filthy stinky nast ass burrito bandits must die.

      • most gringos are racist..what can i say..i feel sorry for u amigosss hahaaha

      • gringos are bullshit says:

        yeah fuckk gringos i swear bunch of ass holes go to hell always being racist god made us all together why does color were you from matter the way we look the thing we like why do yall gringos care whaat do we do or say fuck yall always having to say bullshit about mexicans

      • THE WHITE RIGHT says:

        wow and with your lack of grammar and spelling skills i am sure you are a useful member of our society too? you know you make it so easy for people to hate you lol you breed like roaches you have no morals and your only retort ever is “FUCK YOU GRINGOS” yes because you have NOTHING intelligent to say..nothing to contribute no valid points for your sad savage race..and thats why you are a inferior species FUCK MEXICO AND THE DAMN MEXODUS RUINING MY COUNTRY

      • redsonja says:


      • no mexico says:

        You say gringos are bullshit but your people are the blight of humanity. Sooner or later all the races will come together to destroy your people and guess what? You will lose, because for all the Mexicans’ head chopping viciousness they are cockroaches without discipline or military might of any kind. Cockroahes who are nothing but invasive parasites who need to be exterminated.

      • wayne says:

        fuck you puto spic bastard

      • N says:

        LOL!!!! Mr. fukk gringos… What the hell did you even write on here? I CAN’T FUCKING UNDERSTAND A WORD YOU STUPID SPICS SAY! BTW ENGLISH IS WHAT WE SPEAK IN AMERICA SO DEAL WITH IT!

      • Micaela says:

        we all hate mexicans, that’s for sure… nobody likes them!! in america are the most hated people, ask anyone!! argentina, colombia, venezuela, guatemala… i know people from everywhere and we all hate mexicans… mexicans are scum, we should exterminate that smelly plague… but how? it would be great if mexico were a forest of impaled cockroaches, don’t you think that my friends? hahaha… we need to be united to fight against that shitty people… who’s with me?

      • beaner for life says:

        the gringo that said we aren’t smart is a retard because i have all freak-en As in Ur face and also the gringo who said we short lie I’m 5.8 Wat you talking about

      • chris farely says:

        what the fuck are you talking about im a fucking nazi i will find where you live u fucking beaner peice of shit

      • Bob says:

        You’re 100% trash, more like. You mother fuckers don’t even flush you’re toilet paper! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve walked into a spic filled mall only to be assaulted by the smell of shit tickets lining the floor when I go to piss. Your pointy cowboy boots suck. Your clothes suck. Your food gives me diarrhea. Mexican mothers do a piss poor job of raising their nineteen children. You all ending roofing at somepoint. I mean, is there ANYTHING about your so-called “culture” that isn’t nasty, laughable, or offensive? Oh, and learn to spell, you illiterate piece of shit.

      • Anton says:

        the creator did not make all “races” equal, there are many differences between them, some are more progressive than others, and the others just use what the progressive have made. Many regions outside of Europe, the America (excluding Mexico), and parts of Asia are still living as primitive people. These primitive people are centuries behind the rest of the world and they must be content with that because they don’t seem to making an effort to join the more advanced world. There are areas in America, small towns and numerous streets in bigger cities where people are living in a primitive manner just living lazily in filth and thinking with their more primal mind.

      • 1337bitchtits says:

        @beaner for life… you’re such a fucking turd. Why is every mexican so fucking stupid? its like the only smart ones are El chapo and Carlos Slim…No wonder everybody kills each other down there, they’re mercy killings! Putting retards out of their misery! Its because of affirmative action that i had to sit in front of stupid spics like you in business school, where you didn’t pay attention, and just talked in spanish the whole time with your friends. o0o0o0ooh you have an AS? pppffftttt!!! are you fucking kidding me? its A 2 YEAR DEGREE! Grow the fuck up! And this is America, anything below 5’9″ for a man, is short… dip-shit. Do yourself a favor, go back to school, be a RN- because that’s about as far as someone of your nationality and I.Q. will get in this country. That’s “wat” i’m talkin’ bout.

      • GO HOME SPICS says:

        SPICS are bottom feeding pieces of shit that’s for sure. in CA these low lives are seen everywhere carrying a bunch of anchor SPICS with them and the flies around them are so fucking thick. if it was up to me i would build an electric fence along the border to keep these fucking leeches out. they are slowly bankrupting this great nation.

      • Paul Kelly says:

        You shit bag beaners! You don’t like us, stay in your own country!! You all shit your beds and kick it out with your feet! I wouldn’t piss on any of you. So, do you know what I do? I stay the fuck out of your country! Stay the fuck in yours!

      • alex says:

        fuck whites their a disgrace for human race most of them r fucking rapers or molester, their all fucking lazy fucking fire crackers viva mexico putos!!!

      • See ya just gotta spick….i mean speak spanish (dick mouth language) huh.

        Plant yourself with the wetbacks…..

      • fuck ya green what ?

      • what’s a grnegao “man”.


      • fuckkkkk white niggas says:

        y’all motherfuckers dumb as hell. we’re just taking back what’s ours. pinche tightasses

      • stupid people says:

        Wow what? I find it funny how you people can write stuff and still say nothing.

      • E says:

        Fuck YOU!!!! Mexicans are perverts, liars, cheaters, thieves……..straight up evil mother fuckers who deserve to die!

      • FUCKING GRINGOS !!!!!!!!!!

      • Fuck you bean dip.

      • NIGGA YOUR MOM says:


      • White Against beeners says:

        Get some decent education you fucken looser. Learn some proper grammar skills. If you even have the nerve to try to protect your self, try to teach your people some English; get some decent education ( with out government help); become a legal doctor. And for god’s sake stop committing 90% of the crimes that occur in the US. F- an burn in hell Mex

      • Mexican haters are losers. Where’s your taco bell now?

      • Spics says:

        Nuke Mexico city

      • fuck u says:

        Gringo’s made your race you dumb fucking spick. If the Aztec women didn’t like are big fat white dicks your race would not exist.

      • Shelly miller says:

        Can you find a white person to translate this I’m almost certain your upset about something but your lack of education is obviously a problem but were concerned about you and I promise if you go learn to English we will listen because like I said were real concerned about you. NOT…….SPIC……..SHITSKIN……….BITCH

      • TheOnlyNonRacistHere says:

        @Your mother, your a fucking idiot that dosen’t know anything except what your dad told you when he was fucking you sister/mom. Did you know that more white people are on foodstamps then any race in the country.

      • Humored Mixteca says:

        I am… terribly amused by the utter ignorance being spouted, particularly by those who are suggesting others “get an education.” My dad’s a Texan of Mexican (and other Central/South Amerindian) descent. I will say, the ignorance of white people is hilarious. Particularly when they big enough losers — one ‘o,’ there, dears — that they are, in fact, hypocrites. What is that saying in the bible about paying attention to the plank in your own eye before you worry about the splinter in someone else’s?

        Now off to go watch Good Samaritan stories to regain the faith in humanity I’ve lost here.

      • Humored Mixteca says:

        Correction: “they are big enough losers.” This is what I get for changing the trajectory of a sentence after finishing it.

      • vlad says:

        When are you boneheads gonna realize this is satire and meant to be’s a joke.

      • Larry says:

        I hate dirty brown bastards, let’s kill them all..

      • Larry says:

        fuck you Mexican

      • If I bed to the stupid USA I would not assimilate or support the stupid military of retards who raped colombian children and sold it as pornography. Fuck the USA and this guy is a dead man fuck gringos fuck rednecks cowboys are not rednecks unless they are American VIVA COLOMBIA CABRONES

      • Bob dobalina says:

        You just prove why people don’t like Mexicans. You’re an idiot, who can’t even write proper English.

      • Fuckingdiebeaners says:

        Fuck you Beaner

    • One time i saw these mexicans bringing their dead son infront of everyone into a wall greens…. how dumb can a person be?

      • you are a noob! thats how you spell it dumbass says:

        Hey this is weird! You are one stupid weird foshinki son of a god damn bitch ain’t u? If they left their dead son in a walgreens don’t you think it was to call the ambulance? You dumb turd? Well seeing as your filipino u need to open those damn chinky ass eyes and see the truth and the world! Haha fucker! And this comes from a half white half mexicanized 20 year old female so suck it! I have the best of both worlds or at least the mexican one that counts! Either way u are filipino and your mouth most likely smells like shit! Like all other filipinos! And y’all have an ugly ass color of skin!

      • Dell Conagher says:

        ^half white, half mexican? Looks like no one’s going to want your digusting trash ass piece of shit skin wherever you go, you fucking mongoloid. What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

      • Cheyenne says:

        One time I saw non Hispanic white woman beg me to give her money to aid with the funerary costs of her dead child. It turned out that she was making the whole thing up to scam people out of money! How immoral, dumb and corrupt could a person be?

      • Truth says:

        Um who let you into this country wouldn’t you have called the cops??? Fucking retard by the way you think your so cool commenting here who the fuck even cares about your race I bet no one here so just wait they be talking shit to you in a minute and you’ll see how it feels idiot open your eyes literally

      • SuPadre says:

        hahahaha dell connagher made my fucking laugh my ass off!!!! this fucker thinks hes rambo lol thats hilarious

      • Cartel Gangzta Next Door says:

        Fuck y’all faggot ass putos! Hate all you want you stupid ignorant fucks! You so called Americans are already out numbered by us in most states and soon will be a pissy little minority. We’re gonna ravage your towns and gang fuck your women, just like you stupid fucks did to the Indians! This ain’t your fucken country either pendejos! You are the first ever fucken illegal scum to come to this country! And guess what I carry a fucken gun too permit or none I will shoot you, rape your bitch, and sleep like a baby!

      • GO HOME SPICS says:

        A mexican can be pretty retarded compared to an average person because they have very low IQ. this is a scientific fact, a fact even most mexicans themselves are aware of. this is why despite being in this greatest country for many generations they are still useless, parasitic, welfare ridden nobodies.

      • Dell Conagher: hope you are for real. :)

        What I would do with all Mexicans? — get their blood work, finger prints. (especially the men who seems to making so many Mexican Women (Single Mothers) and then living with them. No I would not fine them or give them Amnesty. I would abolish the child anchor law. Have Orpahanges made for all Single Moms. Built by White Americans Only. All children would learn English when they could walk. Birth control given, while there. Make Bi-lingual jobs (illegal) — No welfare. Work like the rest of us. (no free handouts — like the rest of we poor Americans. (What do you think God thinks? about children being born? just to scam Welfare?) Dell, I am offended to the deepest level of my soul with this Mexican take over. I think He calls them (Bastards) and the women are Prostitutes in His Eyes. (Scary)

        I love to look for pretty rocks. I was in a lot were gravel was, next to a baseball field. 3 little street smart mexicans kids said: Is that legal? I said: I don’t know, are You legal? He called me filty names and said you are one ugly old Lady. ;)

        Sure wish this Country was filled with Dells !!!!!!! :)

    • WOW to much hate i feal sorry for u… i can see u a racist, nothing changing that..but as a mexican I FORGIVE YOU!!

      ps…i love white racist people…

      • bnrhtr says:

        Fuck you and your forgiveness you wetback piece of shit.

      • SimpleME! says:

        @juancho Perez I’m with you! I love haters they make me famous!

      • Bob says:

        Eat shit and die. If you want to “wow” me with your forgiveness, try proper syntax and punctuation. GODDAMN! You people suck ass!

      • GO HOME SPICS says:

        you’ll love anything that hand you a stack of foodstamp every month don’t you monkey?

      • For fuck's sake. says:

        Why the fuck are you guys searching for forgiveness? You are the ones that are disrespecting us.
        We just want to live a fucking life.

      • Speak spanish you nasty hispanic. You want and deserve to force your language on this USA you creep mexican. Piss on you and if i had the chance all mexicans especially wetbacks would vanish.

        Who do you dirt language spicks think you are.

      • TruthSeeker says:

        Most white people are as evil as any other race, and Judgement Day is coming. Skin color does not matter to me, and never has, even as a child. Conduct, actions, personality, and such, is what matters to me. I hate evil, and doers of evil. I have met a few decent Mexican people, and was shocked, but then Mexican people have confused me for being Brazillian, among other Mexican descents. I am caucasian, and my people were born in Germany, during that horrific holocaust. Thankfully, we are not Jewish, or I would never have been born, as my parents would have been slaughtered, although my nine year old aunt(before I was ever born) was tortured to death by Dr. Joseph Mengele, I believe. She had blonde hair, and blue eyes, and had to be slaughtered for being a little bit disabled. She was mute. Perhaps a lampshade was made from her skin, and even some soap, even though she was not a Jew. Nobody was ever really punished for all the atrocities, and Adolph Hitler, along with his lover, Eva Braun, faked their deaths, and lived in hiding for many years, until their deaths. There are many Nazis in this country, and they are good at hiding out their own. The sick motherfuckers even played basketball with murdered Jewish fetuses. Damn them all to HELL eternal. Where there is no justice, there is no peace.

      • Shelly miller says:

        Oh jaunnits chingalas putoa migulea punneda Perez your so cool

      • SPICS ARE DOGS says:

        What right do you have to forgive, you spic shit. Go sweep the streets and take a shower.

    • Benny Llanas says:

      Hey minority, you came to america once and took the Indians and Mexicans land motherfucking hypocrite

      • US Patriot says:

        Fuck you beaner lover. Everybody in this country started somewhere else, so miss me with your “We were here first” bullshit. The FACT is beaners and the indians are too weak to do anything about the White European conqueror.
        Hypocrite? Do you even know what the word means moron? You sure aren’t using it in correct context.

        Oh, the beaner isn’t human so you can’t call me a racist. The beaner is a Shit Roach. O cockroach got impregnated by some mutated feces and gave birth to the messycan. messycans are half shit and half cockroach!

      • Cheyenne says:

        Hey “US Patriot:, you are correct you are not a racist , you are in actuality a self hating white person. Mexicans are part of the White race so, you are a self hating , delusional moron.

      • Bob says:

        You shouldn’t have been on our land before we got here.

      • Anton says:

        Stop using that rhetoric, the “Mexicans” and Spaniards got pieces of America in the same way, Modern Americans didn’t take any land away, they were all born in it, history has been written and nothing can change it. In addition, US citizens have done a fine job building their country but are having a hard time maintaining it with certain groups mucking things up.

      • GO HOME SPICS says:

        the difference being that earlier European settlers conquered this country by force. they took it and killed all the retarded SPICS that stood in their way. now you cockroaches are crawling over the border BEGGING for low pay jobs and welfare checks like a bunch of pathetic morons. big difference.

      • Kevin Ellis says:

        Wow so many of you fucking liberal are so stuck in past your talking about that happened almost two hundred years ago. We won the southwest after the Mexican American instead of stealing it. If this is such a racist country don’t you leave you stupid fuck? Plus you should be thanking the white people in America because we’re paying for your welfare, EBT cards and many programs your properly on.

      • spic are a disease says:

        so when did your family sneak in illegally fucking spic

      • BENNY……no one stole spick land…indias. killed settelers….this was;as you say “only land”.

        The white euoropeans made a structered nation with the finest constitution ever devised….rules…laws…borders…demanded etc.speak english or they weren’t accepted and had to
        speak english to exist here.

        They came on ships and were screened for diseases criminal history
        etc. Many were sent back as they didn’t qualify.

        Wetbacks are desired by american traitors to be used for democrat votes and to work at low wages; cutting some true Americans out of work.

        Don’t give me this too lazy shit.

        The white man also allowed your stinking asses “we” had defeated to enter this soverign (USA) in certain numbers…the way the whole world enters this country.

        So it comes down to a lot of non patriot american just can’t wait to get your lousy asses up here and U want to change the language….etc.

        If it were white mexican wet backs i would feel the same….Stay away from me.

    • READ THIS SHIT !!!!!!! says:

      Ok first off you are a fukkn dumbass ignorant piece of shit. You are just discriminating our race and if you think thats funny and true then you are obviously immature and have no education. I have no problem with you being racist but putting it up on the internet, thats just because you have the LOWEST self-esteen ive ever seen. And for all you people saying that “ALL MEXICANS” are criminals and crazy you are pretty STUPID ! Im not gonna lie, Mexicans or Hispanic/Latinos do commit crimes but EVERY TYPE OF RACE ALSO DOES IT. And from what ive seen in the USA is that all the worst crimes are committed by white people just like the shooting in Colorado recently. You white people are always on medication because of your crazyass mental problems. Also for the people saying that us Mexicans cut heads and all this other shit and rape girls can only be said to the ones that are in the Cartels and in charge of drugs or what not but all this is done IN MEXICO and not in the USA or any other country so stop saying that because you are obviously HATING on us and caring about us WAAAY too much. But i bet that you WOULDNT say all that shit in front of their face because yo ass will be decapitated in seconds and your little white precious life will be over but like i said you WOULDNT DARE to say it to their face you racist piece of shit. And for the people saying that we work in mowing your lawn and doing those dirty jobs is true but NOT EVERY Mexican does that and we arent the only ones that do those jobs because ive seen many white people and other types of races do those kind of jobs. You people are just HATING on us because we are gaining in popularity and are getting prepared and taking yo motha fukkn jobs. PLEASE DONT DENY IT BECAUSE WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT ITS TRUE.
      By the way i am only 15 and im obviously WAY more mature and have a better view in things in life than you do. So take you and your little white ginger kids back to school you ignorant piece of SHIT.
      I could already see the things that you might reply so let me help you and give you an answer :
      – “Your are only ’15’ so shut the fuck up”
      – “Your stupid”
      – “Your wrong”
      You might also say something regarding to what i wrote but guess what ?
      If you say something like “spell your words right or have a better grammar,” this is NOT a FUKKN ESSAY.


      VIVVVAAAAA MEXICCOOOOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      • You're in denial. says:

        You’re pathetic. Of course this isn’t an essay, but you’re still writing. It’s called being intelligent. Typical Mexican bullshit. Just admit you lack the intelligence. Don’t worry though, Taco Bell isn’t going anywhere, so you’ll be able to work as long as you aren’t a lazy cockroach.

      • beaner for life says:

        you right its not a essay but no one said in the reply instruction spell things right retard. bleh :P

      • Michelle Hernandez says:

        Well said , Iam 15 also . All these people are ignorant. I could tell that all these fucks dont even know about history. You people did the same thing to the Native Americans. You took away their land. & Now look , Your bitching about mexicans ” Taken Over ” . I bet all you stupid people are Republicans lol . & Please dont brag about whites .. WE ALL KNOW YOUR TRAILER TRASH . & this goes for only the white racist fucks.

      • whitepowr says:

        fuck you wetback cocksucker all you chalupa fucking beaner skidmarks do is smoke crack before you wrap a tortillia around your dick and go down to the local junior high to play burrito time with your cousin, take your rat fucking homeboy pieces of shit back to that third world shithole you call a home and quit rotting our nation from the inside out like a fucking cancer, fuck you and all the white people who help you

      • Bob says:

        There’s no one telling you to spell correctly, and you think that because no one is bossing you around we should respect your retarded, illiterate opinion? I can’t respect someone who can’t even articulate their point correctly. The fact that your response consists of three very long sentences only shows how fucking ignorant you really are.

      • Sandy says:

        Read This Sh**,

        Well said! Their hatred is unfathomable. Disgusting, racist people.

      • Anton says:

        White crimes just get more publicity; the media doesn’t dare to mention the race of non- Whites (those that aren’t of European decent). You can look into the crime rates, for every white, a higher number of coloreds will have committed the same crime.

      • White people, cool it says:

        GOD cool it white people. Mexicans are fine, its just the illegal ones that suck. Stop being so damn small minded and nasty. Your only degrading your own race and making them all look like a bunch of small minded maniacs

      • GO HOME SPICS says:

        go cry to someone who actually gives a fuck about what you had to say. stupid SPIC.

      • Kevin Ellis says:

        If your so upset about your race not being accepted here in America why don’t you go back where you belong? Because if hate are race and country you shouldn’t be here. Don’t forget who’s paying for your EBT card, welfare checks, your free Obama phone and we’re paying for your income tax because these idiot on welfare don’t pay national income tax because we have an illegal immigrant for president. So taxpayers have to work extra harder to pay their taxes and other assholes taxes to. Which is not foe because we have to pay for someone else who doesn’t deserve those benefitts. Most of these jerks receiving government are not disabled, sick or have a sick family member. So they have no reason to work because hard work is the best social program out their. If assholes come to this country not will to work they need to leave. We should be giving them are money. If they don’t got these programs in their home country let them die from their own laziness and ignorance. Because we should not be paying for people that hate us.

      • irene nueva says:

        Kudos Mr Read this shit! If today was your last day on earth…would you spend it on hate? I am wondering what part of the country most of you are in…because I didnt realize Mexicans were so hated. Im in California…or should I say Mexifornia…lol. I always wondered where they get these people on Jerry Spinger…and now I know. They came to this post. Life is too short…live …laugh…love. Find God…and have peace towards all people anf within yourself.

      • rob says:

        Wow! I’m impressed! Spoken like a true American patriot!What I don’t understand is where you are?? Are you in Mexico or USA?
        ” Viva Mexico!” implies your in Mexico.Otherwise, what the hell are you doing in the USA if your so F*******g proud of being Mexican? Your a confused pathetic piece of s***t and don’t know who you are or where you belong.I feel so bad for people like you.

      • Messcan Hater says:

        Blow Me but triton boy. You Islamic dick sucker. FUCK. mexico! Fucking Putos y Maricas!

      • GoDieInAHole says:

        How about you go back to your own country? You think Mexico is so great? Then tell me why are you living in America? “VIVVA MÉXICO” my ass. If you mean you are going to take all of our jobs you mean that you’ll take all the blue color jobs? That is all you’re good for.

      • Shelly miller says:

        Pretty soon your turning 16 and we all know what that means. Daddy brothers and uncles are gonna fuck you all night isn’t that why your race makes such a big deal out of their little sluts turning 16 I mean the whole wetback camp gets laid right. Anyway fuck you and die

      • SPICS ARE DOGS says:

        Fucking Spics are still crying about gringos taking over their land. It’s true they did, but what can you do about it? Absolutely nothing. Get over it and if you have the power, take it back! Sore losers!

      • Richard says:

        for a 15 yr old good come back but you should study more it’s a proven fact that the majority of people in are prisons are otw other than white and the welfare line is all brown and if you look at history 3rd world countries such as Mexico have nothing to offer the us but ignorant uneducated cromag cave dwellers there isn’t any other race that’s ever invented anything of use but maybe the orientals which invented gun powder we invented just about everything else Mexicans didn’t even invent the taco they can’t even make a sewer system for Mexico they all shit and piss over a board and wipe there ass and throw the rag or newspaper they wiped there asses with in a corner plus they all use a community bathroom where everyone shits over the same board in front of each other like dogs they breed like rats and infest are country like the plague maybe if they came here legally learn English and payed taxes and quit living off of mine flew are flag pledge there allegiance to this country and we’re respectable humans instead of being bottom feeders maybe people wouldn’t talk shit about them so you should study more and not try to act like your an adult because your plainly not

    • Cantinflas says:

      Yeah, ours mexican dick in your grigo ass

      • whitepowr says:

        your going to have to pull your little wetback dick out of your neighbors mule donky you fucking piece of taco ass smelling shit

      • spic are a disease says:

        typical stupid spic that is more than likely the extent of your english

      • spic are a disease says:

        Hey Jenn go the fuck back to Denmark another useless European race you should thank us or you would still be under German control dumb fucking cunt

      • I don’t think any of you dumb ass idiots realize. With all the fags and woman in control of the world now. If you do snap and hurt your hated nemesis ,they will use these hateful words against you and label you a threat to society ..aka (being a real man)
        So to all you beakers. Stop beeping and go kill each other already. (Btw cootos to the spics for reading and writing English.) it’s a start.. they don’t speak at all in van Canada while they’re scraping concrete..

    • Renteria says:

      I hate it when people say dumb stuff about Mexicans! My tio Richard said “Be proud of youre heritage.” I dont understand why people hate us so much. In the US your mostly racist to Mexicans and african americans!

      • meskins are traitors to one another and Afro Americans make fun of meskins too. I don’t like meskins and I’ll tell em to their face.

      • stupid people says:

        What heritage. You hang out outside 7-11 like roaches begging for work pee on the sidewalk. My wife locks the door when you assholes are around and your kids run wild. I am so thrilled when one if is nice and holds the door.

      • TruthSeeker says:

        Most white people are as evil as any other race, and Judgement Day is coming. Skin color does not matter to me, and never has, even as a child. Conduct, actions, personality, and such, is what matters to me. I hate evil, and doers of evil. I have met a few decent Mexican people, and was shocked, but then Mexican people have confused me for being Brazillian, among other Mexican descents. I am caucasian, and my people were born in Germany, during that horrific holocaust. Thankfully, we are not Jewish, or I would never have been born, as my parents would have been slaughtered, although my nine year old aunt(before I was ever born) was tortured to death by Dr. Joseph Mengele, I believe. She had blonde hair, and blue eyes, and had to be slaughtered for being a little bit disabled. She was mute. Perhaps a lampshade was made from her skin, and even some soap, even though she was not a Jew. Nobody was ever really punished for all the atrocities, and Adolph Hitler, along with his lover, Eva Braun, faked their deaths, and lived in hiding for many years, until their deaths. There are many Nazis in this country, and they are good at hiding out their own. The sick motherfuckers even played basketball with murdered Jewish fetuses. Damn them all to HELL eternal. Where there is no justice, there is no peace.

    • Jen hates the USA says:

      I am from Denmark visiting family in Colorado who live near a trailer park full of nasty poor white trash. I am repulsed every time I pass you disgusting people. Everyone around the world hates Americans of all races. All Americans are arrogant idiots that will bring the US down because all of you ignorant slobs hate and kill each other instead of uniting as a country. You are nothing but a bunch of low class unsophisticated slobs that the whole world looks down upon!!!!! i can’t believe my family left Europe to live here…. I am ashamed. BTW you white americans may look similar to us but you are not like us and we do not accept you!!!

      • Colt says:

        Go back home then eurotrash if you hate it here hell I’m glad I’m not European because my ancestors left that shithole for a better life go fuck yourself!!!

      • Josh Arnold says:

        You Europeans are inbred trash. But hey, at least you’re not a spic.

      • JessePinkman says:

        Cant unite in the US, you naiive’ Danish snob, because there are too many languages and cultures all battling it out. Vs Denmark, which is on the European continent, where you have white people from England all the way east 4000 miles into Russia. In the US we have the dirty mexicans and we get illegal immigrants made up of all the lowest scum even MEXICO doesnt want, so their government actually ENCOURAGES the scum to come up here! They even have a government office in mexico to tell them how to do it! AND our zionist-jew politicians, who are hell bent on cheap labor, and destroying the US like they do in EVERY country they get their claws into, welcomes in t hese human tape worms. Instead of building a wall wtih machine guns and land mines, like the rest of the world does at their “frontiers”, welcomes them in with open arms and even gives them drivers licenses! THAT’S the reason, Blaming the same Americans who saved your wimpy danish asses from the Germans in the last century – TWICE,. Germany should have won the war and still be lording over you to this day – because they’d be the first to put a stop to this shit we allow here with “immigrants”. And they’d know exactly how to treat your muslims too.

      • Shelly miller says:

        It must suck to be you

      • Xuxa says:

        Jen, enjoy your dhimmitude when the moslems force you under Sharia law and into a burka you irrelevant Danish, eurotrash cunt. :)

      • SPICS ARE DOGS says:

        Hey you dumb ignorant Euro bitch. If you know anything about Americans, we take in the your “tired” the “poor” and the “hungry”. This was how America was founded. But seriously, we’re not as high class as you Europeans claim yourself to be and we don’t have as high standards. If you’re going to come here and look down and talk trash about US, I suggest you move out of where you are and go live on 5th Avenue in New York where there’s probably more of the likes of you. But if you can’t, I suggest you get used to where you are.

      • Richard says:

        Then get the fuck out of my country your just jealous because we’re a super power and could wipe Denmark off the face of the Earth we’re just tired of being burdened with the rest of the world’s bottom feeders that sneak into are country and live off the tax payers money if you want to be here you pay your taxes speak are language not be a criminal fly are flag pledge your allegiance to this country or get your ass out of here no one wants you as for being United what the hell does United States stand for you retard we are United with other Americans not border jumpers were not a refugee camp get the fuck back over the fence and stay in your own yard or suffer the consequences

      • S Bers says:

        Hey Jen…no one cares what you have to say. :)

      • W says:

        You can go fuck yourself, you know nothing about America, we bailed your stupid asses out but I hope never again, enjoy your Muslim buddies and live in misserie you stupid cocksucker

      • Fuckingdiebeaners says:

        Fuck you Bitch where was your fucking pride when we saved your fucking ass from Hitler, Go make some wooden shoes and get your husband a sandwich stupid bitch

      • John says:

        Hi, Euro/uneducated/ignorant/immature/snob piece of trash bitch. You’ve obviously haven’t seen the real world or any of it except for your little fucking Danish little perfect country. I’m sure everyone in the world loves the rest of the world because everyone is perfect except for Americans. You obviously have something against Americans so WTF are you doing here??? Just get the fuck out because we don’t give a fuck about you!

    • Caroline says:

      I am Mexican, and I will not reply with “fuck gringos,” simply because that is not a suitable reply to this. I have a lot of “gringo” friends who are good people. This is your opinion, and you are entitled to it. That is what makes this country so amazing, the fact that you can openly say how you feel, and have your own opinion. However, I do want to say that I am Mexican-American and I am going to graduate college in May, as a triple major (if any of you know what that means), and I will be going to medical school in the East coast this fall. I am not stupid, or lack intelligence. I not only speak English, but I also know five other languages. Also, 1337bitchtits, I can’t say anything for those “spics” in your business school classes, but you’re a dumbass for being in business school anyways. That is why the Chinese and Japanese are taking over, because instead of learning something useful, racist white people are on wordpress ranting racist vomit.

      • Forrest Gump says:

        Oh yea totally you’re a genius, smartest Mexican alive is like being the smartest kid with down syndrome, still a dumb piece of shit and no one cares so please hand vet your burrito making degree to the nearest taco bell

      • vladtheimpaler says:

        fuck you you Danish homo,we have plenty of brothers in scandanavia,you are a feminine prick who is letting your country be taken over by muslims,so fuck don’t speak for Denmark you are probably married to one of the pricks,fuck off loser. white people don’t live in trailer parks in Colorado s I know right there you are a lying bastard.whats the name of this mobile home park?you pompus Danish faggot.,you let your women get raped and you call us low class,at least we are not you are right you are not like gay Danish at least.DNL would think the exact opposite of you ,you fuckin coward,you are a muslim doormat.thats what you are.have fun hating us we could care less.

      • S Bers says:

        Hey Caroline, are you a doctor yet? What’s that? You dropped out of medical school because you weren’t smart enough. Oh, that’s too bad. I’m sure you learned enough to take back to mexico to treat your family there so…bye bye. :0

    • Clifford says:

      This is pathetic. I’m not choosing a side but reading these comments make me sick and ashamed to breath the same air as you backward-minded fools. I agree where your anger is coming from; I live in California and see hispanics do some stupid stuff occasionally. But who doesn’t? Which race is perfect? Are white people “dominant”? WE ARE ALL HUMANS! However, the majority of hate here is all stereotypical and the amount of prejudice on this post nauseates me. For example, judging all of you from your comments, I can assume that you are all old, angry white men who have nothing better to do then bitch about other people. Grow a pair and suck it up. You are all adults but you talk as if you did not even finish basic elementary. Your claims are based purely on inner hate towards hispanics with no solid evidence to back it up. Whether you hate the color of their skin, culture, language, etc… it is truly pathetic to read your comments. Learn some manners and respect.

      • MeiPrussia says:

        I agree with you.

      • GO HOME SPICS says:

        “who doesn’t” ? wow you sound like a complete fucking moron.

        you need “solid evidence” that most of these scumbags illegally crossed the bordered for free welfare (after shitting out a few beaners) and tax free employment? you are a MORON. a FUCKING M O R O N.

      • Richard says:

        You are an idiot we hate them because they come here illegally refuse to speak are language or fly are flag pledge there allegiance to this country pay taxes all they do is live off of are welfare system bring up the crime rate shit out there off spring like rats and infest this country like the plague if they want to come here then they should do it legally by going to there immigration and filling out the paperwork to come here get on the waiting list and wait for an opening to come here like there supposed to do not crawl under the fence sneak in shit out there off spring and say I american now go fuck yourself get back over the fence take your dog of a kid with you free loaders

      • S Bers says:

        Hey Clifford. First I gotta ask. Are you the “Big Red Dog”? You would be incorrect in your assumption that everyone commenting on these posts are old, white men who have nothing better to do. I am a female, not old, but old enough. I went to school with mostly mexicans. I was one of only 3 white kids in the school. I was friends with a lot of the kids until we got to high school. By then, most of the kids from grade school were now in gangs and hated any white person. I would have to say that in general (from personal experience that is) mexicans are very racist, maybe the most racist people I have ever met.

    • kell erickson says:

      I was never racist or against any group of people until I lived around hispanics. Sure I’ve hated individuals but never loathed an entire group of people. But living in the same apartment complex and city filled with his and herspanics has made me grow a hatred I never knew would be possible! I am the most friendly, helpful, give you the shirt off my back kind of person so this is not coming from me. These people (animals) have no respect for anyone because they have no respect for themselves. The fact they have kids they don’t want and don’t spend time raising just because of their fucked up religion proves they care nothing for anyone else. They fuck each other over at every turn and fuck each other literally even if they are related. Incest is barely frowned upon and the babies that come from it just end up another member of their roach colony. They feed off of others, they feed off of America so why would we expect anything different from them. I am always willing to give a person of any race a chance so if you come to me and are respectful and courteous then even if you are of Spanish decent I will view you as a person and not lump you in with these animals. But the second you come at me with that loud jibber jabber, towing 3 or more kids in the same fucking baby carriage, pushing your way past me like I don’t matter and saying that I would never work at a fast food place or pick fruit (because I have and will to earn a living) then FUCK YOU YOU EVIL SPIC! And btw, Americans will pick fruit! Americans are hard workers who have within us a work ethic that surpasses everyone but the Asians. We don’t evacuate our country because we used it up and refuse to clean it up and let it decay like spics did to Mexico! We stay here and we work hard and we make sure we have indoor plumbing and we don’t dump shopping carts on the sidewalk just because we are finished using them! Spics fucked up Mexico and now that they’re through with it and it is a rotten stink hole they come here and instead of bettering America or at least keeping it nice, they use it up too! So if you are a hispanic and tired of Americans hating you then CHANGE!

      • GO HOME SPICS says:

        good post. low life SPICS are a disease, a cancer upon modern societies.

      • Jennifer says:

        They will never change. Tey are not teachable. And to the Mexicans, I am not racist. I like you on vacations however, what I don’t like is to associate with you in real life because I can’t stand the way you operate. You would do anything to not be productive. Productivity makes us happy and you make us ill because you can’t produce. Your attitudes are sufforcating because production is what you don’t do. You don’t have the life skills. Its like efficiency is the devil to you. You say we are arrogant but the reality is we don’t want to be a bunch of welfare cases like your selves and you are so rude because nothing means anything to u. Like helpless is your way of survival. Its not to put you down or anything. The only time you are motivated to work is when you have the opportunity to bottom feed. The funny thing is that you are happy swimming in shit.

      • Jennifer says:

        I am so lucky I am Canadian. Our government does not allow Mexicans in. We don’t have the same pesticide infestation. Mexicans are upset because it puts them down as a man. What the Mexicans won’t do is learn why, They justify everything amd that’s there disease. They can’t come in ha ha ha ha. Life is good!

      • Builtdude says:

        I am 75% Mexican and 25% filipino born in the states, not going to lie, I fucking hate Mexicans especially my ex who was from Mexico fuck her and all her little spic friends who chant Mexico while they come and take our money out OUR circulation. FUCK them.

      • k says:

        Couldn’t have said it better myself. They do infuriating shit where I live such as; blasting shitty clown music until 2 am, setting up illegally possessed washing machines in apartment yards, let 3 year olds ride their tricycle in a parking lot with no supervision, riding around the apartments in a uber loud ATV, parking in dangerous areas making other sections of my apartment complex inaccessible to emergency services God forbid there is ever fire. They wonder why I hate them, and even worse, try and call me a racist when I complained to the LL. Stop doing stupid shit, and I will be less inclined to complain and gripe about you being my neighbors.

      • You mama says:

        You are rigth..but you are the one.and all the white,owners,of big busines,and big corporations and white,any white ,any one who don’t want to do a cheap,estupid job!because,our pride,don’t allow this,we are to good,and educate,do you remember how we use to live,on a filthy apartments,check our history,when we arrive,in USA,how they us to treat us just like,the way you express about,them they,check us,if we have any kind of disease,or if we carried no I know I understand,you don’t like them any more,but you should make responsable all the white ,esmart ass who hire them,from a white,outer of a house
        To our big farming,to our,rich,busines owners,white people like you,and all the whites,who complain about, the subject,of iligals
        In our country,because the break the law,and just jump the fence,and we need to make a big wall,you are the responsable for all this, crapp that,we having in our country,our goberment to, the imigration department .
        Why….because we are the ones who are breaking the fuking law
        We have laws we not suppose to hire iligals ,but we are fuking greedy,and we don’t want ,pay more than the minimum wage to our workers,we don’t want to work on the fields,we don’t want to work in a estupid job,8 hours we don’t want the companies push us to do a1.000,000 pices,an hour,we,are no eslaves,we don’t want to work if we feel abuse,on our work rigths.we leave,any fuking job,that the white owner,think we don’t deserve,a hig wage,we have work rigths,well this owners esmart ass they hire undocumented,we care les well we, the white people,blame the undocumented,but they are what we did in the past,work for left overs we were abused by the work owners,…we are the responsable said and the ones who brake the laws ,we shoul put in jail at least 20 years in prison with no exit,bay any law,or lawyer,to any white owner of a company,or any hose owner who hire any undocumented….jail to any one of any race,legally in our country wo breaks the law,any law,any allso any of our politicos who hire one to or our emigration members if they make a blind aye,to ,in the border.we have laws we must follow them or we must estop complaining and get a job on the fields ,or those cheap jobs,what ever,do it,show you care for the situation
        We are not Nazi Germany’s ,this people don’t belong in USA they were our enemy,they are not welcome in Germany,Germany is a shame,of them..go and make our white
        People,and any one who complain about this undocumented,people,to follow our laws they are the ones that should be punish
        Go if you realy care,make a fuss!

      • SPICS ARE GROSS says:

        I try not to be racist, but some Mexicans automatically think you’re racist if you act white or talk in proper English. WTF? I was raised here and although my parents were immigrants that worked menial jobs to raise us, I got a good education. I think that they have a conspiracy against rich and educated people because they’ll never be like them. I believe in freedom and liberty for all Americans and Mexicans can live the way they want, even if they live in rat, cockroach infested slums. It’s none of my business really. But if you think about it, their kids will be going to the same school as my kids in public school and I sure don’t want their diseases to be spread to my kids. The Mexicans’ lack of education is surely a detrimental problem to American citizens. I can see why Americans hate them so much and everything associated with them. Their way of living and mentality is totally opposite to Americans. That is why their country is so backwards. It’s hard for America as a country to advance and lead the world with Mexicans holding them back. Soon China and other countries will lead. Mexicans will turn US into a backward, agriculture based economy.

      • Richard says:

        Lol I think I love you you hit the nail right on the head

    • IHATEmexicans says:

      Fuck I hate beaners too man. I was driving today and these beaners pulled up beside me and everyone knows how when a beaner gets a car, they get all their stupid bean friends in with them, but ya they leaned out the window and started throwing orange peels at my truck from a little corola or some shit. Orange peels, not actualIy oranges, orange peels cuz their too poor for actual oranges.I was like fuck no i had just been shopping and i nailed all of them with a 12 pack of eggs i had bought. It was great It got all over their car and inside too. Fuckers, it still probably smells like rotten eggs.

      • Isaac says:

        Shut the fuck up stupid ass bitch us Mexicans work our ass off because all you gringos are lazy as fuck and don’t do shit so I would shut the fuck up if I were you stupid ass bitch.

      • Rony Farfan says:

        You’re going to judge the entire Mexican community just because a bunch of idiots disrespected you. I was picked on by a bunch of black guys, but am I going to assume all black people are like that? NO, because I know that not all of them are like that just like not all mexicans are like the ones you encountered. I know mexicans who are fluent in English and respectful.


      You motha fukka glad i dont know where you live

    • Kill them all except me says:

      Im not gonna lie, im half mexican (moms side) and half peruvian, but damn do i fucking hate beaners. I hate being fucking mixed with that turd of a race, they are an emberrasment to humanity. The type that i hate the most are the ones that think they are “gangsters” and talk like fucking retarded monkeys, i mean a lot of them dont even know how to speak english. It makes no sense why you are living in the U.S. if people cant even understand wtf you are saying. The thing that really ticks me off is when one of those damn beaners are fucking blasting that shitty ass beaner music. God i fucking hate braners.

    • Emily rodriguez says:

      Some of you fuckin white ass people don’t know shit about mexicans we be nice to you fuckers and this is what we get in return some racist white fuckers that think their all that and we’re not cocksukers white bitches are and you guys should shut your fuckin mouths up before a angry little mexican girl like me kicks your fuckin ass so don’t be haten if you don’t know shit

      • spic are a disease says:

        you ignorant whore use English not Spanglish ebonics

      • Xuxa says:

        See the line border that says US/Mexico? Yeah, you belong on the side that says ‘Mexico’. Get to steppin’, hombre! MAGA! We white people are sick of you and all your bullshit.

      • Halla says:

        Go fuck a dog, brown whore.

    • You sure hate Mexicans. So when you fall in love with one, don’t even bother! Yes, some Mexicans are ignorant. Others aren’t. Because it’s just a fucking nationality. Just like you white people can be dicks, others can be extremely cool. Their nationality has nothing to do with the reason why you don’t like them. But wait, your ancestors came here for a better life, and that’s ok? Hm. Oh. Well, Mexico is apart of the United States anyway, so I’m sure it makes more sense when people from there come here. You’re one of the ignorant white people. Shit you probably gonna stay racist, but nothing is gonna change. Oh hey, my cousins from Mexico live here now. They like it a lot. My dad, he came here when he was 17 from Mexico. My mom, she was 14, and she came from Guatemala. Wow! Would your lazy ass go through all this shit for a better life? Nope. Suck cock pls

      • spic are a disease says:

        are they legal hmm and are they breeders to give you citizenship oh yeah that doesn’t happen either there is a difference between a Mexican American and straight up illegal spics so choke on that whore

      • Richard says:

        But did they apply for immigration and wait on a list untill cleared to come here like they are supposed to or did they swim the river and sneak under the fence pop out the off spring and say I an American citizen now cuz I shit out a kid if that’s so there not American there infiltrators and should be shot like spies

      • vlad says:

        Infantry guy watch us launch the deportation train mother fucker you fart smelling mahathos are gonna get the fuck out.or we will wage war on your asses you ain’t taking over jack shit.

    • JT says:

      I myself am white. And I have to say I’m supremely disgusted with this entire rant. That you would make yourself seem so ignorant is a shame. The fact that you were a cop disgusts me even more. Racists are a dying breed and sooner or later no one will care anymore what color you are. If I ever find out who you are I will go directly to your place of residence and slap the white off of you because you’re a pathetic excuse for an American and a human. I hope your daughter marries a mexican and she pops out 20 Babies

      • Scott Howard says:

        You went to college, didn’t you? What pathetic, socialist shit. Love everybody, everyone’s equal, huh? But right at the end, you invoke a racist stereotype by saying a Mexican habitually keeps a woman shitting out brats until the sun burns out. Fucking hypocrite.

      • Richard says:

        I hope some big black jigaboo ass rapes you rapes your children if you have any then beats your parents with a club for having you then ass rapes them to if your white breed with white if you Mexican breed with Mexican same goes for black yellow or what ever you are and if you weren’t born american by american get the fuck out of my country

    • marcia red thunder says:

      Go to the nearest welfare office and look inside. Walmart trashy looking peckerwoods. Go the hell back to where you came from if you don’t like MY country. But I prefer you backwood, child molesting, incest loving bastards stay because who else would I have to look down on.

    • Ian_walker1313 says:

      Youre all dumb, you all should think about this:
      -first: its not America, its united states OF america
      -second: do you all really think you are the good ones? We (latins) we also have an stereotipe for the “Gringos”
      Fat ass people who make the same movies over and over again, or idiots that dont know how to figth, or how about the bullies?
      They will be the same thing as everyone, a drunk fat idiot guy who thinks he is the best, and also, im mexican an i know better english than everyone here.

      • Jennifer says:

        Mexicans are happy with what they have, are friendly, sexy and fun. I like the good food that they can make. They are intelligent about their own country and street smart in their country. Now, why I hate Mexicans : they are adolescents and unable to grow. They can only handle their work life. They don’t have the skills we have and are totally ignorant about how to care of others and themselves in a meaningful way.

      • Richard says:

        Your not Latin fucktard your a spic Mexican Latin is from Spain and Mexican is a cross breed of a Spaniard and a Aztec Indian you mud blood spic nigger you didn’t even spell fight right retard

    • Tashu says:

      If you don’t like Mexicans… go back to Europe or where ever the hell you’re from. My ancestors can be traced back more than five hundred years here. Fuck you.

      • Richard says:

        Who cares I can trace mine back to the Mayflower and pilgram rock still no one wants you get out whites made this country you just are a infiltrating squatter go back to shit land

    • NIGGA YOUR MOM says:

      Chido tu escrito amigo, somos pobres y jodidos y somos mas felices que tu, por mi que te metas todo tu arsenal de armas genocidas por el culo ya que de nosotros vives pedazo de escoria blanca, vele a chillar a tu madre mierda.

    • Do you know how much taxes we illegal immigrants pay? In California, they pay about $300 million a year in income taxes. In Georgia, around $250 million in income, sales and property taxes. In Oregon, as much as $300 million and in Virginia as much as $174 million in tax revenue. In Texas, it’s $400 million. And on and on. And if you think telly me that we are all criminal here how about this from 1994 to the record level of 12 million in 2007, the violent crime rate in America dropped 34 percent, and the property crime rate fell 26 percent. And those who entered the U.S. legally and illegally had an incarceration rate in 2000 of 0.7 percent, one-eighth the rate of native-born Americans of Mexican descent. And here take this as an example just to put this under perspective if you do deport us… take Arizona as an example, this state is where some of the loudest calls for tough action on immigration have been made would also fare badly. The Immigration Policy Center found that the state would lose $11.7 billion in gross state product and over 140,000 jobs if all immigrants without documentation were deported. And if you thought that wasn’t enough to loose from us then here; the price tag for this undertaking would be in the range of $420 billion to $620 billion. This process would take about 20 years. Easy to put your claims but seems like you have nothing to back up your opinions.

      • Jennifer says:

        So key is not to live in the States in places where there are a lot of Mexicans.
        Plenty of nice areas with decent people around.

        I live in Canada where Indians are the problem, however I just keep telling myself….it could of been worse.. it could of been cities of Mexicans.

      • Skid says:

        You claim that illegal immigrants in California contribute about $300 million a year in taxes.. I dont believe this is true, since they can not lawfully be employed,”above the table”. Even if your claims were true and these illegally employed aliens somehow actually contributed $300,000,000 per year, it would only cover a fraction of the cost of baby sitting their children (in our schools which were formally used for education), welfare, healthcare, incarceration, etc.

        And do you actually think that California needs $300,000,000 in illicit funds?
        Total income taxes for California workers alone amounts to $50,500,000,000 per year. Thats $50.5 BILLION, which is 170 times more than 30 million..

        – And guess where a large portion of those tax dollars go?

      • TheTruth says:

        The population of
        California is 39,000,000. Of that number, 14,000,000 are hispanics. If 14,000,000 hispanics pay $300,000,000 a year in income taxes, that comes to $21.43 per Hispanic taxpayer. $21 !!! I’m not impressed!

      • S Bers says:

        Hey Mr. I think I know everything because I am quoting some liberal bullshit website with fake numbers. IF your numbers were correct, even though we all know they’re not, I believe we could/would survive if all the illegals went back to their respective homes. Americans are strong and not afraid of hard work. At least those of us who are not of the millennial generation. See that’s where the problem lies, all the millennial’s believe they are entitled to everything without giving anything and the mexicans jumped on the bandwagon so swiftly. They too believe they should be given handouts just because. So, please do all of us a favor and stop quoting CNN liberal crap. Go ahead and take your illegal ass along with all your brothers and sisters and go back to whence you came. Don’t worry about us American’s, we’ll clean up the mess you made in our country. We’ll be fine. Don’t you worry about The US of A. Oh, one more thing, do me a favor and take all the white entitled, spoiled, lazy millennial’s with you. We don’t need them either. Thanks!


      Me too, those motherfuckers tried to bully me and my team when we were filming videos, those cocksuckers should go back to their dirty nasty country

      • Rony Farfan says:

        Not all mexicans are like that, the ones I know are very intelligent and respectful. Don’t judge the entire Mexican community just because of some assholes.

      • SPICS ARE GROSS says:

        Fucking retarted beaners think that California still belongs to them. Get your history right and record straight. California belongs to America by Americans! Not Mexico!

    • Jonathan says:

      Hate is irrelevant and funny to me. You white people always pointing out other people’s flaws like your superior. Lmao I live in the west coast and white people can be the DIRTIEST MOTHER FUCKERS ON THE PLANET. Its funny how SOME Mexicans always find a way to make money for the family without any documention. 80% of the smelly, leather faced bums I see out here are white. You people stand on the corners asking for change to supply your filthy needles and junk. You age like milk and your all a bunch of cowards. White men are built like women hahahah. Pathetic excuse for a man.

    • Jonathan says:

      Fucken leather faces.😏😏😏😏 You white people age like milk. This hate is getting a little irritating. I pay my taxes just like everybody else. If you guys don’t want all the junk coming over are border maybe you white people should stop consuming it like the dirty smelly white bums I see at the intersections all the time. Stop lying to yourself. lmao everytime I pass a school I always see the Chicanos walking out with the best women. Hahahh now try saying something like this in person you cowards

    • Roxanne says:

      That’s putting it mildly, perhaps (not to downplay your child’s terrible treatment).
      ‘Mexicans have dignity”?!?? Like donkey shows, raping family, hanging people from bridges, refusing to learn anything and being proud about that??? Need virus specific to mexicans, or chip in head programmed to fence so will blow up when come back across.

    • You mama says:

      After reading all your nice comments
      Fuk you
      Will be nice if all of you screw each other and all of you will be
      masturbate.each other be happy
      Help your enemy suck his
      If you have none to play use my 7″”

    • Rony Farfan says:

      You’re a complete asshole judging the whole mexican community just because of a couple of assholes. The mexicans I know are fluent in English and are respectfful. I’m not mexican I’m just looking out for my fellow latinos.

    • I hate blacks,I hate spics,I hate Jews,I hate chinks,I hate Arabs,I hate mongoloids,and I hate lesbians.

      Donald trump

      Donald trump

      Donald trump I’m voting for Donald trump

      You looking kinda sexy Donny,you make me kinda hard Donny
      Donald is the best I wanna suck his dick,I like his orange face and his very juices tits

    • vlad says:

      Can’t we all just get along jeeez.

    • fuck you nigga says:

      fucking kill kys you fucking pothead fucking redneck fucking your mom to keep the bloodline pure looking ass stfu ok

  2. ASHLEY says:


    • CARLES says:


      • Justin Bieber says:

        Racist? Who cares!!I’m racist. And? Mexicans are the ones who get under the boarder. GUESS WHAT? YOU HAVE TO WORK TO SUPPORT THEM.

      • vladtheimpaler says:

        listen to the fool with a fifth grade education calling people are racist yourself,you are racist against racists so stfu,dont feel sorry for us,we are enjoying our privleges.muthr fukr.why do chicanos support illegal aliens?because they hate white people.and you want our shit,when you havent sacrificed anything for what hapened in the past.all of a sudden you are all oppressed and tortured souls,i dont remember you being like that in school.quite the opposite,now all of a sudden you have all been victims of the white man go eat a hot bowl of deep fried dicks asshole.

    • Luis Sera says:

      Bitch don’t hate….. we Mexicans are better then you stupid hicks!!!!

      • Isaac Raphael says:

        I personally dont consider

      • Isaac Raphael says:

        Im sorry lol as i was saying i personally dont consider myself racist and dont want to be being a contradiction in all (black&white) but mexicans do act like pac rats all for one and one for all which is a good trait but it gets on my nerves how they always start shit and when you kick their ass anothe one sais “a fuuuuuu i heard you was the nigga that beat uo my homie” then they get their ass kicked then i get jumped because their not strong enough…….

      • InfantryGuy says:

        hahahaha fuck these white bitches. They mad becuz browns taking over America and there is nothing they can do.

      • fuck you mexs says:


      • fukk gringos says:

        mexico putos rednecks

      • kevin says:

        fuck you you little brown shit stane go back you mexico your race is the vermin of the earth

      • true that …….dont hate the mexicans hate ur self for racist

      • I’m black and I hate Mexicans, I only really like white people and blacks. So u Mexicans, GTFO

      • spic are a disease says:

        that is really funny coming from a filthy spic

      • JessePinkman says:

        you’re better then no one, that’s what you are so afraid of. The most mystifyingly arrogant half-humans that came straight from a jungle to modern society and still can’t shake your monkey simian thinking process.

      • Rony Farfan says:

        Don’t judge all mexicans just because of a couple of idiots. I was picked by a bunch of black guys, but am I going to judge them all? No. I’m not mexican, I’m just looking out for my fellow latinos.

      • vlad says:

        Better at grabbing their ankles

    • erik says:

      in my opinion the racism in your minds is like a cartoon because the mexican people are very tradicionals and they always think in group,I admit that the immigrant people is a problem but the legal mexcan people no because they pay in the south border of US ,every like hotels,food, and they are well edecated the legal mexican.In my personal opinion both of you are the amercian teenagers that work in a Mcdonals ,so in my opinion both need education in you minds.

    • Your mama says:

      Hey fuckn biotch kiss my ass. We r taking over alright like it o not…. In my school Mexicans are the ones taking the most AP classes and passing them cunt!. Not onl that but we pass them asshole. However, white bitches are the ones taking the normal classes (if they pass them) maybe ur dad was a fckn beaner who raped ur white vagina. Was he? Oh im sorry did i hurt ur feelings? Fuckn cunt suck my dick biotch!

      • Isaac Raphael says:

        Not to be a dick but in your skool its probably 80% mexicans and your right you guys are the closest thing to native american so technicly white ppl shouldnt even be here but every race has its downside

      • mexican h8r says:

        you stupid fuckin mexicans! i went to a school that had 4 white kids!!!!!!!!!!!! 1,500 students!!!!! 4 white!!!!! dirty dumb assholes stop in the middle of the fuckin hall and expect you to walk around them??? go fuck yourself you dirty fucking bitch ass mexican!!!! we hav an infestation of dirty dumb pac rats and an exterminator needs to be called in.

      • kell erickson says:

        If the entire school is Mexican then I have a feeling those AP classes for the gifted are based on a curve. Mexicans are not known to do the schoolwork and extra homework it takes to be in the gifted program on their own and certainly do not get encouragement from their illegal parents who teach them it’s o.k. to invade another country illegally and live where you are not wanted. The hispanic children I’ve been around for decades come home from school around 3:30pm and play and yell until 9pm or later. I don’t see any reading or studying going on. Just kids running and chasing each other for hours on end. The last thing hispanic families are into is education! And the first thing their into is each other’s pants! Although they love the free public school they use as a means of daycare that’s paid for by Americans’ taxes!

      • Pride says:

        So you’re passing the classes while passing them? You beaners are so uneducated it’s funny.

        If you’re so proud of your heritage, why not go back to where you originated from and try to make something of your awful country? Has it finally become uninhabitable from so many years of your people’s toxic existence?

        I swear, if there’s life after this, I better not be a god damn beaner. Gross.

      • spic are a disease says:

        as usual I see those AP classes are working for you huh then again it was probably in Spanish for the usual unfair spic advantage face your race can only succeed if is given to them and not earned

    • drew says:

      actually, throughout us history, whites are the race with the most rapes under their belt, including black women who were raped by slave owner,(there were many slave owners) and whites from Spain who raped the indigenous americans of mexico in which created mestizo mexicans. Whites are the race who have raped the most people throughtout history. as s matter of fact, every single latino that is mestizo and not full blooded indian has ancestors (women) who were raped by white men creating mestizos, and this is all of latin america. Yeah sure, mexicans are the rapists, if you say so.

      • Ethhhhhhhaaaaa says:

        Weird, all you idiots think history began in the 1400’s and think white people are the terrible monsters of society. I hate to break it to you, but look around for God’s sake!!!!!! Do you ever see a white hood!?! Were there any great inventions made by Mexicans!?! And sorry buddy but its history, not much we can do about it, and thats why we whites are going to do something about it now. Also look at the prisons. Mostly black and latino. God. I hate people that are in denile!

      • frederich jr says:

        i agree with Drew. But yea mexicans actually invented the first tv with color. Sure we have our downsides, our government is kind of wack. The average looking mexican girl isnt beutifull, but hey miss universe is mexican,so is the current weallthiest man on the world: Carlos Slim. Ok Miss universe just finished her year of being Miss universe lol.

    • fukk gringos says:

      fukk lil white bitch i think u got rapped and u like it and now come saying shytt

      • spic are a disease says:

        speak in a language we understand not ghetto Spanglish you fuckin clown

      • vladtheimpaler says:

        typical filthy perverted remark we would expect from a jailhouse butt queen who gives up his ass for extra must have dicks on your mind or something you pos border bouncing anchor baby bean farting job stealing can’t even spell you moron.i got something white hanging you indian homo.

    • ugh says:

      Ok. Ashleys black

    • Responsibleone says:

      Real simple: These are genetically mutant offspring of some kind of loser Indians enslaved by the Spanish. Their country has more natural resources than any other in the world but they have no balls nor backbone and the corrupt leaders keep it all. So the coward swim up hear.

      This is neo-colonialism at its finest. Racist rims, Shit for ugly cars, women dressed like clowns, men who aspire to clean toilets, 76 percent illegitimacy rate, 55 percent illiteracy rate, 45 percent high school drop out rate, 60 per cent incarceration rate, and the highest rate of unpaid paternity support in the world. Familia is a pile of lies and bullshit that they use to hide behind every time one of them embarrasses the race–roughly one per quarter of a second.

      They have stolen cars with filed numbers and can’t drive the,. they speak some kind of mexican trash that screws up their heads so badly they can’t learn English, and for some reason ninety five percent of their women are obese to the point they could give a fuck if their life depended upon it.

      Try it sometime, have a conversation with one of them. No speak English is about all they can say, the rest of the time they are trying to sell you drugs.

      So they have been colonizing here (largely illegally) for almost a century–what do they have to show for it–well there are gangs, fatherless children, adult idiots who are clueless–no doctors, lawyers, and certainly no no contributors to the economy.

      Mexican immigrants are like sperm out of every ten million one works.

      Americans (Blacks, Whites, Asians, Jews, Native Americans, etc,)
      Give it up, let them self destruct, we have a country to build and these criminal racists want to go to prison and join gangs. Lets show our self respect and keep ourselves mentally and physically fit, educate ourselves and work hard using our American connections, and we can starve them out. For common sense starters don’t do drugs, marry carefully, build your credit, and practice birth control.

      latins are a cancer, so let it starve, drink and drug itself to death, waste in prison, and beat its girlfriends to death. How dumb can one be to move to a country that doesn’t want you and then cry because your oppressed? It begins to explain the sky high rates of mental illness among them.

      • Michelle Hernandez says:

        You are ignorant .

      • beaner for life says:

        U just had to post that on my birthday

      • Isaac Lovo says:

        i am 15 and trust me, i know how bad they are. i grew around all ethnicities and if they deserve respect,then why can’t beaners? it doesn’t matter if they are americans, it’s just not fair for the mexicans out there. what if it was the other way around and you where mexican and had no chances in mexico…what would you do?

      • StopAB60 says:

        so true….

    • says:

      Did you heard white teachers raped children at school that is some low grade too every type of color or race do Crimes but not all white people are racist but the ones they are racist i want to say watch your stupid mouth cause the immigrants do most of the hard job they deserved some respect cause for them you eat most of the fruits if you think immigrants are nasty then dont eat fruits they get most of the job done in our table so think about it before you post some cyber racist up in here

    • ANONIMATION says:

      YOU KNOW WHAT!!! fuck you, motherfucker, i bet yo would be pretty fucking scared if a Mexican came up to you a started beating the shit out of you for what you say. we are the reason your country has basic food why? ill tell you why, because no other fucking redneck is wiling to be under the sun working agriculture. when i say redneck i REFER to ONLY racist assholes, so if you read this and your not racist the comment doesn’t apply to YOU. whenever your country is to cold, where do most of your people go, MEXICO, SOUTH AMERICA. if there were no Mexicans or lets just say, foreign people in your country, you would spend more money on importing food, and stuff, i admit there are a fuck load of bad people, but i think your forgetting that white people commit crimes too. you guys are all just a bunch of crap, no one is who to judge others, just think. WHAT THE FUCK WOULD YOU DO, if there were no HISPANICS, BLACK PEOPLE IN YOUR COUNTRY. you would all be mooching off of others like TICS. so watch all of your words, because the coin doesn’t always land heads.(ass for my comment only goes to RACIST and RACIST only motherfuckers) so CHINGEN A TODAS SUS PUTAS PERRAS GARRAS DE MADRES. MENDIGOS GRINGOS DE MIERDA

      • to late to say? says:

        I understand you are angry but (Mexicans) don’t really help there case I mean Last year I was raped by a mexican and ended up getting pregnant but its illegal to get an abortion where I live past 12 weeks and when I found out I was 14 weeks . even after the blood test proved he raped me the judge let him go off with only a week in jail and then last august he molested his own 5 year old niece while she was sleeping and his sister would not press charges because ( he was her family :( WTF lady protect your children …. not all Americans are like that (racist) but that whole thing really messed up my life and my son is a wonderful innocent child that had nothing to do with that fuckers choice … I’m not saying that all mexicans rape childerne or that because of him I hate all mexicans but while I was in the court room I felt as if I was a personal victim of not only rape but also racism the way that judge treated me she even refered to me twice as white girl but in spanish really ppl whatever happened to a crime is acrime no matter what commits it

      • Fred merkle says:

        Eat shit and die MEX…go back to the SHITHOLE mexico.
        America don’t want your ass in OUR country..fuckface go to school and take a fucking bath already…oh yeah…eat a dick…lol

      • Fred merkle says:

        Assholemexican…lol…Beat up who? Me? Just try it Bitch. I need to break in my new 45. You would look funny with a hollow point to the face.I stay packed now that you fuckers are everywhere but I can just kick you in the face you little three foot tall fucking midget…lol make me laugh dick head.

      • spic are a disease says:

        your scary I work around the non English speaking scumbags you are and the last filthy that tried that shit with me eats applesauce bitch

    • Dawn says:

      Two words; West Virginia.

      Obviously you’ve never seen a real Mexican. Because my boyfriend is and he treats me like a QUEEN. Raping little girls oh really? Lemme show you something.
      Most of them are WHITE. So using you’re logic. All white men are serial kills and rapists that will kill you the first chance they get? No, you are ignorant. And I hope your idiotic mindset will be lifted like the disease it is.

      • Dawn says:


      • bnrhtr says:

        You are a moron.

      • Dawn says:

        Sorry I don’t really take insults from people who’s usernames are horseshit. And I’m a moron? People like you absolutely disgust me. You think you are so much better than anyone else because your white? So you having less melanin somehow makes you a God? Wow, this is funny, I didn’t know your skin had anything to do with your brain.

        Now tell me how much smarter than this kid you are.

      • Dawn says:

        Sorry, I don’t really take insults from people who’s usernames aren’t even real words. Don’t you know what a vowel is? And I’m a moron? I can put together much more coherent sentences than half of you here. People like you absolutely disgust me. You think you are so much better than anyone else because your white? So you having less melanin somehow makes you a God? Wow, this is funny, I didn’t know your skin had anything to do with your brain.

        Now tell me how much smarter than this kid you are.

      • SimpleME! says:

        @to late to say; Even if this page segregates Mexicans and White people and I am both….. I choose no side. I for once look up to some one who knows what they are saying. Not the worlds I would choose but I understand. Growing up no matter what race you are a crime is a crime and they should be punished for it. I am sorry that wonderful child you have could not have come from a real man, a man you would have chosen to be with. No one has the right to choose what happens to another person’s body and what happend to you is very wrong. Sorry to hear that!

      • whitepowr says:

        your boyfriend just likes wetback whores who have a nice ass and a mustache, go comb the hair on your nipples and take you and your beaner boyfriend back to mexico you filthy rat fucking whore

      • Dawn says:

        If you are going to insult me, once again do it with correct grammar.
        You are an idiot that will probably never amount to anything in life. Please do the world a favor and never reproduce. I’d love to go to Mexico but I’d still come back to my home country.



    • Mexican-American says:

      Why don’t we all just sit down and have an intelligent conversation, shall we?

      • SimpleME! says:

        Wow……. There is a grown up on this page!

      • eugenics says:

        110 million legals since 1970 (non whites)
        30% of mexico as i type is in american borders.

        talk? no, go home, enough.

        russia i pray you invade america, please help us.

    • :D says:

      Raping little girls and doing incest? BULLSHIT, i think you’re talking about Alabama.

    • Cheyenne says:

      Go back to school and learn proper grammar! There are pedophiles and rapists in every race, ethnicity and national origin. Let the race who is without sin cast the first stone.

      • hector aimara says:

        Then I shall do it. I really think mexicans are in the most part annoying because of their territorial tendencies. I also dislike mexicans, not all of them. But yea I think most look retarded and find them narcassistic. I feel the need to say that the anatomy that has come to me as a person has piqued my concern to say that all these comments put here only confirm the iddiocracy of the mexicans. Whites are better. Not the best but they are better than mexicans.

    • Darcy Meran says:

      Where are you getting all this mindless information from?

    • ABCfamilystar says:

      I am mexican. I moved to Los angeles when I was 11 and now I am 20. It makes me sick how much hate some people has for us, but let me tell you that you all probably know who I am lol! I am part of the cast of a hit TV show! I probably make more money than you white people do! And there is actually really nice people here in the US. I LOVE BEING MEXICAN!

    • Tashu says:

      You’re an idiot…. Fuck you.

    • That’s cute using your little caps lock button buddy. Here is your lesson for today, HOW TO USE STATISTICS. About 83.5% of the US population is white, and 82.5% of rape victims are white. End of lesson. Bye.

  3. hector says:

    Man, I Hate Stupid Rednecks…

  4. Ihatebeaners says:

    I hate these fucking beaners too. Thats what me and my friends call em but spics is nice too. I was walking my dog today and on one side of the street some 16 year old lookin girls were walkin to there car and the damn beaners across the street fucking whistled at them. The beaners looked like late 30s early 40s and they were fucking whistling at teenagers. By the way I would’ve said something but I had my daughter with me. Anf mark my words if they would’ve made one comment about herI woulda killed em then and there. I live in southern alabama i shouldn’t have this damn problem. By the way once i read the part of your story about that beaner walkin up to you at the gas station expectin yiu to move i wish you woulda shot em and saved some social security for my hardworking grandparents. As soon as I turn 18 I swear I’m gonna vite fir the most hardcore antibeaner republucan there is.

    • Beaner killer!! says:


    • CARLES says:


      • mexican h8r says:

        where does the bible say anything about mexicans you dumb bitch? something in there about treating everyone equally maybe, but mexicans arent people.

      • Quit Posting Stupid Comments says:

        To mexican h8r
        WTF! Mexicans arent people? That is the stupidest comment I have ever seen, that and the rest of the racist comments and by read the Bible, it doesnt say anything about Mexicans but it does say a lot of wiser and sane things in there than most of the stupid I Hate Mexican comments on here

      • beaner for life says:

        thats wat i dont get people r catholic or christian and yet they r still raciest people these days

    • frida says:

      hello Americans i am not here to say that i hate you, for i do not , America is a lovely country,and so is Mexico , every country has its bad parts that is very true, but why so negative? lets stop this nonsense my brother and sisters that god does not like to see us fiteing,if you dont believe in god than stop reading now for shall i go on and i shall, say his name and i shall pray for all of you that have the devil inside you trying to make wars to kill and to hate, if you don’t like a Mexican that you saw or met that’s OK but remember that it dosnt mean that they are all that why i have met very mean Americans but i now that there are many MANY Americans that have a full lovely peace full hart that god has touched.GOD save these peaople from wars and fites and enter into there harts and show them that if we nations are together we will defeat the hungry the angry the sick the homes less and any other REAL enemy that comes throw our path….

      i am not Mexican or American i am french i have lived in booth country’s and i known what it feels like to be on both sides but i can only be on one side and that is god

    • louis says:

      you have a daughter and you’re 18? you’re a irresponsible hick, use a condom you sick fuck. and when did you have your daughter since the mexicans liked the 16 years olds? at age 1 is when you had your daughter lol? oh and if you kill somebody for no reason, you’re going to prison for 15 to life asshole, take that into consideration before making false threats. also, who’s the mom of your kid? your mom lol. also, we have obama and hes comepletely on our side, wanna know why? we got the power to vote and we have the numbers. you will probably never see an evil republican president again. but go ahead and kill someone for no reason and see how it works out for you. Jerk

    • Robert Chretien says:

      Stupid Ass Hilly Billy Redneck! Dont you have a tractor to tend to bitch?

      • Ethhhhhhhaaaaa says:

        Weird, I thought all you Mexicans were hard working slaves that you say you are and pick the food in the fields?!?! Nope, its the machines doin all the work dummy.

      • mexican h8r says:

        oh, are you referring to when white americans used to provide for their families by subsitence farming? is that something to be ashamed of? and robert? that name sounds pretty white to me you wanna be black bitch. im with ethhhhhhaaaa

      • Quit Posting Stupid Comments says:

        To Ethhhhhhaaaaa
        Uhhh…..NO you see, where I live all you see is Mexicans working in fields no not like slaves but you go to a strawberry patch and you see groups of mexicans working for hours picking the strawberrys so they can be packaged so you dont have to do it and my dad is a construction man and he works in the hot sun and the freezing temperatures just so you can go to Hot Topic or Hollister in your typical mall and if you go to McDonalds and see a bunch of dirty looking Mexican trying to order their food with a translater guy…well those are the guys that work their butts off doing cheap labor that most people wouldn’t do and they do it because most of them want to provide the best they can for their family because they just abandoned their beloved homeland so that they can come to the US to EARN a better life.

    • 4thalawlz says:

      This was the funniest reply yet! hahahahaha. This kid isn’t even 18 yet and he has a child yet he’s calling other people out on what they do! So funny.

    • Thesmartone says:

      Wait so you were walking with your daughter but you aernt 18 yet? That’s sad. Im not going to be the one that will TRY to end this because it wont. There are to many ignoorant human beings out there that trying wont help. Notice i used the word HUMAN BEINGS instead of listing races. I couldve just simply said whites, blacks, and mexicans, but i didnt. Why? Because we are all HUMAN! Even so it wont make a change. Since i did say i wouldnt be the one to act all goody good, ill just try to say this straight up. I HATE WHITE PEOPLE. I dont hate the entire population. I just hate the racist one that includes you in it. Since the beginning of times you have tried to rule. You came to Mexico which is now present day the United States of America thanks to your want want life style. You took he native americans home. You took the mexicans home. You took the african americans freedon. But thats not what frustrates me. What frustrates me is the fact that you took over CRUELLY. AND NOW, ITS OUR TURN MUTHAFUCKER!! Dont judge us Mexicans until you know our story. We are all coming over not for the hell of it. WE ARE COMING OVER BECAUSE MEXICAN CITIZENS ARE BEING KILLED BY DRUG DEALERS AND OUR GOVERNMENT COULDNT GIVE TWO FUCKS ABOUT IT!! AS FOR YOUR “GET A GREEN CARD” SOLUTION, ITS NOT FUCKING EASY! ONLY 1 OUT OF 100,000 CAN ACTUALLY GET ONE BECAUSE THE PEOPLE THAT OFFER THEM ARE BASTARDS AND WONT GIVE THEM!! But moreover, its people like you that sicken me. Im 10 years old and am turning 11 in 4 months. How’s that for “illiterate”. Being this age that i am i have better grammar, spelling, and punctuation than probably 85 percent of your ignorant kind!! That is all i have to say about this topic so before you take a judgement of a population as a whole judge your own and then talk crap about the other! Goodbye. =D

    • mexican pride says:

      listen hear you cock smoker your just mad because when im thirty ill probably be giving your daughter this bmw

    • Cheyenne says:

      “As soon as you turn 18?” , So you are not even of age and you have a child? Let me guess jobless as well …and criticizing people whom you don’t even know – claiming they are taking your grandparent’s social security. While i’m sure you have no evidence of this , I can make an educated assumption that YOU are the government leach and as a teenage parent will have a tough time getting ahead I only pray to God that you educate yourself and loose the hate. I have had old disgusting me who happen to be white ask me out ,whistle at me and I do not commit the fallacy of saying that “all whites are perverts” and that “all whites are the same”. There are perverts in every race you are only selectively identifying them through your bigotry.
      I will not call you a racist because “Mexican, Hispanic and Latino” are not a separate race from your own , they are in fact an ethnic group. Their race is actually white! Surprise! Whether they be white, blond and blue eyed or raven haired brown eyed, they belong to the “white race”. If you don’t believe it ask a U.S. census bureau employee or look it up.

      • todd says:

        Latinos can be any race Cheyenne
        Most people on the site are talking about the mestizo Mexicans through.

      • Halla says:

        The fact that the only men who look your way are old, disgusting creeps, speaks volumes more about yourself, then them. LMFAO.

    • Nuffink says:

      Wait. “As soon as I turn 18” “had my daughter with me”. No comment … I completely agree the men there had no right whistling at teenagers and doing what they were doing and they are disgusting f*cks but still I had to point that out.

  5. eze quey says:

    I fucking hate it wen little white ppl think they the shyt talkin about oo I would of killed that mexican n shyt jst shut the fuck up already!

    I hate white people

    • Beaner killer!! says:


      • Mike says:

        All the fucking whites can shut the fuk up. We native Indians will soon get rid of you.

      • Luis Sera says:

        Fuck no we were here first…… you go to hell… go to hell and you die!!!!!

      • Your mama says:

        FUckn bitch go back to england. get ur fuckn illegal as back there. learn ur history mother fucker we were here first. Fuckn white as cracker. We r becoming the majority so if u don’t like it u can fuck urself cuz we r taking over u little bitch cunt

      • Jessica says:

        Righht…because if someone were to be in helll it would imply that they had already died.. OMG When i make fun of stupid beaners I always say “Go back to England!” And omfg I cannot believe a worthless shit pile actually typed it!! AHAHAH YOU FUCKING SPICKS ARE SO FUCKING STUPID!!!!!

      • fuck u snoflake says:

        white ppl r fuckin pussies dat move to da suburbs cuz dey get fucked up by all da latin gangs pussy ass dumb hick fruity ass bitch.come wher all da mexicans live n i gurantee dey’ll fuckin kill u witout even tryin weakass marshmellow

      • Robert Chretien says:

        White people aint about shit! Fuck yall dirty ass wet dog smelling ass up.

      • Ethhhhhhhaaaaa says:

        Idk what some of you are saying, my ancestors came to Ellis Island as legal citizens, I dont know where you think my ancestors stole land. I hate when people jsut assume that every white person is a descendant of someone on the damned Mayflower, because half of the white population came to Ellis Island.

      • mexican h8r says:

        all of you dirty mexican referring to how you were here first? in north america? no. that was the native americans. the first mexicans lived in middle america… after spanish conquistadors brought you there. unless your a direct discendant of the mayan people which were killed of by cortez… a spainard.

      • Darcy Meran says:

        Why are you so disrespectful?
        All this hate is a completely and utterly waste of time.

    • 4thalawlz says:

      I hate racism in general. I hate ignorant people. Whatever skin color they are. Seems to me there are a lot of them posting on this blog. “white ppl r fuckin pussies dat move to da suburbs cuz dey get fucked up by all da latin gangs pussy ass dumb hick fruity ass bitch” this makes me laugh. Go check out gang statistics. You think latin gangs are “fucking up white people”? Actually those gangs are destroying latin culture and neighborhoods. Everyone stop being ignorant. Just live in peace. There is no “right” way of living life, just do what you want without hurting other people.

    • kell erickson says:

      Great! Then you will be moving back to your native “no whites allowed” country right? You need bus fare? I’d love to help!

    • American Patriot says:

      You do not even know english, you piece of shit ignorant ugly excuse of an organism!

  6. Sturm_ss says:

    you hate white people?
    well it’s mutual mexican. You keep talkin your shit wetback. but mark my words, you fuckers keep flooding this country us white people’s grandfathers fought to keep. And your gonna see a new form of nazi germany .
    Your gonna pressure us AMERICANS into the same situation as the germans. And with any luck we will do worse to you than they did the jews. that holocaust won’t have shit. If such an individual comes along that has that vision for you and your fuckin family i will be voting..seeing that i can. because i’m american…hint. And if such a man does not appear then with any luck i would take his place and bring america back to it’s former glory.
    go back to your shit country now. your excused.

    • louis says:

      so you’re saying that the only Americans that exist are white and that everyone else living in America is going to be murdered by a brand new Nazi America? lol you must be out of your cracked out mind, America consists of blacks, mestizos,Spanish Europeans, Asians, whites, Jews, indigenous and middle easterners. I’d love to see you and your little white nationalist gang take over all of our races, you can’t Nazi boy, we have and will exercise our 2nd amendment right to blast your Nazi ass away if you threaten us. you fucking Nazi white nationalist terrorist. oh and the leader of your little gang turned out to be a tranny, that just shows how tough you white nationalist Nazis are.

      • bnrhtr says:

        Coming from a wetback race that never won a war never developed anything never acomplished anything worth mentioning. Your kind will never be anything but beggars looking for a handout from white people.

      • spic are a disease says:

        hey stupid he is talking just about your filthy pedophile race and yes we can vote can you doubt dirty mexican

    • Maria says:

      ok so just bcuz a lil group of mexicans decided to dosum foolish shit u decide to hate them all…most of tha ppl on this blog make no sense wat so ever….America is not a white country.It’s MIXED! It DID NOT start out white started out with Native Americans…oh and when white ppl say”we were here first” i automatically think ignorant.You may have been born here but you ancestors migrated here just like Mexicans! aw shit.everybody migrated here except native Americans so there u go again being ignorant…who wouldof thought :)

      • Ethhhhhhhaaaaa says:

        Native Americans came from Asia dummy! Just because you say they were here first makes you sound like a child fighting over a toy. “I got it firrrst!!!” , well life isn’t fair. We cant change history.

      • Bruce T says:

        Thank You Maria U R so correct………..

      • Forrest Gump says:

        No Maria is a dirty chalupa just like you, you Tijuana mule fucker

    • jess says:

      dude fucking seriously yall shout the fuck up bout complaining about everybody you stupid fucking idiots just shut the fuck up and smoke a bowl i mean damn who gives a shit what race you are deal with it bc you cant do shit,,, and that aint right threating people and saying you will do worse than they did the jews like wtf is your prob this is the new age mother fucker shut the fuck up and lets just all get stoned and end this stupid fight..

    • 4thalawlz says:

      You’re a silly little boy. Trying to exterminate a whole race of people worked out really well for Germany and Hitler right? Anyways, now they’re just dealing with another type of people they don’t like, Muslims. There are always going to be people who bother you; you can’t just “exterminate” them. Be an adult. Deal with your issues like an adult.

      • mexican h8r says:

        yes, actually hitler and the nazis murdered 6,000,000 people…so i guess you could say they actually almost did exterminate a race of people. dumbass

    • Darcy Meran says:

      You sir, are a disgrace. A disgrace to this country and to humanity.

    • Halla says:

      Well stated.

  7. FUCK YOU says:


  8. mali says:

    fukin white trash cock-sucking a holes..get a life

    • Beaner killer!! says:


    • white america says:

      you get a fucking life on the other side of the border stupid fucking spics

      • Luis Sera says:

        Fuck u asshole i will kill all your Nazi asses!!!!

      • louis says:

        tell me how you little white nationalist plans turn out, by the way, your leader is a transvestite, and that is fact. That just proves how tough you nazis are.

      • Ethhhhhhhaaaaa says:


      • mexican h8r says:

        well you see, they filled up their filthy country. no more space. bursting at the seems with dirty, greasy, mexicans. so they came here.

      • beaner for life says:

        to Ethhhhhhhaaaaa
        WTF we didnt serch it we just saw a blog that sed ” I hate mexicans” so i was like whos insulting us and i ended up here seeing that america hasnt past raceist piece’s of shit like you

      • Darcy Meran says:

        What if we don’t? What if we want to live here? Can we just not be judged?

  9. White Pride says:

    You’re damn right. For too long all we White Americans have heard is how horrible we are and how much we owe everybody, including these fucking marble mouthed wetback illegals sliming their way in and destroying the nation. We are being pushed into a corner and the time is coming that we will have to fight back. And as history has seen when the white race gets pissed off, shit fucking happens and happens big. And it will come. These piss ass little mexicans are going to regret the day they ever set foot onto American soil. HEIL HITLER!!

    • Beaner killer!! says:


      • Luis Sera says:

        Fuck Hitler if he was still alive I’ll fuck him up!!!!!!

      • louis says:

        ahahahahahahahah that’s hilarious, you’re a sick piece of shit. the jews got our back, the blacks got our back, the asians got our back, shit even white folks have our back, your little nazi movement is the biggest minority of the nation and you will not suceed in your efforts to destroy us, blacks, whites, mexicans, mestizos, jews, AMERICA will not let nazis win, nope, never. the U.S army does not consist of nazis and the u.s army will blast away any psychos who threaten americans, of ANY and every race. you can’t win nazi boyz. or nazi girls.

      • k says:

        White pride and beaner killer, please do the world a favor, and kill yourself. Every race has it’s 1% of shitstains and troublemakers they could do without. That’s what you two are to white people.

      • Nuffink says:

        Sorry what? Are you openly nazi? Omg it’s not the white race that liked hitler it was just racist pricks and people that completely misunderstood what he wanted to do or were tricked by him. If you and your little gang were to try repeating a nazi revolution it would not go your way since it would be the perfect excuse for the whole world to destroy the shit out of you and your country, like they did to Nazi Germany back in the 1940s and late 1930s. That is if you were able to convince everyone of your messed up views in the USA, which is nothing short of impossible. So I wish you the best of luck of trying to cause a new WW and in winning it! Meanwhile I will just go back sit and look at the statistics of how many people hate hitler and hate all nazis.

    • jess says:

      ok look for one thing its not the race you hate its only certain people you fucking hate,, man i swear yall are so closed minded quit blaming people for what color they are and saying o these mexicans keep taking over peoples jobs blah blah blah o these white people are haters.. yall need to calm down look its just certain people not all mexicans, whites, jews, germans bad its just certain people,,quit hating people for the skin just cuz you hate certain mexicans or whatever race they are , your supposed to hate that person not blame everybody that is the same color,,, there is no need for war,, seriously people make a big deal of nothing shit happens go get stoned and make another day good or at least try

    • 4thalawlz says:

      You think Mexicans are destroying America? You keep up with politics at all? I’m sure you do being a proud American citizen. Than you would know that banks and corporations are America a lot more than illegal immigrants. What is the white race dude? Tell me exactly what you mean? Or are you just mad because your life sucks and you don’t have anyone else to blame?

    • BIG CHRIS says:

      For real you beaners just fucking slither your way into our country because you fucked your own up so bad that nobody wants to live in that shithole. Your moms all illegaly jump in here then pump 20 or 30 fucking kids out of her nasty ass vagina that she cant pay for or look after so she ends up leaving half in a random strawberry field to die.The only thing mexicans give us is shitty fucking drugs, violent gangs that kill people for no reason and push the shitty drugs, Stds, ugly fucking bitches, mooch our welfare, take our jobs, take our money, and fuck up society in general because they are such low life fuckhead scums thinking theyre all cool sagging theyre pants and robbing people. I have only known two cool mexicans in my life. the rest are just so fucking stupid

    • Darcy Meran says:

      Just out of curiosity how are Mexicans destroying our country?
      Don’t be rude, I just want to know why.

  10.! says:

    im mexican and i agree with some of that shit u say..some fuckin mexicans are sooo fuckin perverted and i soo fuckin hate the way some of them act..but jst cuz some act like that it doesnt mean we are all like that!!!i fuckin hate all races..they’re all soo stupid..i hate some mexicans,some white people,some chinese people,and i specially HATE niggers!!,ETC.ETC.. UGHH STUPID RACIST PEOPLE!! HAHA

    • Luis Sera says:

      Hey fuck u traitor!!!!!!

    • louis says:

      you’re just as sick as the nazis you sick fuck, do you not see the hypocrisy in your post, you think racists are stupid but call black folks niggers? you’re just a white nationalist nazi posing as a mexican to make us look sick like you sick motherfuckers. come mierda pinche hitler.

    • Mexican Killa says:

      You Bitch Ass ugly fucking pieces of shit. I hope you fucking die and choke on my dick. You nasty ass dirty taco lookin mother fuckers. Black people hate you too. Keep actin like and all Americans will rise up and push your ugly asses back to Mexico. Mexicans are the sorriest mother fuckers to ever walk the Earth. They don’t even have the Balls to fix their own country so they wanna take from ours. Go Back to Mexico. Fix your own country and stop being pussy ass bitches.

    • fuckyou says:

      go back to mexico whore!

    • IDIOT lol says:

      Now your going to make the blacks hate you too
      hahahaha dumb ass.
      Look at all the posts here. There mostly from white people.
      Your turning on your own kind and then your saying you hate niggers. WOW your not helping yourself

  11.! says:

    by the way u people that say that hate u hate mexicans..i bet u guys like our food..and the way WE

  12.! says:

    fuckin work..we are the ones building yours guys fuckin house,fences,etcus ..etc… u guys fuckin need us FUCKERS!!!!


    • Beaner killer!! says:


      • Luis Sera says:

        Fuck no Mexican food is fucking good!!!!! I’ll put a fucking bullet in your head… you Nazi son of a bitch…… that’s right I’m talking to u asshole!!!!

      • boomhower says:

        dang ol mang ol redneck hillbilly racist son of a bitch.

      • louis says:

        but you can’t, you’d get locked up for 15 to life you sick fuck. if you do though, enjoy getting raped by your aryan brotherhood life parters.

      • mexican h8r says:

        right on! that shit suck dick. and dont even get me started about fucking mexican dessert, wtf.

    • Jessica says: I almost cannot believe it. I wish I had an excuse to kill.. exterminate you all without getting in trouble. It would be my pleasure,

      • hank says:

        you wish you could kill me, i’ll have that little red laser pointed at your forehead before you can reach for your old ass rusty ass rifle.

      • louis says:

        yeah yeah yeah, why don’t you point it at yourself you sick minded fuck? why don’t you worry about your own god damned self more than worrying about how much you hate brown skinned citizens. you can’t exterminate anyone without a true reason, this is america you psycho and anyone who want to physically hurt or kill someone, or wishes to have a reason to kill someone seriously needs medical attention. Viva America, viva la raza. And i’m not talking about the organization la raza, I’m talkin about the spirit of our people good lations. whether they be white skinned, brown, dark brown, black, white, asian or mixed. we are one and we are united, and we will not dissapear. keep on wishing and keep that hatred in you corazon, it okay, you will never free your soul like that. alratos

      • Darcy Meran says:

        Jessica are you delusional? Why on earth would you think such a horrid thought?

    • Ethhhhhhhaaaaa says:

      A Mexican didnt build my house, a Mexican doesnt clean my house, there are no Mexican farmers where I live, ( the second state is producing corn) when I go to your restaraunts I get a hamburger, I dont have a fence in my yard, there is almost no Mexicans where I live and its a very nice community of hardworking Americans. Our town and most towns around do JUST FINE without you guys. Also, why are you so proud to be Mexican then come to America and embrace Mexican culture? Can you please explain that to me maturely? Thanks.

      • mexican h8r says:

        hell yeah. i can build my own fuckin house. i wouldnt trust you fuckin mexicans to dig a ditch.

      • Ethhhhhhhhhhhhaaaa…where do you live? I want to move to that town?

        April in Portland, OR

      • kell erickson says:

        Can I be your neighbor? I’m quiet, I don’t play loud fucking mariachi shit, I not only don’t have 5 kids but I have NO KIDS, I drive a car legally and don’t dump shopping carts wherever I go, I don’t fuck my relatives or your children, I pay tax and I’m gone for a good part of the day AT WORK!

      • Darcy Meran says:

        You see, some Mexicans come here for a better life, and also a better life for their children so they don’t have to suffer in poverty.Americans don’t see how we have it so easy while its a struggle to live for people over the boarder. And don’t spend any meaningless time typing rude comments, just stop.

      • Billy says:

        I want to live where you are because southern ca has a terrible mexican infestation!!!

    • BIG CHRIS says:

      ya ok ill admit it we need A FEW to pick our strwberries, but other than that construction is a white job because beaner cant make anything except stds and burritos

    • moonfire2012 says:

      Forget America, the way you short fat mayan little toads breed, you want to wipe us out and take over. And our government is letting you do it. They should have forced sterilization of the mexican women and destrict them to one child per family.

  13. Jessica says:

    THEY ARE DIRTY, REPULSIVE, RANK, UNINTELLIGENT, CREATURES. I WANT THEM ALL DEAD! All they do is rape white girls, they think they can do whatever the FUCK they want. They LOOK and SMELL like a pile of fucking shit, which is all they are and ever will be, SHIT.

    • Luis Sera says:

      hey FUCK YOU stupid rednecks…..Hill-billies ..and stupid hicks YOU whites people can kiss my Mexican ass!!!

      • Jessica says:

        Haha.please. Like I’d put my lips on a surface so putrid. I bet you wish I would though you worthless beaner, I am white after all ;) It’s sooo cute when you shit piles try to stand up for your dumb ass selves.

      • yurmom says:

        to: jessica

        um there are alot of good looking mexican girls in my school, and all the ghetto trash white girls get prego by 9th grade, yeah you and your worthless ass baby doesnt mean shit, cuz youll never amount to anything being races all your doing is hurting ppl.

      • spic are a disease says:

        how about that a sub human spic calling someone else names FUCK YOU SPIC

    • louis says:

      really unintelligent? would you like to test that theory out you Neanderthal sick minded degenerate soul less monster? Jessica Alba definitely doesn’t look like a pile of shit to me, and i’m pretty sure she smells excellent too. I bet shes also 70 times prettier than you too huh? wanting people dead is a pretty good warning sign that you need some type of assistance, I think you need psychological attention. A good therapist should work wonders for a psychotic, likely feminist such as yourself.

      • spick.nigger.hater says:

        jessica alba actually has filipino descent….brownie…why dont you mop my floor quickly while i go to your house and finish on your sisters least asians have intelligence

    • hahah says:

      You’re so sad. I am Mexican and I am PROUD! I will go back to Mexico whenever I please and you know what? I’ll come back whenever I please (: Then I’ll spend the $500,000 that I’ve won in Scholarships on becoming “intelligent” while you work your butt off trying to pay off community college. Since Mexicans are so unintelligent, I bet that’s the reason I attend Georgetown University which is completely paid for (apart from my scholarships). I’ll be sure to tell all my family to stop paying taxes and live off of your “hard” earned money so we can build an even bigger home to house more “immigrants” so that they can keep the pattern going. You’re so ignorant that it’s sad. Don’t worry I’ll pray for you so that hopefully God will spare your soul when you leave this earth.

      • OldScool says:


      • yurmom says:

        to: old skool

        that is the worst comeback ive ever heard

    • Jessica says:

      I hate you white people you all are a bunch of whiners !!!! You can’t do anything right you have to have mommy and daddy to do everything for you !!! You can’t stand up on your lazy ass feet regardless if you like us or not we’re here and you can’t doing anything about it… And who has the most rapes in history that means jackass throughout history even today you wretched nasty white people do look it up and if we do smell it’s because we work hard jerk off !!! And yes believe it or not we are intelligent and if your going to insult anybody about being dumb it should be you, you don’t even know how to spell go back to 1st grade genius !!!!

      • BIG CHRIS says:

        Jessica im going to start off by saying one thing and im going to try to make it as easy as possible for your small brain to comprehend: You are the stupidest fucking beaner on here “white people cant do anything right” Riiggghhhhtttttt like what you mean how good we made our country to live in so stupid beaners like you can jump our borders to try to live here instead of growing some balls to fix up your own shithole country. Or do you mean how we have invented computers, telephones, fucking spaceships, the automobile, the airplane, electricity, the camera, the discovery of atoms, cells, and DNA which has prompted the invention of hundreds of vaccinations to cure hundreds of diseases, the jet engine, and on top of all that the first ones on the moon. Believe me theres a lot more i just dont want to strain your little fucking excuse for a brain

      • BIG CHRIS says:

        while mexicans have made all the great and truly useful inventions the mousepad and contraceptive pills.

      • I don't hate Mexicans, I hate spics says:

        At least we don’t rape the government like most of you do!!! And I hope you all know there are concentration camps here in the U.S., so keep pissing off us American’s and I’m sure those camps will come to good use one day!! And I will be outside laughing when the old fat spic who lives across from me is put on a bus to go there. She is miserable with her own life because her stupid whore spic daughter can’t keep her legs closed so now she has to raise all 5 of her grand kids. And of course the mother can’t raise her own kids because she’s too busy out fucking more guys so she can bring more kids home for her mother to raise…. But honestly doesn’t surprise me because that’s what spics do, breed like rabbits and then make their own parents raise their offspring, and rape the government along with it. Why don’t the spics go back to Mexico and rape their own damn government, oh that’s right their own country doesn’t even give a shit about them and they don’t even want them back. Now I’m not talking about all Mexicans because some come here and actually do good in their lives and help make America a functioning society, I’m talking about the spics like the one who lives across from me…. She is the biggest, ugliest(inside and outside) piece of shit I have ever met in my life who thinks its ok to rape the government…. She better have her green card on hand the next time she throws a party that blocks the whole street so they can hit a piñata, and when you’re driving down the street and can’t get thru they look at you like you’re the asshole… This spic is 60 years old and she’s tried to fight me and I am 27 years old, and the fight was all over something she did, and there isn’t any reasoning with them, it’s like talking to a child…. I just can’t believe a 27 year old is more mature than a 60 year old, but she can’t help it, she raised a whore and now she has to suffer with the whores brood of wild animals, which I’m sure drives her crazy, but makes me laugh my fucking ass off!!!!!!!

      • spic are a disease says:

        we hate you fucking whore

    • You obviously don’t know your grammar!And mexicans have graduated & I just took a shower I’m not dirty.Repulsive?!so not me!Does it look like I rape white girls…no I don’t I have a family to take care of I don’t have time to mess around.I know for a fact I can’t do whatever I want & my children very well,know it to & I smell like apples because I just took a shower.You are so wrong!Actually your the uneducated,repulsive one here because 1rst of all not all of them are!Have you been to Social Studies class lately or were you busy talking about mexicans?And look at yourself your being repulsive!

    • Darcy Meran says:

      Is any of this information true?

    • Joseph smith says:

      Shut up bitch eat my white dick and tell ur kids to choke on it like ur kids. Fuk ur mom and dad.

    • Nuffink says:

      Dude, Jessica for fucks sake just chill. You sound like you had a machine gun on one hand and were killing Mexicans while you wrote that. Could you please take a second to meditate why you think that about all Mexican people? Maybe some of them do that, but so do Americans (or should I say Europeans who went to the Americas and raped Native American women and pillaged their villages.) Even though you might be very mad right now because you know you are an ignorant piece of crap and NOBODY gives a bloody shit about what you are saying because your thoughts and opinions are classified as racist and psychotic. Even though you may actually be an intelligent person you are most definitely not showing your intelligence online, in fact you are making me think of you as a person with some very serious mental problems, along with a very big sense of superiority over people different than you. This generally comes with close mindedness and that is not a good thing. I really recommend you think about what you write before you post. Also, I recommend you go to a psychiatrist, if there isn’t one in your tiny little shithole you call town you may have to leave to find it somewhere else, I recommend you use google maps to find the closest psychiatrist that is not racist or retarded. I also recommend you do not reproduce or raise any children. I also recommend you do not get within 5 meters (search it up, it actually is a valid measurement) of any human being (homo sapiens sapiens) under the age of 18 or over the age of 19 (people at the age of 18 will probably ignore you so it is OK if you attempt to fill their mind with bullshit.) Thank you for being such a great (fake) person Jessica!

  14. Hate you dumbass spicks says:

    I am sick of these dumbass turds saying “without us you wouldnt have houses” “you wouldnt have tacos” BLAH BLAH BLAH. We had houses before you dirty rats came along, the only reason youre building them now is because you stole a WHITE PERSON’S job!! Not only that, I want a HOUSE not a fucking adobe!! and WHO CARES about your gross food. Ohhh nooo what will I do without stupid ass burritos. Stupid nasty ass fucking wetbacks. WHat are you good for? NOTHING.

  15. Spicks are stupid. says:

    yoo doo not rite lyke dis okai? Omigawd eye H8 whyte peepol sooo moch wut da hellz!?

    • Luis Sera says:

      how about u burn in hell instead!!!!

      • Jessica says:

        Ooooo good one you stupid fuckin wet back. That is suuuch a clever come back. Sad thing is, you probably thought it was clever..poor thing. It’s okay though, we are all completely aware of how incredibly unintelligent you all are ;)

    • louis says:

      If my grammar was equivalent to your nonsense, I’d definitely jump off of a building for fear of dying due to forgetting to breath. crazy ass white nationalist Nazi fuck. also this is the internet, your seriously going to cry about someones grammar? lol

      • mexican h8r says:

        ok so… white nationalist nazi fuck? i dont belive she said anything of nazi origin. ive seen every single one of your posts… almost all of them call someone a nationalist nazi fuck.

  16. who gives a fuck says:

    Im sick of beaners too. They come over here illegally and expect handouts. Stay in your own country, beaner. They come over here and piss in our fields and give us e coli, take our jobs from us, get on medi-cal and welfare and increase our medical ins costs. Im sick of it. They act like they cant speak English as they turn around and stab you in the with no ins or a drivers license, drunk. Take over our schools and get free education as the teachers have to spend more time with little Jose and ignore the white kids, because Jose CANT FUCKING SPEAK ENGLISH OR UNDERSTAND. If you come to OUR country, learn OUR fucking language..GET A LEGITIMATE JOB, stay off welfare, stop popping out 100 friggen beaner kids, get your citizenship, learn to drive and get a license AND insurance. You wonder why whites are so pissed off at you?

    • Elko says:

      y no obstante nos los vamos a coger, nada más acuérdate que descendemos de iberos

    • Your mama says:

      hey mother fucker. we live in america and in america WE SPEAK SPANISH so Learn spanish biotch. And hey go fuck urslef fuckn faggot

      • hank says:

        lol, they all know english trust me, they just speak spanish to piss you off. oh, and were not in england, so learn some native american languages (may i suggest nahuati) or get the fuck out of america.

    • mexican h8r says:

      id be fine if they deserved to be in this country, like maybe fight in a major war that helped build this country up to what it is today? oh yeah, maybe not shoot up our borders and towns over drugs? oh and learn some shit for once. we can grown our own marajauna thank u very much. and maybe if you didnt start one of the most controvesial wars ever? the drug war? yeah…

      • You STUPID!Look at yourself you don’t even know how to capatalize & you’ve been posting non stop so I’m betting you haven’t even tooken a shower & please don’t argue back.You make yourself look very,very much more stupid!

    • man, your laws arent worth shit. they arent fair and arent just. fuck outa here with your SHIT job hunting. pathetic fuck. mad cause you hate our way of life yet you want to be our way of life by kicking out immigrants to work jobs that are OUR way of life

  17. Beaner killer!! says:


    • Luis Sera says:

      How about if i kill u…….you redneck fuck!!!!

    • michael says:

      i’ll have a little red dot on your head before you can reach for your rusty ass rifle redneck. we can be friends or we can be enemies, as an individual, you chose your path. click, pop goes the cracker.

      • louis says:

        that’s hardly necessary carnal, this man “mr beaner killer” is probably just a lost 15 year old white kid who has no other purpose in life than to insult minorities and Jews. one day he will probably get a good ass whooping and will learn his lesson. If not, he will end up as a bitch for the aryan brotherhood.

      • Forrest Gump says:

        I’ll choose to be enemies, Mexicans can’t do anything on there own, and since when does a Mexican know how to work a gun? By serving the Mexican military? Ha! What a joke, anyways… Go make my burrito already Jose! Pop goes the chalupa

    • Nuffink says:

      Dude chill. I don’t know if it’s just me but you remind me to someone I have met? Oh I remember! I watched a documental about you! If I remember well you are one of the most hated men in the world and took an enormous part in one of the biggest genocides the world has ever seen. Your name was Adolf hitler! Not joking now, dude you honestly make yourself sound like the typical retarded dude everyone hates in the films that always goes with his rifle and kills every single person that disagrees with him. Dude this is why I think Europe is way more civilized than America. Not because of the immigrants or the beans (WTF) as you call them but because people here sound like they were fucking cowboys taking justice in their hand goin’ around just blasting bullets in other people’s heads cuz they disagree with ’em. Bro I’ve met people like you (unfortunately) and most of them were extremely dumb, when I say that I mean they believe everything they read in their one favorite conservative and white nationalist newspaper and they had an IQ of something in the low 90’s. Please make the world a favor and disconnect your computer from the router and don’t ever go online again, and if possible don’t ever reproduce. Thanks a lot!

  18. vatos locos KILLER says:

    yo i want all these little gangsta wannabes dead

  19. Aaron says:

    I am Mexican, but I am tall (6.0) and blue eyes and I don’t have that stupid blond hair, and Yes, I do fuck white girls ’cause they are so HOT, and they act like bitches all the time. Your girls always are looking for some dick, since I was in Junior High.

    And remember you are settle in our lands, but the glory is not forever, you can see it in roman history and so on, in a close future, you will be sucking other country’s dick. Probably Chinese, already that the US is dying all the money is gone hahaha.

    Stupid red necks, you’re always complaining and crying you just are sucking some pussy and some of you some big dick and fucking some black girls. You are really pathetic.

    • Luis Sera says:

      hey I’m with u brother FUCK these rednecks….. they can all line up and suck my dick….Fuck ALL REDNECKS!!!! i say take your Confederate flag and shove it up your ass!!!!! Long live Mexico!!!!! Viva la Raza!!!!!! viva el pueblo mexicano

      • spick.nigger.hater says:

        you love the word dick i see….im guessing your a bitch-spick but i can’t tell because of your common name you cane cutter

  20. al degghi says:

    We took your land once , If I were you beaners I would shut the fuck up, Grab my fat ugly wife, and anchor rats and get the fuck back to that shithole where you were dropped from your ugly mommas ass.

  21. George W. Bush says:

    One day my brothers,one day we will see a world where every dirty rat hole(spic-land) will be burned to the ground.A world where we,and we alone rule.We will slaughter them, their women,their children and we will walk away with expressions of victory spread across our faces.Their poor and unsanitary cities will be pillaged.Their language will be a dead language. We will change the name of our country,for even that,is the surname of an ancient spic.This my friends is my dream.

    • Luis Sera says:

      how about this as your dream….. your fucking dead with your fucking head off and shoved up your ass!!!

      • I'd rather... says:

        Cut all of their disease infested balls and shove them down the beaner’s throats. But I would wear a suit whilst doing this, as to prevent catching their diseases. Mexican on a pike sounds good too, don’t get me wrong.

    • louis says:

      One day my brothers, we will see a time when nazis are fed up with minorities and jews so they try to lash out and attack, but instead, they will be abolished by the many races in the u.s army. OH YEAH. viva la raza viva america, viva mexico.

    • Nuffink says:

      Bro you sound like the psycopathic version of Martin Luther king jr. only that without the intelligence, carisma and any other good characteristic he had. Also you are white and a hillbilly but still you said the word dream so either you were high or you are copying Martin Luther king, I’ll go with the latter cuz I tend to think best of people. All joking aside, that dream of yours is extremely revealing about your personality. It tells us you have very sharp senses and you are very smart. PSYCHE. It shows us you have very big mental problems and you should go choke on your own dick (too small, I recommend you cut it off and fill it with shit), FYI it would be extremely appreciated if you were to do so in a corner and quiet.
      My friend if you were serious, ‘brother’, then you truly should go check your brain out, maybe you have don’t have enough connections between your neurons and you are a straight out retard and we don’t have to get you checked out any more, just put in a jail cell for the rest of your life for inciting genocide and for possibly plotting genocide. My friend you and people like you are the very reason why Europe is cooler than America. All the best!

  22. Elko says:

    Hey, pendejo:

    Los mexicanos descendemos de los iberos y tres veces hemos conquistado el mundo, la primera con Anibal cuando estuvimos en las puertas de Roma, la segunda aliados con roma y en todo el mundo y, la tercera en la era dorada de españa.

    Los mexicanos, descendientes de los iberos, combatimos las guerras de los maricas que ni vale la pena nombrar porque un día de estos serán nuestros esclavos

    Claro que sí

  23. Elko says:

    Y se habla en español, pendejos, no en ese bárbaro dialecto

  24. Grace says:

    Speak english asshole!

    • Luis Sera says:

      Fuck you bitch!!! it’s our language

      • michael says:

        actually carnal, our race has many languages and spanish is not our real language, that is our conquerers language(spain), learn nahuati, it’s the language of the native american tribe called the aztecs. there are many more languages like this depending on what part of the american continent your ancestors are from.

  25. I LOVE MEXICANS cause were not pussies says:

    the way i see it all you white people hate us mexican/latins so much is cause all you white people talking shit have probably been punked or picked on by one of us so u get mean thoughts in your head but your to much of pussies to do anything about it u can talk shit on the internet saying you want to kill us and burn us ha but none of u bitches will ever get the balls to go thorugh with it so quit your crying not our fault all you guys are bitches were not like you people we wont take shit u fuck with us and believe me we wont sit there and take it thats y all you guys just talk and talk and talk and im illigal to i dont give a fuck keep paying for me bitches and theres not a damnnn thing you can do about it hahahaha

    • CHICANO says:

      Don’t stoop down to their level carnal, There’s cool ass white people, but obviously these putos are racist and full of shit.

    • Luis Sera says:

      I’m WITH U All Latinos unite!!!!!

      • Jessica says:

        Why do you worthless spicks think you’re so tough? You’re NOT, you’re NOT tough…it’s not okay for you to breathe air. I would say everything I’ve said online right to a dumb ass beaner’s face, as a matter in fact, I wish I could get in a fight with one and have the golden opportunity to say this stuff.

    • spick.nigger.hater says:

      hahahaha a spick?….the only kids who get beaten up by spicks are the ones who think they black(wiggers)…plus you wetback cane cutters bring your entire family and friends to fight your battles as you are scared of seeing your own blood plus your shoes are too expensive to fight in so let your rat sister do it for you.not even niggers like you fools but if you lay in the sun another 15 mins im sure they won’t notice you

    • Ethhhhhhhaaaaa says:

      Yes because you’re totally not on the internet doing what you accuse whites of doing? Hmph

    • BIG CHRIS says:

      haha ya right. You beaners are such pussies. In fact your gay ass race cant handle an asskicking for shit. Once we beat the fuck out of one of you beaners, you go try to get your mom, sisters, your fucking grandma, and all your wanna be gangster friends who just try to look cool by sagging their pants like black people and using their dick sucking money to buy the shiniest white shoes you can find. And you dumb fuckheads are way to pussy to fightfight, you bitches try to bring in a knife, gun, or a fucking pencil or some shit, just because you know your gonna get your ass beat., Stupid fucking pussy ass piece of shit strawberry picker thats why you fuckers try to form gangs because you know your way to pussy to stand up for yourself, so you try to bring in 100 of your little faggot beans to help you. Thats why I hate beaners. Instead of bringing your shit to this country fix up your own shithole. Thats what someone who isnt a pussy does.

    • Billy says:

      By one you pussies never fight one on one…lmfao!!!

  26. MexicanGirl says:

    Fuck all racists! Go to hell

    • Lationsspeakandwhitependijosshutthiermouth says:

      yeah girl you tell them eso pendijos no saben nada, there are not well educated, thats why they say they say and when it comes to confront them all they do is run like pussys!!

  27. Lationsspeakandwhitependijosshutthiermouth says:

    okay, i’m mexican, and you know what i hate, that fucking white pedijos tell us to leave united states,and call us fucking aliens and also tells us wetbacks, and the were shit, and that we don’t do nothing in the fucking state, but you know what, you ppl are fucking stupid and fucking ignorant that all they know what to do is run thier fucking mouth and when it comes to business all they do is run like pussys, and also those bitch stole our fucking land, so if there are telling us that we have no fucking right to be here, well i believe that we do have the right to be here cause we mexicans and native americans were here first and you bitches imigrated here, so basically you bitches are the immigrants, okay pedijos and us lations come here to work for our families and be muture about what happends of our lives, and you bitches be telling us that we are not humans when all you guys do is run YO fucking mouth and run like mother fuckers, you fucking deivl worshipers. you bitches be blaming the fist mother fucker you guys see in the mother fuckin street…metasen su pinche piaes por el puto culo, pendijos,

  28. Hohnny says:

    Fuck you mexican fucks you ruined our economy and your making whites like you fucking people by takeing there jobs and stealing wages that dont belong to you you come here sell drugs and then act like Haughty assholes id love to put bullets in you spics chests

    • I welcome illegals to the USA says:

      your own fucking people fucked you over idiot. Who do you think hires illegals??? Thats right AMERICANS.

      In the case of the many illegals that use fake id’s, do you think they can collect the taxes the government takes out of their paychecks when the time comes around? NOOO the government keeps that you fool. so the 1000 dollars you spend on illegals per year in taxes, is paid for by the illegals themselves because they cannot collect those taxes.

      You idiots watch too much lou dobbs, that man is a liar and does not speak truth, why don’t you actually find out the facts before you believe any bullshit that the right wing media tells you to believe. think for yourselves, why do you idiots believe everything your tv tells you to believe?

      And like native one said, the rothschild family are the people that decide whether you’ll have enough money for that vacation you wanted to take or not.

    • Luis Sera says:

      how about i put a bullet through your fucking head….you redneck fuck!!!!

      • louis says:

        Do it, our justice system will make sure your sick minded ass will get 15 to life but most likely life without parole. then you can be with like minded Nazis like yourself. and you could fuck and get raped by men and enjoy never touching a vagina again.

      • louis says:

        by the way i wasn’t talking to your luis someone deleted the other post i was replying to, but also try not to lose your cool when replying to the nazis. the best way to intimidate them is to stay intelligent and outsmart them. their pea sized brains can’t handle it.

      • louis says:

        nevermind, no one deleted the post, I am talking to punk ass hohnny

    • Luis Sera says:

      ow about i put a bullet through your fucking head….you redneck fuck!!!!

  29. native one says:

    you guys think that because you are white you’re so entitled to the U.S. Your founding fathers single handedly destroyed millions of NATIVE-AMERICANS. You get to live in a great country, yet you bastards are the way you are, RACIST and are always bitching about everything, yet you people couldn’t live poor like me. you have so many luxuries, yet you still complain. It sickens me. many people of all colors are criminals and are sick on many levels. You cant blame a complete race for what a few do, I’m full blooded Mayan (no Spanish blood in me) I am mexican And I’m indigenous to this continent. (to you illiterates that means My people were here before your people arrived) I live in Mexico will stay here till i die, Before you idiots go around blaming other countries for you’re problems try and look at your own people. Your presidents a liar, you have companies like enron stealing billions of dollars, the rothschild family controls all your money. Why don’t you bitch about them instead, because you need someone to hate, racist people are weak hearted. you are weak

    • spick.nigger.hater says:

      well….he obviously didn’t do a good enough job if he left your wetback,bean eating,small dick,mother raping,uneducated,ape lookalikes of ancestors(or should i say INCESTors) alive.inter-breeding fucked your people up spick cunts

      • Nuffink says:

        Bro that was a funny one 😂 Perfect 👌🏻 Except for the fact it has no base on reality and makes no fucking sense. How does bean eating qualify as an insult? Whatever dude, you close minded hillbillies will say any bullshit in order to make Mexicans look bad, and will believe anything anyone tells them if it lines up with their interests and beliefs. Dude your not funny, your no smarter than harambe was (rip harambe 😢) (if you don’t know who harambe is search him up, he is greater than you will ever be.) I have seen apes with a higher IQ than you and I have seen retards come up with better come-backs than you. Please shut up and don’t respond unless u wanna get really burnt. Wish you the best!!

  30. native one (mayan) says:

    and to the rest of the mexicans that read this blog, don’t turn into a racist just because of what these racist pieces of shit say. Their words mean nothing because it is pure hate. There are tons of good people who are white, but on the internet, the bad white people,(racist ones) come out of hiding and talk down on people because the color of their skin or where they came from. Ignore them and give them a good reason to hate you. SUCCEED in life, Get an education and a good job, racists will hate you even more when they see you are happy in life. don’t worry about the racist pendejos, Mexican Americans as well as other good Americans of all races shall rise and succeed in the U.S.A, while racist pieces of shit will eventually dissapear because instead of working harder to make more money, they will just bitch about mexicans instead of helping themselves.

    • louis says:

      right on carnal, this is some real shit bro. keep on living good and good luck in life native one. good luck to all the other good people on this planet too.

    • spick.nigger.hater says:

      why don’t you get a tan and join the niggers

      • Please capatilize Why and put a ? mark after tan then put a comma & put and join the niggers then a question mark.You sound like a 1rst grader my daughter is in that grade & even she has better grammar!

      • Nuffink says:

        Dude that’s not how it works. It’s all genetic. You would have to alter the DNA of a young fetus in order to make him a black person. By the way i find the term ‘n*gger’ extremely disrespectful.

    • Michelle Hernandez says:

      Well said (:

  31. Man, I Hate hillbilly sister fucking racist hicks says:

    Man, I Hate hillbilly sister fucking racist hicks

    And any white cocksucker who lives here and blames illegals instead of working harder should be killed as well. I hear bullshit about how white kkk members blame illegals for they’re own failures. I wonder what would happen to me if I commit a crime to help out my family like thousands of other legal americans? like not paying my taxes like thousands of legal americans? Illegals don’t file income tax returns, neither do alot of crooked americans. why should I? They benefit from the taxes I pay, and My kids benefit from the taxes they cannot collect. shouldn’t I be able to grab one and say “c’mere, fucker, mow my lawn”? or them do the same to me?? Or, say, screw his wife or have him screw my wife to make up for how long I’ve been getting screwed by the IRS so kings can come here and screw out pillsbury popup ‘citizens’ and screw up our medical and educational systems just like my own people(americans) do.

    These little sister fucking hillbilly turds are why a fucking Tylenol costs $40 in the hospital and my kids don’t use the lunch room at school anymore…because, forget it, if there’s a king or white trash in line ahead of you, and he gets near the front, he motions for twenty-five other little kings or white piece of trash to get in front of him, and lunch is over before you ever get there, so your kids either don’t eat, or use their hard earned wages or allowance to go down the street and buy something at the store.

    Check out the average cafeteria menu…you’ll see nothing but kings of the world(mexicans) delicious food, because those are the only superior people that eat there anymore…and God help you if you fight one of them, cuz the’ll fuck you up bad. you gotta fight every fucking master marshal artist who ever lived, and their sisters. I normally think sexual harrassment is mostly bullshit and made up, but my daughter had two little kings of the world fucks during PE class that were openly ogling her and touching her while she enjoyed it and driving her so crazy for a big brown cock. she was about to fuck a real man before I came in and intervened. I had to do it extremely slyly and carefully, so the little bastards didn’t know where it was coming from and try seduce her
    I have been knocked out cold by mexicans on my ass in stores because they walked straight at me and I have no manners and don’t know how to treat human beings so they fucked me up horribly. assholes, I carry guns but so do they, only their guns are superior to my little 9mm, one king of the world(mexican) was walking in the market with an ak47 for crying out loud.
    And it ain’t just the the kings of the world. When I was a pig (yeah, ponder THAT gay ass shit for a minute), we had a problem with the local tranny stripper who would sell me cock for 1 dollar. Racist rednecks would heat coins red hot and press them into their kid’s flesh to ‘chase out demons’, or decapitate a dog and nail it’s head to your door as a warning of some sort.
    But Racist redneck hillbilly sister fucking hicks rule for being fucked up. My Mom was in a psych ward because she came from a Racist redneck hillbilly sister fucking hick family. She’d had a breakdown and attempted suicide because she was tired of her male relatives fucking her all the time including me. She got an attorney and was trying to get asylum to stay here, but we got the US State Dept involved, and one day they came and took her ‘back home’ to europe. It seems that a Racist redneck hillbilly sister fucking hick family’s tradition is to have the older women of the family be obligated to let the younger males fuck them whenever they get the urge…oh, yeah, and in the Napa Valley of California, it is a routine event for a Racist redneck hillbilly sister fucking hick male farm worker, on the way back to europe, to kidnap a young (8-13) year old white girl, rape the shit out of her all the way there, hook her on smack, and have her working in his field somewhere like a fuckin Racist redneck hillbilly sister fucking hick that he is till she dies. The whole gay farm is in on it, because they turn her back over to him when she tries to escape.
    Man, I hate Racist redneck hillbilly sister fucking hicks…..even though i am one

  32. One with the earth says:

    lol mexican is not a race, next time you refer to these people, call them NATIVE AMERICANS(aka mexicans), the true americans, NATIVE TO THIS CONTINENT UNLIKE YOU DIRTY RACIST EUROPEANS. And no not all mexicans are mixed. Millions of native Americans(mexicans) still live in mexico and speak their native american languages. You racist fags

    • Luis Sera says:

      i support u all the way Latino bro…(:<

    • Your mama says:

      thats true. GO MEXICAN POWER

    • louis says:

      don’t hate on the Europeans carnal, hate on the fuckin punk ass people like the KKK and the white nationalists, and the Aryan brotherhood. they are the true mierda of this planet. Also although I enjoy my beloved corona extra, I also love Heineken which is brewed in Europe. there are good and bad people of all races carnal.

    • spick.nigger.hater says:

      at least us whites didn’t get conquered by spain.WTF??…who the hell gets conquered by spain?…ancient aztec warriors my arse…too busy playing bean games

      • Oh my gosh!You are so annoying I’m sorry but you truly sound STUPID!I MEAN LOOK AT YOU GRAMMAR!& SPELL RIGHT!

      • Nuffink says:

        Sorry? Did you ever go to school? Let’s go back to history classes. I believe us whites includes Europe? Spain conquered parts of Europe some time ago. Who the hell gets conquered by Spain? Well Spain has conquered more than a tenth of the world and was in control of 13% of the landmass in earth in 1700s it has also had control over more than 20% of the landmass in earth (much more) if you add up all of the places it has conquered over the years. It was the 4th greatest empire motherfucker. Go to school bitch and get taught history by a middle schooler dick faced son of a bitch.

      • You mama says:

        White guys…. here is a black kids go want to hang whit you.
        Do him a favor,thake him with you!!!

    • Nuffink says:

      I agree with part of what you said but you insulted europeans. I would very much like it if you were not to say all Europeans are racist since I am European and I am helping you guys. Deffinitely agree that some Europeans are fucking racist pricks.


    Look man, im Peruvian(85% INKA) My skin is brown im a fucking indian, so im not for White Power. But I do hate those piece of shit Spicks, Mother-Fucking mexiCACAS. See I live in South L.A.(Watts) and FUCK there are fucking beaners every where. All they do is start Gangs, and flood the community with their illegal families and Marijuana. They also steal Jobs from Loyal American Citizens. But I think you guys shouldnt hate on all Hispaniks, like the indigenous ones, I mean where do you want them to go? They have been on this continent for thousands of years. So dont hate on Aztecs, Mayans, and Specially INKAS! that dont cause trouble in the U.S. cuz Europeans flooded their land first with diseas and all that shit. But we should deport the Spicks that start gangs and think they can do what ever they want here.

    • white guy says:

      fuck the peruvifags selling cocaine to mexico, who takes it to south la watts, the peruvishits sell it to the mexi gangs in the 1st place, fuck em all.

    • wise one says:

      Wow, your very misinformed, and your hate for mexicans makes you no better than these racist white pendejos. Pendejo, but yeah gangs are ruining La Raza and the people who work hard and gangs give latinos a bad name. But saying all illegals are gang bangers is stupid as fuck, you need to get the facts straight before you run your fat mouth. The illegals that come here would be more than happy to come legally if it didn’t take 40 years to become legal.

      • white america says:

        i dont hate all mexicans just the illegal aliens taking the jobs because no matter how hard of a worker i am if i make $15 an hour there isnt any way i could keep up with 3 $5 an hour wet backs they are ruining the economy worse than the rag heads did on 9/11 so just deport those white fuckers employing them and the wet backs with my american peoples jobs

    • wise one says:

      also most mexicans have at least half native american blood, but for Mexicans and all other latinos to be considered fully indigenous (native american), they must have no european blood from spaniards.

      Full blooded mayans in mexico and and other full blooded native americans throughout all latin america and everywhere else in the world, are NOT Hispanics AT ALL, because they do not have spanish(european) blood. I doubt your’re really latino because if you were, you would have known that, you referred to native americans as hispanic when they are not because they do not have spanish(euro) blood.

      or maybe you’re just an incredibly uninformed latino.

      But most likely you’re a racist hater, posing as a latino.

      Full blooded or not most mexicans are still native american.

    • Responsibleone says:

      Oh indieginous one–the world is sooooo much older than your education is short. Not one single inch of the fucking globe is in the hands of its original owners, nor are the people in anyway similar to the original owners, and only where you fucking greasers go is it in the hands of racist rim riding, fat mexican whore breeding no child support drug dealers.

  34. aryan nation says:

    I hate those goddamned spicks i swer ta god. Them god damned mexicans ruined my life with thier goddamned tuba music, I swer ta god I hate them beaners. Those god damn illegals I support there whole familys and all, I pay there bills and everyting. I swer to god fuck those mexcans, I hate ever single one uh those godamned spicks. Takin all my tax money and buying god damned lawn moors and goddamned leaf blowers, goddamned spick beaners idiots.

    • wise one says:

      lol you’re a lost cause, lol
      yeah their “tuba music” ruined your life. lol lol lol

    • Luis Sera says:

      fuck you….you hick!!!!!

    • louis says:

      ahahaha tuba music, that tuba music is actually influenced by the Europeans, and I happen to think that a lot of it sounds nice.

      • spick.nigger.hater says:

        haha right…thats why a young wetbacks dream is to be a ”rapper”

      • IDIOT lol says:

        your name says it all
        your a white loser who cant even speak his own language

      • Nuffink says:

        slick.nigger.hater I was thinking of roasting you but IDIOT lol already left you burnt enough, wow wow wow.

    • ugh says:

      OK. Clayton bigsby.silly fuck

    • says:


    • You mama says:

      You don’t remember the tuba music came from Germany,and you beloved Poland.why don’t you do the nation a favor,or you are only big mout,get together wit all the white people who write on this web..and go do some job,in the field,picking crops,work
      Ask Donal trump to hire you on his hotels,clean some dishes,go get the cartels,or are you. A pussy? And take spik ,Niger with you…..he knows how,to do the job on the cotton fields,the nazi,guy,you belong in Germany,your lost,this is not Germany you have to take a ticket on the next ship,I don’t understand why the white nationalist ,don’t get rid of you,we don’t want you in USA .
      And to all the white guys,shut a fuk up do work,complain with our
      Congress,and the white rich corporations,they are the ones who are fuking us up,estop your shit!dont you see the corporations don’t want pay us higher salaries because we know our rights we must do something,better,to fix our country,don’t you see Uk,France,Italy,Espain,they have the same problem .is not the people,is the you white guys know who estarted the creation of the idea of sending our jobs all over the world,,estarted,with China ,3.000.000 jobs and to the rest of the world,and NAFTA what a coincidence Mexico have no jobs,but we in USA are short of cheap labor,because we don’t want to work,in a company who whant to exploit us and take away our rigth,and our benefits,that’s why we don’t work but the company care les or we work or else,we don’t eat….the undocumented,are the,escape goat,so we barking to the wrong tree..
      I don’t care. If you are racist,that’s your thing,and if you hate some one,I don’t care that’s you thing,but we are barking to the wrong tree.

  35. Intelligent Person says:

    It seems to me that many of the people posting here are very angry people. If you are mad about Mexicans and you keep letting these issues eat you inside, you are harming yourself by continuously stressing yourself out and letting so much hatred into your lives.

    It also seems to me that most people posting on here are not very intelligent. Your comments are filled with misspellings and misinformation. Yes, there are problems in the United States, but these cannot all be attributed to one group. White people, African-American people, Mexican people, etc. all commit crimes that are detrimental to America and its citizens. For those of you who have personally experienced crimes committed by Mexicans, keep in mind that these crimes are committed by all races.

    Hatred does not resolve issues. If you really want to live in a segregated community without Mexicans, I suggest purchasing a private island where only people you accept can live. There are legal Mexicans that do live in the States, and there is nothing you can do about it. Form your own society.

    • louis says:

      agreed bro, agreed. there are good and bad people of all races.

      good luck in life carnal. I don’t care if your not latino either, you have a good head on your shoulders, I wish a lot more people on earth thought the way you do.


    NO NO NO. U got me all wrong. What im saying is that I dont like it when whites are racist toward brown people and say “GET OUTTA MY AMERIKKKAN SOIL!!!” because i am indigenous and actually we were on this soil thousands of years before they came. But I do hate the mexicans THAT ruin the community. Especially gang bangers. Because they should come here for a better life but they just come here and fuck things up.

    • Luis Sera says:

      fuck u asshole why won’t u leave!!!!!

      • chicano says:

        luis sera, I agree with him, if you’re a gang banger you better take a closer look at your life homie, you’re killing our own people and you’re part of the problem. being locked up in the system is no joke. fuck that lifestyle foo, and fuck gang banging. Everything about being a G gets old after a while and too many innocent people get hurt from this shit. BTW I’m an ex g, that changed my life around for the good of mi familia. I suggest every other gangster who reads this shit takes it into mind.

  37. Scott says:

    The progressive party that poses as the democratic party wants these Mexicans to flood the country for votes. The republicans played the Mexican game for cheaper labor. Who’s getting screwed is the American legal citizens.Mexicans cross the border thinking you as an American owe them benfits, these illegals think they should automatically have what you’ve worked for all your life.They cross our borders then think they own this country spitting in your face run over top our laws even hanging their flags above the American one as seen on youtube.comThere will be a revolt, Americans will get fed up enough to take back our great nation. Mexicans will lose, 300 million Americans or dirty gringos as the Mexicans would say. The time is coming, there’s always a time for everything just like the things that come to pass in profecey. Fighting for what we’ve already fought for as the fight seems to never end for those who are raping and stealing off this great land.Our politicians are beyond the minds of most Americans the corruption is at an all time high in history. The constitution says take back your country when this happens. People will be brought to their kness just like the out of control spending & the vicious cap & trade bill the REAL shakedown placed on the American people.

    • scarface says:

      stealing off the land? hahahaa lol, when the euro’s 1st landed in the not so new continent, do you think they got a greencard 1st? they killed 80% of the real americans population and stole as much gold as they can find. they are the real “aliens” who stole from the real americans natural resources. have you heard of the california goldrush? who got rich off of that? did you know california is a rich land with billions in natural resources? natives,(Mexicans) got kicked off their own land which was forcefully bought by greedy men and were suddenly no longer citizens because if you were brown you were shipped back to mexico, no questions asked even if you lived there before it became u.s soil.

      “you wanna go to war? i’ll take you to war”–scarface

      • LUIS says:


    • louis says:

      I don’t think Mexicans come into this country feeling like Americans owe them something. I feel they come into this wonderful country to be something and to do good for themselves and their families. It’s really something you couldn’t understand unless you grew up poor and came to this great country to succeed. also do you have any idea how much money illegal Mexicans spend in this country, the taxes from all the things they buy probably pay for anything they took from the system if they actually took anything in the first place.

    • You mama says: you remember.. we came to this country when in Europe life was bad we came here,They did not like us they us to tell us the same bad things thatwe good that we were we don’t belong here we belong in Europe we was.Destroying their land,plus remember,or not. you,ore some in you family who came when we use to live in Europe,we were persecuted,hunted,kill,poison.shoot,and,trow in a masive graves,by the murders of the nazi Germany’s who estarted,with complaining from the Jews,an after that they went to invade,Poland,Czechoslovakia ,Austria,France,and escape thanks to this great country,we were liberate from this evil nazi Germany’s
      Scott..we understand your frustration, but this people,the only ting they do is geting away from their country,for what ever reason they have,same thing we did..they are escape goats from the white rich corporations,who want the American worker to lose their rigths and benefits so the worker,will be controlled by this,big busines,people
      We are not lazy no!!!we don’t work in a company who want to take away,our benefits,control,my actions,paying me low wages,try to control me ,if I talk ,or if I go to the bath room,or just because we don’t do a1.000,000.. Prices an hour ,because I care to do my job with cuality,I like our products in USA to be great, But..they don’t want that any more,they care less,they say if is made in USA and is going to be to expensive no body will buy it?..and this is the problem they want us to,be low wage workers,like China does to their own,people, Now…our rich corporation,and busines rich white people want to do the same.
      To us
      Either,we work their way, or we don’t eat,is up to us,like I said before…here are to many coincidences,the white rich corporations take away 3.000.000 jobs,plus I don’t follo that estatistics any more,because we can’t do much…they are allow to leave the country,only…pay esmall tax on their gains, but all most,every time they report losses they pay allmost nothing ask Donal trump..he is mad.after 23 years exploiting the sistem?why he never say or do a thing?like saying in public this situation in wich the American worker is going to be. Do you ever question this problem.Escott?
      Our jobs are all over the world,don’t get fool by the news that only one country, has our jobs,do you ever wander if this country has the.3.000,000 million USA jobdo you think this people will be,in our country,doing the jobs we don’t want to do….because they are cheap,and bad,and,what’s our reaction now,fight for them,after 23 years,we did nothing ,well some body did,but no body listen at the time now we do,the action,we fight for them,well this is exact.. what the big industry,wants…they want that we with out asking us to work we will work for a cheap,job with no benefits,none,and some with no healt care.ither.
      This is what they want.. that,we now fight for those ,low wage jobs,or we don’t eat,and of course something is better than nothing,at least is food on the table,and we accept this bad conditions,not so fas..we need to get together the workers,in the world,documented or undocumented and citizens,or workers from diferent countries..because this is happening all over the world,we are on the same ship,and we are one the best workers in the world,and with a decent salaries,and benefit and healt care.but they want it to take it away. Escott dou you ever,watch the great emigration ,this is a documentary,about China.i know you care less for China,but here the subject is :jobs, and relate to the world market,and you will see how America is affected for this emigration in China,.for the healt care watch the documentary sikco.i think is interesting to watch.
      Escott,They don’t,want us,the American worker,because we are expensive,that’s why,plus a lot of bad politicos who are bribe by big interest,and alow this to hapen,read a bout globalization…the nations,free trades,just like the one we did with Canada,and Mexico,do you ever wander,who is on the free trade and what’s the freeTreaty all about?
      who loses and,who wins?who-started it?which presidents in our country,create the idea ,to send jobs to China?because is a country with,more than one, billion people next.India.with,Mexico they estarted,but they left because Mexico have a lot of labor Unions-after the companies see that China is far and they pay a lot$$$to bring the goods,to USA they see Mexico is not cheap compared with China,India,or vietnam,but,is cheaper than USA,and,because is close,Escott..Do you remember wich of our presidents want to open the borders before 9/11,and just because of this they estop,did you know,this?
      I don’t think this people who you refer,try to make this country like theirs,is that.Any body who came here came whit a diferent culture,and,no body is going to trow to the garbage his heritage
      We estill drink,beer,eat Italian food polish food German food iris food we do live in our neigborhood that resemblance our houses in Europe ,we do our festivals,proud,of them because we show to them how good is to be from our countries from Europe. nobody to tell you if you are rigth or wrong,if you want to be racist,is your choice,if you want to feel,or do,wath ever….is you choice,my intention with you and every body,who wants to make our country look bad in the world,you must think we are great because the way we are, we are a free country,don’t forget we are USA,not Russia,or China,this is why we are diferent and great,we must focus on how to make our,busines community.
      To be les abusive,with our workers,and our goberment care more for us,we are in a free country we are.USA,thank you for listening.

  38. mason says:

    gee golly well i’ll be, why so much hostility towards each other?, we’re all the same race “human”

    • kkk says:

      shut up you sissy, we’re white America, we’ll conquer mexico just like we conquered iraq.

      • fuck you kkk =D says:

        mm ¬¬ you didn´t conqueres iraq and america was originaly redskin well at least usa… pD.. almost no one knows what they are talking about in these blog

      • Luis Sera says:

        i don’t think so you Confederate fag!!!!! i say take your Confederate flag and shove it up your ass!!!!!

      • Aaron says:

        Stupid IDIOT, you americans never ever took, take, will take Irak, bullshit, Americans can’t handle a war anymore, how much did you spend in money???, hahahah, that’s why this country is in economic crisis deep in shit. The USA wiil leave Iraq this year, so you lost the WAR fucking IDIOTS. You dont see the news or what to fuck is wrong w/ you dumb ass.
        And if you ever came to mexico to conquer please tell me I will be waitng for you, redneck.

      • american son says:

        okay you realy are a dumbass! what exactally did we conquer in iraq,People like you give white people a bad name. obiviously you never served this country, never been in a war,and even more than that i could count on my latino and black brothers and sisters when i fought for my country.KKK your daddy should have pulled out.

      • yurmom says:

        oh so you conquered iraq? plz tell me more
        about how your american soilders are killed there everyday, and tell me more how a NIGGER got binladin killed???hmmm your so smart

  39. CHICANO says:


    • Mexislayer says:

      How about fuck you and your filthy brown brethren? Leave the country, mexiscum.

      • chicano says:

        shut up u fool, I know why you hate Mexicans so much, your mom was wildly in love with one and left you’re tiny dicked white American father for him. you hated the fact that he was a brown Mexican and you now blame all Mexicans for what you’re whore of a mother did. And I’m not brown dickhead I’m euro-Mexican. My parents came here from Europe 20 years ago I’m white and have green eyes. I speak Spanish and English.
        brown people are not the only inhabitants of Mexico, there are blacks, Asians, whites, indigenous, people of middle eastern decent, etc etc. suck my mexican cock. you ignorant incompetent son of a prostitute.

      • Luis Sera says:

        Up yours you Nazi son of a bitch!!!!

      • louis says:

        how about you get locked up and go to prison with like minded Nazis like yourself so you can fuck each other up the rectum while you pray to Hitler and smell each other, while enjoying never being able to have sex with a women again.

      • Sarcastic says:

        Leave the country? Why if we live so great here off of your “hard earned” money. hahaha

  40. these block is shit says:

    hey gues what these block is shit

  41. these block is shit says:

    hey gues what these block is shit!

  42. Mexislayer says:

    I agree with you entirely. However, I don’t quite understand why you felt the need to mention that “brown Americans are okay” at the start of your post. This struck me as almost apologetic for the diatribe that followed. Spics, or at least the scum that plague our societies, are BROWN mestizos.

    Low-IQ, high crime, corrupt social values, and an inability to assimilate make the Mexican (mestizo) parasite one of the most virulent of its kind.

    I implicate EVERY single spic, even those supposedly “innocent,” “hard working” beaners that we so often hear about. Why? Because the so-called “good” Mexiscum set the foundation for, and in fact support, the “bad” Mexiscum.

    Great post, though. It is reassuring to know that there are other (sane) individuals who think like I do.

    • chicano says:

      sane? lol the foundation of your rant dissolved into nothing more than the semen stains I shot at your mothers face last night. and once again Mexico is not 100% mestizo nor 100%indigenous brown. I lived in mexico until I was ten and came to the us. white People see me and since i’m white and i speak with no accent they confuse me with a right winging-faggot and start talking about how much they hate mexicans, once I tell them i’m mexican american the look on their face is priceless, and they talk like they just had something shoved up their ass.

  43. gabriela says:

    i think you hate people, cause you dont have a family, and you´re lonely!! uuuuuu!!!! poor stupid!! dont worry you will die soon!, and you´ll see hitler, he´ll be right next to u, in ur bed in hell, hahahaha, maybe you are poor, maybe you dont have a fancy car like mine!! MR2 Toyota Spider mmmm! yeah!, probably you dont enjoy the life like me, I went to europe last year, well Im rich, and your not, and my grandparent are from??? guess??? MEXICO, well see ya loser!

    • Mexislayer says:

      What are you on about? Mexicans like yourself only lend more credence to my already held belief that you are a low-IQ, materialistic, crime-ridden group.

      Your post is pathetic and seems as if a child pressed it into the keyboard.

      Why don’t you get into your “fancy car” and make your way across the southern border? Take the rest of your welfare family with you, as it is quite obvious that you are only “rich” in terms of cashing in the slew of welfare checks you receive from the government. By “rest of your welfare family,” I mean all extended relatives, including your gangbanger cousins who are on their way to meeting your uncles in prison, where their putrid existence will further drain the white taxpayer’s hard earned money.

      • johnathan says:

        she never mentioned committing any crimes in her paragraph dumb ass. she’s probably a white Mexican or an accomplished mestizo to be fortunate enough to have nice things.
        how come to you only the white race works hard, and only whites can have nice things and only whites pay taxes, and only people who are brown are criminals.
        you’re ridiculous. and where in her paragraph did she say she lives in the u.s and is on welfare. you’re an idiot and your paragraph looks like a child wrote it, seriously.

      • johnathan says:

        also Mexican Americans are fighting side by side with whites blacks etc in the u.s army to protect you’re fat-ass from threats, and you seriously say you hate everybody who is brown? wow man, you’re seriously fucked in the head.

      • Nuffink says:

        Saying that all people of a certain race have a low IQ is, well, it’s just something that someone with a low IQ would say, such as yourself. Please back up your statement with facts. It would be appreciated if you were to include your IQ too (mine is 161). Hey, maybe your actually smart but you know how stupid people generally are nowadays. Anyways, I’m too busy buying my first class tickets to Europe so please goodbye and I wish you the best of luck.

    • lneku says:

      i’m guessing you’re a white mexican, right?

  44. mexislayer says:

    you know what, I apologize to all the Mexicans I offended, the fact is that I’m just a Caucasian pussy who puts all Mexicans in a category of violence and evil and brown skinned. i am a lonely white man who has nothing but my American flag at my side, I’m poor and drink my own urine for hydration and electrolytes. yes it is true that 30% of Mexico’s population is white Europeans, and 40% mestizos and 30% indigenous Americans, yes sadly that means they were here 1st, i don’t know i guess I get manically depressed every once in a while knowing that indigenous people were here in America first and that my evil white race destroyed nearly a whole race of “real American” people, i have white guilt because i am white. I’m glad i got that off my chest, the 1st step is admitting i had a problem. not to mention i have four bottles of jack Daniels a day and it seems to be ineffective these days. *sigh* i hate you because you were here 1st, i would never admit this in public though.

    • louis says:

      damn straight, I’m glad you’ve learned from the errors of your ways, we can get past that now, may I suggest going to a psychologist? I don’t think drinking your own urine for electrolytes is very sane. Admitting you have a problem is the first step down the road to rehabilitation.

    • yurmom says:

      thank you..

  45. johnathan says:

    “further drain the “WHITE” taxpayer’s hard earned money” lol because we all know only whites pay taxes in America.

  46. yake says:

    let me post you racist bastard I must to let the ignorant know the truth.

  47. yake says:

    bane bane he’s insane goes the wrong way on a one way lane

  48. yake says:

    how come bane can post a huge paragraph and i cant post a five sentence paragraph?

  49. yake says:

    america = materialism mexico=only the rich can afford nice things. the whites are the richest in mexico

  50. yake says:

    a playstation costs 600.00 us in mexico and their minimum wage is 5.00 us a day.

  51. yake says:

    and you dare call them materialistic when you and your kids take this stuff for granted everyday?

  52. yake says:

    fuck you mexislayer you are a peice of shit.

  53. Scott says:

    Mexicans want suckers, Americans to be nice & stupid so they can do as they wish. Take jobs needed here that citizens of this country are needed. Illegals don’t pay taxes, they run up hospital bills on the Americans dime, they get assistance free food going to the pantry, churches getting hand outs. Mexicans fill our prisons costing each state billions between the freebies & no insurance, crime, not paying taxes. This is another reason California is going broke. Mexicans peddle their drugs here, steal, crime has went up here in my state since these illegals flooded it. Taco stands all over, traffic is outragerous as well all these illegals just making fools out the American people. Yeah if we as Americans were flooding their country and Mexico was doing great economically believe me they’d kill you as you crossed the border. Your suppose to take it, shut up and be a stupid American gringo. The time will come when this all comes to an end. The free ride is about over, if the Mexicans forgotten we once had a war with them, we won, and we’ll win again. Times are tough in America, people are going to take a stand. Were not going watch our kids starve & us jobless with no home while Mexicans are freeloading off us.

    • johnathan says:

      Americans love drugs, they buy all of the Mexicans drugs. AMERICANS are fueling the cartel and pumping it with money maybe Mexicans wouldn’t bother selling drugs to America if their currency wasn’t worth 5 times less than an American dollar. maybe all currency should be created equally. I truly think that’s why the drug cartels are so strong in America. Also american kids are not starving. if a kid took the time to go to school and not fuck up like most americans without jobs then they’ll be fine with a career not just a job. no home, lol the only americans without a home or a place to stay are fuckups. you can’t blame other people for americas fuck ups.

    • johnathan says:

      “taco stands all over” really? taco stands offend you? wow man, do german hamburger stands offend you as well? do you hate jews? spicks? nigs? japs? ragheads? do you believe all muslims are evil terrorists? niggers are monkeys? spicks are cockroach beaners? jews are greedy money loving devils? asians are rat eating pigs? taco stands, really? wow sir, I’m speechless.

    • johnathan says:

      mexicans don’t fill your prison you foolish man, 6% of ALL non citizen immigrants including whites, blacks asains, latinos from all international countries take up the prison system. I would imagine mexicans taking up around less the 1% of that.

    • louis says:

      Nope the 1st 3 words of your rant disintegrated the rest of your rant. Mexicans want a better life that is all. Illegals pay plenty of taxes, 10.00 us for every 100.00 U.S in California is plenty to me. Mexicans don’t fill up prisons silly, in fact illegals take up less than 2 percent of prisons, where have you been getting your information from? Also the only reasons Mexicans attack and call Americans gringos is because they are provoked 1st by being called beaners etc, really words don’t even matter. remember sticks and stones? remember almost every single one of these mexicans is most likely related to an American gringo or Chicano Mexican American, they can’t truly hate Americans. they only attacked with words when attacked with words. Crime? really? nope not many illegal mexicans like to bring attention to themselves by committing crimes, you might be referring to brown Americans mestizo who have been here for decades. remember all races have good and bad people, just because illegals broke the law to get here doesnt make them bad people.

  54. johnathan says:

    and if people here don’t think men of all colors are getting rich off the mexican drug trade their dead wrong. Whites(hells angels, aryans, kkk etc), blacks (bloods crips etc), latinos, (surenos, nortenos etc) not to mention the big time American business moguls who hide behind the curtains making huge bucks off the drug trade as well while they watch watch blood platter. truthfully politicians couldn’t give less of a fuck about me or you. thats american politicians, mexican, african, all of the above and more. America is falling apart because it’s own corruption. and mexico has been falling and will continue to fall if a revolution does not occur. if the government really wanted mexican illegals out it would would had happened a very, very long time ago.

  55. johnathan says:

    do you believe a chainmail that says you must resend it out in 2 days or something bad will happen to you? if you don’t then why would you believe the so called facts you read about illegal aliens in your chain e mails. do some Actual research before you spread lies, oh wait, it’s the white conservatives job to spread lies among others so that way people will blindfully follow every word said without finding out the truth. you are a blind sheep, and if not so, you are an evil shepard. you go to any conservative website read a so called fact and spread it around the net, just like the rest of you non-thinking hate spreading individuals.

  56. Scott says:

    Justify, Mexicans or all criminals as far as that goes justifies breaking the law. Propaganda lies about Mexicans in prisons, the drugs, the crime, our laws being trampled on by border crossers. Mexicans get on this board to justify their law breaking. Our laws will be enforced, the government will not as their agenda is votes & cheap labor. We as Americans are fed up with it.People in Arizona are sick of these law breakers, your time is coming soon. The free ride is over, U.S. economy is headed for total collapse.What do you think is going to happen when it does? Were all just going to watch illegals benefit while we lose our homes & jobs worried where your next meal is coming from. To Jonathan, don’t talk bullshit percentage figures on how many Mexicans are in prison. Their breaking the law everyday, everyday these illegals cross our borders. The border where drugs & guns are brought to the U.S. Drugs peddled on the streets sold to kids ruin families deal with devil. We don’t need freeloaders & drug dealers & more crime brought to this country. This board is for real Americans, the ones who fought for this country, real tax payers, real citizens not a flood of assholes of Mexicans that just take what real Americans have built & died for.

    • Rony Farfan says:

      Can you not just say illegals? Illegals aren’t only coming from. Mexico they’re also coming from India, China and other places as well. There are millions of LEGAL mexican in the US as well. Btw its blacks that fill up most of the prison population. I’m not trying to be racist, but there shouldn’t be any false information.

  57. Scott says:

    Discrediting with propaganda lies Mexican law breakers have no credibility. Your you tube videos only show your ignorance, not Lou Dobbs or whatever b.s. propaganda trash you want to spew. Lou Dobbs is a patriot, a real American. You have no credibility with this display of b.s. Other foreigners have to wait before they become citizens, Mexicans just BREAK THE LAW thinking screw your American Laws. Screw those who think their above the law, so disply your garbage else where.

  58. johnny says:

    lou dobbs is a liar, and you never answered my question about taco stands, you just revealed your true colors when you said that. You hate mexicans, even americans born to mexican americans citizens. you said it yourself, you can’t stand taco stands because its mexican food, and i’m also sure you can’t stand the sight of our people. Is my video on lou dobbs incorrect, is it really true that 1/3 of the united states prison population is filled by mexicans? how is that propaganda. lou dobbs is spreading propaganda. If illegals get caught and punished for it, so be it, but you can’t hate ALL mexicans or brown skinned americans or taco stands because of the law breaking ones. If you do, well that just proves you’re a racist, and if you are, thats fine, it’s your American right to be a racist as long as it doesn’t effect someones civil rights, or job employment opportunities. I’m truly tired of having all mexicans being put into the category of criminals, or rapists or murderers, there are too many good mexican american citizens for people to spread hate like that. I’m also tired of every single brown American citizen being hated by nazis carrying American flags, claiming to be patriots just to hide their hate filled agendas.

  59. johnny says:

    you also can’t blame mexican illegals for “taking” american jobs, those jobs are being “given” to them by “American” company owners. Americans love tax evasion as much as illegals love being free. sadly, rich people run this country. You know who’s taking more American jobs than any illegal immigrant? china, korea, japan, taiwan. Guess who’s giving them all those jobs? AMERICANS, our own people are fucking us over, why don’t we blame the uber rich man, before we blame the little guy? I have absolutely no sympathy for illegals who actually do crimes that physically hurt people and take peoples lives. but I do feel bad for the majority of illegals, the ones who come to work and will not be able to become legal citizens because you have to have a fair amount of money and credentials to become a citizen legally. Mexicans who come here legally are rich whites and lucky mestizos. The ones being kept out are the ones that never had a chance in the 1st place.

  60. Scott says:

    Taco stands you justify illegals not paying taxes setting up taco stands. Yeah your suppose to have a vendors license as well. You’ll say all the Taco stands across America pay their taxes & all have a vendors license. Just like the Mexican drivers who drive without a license when they have a accident Americans either foot the bill or in some cases cost the lives of a American licensed driver. You just spew garbage to justify breaking the law.Then you play the race card so you can spit on our laws as well as the hard working citizens of this country.What makes you Mexicans above the law while other foreigners have to wait to become citizens. Cross our borders and were suppose to be all open arms what the hell makes you so damn special? YOUR NOT, so STOP justifying your above the attitude and RESPECT THIS COUNTRY, THE ONE MILLIONS OF AMERICANS FOUGHT FOR DIED FOR BUILT AND MADE IT IS WHAT IT IS TODAY!!!!!!!

    • johnny says:

      you mentioned nothing about taco stand owners not paying taxes in your previous post, that is why it was easy for me to think you hate everything about mexican people. This isn’t the race card, this is real life shit. I’m posting here to defend “mexicans” not illegals from the bullshit people are saying here. you know, like

      “we’re all rapist, murdering, criminals, who rob people and rape little girls. And that we’re all gangbangers, and that we’re “known for being fucked in the head”, and that we’re into incestry, lol are people being serious” the stuff being said about people in here is ridiculous. And please say “they” and not “you” when you mention illegal immigrants, I was born here, raised here and I will die here, in the united states of America.

  61. Scott says:

    No I’m not against all Mexicans or Latino’s, the illegal issue gets me fired up. Our politicians think their also above the law. Tax cheats to kick backs, corruption runs rampid in our government. Earmarks are theft, bogus projects like Pelosi’s marh mouse or swine odor studies. There are 1000.s of these politicians sift off stealing our tax dollars. You Johnny or Jonathan do seem like a good guy which I believe. You’re right some go to extremes with comments that are hatred. Though frustration gets out of hand which is some of the reason why some turn to the darkside of conversation.Others there is no excuse, God made us all, we are all people wherever your from. I just want justice for those who make it tougher on the working class. This goes for the Kings & Queens in Washington too!!!

    • bruno says:

      I agree, although I don’t see illegals as a huge problem, (or at least as huge as the msm blows it up to be) I agree that there is corruption within our own government and we as America not left or right, but all Americans must know and vote on issues accordingly to what we believe is right. I will definitely be at the polls November 2 here in California.

  62. Your mama says:

    fuckn white killers. U just hate us cuz we r the majority i should kill all fuckn white bitches like ur ass, cracker

  63. Brown Pride says:

    Ey yew stoopid whyte dum azz eedeeuts eye h8 yew all why dunt yew go bak 2 ENGLAND!!! Hahuhau wif out us messikans, yew wuld all stavre 2 deth por k beecuz yew wuld nefur haf takoz y burritoz. Hahau stooped whyte eedeeuts. An so wut ef eye raype all da whyte gryls eye wunt, EYE DO WUTEFUR THA HELLZ EYE WUNT! OKAI? AN IF YEW DUN LYKE ET EYE WEL YUST KEEL YEW, An eye won’t efun git en trubble por k beecuz eye wel yust run awai 2 messiko an yew wel nefur katch me.

  64. white pride says:

    i cants bileve dese dern spiks dey cants even spall curectlee. ah hates dem all. i swer goddams spiks multiplies bi duh huhndrids. ims tellinz ya ill rheyp awwl da lil spik grils and lil spik boyz fucks ums i swers. i duhs wut i wawnts. ill sen my kid to all ya spiks skool so my kid can shoot yall and den shoot hemselv cuz dats wut us siville ized fokes r doin. fuk all da spiks and da niggers and da jews and da japs and ragheds. all yall must dies.


    • Jessica says:

      ARE YOU KIDDING? Hahahahahhahah worthless piece of fucking shit mexicans are the ones that fucking RAPE EVERYTHING THEY SEE, They are also the ones who kill whoever THE FUCK THEY WANT. Fucking worthless spicks, what a joke how you’d try to turn it around. You fucking idiots know NO fucking bounds, you just do whatever the fuck you please, get all mad when you get in trouble, then run away to that fucking gutter (where you belong) Mexico.

      • white pride says:

        wat da hells is you talkin bout dumm e? I’m white,nd ma family luvs insestry, and poligummy, i swers some white folks is stupids sum times, wair hav you herd of spicks with gated cumunities protekteeing their poeligumist familliees? ya don’ts becuz it doesn’t happens, us white folk hillbillys projekt r selves ta other races like spiks and niggers. Cant ya sees thats youngins?

      • michael says:

        actually, throughout u.s history, whites are the race with the most rapes under their belt, including black women who were raped by slave owners,(there were many slave owners) and whites from Spain who raped the indigenous americans of mexico in which created mestizo mexicans. Whites are the race who have raped the most people throughtout history. as s matter of fact, almost every single latino that is mestizo and not full blooded indian has ancestors (women) who were raped by white men creating mestizos, and this is ALL of latin america. Yeah sure, mexicans are the rapists, if you say so. learn some history you ignorant whore, Jezebel ass hoe.

      • drew says:

        mr white pride above is actually right about something for once, you never see mexicans with gated culdesac commuities full of families who are dedicated to raping and molesting their own children, and having children from their own children, those are white people activities. you polygamist whore.

      • spick.nigger.hater says:

        no…uh…its because most gated communities come with pools…you know…for S W I M M I N G….somethings spicks can’t do(generalization) and damn i would love to meet Jessica…thats a real woman…not like those brown,burnt,dirty,big hole vagina mexicans and their men with too small of penises to fill them which is why they run to the great whites and niggers creating dirty mixed kids polluting the world blood,go mow my lawn

      • liverio says:

        Your a stupid bitch that needs a Fat Mexican
        Dick in your mouth do you shut the luck up.

      • Nuffink says:

        White people have raped more than Mexicans. Can’t contradict it cuz it’s based on facts such as slave owners raping slave women. You say Mexicans are the ones that kill whoever they want to? At least they are not the ones that make it easier to get a gun than to get on a plane … and I don’t know how you think people kill each other if it is not through guns. TBH this American law of Everton get armed and do whatever the fuck you want to with it is stupid, any psycho can get a gun and any terrorist can get a gun. If you wanna blame someone for there being so much crime rate in the US blame how easy it is to get a gun cuz the crime rate in Europe is much smaller. And if you would stop being the biggest motherfucking hater in here and just go fucking kill yourself in a corner it would be extremely appreciated thank you very much!

  65. white pride says:

    how can eye fugets… fuk da damn injuns too, claimin ma land, ma people were here beefour awwl da spicks, and injuns and nigs, wii hav bin here fourevas.

  66. white pride says:

    us white folk should go back to yearup, wer we belongs cuz this cliamate, is jus to dam hots fer us. go 2 duh uhhther white supremacist cites and yaoll see what im talkins’ bout’ wer always talkin bout how europe is so much better then da american contnant’

  67. BROWN PRIDE says:

    I take it that You white imbeciles are well aware that mexico is full of white people that look EXACTLY LIKE YOU, right? you fail at life. spaniards, from spain, are from a little continent called Europe, and on this continent is where white people originate. When you talk shit about mexicans, you’re talking shit about yourselves because mexican is not a race.

    • nahua says:

      exactly carnal, whenever I say viva la raza, I also mean my white hermanos and white hermanas of mexico. there are many. white people from america think we say that to exclude them and other races but really its just talking about anyone from mexico, and latin america including the whites, apaniards, euro-mejicanos etc.

  68. BROWN PRIDE says:

    ines sainzs is mexican, and she is completely caucasion, your remarks just show me how smart you racist hillbillies are

    and jessica, if you say shes ugly, well, lol, you are just one ugly ass jealous feminist bitch. lol lol hahahahahaha

  69. BROWN PRIDE says:

  70. BROWN PRIDE says:

    stupid ass websites doesn’t let the links work, how about now, once again this fine piece of ass is 100% mexican

    • spick.nigger.hater says:

      damn…she would look great mowing my lawn with a burrito stuck on her wet-back…just a treat for my WHITE neighbors…seriously…they are all white… and my community is great…no niggers or spicks walk around…just us superior white folks(intelligent ones)

      • spick.nigger.hater says:

        or…when she is sweaty enough from cutting the grass we can play ”sticky burrito”.we can all throw our spick food and see whose sticks while laughing at their ”cunt-ry”

      • Nuffink says:

        Your the intelligent ones? The ones playing sticky burrito? Please don’t make me laugh? I bet harambe is more intelligent than you. Yes you have repeated the fact that your community is all white some ten trillion times (yes that is a number), the thing is that you say it as if it were good though, it’s not. You think your smart? Tell me, did you know how to solve first order differential equations at the age of 13. Of course you also have to know how to do derivatives and integrals. Ez to do sigma notation too. Also having been in a good internship at the age of 13 and already having been paid 5000$+ because of different prizes (I lost count at 5000) and donating 300,000 air miles from united airlines after getting them in their bug bounty.
        I’m not going to keep on going cuz this is long enough but boi, STFU you ain’t smart and you ain’t shit. Wish you the best :)

    • Combat Vet says:

      She is ugly.
      American women are way more beautiful, taco eater!

  71. BROWN PRIDE says:

    once again ms ines sainz

    100% mexican

    oh and if you’re a guy and don’t think shes hot, well, you’re just a homo.

  72. BROWN PRIDE says:

    in conclusion, all the racist white Caucasian fools can burn in hell, I do not care. If you’re a decent white person, keep on living decently and don’t let the hillbillies have any influence on you. Same for mi raza, don’t let the pendejos influence you to be a racist either, get a job, a wife, or husband if your a female, raise a family, and succeed. Like somebody above said, the racist idiots will die early due to hypertension and stress of seeing people who are not their color succeed.

  73. mario says:

    all the retarded racist white people in are calling mexicans stupid have no idea how smart mexicans in fact are.

    meet carlos slim, the richest man IN THE WORLD

    He owns Teléfonos de México (Telmex), Telcel and América Móvil companies. He is also the savior of news paper new york times, they would have gone bankrupt without his loan.

    • spick.nigger.hater says:

      good,maybe he should relocate his ”brown pride” business to mexico and help the jobless fools there from coming here

  74. mario says:

    to those saying mexico is ugly
    The beaches in mexico are way cleaner than most beaches in the u.s. have you ever heard of cancun?

    The biggest reason mexicans come here illegally is because the us dollar is worth more than 4 times a peso is, think about it, you make 15,000.00 us and take it back to mexico it is worth more than 45,000.00 pesos that is what fuels the faggot drug cartels because the money is worth a lot more here. and at the same time good people come here to work. The only reason the U.S and mexican drug market isn’t huge in europe even though the euro is worth more than the u.s dollar is because drugs are legal over their so the market for hard drugs is a lot more smaller.

  75. mario says:

    also another reason mexican folks migrate here is for peace of mind, how would you like to live in the middle of a fucking warzone?, they hate that shit, they cannot stand the muthafucking cartel’s violence, so they move here.

    I know i’m not going to get through to you thickheaded
    racist assholes, but at least you’ll see a little bit of the other side of the coin. you can hate it or love it, but these are the facts.

    Im sure bane would be happy that i’m bringing traffic to this site typing in all these great words for the google search engine huh? r.i.p you racist son of a bitch. I don’t hate you even though you were a racist asshole. I have respect for the dead, unlike the crazy ass evangelical folks at soldiers funerals talking all kinds of shit. but thats a different story.

  76. Scott says:

    The world is full of problems, a lot of countries are poor with people who would love to come to the U.S.
    The rich elite run this country not Washington, the Bilderbergs dictate they have more money than you could imagine. Power is what they are using to change America into something you won’t reconize. Your freedoms & constitution is being lost every year while most of you are asleep.Not dems or republicans it’s not about that. So many are busy chasing your tail worrying about the 2 parties has nothing to do with that.Mexicans can come here sure but we as Americans are losing our country and sadly enough have already lost way more than you’d care to know.
    Someday soon there won’t be nothing to come to or anything left for anyones grand kids or future generations. Treason committed against this country, plots against the people. Social security money by the trillions stolen. The people didn’t take a stand, they lived in their own world’s while the rich are eating you alive taking what the forefathers built.America will fall because the people don’t have the guts to go against these rich elite.

  77. SoloSlicc says:

    As a legal Mexican, I strongly support deporting all illegal Mexicans. All of them! Get their asses on a bus and drop them off on the other side of the border. I aint going anywhere and I would get a huge kick out of seeing some white boy pick my vegetables and scrub the tiolets I shit in. That’s something I thought I could only get to witness if I was rich! I would love to see some white girl bringing me fresh linens and cleaning the disorderly mess I make in a hotel room. Thats right Jethro, MOW MY LAWN! You missed a spot CHAD, clean that shit up! I give it about a day before the rednecks breakdown and start welcoming all the illegals back. You all talk the talk but trust me, you wont want to walk the walk

    • jess says:

      seriously dude everyone works and yes some people mistreat people on purpose and it aint right they are racist but dont treat the people like that it will make you as bad as them,, everyone works and scrubs toliets and does that stuff its a part of life but it aint right for anyone to abuse someone while there doing there job and take advantage of them

  78. harmonytree says:

    I too hate these illegals! Who knew California would be MEXICO!! They are everywhere like rats and roaches. They like to have tons of babies just to get on welfare. They refuse to learn English, so now we all have to learn Spanish?? WTF? They make every area they live in below poverty level. By researching school districts, it will tell you the percentages of white, mexicans, etc..and all areas with a majority of Mexicans is way below poverty level and 80-98% welfare recipients.
    Growing up, all the old Mexicans who sit on the streets always whistle and say ruid comments to any woman driving or walking by. My classmates who were Mexica in high school were already mothers and all they basically do is eat, sleep, shit and get pregnant. If they had 10 babies, it would be from tem different men. Everywhere I go and I see a Mexican, it’s always the same thing, they are ruid, dirty, they necer look like they take showers or clean their cars, just dirty peole. Look I understand that they are poor but they need to assimilate and clean themselves! That’s their tradition!
    And they raise kids that can’t speak English so obviously they’ll just end up getting welfare and having a ton of babies and the cycle never stops. SOmeday America will be 100% Mexican or have some Mexican blood. They are reproducing like rats and roaches. They can’t be stopped. They are everywhere. It’s a scary thought but it’s true. You don’t have to be racist to know these facts. They are a people who will never succeed or advance because they don’t even like to speak or learn English or assimilate. I wish they would all go back to where they came from. All they do is talk shit about America and they have the nerve to ask for rights when they aren’t even LEGAL! Shit, then go back to where you came from then, America would be a better place with just one less Mexican living in it- cause everyone knows, all you have to do is look at a Mexican girl and she’s pregnant! HAHA.

    • themaster says:

      mmm tasty lies, propaganda, hate, and xenophobia from a racist who claims to have known Mexicans when in fact this person is probably sheltered in a basement in Iowa and has only lived amongst their race, so the thought of a different colored skinned human being living on the same planet they do, makes them angry, fearful and possibly manically depressed. you should see a psychologist for i truly think you do not live a the branch of your own so called harmony tree.

      the smart chicano

      • themaster says:

        you should see a psychologist for I truly think you do not live on a branch of your own so called harmony tree.

        the smart chicano


      • BIG CHRIS says:

        No dude. its not lies and propaganda. Thats 100% true. You dont see us white people flooding into your country, taking jobs, pumping out a hundred fucking kids per family, creating gangs, taking welfare. Why dont you fix your own godamn country instead of bringing your shit to America. Look at LA, its FULL of mexicans. You dont see white people living in shit ass drug infested neighborhoods, shooting each other up, living in poverty and dirt. The line is fucking drawn when you go into Mcdonalds to order something and they dont understand englishd

  79. themaster says:

    Hey by the way, I know English, so…… much for your assimilation theory. continue with another ridiculous hypothesis though if you wish.. I will impregnate your daughter and give her a child with evil beaner blood, oooooooo The Mexicans are coming lol. seriously if that’s what you truly believe and what you really obsess about, you have your priorities fucked up. get a goddamn life.

    • jess says:

      seriously you dont go personal on people like that everyone has feelings you dont threat a child like that you should be ashamed dont let people get you mad like this and start threatening its not right but one day god will show you the way bless you. one day you will know the truth

  80. scott says:

    Wit & humour is entertaining though it’s a distraction from the real issue. If Mexico was doing great economically & people from the U.S. was crossing the border to work & live there Mexicans would cut your throat no open arms like they want from us. The TRUTH will always be dicredited by those who break the law thinking they deserve what this country has.Mexicans invading our country by the millions is political the Bilderbergs are behind it as they want to collapse capitalism to socialism & put in dictatorship communist regime.No conspiracy just right on target what I’m saying.Mexicans feel American citizens should shut up & take it spitting on our laws. Laws are not enforced as I said the Bilderbergs the filthy rich corporate elite run this country though people have the real power. People will either use that power or be eaten by the rich until the kings & queens rule & run every aspect of your lives.Politicians sold this country out, the greed is beyond belief. People don’t have a clue to how bad it’s gotten. World leaders meet with the elite conspiring against our own country decisions made basically plots against Americans.Hard to take the truth, the truth will save you if you accept it. It’s a start to taking back this country.

  81. The Flaky Fortune Teller says:

    I hate spics for numerous reasons, I started developing hatred for them when I was 8yrs old, 3 spics decided it would be cool if they hopped the fence in by backyard and kill my dog. they stabbed my dog to death.

    • jess says:

      look im sorry that happened to your dog but dont blame the race those fucking two people are sick and they are the ones who are fucking sick not the race of them ok *hugs* the dog is with god now and is well taken care of,,,

  82. Maria says:

    If you aren’t 100% Native America Indian, you are also an immigrant! At least your family is. It is the gov. that needs dealt with, they made the laws, won’t enforce them as in letting them cross the boarder. Bitching on here won’t stop the wrongs, the gov. has to do it and you need to see what you can do there. There is good and bad in all races and countries. We all need to listen and see who we need to vote in offices to stop what they are doing. A foul mouth never got anything but trouble either.

  83. jess says:

    people omg look its not just mexicans raping people white people do to anyone does who does the shit which i hate,, dont hate the race, hate the people that do that not everyone is bad,, quit being closed minded seriously yall are just looking for someone to blame yall are so immature fighting like this its not bc of the race its just the people there is a lot of sick people who whistle and lil girls and shit yes i know its wrong there stupid they shouldnt be doing that and people get raped and shoot them and shit its bc there bad people dont blame there skin color blame the person who did it,,

  84. jess says:

    and one other thing i think its stupid for people to post blogs of how racist they are and trying to get attention and get a big war started this aint right at all dude like seriously you have nothing better to do than make peoples lives miserable and start this battle that couldve been easily not created i pity people who are racist and shit,,, do not judge of color,, just hate the people who did it not the color,, god bless and maybe one day yall will see the truth not all colors are bad its just the choices ppl make bc everyone has free will,,

  85. jess says:

    gahh really people your saying if you dont think this so and so is hott your just a homo everyone has a different taste in people who cares who is hot and who is not,, shew

  86. Fuck You, btw I loled at the mow the lawn part…

  87. Joe Momma says:

    Beaner and cleaners work good together :D

  88. Killin says:

    This is the number to a dirty heroin dealing mexican 1646 3697182

    This is his address 20 paladino ave ny ny 10035

  89. thomas valdez says:

    sorry u guys are all wrong ruring ww2 hitler loved mexicasns because they were pro nazi! i am a mexican american born in america… and i consider my self a nazi, im mixed with spanish and german but i have black hair and brown eyes also my skin is white <3. sorry u guys are wrong big time we can join nazi groups! i got a swastika flag in my room, truthfully i like white people and i hate people my race ( I hate people who are diffrent!) hail hitler!卍

  90. MexicanPrincess says:

    Fuck all those racists on here. We are all the same.

  91. Robert Chretien says:

    Your a loser…do something better with you life. This is Gods world and its meant for everyone. DumbAss

  92. KILLASMILEZ says:


  93. WhoAr3You says:

    Why does everyone hate everyone?Why cant there just be love,peace, and quite throughout all of America?Why cant people just get along instead of threatening one another?That,one will never know.Only God knows.Look at it this way, there are about 107 deaths per minute.Some babies,some kids,some old people,some sick people,etc,etc.In the end everyone came from dirt and will return to dirt.So why hate one another when life is too short and someone is losing their life every minute?You never know if you can die right now or tommorrow.Nobody knows when they will die or how they will die.Only God knows.Well,my high is wearing off and I need to smoke some more.If only everyone tried pot at least once,it will change your perspective for the good and open up your mind to a whole lot of new things that the sober mind cant come up with.Peace everyone…..

    When you smoke the herb it reveals you to yourself~Bob Marley

    Alcohol is the destruction of a nation,Marijuana is the reunion~Bob Marley

    When I was younger,I inhaled frequently,that was the point~Barack Obama

  94. Jacob says:

    Legal Mexican Americans are fine, but the uneducated illegal wetbacks swimming over need to go back to their fucking sad excuse for a country. The biggest complaint i have with illegal aliens is that they are ruining the public school system, I think if you rather be in a gang or something like that you shouldn’t have to go to school and ruin it for all the others who want to receive an education.

  95. chinook says:

    You are so right think about all the things that amuse these sick animals look at how they treat there children and there animals. Anything they do is barbarick bull fighting horse tripping we can’t take care of people in our own country but we let these peices of shit here They stink and there is no place in our society for trash they all think the world owes there lazy ass something. Watch a horse tripping video and tell me if you think these people have any morals what they call there entertainmant we all find twisted and sick send the shit all back to mexico

  96. says:

    I can’t wait till Hispanics take over so us Hispanics can all have u white pieces of shit clean our toilets after a good Mexican meal prepared by u white pieces of shit to serve my beautiful Hispanic family, If I were president all white pieces of shit would by kept in cages and only let out to do the shit we do not want to do. Oh ya and all your white piece of shit off spring would be disposed of. BROWN PRIDE BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Brendan G. says:

      If your greaseball humanoid family tried to force me to cook your food, I’d put boogers, shit and/or rat poison in it – assuming your homies were able to take me alive (which would be unlikely) or without casualties (which would be even MORE unlikely.) You may end up dominating America demographically, but you’ll NEVER dominate me, bitch!
      I think speak for most armed American white guys!

  97. Diego says:

    Yeah, fuck mexicans.
    They are invading all US. Every day millions are trying to cross the border and die. Well, they deserve it, for trying to invade our country, why? If they have their own country… making us to pay for them, with our taxes. FUCKING ILLEGALS, always complaining even they dont have papers. Im so pissed off. Millions of mexican living near you, you are in USA, and it seems that English Language is forbidden or something, because everybody speaks Spanish ( MEXICANS!!!) THEY SHOULD BE KILLED OR BE IN JAIL!!! FUCKING ASSHOLES INVADERS!! GO AND EAT SOME BEANS!! they are everywhere. Americans loosing job because of Mexicans! they should return to their fucking country. Specially in California.

  98. A White Teenager says:

    I do think that some Hispanics think that they control everything, and that they are entitled to everything. But some Hispanic people do deserve to be here (Ones that are hard working, respectful people that are thankful to be in the U.S.). But the gang members and the ignorant, self-centered ones that commit crimes and don’t respect anything here, shouldn’t be here. I go to class with a lot of Hispanic kids, and they treat everything like it’s theirs. They don’t respect the U.S., or anyone else. I’m not saying that their all bad, but the ones who do these things shouldn’t be here. I disagree with the Hicks that are on here too. If the U.S. were only whites, we wouldn’t have a lot of our entertainers or creators. You might not even have your precious NASCAR if this country was singled out. Think about it.

    • BIG CHRIS says:

      No dude the only thing the mexicans made were: the mousepad, chocolate, and contraceptive pills. Im pretty sure we wouldnt lose much

  99. TotenZuSpiks says:

    Fuck you spiks und ich know some of you dumb beaners will com back and threaten me so in advance, go die you spiks BTW u fucking wetbacks are speaking a white language

    • Precilla says:

      i hope you are not German sir, for if you are you just made me so dissapointed of your culture for i value and always stick up for Germany when some of the idiotic Americans talk shit about Garmans. You see i live in America Houston TEXAS to be precise and the americans living around here, most of them hate european countries. but which one do they hate more? Germans why you may ask? because they know Germany is better then America and they hate competiton. ANd yes im Mexican American thank you very much and yes.. ich liebe Deutschland und Mexiko<3<3 :)

  100. Rodolfo Erick Valdez Salazar says:

    Listen at me fucking assholes, you can’t say that americans are better than us, i’m mexican, and i’m proud of that, i know that we have to many serious problems, but, just think what are you saying a few minutes, you live in the 18 century??, rascism is just ignorance. I can criticize the american society too, you fucking meddlers, you are screwing our country, without us, you’ll not be nobody, and you know it, you think you’re better than the rest of the world just because you follow a consumerist sistem that is gonna screw up the whole world. And i’m not rascist with us, particulary, no one of us make me sick, but i hate the fucking ignorants, surely religious and nationalists of shit. I hope you can understand my point of view, because i never will come back this forum of shit never.

    • Ethhhhhhhaaaaa says:

      We are apparently better because alot of Mexicans want to come HERE!!! Spanish is white btw so your so proud to speak another white language! :D And we thank you for learning english so you could type this :)


      I hate spanish speakers people, fucking annoying spics

      • Deanna Harvey says:

        It’s fucking crazy how you said this over 2 years ago and yet the fucking wall still isn’t up. Unbelievable. Goddamn.
        It’s all because of the demON-cRATS keeping Trump from doing what needs to be done to save this country from turning into another shithole like mexico.


    im mexican and proud of it, i hate it when other races try to pick on us because they think we are weak haha, its hilarious. I know they try to pick on us because they are scared and stupid. It is ok though, one day ill meet a racist and kick his ass. Im not racist, im smart. Join the military my brothers, and get tactical so that when you meet a racist hillbilly or redneck, you deal with them swiftly hahaha

  102. spick.nigger.hater says:

    don’t you love how strong the spicks are in groups when they are beating ONE guy hahaha….but when you catch one on their own they beg when you kick their stupid gold teeth in…at least thats one thing i like about them…the are your best friends when they are alone…at least white people walk alone…thats PRIDE

  103. OldScool says:

    I fucking hate mexicans because they say its tradition to have not have birth control. BULLSHIT!!!! BULLSHIT LIES thats just a excuse they use when really they just want to take over America (which they all admit “You gringos are just mad because we’re taking over”)which is BULLShit. Fucking 20 people in a three bedroom house WTF! Theres always that pregnant bitch,an if its not her its the next one. then OH look elizebeth is 16 and shes pregnant That great. no Its NOT you fucking stupid beaner. They probably figure one out of ten kids might be successful and they can support us we JUST all pitch in our minimum wage CASH. And rent is easy. EVERY FUCKING PARK IN EVERY FUCKING CITY HAS A SOCCER GAME. MY GREATEST IDEA EVER GET THEM ALL TOGETHER IN A FIELD AND BOMB THAT SHIT!!!

  104. ghiiel says:

    fucking shit i want to rip the fucking head off of every god damn Mexican that ever fucking lived it was the first day of school today and lone behold there were two fucking fights TWO! this is why i fucking hate arizona its like mexicos own private fucking dump my school is fucking infested with the cock sucking brown pieces of shit. FUCK! i had to resort to taking online fucking classes because i got fuckin fed up with all of it. and with the lunch thing you are so fucking right like holy fuck balls its ridiculous having to fucking just stand there while me and my gf are waiting patiently for a fucking bit to eat plus our school food tastes like shit. if we ever get a mexican president thats the end of america right there..

  105. Andi says:

    Perhaps you should move to another state? You sound like a very disgusting person with a shit load of issues. You? A cop? Who let that happen? Anywho, surely you do realize that not all “Mexicans” or Latinos are “evil”. My best friend was raped by one of your awful KKK kind ( did I just stoop down to your level? My oopsies ) but you don’t see me threatening every caucasion I meet. Why on earth do you live in the ghetto? Perhaps you should have snagged a better career? One that payed you more and enabled you to acquire a Cali free life. I’m apologize for your ilness, you need help. You’re psycologically impaired and have hit an all time low.

    > Social Psych Major, daughter of immigrants, D.C resident. Diversity is beautifull :)

    • Your mother says:

      You’re a social psych manager and you can’t spell “Caucasian”, or use “paid” in its correct tense? You sicken me. It’s people like you with no spine for themselves that jump on the anti-racism bandwagon. You have no pride in your own heritage, or your own people. It’s folks like you that will “stoop” as you put it, so low to please another race that you virtually lose all identity you and your pathetic family will ever have. YOU are the problem with America because YOU forget yourself YOU have no pride in who you are. You’re a fucking psychophant bandwagon riding useless jacket of skin. Whoever hired an ignorant dumbfuck like you was a fool. Can you even breathe for yourself or do you need to be told how to do that too?? BAAHHH BAAAHH BAAAHHHH!!!! fucking sheeple. Please just kill yourself.

      • Oh,okthen says:

        Ohmigod, I think I love you.

      • floresfloresflores says:

        Whoa dude, he/she didnt say they were an English major. . . chilll out. He/She is a social psych major, which I still dont know exactly what they do for a living but who knows maybe theyll make a difference, I dont know. . . I dont care! However, I find it interesting reading your blog post because you criticize him/her so harshly on the basis that he/she is a “psychophant” which isnt actually a word, or it is, but you so amusingly misspelled it And used it in the wrong context. It is Sycophant. . . . this definitely leads me to believe that you yourself are a phony, just spitting out words that are way larger than your vocabulary or perhaps your cognition. Just as youd like to believe yourself that you are no better than the person who has no identity neither do you. A faceless blob sitting behind a keyboard judging. Seriously, maybe its you that should be considering pulling out the box of razerblades because youre almost too comical to judge. Its just so funny. At least we chose a side, staying on the fence is a cowards choice. Choosing a side, requires one to actually DO. Which might actually be too much for some. But lets put this in perspective I dont know you, nor do I even care to . . just passing by and saw what an adorable idiot you sounded like .

      • Nuffink says:

        Apart from being a nazi your also a grammar nazi? I was thinking in replying, but I believe u just wrecked yourself. “Its folks like you that will stoop so low as to please the another race that you virtually lose all identity you and your pathetic family will ever have.” No comment. In one sentence you were able to say something partially smart, but you then immediately stooped even lower than him. “dumfuck like you” “just kill yourself” “bandwagon riding useless jacket of skin” … Wow, just wow. You apparently just said you lost all identity you and your ‘pathetic’ family will ever have. I did not insult you, you did. All I did was state the fact that you found a new way to insult you, therefore I didn’t stoop low. Wish you the best!!

  106. Lindsay says:

    I agree.. today a frickin beaner rear-ended my car when i was stopped at a red light.. and when my dad got out of the car he ran away.. effing beaners should die i hate spicks

  107. Natalie says:

    This entire website makes me sick. It is completely untrue that Mexicans are trying to “deconstruct” the United States and the fact the whoever is running this website is going so far out of their way to falsify and manipulate the minds of readers is pitiful and disgusting. Have you forgotten that the same people you are posting racist and unnecessary articles about are humans too? Just because you were lucky enough to be born in the United States doesn’t give you any God-given right to attempt to spread false rumors about and keep out others who are not as fortunate as you. Of course there are a few bad people that ruin it for the majority of the group, but this does not make it justifiable to stereotype them altogether. I would hope that someone would have the human decency to see past the color lines and learn to respect others regardless of the language they speak or their native homeland. All people want is a good life for themselves and their families and to go out of your way to demean and slander these people just because life is not going as smoothly as you feel you are entitled for it to be is just further proof that people like you are so very ignorant when it comes to being a decent human and true Christian, which is exactly what this country was founded on. Please learn to stop being so self-centered and close-minded for the sake of your fellow Americans who have to deal with the awful reputation you portray to others around the world and at home as well.

  108. Mister says:

    I am a hard working Asian.

  109. Alex says:

    I am mexican and i feel sorry for the bad image every mexican have overseas. There´s more than just a buch of rapers ,violent and ignorant people here. There are well educated and peaceful people, smart and hardworking. And feel sorry too for those white people who defend so much women rights. White males don´t have anything to fight for about women rights. White women is taken over the world, slowly and relentlessly, while men are wasting time and taking a rest, losing jobs, losing power, losing partners, losing family control.. women continue gaining more and more room. I´m sure , really sure the writer of this blog will be a damn loser all his life. Life goes by friend.

    • Oh,okthen says:

      What the hell are you talking about? IF white women were taking over, why is that a bad thing? Many white women are just as educated AND give life. Men shouldn’t have all the power. Welcome to America: Leave your machismo shit attitude where you came from. Take your machismo ignorant ass back, try crossing the border again, and then adopt OUR norms the next time around. Try learning the language also, so when you want to make an idiotic argument, at least people won’t be able to tell you aren’t from here. Idiot.

    • Nuffink says:

      Boi are you high? Do you want to take a break of all the drugs? I don’t know what the hell is wrong with you. This post definitely classifies as one of the most retarded in this extremely retarded site. Women in general have been oppressed for a very long time, there is still an income gap between women and men in same paying jobs. White women are mostly well educated (something you are not) and are hard working if they got to where they are today. White women that are in power aren’t going to kill all white males, in fact I believe they would do better than most white males because for a woman to get so high they have to be very intelligent and very good in what they do. You make it seem as if it were game of thrones with white male against white women, but your actually in the same team. You are such a fucking retarded person I wish I never meet you in real life! Wish you the best!

      • Jennifer says:

        I know what is up with them being high all the time on drugs, self-absorbed and egotistical? Wounded kids living in an adult bodies trying to connect with other people in the world and still nothing. Obviously very quick to come up with assumptions and judgmental of others to protect there worth.

        Then there is ourside looking at the problem filtering out thoughts like poison them because, if we bomb them, than we are destroying our vacation spots. Lol.

        The moral of this story is we can’t change them, and we can’t play god about there lives, so the way out of this is not to entangle ourselves into their webs of craziness.

  110. Tommy says:

    Why are spicks so short? Who fucked up Mexico so much that nobody wants to live in it? Why do they like little underage kids? Why do that like to have sex with their family so much? Whites still make up 75% of the country, yet spicks “rate rate” is the same.

  111. fucked-world says:

    hey every one . i have a little thing that i found on the internet
    ” a gringo decides to kick out all mexicans, AND illegal immigrants from the u.s.a , he goes to washington D.C and makes a speech saying his decision… he says: all you fucking latins get the fuck out of my country!!!!! then a native american from a tribe comes up to the gringo and says laughing…: you want me to help you pack your bags????!!!” it’s true we are all fucking immigrants the only real americans are indians!! so wtf is this racism all about what the fuck is up with this world!!!!! shit man its just shit!!

  112. Melissa says:

    You’re all illiterate, government-mooching pieces of shit. You not only need to go back to where you came from, no one will ever accept you LOL, stop having children and bleeding the United States of money and resources to help white families that actually need it. You’re fucking liars, this applies to all you anchor babies as well, if you or your parents really came over here for work, in the southern states alone, you wouldn’t cost the government 11 – 22 million dollars in welfare, food stamps, WIC etc. Fucking jokes. Nasty, greasy fucking jokes. You will ALWAYS be the minority, so get use to it. We don’t want you here.

    • Precilla says:

      So Melissa why do you have a Mexican name? Were your parents dumb stupid fucks or were they doing incest all drugged up when thay had you at the age of 10? seriously get the fuck over it you are also an imigrant only NATIVE INDIANS are AMERICAN you dumb piece of shit! AND yes whites do rape more and their breaths always smell like onions! dirty people they are!

      • Oh,okthen says:

        Really Precilla? The worst comeback you could come up with was that white people’s breath stinks, and that they are dirty? Who do you hang out with?

  113. Lea says:

    I think you all should go to Church, Talking about killing and hate. I am a Legal Mexican, I grew up in America. I am not proud of the Mexican government I hate it; but I love my culture and as far as I know, there is no incest whatsoever. I also love the American culture. I am a Registered Nurse in the Army, I love helping people and being apart of this wonderfull country; I just don’t like it when people are racist to me when I am in Afganistan, helping soldiers and fighting for America. I am proud to be both.

  114. David says:

    “mexicans” killed, raped, stole mexico from indians. Indians in mexico burn mexican flags and hate mexicans as much as Americans do. You are white, there is no such thing as a latino or mexican race. America is a modern day version of ancient Rome so what destroyed Rome slowly ??? Germanic immigration, the army/navy/police/civil services became german and so eventually rome fell. In America with the flood of latino immigration (legal and illegal) is slowly destroying America. The intelligence level is going down, the ability level is going down, the culture of America is stagnating. Every single other immigrant group assimilates and adds something but latinos only add strippers, whores (marriage means nothing to a latina), prostitutes, pimps, murderers, rapists, thieves, underground black market economy, etc. The english language is degenerating because latinos refuse in general to learn it properly. Read what Romans said about germans and how it was ruining Rome and you will see an exact duplicate of what happened there happening here in America. This is not racial since latins are white, it’s not ethnic since latins are from all ethnic groups, this is cultural- latin culture is backwards and low-class and for a culturally superior country to absorb so much lower-class, uneducated people (I don’t mean a piece of paper, actual intelligence) is virtually impossible without it itself becoming lower. The same reason Mexico does not care for central american immigration (legal or illegal) for example. The final point is about the “hard-working mexican/latin” that is an absolute lie, all cultures have lazy, shiftless people. Proud, intelligent Mexicans don’t sneak into other countries illegally, they work hard in their own country.Also, I wrote this fast so please excuse writing errors.

    • Nuffink says:

      You talk as if this were some kind of game of thrones. Bro, chill you are not Rome, America is not even close to accomplishing what Rome accomplished, because Rome took over vast amounts of land, something that I hope you don’t do. Roman soldiers raped the women they found in the villages they invaded and pillaged the villages. It was different times dude. How are hard working Mexicans supposed to work in a country where there aren’t enough jobs? With an enormous crime rate and knowing their children might have drug problems and might end up in a cartel or having problems with one? Those problems don’t apply to America. They move to America the simplest and fastest way they can find, and then work hard to get the money to buy food to support his/her families and have shelter. That is what hard working Mexican immigrants do, Mexico is broken deal with it. And if hard working people go to America how can that damage America. The problem is with the rapists, drug dealers and such illegal immigrants. I do not include them in the hard working group so I don’t care if they are not allowed into America, in fact, I’d rather prefer it. The final point is that not all countries are plotting to take over the “great America”. Boy stop watching the tv and get a sense of what is actually going on, this is not some secret plot of the bilderbergs it’s just people trying to get a better life. Wish you the best!

  115. vico says:

    I Totally Agree.


      I don’t. …………………./´¯/)
      ……..(‘(…´…´…. ¯~/’…’)
      ……….”…\………. _.·´

  116. Vincent says:

    My thoughts on this are, I don’t particularly ‘hate’ Mexicans but first of all, they come into America, (illegally.), Steal jobs from us citizens, Make us go into poverty, then here in places like Nevada, they expect US to learn Spanish! NO FUCK THAT. YOU PUSSIES ARE TO POOR TO GET A VISA? THEN AT LEAST LEARN ENGLISH! FUCKING DICK HEADS.

  117. GG says:

    I’m sick and tired of all of these MexiCAN’Ts. Where are the MexiCANs?

  118. Freakadoshiz says:

    I hate both of ya, whites and mexicans,
    Fuckin border bunnies need to go back to their own country and stop trying to be black. Most annoying thing in the world is when a dirty fuckin Beaner think it’s ok to say “nigga”
    White people are the most ignorant people in the world. Dumbasses think they own everything. Get over yourselves

    • Brendan G. says:

      “White people are the most ignorant people… think they own everything.”
      Well, we DID invent just about everything (except for things like certain forms of music, cooking, religion ect. that only take a caveman’s level of intelligence to create.)
      Also, you non-whites REALLY like money, why? (It’s got white men’s faces all over it!)

      • Oh,okthen says:

        And technically, white people are the ones with the most money, so they kind of do own everything.

      • Nuffink says:

        They do not own everything. I fucking swear people here make me feel like we are in some kind of game of thrones or some BULLSHIT like that. You do not own everything, in fact you don’t own shit, you proved that when you posted the comment. Wish you the best!

  119. Brendan G. says:

    Why are people down on white “rednecks”? It’s a title I’d wear proudly (if I weren’t an intellectual type who doesn’t fit in well with them.) At least they aren’t a bunch of soft, emasculated, self-hating weaklings like white liberals.
    A white supremacist is just like your typical Mexican or black… HE PUTS HIS OWN PEOPLE FIRST. What the FUCK is wrong with that?

    • Nuffink says:

      WRONG question. What the FUCK is wrong with YOU? You are most definitely not an intellectual type, you are a delusional retard. Sorry to break it to you, but in Europe most people hate american rednecks much more than Mexicans. What is wrong with white supremacists? Well let’s think, maybe they want to kick everyone that isn’t like them out? Blacks don’t wanna do that. Maybe it’s because they think they are better than anyone different from them? Jews don’t think that. Oh I have it, maybe it’s because they think they were chosen by god and are the only pure people! For fucks sake there is a lot wrong with white supremacists. Luckily there aren’t many people like them in the world, and those that are white supremacists are hated by almost everyone in power, and almost everyone in the whole world. You should really get your IQ tested, with your amazing intellectual type you maybe have an IQ of 90 🙀. Well I’ll just be reading it with my IQ of 161 😜. Wish you the best!

  120. Diane says:

    everyone is gonna die someday and when we die then what ? hmm god made us all this all a test he is giving us and look at you people hating on one another whats wrong with u all u !!! i love every single type of race i have soo many friends white latinos asians indians blacks and we all get along really well….. u shoul all get to know one another mexicans aren’t that bad i mean everyone is here in the united states for a reason either cause we were born here or because we came to work , who cares you live your life while they live theirs !!! we need less racism in the world !!!!! <3

  121. Chelly says:

    Hmm..Im not going to say that white people suck and all that shit because my best friend is White and I’m Mexican. I have nothing against any race. I believe everyone is equal. It’s sad when people talk shit about other races. Why can’t we all get along? If people would learn to get along, the world would be a better place. Try not to be judgmental. Nobody in MY family has ever raped anyone. Or killed or gone to jail. My family is LEGAL here. I was born legal. Not every Mexican is ‘bad’. No one is perfect. No RACE is better or PERFECT.


    Hey, I’m kinda Mexican (I was raised in Mexico and my parents are Mexican.) but I was born in Canada. I just want to let you know that if you are from Utah, the south of Arizona, California, Texas or New Mexico, you are Mexican. US citizens invaded what was Tejas, nowadays Texas, which was part of Mexico. If it wasn’t for Mexicans you wouldn’t be here, since most of the Native Americans in the old US got inspired by the Aztecs and Olmecs. After they became more civilized they invaded present day Texas, California, New Mexico, Utah, and some parts of Arizona. So basically Mexicans wanna get their land back. And not every Mexican is illegal. Do you know El Santo? He’s not illegal. Bruno Mars? Half mexican. Texas? Mexico. Half of the US was part of Mexico. I can’t believe you guys are saying this about us :'(

    • Oh,okthen says:

      You are the first comment that is somewhat true, but I don’t think it comes down to wanting to get land back. Colonization happens; look at Israel. You are right that not every Mexican is illegal, but many I have met are which angers me a bit because I would rather have them take the correct channels and immigrate legally. I don’t know El Santo or Bruno Mars. Are these people famous for something?

      • Alex Goodman says:

        Completely agree. God made us all equal and we all deserve to be treated equally without any racism. And yes- for those of you who wish to argue- calling everyone in one race “dirty pieces of shit” is constituted as racism.

  123. jose worker says:

    Fuck all you old pedophile christian white skinned scum. I’ll skin your ass alive anyday without remorse. If I ever see any of you poor ass welfare loving white bums I will not hesitate to snap off your neck.

    • Oh,okthen says:

      Jose, the pedophiles you are probably thinking of are in Europe. If you want to bring religion into it, take a look at most Central American countries. Almost everyone converted to Christianity or Catholicism when the Spaniards came around and gave up what they originally believed. What does that say about your people? They are innately weak minded and easily manipulated into idiotic ideas. The welfare loving bums are not generally white folks. Take a look at the correct statistics. You are wrong.

  124. White guy says:

    All I’m gonna say is: I wanda productive propone in my country. That is all.

  125. ed says:

    Fuck you ignorant motherfucker

  126. D says:

    Don’t worry Mexicans, these Rednecks should be called “Whitenecks” because they don’t work a day in the sun, this will probably prompt these hillbillies to start slapping their necks before going to the bar to get that authentic redneck look. But its fake they’re posers, they’ll probably just go fishing more or tan on top of their trailers. If you guys are listening you are the backbone of America, get your children an education. These hicks don’t send their kids to do anything in college except to party to become forest rangers. What the hell is a forest ranger going to do better the American economy? Nothing.

    • Oh,okthen says:

      Have you looked at the Hispanic population in Ivy League Universities? I am positive it is low. Who do you think works on Wall Street (speaking of the economy)? It is generally white men in suits. Who becomes a forest ranger? Where do you live? Your comment is ridiculous.

  127. Naomi says:

    You white fuckers make me laugh! Do you not realize we are the reason why this place is fucking successful! You fuckers are all mothafucking lazy! You niggas won’t do shit and won’t work for shit! We don’t give a fuck if you pay us minimum wage we will still do a job! A job is a Fucking job and we got fucking balls unlike you guys! Fucking white racist mothafuckers!!!! Y’all aint shit and never will! Keep hating we ain’t going anywhere! :)))))) VIVA MEXICO!!! :D

    • Oh,okthen says:

      Naomi….Mexicans haven’t made America successful. I hate to break it to you, but you are completely off with that comment. Many immigrants do crap work because that is all they can do. No one LIKES getting paid minimum wage. I don’t know if I would be proud of that. And, if you are so proud of Mexico, then go back. No one is keeping you here. I hate to say it, but when you are talking about white people and saying “Y’all aint shit,” I have to differ because if you look at the old money in the U.S., it is owned by white people. I am not saying that it is right, but if you are going to start an argument or make bold statements, you should be a bit more on point.

  128. Oh,okthen says:

    As far as the many white people on here ranting….please represent yourself better with concise, thorough, and spell-checked paragraphs because right now, many of you just sound like idiots, and I am white, so it is a bit of a disgrace reading what you have to write.
    NOT that it is any better with many of the hispanics here who obviously don’t have a grasp on the English language either -and I believe immigrants should learn the language of the country they are planning on living in, legally or illegally, if only out of respect.

    • Nuffink says:

      Some hispanics (like me) know how to write pretty well in English (not all) but we mostly just text and stuff like that using slang such as i c u an stuf (I am aware that is crap.)

  129. Jess says:

    All of the illiterate dumb fuck piss-ant beaners commenting here really aren’t helping their case by uh…well speaking.

    • umad says:

      what a sad little man you are jess. Illiterate means you cant read you dumbshit. If they cant read, how do they know what this says? Oh, and i hope you know the mexicans were in america before anyone else. White people came from england, so i guess you could say your the illegal immigrants. It really makes me mad to see such poor excuses for people in this world. I am a mexican, and i am a doctor. Mexico does seem to be a crappy countr, but it is actually very rich. The only problem is that the riches arn’t spread fairly. Oh and to the people planning on the nazi hitler thing, i dont know, i cant read redneck. Most of the u.s. army is mexican, so if you try anything, your ass is grass. just to let you know.

      • StopBeingIgnorant says:

        All of you are fucking STUPID. I am white, Full white, and I would never change that, but listen, I am 13, and you adults…sound so fucking ignorant, now here is my side, Yes! mexicans that are illegal piss me off! but not enough to the point where I want to kill them? now, I’m not trying to bring some disney bullshit and say let’s all be friends, I’m trying to show you through a childs’ point of view how stupid you sound, yes, they have fucked our economics, but you act as if they’re the whole reason? America-No the WORLD is a big place. And I bet you wouldn’t want to be a nazi if you were white but your’ sister Mexican? Look. All I’m saying is Mexicans, Stop being dumb fuckers, learn, and stop being “Thugs 4 life”. It’s fucking stupid, and all it’s gonna do is get you laid and some fatass chonga to spit out a baby…and WHITE PEOPLE. stop being so fucking ignorant! yes I understand your frustration due to the lack of respect/intelligence of SOME mexicans. But I think you should rethink how you say it. and NO I’m not going to get into some bullshit religion shit. Becuase it’s stupid.

  130. IvyMind says:

    I am a college educated, well informed person and I still hate mexicans. I live in Los Angeles and every neighborhood is turning into a Mexican hood. Unless you make $100,000+ a year and can afford to live in Beverly Hills you have no choice but to be surrounded by disrespectful Mexicans. What I will never understand is that they can’t afford to feed or cloth their children (which I ultimately have to pay for with my taxes through welfare) but they can somehow acquire a state of the art sound system to blast out the entire neighborhood with mexican mariachi music 24/7. I am guessing the sound system is stolen, probably from my car that was broken into a few months ago. I also cannot walk down the street without being whistled, yelled, or honked at. I am basically harassed by Mexicans in all aspects of my life. Their dirty mouthes and meandering eyes even harass me at work. They should know their place and know to not speak to me. Come to think of it, when I was robbed at gunpoint the perpetrators were mexicans. Even driving down the street they make me late to work by constantly crossing the street against right lights or when there even isn’t a light at all. What really pisses me off is seeing a young, pregnant women walking down the street hand in hand with about 6 other of her mexican babies. As I am writing this I am reminded of a million other things. About 6 month ago I was standing at an intersection talking to some friends waiting for the light to turn and all of a sudden….BAM….a truck smashes into the light post 4 feet away from us. What music is blasting from his stereo? Mariachi mexican music. He opened his door in a drunken stupor and a pile of empty Coronas come falling out and a full pack is sitting on his passenger seat.

    I think I could go on and on with examples of why I hate mexicans.

    • Greg says:

      I know how you feel bro :(

    • floresfloresflores says:

      Well I am not here to go back and forth w- everyone on here, but first your a woman. Let me say that I relate to you in every way when a man looks at you like hes going to devour your body. Its a disgusting feeling. Its disrespectful and unsettling. I too am an educated woman, who has family living in Tustin,Irvine and Anaheim, Whittier and SF. So I know those places well I grew up in Covina. Now. . . I live in Western Europe. I can say that racial profiling isnt just among the cops, I know what you see. Ive seen it too, but (and thats a big but) it is not acceptable to be “educated” and proclaim whilst judging an entire race. This is because you have had less negative encounters as the amount of mexicans that actually exist in the US. So that wouldnt be an educated answer would it? You dont know every Mexican in the US do you? So you cant simply put a staple on all of them that the women are w- ten kids on welfare and they used all their food stamps to buy big stereo systems? Whatever they choose to do with their money is their business. I know California well, if you wanna live in a nicer area you have to move. California is a hard place to live in first off but the moment you start stereotyping and hating races, you look sound and become the idiot. Dont be. Youre a woman first and let me just leave you with one thing. Ive been to Italy and Spain . . Turkey, Greece, Rio De Janiero. . the men are the same. So its not just Mexicans. Men from the Middle East as well are always cat calling, treating me like a second rate person because I have breasts and a vagina. So wise up girl. Focus on something better more positive. You need a new place, let me know. My former sister in law is a real estate agent. Just change your perspective. You want information, I can give it to you.

    • To every educate homo on this page.You morons this is a public page not gramma test,lol….did they rape yooooou….????OMG..Because most of white guys are homo.and they like it admit it you white are fuking tuff… But you like…it.mmmmmmm ooo mexica lover,or I will send you

  131. darwin lopez says:

    I’m here because my country poor..why you hate
    we people too. you white sucking dicks…go fuck off

  132. tupadre says:

    u guys think we are a buisness man, i own 2 restaurants and make over 120k a year and i graduated from college with a bachelors in buisness.white people are just mad because we are taking over the country im also a former jr golden gloves boxer so no fucken trailer trash ever fucks with me or else!!

  133. shit says:

    and this is why half the world hates the u.s….

  134. Saly says:

    I don’t have a problem with any race. I just have problems with illegal immagrants that comes here and say “Why should I learn to speak english when there’s always someone around here that can interpret whatever I say?” And then they have this idea that it’s only right for all Americans to learn their language instead. I mean if its gonna be like that then might as well stay go back to where they came from. My best friend is Mexican and she says the exact same thing. We’ve talked about it too and we both agree that those people that believe that they’re too good to learn english in America can just go back to where they came from. people like that just makes the rest of us look bad; especially with my best friend, she’s mexican and I’m not and I think that mexican americans that are legal here has that bad reputation because of the illegal immagrants that think they can just walk accross the boarder and just be fine. My best friend’s family came here legally and got here the right way and we don’t think it’s fair that her family worked so hard to get here and those assholes can just walk the fuckin’ boarder like it’s a crossroad; that just makes it harder for my best friend’s family to get a decent reputation. I agree with her, she has a right to be angry at that. It’s a difficult situation. I mean, it’s not only with Mexicans, it’s also other race from other countries that comes here and think they can get away with it. It’s annoying.
    I don’t know why you guys are arguing about who was here first. It was neither whites or mexicans that was here first. It was Indians that was here first. The english were the ones that kicked them out of the land and than after that the mexicans joined the party. The way I see it, both races has something to be ashamed of. Just sayin.

    • floresfloresflores says:

      Well first off, you spelled “immagrants” and its “immigrants” just want to point that out. Now you seem like youve got a worthy point, however you seem young(very) and a little too young to understand the complexities under why people actually come to America. Its not your friends fault that her family has a bad reputation, why because ignorant people stereotype her and her family as all being “illegals” come on?! Let stupid people BE exactly what they are . . STUPID. This is why you (and your friend) have to rise above that. Trayvon might have been killed by a stupid person that already had preconceived notions of who he thought he was that night. He killed a young man for it. So lets take a moment to remember that indifference is what causes these things to happen. Your friend shouldnt be angry at anyone or her family, because they should be jumping for joy. . . They got their permanent citizenship to the US. Thats lucky for them. Because people risk their lives and the lives of their children cramped in cars that either they are left behind in, massed murdered or they are trafficked into sex trade and human slavery. These people so desperately want a better life that they will throw their lives in the lions mouth to beat insurmountable odds in which are AGAINST them w- an almost 1% chance theyll actually make it across the border. Their mere existences in places like Chile, Argentina, Mexico, Honduras, Equador are thirdworld to say the least. They have no food no money, beyond poverty these people suffer. You and your friend are NOT one of them. None of the people on this site are the suffering. Those suffering do not have internet, or an education more likely they are finding something to eat. So lets put this into perspective. You need to pay more attention in school. “INDIANS” are from India. Native Americans are from American, natively.

  135. daniel says:

    im full blooded apache from the northern state of chihuahua,mexico an i wish both Mexico and the U.S. would give us our piece of land back like the lands my grandfather used to talk about…

  136. Caucasian Mexican says:


  137. yessica says:

    Fucck you all for saying you hate Mexican we don’t like u too

  138. Lola says:

    Whatever. I see a lot of races get along around here. We’re not dirty so back off? You’re retarded for fighting over the Internet by capslocking the hell out of each other.
    Not all mexicans are illegal , probably only where you live… Get a life. Get some talent.
    Learn to type correctly mister “cop”. Stop swearing to win an argument.
    We will become a lot more successful then racists anyway.
    Racist people will be begging me for a job in the future. LMAO.
    Yes I am Mexican american. My family is all legal.

    • IHATEmexicans says:

      No bitch, your not mexican AMERICAN, your a dumb fucking cunt beaner that came to America. Thats right AMERICA is way better than mexico

  139. Cassie says:

    Geez so many fights. Calm down people. No one even owns America, we’re all foreigners. Native Americans were there first.

  140. mixted says:

    fucking white americans im white mexican and i hate all those fucking racist you should be burn to dead

    • Mexicant says:

      Oh by the way. Beans stick. Especially their feet. Why won’t they just take a shower once a day? And quit stealing shit. And put a condom on your teenagers. They are going to overpopulated us until we have to start building rafts and floaties to send them home on. And tell your cousins to shave those shitty hairs off their face. Ya that and learn some English and Algebra, Dumb Cunts!

  141. texan713 says:

    when illegals dont file their tax returns the goverment keeps the money stupid. If it were’nt for white people hiring mexicans they wouldn’t take your job. so your really getting fucked by your own people. You probably got your ass kicked by a mexican and can’t get over it. Your pathetic

  142. JAMAL says:


    • Mexcian Killer says:

      Lol Nice come on nigger Ill say it to your face. But u dont have the money to get even a bus pass to Texas so I can say it to your nigger ass mexican loving face.

      • yurmom says:

        oh i have the money, why wont you email ke your adress so i can go there and you can kindly say it yo my face

  143. iHateStupidSwineAssMexicans says:

    mexicans are the reason why i wanted to blow up my old school!i work my ass off everyday in that school and as soon as 8minorities show up there all of a sudden they want to change the school lunch to chicken gizzerts and apple cider juice?? what fucking mexican eats that bullshit?!? my parents were outraged and so was my friends and i….not to mention i have to sit close to the window in the back of my englis class now…if you look out you will see a shadow that looks like someone is getting raped or stabbed…i havent been at that seat since the 9th grade…fucking god i hate those mexican swines!!!!

  144. Kira says:

    You all are idiots. Everyone resorts to insult and threats. Everyone shows “evidence” to downgrade another color. Some of your arguments are not even valid No one decides to just drop it. For what? Defending these so called “Race” just so they aren’t inferior? Protecting others of your skin? What does that accomplish? Nothing. It just continues the cycle of hatred, harboring pain and misery. You humans are pitiful, weak, and simple minded. Clinging on to your “pride”. Disgusting human trash… this whole world is simply worthless. I wouldn’t be surprised if you started a nuclear war and killed all of you or that 2012 thing wipes all of you pathetic humans of the face of the Earth. In fact, that would even cleanse the world of this… filth. This… hatred. This …disease, known as Mankind or Human Nature.

  145. An Asian tired of mexicans says:

    I’m Filipino and I hate it when mexicans think I speak Spanish which really pisses me off!! you could be white and have a tan and they think your one of them. In America, we speak English and let’s keep it that way!

  146. Guys stop hating…..were all born equal just chill out

  147. Oh and this is a question for all these mexican defenders out here, how did you get here did you have a life or do you just go around and defend people all day like a bunch of lazy bums? Just asking and i got here since i got bored and typed random stuff :D

    • yurmom says:

      well my mom brought me here when i was barly a coupke months old,ive lived here for 16 years now, so of course im gonna disagree with this since some ilegal immigrants didnt have a say in anything….but even then racists treat us like criminals….a border patrol officer took away my milk and foid and i almost died of starvation….you have no idea how hard it is for some of us…what if you were vrought here ilegaly from fukin tiawan or were ever the fuk your from….it wasnt your fualt right?but racists fuks want u to go back even though u were raised american? think about that…

  148. NOOBZ PLZ SHUT DA HECK UPZ NUBZ haha just kiddinz yall

  149. Rachel Jimenez says:

    Haha this is really funny to readXD I’m white and Mexican so honestly I can’t say anything but really why make racist comments? It doesn’t help anything or anyone it just keeps people going….. We are all equal inside and out if you tear a person right open you will see the same exact things, I’m glad we have different types of people, it’s what makes our world go round

  150. Greg says:

    It deppends on where you live, the mexicans in some places are really nice and some in other places aren’t. Say if you live in a low income city filled with mostly migrants and paid labours, chances are you might find yourself moving into a ghetto part of town where the views of those few may vary. I’m white and grew up in a mostly mexican town i have no ill will twards any of them, only at the ones who ask me stupid questions like (Hay, hay, do you live around here?) or (where you from?) If im walking around here dumbshit then YES i do. The gang banger’s that give alot of them bad names are the ones i hate. Infact i hate any and all retards from any race who join gangs just because they don’t know how to make it in life, or have the brains nor the balls to get out of one, that and sterotyping other white’s as well as those banger’s/retard’s linking me in to being a nazi just because i’m white, then they have NO right to judge me or anyone else that walks down a street minding his/her own business. So the stupid low life pricks who flash their signs all day with nothing to do while listening to their RAP “Retards . Attempting . Poetry” are the ones who piss me the fuck off and need to grow the fuck up!. Not mexican people in general who come here legally and really do want a good life and make good.

  151. Greg says:

    Oops i meant depends XD

  152. John says:

    Raping little white girls all the way to Mexico rules! And so does dog bobble head…

  153. Brown ppl takin over america bitchesss says:

    haha u white ppl make paper feel bad haha oohh so u think u is tougher than us huh? come live here in texas and we will fuck ur fat lazy asses yall just jealous bcuz the brown people r takin over america and u cant do anything about it bitchess and get da fuck out of amrrica bcuz this belongs to the brown and the native americans and go bak to england yall white crackers dont belong here and so wat if we r having lots of kids dat means there will b more brown ppl and yall cant do nutin about it!! silly gringos lol!!!!

  154. Brown person 69 says:

    sounds like the hilbily is mad, go fuck your mom and sister before you start taking out your moms ass, from what i fucked, white bitches are fucking smelly ass nasty hair cousin fucking hamburger eating whoes. white guys don’t even know what a shower is. England and its ugly white bitches is in the other side of the world, start leaving hilbilys before you get the erg to fuck your sisters or mom again, all the white people in my area are dirty lazy fat smelly people, there lawn is all dead like there ford trucks,

  155. Megan says:

    Some of you guys are racist haven’t you ever taught these people do everything for you, Like they make your food get there, or mow your land, and they work way harder than you because they don’t want to get sent back to their homeland, maybe you do hate them but i’m white and think the deserve a chance even if we don’t like them were all equal in the end. The only reason they take the jobs from us is they want to work in something and not be LAZY people. But in the end its my opinion and that what i think about Mexicans, they all deserve a chance some Mexicans are smart enough yea they take our stuff but they make the USA economy better. If you come to think about it Mexicans help us a lot. They pick our fruit with no offense i would never do that in my whole life, getting dirty and icky no thanks that why Mexicans do all those dirty jobs, in the end if you don’t like them don’t make them fell bad have’n you ever been taught that don’t do something you’ll like someone to do to you just think about it.

    • floresfloresflores says:

      Youre a smart girl. :o) You make the world a better place. I know that it sounds like a bunch of idiots on here bantering at one another but just remember that your way of thought is the way it should be. Those people picking our fruits and vegetable risk their lives and their childrens lives earning a measly wage working 14+ hours in harsh weather conditions. They are sprayed with pe sticides and all sorts of things that they will pay for at our expense. These people easily degrade the Mexicans in this country working their asses off for a better life while we cry because our gas it too high. They pour their blood sweat and tears into making this country better. Because thats what they do. Statistics show that the illegal immigrants that have been granted citizenship in this country have an extremely high voting percentage. They actually are eager and WANT to pay taxes. Because they so desperately want to be part of society. The best arsenal for your army is your mind young woman. :o) That is what we walk away with. These stupid rants dont hurt me, because I know that I am not weak. Nor are you. :o9

  156. Pizzaboy13 says:

    I fucking hate spics and (beaners). They always think they can stand in the hallways while we all have to go around them. They look so ugly, I’m not kidding. That’s why they say, don’t give a sharpie to a fucking Mexican or you know what…. I hate these pole vaulters, we should make a huge wall by the border and the rest of the Mexicans should be personal servants to the rest of the Americans and American immigrants. I love all American immigrants expect those dirty Mexican wetbacks! Paint my house and mow my lawn, bitch!

    • Greg says:

      As a white guy i think we are still very capable of painting our own houses and mowing are own lawns, i don’t know why we’ve got so lazy to do these kind of things that are so simple. Lets take back the jobs they slack off on. And DMZ the border, minefield, cluster bombs, fire trenches, electric fence 100ft high, gaurd towers (they WON’T be making any 101ft lader after that) and the like.

  157. Alberto says:

    Hahahaha fuckin white people, keep working ya fucking asses off till ya fucking wither away and decease while we get all ur hard earned tax money. Also, ya were the ORIGINAL immigrants and ya r the original cockroaches stupid murderers. Lmao and we’re the incest ones?? Y do people think of white trash rednecks when people mention inbred retards and a nasty ass atraction to their dam sisters? And u wanna kno y u cant just fight one of us? Becuz we actually have eachothers back as a race and will kick any fuckin bodys ass if they question that. And how tha fuck are we rapists? Thats all on the individual not as a whole race stupid asses. Ill give it 2 years befor u find out your daughter has been fuckin a mexican cuz we r the sexiest race hahaha, fuckin pig, i guarantee your fat as fuck and love them dunkin donuts. Go die of a heart attack or stroke.  Stupid fuckin wack ass cop.

    • Ammo says:

      And you dumbasses wonder why the cops always come after you first. My only real problem is if they have to shoot your smelly asses save the top of the line gold dot round for a real human and use the cheap ass shit for the spics

  158. Brian says:

    You’re right about us white people being immigrants. You’re right that this place which is now the United States was not originally ours. Here’s where that argument doesnt mean shit. After we slaughtered the indigenous personnel that we found here, this place became ours. We stuck our flag in the ground, and said “This is mine”. We gathered up the rest of the insurgency, placed them on reservations, and to this day we watch the die-off. Just like we took Texas, California and parts of Arizona and New Mexico from you people. So you can cry all you want about who this place used to belong to, but quite simply it is now ours. That is what happens when you lose. The American Indians are gone. The parts of Mexico that you lost to us belongs to us now. Maybe you shouldnt have lost EVERY significant engagement if you wanted to keep that land.

    • Greg says:

      Yep, if it wasn’t for us whites they would all be living in mud huts and tin shacks. And we made the land more better looking, so if they want it they will have to go through a ready and willingly militia to do it. Plus reagan gave nearly 3 million of them roaches a home both the legal and illegal ones. Mistake #1, #2 was NAFTA, when are our shithead leaders/politicians ever going to wake TFU and realise that? ps if we hadn’t rounded up the indians there would probably be civil war today between them and the mexicans. So they owe us.

  159. mexico rules says:

    american suck dick, u will see in a few years madafackas

  160. anonymous says:

    Ok, please! Everyone listen up! Especially you dirty Mexicans! You are not a “race”, you are a nationality dumbasses! So this is NOT a racist issue! Its a nationality issue! So do not play the racist card, because when we criticize you its not racist, its simply an opinion of a nasty ass, fucking disgusting nationality!

  161. GM-8887 says:

    WOW, what a shame… you all are a disgrace to God and to the world… fighting about who’s better and who’s not. Nobody is better than anybody. you all are the same, you call a human being a rat, dirty, well it all comes back to you. Sadly this one comment can’t make a difference, but it is my opinion. America is a place, that spoils it’s citizens too much and this is the outcome of it… stuck-up disgraceful, rude, American’s who think they are better than everyone… I am an American myself and I grew up traveling the world I have lived in every country in this world, and I have come to understand that every race is beautiful in its own ways. I have seen starvation, corruption, slavery the worst, all around the world, except America… maybe you people should experience some of those horrible things to understand, that you are no better.

    • floresfloresflores says:

      Here here, I concur. You may not make a difference, but I want to show that indifference makes no progress. Humanity before Hatred and that I support your opinion. However small it may be for both of us. :o) You are the kind of people that make America what it is. Diverse. Some people want to hold us back from being that place where all kinds come together as one. An entire melting pot of all kinds of races ethnicities and backgrounds. Thats what makes America, not one face. It wouldnt be the truth. Always seek the truth :o)

    • Ammo says:

      How are the Mexicans beautiful? The y smell like fake perfume. Their women not all but most are trolls, their food makes everyone shit and they want our social security and other benefits, they want to rob pillage and rape so they can have some control. I think we should nuke them all and from the ashes build the worlds largest wal-mart. And the rest need to be sterilized to prevent more contamination of the gene pool? Bleach anyone?

  162. floresfloresflores says:

    Man I think it was a clear mistake to rummage upon this piece of trash. Couldnt muster enough brain cells on autopilot to stomach the rest of this guys “rant.” Its unfortunate the kind of people who actually read and like this ridiculous idiocy. Why cant racist rants at least come off the slightest bit intelligent, without cursing and girlish namecalling as if we were all a bunch of teenage girls slap fighting?!! Can you grow some “cahones” and actually write something worth reading?? Like Hmm lets see. . . why cant illegal immigrants pay taxes??! Hm I dont know, first because theyre illegal so that wouldnt work out would it? However, there should be provisions in law that allow immigrants to pay taxes if they live here upon impending citizenship requests. Apparently this guy writing (if you want to actually call it writing, I would say its dumbassing*(tm)) has lived most of his life with a lack of good education and the tools to formulate a sentence. This indeed is a shame, that the actual “American” writing this whatever race color or creed he may be, writes worse than my nina who certainly cannot speak english that well. But she sure as heck write better than this guy. What a joke! Please people, if youre reading at least my post, I hope you get a good laugh at this. Its hatred that breeds hatred. We are all human beings, bottom line. The government has set up borders, but in humanity there are none. No borders to seperate who is better than who because you have eyes , ears, nose, mouth and the most powerful of all your brain. Which is used for one thing, education. Try it sometime. Education actually might bring to light that while Native Americans were the first to be in America where do you think they migrated from? Thats Right. . . MEXICO & S. America. It was European settlers that came and claimed it. Otherwise we wouldnt be having this conversation. Your european ancestors wouldve stayed where they were, died off from Black Plague or perhaps Syphillis and your Race wouldve been far from where it is today in America. It wouldve turned out a whole lot different if they didnt take in African slaves for money and killed many of my ancestors to further their own interests in colonization. So dude, get off your miniscule soap box and open a book. It might be hard since you may not read so well, but try it sometime. You may actually figure out what a complete moron you are. I am Mexican American and in honor of my race VIVA LA RAZA!

    • Greg says:

      Mexican is NOT a “race” numbnuts, its a culture. second La Raza is a terrorist orginazation (that should be defunded) like the KKK and black panthers, they use fear, murder, and intimidation to get their lude points across. And thirdly NO one is getting their land back so you can forget about that. Plus if it wasn’t for white people your infrastructure would be shit looking.

      • floresfloresflores says:

        Are you kidding me? You correct me? Just to incorrectly correct me. I am sorry that I mislead you to believe that Mexican is a race, because although I explain it to be one. . . it is a simpler (for the common plebeian) to refer the Mexicans as a race. Because there is a huge diversity of races within Mexico it didnt make for a discussion on my former post, now that you are pointing this out, I will explain. Mexico of course was invaded, not only that but the Indigenous people of the more coastal areas got around, much like the Vikings (with less pilgrimage of course) they traveled. So with that being said, there were a lot of different (mailny European) settlers that came to M. If youve actually ever Been to Mxco then you would know that the people are as diverse as they are in United States. This is for one reason: According to statistics it would show that the national standard for Mexican race today it would be 9%White, 60%Mestizo (Mayan-European descent), 30%Indigenous and 1% other. So w- that being said you need to do your research buddy, because playing idiot isnt a good look. IF ANYTHING Mexican is a Nationality before thought to be a race, so if you correct me at least CORRECT me! I am humble to those deserving of it, if you actually hadve corrected me (which you didnt because youre an idiot) then I wouldve challenged the idea. However you failed to even do that, along with a number of other things. Apparently I need to get a life because wasting on half wits like yourself is just needlessly making me feel smarter. Funny.
        As for my irony on Viva La Raza, I was not gang signing. There was no relation to the gang “La Raza” sorry to disappoint, no affiliation. I do not support terrorists of any kind. & Who brought up the KKK? Seriously, do you wanna do this? So while I end my blog post and my morning coffee on my lovely Mac. . . I want to say, “No YOUUR peoples infrastructure would be shit looking” hehehe. Actually I dont know about that, I mean look at the Mayan calender? Pyraminds of Teotihuacan (dont hurt yourself on that one) and Ive seen Europe, I live in EU so its interesting to mirror those time frames from museums. . I would say that Europeans had sickness and disease for one and spread that a lot along the places in Mexico and Middle America even into Canada. Dont they teach this in school anymore? So Im not too sure where youre getting at w- this one, but Im pretty sure that the Indigenous people of Mexico and Native Americans they were doing fine without anyone. Their infrastructure was working out apparently. . . so anyway. Im bored. Gonna move on. Have a good one, open a book and get smarter :o)

    • Greg says:

      I meant mexican is a nationality, NOT a race.

  163. Ivan says:

    Fuc you mexicans you cannt do anything right! Go back to fucking mexico and dirs you discusting creatures that always yell and your discusting food WHEN EVER ONE OF U FUCKING PIECES OF SHIT ASK ME FOR MONEY O THE STREETS i just laugh and say go to mexico and die! U cant make it here go back u will never belong you guys are too ghetto and stupid!

    • Dawn says:

      I sincerely hope you are joking because I believe that you are seriously misguided. Do you not know how ignorant you sound? You can’t even spell ‘fuck’, ‘can’t’, ‘disgusting’, ‘you’ and ‘on’. Lord, I don’t know how you got out on Kindergarten with that awful spelling and grammar.

      Hunny, you do not belong even on the internet. Now go back to school and learn how to type then TRY and make an intelligent argument, you filthy trash.

  164. thad says:

    I’m married to a latina, 3rd generation here. The only thing I can’t stand is that proud mexican. So proud to be mexican even though they lived here all or most of their life. Yep thats going to get you far. Remember when hundreds were marching with the Mexican flag here!? Wow that was the most stupid thing you can do in another country’s soil. And they love them some welfare, the whole black woman on welfare is NO WHERE NEAR compared to hispanic women on welfare. Come on its just most not all, just be part of the Untied States, learn english, I know its unfair but all of us worthless white people from most parts of europe had to! THE SYSTEM JUST WORKS BETTER WHEN EVERYONE’S ON THE SAME PAGE. Don’t give up your culture, just realize if you want a nice place too… join us. And PLEASE START ASKING FOR HIGHER WAGES! Ya’ll are only causing company owners to gain more profit! Why you guys settle for nickles instead on dollars is beyond me. Maybe try getting a place of your own instead of hauling a bunch of trailers together on less than an acre with 20 different families and have some REAL BILLS TO PAY!

  165. JOHN TALLANT says:


  166. Mickey Jones says:

    I found this site, and thought I would jump in – I hope no-one minds.

    Having said that – I am a white male who was born in Texas (I think I’m a 6th generation Texan), and can trace my family line back to the Battle of San Jacinto – where my great great great grandfather fought under Sam Houston. So, this modern Mexican Invasion has a special meaning to me – its a very bad time to live.

    Now – in all fairness, there were a few Mexicans who fought for the Republic of Texas – so in all due respect, I will attempt to keep the View of racism out of my post.

    The main point of my post however, is the following.

    As I recall, in the year 1997, President Bill Clinton passed N.A.F.T.A – and then later – the W.T.O.

    This was the first stage of what we can now see and understand as the Global event. It would seem, the Global Elite desired a One-World – World as it were: such as a notion that only a few Elites should own the entire world – to include all of the people and resources: I.E. the entire planet – and even the Universe.

    The Mexican invasion – as the main topic can be seen much like the following examples.

    If a Person who enters the United States Illegally – that person is now a criminal — period – there can be no arguement – any person – any decentment – and nationality.

    The problem with Illegal Mexicans – is basically that some 80% of all Illegals entering the United States are from Mexico – and that is a major issue.

    However: as an American Citizen – its hard for me to put all of the blame of the Illegal Mexican – and the reason – It is my Government who has not only allowed this to take place – but actually espoused it.

    Today – Illegal Mexicans can recieve so many types of welfare that they actually make a better living than the average American Citizen – plus many Illegal Mexicans sell Illegal Drugs, and work a low paying job on top of it.

    The Illegal Mexican is destroying the American Working class – but – my question is – should the blame be put on the Illegal Mexican – or on the United States Federal Government – who serves the will of the Global Elite?

    Thank You for reading my Post:

  167. :) says:

    For one your really racist and your probably going to hell. Dont bother writing back a smart ass comment because my e mails fake:)
    For one mexicans do pay taxes. You wouldn’t know because your ignorant as fuck. Secondly quit your bitching and go get a life your wasting your money on a dumb website. And oh Jesus do I feel bad for your poor kids. The environment that they have to live in. Your a bad parent and a racist. You were a cop hmnnn you should of been fired… Mexicans or illegal mexicans may not certain rights but they DO HAVE HUMAN RIGHTS!! These words just seem silly to me. They seem like they came out of a child there for you are immature and a complete idiot! You know nothing of illegals and their culture! You are a shame to your American culture and ashame to the U.S in general!! I hope one day karma makes you realize how much HUMANS matter!! You wouldn’t be racist to a black guy because he would take you out in seconds therefor you’d be the rat running away!! Mexicans are humans and they are beautiful people. You belong in a mental hospital and don’t deserve a family or kids!!

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Greetings Says:
      You say Mexicans have human rights – well, in Mexico they do, or atleast I think they do — but in the United States – an Illegal Mexican has no-rights at-all – atleast in theory.

      The contradiction to that is that in reality – Illegal Mexicans have more rights in the United States than White Americans – this is a fact.

      On any account – “Says”, I was not being rude or dis-respectfull – not all at. I realize the Mexican Beast can-not help being what they are – such as a Criminal who enters the US Illegally – coming into the US and getting invloved in Drug-Pimping Gangs, who not only sells illegal drugs to children – but also steals cars, theives from walmart stores, and take multiple forms of welfare.

      You know – I have heard many Illegals say and tell me — and I qoute – “The Mexican is a very proud Peoples”. Well, how can this be true – how can the Illegal Mexicans say they are proud – and then Enter A Nation as a Criminal – and the Begin Taking Welfare – which is an Unearned Social Program?

      It sounds like to me that Illegal Mexicans are not close to being proud – rather – it sounds like the Illegal Mexicans are a BUM and a BEGGER – begging the United States People for free everything – such as a free place to live, free food, free education, free electrical service – excedra…

      And then on top of everything – after the Illegal Mexican is handed everything free – they are so trashy – the Illegal Mexican get together and form Drug-Pimping Gangs?

      Say – let me ask you this question:

      From the point of view of an Illegal Mexican – do you feel the the white americans should put blame on the Illegal Mexicans – or on the US Federal/ and States Governments?

      Or perhaps – should the white americans put blame on the Global Elite?

      P.S. Let me ask you “Say” – why did you feel that you should use a fake e-mail address? This is only a discussion group – where people publically announce their opinions. Its no big deal.

  168. john says:

    No matter where you come from if you care more about a fantasy world that Mexico puts on its Mexicans over here, then you will not care about the country you actually live in. They feel its not there fault for that country going so corrupt, when it is actually there fault for not standing up. What makes Untied States separate from the rest is that we stand up for our country.(or use to, notice the change when immigration got higher!?) and corruption in the United States seems to peak as well. But I think Mexicans see this US pride and want to stand up for Mexico only they’re doing it here instead of
    there. WHICH MAKES NO SENSE AT ALL! Just stop being Mexican, from Mexico. Just forget about that place you have enough decendants here already! Enjoy your culture here…THATS ALL!

  169. Mickey Jones says:

    Hello Alice:
    No – I’m not of arabic decentment – but that you for asking..

  170. JHA says:

    Dude, this is the best blog fucken ever. Cause it’s fucken all true. I hate god damn fucken Mexicans so fucken much. They invaded California and now all I ever see is fucken dirty stank ass non-educated mexican pieces of fucken trash that just want to procreate and fucken live off of the taxes we have to fucken pay and then cry about not being treated right. Fuck that shit, GTFO out of this country and go back to your fucken hell hoe. Sure there are few of them that aren’t and are a part of society but mass majority are fucken pieces of trash that all need to fucken rot in hell. All the troubles are always caused by these fucken stupid beaners. All of them good for nothing resource stealing scum on the earth. I hope you all fucken die, and get tossed into the river like you should be.

    • Quit Posting Stupid Comments says:

      Some strong words there….I dont hate you though because than I would lower myself just like you and I have way too much respect and dignity too ever do that.
      Everybody has their own opinions but ths is just too much

  171. Quit Posting Stupid Comments says:

    I am proud of being a Mexican and nothing that anybody on here says can change that. I dont hate White or Black or Asian or any other race. Mexicans are in the US and like it or not there is nothing you can really do about it so I suggest you suck it up and quit complaining and whining about it and to all the racist white people on here well you wouldn’t even be living in the US if it were not for the colonists that came to the US for a better life (ex.Pilgrims) but to top it all off they took over all the land that belonged to the Native Americans and that clearly wasn’t enough because you had more nerve to still Texas and California from Mexico…talk about cruelty and greediness so dont complain about Mexican coming to this country for a better life. At least Mexicans dont want to take over the US coast to coast and start wars just because we are greedy as shit

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Well – I think there are many reasons why the white race was able to take half the world – to include both South and North America.

      You see: when people work and learn – it follows that they will advance – this is a very realistic view concerned with modern capitolism: such as an example – just because one starts off working as a laboror – in time, that person will advance mentally, experiences, and learning. In a word, one must EARN their way thru life.

      So – let us take a little trip backward in time – lets say for example: to the year 1000 AD – Europe.

      What would we see taking place during this time and region?

      1. Early metal workings.
      2. Advances in Builing styles – such as early Baroch.
      3. The development of agricultural – on a semi-industrial scale.
      4. Written Languages – Mathmatics.
      5. Shipping.
      6. The most modern weapons in the world.
      7. Early Modern Textiles.
      8. Modern Relious Concepts: Development of Ethics and Morality.

      So on and so on:

      Now compare that list – such as the year and region to lets say South America – or perhaps Africa – and other areas around the world: The point is – the Europeans developed faster – with more Technology – and even more important – the early europeans developed a social structure based on Proper Behavior, with included education/morality/ethics – and other socially accepted behavioral patterns – which are still sought after today.

      So – for the Europeans – taking over North America was a piece of cake – kinda like introducing a wild cat to an island populated by flight-less birds.

      You know – I am being honest – I dislike Mexicans with a passion – but thats my view – and no-one has to carry the same view as I – everyone is entitled to have their own ideas – and thats the way it should be.

      But – the only reason Mexicans have come into the United States is simply because the American people allowed our Government to espouse Illegal Immigration.

      However: if a few hundred Illegal Mexicans were here – it wouldn’t be a discussion – even a few thousand wouldn’t cause a stir – but the main problem is that millions of ILLEGAL MEXICANS have come to the United States – they have taken advantage – formed drug-gangs – began thieving – raping and mrdering american citizens — so on and so on: in a word – Enough is enough.

      Take my word: Changes are comeing to the US – and these changes might just be very harsh.

  172. Quit Posting Stupid Comments says:

    sorry typed wrong….you had the nerve to steal ect.

  173. calob says:

    hahaha u pussy ass mexicans i wanna FUCKING blow your country up im goin to ne the next hitler towards mexicans GOODBYE u bunch of faggot ass dick eaters

    • calob says:

      also i seen in my old highschool art class some mexicans drawing a mexican flag and saying fuck america. u all need to b shot you dirty spic fucks if u hate america why did you FUCKING come to it your MEXICANS not AMERICANS i bet mexico is fucking deserted

      • Greg says:

        Bad things happen when we give them a free education that half of them CAN’T complete.

    • BIG CHRIS says:

      please do. I would totaly be your right hand man. Round up all the mexicans, muslums, and south Americans, put them in a rocket to the moon, then blow up the moon. Whose with me

  174. Mickey Jones says:

    Hello Calob:
    Ya I hear ya – but just take it easy – take it slow – as the day for revenge is on its way. The US economy is just about to fold up – four more years of No”Mama, and it will be.

    Spread the word – know when the time has come – and remember what the Mexicans say – “No Mercy”.

    Every Mexicano that is within the lower 48 — every single one…

  175. fuck you all says:

    waste your time with all of this theyre still people theyre not the only ones that take jobs sooo shut the fuck up im american/mexican and dont judge the food cause if you go to mexico and eat there, you’d loveee it so SHUT THE FUCK UP cause you dont know anything about the country. worry about yourself and dont judge every mexican based on one mexican you’ve seen!!! go to mexico and you’ll see a difference honeyyy! dumbass. lmao. so stop talking shit like you know everything ’cause you dont. “i hear ya!” lmao. stupid ass people these days
    “youre all short and brown and look like shit blah blah blahh” go to mexico and tell me how many of those you seeeeeeeeeeeee. nahh nevermind get me off this fucking planet i dont wanna live here anymore.

    • BIG CHRIS says:

      Your not mexican American. Yes i capitalized that for a reason. Your a fucking beaner in America. And i dont judge all beans because of 1. I go to Tijuana and see millions of beaners, all dirty, standing their trying to sell you their shit, eating nasty ass food with dog meat and god knows what else, trying to mooch money off you, and if you dont give them any they follow you around trying to jack your wallet, with half the population passed out drunk on the sidewalk and the other half going through your wallet and pockets

  176. fuck you all says:

    im sorry if i offended anyone i just i hate “hate” i dont understand why people are like this. get me off this planet i dont wanna be here anymore.

  177. fuck you all says:

    lol @ my name.

  178. Mickey Jones says:

    Greetings: fuck you all says.

    Whats wrong with you – were just having a discussion – no need for becoming so flustard – learn how to think – and explain with logic, rather than just spitting up meaningless verbage – sheeesh.

    I assume your a Mexican – I don’t know you, but your either a Mexican or your just ignorant garabe – but that really doesn’t matter to me.

    You see: The Illegal Mexican has violated the United States – which is not to be seen as a section of land – but as a Peoples: Thus: the Illegal Mexicans have violated the American People – but then again, and on the other hand – so has the American Peoples Government – in an order to Espouse The Greedy Desires of an Elitest class. However, this era is coming to an end – and as such the Illegal Mexicans are in a very bad place/ and or position.

    I can read your tone – and I know how you feel – you feel that your being attack by a bunch of nasty Racists!

    Perhaps some posting here are racists – but even if they are – thats their business – in other words – they have a right to see things anyway they desire. Every race is racist toward different races – outside of their own race – thats normal. What makes the difference is how one acts upon that specific view.

    However: and getting back to the point (I just wanted to LOGICALLY EXPLAIN HUMAN NATURE to YOU) – the point really is:

    Too many Illegal Mexicans (20 Million or so) have come into the United States: and to be honest, that wasn’t enough to make the American people mad – but what made the American People mad can be explained by the outcome of this ILLEGAL INVASION: > as follows.

    1. The Illegal Mexican has un-honorably taken — Un-Earned Welfare from the American People.
    2. The Illegal Mexican is a Criminal – but didn’t stop by simply Illegally Entering the United States.
    2.A. The Illegal Mexican is now involved in.
    2.B. Drug-Pimping and to American Children.
    2.C.Stealing Cars and Trucks from American People – to Sell in Mexico.
    2.D. Illegal Mexican are involved in Gangs – they Rape and Murder American People.
    3. American People have lost to much to the Illegal Mexican: such as jobs, wages, benefits, our rights, educational opportunity: all the while: Taxes are going up as a direct response to the Illegal Mexican.
    4. Illegal Mexicans are known to carry Staff infections – such as MERSA.
    5. Illegal Mexicans PREFER their OWN PEOPLE — just as explained earlier – Meaning: ILLEGAL MEXICANS are Known Racist.
    6. Illegal Mexicans are Pushy and Rude.
    7. Illegal Mexicans want others to see them as a peoples who are PROUD – but the facts show the opposite: as the Illegal Mexican is a Begger and a Bum: asking for a free life, such as UN-EARNED welfare.
    8. Illegal Mexicans produce a so-called ANCHOR BABY – which is using a child for their own best interests: Americans find that Offensive.
    9. Illegal Mexicans demand Human Rights in a nation of which they have no stake – meaning: The Illegal Mexican wants to bake their cake and eat it to.
    10. Illegal Mexicans Lie on Applications – such as Military entrance exames – and to Private Companies: this has under-cut the american working class.

    Listen their – Some American People honestly hate the Illegal Mexican – and problems are brewing: it is about to get very ackward lets say.

    My advice to you: Get out while you still can.

  179. our world says:

    The united states doesn’t belong to no one but the native Americans. This is their home land. So I suggest that everone else that’s not a native American and live in the united states and is racist, you should go back to where your ancestors came from before they came to the native Americans homeland. People should stop complaining about how a certain race ruins their lives… Simple as how I’m going to write it.” Go back to where your nationally is from” when u go back trust me there won’t be no more Mexicans, blacks, whites, chinese, Germans, Indian, Iraqi’s…etc to make your life so miserable. I wish that all the people from the united states just get along. This is the home to all the people from other countries where we unite to fight for our freedom together. That’s what its all about. I love America and I all its people from all over the world. People need to change to make this a better home.

  180. Mickey Jones says:

    Greetings: Our World
    Thank you for the response.
    Ya – its has now been proven that Europeans were the first americans.

    I am European – so I suppose my genetic line should own the United States.

    According to your view – if your one of those flat-footed mud-stampers – asian decented – you need to leave.

    So Thank you for your input mud-face…

    • our world says:

      That racist comment wasnt necessary to explain what you meant. Why are you so racist against others?? You assumed I was asian. You shouldnt judge people and learn how to be a better person to make this world a better place. And I don’t think that the united states belongs to the europeans this is the native Americans land and everyone else just migrated here.

  181. Mickey Jones says:

    Why You ask – because I know what the Natives are! And no – the europeans were here first – look it up if you can read in depth.

    • our world says:

      Now I understand why you made that racist comment about asian people. You are just mad because you wish the Europeans own this land before the native Americans. I actually search to see if the Europeans were the first here in this land and its a theory that they are just saying it could be…but when they do studies on the human bones that have been found don’t resembled to the Europeans from back then that they look more like asians. So no prove yet. So ima stick to what i was taught in school by all my history teachers. NATIVE AMERICANS were here FIRST. And until then stop being racist and have respect towards others. Make this land a better place to live.

      • Mickey Jones says:

        Greetings: Our World
        I just have to ask you two questions – “How Old are you” and “How much education do you have”?

        The first thing out of your filthy sewer is to call me a racist – thats so ignorant and foolish – and sounds like something a TV show would preach – or perhaps a church somewhere – or is that what they teach in school these days?

        On any account – your wrong – completely wrong, Moreover: you seem to have no clue about Man-Kind.

        This Idea of “Racism”, thats something new – a new word to create a One-World – WORLD – Where the Globalists preach being Tolorant – preaching that all of the races are created equal – preaching that all of man will someday be all the same race — what A Load of BS – don’t tell me that you or anyone else has bought into that BS?

        You and others like you think I hate – no I do-not – I have no hate for anyone – I am a Veteran of Foriegn war: IE: I have been trained to seperate my personal feelings from the job that I am faced with – in this case – killing the enemy.

        Do you know who and or what group/organization desires a ONE-WORLD – WORLD?

        Answer = The Global Elite.

        Do you know why this is a Goal?

        Answer = Total and Complete control over everything – all of the people and all of the planet earth and even beyond – such as asking a question – “Why is Mankind involved in Space Travel”?

        Answer = Economics – raw materials – the discovery of new wealth.

        So – the bottom line is this – and you had better learn from this – I will only attempt to teac you one time.

        Each Race is independent from the others – they each have their own views – religious concepts – culture – technology – foods/cooking styles – their own strengths and weaknesses:

        But the most important factor is – Each race will always seek out others within their own people to find comfort – trust – communications – and a life: such as a social gathering.

        Each race has its share of both:
        1. Good and decent people – and not so good or decent.
        2. Intelligent People – and not so intelligent people.
        3. Strong healthy people and not so strong and healthy people.

        In a word – each race is both good and bad. But – they will always be different.

        To mix the races is only fullfilling the needs and ultimately the goals of the elite.

        Ask yourself this question:

        What will the elite do with a mixed race after they accomplish their goals?

        Protect your own – love your own – procreate with your own – live with your own – be what you are and no-one else.

  182. Christian says:

    I’m not racist, I have had many good mexican friends. All people are equal, but the truth is a larger percentage of mexicans are pieces of shit aka beaners. I’m open minded & that’s my conclusion. That can & I hope changes.

  183. fuck you all says:

    what do you mean “get out while you can” ? and not EVERY SINGLE illegal is like that. dont judge everyone so quickly, some actually contribute you know.

  184. Mickey Jones says:

    Greetings: Fuck you all.
    Man – you and your people are so stupid – you and your people simply refuse to listen: and take a simple hint.

    You say that I’m a racist – if you would take the pains to read my last entry, perhaps you would get the real truth.

    I am not a racist – I am a simple sepretist – meaning I wish to be in a nation of persons like myself – thats all – I do not hate anyone for any reason – but I have no use for anyone other than my WHITE PEERS.

    Well – as far as I can understand – in the US – there are a number of different races and religous groups: for example – there are Jewish Americans — there are Black Americans — There are Asian Americans – ok fine: but what makes the difference in regard to Mexicans is and can be seen as the Invasion – millions of Illegal Mexicans flooding into the US – and then taking taking taking — and then commiting crime after crime after crime. THIS IS THE DIFFERENCE.

    Mexican – take my advice – get out of the US now – stop thinking about how good you are and how much your worth to this nation: no-one cares – except for one basic fact – Your Here and you need to leave.

    Now – I’m going to be straight with you – you really need to pay attention – you better listen to me.

    Myself – I’m an older man now – I’m getting to the point in my life that I would just rather take things easy – but – I’m here to tell you, there are many thousands of White Americans as well as Black Americans that are not the same as I. There are some mean and very tough and aggressive Americans out there – and at some point, they will begin the process of elimination – I hope you know what I mean by that.

    Good luck in Mexico – Mr. Bean…..

  185. Yo mama says:

    Ahha tf you bitches dumb shit mexican girls are fucken bomb unlike some twig ass white girls shit I mean I don’t got notin on white people but on the real stop Hatin


    • Mickey Jones says:

      Greetings: Support of No Racism
      Well – don’t you have your nerve – trying to tell people what they should do. What people do isn’t any of your business – ones opinion about a certain topic isn’t any of your business: in other words – if you don’t like what people have to say – just turn your face the other way.

      What in the world is wrong with you anyway?

      People are defined differently simply because they are different. Black is black – white is white – mexican is mexican – excedra so on and so fourth.

      Its just part of life….

  187. Nick says:

    Every comment here is stupid or EXTREMELY racist i’m Salvadorean
    an and white. Mexicans have some dirt on them. But whites do to. If a mexican man kills another person DONT say there all cold killers and drug dealers. If a white guy jacks cars DONT say all whites jack cars

  188. Mickey Jones says:

    Greetings Nick:
    Ohhh no – you don’t understand at-all – the point isn’t that white Americans hate Mexican who are in Mexico – I don’t think any judgement is being put on MEXICANS who Kill others – or Jack Cars – or Sell Drugs – as long as the MEXICAN is in MEXICO.

    But the problem is – Mexicans are Illegally Invading the United States – and then commiting crimes – and then on top of that – they become Beggers and Bums – and whats even worse – they under-cut the american working class.

    As long as the Mexican is in Mexico – they can do anything they wish – but not here in the United States.

    Well – all I got to say – the Mexicans had better start taking their BEAN ASSES back to good ole Mexico – before the mass killings start up – because when that begins – it will be much to late — Much to Late!

    • frank says:

      Today 2 bums beg me for money and food and they sure did not look like Mexicans. They were whites ha ha ha.

    • frank says:

      Hey mickey Jones. Why don’t we talk about your race and how your race affects the united states because I bet your not gonna like this shit right??? I bet you probably live in the west coast where u see a lot of Mexican people. Well if you don’t like us then go and live in Georgia where there’s blacks and see if they will respect your ass. To me you are racist against Mexicans period!! I don’t want to here that bull shit of ” oh its my opinion” blah blah blah let me share my opinion with you. We Mexicans aren’t going anywhere we will always be here. I don’t like white people like you because you are blind and just blame mexicans for all this shit that u don’t like. I live on the west coast and some stupid ass low life white mother fucker tried to break into my house dumb idiot I send his ass to jail and press charges on his ass for the damages that he did. Now that asshole was charge with burglary and he deserves that shit. So tell me should I now hate all white people because of this asshole thY tried to break into my house.??? Should i take out my anger on a fucken white old man or any white person???

  189. Mickey Jones says:

    Greetings Frank:
    Ohhh boy – you don’t understand anything at-all: Just like a typical Mexican and your lower brain – ohhh thats to bad.

    Well Ok – lets see if I can explain in a different way – as I really am trying to HELP – HELP your people and mine.

    Illegal Mexicans have been allowed to enter the United States – this was a purposefull act – but the Mexicanos are simply to stupid to understand the — “”””CAUSE and EFFECT””””!

    History 101 – listen and pay attention BEAN.

    During the latter parts of 1997 – USA President Bill Clinton allowed the Passing of N.A.F.T.A – and then later – the W.T.O. Trade agreements as it were.

    This trade agreement was in the making for a long time – as the Global elite had decided upon a globistic agenda – oh, most likely 200 years ago. More on the Global Elite later.

    As The global agenda took shape – Illegal Mexican Beans were allowed to enter the USA – but the Global elite fully understood that the very nature of an Illegal BEAN was — “”””CHEAP LABOR””””!

    This ILLEGAL MEXICAN BEAN CLASS earning little to nothing was fully understood – they would not be able to earn a living in the USA – so – Wholesale WELFARE PROGRAMS were designed – IE: Hand-Out Programs for a ILLEGAL BEGGER BEAN CLASS MEXICANS.

    Taxes on the American Working class went thru the roof – such to help support this BEAN MEXICAN CLASS. ADD: Many thousands of American Jobs went out of the country under the WTO – and more went out under NAFTA — and then the ILLEGAL MEXICAN Took what was left.

    So – as we can see – The ILLEGAL MEXICAN BEAN was used like a mule by and for the GLOBAL ELITE – and the American Working class are being systematically destroyed by our own Government: using the BEAN as a tool – but also people from China and india — Excedra.

    So here ya go BEAN — LISTEN CLOSELY NOW.

    This is not a racist issue for me – this is a survival issue and a fight against the Global elite. This one statement is key – and is the very heart of the entire debate for me!!!!!!!!

    Why pick on the ILLEGAL MEXICAN? That is the question is it not? Why not pick on Black Americans – or Asian Americans – or even Arabic Americans?

    The reason – Black Americans, White Americans, Asain Americans, Arabic Americans – excedra – are all PRIVATE AMERICAN CITIZENS: and as such – have a right to live under the Constitution of the USA.

    However: The Illegal MEXICAN BEAN is not a citizen – except for their anchor Babies – and both will be delt with – I promise you that.

    So – My message to the BEANS is simply this:

    The Patriotic Americans do-not wish to live under “”””LIBERAL COMMUNISTIC and GLOBAL RULE””” – Being ruled by an ELITEST CLASS. The ILLEGAL and DUMBED DOWN ILLEGAL MEXICAN must be delt with to rid ourselves of this BS CRAP which has been shoved down our throats.


    LIBERAL GLOBAL COMMUNISM IS PURE EVIL, and will destroy AMERICA: The ILLEGAL BEAN IS THE TOOL that has been shoved down the American peoples throats.

    You Beans have a choice: A or B

    A. Either go back to Mexico and fight your own Government like a man.

    B. Or stay in the US and fight our people.

    It must suck being a Low-Rent Begger Bum Illegal Bean – but that isn’t my fault – nor is it my problem.

    Get out BEAN – do it now……

  190. Mickey Jones says:

    Have any of you noticed that ILLEGAL MEXICAN BEANS will say something – such as Calling Americans Racist – all the while expecting some big reaction – as if we are suppose to pay attention to some worn-out old term, or perhaps their teaching the americans something new.

    Racism is simply a worn out old term – which was utilized by the Liberals.

    I say who cares about all of that racist BS – if someone dislike me because I’m white – BIG FREAKING DEAL – its their rights anyway.

  191. Kill All Mexicans says:

    It has nothing to do with being “racist” I personally hate all stupid people equally and it just so happens the mexicans are as stupid as they come. I blame the government myself for allowing all these greasy little dick, disgusting, disrespectful, rapist…etc…etc… fucks into the US. America may have been founded by immigrants but they all had one thing in common, they came to help build this country into the magnificent place it is…..make that was.

    Mexicans have flooded into this country like a plague and are destroying and taking advantage of everything they come in contact with. In short beaners are ruining this country. They are like locusts in that they consume all the resources that some one else has provided and then move on to the next. They are the scum that scum scrapes off its shoes. I have watched these losers destroy the town where live in less than 5 years !

    There is not one positive thing or redeeming quality about these people. They are hands down the worst thing that has ever happened to America and even better than that, nothing is being done about it. Its time to grow the balls our founding fathers had and not only wipe them from the US but off the face of this planet all together. There is no way in hell they would have put up with shit, why do we ? If every real American went and took out just one of these pieces of shit the world would be a much better place. What would the government do, incarcerate everyone ? I think not.

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Greetings Kill All Mexicans
      Yep – well put – I agree with almost everything you say.

      And I want to point out – I agree with you to a word – this is not about being racist – its about be a patriotic american.

      But you know – if an american wants to be – or is a racist – that is no-ones business – it is not anyones business or place to tell another how they should feel about another race, religion, ethnic group – or the individual person.

      Basically what I mean is that we all have free will – and in the United States – we have our own set of rights.

      Having said that – I read these mexicans spew that word out of their mouth everytime they gat a chance – the Illegal Mexicans actually think that by calling me or anyone else a racist – it makes it ok that they are an — ILLEGAL CRIMINAL MEXICAN.

      You know something – its not a crime if you don’t get caught…

  192. yurmom says:

    wwwwwoooowwwwww im 100% mexican and bitching about us isnt gonna buy your filty little shit kids lunch, i hope your white ass family gets cancer cunts, hoe about u get off your computer and do something about it you pussy, although you probobly wont since mexicans are obviously superior to you,beating the shit out of your faggot kids, i bet mexicans kick your ass all the time, your wont win, youll never win, vy the way your going to hell, so are your kids, faggot

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Greetings: yurmom.
      Ohh boy, I bet your really tough aren’t you? I would love to find out first hand – lol….
      Oh – by the way – please bring enough to make it worth it.

  193. carlos rivera says:

    man fuck you homie you fuckn red neck cunt wit ur little chickn dick datz y we got white chickz over us cuz we got big dickz you dumb selfish bitch cum to ma hood nd say dat dum fuck mess wit one bean you get da whole burrito mathafucka i dare you pig idiot nd dam you really hurt ma feelings… Nd all ma latino people keep ya head up nd whoo hoo fuck redneckz jajajajajjajajaja little chicken dickz…..

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Greetings Bean:
      Ohhh boy – you must be one stupid spic: you don’t listen to anything I have written. Ohhh well, I hope your tough – I really do..

  194. Mickey Jones says:

    You folks know something – these beans must think they are some tough boys – they tell us they have invaded and there is nothing we can do about it — how do you fellows like that bowl of beans — LOL..

    • yurmom says:

      oohhhh boy oh boy oh boyy:) its true some PEOPLE here (as in human fuking beings) are being dumb,maybe i am too, let me ask you something, what the fuck was the point of this rant? will your kids magicly be fed if you got at least 50 people having a race war?mexicans are dumb, especialy the ones who bring there new born baby with them when the cross the border(im that baby) i have been in the u.s. all my life and dont plan on going to mexico, why? cuz things are worse there than it is here, and THIS is my country, i was raised here even though i was not born here,it is not my fualt this happened. you know why mexicans are hated and thought of as criminals and worthless scum? becouse YOU treat them like that, if you guys treated us kindly we wudnt feel so much pain and hate and resort to violence, but hey thats the world. i have freinds of many races, i love them all and are
      so dear to my heart, these freindly ppl of many decents who have made me one if them, they sir are the REAL AMERICA, ppl like you deserve to die….you deserve to go into war, fight for your country and die, cuz last time i checked, ranting about a subject so stupid isnt helping this country,its not helping your kids,its not helping you, ppl will not praise you for this. but theres nothing i can do about it, nothing except tell you this, mickey jones, life itself isnt fair, but the individual human being can
      make it fair,it wasnt my fualt my mom brought me here…ok? im sorry mexicans do this, but most of them do it becouse they want a better life for their child, you as a father should know right?? you are not a racists…no….yoyr a horrible cold hearted person…thats ehat you are…i hope u better yourself..or so god help us all…god bless you,god bless your kids, and god.bless.AMERICA

      • Mickey Jones says:

        Greetings: yurmom:
        Ok – in all fairness, I suppose I should put this up to you and all of the over bean invasion force.

        I am aware of what your own government did to your people back in the early 1960’s – I suppose you’ll have to reference dates for yourself – but I am aware that around 10,000 mexicans were slaughtered by your own government in Mexico city – because of a huge protest: I.E. The Poor Mexicans were protesting because they were starving to death and doing without anything to improve their lives.

        I am also aware that it is my and other americans own Government that has espoused Illegal Mexicans entering the United States – and then on top of that – The US Government designed and implimented whole-sales welfare programs for the ILLEGAL MEXICAN.

        The above two points are not the Mexican or the Americans fault – it comes down to both the Mexican and the American having a supressive and run-away Government on top of them.

        The point is — Both the Mexican and the American peoples must deal with their own Governments head on – I.E. – if the peoples of each prespective nation disagree with what their government is doing – it is up to each to deal with their own problems.

        However: What makes the Mexican Bean Invasion different from other immigrants coming to the US is simple to understand – as follows.

        1. Millions of ILLEGAL MEXICANS: Simply a Numbers game.
        2. The Crime that the Mexicans Bean Invasion Force has brought.
        3. The American working class is being under-cut at the wrong point in history: I.E. Due to the % of American Jobs being lost due to NAFTA and the WTO – and added to – The ILLEGAL BEAN WELFARE programs – the American people are in a very precarious position.
        4. The US government and various state governments are now practicing Racism against and toward the American people in favor of the ILLEGAL MEXICAN.

        Ok Mr. Bean – you say your people want a better life – Ya – I understand that – and once more I agree that the BEAN should have freedoms, a job, an education, good foods, health care, a home to live in — excedra – thats all well and fine.

        However Mr. Bean – your people need to man-up – go back to mexico and find your own way – stand up to your own government – take care of yourselves – as your problems are not ours – the American people have their own problems.

        The United States is close to falling – we now have a deficit of over $18 trillion – its time for the ILLEGAL BEAN to leave – have you not taken enough from the American People?

      • yurmom says:

        im not even an adult yet,so i dont know how i am suppose to man up and fight my governemt,besides i like it here,its my home,cuz i didnt have a choice wether or not i would ilegaly cross the border,i was brought here when i was merely a year old,im still ilegal,but in the process o becoming legal,so wgat do you think i should do?none if it is my fualt,like i said making a rant about it wont help,im sorry nothing will change,this country isnt failing becouse of us,its all our fualt,maybe its time for you to man up and accept the fact that every ilegal mecican isnt going back becouse your famous rant told them too,also you should stop saying BEAN cuz you look stupid saying BEAN every BEAN sentence

  195. Alan says:

    To all the racist fuckers:

    Firstable, How many mexicans do you guys know?
    It is true that immigration is a problem, but there’s people from all over the world in the US, so it’s all about racism. Some mexicans go to the US to be able to give their families an opportunity that unfortunately in our country Mexico they cant achieve because our fucking corrupt government want it that way, it is also true that some mexicans are just shit, and go to your country to commit crimes, but there’s asians, europeans and us americans as well who also do so.

    It’s absolutely false that raping a girl or family member is part of our tradition, and if you ever had a mexican person said that, well is a piece of shit, that’s it.

    In Mexico there’s thinking-people with common sense who are against the social injustice including the hatred to our people.
    You guys should remember that stupidity is international, and there’s shit everywhere and as William Blake said “To generalize is to be an idiot”

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Hello Alan:
      This is not about being racist – not for me! My input is based on the survival of both the American Peoples and the Mexican Peoples.

      You need to look at what the Mexican Governemt has done to the Mexican working class – and also what the American Government has done to the American working class.

      This really comes down to the Global Elitest – and what they have DEMANDED of the perspective governments – and others all around the world – such as China and perhaps India for example.

      Alan – No-One in their right mind wants a war – a war of any type and or on any level – such as a social revolution – or a civil uprising – Moreover: anyone – regardless if they are an American or a Mexican that says they actually want a war – well, they are simply insane. Trust Me – I’m a combat Veteran – US ARMY – 2nd ID – and I’m here to tell you and anyone else reading this – war sucks. Both the Americans and the Mexicans need to avoid any such problems – and should be trying hard to avoid any form of war.

      But Alan – open your eyes – look around yourself – now understand, I am not asking you to be a racist – or have any racist views: but I am asking you to be honest with yourself.

      Do you think the American people are doing ok?
      Do you think the Mexican people are doing ok?
      Do you agree with a wholesale ILLEGAL MEXICAN INVASION?
      Do you agree that the ILLEGAL BEAN has brought in criminal activity?

      Alan – do you agree that at some point push will come to shove?

      Its time for all Patriotic Americans to take this Nation back – in one way or another – and if that includes the slaughter of Beans – well, I’m sorry – I truelly am very sorry – But the American People must do what they must do – in order to have a prosperous and Free Life!!!!!!!!

  196. tom says:

    Spaggot= spick+faggot

  197. Alan says:

    Hello Mickey Jones

    Slaughter of beans? haha c’mon who do you think you are to even think about doing that?
    I dont agree with the ILLEGAL MEXICAN INVASION, I wish mexican people could have a good level of life over here in their own country, but unfortunately they cant. Since Carlos Salinas de Gortari created the NAFTA the problem began and it’s been on for years, people who governs us only want to keep the money and power they got by fucking up their own people.
    Answering your question, I think some mexicans are doing good cause they’re waking up, some of us wanna stop impunity, corruption, violence because some of us believe that MEXICO has all the potential to be an up-rising country.
    I dont agree that the ILLEGAL BEAN, as you say contemptuously, has brought in criminal activity, not everyone, im pretty sure of that.

    Now, if it’s not about racism, What do you think about MEXICAN people living legally in the US?

    And by the way, mexican people is not only brown and short as you guys think, you’d be surprised if you ever come to our country and find out that there’s a big variety.

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Greetings Alan:
      To put this as simply as I can:

      I feel that Mexico is a sovreign nation.
      I feel that the United States is a sovreign nation.

      The Mexican Invader has broke all the rules – and there fore – the Bean must be delt with – to include the anchor babies.

      Ohhh – just for your info – I hope the drug cartels at the border keep on killing each other – and some puss americans — please keep pushing – and become more violent – please do this.

      All Mexicanos must leave the US.

      Myself – I would rather the US fall than to allow the Beans to live amoungst us.

  198. Alan says:

    hahaha, oh yeah since you are superior we shouldnt leave AMONGST you, feeling unreachable and dont even know how to write your own language, but its ok, thats your poor opinion.

    I bet, no better yet, I assure there’re hundreds of mexicans living in your country and out of it who are miles better than your ass in many ways.

    I feel that Mexico and the United States are SOVEREIGN nations too. The mexican uneducated/criminal has broke all the “rules”, not the mexican itself.
    Ohhh, just for your info, I hope the drug cartels in the border keep on killing each other as well, and by the way, the real business of mexican drug dealers is the US, so it wouldn’t be a hugh deal if some US americans didnt love drugs, so why are you guys that special?

    All mexican shit must leave the US to let the US american shit expand themselves. Not generalizing

    Myself – I would rather you to stop being a close-minded patriot and drop the fuck that air of superiority, it does not exist.

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Greetings Alan:
      Well – I suppose your bean mind is to simplistic to understand – so be it.

      I have tried – and will try one last time to explain: In a word – putting this as simple as I know how >>>

      >>> The One World Order Will Fail – Period….

      >>> The Illegal Bean is nothing more than a tool for the One World Elite – more-or-less – The Illegal Mexican Bean is nothing more than a Mule.

      In the United States – We Americans have alot of trouble – Troubles that have been shoved down our throats.

      The majority of these troubles are not the fault of the Illegal Mexican Jumping Beans – The troubles are the Fault of the American People – simply because the American people have forgot their reasons for being here >>>> In a word – The American People have allowed the ONE WORLD GLOBAL ELITE TO DO AS THEY WISH FOR WHAT EVER REASON THEY WISH.

      This time is rapidly coming to an end – This message should serve as a warning to the ILLEGAL MEXICAN – If I were you and all of the other beans – I would get my ILLEGAL MEXICAN TAIL-END back to good ole Mexico, and I would take my Bambinos with me – and there I would sit and watch the Hell that breaks out in the US of A.

      From my estimates – You Mexicans Beans have about 8 or 9 more months – after that your taking your Tortilla into your own hands — LOL…

      Ohhhh ya – Please don’t expect Americans to show you or any other Bean any type of Respect.

      Its not that we hate you – not really – and were not really racist toward you – not really – the problem is that Your an Illegal Bean that has invaded Our Nation by the millions – You Beans have come and RAPED this nation – and at the Hands of our Government – you ILLEGAL BEANS ARE NO GOOD FOR ANYTHING..

      1. Your a Criminal – simply because you are ILLEGAL.
      4. YOU THIEVE — ohhh boy – ILLEGALS ARE THIEVES.
      5. And your Violent – Your dirty – your rude – your pushy.

      Bean – you had better take this warning – not from me – but from the adverse situation – Push is coming to shove – and soon.

      I’ll make this last statement – you had better listen – you better take this to heart.

      Me – speaking of myself – I’m just an old and worn-out Combat vet – But you know something – I have been using my combat experience and education to train young Americans in the art of killing for over a decade – young american men that have had enough – enough of the Mexicans – ya sure – but the main issue is American Men that are sick of our Own Government.

      The only reason why something hasn’t began yet – simply that its not time yet – but its close – very very close.

      Myself – I’m not a mean and agressive man – I’m just an old and worn out old bastard – but the others — LOL LOL LOL – they are rather mean.

      Get out bean – do it now – and take your anchor bambino with you….

      • :D says:

        “In the United States – We Americans have alot of trouble – Troubles that have been shoved down our throats”.

        What’s up, amigo? you haven’t decided if you want to eat at mc donald’s or KFC?

  199. Mickey Jones says:

    Hello BEANS:
    Why your here in America – why don’t you make yourselves Usefull?

    There are a number of SCREAMING LIBERALS that need to be delt with before you take your little BROWN ILLEGAL BEAN Tail-ENDS back to Ole “Mexico”.

    Hey look Bean – You owe the Americans alot – We really don’t care if you tend to the SCREAMERS for us – no-one will say a word..

    Thanks BEAN:

  200. Alan says:

    JAJA, oh my god what a smart comment mickey jones, the good thing is that you actually wrote it correctly this time so a BEAN doesnt have to correct you

  201. Alan says:

    one more thing, even if we’re not in your country, we’re still in AMERICA motherfucker, there’s people from 35 countries who are americans, how’s that? and like it or not you gonna have mexicans AMONGST you for a long long long time, so deal with it tiny brain.

    Bye, have a good day vet of war :)

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Greetings BEAN
      Well – it was nice to have exchanged comments with your welfare grabbing Tortilla Tail-End: Now Listen – Be a good little bean now – stay down south of the Border where you brown ass belongs.

      Here in the states – I’m affraid you beans have been harrassing to many American Citizens, this can-not be allowed to continue on.

      I have heard that many african decented Americans are affraid of the Bean – with an emphasis on the Illegal Bean: and for good reason I would say – after decades of home invasions, and drive by killings being acted on the African American population in such places as LA – San Diego – All over Arizona – and even Denver – I think the Bean has done enough to scare them – we as Americans can-not allow that sort of behavior to continue – so leave the African American Peoples alone – they are very good and decent people.

      Alot of the African Americans are rather kind and easy going peoples – why would your dirty people try to hurt such a fine peoples – for drugs?

      But you know – The African Americans might be scared of your Beans now – but you know how things go – they might be scared today – but what about next week….

      Think about this Bean!

  202. Alan says:

    I would recommend you to read some history before you talk about invasion from we beans.

    So, we BEANS have scared african DESCENDANT americans? I cant believe you’re saying that vet of war. What about the white supremacy belief in your country practiced by many idiots with a mind like yours? I think the bean has done enough to scare them, as much as some US americans, asians and all races, cant you get it?

    I know that a lot of african americans are rather kind and easy going, I’ve known some of them.
    Some african americans might be scared of SOME beans, I dont doubt it, I’m actually scared of some of them as well. Next week some beans will probably be scared, yes, but you guys wont get rid of them, haha.
    I agree with you that the harassment of some beans towards US citizens shouldnt be allowed, but I dont think they’re completely innocent.

    And, I live in Mexico worn-out combat vet, so my ass, which is probably whiter than yours, and i mean it, is where it belongs.
    By the way, your shit jokes about mexicans are stupid and funny far from being what you think they’ll be.

    And to be honest, it’s hard to believe that there’s actually people living in the richest and most industrialized country in the world with a mind like the one you have, it’s like contradictory.
    Man, I know that so many mexicans are hogs like you say, but people from all over the world including your loved country are so as well. So, if you say it’s not about being racist, Why so much shit only to mexicans? Of course, if you are able not to answer the same shit you’ve been answering, not convincing to me

  203. Mickey Jones says:

    Hello Alan:
    Ok – you have asked a fair question – I need to answer.

    Your Question: “you say it’s not about being racist, Why so much shit only to mexicans:”?

    Ok Alan – I honestly believe there are good and bad people in every race – and yes – to include Mexicans. This is directly stating that I believe there are good and bad – white people – black people – Asian People – Arabic People – Mexican People — so fourth and so on.

    However: as I have tried to explain to you in previous posts – what makes the difference is the way in which the Illegal Mexicans have entered the United States.

    White Americans – Black Americans – Asian Americans – Native Americans – Arabic Americans — excedra – all have one thing in common – They are all AMERICAN CITIZENS. As such – they all have certain rights – and are all equal under the law.

    I suppose I should point out – there were and are Mexican Americans – so what makes them different – thats the question is it not?


    THE ILLEGAL MEXICAN has brought to many social problems into the United States.

    1. The Illegal Mexican is a criminal from the first step into this nation.
    2. The Illegal Mexican is a welfare hog.
    3. The Illegal smuggles and sells drugs to under-age children – African American children have been hurt very badly.
    4. The Illegal Mexican is a Thief.
    5. The illegal Mexican is a Rapist – both people and a nation.
    6. Illegal Mexicans are rude and pushy.

    Excedra: but the worst aspect of this Illegal Mexican invasion – can be seen as Social In-Justice against the American People.

    As I have stated: in many ways – one can-not put all of the blame on the Illegal Mexican – It is my Own Government that must take some of the blame – MOREOVER: The Globalist that Owns the United States.

    Alan: to put this in a simple way: —– The Illegal Mexicans Have Illegally Entered The United States – They have Taken Un-Funded Welfare – They Have Commented to many crimes – They have sold Illegal and Addictive Drugs to under-age Children – persons who were to young to know right from wrong – The have Killed American Citizens on US soil.

    The Illegal Mexican has not been a Positive Factor for the United States – or – American Citizens.

    Your people have gone to far!

  204. Alan says:

    mickey jones that’s all I wanted to read.

    I totally agree with you, the ILLEGAL in the States is a huge problem, there are MEXICANS who have become citizens as well, some members of my family live in the US legally and are equal under the law, they pay their taxes etc.

    One more question Mickey, What about the illegal non-mexican people living in your country?

    The illegal mexicans may have taken unfounded welfare yes, but they have been the PUSHING ARM of the working class of your country, you must accept that, many US citizens dont wanna do the job the mexican mules do, do they?

    Not all the illegals sell drugs to under-age children, some others ya, but I dont think a mexican dealer just came up to a children like “Do you want any drugs?” Do you? If an under-age takes drugs, is gonna get it one way or another, that’s no new.
    All the mexicans you’ve known have been rapist? all of them? cause you insist in that topic.

    Some illegal mexicans have not been a positive factor for the States and the US citizens, some others have for sure.

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Greetings Alan:
      As an American Patriot, and Military Veteran – I natural feel that all Illegal Persons should be picked up – and have their heads blown off. However, other races – Other than Illegal Mexicans that is, make up such a low precentage of all illegals – its hard to key in on them – so many go undetected. Illegal Mexicans are the focus at this time – and I expect they will be almost indefenetly.

      I disagree – the Illegal Mexican is not the Pushing Arm of the working class – in my opinion – the Illegal Mexican is a Hendrence to the American Working class: They Draw welfare and can simply under-cut the americans.

      Moreover: If an American doesn’t want to do a job – the pay will increase – that is – if the Illegal Mexican wasn’t creating a disruption in the economics.

      Yes – Illegal Mexicans have focused on the Poor in our nation – such as poor and under-priveldged African-American children. I have served as a social Mediator – and worked on several such cases – so I have seen this for myself.

      I am Pro-American – I am not Pro-Race: — however, The African Americans withn the United States have had a rough time making a living – raising themselves up – simply because they were poor and living in areas with very little future. Over the last 30 years or so – Illegal Mexicans have come into their perspective areas – got them on drugs – put young black children into drug gangs – and have seriously harmed the African American community as a result.

      My nation has tried very hard to help the Black Community – perhaps these efforts were not perfect – but this nation was making some head-way – the Illegal Mexicans have set our efforts back – simply because of Illegal Mexican Activity.

      Yes – Every Illegal Mexican is guilty of raping my nation – and this nation is its people – not a strip of land – but the people.

      Having said all of this – as I mentioned – all of the problems can-not be put on the Illegals – I do realize that Americans have a major problem – and it is our own GOVERNMENT.

      The United States Government is the Problem of the AMERICAN PEOPLE – and that is up to OUR People to deal with – not yours.

      Your people need to get out of the United States – go back to your nation and deal with your problems – and we will deal with ours.

      Look – I’m trying my best to tell you – CHANGES are coming – and to be honest – the American people simply do-not need Mexicans here – we will take care of ourselves – you do the same.

      • yurmom says:

        there are no changes coming, if so i doubt it will be towards ilegal mexicans, us americans have bigger probloms, but the BEAN wont leave, the BEAN will stay, conflict wobt solve anything,i really dont give a fuck what wiol happen,but i suggest you take down this rabt becouse all its doing is pissing people off,but if your rant ever gets as far as the news ir the white house in the presidents view, then ill think to myself,oh maybe he was right, i should help make all the BEANS go bacj to mexico by posting a rant as well, such a old worn out wrinkling vet should not worry about something so stupid,im only 16 but ill keep in mind your stupid rant

  205. Kill All Mexicans says:

    First of all hi Mickey and well said …. as are all of your posts ! Unfortunately I feel your wisdom is being wasted on a bunch of truly ignorant and uneducated mexicans that provide no point to there misspelled rants. I also might recommend using smaller words so that they may actually have a chance of understanding what you are saying without having to use Google.

    Second, to all of you mexicans posting here in this thread (that means adding your comments here on this page) I have only one question for you. What is it exactly that any of you have brought to this fine country that has been positive or beneficial ? Is it the way that you park your cars on the yard that we should appreciate ? or maybe the way you can fit that many people in those cars on the way to wall-mart to buy all your groceries with food stamps provided to you from the the taxes of hard working Americans ? (taxes are what you pay to the Government when you don’t work under the table) wait I know what it is, its the way you rape the economy of its fruits and resources and then send it back to mexico right ?

    Last but not least to all you “homeboys” that think you are all tough, maybe you should try fighting one on one like a real man instead of in a pack like a bunch of pussy’s (not that it really matters because you always get your asses beat anyway) Instead of whining and crying about us “Rednecks” and posting incoherent arguments, you should take the advice that Mickey has so generously donated (that means to give) and go back to your own country and instill in it what you so greedily seek in ours. (go ahead and Google that one)

    • yurmom says:

      there are stupid and smart mexicans, the stupid ones are the ignorant people your talking about, the smart ones are the people you know you wont refetence becouse you know were right and your wrong,and the smart ones(including everyone siding with us) are the ones who know this is just an ignorant rant trying to get to us, and people like you are lityle fucking pussies who simply plah follow the leader, a stupid fool of a leader, you would never in your fucking life say any of this in person, you would just stand behind your leader becouse following is all you know how to do

      • yurmom says:

        also wtf have YOU done for this country? pretending like your the fuking founder? mexicans,oh sorry i mean mexican AMERICANS will STAY in the U.S. like it or not, how about you round us up and take us back yourself? you know since we get our ass beat anyway,i would love to see you try big guy

  206. Kill All Mexicans says:

    P.S. the word … there (their), mexico (Mexico) and homeboys (Homeboys) were misspelled and not capitalized on purpose to provide and example of how stupid you are all making yourselves look. Not that you need any help !

    • Mickey says:

      Thank you for the compliment.

      You know something – what I was getting at is to basically suggest that the United States is close to falling – and the Illegal Mexicans can in many ways be blamed.

      I tell you this – you better be armed and ready to use it – and also – have some friends and or family close by.

  207. Britt says:

    I would usually say I dont discriminate and everyone is created equally in God’s eyes– BUT– Some fucking mexican “Norte” mother fucker broke into my house the other day. So I swear to God, next time some nasssstttyyy, loser, piece of shit, dirty, fucking mexican even says something to me, they’re gonna hear how I really feel about their nasty ass.

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Hello Britt:
      Well – to be fair – there is trash in every race – white trash, black trash, asian trash – American Indian Trash — excedra: but at the same time – there are good and decent people in every race as well.

      Having said that – what makes the difference to me – In my Opinion – and in reagrd to the Illegal Mexican Invasion – are the following views.

      Let me start by putting this out there:

      Do you realize that going back to the early 1800’s, and even earlier – there were present in our nation – Mexican Americans – Persons like Juan Seguin for example. This Mexican actually supported the so-called anglo-saxons – and became first a Texan – and then later an American citizen.

      The point is – there were Mexican Americans in our nation going back over 180 years in many cases.

      however: over the last 40 years or so – is when the actual ILLEGAL MEXICAN INVASION began – swelling to over 20 million Illegal Mexicans – persons who have invaded our nation at the hands and will of our own US Federal Government.

      Ok – so heres the hard facts and rather straight talk:

      I do-not expect others to agree with my point of view – but what I honestly think is that simply because the Numbers of Illegal Mexicans residing within the US are so high – and – the US Federal Government and the States Governments have decided to support the Illegal Mexicans – ADD to this: The Crime associated with the Illegals Mexicans — We Americans are living in very dangerous times – and we as Patriotatic Americans have a duty – that duty is to Preserve our Nation – which is Our People.

      Preserve – How one might ask?

      All Persons of Mexicans decentment must leave the lower 48 – and all other US owned areas – the One World Order must fail – and this action is not only for the good of Americans – but good for the Mexicans as well – we must have our Independance – just as they should have theirs.

      To be honest – I could care less if the Mexicans live or die – just as long as America gets shed of them – ALL OF THEM…..

  208. Alberto says:

    I feel so sorry for you people…even if you arent white…you are ignorant towards Mexicans when most do nothing to you…we do not take jobs, guess what you are foreigners..we were here first…you do not have good hearts and you won’t have a place In heaven..btw…if we do take your jobs oh well…the richest man in the world is a Mexican…so kindly stop ranting like idiots

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Screw Off Mexican:
      If you Drug-Addicted Mexican Beans want a fight — just go ahead and stay in the United States – you have forced your way into our nation and destroyed it – a fight is coming – and I hope like hell it starts soon!

      I have done my best to be nice and forward – to explain in detail what the problem is — and you refuse to listen – so be it.

      Arrogant Mexicans — screw off sh*t face….

      • mexicanbitch says:


  209. Mickey Jones says:

    Greetings Americans:
    Heres an interesting take – looking for feed-back – just an interesting thought as it were.

    Many Americans are beginning to realize and understand that the United States is lost – not that its lost fore-ever mind you- but at this time in US history – well, we have alot of work to do.

    Ohh lets just add this:

    1. The Private owned Federal Reserve.
    2. NAFTA.
    3. WTO.
    4. The global Events.
    5. International Cooruption within the banking industry.
    6. Wide Spread racism – such as Affirmative action.
    7. Wholesale Welfare programs – un-earned social programs.
    >>>> Not to mention – the very point of this thread — “”ILLEGAL MEXICAN INVASIONS”.

    I suppose the point is — we all realize that Mexicans are pure garbage – we also know that Mexicans are some of the most criminally minded sub-humans in the world: Drug-Addicts, Thieves, Bums and Beggers – and overall – the Mexican is nothing more than a disgusting piece of filth.

    But we also know that its our own Government that allowed this Mexican Garbage to infiltrate our nation to begin with.

    So – getting down to cases:

    Lets say the Mexicans simpy stay – and the US continues to erode, which it will — why not simply let the MEXICAN FILTH remain – and aid in the real fight to come – MASSIVE CHAOS?

  210. mariana says:

    first of all this page is stupid cuz it shouldnt be illegal to come to another country just to make ur life better and i agree with all the mexicans like me that commented on this page no matter whaty other people say mexicans are way better and i am proud to be one

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Hello mariana:
      So what your saying – what you honestly think is that you and other mexicans can just do what-ever you want – when ever-you want for what ever-reason you want?

      >> Mexicans do not have to follow rules?
      >> Mexicans should not have any consequences to their actions?
      >> Mexicans are above the law?
      >> Mexicans are above the Americans?
      >> Mexicans can take what they want out of another nation?

      Do you honestly believe that Mariana?????

    • ingli ONLY says:

      Mexicans are far worse than any other group of illegal’s, but all are bad. The reason they are so dangerous is because the Mexican government is encouraging them to sneak in here, break our laws, steal our services and destroy our country by illegal voting. This is an act of war.

  211. Mickey Jones says:

    Greetings Fellow Americans:
    Have you folks been reading the Mexicans?

    These Mexicans feel that we owe them – owe them what ever they want.

    Mexicans feel they can do what ever they want – and we have nothing to say about it.

    Well – Remember this – the Illegal Mexican is a major problem that must and will be delt with – but that isn’t our biggest problem – our biggest probem is a follows.

    >> Our Government plays host to the Ultra elite – the Global Elitest groups – such as the Bilderbergs – and the other power brokers of the world.

    >> I would be suprised to find out that these Globalists are actually the Mafia – or a variant of the mafia.

    >> If we as American Citizens desire a nice life – a good job with benefits and a retirement – a livable wage – and these other thing that we need and deserve – we seriously need to address the issue at hand – IE: Global Elitism.

    Spread the word folks – address the Issue at hand – and then take care of the Mexican Problem.

    One day – I hope these so-called proud to be mexicans will be in Mexico – and out of our business.

  212. Ivan says:

    Greetings Mickey Jones

    Look, mexican people can do whatever they want, as far as it is not harmful for others.
    Mexicans DO have to follow rules, should have consequences for their acts, mexicans are not above the law, if they were, there wouldnt be murders against them from a bunch of assholes who think they have the right to kill mexican people only cause they are white US americans even though they dont contribute anything to your loved nation. Mexicans are not above you US americans, nobody is above anybody, not even you, although you were born in the United States of America.

    I have been reading the mexicans, some just wrote shit but some others DID wrote good stuff, so WE mexicans dont feel that you owe us dont be ridiculous Mickey.
    Whenever the criminal mexicans in your country do shit, they deserve to be punished, I would be more than happy to find out that you are getting rid of them. But being working so hard to give their families a different way of living, even though illegally, I really dont think that’s a problem.
    Besides if the powerful people of your government are assisting to those Global Elite groups meetings, such as the Bilderbergs, they are doing so ILLEGALLY, cause the US american legislation does not allow meeting secretly with powerful people from other countries, did you know that? But whatever, if your government planned a self-attack where around 3000 civilians died, I dont think that anything matters for them except keeping the power and the position they have.

    Why illegal mexican is a major problem Mickey?
    In spite of the fear of many citizens, certain studies of UN have demonstrated that immigration contributes neither to the increase of the local unemployment nor to the reduction of salaries, much less if it’s about the USA, richest and most industrialized country of the world. The study was actually emphasizing that the immigrants contribute to the increase of the demand in the sector of goods and services in the target country.

    Mickey, is not that I am so-called proud to be mexican, it’s just that, as a mexican, is outrageous having been reading all this shit you have written about mexican people, as if you knew all of us, you say that is not about being racist, and then you come out with words such BEAN, welfare grabbing Tortilla Tail-End HAHAHA, c’mon dude, where’s your first quality education?
    I live in Mexico, and I’ve been so lucky cause I have had a good level of life, a decent education and I personally believe that having people from all over the world living around you, is kinda great actually, I mean differents cultures, different languages, the more you know the bigger you are. Talking about good and smart people of course, the criminals, no matter what their nationality is, shouldnt be allowed to keep going, or your main problem is that some mexicans are brown and short Mickey?

  213. mexicanbitch says:

    Fuck all you hill billy mother/sister/cousin mother fucking white pieces of shit. You dumbass’ would be lost without us Mexicans… we do the jobs your to stupid to do. Your just pissed because we’re taking over. PURO PINCHE RAZA!!

  214. The beaner who raped you that time. says:

    Hello, Mr. Brainless Redneck.
    The problem here is that some mexican with a dick bigger than yours fucked you once and left your little white ass sored for a week.

    You want mexicans out of USA? then you and your family should move to your original country too. Practice what you preach.
    How cool, you borned in the USA, wonderland, the promised earth, but having that much shit in that little blonde head of yours is as fucked up as being a drunk-illegal-not working-mexican (like you think).

    • Anton says:

      Mexicans unlike the straight forward Negro perverts, are sneaky when it comes to sexual harassing or defiling women. Mexicans either keep a close eye on a woman and wait for her to be alone until they move in with . Another tactic of there’s is simpler for them and that is the use of drugs, such as ecstasy, where the woman’s guard is completely down; that way there is little resistance. The first tactic mentioned is very common in the work place; the older men even keep their filthy eyes on young women during the whole shift.

  215. Mickey Jones says:

    Greetings America:
    You see what I’m trying to tell everyone – Mexicans Honestly feel they are above the law – the laws of our nation – which is the people.

    I have tried to be as nice as I possibly can – but I suppose one can-not be nice to a Mexican — they are simply to stupid to listen to logic and reason.

  216. Ivan says:

    haha mickey jones, you came out with the same shit “mexican are simply too stupid to listen to logic” you have written that like a hundred times, as the US american you are I assure you have a lot of smart stuff to say dont you? haha
    come on dude

    • Mickey J says:

      Hello Smart Ass:
      It won’t be me that shuts your mouth – ohhh no! But, your mouth will be shut at some point – just keep on keeping on.

      As far as skills – you work for me – don’t you know?

  217. Mickey J says:

    I suppose the Mexicans don’t want to work for me anymore – so sad!

  218. Mickey J says:

    GREETINGS Americans:
    You folks see what the Mexican is?

    Mexicans are nothing more than a cowardly big mouth – lazy, welfare snatching – criminals.

    Are we going to let the lowest of the low destroy our nation – or – are we going to stand – and I qoute – “Shut Their Mouths”.

    Hint: find a trend – see where they are – what days – times – tend to business.

  219. Jeff says:

    The Mexicans are taking back California without firing a shot….gotta love the irony. Oh, and racists are known to have a low iq. It’s a documented fact.

    • Mickey J says:

      Greetings Jeff
      Is it fair to say – your a Mexican?

    • ingli ONLY says:

      to jeff and mexican men are short and have tiny dicks and the females do donkeys,,, just more facts for you
      During The Great Depression, President Herbert Hoover ordered the deportation of ALL illegal aliens
      in order to make jobs available to American citizens who desperately needed work.
      Harry Truman deported over two million Illegal’s after WWII to create jobs for returning veterans.
      And then again in 1954, President Dwight Eisenhower deported 13 million Mexican Nationals!
      The program was called ‘Operation Wetback’. It was done so WWII and Korean Veterans would have
      a better chance at jobs. It took two years, but they deported them!
      Now…if they could deport the illegal’s back then, then why are they not doing it today?
      lf you have doubts about the veracity of this information, enter Operation Wetback
      into your favorite search engine and confirm it for yourself.
      Don’t forget to pay your taxes… Millions of Illegal Aliens are depending on you!

  220. Terry Garza says:

    I am hispanic. I hate being called a mexican because i also hate wetbacks. I used to make tousands in just two weeks. Now labor costs have drastically dropped due to the swarm of fuckin illegals. I hate niggers. I cant stand ghem personally, and why does every post from a hispanic have improper grammar usage and misspelled words? Smh. I became a tattoo artist ftw. Me and my daughter have won spelling bee championships statewide. I come from a long line of brookeshires…lol jk. Oh and by the way, i have a huge dick and i keep it hard for ur girlfriend to wobble on.

  221. Steven says:

    Wow just great you’re an ignorant white ass hole who thinks he has more priorities just because you’re white. You’re probably just some inbred crystal meth addict who is mad at Mexicans just because you can’t get your fix I hope you die..

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Greetings Steven:
      Mexicans suck donkey dongs – because they have illegally invaded the United States – this is for one.

      But the real problem with Illegal Mexicans is the way the act when they get into the United States!

      Mexicans have the nerve to say — and I qoute – “”I am proud to be a Mexican””.

      Mexican Pride — what a joke that is – Mexicans must be some of the most ignorant and un-pridefull Sub-Humans on the face of the Earth.

      >> Does Mexican Pride include Drawing 20 different kinds of welfare?
      >> Does Mexican Pride include selling illegal and controlled drugs to minor children?
      >> Does Mexican Pride include Thieving from every source they can find?
      >> Does Mexican Pride include running – RUNNING MIND YOU – from the Police?
      >> Does Mexican Pride include the Illegal Invasion into a foriegn nation?

      Ohhh well Dirty Mexicans – just keep on – you’ll find out what America is all about one of these days……..

  222. aryanation says:

    Man i had to fight like 4 of those lil bastards before. When the fight started it was only 2 but in typical pussy ass weak scrub ass mxican fassion another 2 came crawling out of the woodwork. Had the teacher not broke it up when he did im sure 10 more or so would o raf popped up. You filthy weak ass cunts id dare say i could handle 10 at once because 4 was too damn easy. Oh and btw ur entire “pride” filled people are the result of spain raping you. The only reason cartels seem hard is because they are just slaughtering fellow coclroaches. Bring that shit up here and ull be eradicated like the vermin pests you are.

  223. Miranda says:

    I love this post! Fuck Mexicans!!! Dirty arrogant pieces of shit! Come here and think they can do whatever the fuck you want. Stop stealing people SS# to get food stamps! Stop breaking into people houses! Stop with the stupid ass parties every fucking day blocking our drive ways with your stupid ass jumpy lowrider cars. Sad you spend more money on your cars than your roach infested houses! All you guys are gross and breed babies like it’s a competition. One of you bum ass beaners just got arrested for a tax refund scam! Another why you wetbacks should be thrown in a ditch and burn to death. Dumb fucks! && Don’t call me a redneck because I am not!
    You fucking scum of the earth.

  224. Mickey Jones says:

    Greetings Americans:
    Ok – perhaps I’m just an old man now – LOL – its true anyway – but, you young folks can learn a great deal from us old farts.

    Heres what I see – don’t get mad – as they say in the Military: and I qoute:

    >> One does-not muder the enemy – one kills the enemy.

    Does anyone understand what I mean by this – the meaning of such?

    Its like saying: “if your walking down by the river, and come accross a cotton-mouth – your first instinct is to kill that snake – rather than to run from it”.

    Why is that true?

    Because the Cotton Mouth is a threat!

    My question: is the Mexican NOT a bigger threat than a cotton mouth?

    But listen here – listen very close.

    Find a trend – watch – take time – get a pattern.

  225. white girl says:


  226. Lol Mexicans. says:

    LOL!!!! The comments all over this page are HILARIOUS. I can’t stand Mexicans; they are CONSTANTLY saying “I wanna go back to Mexico”, and the second you say “Why don’t you?”, THEY GET PISSED. Can someone explain this to me? Because I don’t understand. I also don’t understand why they feel the need to create drama and have huge egos. Wut? They don’t typically make anything of themselves, and yet they act as though they should be respected? That logic makes zero sense. I can’t stand Mexicans. Their language in ugly, too. I have never heard anyone say “Spanish is such a beautiful language!”. Never. Seriously. “¿Como estas?”. Come on now. Does anyone honestly think that is, in any way, pleasing to the senses? How embarrassing. I would never have a problem with Mexicans of they would shove their egos down their throats, rather than cramming them down everyone else’s. I have never ONCE been pleased with a Mexican. Even before I knew they were Mexican I didn’t like them. “Mexykan pryde!!!!!?!!$?!)¡” Do they honestly think that flaunting that in people’s faces is going to make people want to respect them? I also can’t STAND the fact that they do not take care of themselves. Is it too much to ask that they brush their hair? Take a shower every once in a while? I’ve never met a Mexican who smelled even remotely nice, let alone didn’t have an awful odor to them. Their hair is so COARSE, on top of everything! There are plenty of ways to soothe their hair, if they would just take the little time to use maybe some shampoo! Maybe conditioner! Is a little soap going to kill them? I HATE MEXICANS SO MUCH. They are hypocrites of such a shockingly high degree!

  227. Mickey Jones says:

    Ya – I’m very sorry to say it – but there are very few races in the world that are lower than a Mexican!

    The Mexican is such as the Arm-Pit — or perhaps the ass-hole of humanity.

    I find nothing positive about the Mexican Race – absolutely nothing – which is really something.

    I mean really, out of all the various peooples in the world – Mexicans have nothing to offer anyone – kinda like this.

    1. The Asian Race – atleast those people are smart – and have a general pleasent personality.
    2. The African Race – atleast these people are good with sports.
    3. The White Race – these people are both creative and smart as hell – well organizaed – and have a pleasent personality.

    I could go on: but the point is — all races have something to offer mankind – except Mexicans — LOL LOL LOL – its a shame isn’t it!

  228. white girl says:

    Guys,does anyone knows are there any skinheads in Escondido? I want to meet some!!!!

  229. John smith says:

    I really can NOT believe all the comments that are being posted day by day on a certain raise. It is really sad to see us fighting among eachother when god loves us all the same. Each country has its ups and its downs. I have been to mexico and to the united states and they are both very great places. I see why many mexicans are crossing the border to the U.S, and it’s for a better life than what mexico has to offer, but they are not taking all the jobs. The cases you see in the news about a drug deal or rapist or such bad thing can come from white, mexicans, blacks, etc. Mexico is currently fighting a drug war the seems impossible to fight since many of their own politics and government is corrupted. But U.S.A is currently known for the number one country in consuming the most drugs. The “fast and firious” inside job that was made by some of the u.s.a government personel; in which the objective was to send many weapons to mexico and catch the buyer there for being a crime organization from mexico, got out of hands and the thousands of firearm weapons and equipmemt reached its destination in mexico and all thanks to that “fast and firious” Plan. Or when not so long ago an african american male got on some very powerful drugs which were named bad LSD and literally ate another guy’s face was shot by the police in miami, that also happened in the usa. DO YOU ALL REALLY THINK THIS IS THE WAY GOD WANTED TO SEE US? OF COARSE NOT! mexico is facing many prpblems too like their own corrupted goverment’ ! a lot of poor people! starving ones too! but they also have many nice things too! just like any other country! so does u.s.a! There are many nice people out there! white! Black! Mexican! Arabic! you name it! but there are also bad people  Out there and it is not just one full rase. It is composed by a little from each rase. Do you really think the war in iraq is a war and not an invasion? i don’t like it when people “wRIte lYK dIz aNd DnT uS3 anNy gRaMmar” many mexicans do it as well as blacks. i dont like it when some skaters are skating around thinking they own the street and using bad language and saying “duude” now ive seen some whites like that. i dont like it, but doesnt mean i hate it. I just DONT CARE. AND YOU SHOULDN’T EITHER. IF  THERE IS A PERSON IN NEED OF HELP THAT YOU CAN HELP WITH, WHY NOT JUST HELP EM? FORGET THE RAISE, FORGET THE SKIN COLOR, FORGET THE HISTORY, THIS IS NOW, AND NOW IS NOW, TREAT OTHERS HOW YOU WANT TO BE TREATED BECAUSE EVERYTHING YOU CONTRIBUTE IN LIFE, SURELY COMES BACK. GOD DOES NOT WANTS US LIKE THIS!

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Greetings John:
      How in the world did GOD get into the subject?

      Well – in all fairness – when the Pissed Off Americans begin sending Mexicans to meet God – I suppose we can discuss your view.

      Until then – lets keep to the subject — which is – MEXICANS SUCK ANIMAL DONGS..

      • Anton says:

        It really is annoying when they pull God into their arguments. Another annoyance is when they claim that race is only on the surface.

  230. Alejandra says:

    Hey stupid Michael Jones, How does it feel that Obama has just denied to young immigrants deportation stating that they have actually made extraordinary contributions to you country? :)

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Greetings Alejandra:
      How does it feel – you ask?

      Well, I can clearly see that Obama is doing a Political Rousting Job on the American People – which confirms my issues with the Global Elitest.

      So here ya go – see if your tiny brain can wrap itself around the following explaination – if you know how to read that is!

      1. Young Voters from the Liberal Progressives – thats what Obama has built his entire political agenda upon – That is first case.

      2. By allowing Illegal Mexican Immigrants to obtain some type of Legal Position within the United States – and Forced new Affirmative action laws upon the American People – Obama can achieve the following – to OBTAIN HIS GOAL: “Remember that word – “”GOAL””” — as I will come back to that after while.

      3. The Global Elite Want more Illegal Mexicans – so they can legally print more worthless Federal Reserve Notes.

      4. The More Young Liberal Progressives that Obama kisses butt to – the better his chances of winning the next elections.

      >>>>>> Goal – What is Obamas Goal — To win the Next Election. Not to help the Illegal Mexican – Not to help the American People – But — and listen — To Appease the Elitest Agenda…

    • ingli ONLY says:

      Obama does not care about the rule-of-law. His concept is overstep the Constitution, do whatever it takes to destroy, destroy, destroy our system. Protecting America is not on his radar. He will not be happy until the 3rd world countries are in a position to bail us out and we are praying 5 times a day.

  231. Marcelo says:

    I still can’t comprehend what’s you’re grudge against mexicans, assuming that ALL mexicans are egocentric, ALL mexicans are criminals, ALL mexicans stole you’re lunch money, (insert negative adjetives with the word mexican here), etc. I mean what the fuck is wrong with all of you people? You just make offensive generalizations towards this people without knowing shit about them, and not only mexican, cause I’m seeing asian, african, THE WHOLE FUCKIN WORLD! And that’s not all, talking of which race is superior in capabilities? In what have we become? The fuck is this? Hitlerian influence speech?
    Not Racist? MY ASS!

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Hello Marcelo:
      I’m not a racist – I have no hate for anyone – I’m trying to get my Fellow Americans to see this issue in a different light – to look at this in a completely different way – such as this.

      >> My Military background taught me some valuable lessons – I would like other Americans to see that One does-not have hate for the enemy — One Does not Judge the Enemy — One does not Kiss the Enemy — one does not curse the enemy — One does not do anything with the enemy – with the exception of one thing – and one thing only.

      >> The Only thing that an enemy is good for is out and out direct killing – to kill the enemy out-right and directly – to kill the enemy as quickly as one can – to kill the enemy without hesitation.

      >> Do-not disrespect the enemy – do not have love or hate for the enemy – all emotions toward the enemy are to be taken out of all equations: One Issues and one Issues alone — KILL THE ENEMY.

      The ILLEGAL Mexican is the ENEMY — PERIOD!!!!!

  232. Kay Kay says:

    Wow, here I was thinking I was the only person who called spics coi alsockroaches. I also didn’t realize the thing they do at the store, coming straight at you like you better get out of their way was so universal. I noticed this many years ago. I couldn’t go to Walmart without having that experience several times in one trip and now I work in retail and they pull that shit there to. I have never knocked the on their asses although I wanted to, I don’t want to go to jail. What I do is stop right there in the middle of the aisle and make them go around me. I’ve taught my kids to do this also my kids know to never get out of a spic’s way!

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Hello Kay Kay:
      I suppose all of us look at things in a different light – Thus: we all handle situations in a different manner.

      I can tell you what I do – heres an example.

      >> I was at the Sears Store in Arlington Texas (Parks Mall). I was walking down an isle – when two of the Rude Mexican Gang Creeps came walking toward me – you know the tear drop eye thing they always have? The Tear drop is suppose to make the tough or something — LOL LOL LOL – what joke that is!

      Well – I just keep walking toward them — looking right into their eye-balls (Mexicans Hate when someone looks at their eyes – as they know their a crap race).

      I do my best to walk right into them – and make one hell of a scene out it aswell – I will normally walk into several of them at the same time – if I can.

      In this example – I spoke as loud as I could — LOL LOL LOL – wearing my VA ball cap (Post 946) – telling the Illegal In front to get out of my way.

      What I found was – once a Mexican is put into its place – they back-off — especially an older white male – which goes to tell you: Mexicans are nothing more than two-bit cowards.

      I’m an old man now – I’m so slow I can’t get out of my own way anymore — But you know — Mexicans are affraid of me – and the reason – I look at them right in their eyes and tell them right to their face what they are — nothing more than a dirty foot stomping little coward.

  233. Mickey Jones says:

    Heres a story for the American Folk – a true story – but about 20 years old now.

    Does anyone remember the old Wynn-Dixie Grocery stores?

    Well, I used to shop at one close to my house – and heres what happened.

    >>> One day, I was shopping, pushing my little cart around – when I went around a corner – I didn’t look to see if anyone was coming – and ran my cart right into a Mexican Mans cart – with its Ugly Mexican Female and Bambino.

    >>> Well, and to be honest with you folks — that was my fault – So I told the Mexican that I was sorry – looked at his wife and child – and then back at the Man – and said again – I’m very sorry for that – please forgive me.

    >>> Well – what response do you folks think I got?

    >>> The Only words out of the Mexicans Filthy mouth was — and I qoute — “””Don’t Look at my Woman”””…

    >>> I couldn’t believe it – so I told him I was sorry again – hoping he understood me better – but the same response – and again – but the third time – the Mexican said this – and I qoute — “”””If You LOOK at my Woman – I will Kill You”””.

    >>> I replied — “You say your going to kill me””? — The Mexican said again — “”Yes I will kill you if you look at my women”””.

    So – I grabbed the mexican by the hair of his head – and began dragging it out of the store — telling that mexican he was fixing to get his chace to kill me – and soon.

    Ohhh Boy – that mexican cried – and screamed – and tried to grab ahold of something to hold onto – all the while – the Mexican female cried and tried to get help for her poor little Beaner — LOL LOL LOL…

  234. Your mother says:

    You know your probably not even from america your family comes from a long line of Irish or europeanes so you should hate yourself being ignorant is why the country lacks intelligent because they allow racism and calls it freedom of speech if we had freedom of speach the. We could curse at everyone and not be blame for it.

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Greetings Your Mom Says:
      Hmmmm. – well, you need to do some historical research – and some research into genetics aswell – it would seem to be the case anyway.

      Historical Research has proven that the Clovis People were the first Americans — they were from Europe – France to be more exact.

      Next came the Vikings. Historical research has found Viking artifatcs going back to atleast 1500 years before the first native Americans.

      The Native American was of Asian Decentment – as the Mexican is a rather lower end result of race mixtures.

      I suppose being Mexican is aken to being ignorant – but you can work on that down in Mexico – can you not?

      Or do you insist on invading a foriegn nation?

  235. Mickey Jones says:

    Greetings Americans:
    You folks want to know how to piss-off an Illegal Mexican — piss them off so badly they want to cry and stomp their feet like a Bambino?

    Well here ya go — In Mexican Culture — if you want to call it culture that is — The Mexican Male – right along with its short little brown dong – has to be BIG MAN all of the time – thats why you see them pushing and shoving their way around in public places.

    The Mexican Male has to prove its dominate in all situations — acting as if they are a tough boy – pushing and shoving – being as rude as they can possibly be — well — all you have to do is to take that away from them – just as simple as that.

    This is most effective when you can punk and or bitch a Mexican Male in front of its Moheda – or mexican bitch.

    So here ya go America: Next time a Mexican Male is in the company of a Moheda – and becomes rude and or pushy – you understand the reason – That Illegal Mexican male is only trying to prove thats its a tough Mexican in front of its bitch – and in a public setting – in the Mexican Males Mind – It is so tough – no-one would dare talk back to it – no-one will dare stand up to it – and the reason – The Mexican Must Prove in Front of others in Public that it is so vicious everyone is deathly affraid of it – so the bitch will now respect it.

    Put The Mexican into its place – knock that mexican on its ass – whip out your cock and begin cock wipping it in the face – all the while – your smiling at the bitch – calling the Mexican Male a Punk.

    While you have you american cock out – and the Mexican Male is on the ground — go ahead and piss on the Mexicans Face – and then very deeply laugh at the Mexican — asking the Bitch if her Male is Tough.

    Ohhhh but how sad for the Bitch – because when they get behind closed doors – that bitch will get an ass whipping – all due to the Mexicans shame and humility.

  236. Mickey Jones says:

    Mexicans are the Lowest of the Lows – very little will embarass a Mexican.

    1. Mexicans Invade – but think they are entitled.
    2. Mexicans draw 20 kinds of welfare – but think they are entitled.
    3. Mexicans sell illegal and controlled drugs to under-aged children – but still – they feel entitled.
    4. Mexicans go to walmarts to shop-lift – but they feel thats ok.
    5. Mexicans are thieves in many other aspects – such as car jacking – and other violent crimes – but they feel they are special.

    America — it seems obvious that our government will do nothing to deal with the Mexican Infestation – even though our Government is Elected and suppose to represent Americans and hold up the Laws: rather – our own Government represents the Illegal Mexican and the Global Elite.

    America — as soon as you have had enough – you know what must be done – don’t you?

    In the future – just remember this:

    A soldier can-not afford emotions – a soldier has a job to do – and often times a sorry and dirty job – but still – a job is nothing more than a job – just the same as changing the oil in your car – or cooking dinner — washing cloths — they are all jobs.

    The Job that must be done in the near future will be for you, your children, your freedoms, your futures, your prosperity, and for your life.

    Now listen here – listen close: Myself – I’m just an old man now – my life is well over half over – I have my retirement, I own my own home, car, and have medical care – in fact, I spend much of time time fishing, or screwing around in the garden – but what of you?

    With the current and present situation in America – what does your future look like — and in regard to the Mexican infestation – being backed by the Global Liberal Communist Agenda?

  237. Elsie BEATRIZ. says:

    FUCK YOUR WHITE ASS. I’m 100% Mexican, and GUESS WHAT? My parents first came here illegally. My dad though, went through the complete process, and became a citizen. Then he helped my mom come across and become a citizen as well. And they pay their taxes. Do you know HOW much BETTER ‘ilegals’ make your fucking life? We pick your fruit, we pick your vegetables, we wash your cars, we do so much shit for you unappreciative gringos. Tell me you, your family, or your friends, have never bought food from any vendors. Tell me you ain’t ever bought ice cream from the paleteros. Tell me you have never ate tamales, tacos, tortas, whatever else. And if you say from Taco Bell, HAHA. That’s fucking bullshit ass food! Shut your racist ass up bout this, I can think of a million reasons why other nationalities & races don’t like white people. Never fuck up with La Raza bitch. You don’t know what you’re messing with. You’re probably gonna laugh at this, but I don’t give a fuck. Guess what? White people weren’t the first people to come to America. It was Hispanics & the Indians.
    Your Proud Mexican, Elsie (:

    & guess what else? I’m 13.

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Greetings Elsie Beatriz:
      Ya – I can tell by reading your verbage that you are infact very young and imature – Moreover: Un-Educated. So, I’ll give my best attempt to explain things so you might just understand – if that is possible!

      Your message is based on the View and Idea that Americans need and or are dependent upon Mexicans. Moreover: That the American people should – and in your words respect Mexican Influence in the United States.

      Elsie – your view is based on an Arrogant view: The American People do-not need Mexicans – in fact, the American people find Mexicans to be a burden.

      Elsie – You also say Americans are racist! Do you not think that anyone has a right to be racist – if they are content to be so?

      Elsie – You say – don’t mess with La Raza – Yes – I agree with you – we as Americans would rather the Criminal Mexican and or Latino Gangs stay out of the United States – thats the very message that I have been sending.

      Elsie – No – the Europeans were the First Americans – the so-called American Indians were of Asian decentment – and came much later — whereas the Mexican is a Mutt – a mixture of more than one race – which was not even born until the late 1600’s.

      Elsie — You say you are 100% Mexican — but yet your in the United States. Can you not see the direct contradiction in your own wording? If you are a Mexican — shouldn’t you be in Mexico? Or – is the real issue about Mexicans getting to do what ever they want – when ever they want – and the American People get to pay the bills – Moreover: The 20 Kinds of Mexican Welfare!

    • Anton says:

      What you consider “Hispanics” didn’t exist until after the Europeans had settled in America; “Hispanics” are mongrels that have the Spanish and the Indians to blame for their existence.

  238. Mickey Jones says:

    Ohhh boy – Mexicans are even more ignorant than I had thought possible.

    Has anyone ever noticed the following:
    1. Mexicans call americans racist.
    2. Mexicans always have God as an excuss.
    3. Mexicans feel entitled.
    4. Mexicans are rude and pushy.
    5. Mexicans are Pro-Mexico – but want to be in the United States.

    Yep – its time to get shed of the Mexicans – and if our government stands in our way – it will be time to get rid of them aswell.

  239. Mickey Jones says:

    Tips 101.

    Watch for hidden cams – their installed all over the place – so watch your surroundings.

    1. Mexicans are nothing more than an animal mentally – an example to this: Once a Mexican begins theiving from a specific location – lets say the Mexican needs to climb a fence – that is the animals route – the mexican beast will continue doing the same thing over and over again.

    2. Mexicans must prove they are a tough boy – use this need to show-out against them – let the Mexican beast do as it pleases – and be ready when it does.

    3. The Mexican Beast will always chase after any female it feels like chasing after – use that to your advatage.

    4. The Mexican Beast can-not handle Drugs or drinking – encourage the beast to do just that – be ready when the times comes.

    5. The Mexican Beast will always run from the PoPo – as they already know they are a criminal — use that as an advatage.

    Find a trend – the Mexican Beast is very predictable – and has several weaknessess – learn about the beast – exploit the weaknessess.

  240. aleja says:

    this is so funny shaking my head to this white people or should I say hill billy people Im so proud of being mexican and fuck all you haters love you , you trashy white looking people :*

    • Mick ey Jones says:

      Ok – be stupid. You know what you people have done in the US – Welfare hogs – criminals – rude and pushy – ya – go ahead stay.

      Just as soon as the American People have had enough – enough of our economy failing – due to the Spic Infestation — well, see whose the wet burrito then — lol….

    • ingli ONLY says:

      aleja, turn on your T.V. watch the news you’ll see ugly mexican after ugly mexican after ugly mexican.. so sick of news coverage showing these ugly mexican beaners breaking AMERICAN LAWS………… please don’t drop any ugly beaners out of that beaner hole….. take your ugly mexican self back to that smelly country you and your fellow mexicans love so much…

  241. aleja says:

    And oh yea for what I know around my block theres a lot disgusting white people theres so trashy and sneaky my latino hood most white people taking over cause its cheap here and can they can afford it saddly sometimes I gave there kis food

    • ingli ONLY says:


  242. aleja says:

    hill billy kids

  243. Ricky says:

    Hey white folks!:) I’m 100%MEXICAN!!! And PROUD!!!:) I feel sorry for you because all you know is hatred for others that are not white what you think because you are white you have the right to descriminate others? So if society were to find out that Jesus was actually brown and not white like everyone portraits him would you hate him? And religion??? You hate mexicans because they soppisely rape kids? Or who ever said that here whites and blacks also rape?? Did you mensaion that NO!!! This country originally belongs to browns and whites came here and stole it!!! are we browns making a big fuzz about it ??? NO but here you are fighting over Mexicans being this and that and all the bad stuff about them but do you talk about the good things they so like pick the fruits and vegetables you fucking eat cut peoples grass, and probably built your fucking house!!! And they contribute to the American society a lot and more than you think they work for less money than they should get paid and work in nasty jobs your fucking damn ass is to lazy to do and work for less!!! Oh and they do pay taxes!!! Get your facts right!! And then open that fucking thing you call a mouth and I know that not all white people sorry Anglos are not like you they are well open minded and people like you gI’ve this worl a bad name and people like you should be in hell !!! Because people like you that think are better than others cause bad things like war just take a look at Hitler!!! Fucking idiot go make the world a favor and jump off a bridge because you are a worthless piece of trash and then again calling you trash is insulting trash your worth less then trash!!!!!!!!

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Hello Ricky
      Good grief – what is the matter with you?
      1. You either can’t read – or didn’t read any of the previously posted comments.

      You just don’t understand anything at-all – this is not about being racist toward others — this is all about protecting America and the American working class.

      Ok – your 100% Mexican – and proud to be so — Great – Good for you — Now get your brown ass back down to Mexico – shouldn’t a Mexican be in Mexico?

      The Americans do-not need Mexicans to cut our grass – or do anything else.

      Taxation in the United States is actuallu illegal — so everytime a Mexican Pays taxes – it only hurts the American People that much more.

      GOD – What about that HEBREW GOD? I could care less about that old religous crap.

      Man – You and all of the Other Mexicans are just plain dumb…

  244. Mexican says:

    Mickey Jones, no matter what response you get, you end up saying that mexicans are dumb.

    Well, pretending this is not about being racist, let’s first say I cant truly believe that you actually think that more than 112 million mexicans are brown. Thats really stupid and its false lol… I mean, What do you mean when you say “white people”, skin color or your people?

    You say the mexicans mules working over there in the USA are just a tool of your government, and then say they undercut the us americans, how’s that? You want those dirt jobs for your so loved white people?
    Besides, it has been DEMONSTRATED that immigration does not contribute whether to the increase of unemployement or to the reduction of salaries, in spite of the fear of the patriots citizens, cause not all the us americans think the same way yo do Jones.
    The study Im talking about actually emphasized that immigrants contribute to the increase of the demand in the sector of goods and services, and it’s a fact, if you dont wanna believe it, well that’s your problem and Im not saying that not only mexicans but latin people feel entitled because of that.
    So, Who we should trust in? United Nations studies or this patriot old vet of war?
    And, if an illegal mexican can actually get a job, Why wouldnt an us american citizen? I mean most of the undocumented mexicans are un-educated and humble people.

    Now, there’s lots of mexicans living LEGALLY, paying their taxes, contributing in a good manner, doing good and BEING EQUALLY under the law, you also know that right Michael?
    Mexicans in Mexico? It does not exist Michael, I mean only patriot people believe that. People from all over the world move to all over the world, and it’s not something new.
    Could you please tell me what is going on with your economy? Cause as far as I know, United States of America is still the biggest economy in the world, the country of opportunities, the wonderland, the leader, the new world order haha. Your economy has no any problem, and if so, well the government should reduce the warlike expenses, I mean we all know the position and the status the USA has.

    The enemies are the governments, not the people. Mexican people did not plan a self-attack where around 3 thousand innocent civilians died, mexicans didnt tried to fool humanity saying they got to the moon haha.

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Greetings Mexican:
      Well now — Thank you for that most decent reply – the best reply I have read to this point – I must say you wrote a very good arguement – Thank You!

      Ok – Even though I read and understood your entry – its abit to detailed for me to hit every point – “My Counter Arguement,” as it were – so let me put things in this way.

      Globalism — The Power Elite — Global Banking — the one world order: This is the enemy – the enemy of both your people and mine: and the working class people world-wide, such as the Chinese, the various Mid-East people — excedra.

      These issues are what your people do-not understand – kinda like saying — “”Affirmative Action on a Global Scale””.

      The American People were on top of the economics curve – world wide – for atleast 50 years – but we are not anymore. So why – thats the question – now isn’t it?

      Take this view of Affirmative action – this is designed to create an equality across the entire world – IE: Everyone will be of equal value – have the same wealth – the same voting power – the same economic advantage — excedra. Thus: THE ONE WORLD ORDER!

      So – lets ask – how would this be accomplished?

      One would take the upper level peoples – and lower it – giving its wealth to the lower – raising the lower – while lowering the upper: and at some point they meet in the middle.

      Much like saying — Global Liberal Social Communism – which takes away from the American People – giving its wealth and rights to others around the world — such as Mexicans.

      Obama is a Global Progressive – Obama is now sponsoring Mexicans — so now the Mexicans — Illegal Mexicans are part of the Obama Progressive Movement.

  245. Mexican says:

    didnt try*

  246. Mickey Jones says:

    Greetings: Part Two:
    Now that Obama has began selling out the American People — due to his “Global Progressive Social Communistic Agenda”, and sponsoring the ILLEGAL MEXICAN – we are now on the fast track to hell – not Just America – or Mexico – but the world as an entire.

    However: This Global Progressive view has been going on for some time now — such as —

    1. President Daddy Bush Announced the New World Order
    2. President Bill Clinton Passed NAFTA and the WTO. ADD: Clinton Gave millions of American Dollars to Illegal Mexicans to come and start businesses.
    3. President Baby Bush announced to the Mexican People in Mexico – Illegal Mexicans would not be jailed or deported.

    In the United States: The working class is starting to suffer – while Illegal Mexicans come and get 20 kinds of welfare and american jobs, and higher education – and then break american laws – to include violent crimes.

    So – in the view of a Patriotic American – Yes – you and all others should trust someone like me – rather than the Global Elite, or as you put it – the United Nations.

    Just in Case you have not understood – understand this.

    In America — Push is coming to shove – the American Working class have had just about all of the Prolems they will put up with.

    We Americans know the main problem is due to the Globalists – but the Mexican is the Globalists tool – just as other peoples world wide.

    The main issue to me — what message I am trying to send — Changes are coming – and as the American People feel more and more pressure – and see their rights and wealth disappear – the closer and closer to all out internal war we get.

    The Mexicans will be blamed for our problems at some point – be in Mexico when that starts.

  247. JACK ME OFF says:

    your all a bunch of pussies, all talk and no action, where are you white boys now, when this white america needs you, you fuc-ing momma’s boys, still all talk and always will be, nazis , KKK, and the likes, ALL TALK.

  248. JACK ME OFF says:

    all in all we support your cause, and your comments are in the bulls eye, but the people (whites, etc., not beaners) should unite and prepare for this up coming civil war and mexican’american war, it is coming and is already buzzin. We are losing our country, if not already lost. so where is your support and action.

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Greetings Jack:
      Yep – I agree with you – but perhaps there are some things going on that you should look into a little closer.

      My advice – ya, get ready for the up and coming civil war – build a small but well trained group – a group that is based on CO-Hart, and let no-one into your group – trust no-one – not even people like myself that go on about this sort of thing.

      You see – there are many white americans just like myself – people who agree with you 100% – but sit back just a second and ask yourself this question — “”Do You Know Me””?

      The answer is no – so therefore – you can-not trust me at-all!

      TRUST NO-ONE — outside your small tight little group – NO ONE.

      Did you know our Federal Government is flying drone aircraft over the lower 48 now – You got it — to spy on American people.

      Why: Because the Feds know alot more than you or I – and the reason — Just as you said — “OBAMA HAS SOLD US OUT”!

      if Obama has sold us out – he was told to sell us out — by his superiors – and they are ready to clamp down on the american people at a moments notice.

      Be Ready – But stay out of the light.

      As for me — Ohhhh shit man — I’m nothing more than a worn out old vet from Texas – its you young folks that matter!

  249. JACK ME OFF says:

    oh, and yes, Obama HAS sold us out.

  250. Mickey Jones says:

    Greetings Patriots
    I wanted to put this info up – Listen, The Illegal Mexican is only a tool – being utilzed to bring the United States of America down to its knees – by the powers that be.

    No-one could possibly think the greatest nation in the world – and of all times could “”Just By accident”” become what it is today – no-one believes that do they?

    Ok – Mexicans are pure garbage – I get it – and once more I completely agree – but if we – “The American People are to have our fredoms back – our wealth back – our homes and nice lifestyle back – we need to understand what source is responsible for our destruction.

    I’ll tell you folks this – Our Government is only the police arm – it passes and enforces law – and taxes to provide a military. The Government is supposed to Represent the American Citizens.

    But let me ask – how is it possible to represent the public when the United States is a Multi-Ethnic, Multi-Race, Multi-Religious, Multi-Cultural society — IE: All of these various subs are different – and have different views — Therefore: True Representation of the People is not even possible.

    So who and or what entity is being represented? The Global Elite – along with the Privately owned Federa Reserve.

    The American People are in big trouble – very big. Ya – the Mexican must be delt with – but first things first – I say — “””Cut out the Brains””.

  251. Mickey Jones says:

    Who exactly are the Global Elite?

    Find this – deal with this – and our problems will soon be in the past.

  252. 886155 says:


    • Mickey Jones says:

      Greetings No-Name # 886155
      I sure hope your correct – I sure would want to be around some old hebrew for all of enternity — Sheeesh, I bet you that when the United States gets shed of the ILLEGAL BROWN TURDS – we’ll be doing just fine.

      So — good luck sucking the old Hebrews balls — LOL….

  253. ingli ONLY says:

    I think Obama wants the mexicans and every other illegal to come to the U.S. as he can break the U.S. without firing a shot–that’s the Muslim in him

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Greetings ingli
      You almost have it right – but not completely.

      Obama – Baby Bush, Clinton, Daddy Bush — Ohhhh, there all the same – have the same thing in common – The Commander and Chief of the United States.

      So – lets get down to cases – what is the Government? Better yet, what is the Head-Honcho?

      All it is – is the Police Arm – a supposed Voter elected Policeman – head of the federal police – basically anyway.

      The Government has a job – create and enforce law — and provide National defense: in other words – Create law to control the working class — poor ole dumb ass tax-payers.

      So who and or what entity does the Government actually represent? The Elite of course – moreover: the Global Elite – such as the OWNERS of the FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS — which by the way is about — give or take — 75% foriegn owned.

      Yep – our money is by-and-large owned by foriegn entities.

      Mexicans are here for several reasons — but you got that part right — to destroy America — to control the American Peoples.

      • ingli ONLY says:

        Mr Jones, is it over? have we lost?
        I live in the Los Angeles, CA area and you’d never believe you were in the USA when in most parts… is this the beginning of the end?

      • Mickey Jones says:

        Hello Ingli
        Sorry it took me so long to reply to your question.

        On any account – you ask if this is the end – and my response is – I honestly can-not give you a yes or no answer – but I will say this.

        Look into the “Fall of the Roman Empire”, and also take a look into the “Dark Ages”.

        My finding are:
        >> The Roman Empire fell because the Elite allowed peoples of foreign nations to become the majority population – and also taxation became to high associated with a currency that had lost its value.

        >> The Dark Ages were associated with the fall of the “”SECOND ROMAN EMPIRE (Currently known as Instanbul Turkey) – at that time was known as Constanaple. The measure was for the time a GLOBAL EMPIRE – associated with “Multi-Culturalism – being lead by – and for the time – The Global Elitest.

        Do some reading on this subject – see what you think – and compare your findings to the United States.

  254. ingli ONLY says:

    In my opinion, if a mexican woman goes to a clinic for maternity care, that “free” care, along with welfare, she must have her tubes tied after her first child is born. No tubes tied, no welfare. It’s that simple.

    For mexican mothers, 38 percent of you have more than one daddy for your children .. Look here mexi-man , support your own!! And you beaner girls 2 children with the same father, is that really impossible?

  255. ingli ONLY says:

    Where are all of the people who claim to love America, wave America flags, serve in the military – where are all of these patriots now that America desperately needs action to stop this traitorous madness? All illegal aliens should be rounded up and thrown out of the country immediately; all legal immigration should be halted immediately; all Americans who employ or aid and abet illegal aliens should be charged with felony crimes. If we are willing to mobilize now, it is not too late to save America.

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Hello Ingli
      I absolutely agree with you – but the American Patriots wouldn’t have a chance – at this time – the US feds would literally sweep them up in just a matter of a few days.

      The US will fall first – thats the only way.

  256. Poor Dad says:

    This country is going downhill faster than I thought. I live in an above average decent neighborhood but I am looking to move so because kid’s school is populated with anchor babies and gang issues. They are able to the same school as my kids because the whole 16 member family on average can squeeze into a small apartment. The only place that is good to go now here in northern california is the most expensive area. What a shame.

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Greetings Poor Dad
      Yes – I can see this – I’m sorry your having troubles.

      Let me put this topic up.

      The United States is and has been a powerhouse for a good number of years now – both economic and military power.

      The US is falling apart from within – what changes in your mind have taken place to set this fall into motion?

  257. LOL says:

    everyone here are fuckin idiots, yeah kick out all the mexicans, but then you have cubans, puerto ricans, salvadorians, colombians, guatemalans who are all hispanic and talk spanish…lol you white people make me laugh sometimes >.<

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Greetings LOL:
      Well I’m glad you have got a good laugh – thats nice – but you know, the American Patriot will eventually be forced to deal with the other Low-Tinas just the same — and you Illegal Mexicans can be assured that it was you that created that mess.

      You see — Most of America is wise – or is becoming wise to just what a Mexican Really is — which is a >>

      >> Dirty, Vile, Disgusting, Illegal piece of welfare grabbing garbage!

      The Mexican is perhaps the lowest life form on the planet.

      Trust me bean – Illegal Mexicans will pay for their crimes against the american people – and they will pay a very high price.

  258. Mickey Jones says:

    Have any of you asked how the US economy is still alive?

    Heres one view: The Illegal Mexicans illegally invade the United States – and are so trashy – the very first thing they do is begin begging our government for welfare hand-outs – which is actually tax-payer funded.

    LOL LOL LOL — The Illegal Mexicans say – and I qoute — “””I’m Proud to be Mexican”””.

    And then get down on their hands and knees begging our people for free money — LOL LOL LOL — does that sound like being proud to anyone — Really????

    LOL LOL LOL — The Mexicans say they are a tough peoples – good fighters – brave — so on — but then again — when the Texans Caught General Santa anna at/after the battle of San Jacinto – General Santa Anna was wearing a privates uniform and sucking the breast milk out of a dirty, ugly and PREGNANT mexican Female – like a little bitch. You folks know that General Santa Anna was crying and begging for his life – and promised the withdrawal of all mexican citizens back to mexico.

    Mexicans think they are Proud and Brave — LOL LOL LOL — all they know how to do is swim and beg the americans!

  259. Jessica says:

    You’re really messed up. You know, not all of us are like that. And what about white people, huh? I happen to know for a fact that you are no better than us. We may be bean pickers, wet backs, spics, and what the fuck ever you wanna call us, but if I had to say something about white people, I’d have to say that most of them are a bunch of superficial, beer bellied, snobby, cigarette smoking, blobs. All your girls think it’s cool to tan. You say we’re brown, well what about them, they’re trying to be the same color we are, and they end up orange. Most of you drink more beer than any of us have ever touched, and at least we know where we stand, instead of acting like we’re the godamn rulers of the whole world. I’m not going to say you’re a pathetic bastard for thinking these things, because I understand. but at least try to see that we’re not all the same. I got to school every day and I see Mexicans everywhere, and, honestly, they piss me off. They’re stupid, can’t hold a proper conversation without putting in something in Spanish, and they use words like tooken or teached. Honestly, I can’t say I like ’em, and I’m one of them! But I’m fourteen and even I can understand that we have a place in this country, just like everyone else. And you know, technically, we never jumped the border. We never came illegally into this country. Mexico owned places like Arizona, and Cali, when the British invaded and took over. So it is not fair to say that we’re “border jumpers” Also, I’ll have you know that my mother came into this country at eighteen and since then she has worked her hardest to take care of me and my sisters. If there is one thing about Mexicans that is good, it’s the fact that we stick together, no matter what. You people leave your babies in trash cans, bathrooms, or parking lots. But no matter what, even if we’re dying of starvation, we try our hardest to help each other, because we know that our family will always have our backs. We may pile into cars, or have sixteen people in a two bedroom apartment, but that’s because we never leave our kind behind. Think about that.

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Hello Jessica:
      All I can say is that you are one of the least informed and ignorant so-called peoples that I have ever read – what a shame.

      Get out of the United States – and get out now – take your beans with you…

      • Jessica says:

        Hm, you’re hilarious. I don’t even fucking like beans you worthless piece of trash. If you think I’m ignorant, then you’re stupid, because while you have lived in your comfy little home thinking about how you hate Mexicans because of what they supposedly do, I lived in that world.

    • ingli ONLY says:


  260. ingli ONLY says:

    Sorry, kiddo, but if you’re mom’s an illegal she’s gotta go. Don’t worry, though mi hijo, you can go with her.

    • Jessica says:

      Yeah, just a small teensie weensie tip. Don’t try to write in Spanish, because you obviously don’t have any idea how to. I’m a girl, so that obviously wouldn’t work for me. And my mother has earned her place here through blood, sweat, and tears, so don’t you dare say that she has to go, because she’s probably worked harder than you to be here. You’re probably a minimum wage worker at a KFC somewhere, while my mom is a phlebotomist. I don’t you even know what that is.

      • ingli ONLY says:

        You’re right I’m an American, I’m in the United States of America, I love the American Flag, I respect the American Laws, I earn my own money, I never steal, I pay too much taxes, I follow the gun laws (for now), so you’re right I don’t know how to write spanish (mexican)……only English

  261. ingli ONLY says:

    Another whining filthy stinking wetback. Mexicans have ruined the quality of life all over southern California. . mexicans have dumbed down schools, bankrupted hospitals and transformed nice American neighborhoods into filthy stinking mexican slums. Deport them and if they don’t go peacefully…….. kill Them

    by the way jessica, did your mom get any freebies (medical. food, housing) did you have a father in the home? do you and your siblings have the same father… these are not stereo types where I come from they are facts

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Hello Ingli:
      We as American Citizens need to know the truth about the fall of our nation – perhaps this info will help you see thing in a little different way.

      Ok – first off, I agree 110% with you – the Mexican is a Dirty, Disgusting, Vile, Illegal Invader, Welfare Grabbing piece of garbage – that should be rounded up and — Ohhh, delt with.

      But – we as American citizens need to take a step back and ask a few questions – such as.

      1. Why have the Illegal Mexicans been allowed to simply walk into out nation – work two-bit jobs, buy homes, go to college, and draw multiple forms of welfare?

      2. Why is it – Illegal Mexicans come here and form Drug-Gangs without resistance?

      3. Why is it – when an American citizen does take objection to the Illegal Mexican – that American citizen is deemed a filthy racist – and then threatened with prison?

      Ok — Take a look at these issues – tell yourself what you see. Moreover: all paths lead to the same road – and that road my friend is nothing less than a US FEDERAL GOVERNMENT that has created a means of LEGALIZED treason against the American People.

      Should the American People put blame on the ILLEGAL Mexican — Well, I think so – you bet.

      But the main problem that we as American People have is our own Federal Government that only controls the American Citizen — and by Orders of the Power Elite…..

      • ingli ONLY says:

        I believe everything u say………….. when it all goes down true Americans will fight, but unless we organize how can we win?

    • Jessica says:

      You should all be ashamed. If I, a fourteen year old girl, can understand that there is no difference between us all when even you people can’t, then you should be ashamed. For your information, my mother gave birth to me in L.A, plus my older sister. My bastard of a father left us behind, and what did she do? No, she didn’t fucking get on welfare, or apply for anything like that. She got three jobs, worked like a slave day and night, barely eating sometimes just so that my sister and I could eat. And she still had time to go to medical school and spend time with us. She worked hard to get a medical degree, and now, you have no idea if she’s the one who treated you or your kids once upon a time. And my younger sister is in fact from my step dad, but how the fuck does that matter? We’re family, doesn’t that count? These aren’t facts. They may be facts in that sick twisted mind of yours, but I can tell you right now that those are not facts. Don’t you dare say anything about that. If you hate Mexicans so Godamn much, then how do you know what they’re like? For all you know they are better people than you will ever be. Do you know how hard some have gone to get to where they are? Hm? At my school, all the white kids do nothing but smoke in the bathrooms and mess around. Two girls were pregnant. Two thirteen year old girls. And they were white. So don’t say shit when you can’t prove or even know anything about that. Why don’t you all just grow the fuck up.

      • Micky Jones says:

        Greetings Jessica:
        Were discussing Mexicans – and Mexicans have their own nation – ya – I think its called Mexico.

        You mexicans are taking your life into your own hands by staying in the US – as this nation is being destroyed from within – and the Mexican Invader is the tool to destroy this nation.

        Heres a little story for you – I suggest you and all of the other beans listen, and listen very close.

        during the 1930’s – the world was in a great depression – an Economic Depression. Germany was in really bad shape – Adolf Hitler came to power – and asked the Jews to leave – Hitler gave the Jew every chance he could – but they refused to listen.

        Currently the United States is in the same position as world war two Germany – but this time around – It is the Mexican who will be blamed – blamed for their Criminal Take over of the US.

        Bean – you had better get the F*ck out of the US – and take all of your sub-humans with you — do it soon – get out bean…

  262. ingli ONLY says:

    to be a phlebotomist you do not need a medical degree you need to attend a 12 week trade school (that most mexicans get to attend on the American dime) As for your wetback father he’s probably impregnated many other beans along the way after he left u (great more single mothers wanting assitance)!

    Per capita income of Hispanics is one half that of non-Hispanic whites, and household net worth is less than one tenth.
    Fifty percent of Hispanic households use some form of welfare, the highest rate of any major population group.
    Hispanics are 3.3 times more likely to be in prison than whites; they are 4.2 times more likely to be in prison for murder, and 5.8 times more likely to be in prison for felony drug crimes.
    Young Hispanics are 19 times more likely than young whites (and slightly more likely than young blacks) to be in youth gangs.
    At 43 percent, the Hispanic illegitimacy rate is twice the white rate, and Hispanic women have abortions at 2.7 times the white rate.
    Hispanics are three times more likely than whites not to have medical insurance, and die from AIDS and tuberculosis at three times the white rate.
    In California, the cost of free medical care for illegal aliens forced 60 hospitals to close between 1993 and 2003.

    Only 33 percent of citizens of Hispanic origin consider themselves “Americans” first. The rest consider themselves either “Hispanic/Latino” or their former nationality first.

    great group, huh? This breed has ruined once beautiful California. They use to write songs about California now you can only make jokes. The schools have the lowest scores, is that because they have the most mexicans???

    Appropriate occupation your mother chose: (phlebotomist) a blood sucker, mexicans have surely do suck the blood out of everything…

  263. ingli ONLY says:

    TO ALL THE AMERICANS enjoy the 4th of July today
    just know one day in the future we’ll have to fight for a new independence day…………

  264. Astrid says:

    Ingli…suck my finger ” .l. ”

    You were talking to a 14 year old!!!!

    • ingli ONLY says:

      Where I live the 14 year old beaners steal, ruin property, and kill… They are arrested and on trial in Los Angeles all the time. So a 14 year old beaner is just another beaner to me. You drive by the schools out here and they are 70% beaners, the ugliest little kids i’ve ever seen, if they blew up the schools out here it would be a great start THE necessary and impending end to this out of control mexican maddness…………………….

      So unless you have something important to say, I’ve got a better use for that mouth.

  265. Jessica says:

    Oh God. Know what? I can’t convince any of you. I’d rather move on with my life than waste any more time here trying to show you that everyone is the same, no matter the color of skin, or the type of race, or even the gender. What happened to the words “All men are created equal?” You say America is the land of the free, of the brave, and of the kind and true, but are you really showing America for what it should be? No. You’re rejecting before you even understand. I guess idiocy and bullying will never cease to exist.

    • Micky Jones says:

      Greetings Jessica
      If everyone is the same – than why are the Illegals Mexicans called Mexicans and then given 20 kinds of welfare????

      America is the land of freedom for AMERICANS — not a horde of ILLEGAL MEXICANS that have FORCED THEIR way into – and ILLEGALLY INVADED the UNITED STATES…,

      Get out Bean — get out now…

      • Carter says:

        I think what Jessica is trying to say is that we’re all people, black, white, mexican, asian. Beneath skin tone, we have the same skeleton, don’t we?

  266. whiteisright says:

    ingli I am ready for the next war for independence. This is my home and it really bothers me that these beaners come over here illegally disrepect our laws and citizens and then laugh in our face. We owe them nothing yet they really believe that we do. I pray for the day the shit hits the fan because I will be right in the middle of it. It is time to put an end to this disrespect and madness. We shall run them all the way to the end of South America. America was built with blood and by blood it shall be redeemed.

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Hello WhiteisRight:
      Its our Government that serves the most trouble to the Americans people — IE: more like be ready for the second Civil-War and a combination of Revolutionary actions.

      You know – I think the US may be split into pieces – but we’ll just have to see what the future holds.

    • ingli ONLY says:

      hey whiteisright, hope there’s a lot of us just waiting for that day… and that day will come… I live in Los Angeles and the fuckin beaners here have ruined EVERYTHING.

      Los Angeles is under the mayor ship of Antonio Villaraigosa, himself a Mexican national, who has converted a once world-class city into a safe haven for illegal aliens and other third world criminals.

  267. Mickey Jones says:

    Greetings America:
    You folks know what Mexicans really Are?

    They are PROUD to be MEXICANS — Hmmmmm.

    > Proud to IIllegally Invade the United States!
    > Proud to Beg America for 20 kinds of welfare!
    > Proud to Rape an entire nation!
    > Proud to Commit Crime after Crime!

    If Mexicans are so PROUD to be MEXICANS – then why is it they have come to the United States with hat in hand – begging, taking, pushing, theiving, INFESTING — all the while – There is an entire nation by the name of MEXICO that belongs to the PROUD MEXICAN….

    Get your dirty BEGGING INFECTED BROWN ASSES out of of the United States – and do it now.

  268. Jessica says:

    People are afraid of what they don’t understand. Goodbye. I’m done

    • ingli ONLY says:

      The Mexican Constitution, Chapter II, Article 30, paragraph II, states that you are a Mexican by birth if born on foreign territory, sons or daughters of Mexican parents born in national territory. There you have it! Anchor Babies are not U.S. citizens! They are citizens of Mexican according to the Mexican Constitution……………. shut the f up and go back to where you belong!

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Hello Jessica
      Ohhh but we do understand – understand to well I might add.

      Mexicans are an ILLEGAL INVADER – Illegal Mexicans are criminals, welfare hogs – pushy and rude – and Most Mexicans are Communists as well.

      Now you understand this – The United States does not have room for your kind — you had better pack your bags and get out before your either forced out – or get your packing.

  269. Mexican says:

    I’ll tell you why…

    For example, the current elections in Mexico if you dont know, were an absolute cynical fraude.
    Who created it? A whole team of corrupt and wealthy people who want to keep fulfilling their own interests, instead of start doing things right, cause as you should know Mexico it’s not a poor country, its wealth is distributed really really inequitably.
    So, the necessity of supporting a family, is gonna be bigger than everything you could ever do.
    Besides you only show the negative part, legal mexicans make such a high percentage as well. What does that mean? It means they are absolutely equal under the United States laws. So brown or white, you must deal with that.

    What else?
    Immigration is a phenomenon that is convenient for your disgusting government. So, if something keeps on taking the USA to the top, where they love to be, it’s gonna be going ahead.
    United States and Mexico are neighbor countries, they both have trade agreements, political agreements, exchange of goods and services of course convenient for the USA government.
    So, who should you blame?

    • ingli ONLY says:

      We used to have racist immigration laws that didn’t allow Mexicans. Those racists thought that those Mexicans would come here and get on welfare. So we changed those racist laws and now Mexico is our number one import. Problem is, those racists were right: those ignorant, dirt-poor Mexicans and all on welfare. Maybe we owe those white guys an apology. Like it or not, they were right.
      now look at us……………………
      I offer the following as a solution, unconventional by today’s standards, but not unprecedented. Given the clear and present danger that Mexico poses to the United States, strong and decisive actions are required. The USA has been playing defense with Mexico and losing badly. It is time to go on the offensive and stop these threats to National Security of the United States of America, and the physical threats of drugs and violence to our citizens.
      Domestically, all illegal aliens within the USA will be deported to their country of origin, as was done most recently during the Eisenhower administration. All assets and property owned by the illegal aliens will be seized and auctioned. The proceeds will go to reimburse the State governments who have provided benefits to these illegal aliens during their occupation of the USA. (payback is a bitch)

      All children of the illegal aliens will be deported with their parents, according to the Constitution of Mexico; they are considered as Citizens of Mexico and have legal status within the Country of Mexico.
      If the federal goverment isn’t going to do it’s job and protect us from invaders…… the American people WILLL

  270. Mexican says:

    oh yeah?
    Recently, a cousin of mine who has two kids with the american citizenship, well double nationality actually, was OBLIGATED to take her children back to the USA, while they were living here in Mexico, she was working as an english teacher here, and her kids were studying over here in Mexico. Why is that ingli ONLY?

    • Carter says:

      OOOOOOOHHH O_o Nice one ! :)

    • ingli ONLY says:

      Don’t know, why is that?

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Hello Mexican
      I’ll tell you why dumb-ass.

      Because the United States Federal Government sat down with a bunch of the Global Elitest to form our NEW WORLD ORDER.

      The Big dog GLOBAL ELITE felt highly of themselves – but knew they would only be able to trick the REAL DUMB-ASSES of the world — ya – people from the third world — like Mexicans – and other third world garbage.

      The Point of this Global expansion was to create a situation of TOTAL WORLD CONTROL – and the only way to control the people from the Developed Nations — such as the United States, The UK, and other such developed countries was to brain wash these peoples with LIBERAL SOCIAL COMMUNISM — lower them as much as possible — while uplifting the third world – uplifting thru a sort of criminalistic and global educational system: offering them free monies – free medical — excedra.

      In this way: the global elite win — The entire world becomes equally worthless – and on the same playing field – which exist to serve the will of the Globalist…

      Mexicans are going to absolutely destroy the United States – but in the end — the Mexicans will only remain what they have always been – a dirty dumb piece of garbage.

  271. ingli ONLY says:

    Let’s say I break into your house. Let’s say that when you discover me in your house, you insist that I leave.
    But I say, “I’ve made all the beds and washed the dishes and did the laundry and swept the floors. I’ve done all the things you don’t like to do. I’m hard-working and honest (except for when I broke into your house).
    According to the protesters:
    You are Required to let me stay in your house.
    You are Required to add me to your family’s insurance plan.
    You are Required to Educate my kids.
    You are Required to Provide other benefits to me & to my family (my husband will do all of your yard work because he is also hard-working and honest, except for that breaking in part).
    If you try to call the police or force me out, I will call my friends who will picket your house carrying signs that proclaim my RIGHT to be there. It’s only fair, after all, because you have a nicer house than I do, and I’m just trying to better myself. I’m a hard-working and honest, person, except for well, you know, I did break into your house. And oh yeah, I get a free education, where you have to pay your own way through college.(TEEHEE)
    And what a deal it is for me!!!
    I live in your house, contributing only a fraction of the cost of my keep, and there is nothing you can do about it without being accused of cold,
    Uncaring, selfish, prejudiced, and bigoted behavior.
    Oh yeah, I DEMAND that you learn MY LANGUAGE!!! So you can communicate with me. And don’t forget to make sure your forms are in MY language – I need to understand them…
    Why can’t people see how ridiculous this is?! Only in America !
    If you agree, pass it on ( in English ).

    • Carter says:

      And let’s just say that someone who has suffered pain, misunderstanding, starvation, thirst, war, and poverty shows up at your door, asking for nothing more than a better life, and you say, “No get the hell out of my way, you’re too ugly to look at,” what does that make you? Kind? Patriotic? Respectful? No. It makes you a cold and conceited son of a bitch.

      • ingli ONLY says:

        So, I can feed them and they won’t say thank you, they will just stay at my door and then demand more food?? and demand it in another language>>>

        The best response to the “starving children” immigration propaganda line of attack, is to present the truth that the nation of Mexico has one of the highest obesity rates of any nation in the world. People aren’t starving in Mexico – they are fat. Most poor Mexicans live a very unhealthy lifestyle eating way too much food. If Americans want to help Mexicans improve their lives, we need to take away a lot of their food, not enable them to come to the United States and eat even more unhealthy food.
        So, no the “starving children in Mexico” argument flat out doesn’t work as a justification for mass (illegal/legal) Mexican immigration in to the US

        And no, I don’t care if Mexicans are starving, or obese (sure, it’s the right talking point – I just don’t care, personally); if Marco Rubio wants to help them, that’s his business. He doesn’t get to give away what’s mine, though. He doesn’t get to force me to do what he thinks is right (take food out of my children’s mouths and the mouths of other AMERICAN children to give it to Mexican children).

      • Mickey Jones says:

        Hello Carter:
        No sir – your wrong – it means people need to attend to their own business and sit on their own tail end.

        Jus like a “Liberal” and “Social Communistic” “WORLD VIEW”, you sir think that everyone should cater to your needs – that what I earn or have — “should be yours and others”.

        Everyone is responsible for themselves – and their families – not the needs of a total stranger – or whats even worse – a person who was not even born of your community — and or society.

        Mexican Invaders are Strangers – sub-humans that are not of my community or society – I owe Illegal Mexicans nothing.

        But yet — I am forced by my own Government to pay taxes to support Illegal Mexicans – to feed them, medicate them, house them, educate them – when all the while – I am also forced to support myself.

        Carter: The United States is changing – in fact, this nation will fall — if not on its own accord – it will be forced into failure – and when that takes place – all mexicans had better be out of this nation for good and all.

  272. The truth says:

    What I wanna say is that the Mexicans have their own country and I don’t really see the point of coming to the US especially when they seek for crimes. The vast majority of the US prisons are filled with Mexicans is that normal ? What I really want is that they go back to their country and leave us alone and live peacefully

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Hello Truth:
      Well put — I agree with you completely – most Americans only wish to live in peace – and we simply can-not while millions of Illegal Mexicans rape our nation..

  273. ingli ONLY says:

    America has too many problems…. We DO NOT need Mexico’s problems………….. every mexican so proud of your race and country… FIX IT.. go home, stay home (in mexico) show the world what your mexican pride can accomplish………. and if you did build a beautiful/productive mexico, how would you feel if 30 million Americans crossed the border and ruined it ?

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Hello Ingli:
      Yes sir – Thats exactly the truth – I agree completely!

      You know what I think — I honestly think that Mexicans feel that we owe them something – they actually think they are entitled to what ever they want.

      • ingli ONLY says:

        Hey Mr Jones, Hope all is well with you. I’m at a local bar with friends now having a good time. This establishment charges extra to non americans (mexicans), so it’s still a safe and pleasant place to go in the Los Angele area.

        Do you visit any other sites that show American concern in volume or any signs of orginization??? Because the time is just around the corner and I for one am willing to sign on the (bottom line) to be on the front line. The obsession of ridding MY NEIGHBORHOOD of these invaders is all I think of and hopefully I can find the other million people out there BECAUSE I KNOW THEY ARE THERE….

  274. Carter says:

    First of all, just because my name is Carter, don’t go assuming that I’m a boy. Second, the reason why Mexican people are obese is because healthy food costs more than unhealthy food. You can buy a pack of Pepsis for 1.99 while most vegetables are 99 cents per pound. Mexicans don’t have money to flaunt around and buy organic healthy foods. To them, just buying food is enough. Beggars can’t be choosers. Third, just because they’re Mexicans doesn’t mean that they are neccessarily going to end up like that. There are millions of Mexican doctors, Lawyers, Firefighters, Cops, anything. It’s the fact that you live where you live. I happen to know for a fact that Mexicans aren’t the only ones who rape and kill and are in gangs. There are blacks, asians, AND whites. And although it’s true that most white people don’t do things like that, it’s because they either prefer to work alone, or because they are too cowardly to do anything. you say you want to get rid of Mexicans because they’re scum, and they’re wasting welfare and all other benefits. Yeah, instead of throwing out, why not helping them to become better people? Don’t run from your problems. Solve them. And not by causing hurt and death and pain, because that in itself just makes you a monster. All people are people, and it’s human nature to change.

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Hello Carter:
      Look Bean – I don’t know how many times I must explain whats going on — You and all the other Mexicans must be even more ignorant than I thought — sheeeesh.

      Ok – I’ll try to explain this one more time – please read carefully and learn something for once.

      As long as the Mexican Peoples are in Mexico – most Americans could care less – and not even form an opinion about Mexicans: Myself included.

      But Your People have come to the United States by force – you have invaded our nation – and thats a crime against the American peoples and our laws.

      But the worst thing is how the Mexican acts when they get here — sheeesh man – We the American People owe you nothing – and to be honest – what you eat is your business, just as long as its in MEXICO.

      Mexicans are Welfare Hogs – Mexicans are Rude and Pushy – Mexicans bring un-wanted crime to the United States — Mexicans turn nice American cities into Scum-Lord housing districts – Mexicans have ruined our Medical care services and our Educational Services — and the to top it off — Mexicans actually think that Americans want the Mexican Here living amoungst the American Peoples!

      Mexican — your a dirty BUM and BEGGER – get out now….

  275. Mickey Jones says:

    Greetings American Folks:
    You folks that frequent this site see the same things as I — do you not?

    Mexicans are so worthless – these sub-humans actually believe that we Americans owe them what-ever they choose to demand of us – and all the while they can kill whites, theive, sell drugs, be pushy and rude — and simply bring the US down to a level that makes Mexico look inviting.

    How much more of the MEXICAN crap are we going to take???

  276. Carter says:

    I’m not Mexican. And do you like the beatles?

    • ingli ONLY says:

      Hi Carter, I’ve read most of what you’ve written… a lot of what you write sounds like you are falling for the propaganda of the left and the liberal media…

      You also sound very young, too young to remember how great it was here in the U.S. before the invasion of this breed of disgusting people…. My city has been destroyed by mexicans/latinos,,,,, I admit i am obsessed by the hate I have for these gross people…

      Tens of millions have shown complete disregard for our laws and are therefore making a mockery of the melting pot that is the U.S.A.
      No country on earth has tolerated this type of behavior from invading trespassing vagabond hordes…………………….

      I’m sure there are plenty of smart Mexicans back in Mexico, but the ones that illegally come to the US are the bottom of the barrel. we need to Send them back to their motherland at whatever means………. even in body bags… I even resent the dead ones being buried here on American Land… Send the live ones and the dead ones to their home!!!!

      Yes Carter I kinda like the Beatles,,, BUT I love Led Zeppelin

  277. Rick B says:

    Growing up, it was never an issue that I was Mexican. I had friends of all backgrounds and all colors and we got along fine and we spoke of American culture. None of my Mexican-American friends spoke this Spanglish bullshit nor did we speak in Spanish to each other. I never had to prove to Mexicans that I was “Mexican” and I never had to prove to anyone else that I wasn’t a stereotypical Mexican. It was great. But now, it’s all changed. To my Mexican people, I’m not Mexican cause I don’t speak Spanglish in public or not involved in certain Mexican trends. When someone starts a conversation with me in Spanish, I respond in English Not cause I hate them or I’m ashamed but fuck, at least TRY and speak English.If they at least try in English and they’re really struggling, I start speaking Spanish and teach them the correct words to use. Is it that bad to be bilingual?! Apparently it is cause it’s so taboo to know English. It’s their damn pride. I respect people around me and speak English cause I don’t want anyone to feel uncomfortable. I’d feel uneasy if I was in a break-room and the majority of people around me spoke a different language. It’ll make me wonder what they’re saying. I hate when other races tell me I’m not “Mexican”. I’m White-washed. So proper grammar and the ability to speak on countless issues not having to do with Mexico or Mexican food, White washed? I grew up in the 90’s where all this shit didn’t matter. Mexican’s weren’t so judgmental of other Mexicans in my time. I don’t like certain “groups” of people in all races. Whites=don’t like the rednecks. Only cause they’re small minded and judge too quickly. Blacks= don’t like thugs and pimps and loud Black people. Especially the “angry Black woman” Asians=well, they keep to themselves really That’s pretty much the majority of people.

    .I wanted to move to Seattle cause it’s a beautiful city but unfortunately, I just found out that they have a huge Latino gang problem. FUCK!!! in Seattle? There’s no fuckin reason for that shit! I hate that. All this “let’s not assimilate because we’re a proud people and no one is going to change us” is only hurting us. The only defense a lot of you have is “who would pick the fruits?” Really? Is that all Mexicans are good for? Is that all you can say to defend the race? Some of the comments are hard to swallow but in a way, they’re right. Yes maybe Mexicans used to live in these areas before it became the US but being defeated for it was a good thing. Look at Mexico now, what state are they in? Corruption, murder, tortures, beheadings, kidnappings, cartels and a lot of the government is behind the cartels.

    No one is perfect. All races have their problems. But even I feel the pressure of being Mexican on both sides.

    Oh and that statement about the Napa Valley is false, I lived there and that’s bullshit. No Mexican kidnaps girls and drugs them and makes them work. White supramice propaganda bullshit. Nice try tho, pig.

  278. I Hate Spics says:

    They Need To Make Thier Own Country Instead They Run From Themsele es The Evil Con Artist Dirty Third World Thieves.TheCant Escape MX And Keep Mexican Ways.They They Turn Everywhere They Migrate To Back To Mexico And What They Ran From.Theyve Ruined High Schools Future Reunions Cities Cause They Only Stay To ThemseThey Can Run Thier Own Constitution With No Laws Rascist Toward Americans In Our Own Country.They Are Pirates Pilaging Today Not Caring About Anything But Living It Up For Themslves.They Lie Behind The Church Gangs Wear Crosses While Commitin Crimes.Thier Always Laughing Smart Asses About How They Took The Place And Are Taking More And Your Just A Whitebread American Or Nigger American They Hate Us Equally

  279. ingli ONLY says:

    We’ve all heard the laments: “My grandpa from Sicily learned English, and my grandma from France got by without welfare. So what’s the problem with immigrants today?”
    I believe it is the “ATTITUDE” and “AGENDA” of the immigrant which will determine whether or not they are readily accepted into the new host country of their choosing.
    If one voluntarily enters into a new territory, which appeals to their liking, with the desire of becoming a part of the culture, and contributes to it by using her/his skills and abilities for the benefit of that nation, its inhabitants, as well as themselves; I am certain that they would be readily accepted into that society.
    If, on the other hand, one enters a country with the attitude that the culture from which they came is superior (like Mexicans), and have the agenda of supplanting the host nation into which they have immigrated with their own culture (like Mexicans), religion, and laws (like Mexicans); then, they should expect to be met with resistance from the citizenry and (should be) by the government of the country being invaded as if they were a conscript of a foreign army!
    Moral of the story: Bad attitude and Evil Agenda will be the driving force of reckoning.

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Hello Ingli
      Yes – Very interesting post – I must agree with you completely.

      However – let me add this – if you don’t mind.

      I also think – the difference between the two nations, and their peoples – and from an early developmental stage.

      Lets take a look at the years 1835 to 1845 for example.

      A band of Rebels that went by the name of Texans whipped the entire Mexican Army in 1836 – which was being lead by their President (the most respected man in Mexico). This ass whipping that Mexico got was absolute humiliation to the Mexican – as they out-numbered the Texans by numbers of 6 to 1.

      Then in 1845 – The United States rode horses and pulled carts down to Mexico city – and whipped the Mexican again – in their own backyard — an absolute humiliation to all mexicans then and now.

      The facts are – the best thing to come out of Mexico was Poncho Via – a pure criminalistic gangster.

      So what does this teach us?

      That Mexico and Mexicans are an inferrior and backward peoples – and in Psychology – such a peoples are now pushing that they are supperior to make up for what they know isn’t true.

  280. Mexican says:

    Mickey jones, I hope you’re hating this motherfucker Rick B who feels so USamerican and he’s still mexican and that is gonna be the category he’ll always be in, worst thing ever.

    The comparison is totally out of place. United States, then and now United States is bigger than Mexico in those terms. Now, it doesnt mean at all that mexicans are inferior, it really doesnt. To speak out about a topic, you should know the pros and cons and you only show the negative part.

    Despite of the social injustice we’re deeply sunk, the guilty ones, those who have power, have fortunately worried about the growth of our country a little bit. Mexico happens to be part of the twenty major economies, which means that Mexico it not a poor country. The problems are that its wealth is distributed very inequitably and our disgusting corrupt government insist in keeping people away from education so they can keep fulfilling their personal resources with no complainings.
    Well, the good part also exists. In Mexico, there are places with human development similar to countries highly developed as France and also places so poor as African nations like Burundi for example.There’s a high percentage of mexican people who have access to the same exact things than you, some of them of a lower quality of course, if we talk about the usa. What does that mean? It means that mexican people who prepare themselves can beat anyone in any field, there in the States and here in Mexico.
    Internet plays a really important role, and many of us have access to it. I bet you’ve seen/interacted with hundreds of mexicans and you didnt even notice. So your point doesnt teach us anything AT ALL, not even psychologically, I think it all breaks in social classes.
    Now, getting down to cases, theres lots of shitty americans too, and they got it all, Am I wrong?

    Well, talking about the other part, the real one: immigration.
    As I’ve told before, immigration is a phenomenon convenient for the USA government. USA government loves to be on the top, no matter what. I think the whole world understood that on september 11, 2001.

    Mr Jones, you say the best thing to come out of Mexico was “Poncho Via”, but I believe the best thing was the color tv, something everyone enjoys nowadays.

    • ingli ONLY says:

      to mexican

      Yes mexico has given the world
      Vanilla, The Poinsettia, The Jumping Bean, also co-inventing – the Contraceptive pill (wish the Mexicans in los angeles would start taking it), The inventor who got the color television to finally work was Guillermo Gonzalez Camarena a Mexican national from Guadalajara Jalisco. His project was rejected by the Mexican authorities and he had to go to the United States for a patent (a Scotsman invented the concept 10 years earlier), not to take anything away from the Mexican inventor who was very brilliant and contributed many important other things in his life, also some famous people like Salma Hayek , George lopez (who is so not funny, only funny looking), Anthony Quinn, — Ricardo Montalban, Jennifer Lopez, Eva Longoria, Edward James Olmos, ,Antonio Banderas, and some Mexicans that play in our baseball leagues…………………………
      BUT, When the American Government spends almost a half TRILLION of our tax money to in any way support illegal aliens in this country and can deny help to ANY legal elderly tax
      paying American. I find this not only deplorable but criminal. And then read the news where so much crime is committed by illegals, My god How could anyone with any
      American pride not be angry?
      Rights? You talk about right? These illegal aliens, whatever the color of their skin, have no right to even be here, let alone to use the infrastructure and other government services our country provides. No right at all. And where I live in Los Angeles it’s Mexicans that have caused mass destruction of our once beautiful schools and neighborhoods., and are bankrupting our hospitals and social services… Why the fuck do they scribble paint on walls and buildings???? They all receive free lunch in school, but have money for cell phones, nice shoes and cars,,,WHY DO THE CONTINUE TO MAKE BABIES IF THEY CAN”T AFFORD TO FEED THEM? I always wondered why do they think they are entitled to AMERICAN freebies anyways////
      As a whole this breed of people has invaded my home, made the streets ugly and unsafe (going to a dodger game is like going to TJ), The fucking beaners are rude here and there are millions of them…. It’s really bad.
      Does mexico purposely send it’s most stupid, it’s most criminal, here??? So they can be our burden… I’ll never be okay with this, they are NOT my problem nor are they the problem of MY COUNTRY…
      So as Americans if we can’t count on our government agencies to do the job and protect our homes from invaders. Guess we’re gonna have to do it ourselves.

    • Rick B says:

      Mexican- “…I hope you’re hating this motherfucker Rick B who feels so USamerican and he’s still mexican and that is gonna be the category he’ll always be in, worst thing ever…”

      I don’t understand what you meant by that and I’m guessing your misunderstanding has lead you to say that? Yes I feel much closer to US because it’s my home. I love it here. I’m NOT ashamed to be Mexican, it just feels I have to constantly defend myself to Mexicans and Non-Mexicans. I want Mexicans to be more progressed and become a staple in this world but at the rate of the motherland is going, it doesn’t seem like that’s not happening anytime soon.

      But anyway, this topic is exhausting and I’ve been talking about it for years. This whole earth is fucked up. People defend this country like it’s also doing so much for us. If you think so, you’re ignorant. There’s no specific race that’s fucking things up. We’re all just little pawns headed for destruction. If shit is crazy now, wait 15 years. From health care, to spending, laws, food and drug, banks, all that shit is backwards. I love the U.S. but it doesn’t always look out for it’s citizens.

      Feel special that this is the last place I will ever be talking about this subject again.

      • Rick B says:

        Oh yea, and Mexicos laws are stricter than US laws on immigration:

        Under the Mexican law, illegal immigration is a felony, punishable by up to two years in prison. Immigrants who are deported and attempt to re-enter can be imprisoned for 10 years. Visa violators can be sentenced to six-year terms. Mexicans who help illegal immigrants are considered criminals.

  281. Mickey Jones says:

    Greetings Mexican
    Ok – you seem to understand the situation – thats great!

    Let me introduce you to something — its a phrase we use in the US – “”The Path of Least Resistance””.

    This is what the Illegal Mexicans have done — getting little resistance while entering the US – the tough path would be fixing your nations problems.

    If your people are truelly proud to Be a Mexican – if your people have any self-respect – if your people are not a horde of cowards — “”””STAY IN MEXICO AND FIX YOUR OWN PROBLEMS”””””.

    And besides it all – despite the Problems that Mexico and the US both have in regard to ILLEGAL MEXICANS – all that has come out of the Illegal activity is to help the Global Elite get what they want.

    In other words – the Illegal Mexicans might think their bettering their situation by coming into the US – but in the end – they are going along way to destroying themselves and the Americans — which will cause even more problems globally.

  282. ingli ONLY says:

    Should Americans Fund or Finance Education or anything For Illegal Immigrants ?
    Do I want to use my tax dollars to give student loans or grants to Juan or Lupita, so they can possibly get a degree and earn money to send across the border, and then when we finally get around to deporting them they can take these skills and degrees with them without ever paying ? NO I DO NOT !
    Can I pry the carton of milk from Juans hands ? Can I walk them off the school property and explain to them that they gotta go because their Parent is an Illegal Alien. Can I do it ?
    There must be the immediate cessation and suspension of all social programs that benefit Illegal Aliens. This includes public schools, public health care, and access to any of our public services. Can I take that bottle of milk PAID FOR BY FOOD STAMPS out of little Jose’s mouth? Can I do it? We must prosecute anyone who misrepresents their immigration status while utilizing these programs. We don’t even need new laws to do this. Theft of services is a crime…. Can I put 16 year old griselda mother of 3 in jail for stealing from my country? I can!! CAN YOU? Hopefully you CAN do whatever is necessary to TAKE AMERICA BACK….

  283. Mexican says:

    Well this problem is been on for a long time, then why dont you just start doing it? ? I’d like to see what happens. I just hope you get rid of the authentic scum you mentioned, cause I can truly understand the situation from that perspective but, What about the legal mexicans? What about the tax payer mexicans, who are real citizens? I mean those who do it right, cause that part also exists. What would happen to them?

    I agree with you, Why the fuck do they scribble paint on walls and buildings????

    Does mexico purposely send it’s most stupid, it’s most criminal, here??? Yes unfortunately, I believe that is our government’s main issue. People who were miles away from the most basic accesses, education included as the most important one, tend to be the most stupid and criminal. Not generalizing of course, Mexico has sent good and smart people as well, by the way many of them live there legally, so they are exactly equal under the law. Im sure you know that too.
    I have this doubt, if you know where illegal scum live, know where to find them, know about their stupid crimes, why dont you just let the authorities know so they can deport them or send them to prison? for example…

    In my opinion, children of any race, must receive the best. I mean if I were involved in such an immigration problem and I find out that children are having those kind of accesses, whatever, it would be actually ok for me. At the end of the day the real winners are the governments.

    • ingli ONLY says:

      Do you ever wonder why US politicians seldom if ever criticize the Mexican government for anything? You know, that infamously corrupt Government to the south that in 2006 started a drug war that has murdered close to 50,000 of its own citizens?
      Why do we rarely hear Washington criticize the Mexican Government for its failure to adequately provide for its own Mexican citizens? How about for its shared responsibility for the immigration nightmare that we face in the US today?
      There is a reason that half of the people in Mexico are in poverty. There is a reason that the Mexican undocumented cross our border. There is a reason that US taxpayers foot the bill for this failed immigration. There is a reason that Washington coddles the Mexican government and turns a blind eye to the entire situation. It is about greed.
      Oil, trade, NAFTA, drug profits and cheap labor are real important to the rich on both sides of the fence. It is so important that those rich (who run both governments) could care less about the average citizens of either country, let alone the Mexican poor or undocumented who are here in the US.

      Those very rich have us average Americans fighting about immigration and the war on drugs. It is by design that we are fighting. The rich are extremely happy when we fight. As long as we are at each others throats and blaming the symptoms (the undocumented and the addicted) and not the cause (their greed) nothing will ever improve. Actually that is with the exception of their profit margins.
      Actually it is much more dangerous because it involves the greed of the elite of two nations. It involves the raping of the good citizens of both nations.

      I admit that I am a racist. If those Mexicans were white I wouldn’t mind paying taxes so that more and more of them could come and live here on my dime. Wait, who thinks like that? I don’t want
      anyone on my dime. It is my damn dime. Get your own damn dime Mexicans. If Irish people were coming here and becoming public charges I would object to that too. So am I a racist? or Just an American Trying to protect a good safe way of life, avoiding 3rd world people and way of life

  284. Mexican says:

    haha ooh I get it know.
    Yes I know that, and you know what? The motherfucker who started the drug war is a spurious president, I mean he wasnt even elected democratically, nor is the new president Peña Nieto and Obama is actually congratulating him, what a shame.

    So those 50, 000 people, civilians included, were brutally killed in vain, cause Calderon happens to have a mysterious relationship with the narco, and so does Peña nieto :/, totally screwed.

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Hello Mexican
      You know something – Most Americans would rather not hate the fact that your people have invaded and raped the United States.

      If in fact the Mexican People are Proud to be a Mexican – and you like Mexico so much – and considering that many tens of thousands of American Weapons are now in Mexico – why in the world doesn’t the Mexican people go against and fix Mexico?

      You do realize that if the Mexican Male would stand up to the Mexican Government – many people around the world would come to repsect the Mexican Peoples.

      But as things are – most people around the world see the Mexican as a stupid cock-roach – a sub-human coward – a begger and bum who seeks out a free living by invading an ajoining nation with hat in hand – and then commits every crime known to man.

      I tell you this Mexican – if things don’t change – your invasion force will have to fight the American People – and so will the US government.

      So pack your bags and head back down to good ole Mexico – and fight your own Government — if your not a filthy dirty bum begger and coward.

  285. Mexican says:

    And Rick B, I hope you to read this for a last time.

    “I want Mexicans to be more progressed and become a staple in this world but at the rate of the motherland is going, it doesn’t seem like that’s not happening anytime soon.”

    As I assume you speak spanish, I’ll tell you this:
    “El que es perico, donde sea es verde”. So the fact that you didn’t do it in your motherland, doesn’t mean that we cannot be progressed or cant become a staple in the world. If you get prepared, you’re gonna be successful here in Mexico, in the USA or everywhere.

  286. Mickey Jones says:

    Greetings American Patriots:
    All of this BS that the Global Elitest have done to us – has been done to destroy our NATIONAL SPIRIT – to shuffle in GLOBALISM – and take away our NATIONALISTIC FREEDOMS.

    Mexicans — they are only a tool – just as NAFTA and the WTO – and other tools such as the GREEN ENERGY MOVEMENT.

    I have thought about and reflected on this site for several days now – seeing what I think the real problem is — and have come to this conclusion.

    The Mexican – and more specific – the ILLEGAL MEXICAN — they must leave the United States – once and for all – They are in our way – and they are helping the Global Elite – simply by being in the US. I honestly don-not think the ILLEGAL MEXICAN tried to hurt the American Peoples – in other words – I don’t think it was their intentions to do so – but they have anyway – simply because the ILLEGAL MEXICAN came, raped, and followed the ELITEST AGENDA – not even knowing it.

    I wish I had more time to explain everything in detail — but folks – the real enemy – it is not who you think!

    The real enemy of our people – and other peoples all around the world – I would refer to them as the GLOBAL ELITEST – as I have stated – Global Banking – the United Nations – The Bilderbergs – The Owners of the Federal Reserve Bank – The Green Movement Peoples.

    I suppose this is a true sense of “”Global Conspiracy””.

  287. Mickey Jones says:

    Greetings To all ILLEGAL MEXICANS.
    Look – your people are being destroyed by the Global elitest – and your being used as a tool to not only destroy the United States – but to assist the Globalist to achieve their true goal — “”TOTAL GLOBAL DOMINATION””.

    Mexicans — grow a brian — don’t be a begger bum coward — Take back your Own Nation – this advice is for the best interests of you and the American People — and all of the rest of the world as well.

  288. ingli ONLY says:

    We will never have any control over who and how many people come here if our test for citizenship is “can you make it here without getting caught or can you breed once here”.

    What will be engraved on America’s tombstone if it doesn’t stop the Mexican invasion?

  289. Benny Llanas says:

    Man wtf? white people came too america too and they took the Mexican and Indians land too fucking hypocrites fucking red neck pieces of shit and don’t get mad just because we celebrate more and have more fun than you fucking little white cunts.(only for the people who hate rad mexicans).

    • ingli ONLY says:

      or are you talking about that mexican pride thing??? lets see a country that doesn’t want or care about you…. Fifty percent of you use some form of welfare, the highest rate of any major population group… Young beaners are 19 times more likely than young whites (and slightly more likely than young blacks) to be in youth gangs… less than 50% of YOU graduate high school,,, if Mexicans overall were such wonderful workers, why are there more illegal mexicans in our prisons than all other illegal’s combined? Opps. I guess that is just an “inconvenient fact” ….
      For mexican mothers, 38 percent of you have more than one daddy for your children .. pregnant mexican women, aim their birth canal over the border, shoots the baby over, then uses the umbilical cord to pull herself over the border… (great future Americans)… hit and run car accidents, HAVE I GOTTEN TO THE PART YOUR PROUD OF YET? What the fuck have you got to be proud of??? Did you fight for your country for your people,, NO you pussy breed of people snuck over to my country and are trying to make it like the barrio u left behind.

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Greetings Benny Llanas
      The reason white europeans took this land is because we are a superior race – and the Mexican is an inferior race – I can-not be blamed for this FACT.

      The only reason you and your people are allowed here now is because the US Government has been taken over by the Global Elite who make money off of your Dumb Mexican Asses.

      You say we whites are “”Little White Cunts”.

      Would you like a chance to prove your claims boy – better yet — Brown Boy?

      LOL LOL LOL – what a brown punk you must be – what do you do punk — Hmmmm.

      You sell drugs – shop-lift at the walmart – draw welfare – run from the cops — come on punk – share your life story with us — punk.

  290. ingli ONLY says:

    When we get rid of the ILLEGAL ALIENS, we will get rid of all the problems that go along with them. THAT IS A FACT!

  291. Mickey Jones says:

    I have an interesting theory – after reading some of the entries on this site.

    Is it possible that Mexicans are not aware of what they are? I can’t hardly see this – but Mexicans act as if their actually human beings.

    Of course – Americans realize that Mexicans are nothng more than animalistic criminals – Beggers and Bums – But-Yet – Beggers and Bums that actually believe Americans owe them a free life – a free home, a free education, free medical care, free food and water – excedra.

    ADD: Mexicans actually think that Americans owe them everything they want – and have the right to commit crime after crime after crime – while pushing and shoving their way into our national life.

    Do Mexicans actually think America is going to sit still while they simply do what ever they want when ever they want?

    LOL LOL LOL — I suppose the ILLEGAL MEXICAN is so special – they are above it all….

  292. Mickey Jones says:

    You folks know what a Mexica is — A mexican is best decribed as the following:

    > Dirty – Greasy – Brown Cock Roaches – that Infiltrate/invade ajoining nations to BEG and Bum – Getting on their Hands and Knees with hat in hand – BEGGING WHITE AMERICANS for everything that they want – SUCKING THE WHITE MANS DICK to get something free.

    But you folks do know what the ILLEGAL MEXICANS offer in re-payment for the FREE LIFE WHITE AMERICA gives THEM?

    > The Illegal Mexican Repays America by forming ILLEGAL DRUG GANGS – THEIVING at the WALMART – HOME INVASIONS – SELLING OF ILLEGAL DRUGS to UNDER AGE CHILDREN – Drive by Shootings – Car jackings – illegally selling stolen american property to their Fellow Cock-Roaches in Mexico – Rapes and Murders.

    And after all of this – The Illegal Mexican has the Fucking nerve to be rude to America citizens — pushy and shoving their way in lines, cutting their way in front of AMERICAN CITIZENS — right here in our nation.

    Listen American Citizens — don’t you folks think enough of the Mexican is enough already?

    Its almost time to head this cock-roach off at the pass — LOL….

  293. SPIC HATER says:

    Fuck all mexicans.Dirty cockraoach pieces of shit

  294. Micky Jones says:

    The message I have – directed to the American People is rather simply and direct – Folks – we seriously need to pull our heads out of our asses!

    Look – it doesn’t matter to me how people see Mexicans – legal or Illegal – I have my opinion – just as everyone does.

    But heres the problem as far as I can see: THE US FEDERAL GOVERNMENT — in my opinion – that is the heart and soul of the Mexican problem – therefore: if the American people do nothing to control this run-away federalist system – all of us will be at the beck and call of not only the Federal Government – but the Global Elite.

    People – you are about to lose everything – your rights, your freedoms, your safety, your wealth, your health, your entire life will be that of a Pawn – a squater – a second rate and poor barely human.

  295. Nigger says:


  296. Nigger says:


  297. Nigger says:


  298. Nigger says:


    • ingli ONLY says:

      Hey Mr. Nigger, I can see that you don’t like a lot of different people… Well did you know that these illegal mexicans have hurt the black communities the most??? Not only are black Americans finding it hardest of all to find jobs,but the beaners think it’s okay to kill black men “just because their black”

      What the f**k??? they shouldn’t even be here!!! Obama is not a black man… he is putting mexico at the top of his list for votes,, not caring about the black or white Americans!!!!

      MANY black and white Americans voted for him for the ONLY reason they thought he was a black American….that’s like buying a car without checking to see if it works because you like the color.

      Mexicans gotta gooooooo, obama has got to goooooo.
      BLACK and WHITE Americans have to stand together and fight… wE HAVE Rights!!! Mexicans have rights IN MEXICO, NOT HERE!!!

      • Mickey Jones says:

        Hello Ingli
        I agree with you 110% – especially the part about just how badly the Illegal Mexican has hurt the african populations within the United States.

        I do-not intend to get into the entire US history with this entry – but, many thousands of African decent people have had a very hard time adapting to life in the United States – as a result – many welfare programs were put into law – and other such laws – such as Affirmative Action – laws that were created to help the African adapt – and consequently – cost White Americans many 100’s of millions of dollars each year.

        Now that alot of progress has been made in such areas as lifting the African up – what happens? Illegal Mexicans come in – sell Illegal Drugs to African Minor Children – get them addicted to very harsh forms of drugs – and now – drug gangs – both African and Mexican are running the streets – completely destroying their lives – Ohhhh its a real shame – I’m here to tell you.

        The Africans really need to figure out whats happened to them – and set their sites on good ole Pedro – and start tending to business.

        However: I understand just how affraid the blacks are of the Mexicans – as the Illegal Mexicans out gun them – out number them – and are tougher than the African.

        Perhaps this will change at some point..

      • USA says:

        I agree 100 %!
        I am white and black.
        I fought for my country.
        I HATE mexicans!!!

  299. ingli ONLY says:

    Hey Mickey Jones, I do get it and find your getting their sites on Pedro comment very funny!

    Although I don’t think that Black men fear illegals…. and the part about them being out numbered is my point…. Blacks and whites all got the same beaner problem in common… We gotta unite… and we’ll be fine, we’ll have numbers too…………

    I’d ALWAYS have the back of a fellow American,,, black or white.

  300. Mickey Jones says:

    I realize and can completely understand why the African Population within the United States is and has become so affraid of the Illegal Mexican – but I would like to explore this abit in detail.

    Surely the authorities see what the Illegal Mexican has done to the Africans – but just as all other things considered – the authorities do nothing to control the Mexican – all the while – Mexicans are having a field day – thieving, raping, selling illegal drugs to under age african children – and then drawing massive amounts of welfare on top of everything – I suppose my question is “”WHY – are the Illegal Mexicans allowed to do this””?

    Can anyone explain this – how is it possible for the Illegal Mexicans to just walk into our nation – and get by with all of the crimes they commit?

    Anyone have an explaination?

    • ingli ONLY says:

      Racist Mexican gangs are indiscriminately targeting blacks who aren’t even involved in gang culture, as part of an orchestrated ethnic cleansing program that is forcing black people to flee Los Angeles. The culprit of the carnage is the radical Neo-Nazi liberation theology known as La Raza, which calls for the extermination of all races in America besides Latinos, and is being bankrolled by some of the biggest Globalists in the U.S.
      the beaners are targeting innocent blacks in accordance with a concerted ethnic cleansing campaign that seeks to eradicate all blacks from beaner neighborhoods

      The LAPD estimates there are over 22,000 Latino gang members in the city of Los Angeles alone. That’s not only more than all the Crips and the Bloods; it’s more than all black, Asian, and white gang members combined. Almost all of those Latino gang members in L.A. — let alone those in other California cities — are loyal to the Mexican Mafia

      And who bankrolls these radicals? Organizations like the Ford Foundation, groups who are zealous in their quest to eliminate the middle class and destroy America, turning it into a cashless society, compact city, surveillance control grid where only two tiers of society exist – the elite and the poor slaves.

      Latinos made up 77% of hate crimes against blacks.

      Little Charlie Manson is probably ecstatic about the situation.

  301. ingli ONLY says:

    To: Black Americans and White Liberals

    Barack Hussein Obama is 50% Caucasian from his mother’s side and 43.75% Arabic and 6.25% African Negro from his father’s side. While Barack Hussein Obama’s father was from Kenya , his father’s family was mainly Arabs.. Barack Hussein Obama’s father was only 12.5% African Negro and 87.5% Arab (his father’s birth certificate even states he’s Arab, not African Negro). Thoes are the FACTS!

    He does not care about any of us!! (not even the beaners)
    the liberal media refuses to report anything that would hurt Obama.
    .We need to watch him very closely. Remember, that’s our house and we can evict him… he’s suppose to work for us!

    how about americans stand together?

  302. Mickey Jones says:

    Greetings ingli
    Your going to have to take my word on this – African Decented People are not very good in combat – it seems that their just not suited to it.

    I – myself am a retired combat veteran – and have served in several tours – and my experience is almost entirely negative when the subject of African Soldiers comes up.

    Now understand — I absolutely hate the Illegal Mexicans – I completely agree with you on that subject – but the African is scared to death of the Illegal Mexican – and for good reason.

    I’m going to tell you this — I wasn’t going to put this up for everyone to read – but why not — I’ll go ahead and do it.

    Unfortunately – and from my experience – Mexicans are some of the best combat soldiers in the world — yep – believe that or not. The Mexican is basically an animal when it comes to war and fighting – they are very agressive – they are normally very good with small arms – they are naturally very strong – and have an enormous amount of durability – such as being able to physically maintain under extreme conditions.

    Look – I always tell others the way it is, to the best of my ability — regardless if its what they want to hear or not – positive or negative – I just tell the truth about things – and I’m telling you – in my opinion – 10,000 mexicans are worth 50,000 Africans in combat – I’m sorry – but thats just the way it is…

  303. ingli ONLY says:

    Just saying a black man is an American,,,,,,,,,
    a 103 year old white woman is an American……
    You and I both American… All are equal to me
    and I would fight for us all..

    A pregnant 16yr old beaner, a mexican nurse, a wetback strawberry picker, a 6 yr old non english speaking beaner, a mexican drug dealing gang banger, … all the same to me..
    they all gotta go!

    • Ammo says:

      I hate them all! After getting broke into twice
      By them and my smoking hot hot wife almost get gang raped by 5 of these little brown spics and having the video of my daughter who died at 2 mos stolen. I hope they all die them and thier spawn including half white mongrels. At birth we should remove the females uterus and cut off the balls of the males to insure that no further contamination in our gene pools occurs. Bleach anyone? I mean we cut the balls off of calves right? So why not them. And at least you can eat the calf, or get milk. Hell thier weeds even shitty.. Heres to all of you native and non native spics your all one in the same. So here is a brush up on Mexican Spanish. Chinga tu madre all you disgusting brown motherfuckers!

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Hello ingli:
      Yes – I completely agree with you – no agruement from me. But I am trying to make a point – we must understand who we are going up against – and the reason is to assure we have the correct tools.

      So – The question is – “Who are we going up against”?

      And ohhhh goodness – that really opens up several cans of worms – but I’ll try to explain in this way.

      We are living in some very precarious times – a time of Global Devistation – as the Liberals choose to call this “Progressive” we are actually living a night-mare of “Re-Gression”.

      Who are the enemies – I call them the Global Elitest – owners of the Global Monetary system – who actually dictate to elected — or should I say “””SELECTED PUBLIC OFFICIALS”””. But, understand – it isn’t just the United States – the Global Elite own pretty much the entire world.

      Our own Government isn’t doing what they want – or what the citizens want — our own government takes its orders directly from the elite.

      This is why I tell you – the up and coming war will be fought from within – but – if the patriots go to far – they will be slaughtered from within. The Mexican is our enemy and friend of the elite.

  304. Leon says:

    Most people on this post and especially the poster are stupid pathetic fucking degenerates that are to damn ignorant to see reality and probably think god is white and belive all the lies that they are told by the fucking idiots in power and in common populous i don’t feel sorry for people so easily because it is not what you should do to others but you guys are thick headed who should be purged from the world because of racism and the dumbasses who incourage the coutinued jabberring of did you know the hopis have a prophecy that all whites will die according to some so it really shows how much you people here are compared to other fuckers.

  305. Mickey Jones says:

    Greetings To the American Working class:
    I just wanted to put this up – and see if I could put things into proper perspective – see for yourself if you think the following is correct.

    In the past – the working class (working class americans) enjoyed a moderate lifestyle – decent hourly wages – well built and or manufactured goods – decent to above average living conditions – vitually crime free life styles – good educational standars for you and your children – low to moderate fuel costs: a realitively low “COLA”, and perhaps the best part of life for the working class was the overall stability of ones life and or life style: such as never being laid off of a job.

    Today – can any of you say the same thing? I’m pretty much betting the answer is “NO”.

    IF NO is the proper answer – I honestly believe the time for asking why is way over due – boiling down to the root – “What Changes have taken place over the last 40 to 50 years – to have created our modern life in America”.

    Thank you: Now – get down to business – and once we have found the Cause – as we already know the effect – we will know what must be done to protect ourselves.

  306. Mickey Jones says:

    In the News: In Texas, 14 Illegal Mexicans were killed – and 9 others were injured while — AND CATCH THIS — MEXICANS who Traffic other Mexicans — LOL LOL LOL — went off the road in their pick-up truck – Hitting a Large Oak Tree Head On.

    LOL LOL LOL — Isn’t that simply Halarious – LOL LOL LOL….

    Dead Mexicano’s – LOL…..

  307. Beaners yuck! says:

    I fucking Hate you Beaners….You make our society ugly I dont give a fuck if people say you do the work we wouldn’t do…. bullshit we have no fucking chance to try to get a job your fucking beaner family members see us as a joke and say what we can live for free and to be honest America is just as fucking dumb letting these spics live here for free I need family help but the fucking system wont help me but if I was a fucking illegal they would help me did you know they even help with cellphones now? more way for the fucking wetbacks take advantage…..I fucking hate you beaners who think like is a free fucking ride you guys are like fucking cockroaches in my state!!! oh wait you guys live with them you have to be cockroaches…..You dirty scumbags your kids graffiti everywhere I fucking drive just like the shitty tattoos you guys get newsflash this isn’t Mexico I hate you bitches representing your stupid flag in America if you love it so much do us a fucking favor and move back!!!You beaners wish you were like us Americans admit it Obama is fuckin stupid! I hate all you nasty fucks

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Greetings Beaner Yuck.
      I understand how you feel – but if any positive changes are to be made, we all must understand from what sources this evil cockroach has decended from.

      Question: Who Owns this Nation?

      Heres an interesting fact for you – read about this – and then take the next step — get the word out to all you can.

      Did you know that in the late 1800’s and the early 1900’s – Brazil and Argentina were considered to be in the top three of the most wealthy nations – and completely fell into that of a third world by 1902 – thru 1912.

      These nations gained their wealth thru an early – yet and to coin a phrase – “Early Modern”, “Global world. This attempt at Globalization failed – as a result – the nations were thrown into the stone age for the next 100 + years.

      Despite modern advances – such as moden shipping – and satellite communications – this current attempt will fail as well: such as – “”You can take Human out of the Human”.

      The problem though – just as the Modern Shipping and communications – we also have modern WEAPONS – weapons that can lay waste to an entire region – when the “”Human comes out – this waste is exactly what we will all get.

      Help stop the destuction before it takes place – head off the “Ones who own our nation”.

  308. Mickey Jones says:

    Greetings Americans
    Look – I have tried to explain whats taking place globally to the Mexicans – Illegal Mexicans who have illegally invaded our nation – but they are simply to dumb to understand.

    I really am very sorry – but we – the American race will be forced – FORCED mind you — to fight for our rights and nation once again – I wish it were not so – but it is – and its coming soon.

    One word – when in combat – be kind – don’t not let the Enemy suffer – as the Illegal Mexican is just as human as anyone – they can feel pain just the same as you or I – please make sure you tend to the problem in a quick way.

  309. Mickey Jones says:

    Follow the link – and we’ll discuss the info latter.

    Mexicans are a two-bit tool for the Elite – Obama is only taking orders from his superiors.

  310. Me says:

    Ok dude first not EVERYONE that’s Mexican in the US doesn’t pay taxes and it’s not their fault that you get visits from the IRS or stuff that’s YOUR problem and YOUR responsibility and from what I can tell you are probably one of those people who doesn’t love God cause if you DID love God you wouldn’t be saying all of this stuff cause we are humans hate me you hate God. Let me get clear we are humans we are all brothers and sisters and I won’t hate anybody because hate is a very strong word. Ok you might as well not like some people but not EVERYONE is like that. And first you have no idea of what these people have gone through if they come here is because they CAN NOT longer support their families over there and if they cross the border is not because they want to its because they think they’re Comin for a better life but, end up being tortured about bills, people, money, they can barely survive from sending what they earn to their families over there and this may not be the case. Some other people migrate here because some are cowards mostly men that they are trying to escape from something. But my point is don’t judge someone without knowing their story. Just because you see this one brown Mexican guy, ugly, dirty, don’t assume that every Mexican person is like that in fact that person you are seeing might be ugly and all that physically but might have the greatest heart in the world. And just to make things clear Mexico is not dirty like they show on tv and the streets are dirty and people wear sombreros, Mexico is actually like what you see in New York. But anyways I hope you read this. And by the way I’m proudly Mexican, 13 year old girl, NOT illegal, happily living. GOD BLESS!! Bye:)

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Greetings Me Says:
      Sheeeesh man – you haven’t read one thing that I’v put up on this blog – not one word.

      This has nothing to do with paying taxes – taxation in the United States is Illegal – we don’t want you recycled FEDERAL RESERVE PAPER anyway.

      This has nothing to do with emotions – The Illegal Mexican is an invader – YOU ARE THE ENEMY – an Enemy that is so dumb – you have bought into the US FEDERALIST and GLOBAL ELITEST SYSTEM.

      YES – you are a human — fine, I thought everyone knew that – BUT YOU ARE NOT AN AMERICAN.

      WHOSE GOD? Your GOD – You can take your GOD and shove that right up your ass-hole – and then shit it out for all I care.

      SHEEEESH MEXICAN – are tou such a DUMB-ASS you really don’t know whats going on — pay attention spic.

  311. Me says:

    Oh I forgot to mention we are not ALL brown in fact most of us are completely white. And I don’t even know why the color really matters but I’m just saying. Oh and half of the US actually used to belong to us. And omg dude I don’t graffiti on walls that what Mexican gangs do that’s still wrong but doesn’t mean WE ALL Mexicans do it. You should really visit Mexico once. I recommend Guanajuato its beautiful there one of the oldest places. And most visited by Americans. Oh and if you have any more complaints just talk to yourself. Cause this really won’t help.

    • ingli ONLY says:

      If you are talking about land conquest which has existed since the beginning of time, take a look at this: Native Americans slaughtered their own rival tribes throughout Northern America through land conquest.

      So your point is not only redundant, but irrelevant as well. Oh and not to mention that every established land in modern society has a little thing called borders and immigration policy.

  312. Angel Romero says:

    Cunts can Suck my big black dick you gay donkey cult.

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Piss off Angel – think your tough – please start the fight – please sir – get it started.

    • ingli ONLY says:

      Why are mexicans proud? Proud to be a pussy breed of people not fighting for their rights and country? Proud they are able to sneek into another country and REcreate the same shit they were trying to escape from? Proud to be the highest percentage of people in jail or … the list goes on..
      proud of WHAT?

  313. who cares says:

    wait a fuckin second we aint hillbilles…son of a bitch…QUIT IT WE NEED DOGS TO RUN THIS COUNTRY they are smarter they would bring home soldiers and make peace…I HOPE YOU FIND A NEW PATH CAUSE A DOG WILL BE UP THERE ONE DAY IT WONT BE YOU I AM WHITE NOT A CRACKER

  314. Ryan Ramos says:

    white people and thier many non-intelligent comments. for years everyone tried to get along but you people just keep going on and on and on about “oh hes brown, lets make fun of him, oh yea were white so lets call our selves the superior race blah blah blah. well actually america wouldnt survive with illegals, hehe believe or not. when ever you see people at a construction site, what color are they? 99.999% of the time there probably brown or what ever it is you *WHITE* people call us. Mean while the *WHITE* people are living it up making loads of money while you leave little for the rest. as much as you will deny it, you *WHITE* people took the *NATIVE* americans land. you greeted them and they gave to you but in the end you *WHITE* people decided to kill them and take everything for your selves, something yall are good at. So next time you say minority, your talking about your self. God made us equal, no different then the next guy. As long as there are men, there will be racism, there will war, and there will disagreements… and thats all i have to say. And to all my fellow amigos, if there bothered with you around them, stay around them ;D Viva Mexico…

    • ingli ONLY says:

      Dear Stupid Loser mexicans………..
      Lets see your own wonderful mexico doesn’t want you, doesn’t want to take care of you or provide you with any kind of quality life..
      Lets see America doesn’t want you, can’t afford you and finds your third world ways disgusting……. Lets see Canada only wants you if you’re educated and/or skilled (which leaves most of you out)….
      So, I understand you really have no home, no place to go,,,
      NOT MY PROBLEM… GO home grow a pair and fight for your country and mexican way of life.

      • Mickey Jones says:

        Greetings Ingli
        Ya – well put.

        You know what I find to be funny as hell?

        Every time one of the Illegal Mexican Muds puts something up – they always talk about the Whites taking Native lands – Their God – and paying Taxes to our nation.

  315. Yazmin says:

    Hi there, i’m a Mexican girl 17 years old and surprisingly i also hate illegal Mexicans, i live in Mexico and before someone starts throwing shit to me, let me tell u something. As a child (4years old) i was illegal US, obviously not because i wanted my parents took me there and we lived there 4 years so when i was 8 doctors diagnosed my father Cancer, he had six months left to die so he wanted to come back and see his family. Thats the reason we came back and now 9 years later i’m some how glad i had the chance of learning the language and to have the chance of knowing such a beautifull country but i am fully conscious that my parents made a bad decision back then by going to a country illegally to take advantage of the free education and where they lived free of taxes but at the same time taking benefit of other people who did pay taxes i mean born americans. And i put myself in your shoes and think that i would also hate it so much if someone came to such a beautifull country only to bring such bad manners, look, i know my country and i have almost nothing good to say in favor but that i do have good friends that are in my same college and have good education, and are so scarce. I know its wrong to take such advantage of a country that no matter how they were to manage in being a world power, and Mexico is like it is because of the awfull people with terrible manners they have almost every one is expecting the government to do something for them while they keep robbing and being corrupt with the police and so many more things, its difficult but also growing with this kind of people there are the ones who are very respectfull and i admire them most of them are the ones who actually go to school i am lucky for knowing some. I think that if you are in such a situation like Mexico is it’s tha fault of the people who live here and that is why instead of running away from the tempest they must stay and try to fix it as much as we can as i said i was took to US by my parents and i would never consent on going again illegally i would like to go visiting some day but obviously with a VISA like its suposed to be cus this is my country wether i like or not and we have to manage in fix this by staying here with our own shit and manage to do something instead of taking it somewhere else. I already said not all Mexicans are the same but most of them are and wherever they go they take there “mexicanism” with them i would like people to appreciate the ones who are different and i support the people who want illegal ones out, they should be here fixing there shit!

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Hello Yazmin
      Well – I’m glad you can admit what the Mexican Rat has done and is doing to the United States. I find it interesting that a Mexican Female Child has more guts than Mexican Male Adults. Thats tells me alot about your people – just what a bunch of Trash Mexicans truelly are.

      Your people need to get out of the United States – and soon…

    • ingli ONLY says:

      Miss Yazmin,
      I appreciate your honesty. You are very insightful for someone so young. I am sorry that your father passed away, he would have been very proud of your ability to think and speak for yourself.
      Who knows the men of Mexico haven’t done a very good job, maybe somehow helping your country and your people is in your future,
      Good Luck.

  316. Yazmin says:

    I agree they have to get out, i totally support that if we are talking of illegal ones but as i said there are also good and honest people and for bad luck US only geta to know the worst since they do illegal stuff just by being there we can talk about a mayority but not all of us.

  317. Julia says:

    I’m Mexican and I’m 16 years old, I was born here. Now, I’ve read this article and I’ve read multiple comments leading to this article. The anger and frustration that has come over me reading these bullshit replies and weak evidence for down grading Mexicans has baffled me on how stupid and how ignorant and naive, not just racist people are, but how humanity is becoming stupider and stupider. Now, I am not racist at all. I believe God made everyone equal, just because someone has a different skin color does not mean if you’re above them in any way just because you’re a shade lighter. I have friends that are Armenian, African American, Chinese, Korean, Phillipino, European,and many more. My best friend is white, and she believes the racism towards not just Mexicans, but any race, is utter stupidity. Racism will always be around, because of stupid hard headed, ignorant people that don’t know how to think for themselves. That go along with the flow because they live in a racist neighborhood and figure that the only way they’ll make friends is by being like them. Having something in common with them. “omg i hate mexicans” “like me too”. Now this rant claims that one of the reasons he hates Mexicans is because his children are in line for lunch and because of all the Mexicans in the line, his children aren’t getting lunch. Another reason because a wealthy Mexican lady is suffering because many of her cousins rape her. OKAY, just because they are Mexican does not mean ALL Mexicans are raped by their cousins our take up all the food in the cafeteria.The devastating shooting in Colorado was cause by not a Mexican man I believe. He was white, now, do all white people go into theatres and shoot innocent people? No. I’m SIXTEEN, i know better than to waste my time hating a certain group of people that aren’t my race. The majority of the people on here are probably above 18, PEOPLE GROW UP. You want history to repeat itself?! The Japanese being put in concentration camps due to Pearl Harbor, Racism against blacks not too long ago, the mass murder of Jews due to the way they look and their religious views. DO NOT LET HISTORY REPEAT ITSELF. Stop being stupid. Just stop. Hating Mexicans for stupid small reasons like “whistling at teenagers” “getting food stamps” “because they are brown”. We are in a world that is so diverse, instead of being racist just embrace it. Look at the postives and not the negatives. My mom pays her taxes, works, and went to college. My dad died but he was a hard worker and an amazing man, that believed racism was a sign of ignorance and stupidity. I’m Mexican and I am not stupid, like many of these comments saying Mexicans are stupid. I am in college level classes. Next year I’m going to have Calculus, AP US Hisotry, AP English, Honors French, and AP Bio, the only regular class I’m going to have is Photography. Is that stupidity? I have done 120 hours of community service and I am in Vasity softball in my school. All of this when I am barely going to be a junior. And I am Mexican. I’m proud to say I’m Mexican, most of the hollywood stars are hipanic. Yeah, you’re kid says “Selena Gomez is so hot”, yeah, she’s Mexican. Your 12 yr old daughter loves Demi Lovato, yeah, she’s Mexican. By calling us roaches and all these names, saddens me, because I’m slowly, but surely, losing faith in humanity. Now, I know I’m gonna get replies on this, but please make it worth my time, not some stupid response like “GO BACK TO YOUR COUNTRY”. This is my country, I was born here. Now grow up.

    • Yazmin says:

      Ok, first of all of someone is racist because he hates certain group just for one fact like the color of there skin, religion, economic situation or disability, that means if someone hates all mexicans in the world for being mexican no matter gow they are, or someone that hates all black people in generall for being black now that is racist. And some people get confused with that because this is not a contempt against mexicans in general i mean this is about people who go to other countries illegaly to take advantage and thats the problem not against any race it’s about the people who do this and if someone is not thinking this way then i think is wrong, because i don’t like to know someone hates me just because God put me to be born in Mexico and you should not feel that way since you were born in US if someone says you he dislikes you because you are Mexican and thats it then thats wrong don’t we remember what MLK was fighting for? He said: ” i have a dream, i want to live in a country where my children won’t be judged by the color of there skin” and we must remember that we can’t judge others for anything else than there actions i believe in that.

      • Julia says:

        I agree with you, we cannot judge others for their actions. But I’m Mexican, I thank God I grew up in my community that isn’t racist. But I feel like these racist comments affect me personally, if I walk down the street people do not know I am born here, they just assume I’m Mexican. And racist people out there will automatically look down on me knowing nothing about me. That is what bothers me. And I’m talking about racism towards races. Not just the concept of racism.

  318. Yazmin says:

    Yeah well that is obviously a racist action, if people don’t know your situation they can’t assume anything and it does bother me when its abiut racist people and there is a huge difference between these ones and the others who fairly enough get angry with people that somehow are doing the wrong thing “no matter if they’re black or white”. I hope people understand what we feel with some comments saying they hate us just cus we’re Mexican and thats it, it does’nt feel good as you for sure would not like it if someone made fun of you or you’re child for some feature.

  319. Julia says:

    I know, I’m glad you understand. These people that put ignorant, racist comments do not know how it feels. I’m not illegal and it hurts me alot when all they have to say is hating mexican food and calling us roaches as excuses to hate us. Like grow up. Racism is so over rated, it’s impossible to exterminate a whole race. Why try? Why say crazy things like shooting them all, that kinda comment is worth being put in some mental institution.

    • Yazmin says:

      Though I don’t think they really mean it when they say this kind of stuff, some of them are just confused to the point they joined others who ARE racist and made them beliefe they are too, i believe they don’t hate us, others made them believe that, like when in Germany people killed happilly millions of jewish cus someone was impulsing on them the hate and made them think it was right, fortunatly now we can look back and learn about our mistakes cus when people forget history they are doomed to repeat it. Every one of us make mistakes and we can just learn of them so we can get to be better persons. Don’ say u do not like mexicans just cus others say so what u don’t like is the people who take advantage of you country mexican or not at least for most of the people commenting i think thats what happens.

    • ingli ONLY says:

      in the 50’s we as a country DID get rid of the illegals… and we will do it again… look up operation wetback

      • Yazmin says:

        Ok i think that is part of your work as a citizen you hace to defend your rights when someone does an offense to hour country, i get it when people try to be civilized and do it the right way but some of the comments show me other ways of thinkin wich i just would like people not to take it the wrong way as i said above.

  320. ingli ONLY says:

    Being American, truly American isn’t about where you are born….this is not about being racist – its about be a patriotic american.

  321. ingli ONLY says:

    Where i live use to be BEAUTIFUL! Mexican community adds little to any city, and creates a lot of law enforcement problems. They bring corruption with them, and some of the problems are those of very dangerous and violent gang nature.”
    Every neighborhood that now has a majority mexican population has become dirty and crime ridden … Americans want to preserve the beauty and their way of life… Unfortunately the mexican people have not shown that they have anything positive to add to our society as a whole….

    We spend over $20 Billion a year to educate, medicate and incarcerate illegal aliens the majority being mexican…..

    • Julia says:

      Operation Wetback? No one will take that shit seriously. And as for Mexicans creating alot of law enforcement problems and ruining the community, is so stereotypical for you to say. I live in an area that is 40% Mexican, 50 % Armenian and 10% other ethnicities, and many celebrities live here. If it were so “dirty” and “crime ridden”, to your standards, it would only be Mexican. Stop wasting your time hating on one group of people and worry about yourself, not ridding your world on your stupid selfish needs.

      • ingli ONLY says:

        julia, yes Americans Do take this shit seriously!! Mexicans TAKE TAKE TAKE and have yet to ever give anything good back..
        Per capita income of Hispanics is one half that of non-Hispanic whites, and household net worth is less than one tenth.
        Fifty percent of Hispanic households use some form of welfare, the highest rate of any major population group.
        Hispanics are 3.3 times more likely to be in prison than whites; they are 4.2 times more likely to be in prison for murder, and 5.8 times more likely to be in prison for felony drug crimes.
        Young Hispanics are 19 times more likely than young whites (and slightly more likely than young blacks) to be in youth gangs.
        At 43 percent, the Hispanic illegitimacy rate is twice the white rate, and Hispanic women have abortions at 2.7 times the white rate.
        Hispanics are three times more likely than whites not to have medical insurance, and die from AIDS and tuberculosis at three times the white rate.
        In California, the cost of free medical care for illegal aliens forced 60 hospitals to close between 1993 and 2003.

  322. ingli ONLY says:


    Illegal immigrants enter the country without health screening, and some bring diseases not normally found in the United States. Polio, typhoid, tuberculosis, plague, leprosy, and dysentery are still rare but are increasing. Outbreaks are almost always traced to immigrants, many of them Hispanic

  323. ingli ONLY says:

    The allowing of illegal aliens complete access to America without assimilation into American society and culture leads to multiculturalism which means the alien is still loyal to his/her native culture and is not truly an American. Therefore, in a time of crisis, protecting the sovereignty of the country may be in a weakened state.

  324. ingli ONLY says:

    JUlia, in your own words you stated :I’m Mexican” and that’s the point… you were born here and you consider yourself (because you are) mexican…. USA has enough people we DO NOT need millions of mexicans coming here and SUCKING “OUR” resources dry……….. Mexicans have Mexico…. SO GO!!!

  325. ingli ONLY says:

    No country on earth has tolerated this type of behavior from invading trespassing vagabond hordes. And we are called intolerant. What a sick joke. Just look into Mexico’s immigration policy. Especially concerning their cousins from the south. Whew, it is brutal.

    No civilization can last with this sort of lawless hordes crossing a border.

  326. ingli ONLY says:

    Where I live the police shot 3 gross mexican gang bangers last week… now the mexicans are protesting.. they had 1 night of looting and destroying property… One of the beaner mothers who can’t even speak english is sueing for 50 million dollars….
    WHAT??? first off they are mexicans they shouldn’t even have any rights (especially right to be here), secondly if the bitch did a better job raising her son he woukd have not been a criminal causing the incident in the first place…. She has taken “birthing for bucks to a new level… and thirdly thank god the police shot them 2 of them dead they won’t be in my country any longer….

    Right now Americans are handling their rage and hatred civily.. towards this invasion. BUT it won’t last .. Americans can only take so much.. and when the war comes will you be mexican or American???

  327. Julia says:

    What am I supposed to say?! Obviously I am of Mexican descent, I’m not going to say “I’m American” because then people would mistake me for white. And I want the LEGAL Mexicans that live here to have their persepective shown. I’m only 16 and I have to read stupid SELFISH remarks from ignorant people on this site. I feel like I’m teaching 40 year olds stuff they shoulda learned in pre-school. And yes selfish, because you are “thanking God” that two humans were shot. THANKING GOD. I know you have so much hate for Mexicans “invading the country” but do you even listen to yourself? You should not be thanking God for two people being killed, especially whom you did not even know.

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Greetings Julia
      I never than the Hebrew God for anything – I’m not a Jew – I’m not a Muslim – and I’m not a christian – or a member of any other organized religion.

      But I will tell you this – If in fact two Mexicans were shot and killed – I hope like hell my people begin acting like sharks -get a good whiff of the blood scent – and begin killing more mexicans.

      I never have had hate for anyone or any race/religion – and in fact – its hard for me to have hate now, as I’m a soldier, and keep all emotions out of a job that has to be done. But your people have pushed so hard, time for me is changing.

      • Julia says:

        Dude RELAX, okay?I seriously feel like I’m talking to 2 year old, saying he’s gonna beat everyone up ’cause he’s not getting his way. Okay I don’t care if you’re a soldier, my cousin was a soldier, and yeah he was Mexican fighting for this country. I love this country, I’m grateful to live here legally, but on this site, I have never had more hate for people like you. The only reason why I am on this sight is to get some research for my summer assignment, the topic, being racism of course. I cannot wait for my classmates, who are my age as well SIXTEEN, and know better than to wish so much hate on a race, to hear how many stupid people there are out there. Good day to you sir, and I hope one day you’ll open your eyes and stop with those killing fantasies of yours.

  328. Irish Whisky says:

    Good god the grammar on all of these comments makes it impossible to take any of you seriously. That being said, Mexicans piss me off with third inconsiderate, disrespectful dirty ways. Domesticated Mexicans I have no problem with but the dirty alcoholic 8 families to 1 house type of mexicans should just go die.

  329. the roadagent says:

    Mickey Jones,
    You are a dumb shit. It’s because of dumb shits like you that america is now over-run with all these immigrants, both legal and illegal. You, and people of your ilk, are always ready and willing to believe everything that the facist media tells you. Limbaugh, O’Reilly, North, and Hannity all operate using lies and half-truths, yet stupid shits like you lap it up like it’s the gospel. They’re always promoting the ideal that all of our problems are due to the liberals.

    Think on this for a few minutes (if your attention span will allow for that) Richard Nixon (a staunch conservative) was President when mexican nationals became eligible to participate in the USDA food programs. This eventually led to their becoming eligible for welfare. Both President’s Reagan, and George H.W. Bush (again, both of them staunch conservatives) were such big mexican lovers that they gave amnesty to every illegal wetback that wanted it. Dubya’ Bush wanted to give all the recent wetbacks amnesty but couldn’t get enough democrats to vote his way. So the dumb shit stuck his finger in the air, saw which way the wind was blowing, (the american people were strongly against anymore amnesty) so he decided to add more Border Patrol (enlarging government) and build a fence.

    As for welfare, President William Jefferson Clinton actually manage to push a bill through both house’s of congress, and then signed the Welfare to Work law. He also worked to have more public housing demolished than all of the other american presidents put together.

    Ol’ Dubya’ Bush’s first act as President was to trash the Welfare to Work Bill. He did this so he could get rid of the Freedom to Farm Act which took welfare away from the farmers. (his second official act as President). Just think, farmers now get their welfare titty (only they prefer to call it subsidies) and also benefit from working illegals (cheap wages).

    Kennedy, Johnson, Carter, Clinton, and Obama. None of them ever issued amnesty for any illegal mexican.

    Now the facist media is telling you that Obama is at fault for our illegal alien problem. They’re blindsiding you again. Their man Romney is the son of an illegal mexican. He may have been a white mormon, but he was born and bred in Mexico. Think on that, and then think what Romney’s solution for the illegal mexican problem. Maybe more amnesty?

    Dumb shits like you never learn.

    • says:

      Greetings Roadagent:
      I take it – your a Mexican.

      For someone to sit and write as much as you – on and on about things that you don’t know to be true or not – that is one major sign of someone who has an alterior motive – in this case, given the subject matter – you must be an illegal MEXICAN..

  330. ingli ONLY says:

    Why is the government releasing criminal aliens it has already captured?” The answer is that the Obama administration has been extremely slack in immigration enforcement. Local police automatically submit fingerprints of arrested persons to the FBI to check against federal databases. If the criminals are found to be illegal aliens, police are required to hold them for 48 hours, till ICE picks them up. What happens? No one shows up to pick up the aliens.

  331. Mark says:

    Hello racists. I am Mexican Filipino and Australian. And is just like to say, you Mexicans and white people are stupid, sick, and retarded. This is 2012 I come from New generation. There are 2generations which are the people in the 20’s and teens right now. And is just like to speak out for these two. We Emmy don’t care about what u lowlifes say. Keep saying it cause it honestly won’t matter. We new generations say racist things but we do it as a joke. But u lowlife old generations take it all seriously n its ignorant andstupid. We cannot wait for you guys to die. For when u die this world will have less hate crimes in are all the reason why the world isfucked up. When u die we will not care. For our generation is all about peace and partying and just having fun and chillin. If u hadent seen the meme in tons of new music videos kids see these days.once again I cannot wait till u all die off for when u do this world will drastically change and racism will no longer be here as it wasvin the past. Sure some of u faggotsvwill do the whole wesboro baptist church shit were u tell yur kids. To hate some skin colors. But when they get older they will see how dumb fail of parents u are and just hop on the party bandwagon cause you lowlife shuts were holding them back for your own selfish needs. I seen videos of all u dumbass whites n Mexicans protesting in the most retarded places ever like in California n stuff. I livevin sanantonio. Cone down here n I dare u to be racist. Cause youl will get a good ass whoopin by your own race. Once again. Burn in hellvgood like a retard on a BBQ. Cause like I said. Once you all dievoff we kids won’t rlly give a shit cause we have a trend now to rebel n be free at avyounger age now along with the newer younger generation of parents whovrealise this too. So cya lowlifes. No one cares. Your death will be good and I hope u realise all thus.and btw horrible grammar cause this auto correct on phone sucks.but u wouldn’t know whatvthisvtiuch screen shit is anyways. So yes rage on me with you patchtic execuse saying my grammar is bad when this is a blog not English 4. Retards.

  332. derek says:

    Hello racists. I am Mexican Filipino and Australian. And is just like to say, you Mexicans and white people are stupid, sick, and retarded. This is 2012 I come from New generation. There are 2generations which are the people in the 20’s and teens right now. And is just like to speak out for these two. We Emmy don’t care about what u lowlifes say. Keep saying it cause it honestly won’t matter. We new generations say racist things but we do it as a joke. But u lowlife old generations take it all seriously n its ignorant andstupid. We cannot wait for you guys to die. For when u die this world will have less hate crimes in are all the reason why the world isfucked up. When u die we will not care. For our generation is all about peace and partying and just having fun and chillin. If u hadent seen the meme in tons of new music videos kids see these days.once again I cannot wait till u all die off for when u do this world will drastically change and racism will no longer be here as it wasvin the past. Sure some of u faggotsvwill do the whole wesboro baptist church shit were u tell yur kids. To hate some skin colors. But when they get older they will see how dumb fail of parents u are and just hop on the party bandwagon cause you lowlife shuts were holding them back for your own selfish needs. I seen videos of all u dumbass whites n Mexicans protesting in the most retarded places ever like in California n stuff. I livevin sanantonio. Cone down here n I dare u to be racist. Cause youl will get a good ass whoopin by your own race. Once again. Burn in hellvgood like a retard on a BBQ. Cause like I said. Once you all dievoff we kids won’t rlly give a shit cause we have a trend now to rebel n be free at avyounger age now along with the newer younger generation of parents whovrealise this too. So cya lowlifes. No one cares. Your death will be good and I hope u realise all thus.and btw horrible grammar cause this auto correct on phone sucks.but u wouldn’t know whatvthisvtiuch screen shit is anyways. So yes rage on me with you patchtic execuse saying my grammar is bad when this is a blog not English 4. your graves Good day and goodnight i

  333. ingli ONLY says:

    why did mark/derek (same person) post twice? you sound 13??? shouldn’t you be in the shower jerking off

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Hello ingli:
      Mexicans are nothing more than Ass-Clowns

      Mexicans are dumb – criminalistic – rude – drug addicted – invaders and theives – who have become so spoiled with getting free american hand-outs – Mexicans have gotten to the point that they behave like foot stomping children. Mexicans actually think we owe them what-ever they choose to demand.

      In a word – they do-not know what they do anymore…

      • ingli ONLY says:

        good day mr. jones,
        the mexicans are easy to handle, the hard part is getting the sic twisted libs to smarten up…Immigration to a country should benefit the citizens of that country, not burden them.

  334. Mickey Jones says:

    Greetings Ingli:
    Yes – exactly – I would be more inclined to say “”Global Liberal Communists”, but it means the same thing either way.

    The Mexican is an Animal – The Mexican acts like a spoiled foot stomping little child – Mexicans have no manners – no breeding – no brains – and act like an old dog that I once had.

    My dog — LOL — I just loved that dog – he would bring me his raw-hide bone – sit down next to me – look at me with that bone in his mouth – but if I tried to get the bone away from him – he wouldn’t let me — just like the Mexican – as if the Mexican is saying — “”OHHH look at me – I’m a Mexican and I’m so special the American People OWE me what ever I want””.

    In other words – the Mexican is a Spoiled Dog….

    The Mexicans say their proud — LoL – LOL – LOL LOL LOL. And then they get on their hands and knees to beg the white man for food — LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL…

    Mexicans – ya well, I think Mexicans are compared to that stuff that comes out of my butt-hole…..

  335. SimpleME! says:

    People who claim Mexican steal jobs I say well stop sitting around your computer cursing out races get a newspaper and find a job. You say Mexicans get Medical, Welfare etc…. and you can not well go to the offices and fill out an application. That’s how Mexicans get … Welfare, and medical etc…. But if you are all way smarter then you can get a grate job and in that case medical, welfare is not needed. In any case you should not get mad at illegal Mexicans because last I heard Medical is asking for proof of citizenship.
    Don’t believe me see below:

    Click to access DHCS%200002.pdf

    People who claim Americans are peaces of Shit, cock suckers etc. I say well if you want to be better then them study, find a job and stop going back and forth with these negative comments. Mexicans that involve themselves in back and forth negativity are just the same as those who claim to be Mexican killers, or haters or what ever they like to call themselves. This is why society is the way it is not because Mexicans are taking over not because Osama bin laden ruined the economy it’s because we all want to blame others for our problems. If you do not understand what I am saying then you need help…. STOP THIS NONSENCE! This is what you call Cyber bulling; harassment if you are all Americans stop braking your own laws!

    • ingli ONLY says:

      you’re an idiot! I not complaining because a mexican knows how to get welfare… I’m letting you know they are NOt entitled to anything America has to offer… … They have riuned California

      • Mickey Jones says:

        Hello Ingli:
        Well yes – of course the Mexican Mudd is IGNORANT – but do you know what the real story is – just why the Mexicans does as the Mexican Does?

        In a word – Mexicans are ARROGANT – They FEEL Entitled – The Mexican Honestly thinks that America OWES them – owes them what ever they choose to BEG for for.

        The Mexican feels that it should be able to enter the United States – Illegally Mind You – when-ever, and for what-ever reason they choose.

        On top of it – The Mexican Fells that We should cater to their every need – and be happy that we give them everything they want.

        And then you know what the Illegal Mexicans wants to do – break any law that it chooses – when-ever it chooses – and the American people should say NOTHING.

        But its so funny – as the MEXICAN is PROUD when it gets down on its hands and knees to beg the American People – MEXICANS are — ILLEGAL CRIMINALS – WHO BEG ON THEIR HANDS AND KNEES – and then Commit all of the crime they choose — LOL LOL LOL…

  336. david says:

    AMERIXA was stolen…by guns and death…its not yours you have stoled,you are part of the are foreigner…you ar not a person that can say that we ar criminales,when you arrive and begin to kill people and colonize a country…se the history,try to understand…this is not your country.

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Hello David
      Yep – you got it right – the White Man took an area over simply because the Natives which mixed with the Spanish were a backward and weak inferior sub-human race.

      The only reason your in the United States is because the Global Capitolist wishes to exploit you. Grow a brain and go back to Mexico – dirty mud-face…

      • wayne says:

        mexicans lost the land now they slime it up and spew their greasy beaner babies on our land and cost us millions…i have no respet for any of them

  337. wayne says:

    fucking mexicans control everything

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Hello Wayne:
      The Mexican is a tool for the ones who control everything – and those are the Global Elite – key people – “Paul Warberg – Henry Kissinger – and many others.

      Access the web – such as a google search and look up “Federal Reserve as a Privately Owned Bank”, and “Council on Foriegn Relations”.

      I’ll get into this more at a later date in your interested – but remember this – a national ID will be required by the first or second month of 2013.

      The One world Order is here – and we all need to know about it – what to do to protect ourselves.

      Ya – I dislike the fact that Mexicans have invaded our nation – and the way they act when they get here – but have nothing against Mexicans who are in Mexico — in other words – its not a racist view – its a national/patriotic view.

      Once the Mexican illegally enters the United States – thats when they become the enemy – but not until that point.

      America must wake up and understand just who the enemy is!

  338. JTL says:

    The USA used to be a pretty nice place until grease ball Mexicans showed up everywhere. Now there’s graffiti everywhere, trash in the streets, cars on fire, etc. Go back to where you came from, spic greasers! When Mexicans show up, everything goes to hell. Mexicans suck cocks in Hell!!!

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Hello JTL
      Yep – you said it just about the way it needs to be said! In my opinion – Mexicans are nothing more than a cock-roach – one of the lowest forms of life on the planet. Myself – I’m sick and tired of the bastards.

      Heres a quick story for you – learn from it – we all need to learn from this story.

      I had been grocery shopping at a Kroger food store in Arlington Texas – got into my truck – back out – and then a Mexican Female backed into the side of my truck – totally destroyed the drivers side post – between the bed and the cap – and or rear of the cab.

      I called the police to get a report for my insurance claim – and refered to the driver and her husband as “”Mexicans””.

      The cop told me I shouldn’t call them that – so I asked where they were from – the Answer — “”Mexico””.

      I asked if they were US Citizens — answer “”NO””.

      So I turned and looked at the cop and said — They are from Mexico and not US citizens — why shouldn’t I call them “”Mexicans””?

      The cop said that was rude and I didn’t know they were – so I said to the cop – is the word “”Mexican”” profanity? And I already knew they were mexicans – just by looking at them.

      The moral of this story — we can not trust the Police – the Government – and or any form of tax-payer funded athority – we must only trust ourselves – and take care of business in our own way….

  339. blancoslayer says:

    White people are stupid compared to mexicans. Hey, if a mexican does a crime, it’s out of dire need and desperation. Much respect for that, I would definitely kill to feed my fam. I know there’s a right and wrong way of doing things, but rich suburban kids in my neighborhood do drugs and act tough and shit. White folk tend to molest kids a lot too. And stupid white kids just take it and wait til’ one of his gay white kid friends to speak up and pretty much all of em’ pop up like daises. Fuckin spineless white folk. One time at work, i am a system analyst, I had this white dude as a client. I was fixing his computer via phone, and I told him he had too many windows open (programs for all you other stupid white folk) and this fucker closed all his windows, as in the windows in his office. Jesus. Mighty stupid for somebody who be using english his whole life and also for somebody who be working at an office for years. Cheers to the white man, y’all are forever gonna be stupid, intolerant and racist. Take a look at all of yourselves first before you judge other races, there’s a reason why we take jobs from you, coz you ain’t deserve em. Nuff said.

    • blancoslayer says:

      Much respect for mexicans working 9 to 5, much love for mexicans husltin 1 to 9. Though a lot of em’ are poor and deprived of the luxuries you stupid white folk got, they still TRY! A lot of em do. I got madd respect for mexicans and honestly I ain’t mexican I am 100% filipino and I am proud of it. We all take jobs from you cause all of you are stupid and lazy. I get straight a’s and still work at the same time. And all these white kids only talk bout partying and drugs and fail in school and complain that education is hard and broken. All I can do is just laugh and feel sorry for you all. I got white friends that are smart and good people, why can’t you do be the same.

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Piss-Off Blancoslayer. You really need to watch your back-side.

  340. mexican says:

    let’s first take all this apart.

    As you’ve rightly said thousands of times, immigration is all about the conspiracy, it’s convenient for the US federal government, I mean with all the power that the US has, dont you think they can just uproot the problem once and for all? I would say yes, definitely.
    Have you seen the fences in the border? US has all the potential to at least reduce the problem by using worthy fences, but it doesnt seem like they want to erradicate the problem at all.
    So why’s that? Dollars, status, totalitarian one-world government.
    Beggers? Many of them, totally drowned by our mexican government’s corruption, work as fucking mules for your government, un-educated, hat in head and of course not having idea of what they’re involved.
    Fight their country? When you say that 60 millions of mexicans, half the population, live in poverty your like “well, where’s our fucking non-poor government?” The necessity of feeding a family wont be more important than reading a book.
    Yes, they arent legal citezens, still a problem, understandable

    Now, I wonder what would happen with legal mexicans? You didnt mention it but there’s good mexicans as well, you know working decently, citizens, who do things right, educated.
    It costs you millions? Ok but millions of mexicans citizens are actually paying as well, arent they?
    Anyways, what about inflation? Our globalist order needs money.
    If they do things right and stuff, legal citezens, are you gonna be killing them just like that for being mexicans?

    There’s even the mexicans wanna bes, who feel totally usamerican, who make fun of just-arrived accents, I mean c’mon many of them are not even white lol I must say, those fuckers really piss me off.

    So, who should we fight against? I would be answered by watching people falling down the WTC on 9/11.

    The authoritarian in support of media are just pretending their fighting the problem, please, I just watched this border patrol named LOPEZ of course prieto haha trying to apprehend illegal immigrants and being like “Well, I know that if your country is so bad you will like to have a better life, but I have to do my job” I mean, of course he knows, he or his family, passed it by, fucker.
    So, how is it you’re gonna get rid of mexicans?

    I know I shouldnt say this, but the more scum you get rid of, the better, of course I would include all races. I mean, who would you kill first, a white maniac criminal, a crazy one like James Holmes for example, or a real mexican citezen? haha

    And, why is it that we are sub-humans? That’s pretty stupid, what nowadays’ Mexico was also conquered by white people. What does that tell us? Havent you seen a white mexican?
    I would say the browns fought like beasts in order not to get conquered by the europeans lol

    In final words, I wish you luck, I hope you beat the conspiring agenda.

  341. Mickey Jones says:

    Hello Mexican:
    You just simply do-not understand anything at-all – you take all of your time to write – addressing why in your opinion Mexicans should be allowed to enter the US – which people are better – and all of the Bull-Shit that you can think of – come up with – come on man – grow up – learn how to think.

    The message – Mexicans need to stay in Mexico and tend to their own business – stay out of our nation and out of our business..

    • Cheyenne says:

      You are absolutely correct! We should all return to our country of origin. If you can find a way to separate the part of us that is native North American Indian from the part of us that is French or Spanish …and keep the native part here and send the European part back to its continent of origin- we will gladly take part of a part of a mass exodus back to where we came from!

      • ingli ONLY says:

        Immigrants of the past came to America to become American, and added positively to society… and now we have mexicans!

        let me ask you this?
        what have mexicans contributed to America?

        Are they improving neighborhoods?
        are they creating a safer environment for our kids?

        Are we learning and growing from them?
        you think I hate them with no merit..

        tell me WHY I should be happy they are all around our society.
        can you point out any positives?

        It’s not immigration. It is an invasion!

      • Cheyenne says:

        I’m sure you are an intelligent person, so don’t let your racism mask the truth. You may not want to see it, but it’s there. Do, you know how preposterous it sounds that millions of people living here, since the founding of this country , have not contributed anything to society? In addition to the common peace officers, educators, health care providers, and military men and women, Mexicans exist in every sector. Just in my neighborhood, I see Mexican -American police officers keeping the streets safe, from white, Asian, and Hispanic thugs and criminals. I just attended a fellow Mexican-American doctor’s charity event to raise scholarship money for our local kids.

        Here are just a few contributions Mexican-American’s have made to American society:

        Political figures

        Romana Acosta Bañuelos
        Oscar Zeta Acosta – Politician, Attorney, Novelist and Activist
        Romana Acosta Bañuelos – former Treasurer of the United States
        Mike Aguirre – former city attorney of San Diego, California
        Juan Bautista Alvarado – twice Governor of Alta California from 1836 to 1837 and 1838 to 1842
        Toney Anaya – US Democratic Politician & Former Governor of New Mexico
        Rosemary Barkett – federal judge
        Xavier Becerra – U.S. Representative (CA-31)
        Cruz Bustamante – former California lieutenant governor
        Anna Escobedo Cabral – 42nd Treasurer of the United States
        Carlos Antonio Carrillo – (1783–1852), Gobernor of Alta California, (1837–1838). His father, José Raimundo Carrillo, came from Loreto, México.
        José Antonio Carrillo – (1796–1862), Californio ranchero, official and political. He was brother of Carlos Antonio Carrillo.
        Juan José Carrillo – the first mayor of Santa Monica, California
        José Castro (b. California, 1808 – d. February 1860) was acting governor of Alta California in 1835-1836,[1] and Commandante General of the Mexican army in Alta California at the time of the 1846 Bear Flag Revolt and the Mexican-American War of 1846-1848
        Raul Hector Castro – governor of Arizona
        Lauro Cavazos – secretary of education
        Gabe Cazares – former mayor of Clearwater, Florida
        Dennis Chavez – U.S. Senator from New Mexico
        Henry Cisneros – former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development and mayor of San Antonio, Texas
        Henry Cuellar – U.S. House of Representatives Texas’s 28th congressional district
        Mario Gallegos, Jr. – Texas state senator
        Ruben Garcia Jr.- former Executive Assistant Director of FBI
        Reynaldo Guerra Garza – first Hispanic judge appointed to the U.S. Court of Appeals
        Tony Garza – U.S. ambassador to Mexico
        Alberto Gonzales – United States Attorney General
        Henry Gonzalez (1916–2000) U.S. Representative (Texas)
        Matt Gonzalez – politician, member of the Green Party
        Rafael Gonzales – (1789–1857) A native of San Antonio, Texas, he was governor of Coahuila and Texas.
        Ron Gonzales – former mayor of San José, California
        Octaviano Ambrosio Larrazolo – former governor of New Mexico and first Latino to serve United States Senate
        Marco Lopez – mayor of Nogales, Arizona
        Manuel Lujan Jr. – U.S. Representative from New Mexico
        Abel Maldonado – 47th Lieutenant Governor of California
        Rosario Marin – 41st Treasurer of the United States
        Gloria Molina – Los Angeles County Supervisor and former vice-chair of the Democratic National Committee
        Joseph Montoya – former U.S. Senator from New Mexico
        Carlos R. Moreno – Supreme Court Justice, California
        Fabian Núñez – California State Representative, current Speaker of the California State Assembly[108]
        Estevan Ochoa- historic mayor of Tucson, Arizona, he was the first Mexican-American mayor after the Gadsen Purchase of 1854
        Solomon Ortiz – U.S. Representative (TX-27)
        Mariano S. Otero – a Delegate from the Territory of New Mexico
        Miguel Antonio Otero – former Governor of New Mexico
        Romualdo Pacheco – governor of California
        Alex Padilla- Los Angeles City Council Member
        Steve Padilla – former mayor of Chula Vista, California
        Federico Peña – former mayor of Denver, Colorado, former United States Secretary of Transportation and former United States Secretary of Energy
        Francisco Perea – a Delegate from the Territory of New Mexico
        Andrés Pico (1810 – February 14, 1876) was, as the political administration changed, a mixed-race Californio youth; a successful rancher and commander; and an influential American politician; in 19th century California. He was brother of Pío Pico
        Pío Pico (May 5, 1801 – September 11, 1894) was the last Governor of Alta California (now the State of California) under Mexican rule
        Miguel A. Pulido – mayor Santa Ana, California
        Cruz Reynoso – former judge on the Supreme Court of California, Presidential Medal of Freedom (Recipient)
        Bill Richardson – former governor of New Mexico, former U.S. Secretary of Energy
        Albert Robles – politician and convicted criminal
        Gloria Romero – Democratic Majority Leader in the California State Senate, college professor
        Trinidad Romero – Delegate to United States Congress from the Territory of New Mexico
        Edward Roybal – former U.S. Representative from California
        Ernesto Ruffo Appel – politician & former governor of Baja California
        Mary Salas – former California Assembly representative
        John Salazar – U.S. Representative (CO-3)
        Ken Salazar – U.S. Senator (CO)
        Ezequiel D. Salinas – state court judge from Texas
        Loretta Sanchez – U.S. Representative (CA-47)
        Linda Sánchez – U.S. Representative (CA-39)
        Hilda Solis – U.S. Secretary of Labor, former U.S. Representative (CA-32)
        Raymond Telles – mayor of El Paso, Texas
        Esteban Edward Torres – former Representatives, U.S. ambassador to UNESCO, and labor activist
        Gaddi Vasquez – 8th United States Representative to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization
        Antonio Villaraigosa – mayor of Los Angeles[117]
        Kim McLane Wardlaw – federal judge, US Court of Appeals
        Brian Sandoval – governor of Nevada
        Susana Martinez – governor of New Mexico

        ]Military figures

        General Richard E. Cavazos
        Medal of Honor recipient, Roy Benevidez
        Bertrand Blanchard Acosta – Aviator, Fighter Pilot
        Lucian Adams – Medal of Honor (World War II)
        Everett Alvarez Jr. – Navy LCdr/Pilot who endured 8.5 years in Vietnamese captivity and one of the longest periods as a U.S. prisoner of war (POW)
        David B. Barkley – Medal of Honor (World War I)
        Roy Benavidez – Medal of Honor (Vietnam War)
        Robert Cardenas – U.S. Air Force Brigadier General
        Richard E. Cavazos – first U.S. Army Hispanic 4-star general, Distinguished Service Cross (Korea and Vietnam)
        Kathlene Contres – U.S. Navy
        Emilio A. De La Garza – Medal of Honor (Vietnam)
        Ralph Ellis Dias – Medal of Honor (Vietnam)
        Daniel Fernandez – Medal of Honor (Vietnam)
        José María Flores – General and Governor of Alta California (Mexican American War)
        Guy Gabaldon – Navy Cross recipient, credited with capturing (or persuading to surrender) about 1,500 Japanese soldiers and civilians during the Battle of Saipan (World War II)
        Marcario Garcia – Medal of Honor (World War II)
        Edward Gomez- Medal of Honor (Korean War)
        Harold Gonsalves – Medal of Honor (World War II)
        David M. Gonzales(1923–1945) – Medal of Honor (World War II) First in Los Angeles
        Alfredo Cantu Gonzalez – Medal of Honor (Vietnam)
        Freddy Gonzalez – Medal of Honor, KIA in Huế (Vietnam)
        Ambrosio Guillen- Medal of Honor (Korean War)
        Rodolfo P. Hernandez – Medal of Honor (Korean War)
        Silvestre S. Herrera – Medal of Honor (World War II)
        Edward Hidalgo – former Secretary of the Navy
        Jose F. Jimenez – Medal of Honor (Vietnam)
        Miguel Keith – Medal of Honor (Vietnam)
        Felix Z. Longoria, Jr. – first Mexican American buried in Arlington National Cemetery (World War II)
        Jose M. Lopez- Medal of Honor (World War II)
        Nicolas Lucero – French Croix de guerre (World War I)
        Benito Martinez – Medal of Honor (Korean War)
        Joe P. Martinez – Medal of Honor (World War II)
        Louis Gonzaga Mendez, Jr. – highly decorated Colonel, commander of the 3rd Battalion, 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment (World War II)
        Tony Mendez – ex-CIA agent, portrayed in 2012 American film Argo. [118]
        Ernest Medina – Captain of Company C, 1st Battalion, 20th Infantry of the 11th Brigade, Americal Division
        Francisco Mercado, Jr. – Distinguished Service Cross
        Eugene A. Obregon- Medal of Honor (Korean War)
        Rafael Peralta – Navy Cross (Operation Iraqi Freedom)
        Oscar F. Perdomo – United States Air Force Flying ace (World War II)
        Manuel Perez Jr. – Medal of Honor (World War II)
        Lori Piestewa (1973–2003) – the first woman in the U.S. armed forces killed in the 2003 Iraq war
        Alfred V. Rascon – Medal of Honor (Vietnam)
        Louis R. Rocco – Medal of Honor (Vietnam)
        Cleto Rodriguez – Medal of Honor (World War II)
        Joseph C. Rodriguez – Medal of Honor (Korean War)
        Alejandro R. Ruiz – Medal of Honor (World War II)
        Ricardo Sanchez – United States Army General and Author (Operation Iraqi Freedom)
        Marcelino Serna – Distinguished Service Cross (World War I)
        France Silva – Medal of Honor (Boxer Rebellion)[120]
        Eugene Suarez – U.S. Marine, war photographer, World War II and Korea
        Jose F. Valdez – Medal of Honor (World War II)
        Eugene A. Valencia, Jr. – Flying Ace (World War II), Navy Cross
        Alfred Valenzuela -Major General, United States Army
        Jay R. Vargas – Medal of Honor (Vietnam)
        Ysmael R. Villegas – Medal of Honor (World War II)
        Maximo Yabes – Medal of Honor (Vietnam)
        Miguel Marquez – Aircraft Fuel Systems Journeyman, SSgt, Retired 10 APR 2012, OIF/OEF Veteran, USAF

        Scholars and educators

        Rodolfo Acuña – historian and professor
        Elsa Salazar Cade – entomologist/science educator
        Mariano Velazquez de la Cadena – grammarian, scholar, and author
        Lauro Cavazos – U.S. Secretary of Education (1988–1990)
        Francisco G. Cigarroa – chancellor of the University of Texas System and president of the UT Health Science Center in San Antonio, Texas.
        Miguel Angel Corzo – CEO and President of LA Plaza de Cultura y Artes
        Jose Cuellar – professor of Chicano studies
        Robert R. Davila – president of Gallaudet University
        Alicia Gaspar de Alba – historian, scholar, author
        Roberta Fernández – novelist, scholar, critic and arts advocate professor
        Francisco Gil-White – anthropologist and educator
        Jonathon J. Andrew Muñoz – philosopher and educator
        Laura E. Gómez – President of the Law and Society Association and a Professor of Law and American Studies at the University of New Mexico
        Guillermo Gómez-Peña – Performance Artist, Author, Activist and Educator
        Juan Gómez-Quiñones – professor, historian, poet and activist
        José Ángel Gutiérrez – professor and attorney
        Arturo Islas – professor of English and novelist
        J. Michael Ortiz – President of Cal Poly Pomona
        Arnulfo Trejo – writer, college professor and literary activist
        Francisco Vázquez – scholar and public intellectual
        Erv Wilson – music theorist

        Science and technology

        Jose Hernandez
        Albert Baez – physicist and professor, developed the X-ray microscope
        Elsa Salazar Cade – science educator and entomologist
        Victor Celorio – Inventor of Instabook or Book On Demand
        France A. Córdova – former NASA Chief Scientist
        Henry Eyring – theoretical chemist, writer, and recipient of the National Medal of Science award
        Sidney M. Gutierrez – former astronaut
        Jose Hernández (astronaut) – astronaut
        Ellen Ochoa – astronaut, director for flight crew operations for NASA
        John D. Olivas – NASA astronaut
        Alfredo Quinones-Hinojosa, M.D. – Associate Professor of Neurosurgery and Oncology. Director of the Brain Tumor Stem Cell Laboratory at Johns Hopkins University and brain surgeon at Johns Hopkins Hospital
        Eloy Rodriguez – biochemist, professor at Cornell University
        Ted Taylor – physicist and nuclear weapons designer

        Civil rights leaders and community activists

        Lupe Anguiano – civil rights activist
        Norma V. Cantu – civil rights lawyer and college professor
        Carlos Cadena – attorney in the landmark Hernandez v. Texas supreme court case
        Aurora Castillo – environmental activist
        Sal Castro – civil rights activist and educator
        Ernesto Chacon – Latino and low income civil rights activist

        César Chávez at a United Farmworkers rally, 1974
        César Chávez(1927–1993) – labor leader and activist
        Linda Chavez-Thompson – former executive vice-president of the AFL-CIO
        Miguel Contreras – labor leader
        Bert Corona – labor and community organizer
        Ricardo Cruz – attorney, civil rights activist
        Maria Echaveste – former White House Deputy Chief of Staff and Senior Fellow at the Center for American Progress
        Josefina Fierro de Bright – civil rights activist during The Great Depression
        Gustavo C. Garcia – attorney in the landmark Hernandez v. Texas supreme court case
        Rodolfo Gonzales — leader of the Chicano Civil Rights Movement,[130] boxer, poet
        José Ángel Gutiérrez — political activist, founder of the Raza Unida Party, writer, and professor
        John J. Herrera – civil rights leader
        Dolores Huerta – civil rights leader
        Nativo Lopez – civil rights activist
        Mimi Lozano – co-founded the Society of Hispanic Historical and Ancestral Research
        Angel G. Luévano – labor leader and activist
        Rueben Martinez – activist and businessman
        Eliseo Medina – labor activist
        Janet Murguía – civil rights activist
        Alex Pacheco, activist
        Olga Talamante – political activist
        Emma Tenayuca – labor organizer
        Reies López Tijerina – activist, founder of the Alianza Federal de Mercedes
        John Trudell – Musician, Author, Poet, & Political Activist
        Baldemar Velasquez – president of the Farm Labor Organizing Committee
        Raul Yzaguirre – civil rights activist

        Religious figures

        Oscar Cantu – Auxiliary Bishop in San Antonio, Texas.
        Virgilio Elizondo – Roman Catholic priest, and theologian
        Patrick Flores – Roman Catholic Bishop
        Elias Gabriel Galvan – retired Bishop of the United Methodist Church
        Richard John Garcia – Bishop of Monterey, California
        José Horacio Gómez – Archbishop in San Antonio, Texas
        René Henry Gracida – Bishop
        Ricardo Ramirez – Bishop of Las Cruzes, New Mexico.
        Jaime Soto – Roman Catholic Coadjutor Bishop of Sacramento
        James Anthony Tamayo – Bishop of Laredo, Texas.
        Joe S. Vasquez – Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Austin, Texas

        Businesspeople and entrepreneurs

        Michael Ball (fashion mogul) – fashion mogul
        Hector Barreto – 21st Administrator of the US Small Business Administration
        Rudy Chapa – Track Runner & Businessman
        David Martinez – Managing Partner
        Emilio Azcárraga Milmo – CEO & Businessman
        Arturo Moreno – Owner of a MLB Franchise & Businessman
        Louis Ruiz – creator of Ruiz Foods, Inc. (Largest Latino owned company in California) [138]
        Mia St. John – Professional Boxer, Model and Businesswoman
        Tony Sanchez – Businessman, Philanthropist, and Democratic Politician
        Solomon Trujillo – CEO and Businessman
        Louis Verdad – Fashion Designer
        Oscar J. Zuniga – Engineer and Businessman
        Sergio Zyman – Marketing Executive

        Not to mention the countless other notable Mexican-Americans in sports and the arts

      • ingli ONLY says:

        cheyenne. comment to your jan 16 post at bottom of page….

  342. J says:

    Mexicans are the most dumbest people I have ever met.That’s coming from someone who is half Mexican.I hate Mexican culture with a passion.

    • Cheyenne says:

      Perhaps you are correct because only an idiot would call part of who they are dumb. What you think that just because you join this mudslinging , you are somehow disassociating yourself from Mexicans and can therefore become accepted?

  343. To J says:

    You included half spic.

  344. ingli ONLY says:

    who in government can we trust? Schwarzenegger screws ugly Mexicans and obama screws all Americans………….

  345. ingli ONLY says:

    to blanoslayer..

    it is time for the U S to take a real stand and say no to citizenship for anchor babies or their families., “It should be stopped pure and simple.” Game over–send them packing with their diaper bags.

  346. ingli ONLY says:

    to david…you la raza types circle jerking each other to make yourselves feel better about your pathetic country and culture… by the way in America it’s not okay to commit crimes to provide for your family (your mom brought you up with 3rd world values).

    • Cheyenne says:

      So when a non Hispanic White American commits a crime to provide for their family, it is learned from first world country values? A crime is a crime – no matter who it’s committed by!

      • ingli ONLY says:

        if your’re going to get involved in the conversation be prepared!! read the post first then comment… the idiot posted that he respected a mexican for committing a crime to provide for his family… Americans do commit crimes but no matter what the reason SHOULD they be respected???

  347. ingli ONLY says:

    FYI to Americans
    The United States is unusual in its offer of citizenship to anyone born on its soil. Only a few European countries still grant automatic citizenship at birth. The United Kingdom and Australia repealed their U.S.-style policies in the 1980s after witnessing abuses similar to those plaguing the U.S. today

  348. brad says:

    Interesting but the US will never stop giving to this culture, this country has an obsession with youth. No matter what the parents and households are like, we just offer a breeding haven for ungrateful trashy families.

    (I still really don’t know why we do?)

    Free medical and free food as well as cash money if your child is a slow learner. Can you believe that, money to parents who children are slow learners. Parents who don’t do anything for their kids, never bought them a book in their life.

    I know this my wife is a school teacher talks to these parents and says this, if a white kid does good on a state exam or test the school may only get a point, but if a mexican does good its like 4or5 points, etc….. towards the schools average and the school can get more money from the state!

    “sometimes I forget I was born a genius and my magical white ass can crap out money” being average class white person is getting to be too hard and unrewarding

    Also I know this mexican woman who has been on welfare for 15 years, has 6 kids from 3 yrs old all the way up to 16 yr old. Constantly is out shopping and partying like a highschooler spending money on useless crap, her husband makes really good money as a truck driver(they lie and act divorced I turned them in but nothing happens) They have more cars, a boat, jet ski, than I do yet are on welfare. They don’t take care of their stuff, their house is really trashy beer cans everywhere, but mostly THEY WASTE FOOD! they waste it so bad, I’ve never seen so many overweight kids eat junk all day, every day throughout the whole day! Healthy food forget it, why buy that when food stamps gets you everything even all the junkfood a worthless parent and child could want.

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Hello Brad:
      Yes Sir — I agree with you!

      But only to a point as they say — lets say the US will continue as long as the US is a functioning nation – and that is yet another subject!

  349. ingli ONLY says:

    to blancoslayer…
    Maybe you should study your own culture to see how our values differ and figure out why your men won‘t fight for the Mexican dream in mexico. They can’t all be puss cees and leeches, can they?

  350. Octavio Morales Rodríguez says:

    Hahahahaha This really made me laugh, you really think you’re better? I expect to think that all the gringos that wrote shit about my homeland are lacky parasites that only browse to check out who to fuck with, it’s a pity that you HAVE to show your “superiority” by posting this kind of stupid things, you say we have no development and that we are fucked up, maybe, yes; but thanks to us we are your main workforce in the south, we do the nasty work you fucking fat-ass gringos don’t want to do, I don’t live in the north, but I know how my country is and how has gone on, really stop with your shitty comments, you are just a sorry-ass gringo that got ripped off the job thanks to a mexican ;D

    Your sorry-ass comments just show how lame you are and how can gringos be from the inside, nobody is fucking with you, but when you do, half Mexico will be in your ass, fucking gringo…

    Also, a last thing, I think you haven’t noticed that most of the posts are in English, it’s because we have a development and education, so you can’t really say those idiotic things, because we KNOW…
    But if we wrote in Spanish you would go directly to Google Traductor, fucking lame fags, you don’t overcome yourselves and think that just because English is the most speaked language in the World you rule it, but no, faggots…

    Viva Mexico, estadounidenses mediocres…

    • ingli ONLY says:

      is this that mexican pride thing AGAIN? pride without merit usually comes from a mexican.. please translate that for me cuz i just don’t get it.

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Mexican – if you and your nation are so great — STAY IN MEXICO — We don’t want your trash up here – STAY in MEXICO – and we would have nothing to say…..

      Dumb-Ass – Do you understand??????

  351. Santos.M says:

    Latin America is taking over, just deal with it. Just as the whites came and conquered the land of my Native American brothers, it’s going to happen like it or not. In 100 years, I garantee you that most North Americans will have at least one drop of Latin blood within them and there’s nothing you can do about it. I am a proud 7th generation Texan, who is half Hispanic and half Tonkawa, and is in a relationship with a white woman. I am not racist, because we are all one race, THE HUMAN RACE! My children and your children will mix and hopefully be the ones to truly understand that there is no difference between us, except for the different shades of skin that make us unique and beautiful. We were ment to come together and establish a country that stands above the rest, a country that embraces different cultures and beliefs. Yes I understand that coming into this nation illegally is totally wrong, according to the laws of man, especially if you come in and abuse the system, but that doesnt go for all “aliens” who have risked so much to get a piece of that sweet American pie. My great great grandfather came into this country illegally (even though in those days, there wasn’t border patrol) and gladly adopted its ways, but also remembered where he came from, and what made him who he was. Let’s come together and give the world a great example of how the human race should conduct itself, a race of many colors that stem from one, that is of the land, and not superior of it, for it is our mother and we her children. Long Live the USA.

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Hello Santos
      Ya – thats what you think — lol – just wait until push comes to shove – the fall of the US will change your views soon enough.

      As far as the White Trash your screwing — the white race doesn’t want that thing around us anyway – like being screwed by an animal I expect — LOL – have you given it AIDS yet?

      Proud Mexican — LOL – ya I know — I’v heard that crap to many times – your proud to take welfare are you — LOL — your a brown joke…..

    • liverio says:

      You can’t change the mind of these ignorant people.
      The only way is to breed them out or when the time comes put a bullet in there ass. They will hate you no matter what.

  352. Mickey Jones says:

    This Santos is a proud Mexicano – who screws a dirty white whore – a whore who had better do exactly whats she is told – if not – she will get an ass whipping – and most likely already does – as this brown turd most likely drinks and takes some form of drugs.

    This proud Brown turd also says we are all the same – that race – ethnicity – religion – and or culture doesn’t matter – we are all one – the human race. That sounds like a COMMUNIST LIBERAL to me – and never mind that each race – ethnicity – religion – and culture all have individual names and characteristics – such as some are Asain – some are African – Some are European — moreover: some are Catholic – some are Baptist – some are Jewish – some are Muslim — excedra and so on.

    Santos — your nothing more than a Dumb-Ass Communist — you can suck on my pimples….

    Oh ya and by the way — one of my ancestors fought at San Jacinto under Sam Houston – you know – when Mexicos President was caught wearing a Privates Uniform and sucking on some womens breast milk – and crying like a little bitch….

  353. Santos.M says:

    Wow, i’m amused by your insults. For your information, my girlfriend and I are both students at the University of Houston on the way to obtaining our Masters degrees.. And though I do indeed have Mexican heritage in my blood, i’m loyal to only one country, USA. Obviously by the outrageous insults that you are spewing from your racist mouth, your life is filled with misery and hate. You probably have not accomplished anything worth speaking of in your dim life, and you will spend the rest of your twilight years in pain. Though I do commend you and your ancestors service to this country, your state of mind and beliefs are the type that can certainly bring the demise of this nation, not the foreigners. Your breed is of a dying one, and so is the atrocious creed you degenerate fools abide by. Change is truly surfacing on the horizon, but your blind to its true form. Im sad you won’t live to see the day, probably neither will I, but racism will fall as more and more foreigners will pour into this country from different parts of the world and put an end to your narcissistic bigotry. Continue your insults on this blog, only a coward cloaks himself behind the screen of a computer and runs his mouth, but the brave take action and voice there opinions to the public, and good luck trying that in Texas. Adios amigo.

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Greetings Santos:
      Well I guess were both amused – after reading your lengthy line of bull-crap I will have a very nice day at the river fishing.

      You say I have never accomplished anything — LOL LOL LOL – well, I’m a retired Veteran – and have earned 4 degrees – to a masters – and I went to college when it was required of a student to know how to read and write – and pay for our own education on top of it.

      My home is paid for – my trucks are paid for – my business complex is paid for – my education is paid for – and still have enough money to send my grandbabies to a private school – ya -I think I’v done ok.

      Anyone want to know how I accomplished these things in my life – I was born and lived in the United States before the MEXICANS took over — learn from it….

  354. EWWW hate white people ..nasty ass bitches be smelling like wet dogs says:

    WOW! y’all stupid racist white bitches talking shit when all white piece of trash trying to be our color by tanning… fuking ugly ass bitches ca n’t even get a girl they are all retarded ass hell lmao them white ugly retarded cock sucking bitches don’t even have ass or boobs lmfao like bitch why do you even exist if your gonna be that ugly but keep this in mind you white nasty people piece of trah you may live in america but we rule it that’s why all white people don’t have any friends all of them are fuking low self steem which is why I treat like shit lmfao they be crying to the teacher and shit lmfao don’t have balls to do shit themselves

    • ingli ONLY says:

      nothing uglier than a short wetback beaner… and the women are sooooo ugly …
      its not like the best and brightest invade America.. we get the poor, ugly, uneducated criminals…. the leeches and pussies… mexico doesn’t want them, well either do we!!! Never seen a breed of people who can ruin everything they come in contact with.

  355. Micaela says:

    we all hate mexicans, that’s for sure… nobody likes them!! in america are the most hated people, ask anyone!! argentina, colombia, venezuela, guatemala… i know people from everywhere and we all hate mexicans… mexicans are scum, we should exterminate that smelly plague… but how? it would be great if mexico were a forest of impaled cockroaches, don’t you think that my friends? hahaha… we need to be united to fight against that shitty people… who’s with me?

    • liverio says:

      #@!/ you central mad and south American bitchs your almost as bad as these white rat bastards. The future in America is Mexicans we outnumber all you punks. But I’m not mad at your comments the feelings are mutual
      Come to LA and say talk shit in a Mexicans or Chicanos face see if they don’t put a bullet in you bitch ass

  356. To Micaela says:

    micaela, you sound like a mexican wanna be, poor ballsucker keep begging for acception, I just hope your white cause if your not, you would be the most ridiculous joke ever. And in fact, US americans are the most hated people not only in America but in the world, just because of the totalitarian one world government their ruled by, and because of some whites who feel superior, WHY? cause they come from “first world” What else? and I do know people from everywhere, just ask a french, a russian, an australian a CANADIAN and youll find it out.Thats why anti-americanism exist, ask anyone MICAELA lol .I dont think you know a shit about it, cause all you worry about is grabbing welfare, trying to make the american accent the best you can so that your brown skin may go unnoticed.

    “it would be great if mexico were a forest of impaled cockroaches, don’t you think that my friends? hahaha” ooh my god how funny you are retarded : ), I just hope you got the brain to go to college and stop being that ignorant, wal-mart worker.

    • i have a degree you moron, i’m an engineer… i’m 21 and my IQ is 140 … and i know what i have to know about those goddamned people, enough to hate them all… so shut up you rat bastard

      • Mickey Jones says:

        Hello Andrea:
        Your 21 years of age and an Engineer — LOL LOL LOL — thats such a out and out lie its simply halarious.

        Nice pic though – so you really want to be white – Hmmmm. looks like you’ll just have to be a another foot stomping “”Wonnnna-Bee…

        LOL LOL LOL — cook up some more BS for this group – I for one enjoy reading such BS…..

      • Mickey Jones says:

        A 140 IQ — LOL LOL LOL — thats a really old lie – try coming up with a new way to lie – a new line of BS for everyone. I did find your crap funny and got a blast from the past – but it is really really old.

  357. To Micaela says:

    ooh how great you guatemalan bitch.
    Im not gonna be generalizing just like your stupid ass. Todo bien Guatemaltecos

  358. Mickey Jones says:

    Low-Tinas are so ignorant its just not even understandable! I do realize “MEXICANOS are not Humans – in the most strick sense of the word – but even so – I didn’t realize they were as out and out saurry and Ignorant as they truelly are.

    Mexicans say – and say all of the time — I qoute — “””I’m a Proud to Be Mexican””.

    And then they Illegally Invade the United States and BEG — BEG mind you — Getting down on their hands and KNEES BEGGING the White Man for some FREE MONEY — The Mexican is so Proud they BEG – BEG – BEG White America — LOL LOL LOL…..

    And then SELL ILLEGAL DRUGS TO CHILDREN – And then they SHOP-LIFT at the local WALMART on top of it — LOL LOL LOL — “”PROUD MEXICANS””” — now how funny is that — LOL……

  359. Mickey Jones says:

    Greetings Santos:
    Well I guess were both amused – after reading your lengthy line of bull-crap I will have a very nice day at the river fishing.

    You say I have never accomplished anything — LOL LOL LOL – well, I’m a retired Veteran – and have earned 4 degrees – to a masters – and I went to college when it was required of a student to know how to read and write – and pay for our own education on top of it.

    My home is paid for – my trucks are paid for – my business complex is paid for – my education is paid for – and still have enough money to send my grandbabies to a private school – ya -I think I’v done ok.

    Anyone want to know how I accomplished these things in my life – I was born and lived in the United States before the MEXICANS took over — learn from it….

  360. Screw off says:

    kinda seems like you have a good life Jones, then why the fuck are you complaining girl?
    So uuh, if mexicans werent among you, you wouldnt have accomplished those things in your life? Seriously? Wheres that white superiority you dont take out of your mind?

    Im canadian and your just so hilarious fucker, I mean “I didn’t realize they were as out and out saurry and Ignorant as they truelly are” I dont even know what you meant but, In Canada, we tend to write truly LOL so I would recommend you to stop misspelling before you call a whole race ignorant asshole.
    But well, we all understand, you are an AMERICAN, white american of course lol lol so by nature you gotta feel superior, just as your disgusting globalist government.
    Immigration, is part of the conspiring agenda moron, Im sure you know that smart ass. The authoritarian world government has planned all this shit. Dont you think that the great United States of America are able to get rid of all illegal mexicans? Of course they are, they just dont want cause they earn lost of money, thereby, power and the elite, in order to accomplish a totalitarian one-world government, need those factors really bad, and illegal mexicans make it so easy for them, as well as all the illegals in the US.
    I know many mexicans, who are better, more intelligent and better educated than many of our first world white trash.
    White America, your so funny man. Have you ever been to Canada? If you would say those stupid things around here oh my god, you would be the funniest joke ever, and yeah you would have WHITE AMERICA making fun of your grey-haired ass.
    What a pity, you have grandbabies and you havent learned how to write english language correctly, white american lol

    “Mexicans say – and say all of the time — I qoute — “I’m a Proud to Be Mexican””. Let me tell you that Ive lived in many places around the world, including Mexico, and I was proud of being canadian. God your so ridiculous gringo.

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Greetings Screw Off:
      Ok – your From Canada – so why are you sticking your nose into American business? What is your motive – are you a Mexican – and you a global liberalistic communist – what is your problem with an american patriot trying to protect his land, family and future.

      Canadian – you had better back your saurry ass off of me – do what you want – but get your LONG NOSE out of my business.

      Do You understand me?

  361. Scott says:

    Anders Behring Breivik: The Final Solution

  362. liverio says:

    Don’t be mad at the white man listen to his complaining and stupidity and wait for the time to come cause these putoes forget we have more guns and balls then them.
    It’s only a matter of time once we over populate them aswell. Thats why there so mad

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Hello liverio:
      You say the Mexicans have more guns and balls than the Americans – Man – Thats Great News — I’m very sure all my of fellow American Patriots are very pleased to hear that – Myself – I couldn’t be more pleased.

      So – It comes out that you know how to Talk the Talk — you do realize its time for your and all of the other beans to walk the walk!

      Please Bean – get on with that walk – this is just great and about time I might add – lets see first hand those big balls your talking about….

      Just in case you don’t understand my meaning — I just gave you an open inventation to begin the WALK….

      • liverio says:

        I don’t need your invitation. Or your permission to be here. Or to prove to you that I deserve to be here. The sooner we all realize this the faster you and your racist kind will be secluded to just speaking on these type of forums.

      • liverio says:

        I’m just as anxious to get this shift on as you. The sad truth is your probably a coward and would run at the first sign of trouble. Believe me I hope you don’t but I will not talk much just remind you how small your brain really is and how ashamed your so called ancestor Sam Houston would be to see the poor excuse for a msn you have become venting on the computer as for me I’m proud of what I am and don’t hide I’m Mexican you can pick me out of a crowd you probably hide behind the viel of acceptance while only sharing your views on this site where no one knows who you are. Your bitch make oh and the meaning of that is your a coward and lack resolve to do what you speak of with such passion

  363. Scott says:

    Haha, this kook thinks that the Mexicans have all the guns? I’ve got news for you spick, the white guys are the ones already locked and loaded.

  364. Scott says:

    Dude, there is this big spick at my gym who wears this shirt that says “I’m Mexican, not latin, not American, Mexican”. I was livid. I thought about picking up a small dumbell and telling him how I like his shirt. Then I would say, you should get a shirt that says, “I’m born out of a donkey’s ass”. As he comes after me, I would bury the dumbell in the side of his head lol. Then as he is on the ground bleeding, I would step on his neck and say “get steppin back to your cespool country you dumb spick”. But, I held back because I don’t want to lose my gym membership.

  365. Dan says:

    I agree 200%, but yes being rascist is agains the bible due to the fact that skin color what they like matters. Well let’s put it this way. When you have Mexicans inhabit a big school of white black and Asian everyone changes into those people. Nice white guy friends now do your freakin spike up Mohawk fohawk crap, by the way is that why you can’t afford to pay anything since you use a tube of gel everyday, now it’s SWAG crap Mexicans think there all high and mighty getting into America and basically kicking out the White population SCREW YOU!! If your going to live in this country, stop stealing changing everyone to this bill crap cussing is cool SWAG gets you a million dollars when it only barely gets you a job at McDonalds, Shocker I know.! So stop running America into the ground stop stealing, quite being complete ass holes to people. If you can’t do all these then I highly HIGHLY!! Recommend you to get out of this country!! By the way Officer Jose is after Dan Woops I meant Officer Dan is after Jose, didn’t think I’d correct myself huh?! Well I have an education, but I don’t want it with a whole bunch of Punk ass Mexicans.
    Carlos party of 15 your train has arrived.

  366. Scott says:

    This is white, European conquered land here you dumb fucking spics. You think you are taking over? You are misjudging this situation greatly. Get ready, the shit storm will begin soon. We will drive you back, or kill you trying. Right after we’re done hanging the pieces of shit that allowed you to pollute our country to begin with.

    • liverio says:

      Bitch I won’t hold back like your little punk ass on your last post to protect me and my family I would kill you. You have no desire to engage in a fight if your more worried about your gym membership you are truly a stupid person.

      • Mickey Jones says:

        Like I said – talk the talk – if you and the Mexicans have all the guns and are so tough – proud – and brave – like you say you/they are — then stop the talk – and start the walk.

        Get it done boy – get the word out to all of your BEAN BROTHERS – and get something done.

        You know what they say in the Army – “”Aint Nothing to it – but to do it”””.

        But you know what I think – I think the Bean wants everyone to be affraid – to think the Bean is Proud – Tough – and Brave — when the fact is – Mexicans are nothing but a Cowardly Mouth.

        Mexicans are in fact nothing more than a Low-Class Punk that Begs the United States for Food – housing – education – and anything else they can get handed to them – Mexican Welfare Hogs – a Low-Class and Criminalistic drug-pushing Social Communist.

        Mexican — in the future – either shut that brown mouth or get on with your conquest – Punk…

      • Scott says:

        No you dumb spic, there are cameras all over my gym, so even though I would enjoy beating the pride right out of one of your brown buddy’s ass, I don’t want to go to jail over a dirty spic. Protect your family, ha ha. That won’t be too easy when you are catching a .223 between the eyes as we erradicate this place of anything brown and stinking. Dumb beaner lol.

  367. mickey Jones says:

    Greetings America:
    Let me ask you folks – how are your finances doing in our modern world of “””GLOBAL EQUALITY””?

    Do you enjoy paying high taxes so an ILLEGAL MEXICAN can under-cut your wages – and take your money in the form of welfare?

    Do you enjoy the extreme crime that ILLEGAL MEXICANS have brought to your state – and city?

    Do you enjoy the pushy and mouthy ILLEGAL MEXICANS at the grocery stores?

    If not – what are you going to do about the problem????

    • liverio says:

      Your not going to shoot shit your a scared pussy just mad at the world cause you have a small dick.
      Your full of shit probably wouldn’t even look me in the eye. You don’t even deserve for me to put a slug in your ass from my Mossberg shotty. Youtalk big like that bitch mickey Jones but both you racist pieces of shit won’t lift a finger. You keep sfucking around your gonna get the wrong person upset a real killer that would erase you. Your a BITCH

      • Mickey Jones says:

        Small Dick you say — LOL LOL LOL — oh come on , your the Mexican – your the one with a brown half-incher – LOL LOL LOL…

        Liverio – Your the one who talks about how many guns you have – how tough you are – how brave you are. It seems to me your the one who wants a fight – and if so – please start one – I tell you – if you and your people would just go on and get something started – myself and many tens of thousands of patriots will be very pleased.

        So – please do something – that talk talk talk BS that you spew out of your mouth only makes you and other mexicans look like cowards – are you a coward????

      • ingli ONLY says:

        ever turn on the TV and see a good looking mexican???????
        Anchor babies and their ugly beaner mothers gotta go…

  368. Mickey Jones says:

    Greetings American Patriots:
    It seems apparent that Mexicans feel they have a perfect right to invade our nation – and we as American Tax-Payers have the job of catering to them – to feed them, provide housing for them, to provide education and medical for them — and then on top of it all, they feel they have a right to bring in all forms of criminalistic behaviors.

    I’m only one man – if your sick of this “MEXICAN BS – end it – to end this is – is up to all of you – join together – tell your government whats going to take place – and the begin the process of – getting shed of – once and for all this MEXICAN INVADER. I would say be peacefull – but the Mexican is an animal that doesn’t understand peace.

    A silencer in the dark of night just might prove effective – but one other thing exist – and remember – never never start at the bottom – we are not interested in the ass – we are interested in cutting out the brains – and the funding…

  369. Mickey Jones says:

    Greetings America:
    Has anyone else noticed the double standards that Mexicans wish to heep upon our nation? The double standard – its ok for Mexicans to be and practice racism against and toward Americans – Ohhhh but its not ok for Americans to be and practice racism against and toward Mexicans?

    America – if your sick of this double standard – out and out – in the Mexicans face – show Mexicans just exactly what racism really is – and just let that Mexican open its dirty – filthy – bean hole – ya America – would it not give you satisfaction to shut that bean hole once and for all – for good and all…..

  370. Mickey Jones says:

    Greetings America:
    Just a word on Obama in regard to the Illegal Mexican Amnisty it has granted.

    In my personal opinion – Obama has commited Treason against the American People and our Constitution: the very nerve that this “”Obama would undermine our process just for the Mexican Vote – that act really shows what that thing is all about – Does It Not?

    The American working class are now suffering – and at the hands of both right and left wing politians – Its time for a change – time to take this nation back once and for all – and as far as ”’LA-Cocka-Roacha”” – you know what has to be done with and or to that animalistic Invaders….

    • liverio says:

      Mickey faggot Jones just shut the fuck up already
      No one wants to hear your stupid ass. Maybe you should move out of America if your not happy here. As for me and my RAZA we are not going anywhere and your the one with the problem with us so try and force us out it would be fun watching your old ass trying to tell me to leave while I’m putting my pointy mexics n boot up your culo.

      • ingli ONLY says:

        It is funny how the uneducated still want to use American Indians as an excuse for these criminal illegal aliens!! And these people are not immigrants and to call them that insults law abiding immigrants!! I always love how they claim only the whites came and stole our land and destroyed our villages. They forget how mexico got possession of the southwest!! How they spread diseases and murdered the inhabitants, much of the same as happening today!! Read up on Geronimo and how mexico massacred his family!! I view them as criminals. I feel all should be deported no matter their age. Between cost, crime and disease, they should be prosecuted and banned for life!!

      • Mickey Jones says:

        Greetings Liverio:
        You mean La Raza – is that correct?

        So – you admit what I’v been saying – Mexicans are nothing but a bunch of criminals who have invaded the United States – seeking a fight.

        Ok boy – If your so tough – why do you need a GANG to hide behind — just admit it — You and all of the other Mexicans Invaders are nothing more than a bunch of “”PUSSY PUNKS”” – a bunch of two-bit ounks that are two affraid to fight alone – to take up for yourself.

        And listen up Mexican Boy — Ya – I’m a worn out old white man that can’t even hardly walk down that rock path anymore – but you know something MEXICAN PUSSY PUNK – its my kind that you had better fear more than anyone – you want to know why???

        Because I don’t give a fuck about anything – My boys are all grown – My grandbabies are all doing well — I’v made out my last rights paper work already — and everything I own is paid for – so ya — if you want a fight with GRAND-PA — just say the word pussy. LOL LOL – I can see it now — Grand – Pa knabs Bean — LOL LOL LOL…..

  371. Mickey Jones says:

    You folks know what the Mexican said — “the Mexicans own all of the guns”.

    Ya – I’m sure many thousands of Our Weapons have been sold to mexico – or stolen from the americans and sent to mexico – but heres my story about one certain weapon.

    Now – like I’v said – I am a retired US Army Veteran – (25 year Service). I went into the service in the year 1980 – and have been all over the states and to several foriegn nations during my many tours. In all fairness – I am a trained sniper – but on the other hand – I am getting older now, and my eyes are as strong as they once were.

    Well – last week-end, my son wanted to target practice – so we loaded up – went to the country – set up some targets (5×5) and began our practice.

    For the first time – my son out shot me – I hit an average of 33 out of every 40 rounds with my Saiga – ramped-up to accept true AK mags – at ranges of 200 yards.

    My son hit an average of 38 out of 40 – and out to a range of 400 yards – with his Bush-Master (.223).

    All open scope – I was using Golden Bear – he was using Corbon.

    Just wanted to post this for you other patriots out there….

  372. ingli ONLY says:

    immigration use to be one of our biggest strengths in this country, until MEXICANS…………

  373. ingli ONLY says:

    HEY mexicans……………Maybe your fellow illegals should go home and fight for change in your country instead of trying to bring Mexico here.
    Mexico is the 3rd richest country in Latin America but 20% of the citizens (20+ million) are here, because your country doesn’t provide a decent way of life, an education or healthcare.. offers a inhumane way of life for your citizens with drug wars, cartels, murder in your country and on our boarders. You say we are intolerant of your culture, I hope so. GO HOME FIGHT FOR YOUR PEOPLE AND COUNTRY ! if you’re here are you a PUSSY or a leech?

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Hello Ingli:
      LOL – Great post – LOL..

      But you know – you got it right – this is how I would put it – in my words.

      As far as the Mexicans who live in Mexico – man, I hope they find a nice life for themselves – I have nothing against the Mexicans who reside in Mexico – as I do-not want to see anyone suffer – and yes – that includes Mexicans, arabs, or any other race, and or working class person.

      But the problem is Mexicans who have Illegally Invaded our Nation – they are literally bringing this nation down – and as far as I can see – thats their intentions – their goal as it were. In other words – “”MEXICANS are trying to start a fight with America on our home soil””.

      There is only one thing in the way — Our own Government — Our own so-called elected Officials. Get rid of this administration and this idea of a “Privately Owned Federal Reserve”, and we will be free to take back our nation.

      Ohhh by the way — better watch that “”Liverio”” Mexican – he talks about Faggots all of the time – he must be one — better watch that Mexican Queer.

  374. ingli ONLY says:

    liverio,,, the villiage just called and said they were missing an idiot. Please report back at once.

  375. Mickey Jones says:

    Hello America:
    You folks reading about that ILLEGAL MEXICAN BEAN — IT calls itself “””””LIVERIO””””.

    This things is an admitted Mexican Gang Member – it says from “”LA RAZA””.

    Mexican Gang Members are nothing more than “”COWARDLY PUNK PUSSIES — that are to affraid to walk this world without someone else to protect its saurry ass – to watch its back as it were.

    So here ya go – This “”MEXICAN COWARD PUNK PUSSY”” wishes to start a fight with me – LOL LOL LOL — and I’m nothing more than an aging Grand-Pa — LOL LOL LOL..

    Yep — These MEXICAN PUNKS are such cowards and pussies they would fight old people — just wait till they actually screw with one in the real time event — LOL.

    I suppose even the Mexican Cowards have to learn at some point..

  376. ingli ONLY says:

    We have no moral obligation to support the world!
    and this is NOT a race issue… this IS an American issue….

  377. ingli ONLY says:

    Why aren’t signs put up on hospitals that read “If you are here illegally and you are knocked up again go home…

  378. Mickey Jones says:

    You American folks see that “”MEXICAN THING “LIVERIO” one day – And its gone the next””.

    Ya – I expect that Mexican Mouth is out playing bitch to its LA RAZA King — LOL…

    But anyway – these Mexican Gangs members are pretty much the same as that one — They think their a Pit-Bull – but the fact is – their a toy poodle — LOL..

    Yep – The Mexican must go – one way or another. Americans – You know what must be done – and if – and in the Mexican Terminology — “”EL PoPo”” – gets in the way of our people Cleaning house – then they are considered the enemy as well.

    Squads of 6 should be effective – watch out in the day light – watch out for camaras and lighting at night – watch out for highly populated areas – and always leave room.

  379. Mickey Jones says:

    Greetings America:
    Ok folks – lets get this right – break things down as it were.

    The American working class are losing jobs – losing pay – losing benefits – while being harrassed at the stores – being car-jacked on the streets – being victims of homes invasions – having their children become drugs addicts – losing educational values at the schools they support – and losing their rights as American Citizens – —– all because millions of ILLEGAL MEXICANS have invaded and taken over our nation!

    Ohhh come on folks – is this really the kind of life you want in your own nation – REALLY????

    If not – if you really desire this Mexican invasion to end – the obvious question is – what areas of our nation should we looking at – and further addressing?

    My answer – and I hope you agree — OUR OWN GOVERNMENT – and who and or what entity OUR SO-CALLED elected officials represent — and it isn’t you – I can tell you that much???

    America – get it figured out – and as we say in Texas – Take that Bull by the Horns….

  380. ingli ONLY says:

    Hey Mickey, hope your’re gonna have a nice holiday weekend……

    Americans:all it takes for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing.

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Hello Ingli:
      Ya – I’m going to BBQ a Texas style brisket – and taking my grandbabies fishing – should be alot of fun.

      Ya – I love spending time with my off-spring – I try to instill a common thread – such as teaching – what it means to be decent and respectfull.

      I try to teach the young persons what Illegal Mexicans are aswell – and even the three year old will point at them out in public – such as at the grocery store.

      I taught him how to look at a Mexican and say — “”LOOK GRAND-PA a Dirty Mexican””….

  381. ingli ONLY says:

    How dare anyone try and persuade people mexicans are harmless.
    Look at their own county, a complete and savage narco state.
    Every week they find mass graves with fresh headless bodies in them.
    THIS ISN’T BIGOTRY, and I won’t keep silent just because anyone says it is.
    To desire for safety is not bigotry.
    These people are not your friends, they don’t care about you.
    They don’t care about your safety.
    They don’t care about your children.
    They don’t even care about their own.
    They only care about their pride, their ego, their power, and their filthy country (which is an extension of the ego, they don’t really care about others).
    These people are savage by nature.
    They meet anything unpleasant with violent and disproportionate retribution.
    Just try and call one out on his bad behavior.
    Don’t be afraid to speak out, just because somebody will call you racist.
    That kind of Political Correctness prevents action, it eliminates opposition.
    Which is exactly why they’ve gone unchallenged for so long. Let‘s not be foolish , any longer!.

  382. ingli ONLY says:

    These people use the term “racist” to make us feel bad about telling Americans the truth……….. give up the PC garbage,
    Mexicans are not your friends , They are not friends of America

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Mexicans are not friends with anyone — not even each other. Mexicans are one of the most vile inhabitants of the planet earth.

      Ya – They use the term Racist to get hand-outs from our people/establishment – and are a tool for the very ones who Our Elected – and or — so-called elected officials represent.

      But what really gets me the most about these Mongrol Spics is the fact that not only are they illegal — not only are they getting untold hand-outs – not only do they get a better life in the United States ——— These low-life Mexican Pussy Punks come here with all intentions of destroying our nation – to take over our nation – they steal from the American people – they are rude as hell and very disrespectfull to Americans – they are involved in criminalistic activity to levels which are not even measurable — but all the while — nothing gets done to take these “””MEXICAN INVADERS”” out of the equation.

      The American Citizen will at some point either take care of the mexican problem — or they will be destroyed – and there is no middle ground – take it back or lose it….

  383. ingli ONLY says:

    To Liverio: This country does not need millions of 3rd world toilet cleaners …. So, your services are no longer needed… u can pack your poncho and be on your way… bye bye

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Greetings Ingli:
      Did you read about that — “”””PUNK PUSSY MEXICAN FAGGOT – So Called La Raza Gang Member – who goes by the name of “”””LIVERIO””””.

      That thing actually wanted to start a fight with me — LOL…

      I’m an old man now — sheeesh – I have failing eye sight – Author-Rites in my knees and elbows – Hearing Problems — sheesh, I can’t hardly get around anymore. To many years in the Army I suppose – ya – I’m a 20% disabled Vet — but will most likely be at 40% in the next 4 or 5 years – as my hearing continues to fail – and my eye sight gets worse.

      But — Ohhhhh, lets make a little bet — I bet you that “””Mexican Pussy would actually run from me – if I confronted it — out in the world somewhere.

      And if it didn’t — well, its even dumber than I had thought.

      Like I said — I have no interest in the ASS – its the brain I’m after – and if the head has to go – well, thats just the way it is..

      What the Mexican Pussy doesn’t know or understand is that I’m exactly what I say I am — just a worn out old man – all I do is fish, hunt a little – sit around at the VA and share war stories with the other old vets – drinking coffee and playing dominoes, and messing around in my garden: but theres one other thing – at this point in my life – I could give a fuck about very much – and that Mexican Pussy actually thinks it can scare me by acting like one of the so-called Mochos – Mexicans Punks who have to act like their a big bad ass mexican – so they can scare others.

      That mexican in real life – has a Brown half Inch-Cock – is most likely 5:2 inches tall – skinny and a little weak pussy – that plays bitch to his boss the Drug Pusher.

      • liverio says:

        You forgot a few things about me too I wear a big sombrero and have a huge belt buckle that weighs me down it would almost be a fair fight between me and your old senial ass.

    • liverio says:

      Okay I’m leaving thanks for letting me clean you toilets. I have my pancho and my sandals adios I’m going to Cancun

      • Mickey Jones says:

        Hello Liverio:
        Ohhh know – there will not be a fight – I promise – come on out to hunt with me and my son – If you park where I tell you – I should be able to see your brown ass – oh – lets say 200 meters away – and thats enough to find you.

  384. Mickey Jones says:

    Greetings Liverio:
    Hey — Mexican Pussy — where have you run offf to — I thought you were a “””BAD ASS MEXICAN GANG MEMBER — who was going to kick me in the ASS — where are you PUSSY?

    I thought you might want to be friends and go hunting with me – get back with me on that!

    • liverio says:

      Oh did you miss me mickey I’m back now are you happy.

    • liverio says:

      You hate Mexicans remember why would you want to have Mexican friends?

      • Mickey Jones says:

        Hello Liverio
        Ya – nice to have you back — would you like to go hunting with me and my son? What part of the nation are you illegally residing within?

        If you have a GPS and know how to work it – I’ll send you coordinates – this is great place to hunt – very secluded – no-one around for atleast 30 miles…

  385. ingli ONLY says:

    they are even ruining Disneyland………
    In response to the pro-hispanic gangster protesters in front of the Disneyland Resort, officials at Disneyland are in the midst of renovating an area of the park to be known as “PandillasLand”
    Parents and kids will love the new attractions at PandillasLand:
    The half-a-dozen Disney themed tattoo kiosks will provide an abundance of promiscuously-displayed Disney skin art to thrill everyone from mijo to poppy. Imagine the Seven Dwarfs “taking care” of Snow White lovingly needled on your mijo next to his handsome “ANAHEIM” (in Old English Script Font) tattoo sprawled across his chest!
    The new Disney appliance/electronic shop where if you can stuff it in your baggy pants & run out the door, IT YOURS!
    The high-speed car chase ride allows you to maim as many pedestrians as you want without messing up the primer on your lowered Honda!
    Urination in public and fondling under aged children are encouraged!
    Enjoy the special Senior Sapo’s Wild Obstacle Course: complete the fence jump, tunnel run, and river swim, and you and your family will be rewarded with free welfare, section 8, social security, wic, and health care for life!

    • liverio says:

      Inlgi you dumb bitch your not white stop pretending with that big nopal on your foredhead Mira en espanol para Que entiendas no eres Americana pinch stupid tUS pinchis chistes no son riosos Peres una estupida creiendote gavacha

      • ingli ONLY says:

        i dont speak a beaner……… so were you part of the anaheim looting?
        that fat beaner mom sueing the city because she couldn’t raise a decent child… thank god the police shot his loser ass. the GOOD people of anaheim should sue her fat beaner ass for for being such a piss poor mother.. she has 4 more nasty children that will be just like the dead one,,,, speaka ingli its America…
        why are you here??? pussy not willing to fight for your country? or leech, want all the freebies???

  386. Jajajajaja Me dan mucha risa ustedes la verdad, no puedo creer que sean de una mente tan cerrada y se crean superiores a todos, su intolerancia a los paises Latinoamericanos es en verdad estupida, no es posible que en pleno Siglo XXI ustedes, “Gran Nacion” poderosa, sean tan intolerantes, Mickey Jones, ingli ONLY, recibo respuestas a todo lo que la gente publica SIEMPRE de ustedes… CONSIGANSE UNA PUTA VIDA, ven lo que a ustedes les falta, dignidad, imbeciles, si supieran por lo que esa gente que va a su pais en busca de trabajo, tal vez asi lo entenderian, ¿Y si fueran ustedes? No menosprecio a los estadounidenses, pero en serio encuentro tan irritante y racista esta conversacion, y Bane Rants, que lastima que te moleste, si quieres un mejor nivel de vida y no lo puedes conseguir, NO CULPES A LOS MEXICANOS, culpate a ti y analiza tu vida para luego quejarte de los demas; y tal vez no seamos TAN AVANZADOS como ustedes, pero ustedes sigan viendo al resto del mundo como si fueramos sus peones, algun dia lo lamentaran y seran ustedes los que coman de la palma de la mano de otros paises….

    Estoy orgulloso de mi pais, no soy ninguna cucaracha, ningun inmigrante, soy un estudiante de Preparatoria que se supera, y lastima que llegue a ver esta pagina, que muestra que aun existe este tipo de gente, publicando MERAS PENDEJADAS…

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Ya ya ya — screw off spic – why don’t you go have yourself a nice big helping of some bbq rat with your tortills.

      • Octavio Morales Rodríguez says:

        Look, you don´t even know what to write by now… Hahahahaha Need Google Traductor? ;)

      • liverio says:

        Los Angeles Ca
        Puto mickey Jones
        You coward shoot me face to face not from a distance hiding behind a rock no wonder we lost Vietnam straight pussy

  387. ingli ONLY says:

    For those who say “All Americas are immigrants, so who are we to deport these people”, remember that in fact Americans are actually LEGAL immigrants, allowed to immigrate into the country by the choice of the country, not by the whim of the immigrant.
    Illegal aliens by definition show no regard for the residents and laws of the country they break into, so they are by nature undesirable immigration candidates that should be immediately deported upon discovery.

  388. ingli ONLY says:

    For all of you who keep spouting out that Mexicans are only doing jobs Americans won’t do answer this question for me: Who was doing those jobs before they got here? AMERICANS !!!! and things were done better and with more customer service then……..

    these beaner gardeners spend 15 minutes using the blowers to just blow the leaves from here to there,,, that’s what cheap labor gets ya.

    • Truth says:

      Yea, so why is it the white cash register workers disrespect American soldiers in the heartland look it up it’s on Facebook and the web great fucking customer service there huh

  389. ingli ONLY says:

    blame the voters in this country who are still supporting the LEFT for granting amnesty to law breakers who are fringing off the tax payers.

    compassion for illegals. where is the compassion for Americans?

  390. ingli ONLY says:

    Rather than directly address the problems, Mexico has been exporting its problem to the United States for decades. This is a relief valve for Mexico because if millions of poor Mexicans were stuck inside their country, they might have another revolution…. solution encourage the poor pussy and leech types to go to American…. and don’t worry about learning manners go ahead a be mexican, just go to America cause we (mexico) only want the educated good looking ones to stay here….

  391. ingli ONLY says:

    we are not blaming the illegals for our problems; we are rightfully blaming them for the problems they are causing. My town is unrecognizable from 20 years ago, and not for the better. Schools, health care, courts, and jails are all bursting with the effects of the flood of illegal immigration.
    Due to their own racist belief that they can do whatever they want because they are hispanic, they are over-populating and bankrupting this state

    Illegal aliens have no right to demand anything in this country. Get them back to their own country where they have every right to demand anything they want.. this includes anchors who are mexicans born in America, NOT Americans

  392. ingli ONLY says:

    I guess Americans aren’t the only ones who have a problem with mexicans and the mexican ways. on this other site this chick from Spain was writning her thoughts I copied them
    to share with MickeyJ:

    As a Spaniard I apologize for my ancestors creating such a horrible, disgusting, moronic race know as “mexicans” hopefully someone rises up in opposition to their lowlife, corrupt ways. All you nasty messyskins need to get the fuck out or be exterminated

    Also, my friend was dating a guy from Brazil and he and his family hated Mexicans openly and loudly in English and in spanish…..

    • liverio says:

      I do not hate any particular race just the lowest of human filth which you ingli and your co joys embody I mind of ignorance and hate which has no remedy and the only answer to lots evil ways is to be rightfully silenced and disposed of. Hopefully I read about you in the. News showing up headless in a ditch.

      Adios pendeja

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Ya – Mexicans are just about the lowest life-form on the planet – Mexicans are Filthy – violent – dumb – and overall just a third rate sub-human.

      But you know — all of this comes back to what I have been trying to tell everyone – the problem is this “ONE-WORLD GLOBALISTIC SYSTEM”.

      If the Mexicans are content to be Trash – but stay in Mexico — who really cares – not me – just as long as they stay in Mexico and leave me and my nation alone.

      The same can be said about any race of people – any culture – and enthic group, and or nationality.

      For example: lets use another peoples as our example – how about the Russians. Now, myself, I have nothing against them – but others do – so if millions of Russians allof the sudden began coming to the states – there might just be a problem – who knows.

      So – when I look at the Mexican Problem – its not so much that I out and out hate Mexicans – the point I make is that Millions have Illegally Invaded the United States – and that must be delt with – that is a major problem.

  393. ingli ONLY says:

    threats and bullshit??? but you can’t debate a word … truth hurts doesn’t it? Tell me why I shouldn’t hate what these people have done and are doing??? Why come to a better place and thrash it?

  394. Mickey Jones says:

    Well it seems that I was correct – the ILLEGAL MEXICAN known as “””LIVERIO””, is affraid of an old man – and after he admitted he was a member of a so-called tough MEXICAN GANG – LOL!

    But you know – I don’t blame that Mexican – atleast I found out first hand that he and all others like him are nothing but a “””MEXICAN MOUTH”””.

    The Mexican Mouth is a Begger – and a BUM – Mexicans get down on their hands a knees to beg the American people for a free living – so they will have enough of the MEXICAN MOUTH MACHO to go out and thieve, rape, conduct home invasions on little old ladies – shoplift at the walmarts – smoke dope – and do whatever it is they feel like doing.

    Mexicans are a nasty, vile, and overall disgusting animals – they have a mouth and make threats – but yet are affraid of an old man — LOL!

    MEXICANS — YOUR nothing but a horde of COWARDLY PUSSIES!

    • liverio says:

      I will meet you face to face whenever you want come to los Angeles let me know we can handle it

      • Mickey Jones says:

        What part of LA — is there any hunting there?

        You should come here – so we can be friends and hunt – don’t you think? If you refuse – everyone will think your a coward – so hurry on over – real nice mule deer all over this area….

  395. Mickey Jones says:

    Greetings Liverio:
    Do you remember what you wrote – heres a reminder:

    >>>> “Puto mickey Jones
    You coward shoot me face to face not from a distance hiding behind a rock no wonder we lost Vietnam straight pussy”.

    >>>> “Don’t be mad at the white man listen to his complaining and stupidity and wait for the time to come cause these putoes forget we have more guns and balls then them.
    It’s only a matter of time once we over populate them aswell. Thats why there so mad”.

    Who ever said I was going to shot you in the face – or shot you at-all for that matter – I never said that!

    The United States didn’t lose the war in Vietnam – the two nations signed a peace pact.

    Your the one who says that Mexicans have more guns and balls than Americans – since you have so many guns and are so brave – lets go hunting — give you a chance to prove your words.

    You say that Mexicans will out-populate the Americans – here in America — well — that might some day come to be true — but why would any mexican want to create another mexico – the very place your running from?

    Liverio – Your just a dumb-ass mexican — a Mexican Mouth – a piece of stupid trash – a pile of shit built up on two short brown legs – and you want america to be like you and your kind — sheeeeesh, thats sounds like a horror movie to me – ya – so the entire world can be a pile of shit — just like you…..

  396. Mickey Jones says:

    Greetings America:
    Just a little background – I am not a fan of the Left or the Right: such as Democrates or Republicans: Moreover: I honestly dislike both parties – and feel they are not serving the Best Interests of America.

    However: In this election process – I have decided to Vote Republican – not because I like or support Romney — but because Obama has proven to be a traitor – atleast in my mind and to my way of thinking – In other words – Its time to get the Monkey out of Office.

    Who is with me????

  397. Mickey Jones says:

    Greetings America:
    As all of us have seen — Mexicans are nothing more than a pile of Shit – stacked upon two dirty brown legs.

    We have also seen Mexican Crime go thru the roof — mexican welfare go thru the roof — mexican ghettos spread like a mud-flow.

    I could go on and on — but talking isn’t getting us anywhere – its time to Take the Bull by the Horns – as we say down in Texas.

    I think you folks know what to do — don’t you????

  398. wayne says:

    spics are everywhere and now niggetbama made them legal

  399. wayne says:

    we hate mexiclowns because they steal squirt out spic babies on our soil take food stamps and run up medical bills and fuck up America so fuck your beaner asses grease balls….nigger bama is a spic loving africoon americoon

  400. Truth says:

    America was founded by immigrants …… If you have any mix of any race YOU ARE A SPIC which apparently means something negative( unless your family crossed the bearing straight). So I would just kill your self now…..i come from a family of cops and my last name isn’t smith dick or jane cunt but I was born here and god dammit I will die for this country but people like you who say I hate Mexicans and bullshit like that are something else. If you believe in god or karma I would be Pretty worried. And this mother fucker saying he’s a cop bull fucking shit you should have more respect for your fellow man and not some redneck inbred fuck! Also if your such a great cop and you know they rape little girls wouldn’t you report this instead of ranting on here and wouldn’t the news report this?????? Yea I know some of these ppl commenting sound stupid but does that give the right to judge.. Jesus was a Jew. And hello the average cafeteria menu caters to what kids like sorry America’s a melting pot of cultures and your rasist ass can’t understand that. I’m just saying everything out of order so bare with me America’s speak English do they??? Is that the retared version on the British take on English I mean the pilgrims where Brits no??? So these ppl saying learn the language better speak proper language last thing, look at your self and think really fucking think with every ounce of your being am I really helping out by saying fuck you beaners and shit like that probably not stop acting so tough on the Internet if you really wanna start shit and act hard start leaving some addresses and numbers and see what’s up after that…wrote this quick so If spelling is a little off or bullshit like that well you can just go DIE!!! Literally KYS

    • ingli ONLY says:

      do you even think for a second that there’s a question about which group of illegal and legal immigrants is the largest MOST COSTLY AND DOES THE MOST HARM?
      when was the last time u heard *press 3 for Chinese*?

      They come to “American and remain Mexican and duplicate the barrio here
      Americans are not used to living in crowded third world conditions and resent their neighborhoods and schools becoming so.

      SO, is it REALLY the American being a racist? or is it that this ONE GROUP of immigrant hasn’t been worth the HIGH PRICE they’ve inflicted on us?

      my neighbors are straight off the boat from Russia, they both work, keep their property looking nice, volunteer at their daughters school and have manners……

    • ingli ONLY says:

      They have done absolutely nothing for America except ruin it. And don’t believe that stupid lie about they take jobs that Americans don’t want. That is definitely not true it is just some stupid excuse to bring destructive people over. American’s would take those jobs. everything would get done just like it did in the past!

      Exactly how many Americans are YOU are willing to allow to be infected, molested, raped, killed, and murdered by illegal aliens to save ten cents on a head of lettuce?

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Hello Truth:
      Your not very intelligent are you – you sound like you were raised in a gutter – and make about as much sense as a retarded drug addict.

  401. ingli ONLY says:

    America can not afford to
    educate, medicate and incarcerate illegal aliens and anchor babies….
    I love how all the pro-immigration arguments rely exclusively on the “you guys are racist” meme. u people are fundamentally incapable of rational debate.

    look at all my posts (read them) they are all true!

  402. Mickey Jones says:

    Greetings America:
    The topic based on the hate of Mexicans – sheeeesh, who in their right mind doesn’t hate mexicans?

    But – like I’v said – in order to control the Mexican – we as Americans must control our own Government – but more specific – we must control the ones who own our government — the “Globalist Elite”.

  403. ingli ONLY says:

    Overpopulation, congestion, urban sprawl, crumbling infrastructure, diminishing resources. An overburdened energy sector, lack of affordable housing, overcrowded schools and hospitals, crime, pollution, vanishing farm land and green space, depressed wages, increased tax burdens, the balkanization of our communities, the marginalization of American workers, taxpayers and voters, are all the result of unconstrained immigration….. the problem is real. and then you have a LARGE group of people taking advantage of a weakend system and shouting their mexican pride bull everywhere and you question why they are considered invaders and not new immigrants.

  404. ingli ONLY says:

    Where I believe a lot of the anger against illegal mexican aliens comes from is this “entitlement” attitude of the immigrants that since they have problems in their own country, they can leave, illegally enter our country, and expect to have their problem solved at our expense… The fact that they overbreed like cockroaches doesn’t help matters.

  405. ingli ONLY says:

    and to Wayne….
    . Barack Hussein Obama is 50% Caucasian from his mother’s side and 43.75% Arabic and 6.25% African Negro from his father’s side. While Barack Hussein Obama’s father was from Kenya , his father’s family was mainly Arabs.. Barack Hussein Obama’s father was only 12.5% African Negro and 87.5% Arab (his father’s birth certificate even states he’s Arab, not African Negro..

    you can hate him because he’s not America, because he’s anti American, but as long as people think he’s our first Black American Preisdent he has a good chance of winning another 4…. HE IS NOT A BLACK AMERICAN MAN.

  406. Mickey Jones says:

    Ok – I think I’v proven my point – using that Illegal Mexican Gang Member as an Example — You folks read what that spic ”””LIVERIO”” is all about – well folks — I’v got news for you – Mexicans are all the same – and that is this:

    Mexicans are a Big Mouth due to their inferior Breeding – I think Mexicans call this Big Mouth and bad ass wanta-Beeee being a Mexican Macho – but the real fact of the matter is — Mexicans are nothing more than a cowardly mouth – ya sure – the Mexicans talk like a big man – they act like a big man – they would have everyone in the world think they are 20 feet tall and so tough they could not be matched by anything living.

    But the fact is – Mexicans are a Pile of shit – piled up on two legs: a Coward that Illegally Invades our nation and then gets down on their hands and knees begging — begging — begging: And now we all see what the Illegal Mexican has done – they have destroyed our once great nation.

  407. Mickey Jones says:

    Greetings America:
    Are you as an American citizen willing to sit on your back-side – and watch our Once Great Nation be taken over and further destroyed by the most SAURRY FILTH in the world — a Dirty Coward known as a Mexican?????

    Listen Folks – I’m doing my best to warn all of you – The United States is just about to fall – and this HORDE of Illegal Mexicans are one major cause —— Listen very close America – Please listen – If you love having your freedoms – living in a crime free environment — enjoy a decent cost of living ratio – enjoy a nice life of plenty — You must address the Mexican head on!

    Your own government does not represent you – the Fed only represents the Elite – they are the reason your nation is on its last leg – YA — SAURRY TRASH LIKE OBAMA who commented TREASON AGAINST YOU..


  408. Mickey Jones says:

    Hello LIVERIO:
    Hey Pussy – what has happened to your BIG MEXICAN MACHO MOUTH — I sure do miss your Bull-Shit.

    Well Liverio – as soon as you grown some balls – that you claim to have – but apparently do-not — get in touch with me — we can go on that hunting trip — but don’t wait to long – the SEASON is coming soon – and theres a really nice place for you just above the river — I’ll be watching….

    Until then — Piss off cowardly Spic….

  409. Mickey Jones says:

    Liverio – a big bad-ass LA Mexican Gang Member is affraid of an aging old man — LOL..

    Learn America — read this Mexican Thing known as “”LIVERIO””” – learn that Mexicans could be delt with in no time at-all — learn that the Mexican is not a threat — that the only threat comes from your own Government….

    Ohhh ya — LIVERIO — I do-not blame you for being affraid of an old man – I suppose a short dick big mouth should be….

  410. Mickey Jones says:

    Greetings America:
    If one takes a good look into demographics charts – from a variety of American cities – one can see that ILLEGAL Mexicans have invaded and now inhabit many large cities – such as LA.

    A big city in itself is a small fortress – not a good place to conduct war – house to house fighting takes an army way to long at the cost of to many resources and lifes – so avoiding a house to house war should be advised – so how to get shed of the ILLEGAL MEXICANS???

    The answer – cut water – cut food transport into — cut any and all services such as electricity – and then begin a chemical champaign on the city – such as various fevers.

    The Illegal Mexican is an animal – they will attempt to survive – once food, water, heat, lighting, gas — excedra are cut – its only a matter of time before the Mexican Animal begins to kill each other – simply to survive.

    America — be smart — but get the dirty Mexican out of the United States….

  411. Mickey Jones says:

    Hello Liverio:
    Where oh Where has the Liverio gone — where oh where could it be?

    Ohhh come now Liverio – come back and post some more Bull-Shit for everyone to read — you dirty stinking little short dick spic..

    Can you folks believe that a “TOUGH” ILLEGAL MEXICAN LA GANG MEMBER is affraid of an old man — lol…

    Welcome to the day and age of the Mexican Mouth — LOL…

  412. DOGGYPOOP says:


    • liverio says:

      Dog shit
      We are not going anywhere so start the shit storm please.
      Or are you full of shit like your name says. I can live or go
      With my people anywhere I god Dam please and you or
      No one will do shit about it.

  413. Mickey Jones says:

    Hello Liverio:
    Well – its nice to have your Saurry Brown-Ass back with us!

    I suppose you were busy begging the American People for some better welfare benefits – were you able to get more tax-payer funded perks?

    You know – were becoming really good buddies now — how about meeting me and my son out in West Texas for that hunting trip – you say you already have a gun. If you would like – you can bring some of your Illegal Mexican Friends with you – you know the kind – drug addicts, welfare Mexicans – and the like. Bring atleast 12 – that would be a really nice day for EVERYONE — Don’t You Think?

    Hunting season doesn’t start for another few weeks – so you have some time to get ready.

  414. Mickey Jones says:

    Greetings American Citizens:
    Heres a TRUE story for you.

    Back during the Clinton years – his administration began giving ILLEGAL MEXICANS $50,000.00 grants (Money that doesn’t have to be repaid). The purpose – to open small businessess in the United States.

    One Mexican got its free money opened cafe after cafe – and everyone burnt to the ground under mysterious circumstances – paying the Illegal Mexican Millions in insurance claims.

    You folks actually think Mexicans are our friends – I tell you they are not and once more they only wish to Rape America.

    Get rid of those saurry Trash Mexicans once and for all!!!!!

    • liverio says:

      Why sso much hate mickey settle down you need to get laid

      • Mickey Jones says:

        Its hard for to not have hate for a race of people who are as dirty – trashy – and over-all as saurry as the Mexican. Like I said – I have no hate for various races around the world – and yes – to include Mexicans — just as long as they live in Mexico.

  415. Milly says:

    If Mexicans didnt exist the hate will be towards another race. We humans tend to concentrate on the bad and point the evils of others. W e hate when people points our weaknes. Selfish humanity look at earth dying little by little but this is the result of a society where we live to kill one another. I wish I was an animal free of hate and selfishness and self doubt. What beautiful planet we live on and all we look at is not enough. May the lord all mighty saves us from ourselves otherwise we will die with earth.

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Your ignorant and foolish – what in the world in wrong with your dumb-ass?

      The reason Americans hate Mexicans is simply because they have invaded our nation by the millions – and then the way they act when they get here.

    • ingli ONLY says:

      Milly, I’m confused why were you looking up hate sites??? How did you end up here?

      History has shown all great nations fall, and the ignorant are going to make it happen….

    • ingli ONLY says:

      milly u live in a dreamland… how about this dream?
      imagine every single mexican has inexplicably disappeared. No business owner, nurse, McDonalds cashier, entertainer, boxer or politician can be found. No mexican bus driver, farm worker, cook, gardener or nanny. All gone. — does the economy -grind to a halt because mexicans have vanished. Chaos and tragedy follow? OR?

      Welfare costs cut in half (or more)., medical insurance cut in half, lines at the supermarket cut in half, a pleasant experience at the DMV, no more Spanish blah blah blah conversations around.
      No chance of getting hit by an uninsured motorist! Less traffic. Less writing on walls,
      The restaurants will have great service and great food.
      The demands and constraints of bilingual education gone…….. Schools fun and safe and no longer dumbed down… Property values back to normal.. Orders gotten correctly at local fast food establishments., your neighbors will have MANNERS and only ONE family unit per address…California beautiful again………..

  416. ingli ONLY says:

    Mickey Jones,

    I did alittle research onTHE Global elite and people
    who bankrolls the radicals? Organizations like the ford foundation and groups who are zealous in their quest to eliminate the middle class and destroy America, turning it into a cashless society, compact city, surveillance control grid where only two tiers of society exist – the elite and the poor slaves.

    I understood to a point everything you have been saying, but after looking into it … the picture is a little clearer why we have this illegal problem. It’s like a good chess game, they have actually instilled this entitlement factor into them…. they have brought it to the point where the middle class Americans are fighting to save American from becoming third world whereas taking their attention off what’s really going on.

    Am i close?

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Hello Ingli
      Yes – your very close – if not right on target.

      You see – this is an absolutely huge topic – but lets discuss the Illegal Mexican Problem.

      Mexicans in themselves are really no different than anyone else – no different than any other race of people – in fact – I know a few Mexicans that I really like – pretty decent people.

      But – Mexicans are a major player in the One World — and or Global agenda – MOREOVER: “”The GLOBAL ELITEST AGENDA”.

      Mexicans are not very well educated – so therefore, they have no idea what they are doing to the American People – but to themselves in the end.

      Like I said before – Mexicans are a tool – which is at the beck and call of the Elite. They are here to bring the US down – and once the American People are at the same level as the Mexican – along with peoples in every other nation – the Elite will have absolute power and control over everything.

  417. ingli ONLY says:

    Illegal Alien Anarchy . . . Connecting the Dots!?
    There is no society that can indefinitely allow a relentless flood of illegal aliens to contravene its laws, violate its sovereign borders, overwhelm its infrastructures and social systems, degrade employment opportunities for its own people, while the massiveness of the illegal invasion
    constantly degrades America’s way of life, culture and language.

    Why then is that being allow to happen here in America? people think that the illegal alien protest rallies and school ‘walkouts’ were spontaneous eruptions, but I guess not…. Guess they are carefully orchestrated by many, many people, groups and organizations that receive megabucks / power from unions, corporations and foundations and MOST IMPORTANTLY tacitly endorsed by our government. I GUESS THE QUESTION IS why such insanity reigns?

    If this is all true, then were are ALL tools,,, the mexicans easily being fed the entitlement factor and willing to take advantage of the system, the libtards fighting for the poor and under privileged, the Americans that fear being labeled a racist and the Americans willing to fight the fight yet only seeing the decoys set before them.???

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Hello Ingli:
      Very interesting writings – very in depth and uncovering some of the conspiracy against the entire world.

      Check this one out – I’m affraid its a racial topic – but not a negative one.

      For years now – and by that I mean thousands of years – the common people had to fight against supression – fight against the kings – dictators – and the wealthy – simply for their rights as man.

      This struggle has always been based on one peoples – such as Protestants – Jews – the English – the spanish – on and on.

      Heres an example: Back in the 1600’s – the English people were protesting the Queen – because they were starving to death – the Queen asked why – she was told they were starving – so the queen asked — “”Do they not have enough cake””? Hell, those people didn’t know what a cake was – as they were peasents.

      But the point is – Once the entire population has no solid race to identify themselve with – no religion to identify themselves with – the elite will have no opposition and be free to do what ever they want – the elite will literally own all of the people – the earth and everything else.

      These Illegal Mexicans have no idea what their doing – not only to the American People — but to themselves and everyone else. They are a tool for the Globalist – and will destroy mankind – without even knowing what they have done.

  418. Michelle Hernandez says:

    Wow , This is why white people disgust me now . I can never be at a place where their is a bunch of white people and feel comfortable . Hating on other races is just pathetic. I mean really , Grow up .. Mexicans come to the united states to have a better life for themselves & their kids . The mexican fathers are very hard working . Each day they bust their ass so they could bring food and have a home for their families . I mean just imagine if you were in that same situation . Would you wanna stay in a country where their are no jobs avialible , no good education system for your kids and The country is in the middle of a drug war? NO , You wouldnt wanna stay right ! Mexicans dont take your jobs away . They take the jobs that you dont wanna do ! They take the hard jobs while all you bastards that are racists get to sit in a nice office . Also white people say that mexican males take the girls away . What the fuck are you talking about seriuosly ? Just shut your hole . The real reason why is because you ARE NOT ATTRACTIVE LOL . Face it your ugly . You just blame mexicans . Another reason why you whine about mexicans is why dont they speak english or get a green card or something . You know its easy to say but NO its not easy to accomplish that . Learning a whole new laungage can take a while and getting your green card is very hard . You also say that were breeding like Rats ? Pleasee shut up , I bet your sister got knocked up at 15 you redneck fucks . & the father might be your cousin . Trailer trash lol . You say that the classrooms are filling up with mexicans . Not true . It has been the same eversince . It saddens me how my brother which is an illigal imigrant cant get a job at any place just because he doesnt have papers . He has graduated Middle School , Highschool & He just Graduated from Pasadena City College with a Bachloers degree in Buissness . He is an example that mexicans can do anything they wish . Iam mexican , Iam a 14 year old girl who just started Highschool and my goal is to graduate & go to college just like my older brother . Our father which is one of those hard working mexicans , Couraged us to pursue our dreams and also busted his ass to pay my brothers college tuition . In this whole paragraph i typed , Iam not cussing all the white american people , Iam just cussing the ones who are ignorant . Iam mexican & Iam proud . Iam mexican & I could do anything i wish for .

    • ingli ONLY says:

      Michelle, Don;t brag about your men sneeking to another country illegally to work …. instead admit they are a BUNCH of PUSSYS that won’t fight for their country, like the AMERICAN men have always done here.

      you brother SHOULD NOT of even been in our schools!
      Taxpayers pay $12 Billion annually for illegal’s education. Add children born here to illegal parents = $28.6 Billion.
      Providing dual language programs represents additional expense Of $290-$879 PER pupil PLUS free meals/books for illegal children in our classrooms.

      • Tease01 says:

        So your saying that just because a child is an Illigal Immigrant , He or she does not have the right to get an education ? Wow , Please shut the fuck up already . You are ignorant & so are other people like you . My brother was brought here at the age of 3 & its not his fault for being brought here . And who the fuck says Iam bragging about mexican men ? Iam not bragging you embicile , Iam saying the truth .

    • ingli ONLY says:

      Michelle RE: your next statement

      If mexicans are such wonderful workers verses the “lazy” Americans, why is it that the “lazy Americans” built a country that mexicans could not create if their lives depended on it? mexico is a joke which is why people flee from there to come to the “promised land” built by Americans. Additionally, if Mexicans overall were such wonderful workers, why are there more illegal mexicans in our prisons than all other illegal’s combined? Opps. I guess that is just an “inconvenient fact” for wishful thinking, unskilled, uneducated mexicans attempting to justify their law breaking ways. Funny how facts get in the way of baseless arguments. Facts talk and Bullshit walks.

    • ingli ONLY says:


      In 2003, the illegitimacy rate for children born to mexican mothers was 45 percent, nearly double the white rate Between 1980 and 2003, the illegitimacy rate for Hispanics increased by 91 percent

    • ingli ONLY says:

      MIchelle hernandezzz

      In 2003, the illegitimacy rate for children born to mexican mothers was 45 percent, nearly double the white rate Between 1980 and 2003, the illegitimacy rate for Hispanics increased by 91 percent… go home and have your ugly litters

    • ingli ONLY says:

      michelle should Always get your facts before you speak..

      Another question; are the “starving children of Mexico” a temporary, recent phenomenon? Because hordes of border-jumping Mexicans sure aren’t.
      What kind of piece of shit brings children into a world where they’ll starve? And then uses them as political bargaining chips? What kind of piece of shit allies with such pieces of shit? If your father couldn’t support his children in mexico, why did he have children? Did he plan on American supporting HIS children??

    • ingli ONLY says:

      Americans are not lazy, we can mow our lawns, pick our fruit, hell WE EVEN BUILT A GREAT COUNTRY without mexicans..

      Mexican smug self-satisfaction and sense of entitlement notwithstanding, the day we forthrightly tell these people that we are not responsible for them in any way, shape, manner or form is the day they, perhaps, grow up and take responsibility for their failed state

      So, in closing Michelle our country is not responsible to educate, medicate or incarcerate your people,,, GO HOME and use that mexican pride to make mexico decent for you and your people.

      • ingli ONLY says:

        Where I believe a lot of the anger against illegal aliens comes from is this “entitlement” attitude of the immigrants that since they have problems in their own country, they can leave, illegally enter our country, and expect to have their problem solved at our expense…
        (MICHELLE???) illegal immigrants really need to lose that sense of entitlement that they can break our laws because of their personal needs…………..
        This is NOT a racist issue, this is a who plays by the rules and who does not issue… this is a who belongs here and who does not issue… this is a Whats best for America and what is NOT issue…

    • Mickey Jones says:

      To: Michelle Hernandez
      Read closely what you have written – and hopefully you will understand why this nation can-not tolarate Mexicans!

      The American people are trying their best to tell you greasy Spics to just leave – get out – go back to Mexico where you belong – and to please leave us alone!

      But you and your sub-human population just won’t listen – ok – well see what takes place – and soon enough.

  419. Daniel says:

    I hate mexicans, they are animals… no animals, are trash !!! Parasites, trash, inferior sub-humans. Most mexicans are criminals and a bad, poor people. We can solve all problemas of USA ? Kill all mexicans =)

    • Tease01 says:

      You are stupid . Whites are TRAILER TRASH THAT FUCK THEIR COUSINS .

      • ingli ONLY says:

        to teaseo1 aka michelle aka Anchor Baby,
        if you were a mexican in mexico and Daniel were there ruining your city and your country and your way of life you would have the right to be upset with him… But circumstances being as they are your racist comments have no merit.. GO to mexico where you belong and you can say anything you want about American people, until then shut the F@#$ up and try not to drop a baby from that beaner hole.

      • Tease01 says:

        Well yes that is true , I would be upset but you people take it to far . Your saying my comments are racist ? So are yours . & Really you would be calling me an ” Anchor Baby ” , Please shut your pie hole already . Your hating on children & teenagers that are born here in the United States , Its not their fault their parents brought them here . & Yeaa & it saddens me how some of you people , Let me correct that , ALL OF YOU PEOPLE say that Illigal or Children who were born here but to Immigrant parents dont have the right to have an Education . Its saddens me how ? It saddens me how people could be so ignorant & Have nothing better to do than to bitch about other racis .

      • ingli ONLY says:

        michelle h you haven’t answered WHY my country is responsible to educate people from another country??? who are here illegally???

  420. Daniel says:

    God please… kill all mexicans ! I Hate mexican people so much, I could kill all mexicans of world. USA people, keep mexican distance =D

    • ingli ONLY says:

      Hey Daniel,

      We have a group of people at the bottom of the food chain who contribute nothing to the improvement of our planet. They reproduce like cock roaches bringing more freeloaders to the planet looking for a free ride. Spending money on them has proven to be a waste. These are inferiors who contribute nothing and are an economic drag on the planet. , what major contributions have mexicans made to the betterment of our planet? Answer; nothing..

      The problem is that they are now trying to duplicate their barrio way of life here………. and I’m sure that;s why you find them so offensive.

      • liverio says:

        Hey mickey Jones you were doing good and actually speaking nicely of some Mexicans. I think we can all get along and share our opinions in a dignified way. I think your not really a racist person just upset with the current situation. I think ingli and Daniel are racist fuck especially that hoe ingli spends all fucking day looking up stats on what bad things Mexicans bring too this country but you ignorant bitch look up stats on all races and see that people should be judged individually because there are problems and virtues with many groups of people. Ingli and Daniel if your small mind keeps you ignorant and bias if there where no Mexicans here you would still be misr able

  421. North/Latin American says:

    Well, by reading some of the posts in here, it kind of seems like you all have the answer for the current immigration phenomenon.
    Its all about the conspiring agenda, the elite does not have any problem with the mexican invasion AT ALL, and its so easy to see why.
    The uneducated, escaping from Mexicos pits of hell mexicans, obviously dont have an idea of what their being involved, thereby , as youve said their just an easy tool for your government and the whole order. Many many other mexicans, who have accomplished a good way of living dont even wanna know about it, cause you know, most of those fuckers feel totally us americans
    Im mexican and I personally have a problem with the living-in-the-states mexicans :/ especially the wanna be ones, the cheering for coming out of third world but still ignorant woonna be mexiquenses, those really piss me off.

    But then, May I be able to know what are your “plans” for the legal ones, the ones who have had a whole lifetime there, the good educated and nice ones?

    Now, when it comes to the USA, immigration is like the shark and its remora fish. So, what would happen if you nationalist people start eradicating the mexicans? Cause I suppose that what you say is taking place soon enough, is a fucking slaughter isnt it? But … Would it be the end of your nations fall?
    When the globalist see one of their main sources falling down, dont you think they are gonna act? I would say yes, the whole world thats concerned about the new world order topic understood that on 9/11. The order didnt give a shit about killing thousands of civilians just to carry out one of the unimaginable/terrifying/disgusting plans they have, and hell it would be hard to fight against the richest and most powerful individuals in the world.

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Greetings: North/Latin American:
      Ya well – its a slaughter that some of us want to avoid.

      Look – I am a white American — and I tell you the truth — I would much rather Americans and Mexicans be on a friendly basis – rather than to hate each other.

      But Open your eyes — open them wide – tell yourself what you see here in the United States – Illegal Mexicans amoung other things — now look at Mexico — do you see Illegal Americans — no you do not!!!!

      We all know why Mexicans Illegally Invaded America — because this is the Least Resistive – Mexico is a piece of Garbage – Owned by just a few.

      Your people need to grow some balls and some brains — go back to Mexico – and take that nation over for the best interests of your People.

      Come on man – do your people really want to be known as Beggers – Bums – Drug Addicts and Pushers – Theives – and Criminal Gang Punks?????

      I don’t think you or your people do — I actually believe the Mexican people are just like any others around the world – and want to be Honorable – to work and earn what they have – to be happy within their Culture — But coming to the United States as an Illegal Invader is not being honorable – IS IT?

      The Mexicans are turning into plain Garbage – and simply because they Invade and then turn into something other than what they were intended to be.

  422. ingli ONLY says:

    michelle.tease01 thats almost what i’m saying..
    your illegal parents and brother needed to be deported asap before America had to pay a penny for anything… and before they gave birth to an ANCHOR, one of the biggest problems we face today…

    (anchor) ..birthright is a problem. It accounts for a disproportionate amount of births. A recent study by the Washington Post found that Congress has heard testimony estimating that more than two-thirds of all births in Los Angeles public hospitals, and more than half of all births in that city, and nearly 10 percent of all births in the nation in recent years, have been to mothers who are here illegally… that’s a lot of babies we are forced to support.. We need to ship them back with their illegal parent/s.

  423. ingli ONLY says:

    to Mickey J.

    I found the following statement

    (The proponents of a global govt knew that the U.S. (who insists on maintaining its sovereignty) could not be taken down militarily – so their objective – do it economically. “. It will happen as these globalists have planned because Americans DO NOT BELIEVE it can or will happen and are NOT fighting back. This has been going on for quite some time;),,

    So does the protecting of our sovereignty part have to do with the invasion of mexicans? and the poster north/latin america, asks wouldn’t the war on illegals be the beginning of the end for america and exactly what globalists are hoping for??? kind of a catch 22 situation if I’m understanding this correctly… north/latin america seems to be educated on the subject also, maybe he knows????

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Greetings ingli:
      Heres – NORTH-AMERICA – is yet another part of the ONE-WORLD ORDER — just as the European Union.

      The goal is to unite Canada – The United States – and Mexico — and possibly Central America – all together – in order to create a Pre-ONE WORLD — in other words — the North-American Union is only a step toward the GOAL..

      Watch for a new currency which will be known as the “Amero”.

  424. Mickey Jones says:

    Greetings Liverio:
    Ok – heres the deal. Like I said – there are good and bad people in every race – and in every nation – every religion – every creed: I hope you agree, and feel you will.

    But the problem that I have with the mexicans – more specifically the Illegal Mexicans – well, to be honest – its a very vast topic – so many reasons – I can’y list them all – not in one post – but I will say the following.

    To start: Every Mexican on this blog and that I have ever spoken with say they are “””PROUD to be Mexican”””!

    But Liverio – how could that possibly be true? For one thing – these so-called Proud Mexicans have ran from Mexico by the millions – only to illegally invade the United States – and for what reason? I’ll tell you why – Mexico is a Piece of Shit! So – Mexicans are from a shit nation.

    Does a Proud Mexican want free everything – such as food, housing, education, medical care — on and on and on – begging the American People to support them — all the while — American working class people are doing without — Come on man – your people know better then this — don’t you????

    Proud Mexicans sell illegal drugs to under age children – they steal cars – they form drug gangs in the US – they shop-lift at the walmart – they are pushy and rude to the American people – on and on and on.

    But you know – What I’v written is only 1/10th of the problem – which actually goes beyond being the Mexicans fault – read next post.

  425. Mickey Jones says:

    Greetings Liverio: Continued.
    Ok – What your people need to learn – and what my people are now getting figured out is this Global Elitest Agenda – why is this attempt at Globalism taking place – while all around the world mass unemployment is taking place – and other problems.

    Well – I wish I could explain all of this in a few sentences – but thats just not possible: so let me say this.

    Throughout the History of man – various attempts at a one-world order have taken place – such as the Roman Empire – and many others: such as for example in Brazil and Argentina – these nations were the 3rd and 4th strongest in the world at one time (1901) but fell and became a 3rd world nation by (1902).

    So here we are – man is rising again – satelites exist – global communications are very high – transportation is at a peak – and the “”NEW WORLD ORDER””” was announced by President Bush Sr.

    But my question is this: Will a true one world order ever exist and serve the needs of the masses – and I tell you that it will not – the average people will only become more supressed – and all over the world – in a basic statement – “”BECAUSE MAN WAS NOT MEANT TO BE INTER-MIXED”””.

    So here you go — LIVERIO — Pass this along to your people in your languge – its not only important for your people – but my people as well.

    Unless your people begin to understand that in coming to the US – which is only to follow a path of what is least resistive – the Global Elite will get their way – they will supress the entire world – and all of the people – simply because they will own everything.

    I will write one more sheet.

  426. Mickey Jones says:

    Greetings Liverio:
    Ok – I’m being as forward with you as I can — now understand that many good and decent people live within every society – for example – I really like asain people – I find them to be very interesting folks – I know a few Mexicans that are rather decent – black folks that are decent – and on and on — and your correct — I’m not an out and out racist – but I am a white man – and because I’m white – I identify with the white race – and in the American culture — IE: I’m a white American.

    Now – I was honest – its time for everyone else to be honest – meaning that Asain folks Identify with other Asains – Mexican Folks identify with other Mexicans — and so on.

    This factor only creates mass long-term problems – Again – The One World Order will not — IN THE END — serve anyone except the OWNERS of the World – IN the End – everyone will suffer – your people – the asains – the blacks – and yes – white america.

    And for what – for what reason will all of this take place? So a few will have everything – pure greed – a purposefully designed greed system – such as Worthless and Privately owned Federal Reserve Banking system – which prints worthless dollars – but yet owns the entire world…

    Liverio: If your people are as they say they are – which is — “MEXICANS are Proud to Be Mexicans — if they are Brave”” — its time for them to go back to the land they love and are proud of – and if the Mexican Government is so greedy and coorupted – the Top 2% owns 99% of the wealth – while the masses in Mexico starve to death — then the so-called “”PROUD and BRAVE”” mexicans need to begin dictating to the Mexican Elite — THUS: the Mexican People must create a situation in Mexico that they are Happy with ——— instead of ILLEGALLY INVADING THE UNITED STATES – and BEGGING FOR FOOD like a bum on the street.

  427. Mickey Jones says:

    Greeting: An open letter to all Mexican Readers:
    I have written several pages – above – with am attempt to explain why Mexicans need to return to mexico – I have tried to explain this urgent need.

    Understand this — There is nothing wrong with being what ever race, ethnicity, religion, culture and or creed that you are – but also understand that mankind has evolved to be what individual race, excedra that you come from – not all of man is the same – some say we are are equal – but that is not true – as we are all different – and if we are all different – we can not be equal.

    I have man – and the way we have evolved – and part of each and every person is a meme – which comes from one genetic line.

    The Mexican Invasion into the United States must come to an end – Mexicans say — and I qoute – “”I am Proud to be a Mexican”” – but yet they have invaded the United States – simply because Mexico is a dirty and nasty piece of garbage – which is owned by a GREEDY and COORUPTED Government – where only a few own the entire nation and most of the wealth.

    Listen Mexican Folks – If you are Proud to be a Mexican – but yet can not survive in Mexico – due to the GREED and COORUPTION – its time for you folks to take that nation over — for the best interests of the MEXICAN PEOPLE.

    If you fail to leave the United States – this nation will be thrown into a civil war and revolution – which will become World War Three – as the United States is the most powerfull nation in the world – hold back other nations which are very strong as well — such as China – Russia – North Korea – Iran – and many others.

    If the United States goes into a Civil war and revolution – WW3 will take place – and then the entire world will suffer – and why? Simply because the PROUD to be MEXICANS were to cowardly, to ignorant, to lazy – and to self-important to go back to Mexico and create a nation of which they can be satisfied.

  428. Mickey Jones says:

    Heres you folks a little story – a true story mind you!

    Does anyone realize – during the Clinton Years – a plan was created to help encourage US Economics – which is/was akin to N.A.F.T.A. – Later aspects were known as the WTO – but the WTO deals with Global Economics – and is not a part of this topic – more-or-less a side-show of – not a true aspect.

    A plan was created to GIVE — GIVE as in a GRANT — $50,000.00 each – to over 40,000 ILLEGAL MEXICANS. The purpose – and agian – encourage US economics – in the form of small business creation. Along with this GRANT – Used Restaraunt Equipment was being rebuilt and in many cases – given to these ILLEGAL Mexicans as a sort of side benefit for the creation of Small Businesses.

    Well, the question at this time must be – “did Clintons small business economics plan work”.

    And the answer is no – this plan went south – as only a small % of the Illegal Mexicans actually used thier grant for this purpose – and the ones who did – made sure the business sold for a profit — withinin 6 months of opening the small business.

    However: in one case – one of these Illegal Mexicans did open a restaurant – made sure it was insured – and then all of the sudden – well, it burnt to the ground – and the insurance payout was three times the grant — and then a second fire – a thrid – and even a fourth as new businesses opened and then burnt to the ground.

    This Mexican – I’m sure he is now worth more than most working class american citizens…

    Who is to blame in this case senario – “The Mexicans” or our own “Federal Government”?

    As for me — I chose the latter…

  429. Alex Ferrato says:

    Wooow, too many racists here, I’m a young 1/2 Mexican guy who went to college, only my Korean friend and I finished out of 35 originally enrolled. Most of them white with same mentality as these racist here. I lived in Europe for a while and people over there are not as ignorants as Americans, they actually treated me pretty nice, I speak 4 languages and thank god I don’t look like you because you only hate on Mexicans because the rest of the world hate USA People, fat, stupid, rude, boring, artless, trouble makers, ignorant, fake religions, fake service, only think about money and think they are superior and that’s why they never happy no matter how much money they have, crap music, stupid reality shows to keep you ignorant, dirty jobs, jersey shore, 16 and pregnant, domb blondes, fake tits, deadly catches, swamp people, red necks, mud trucks, beer, drunk ass idiots, swamp people.. Should I continue or should I stop?

    • Tease01 says:

      Youu should continuee ! I agree with youu . All these idiots are calling mexicans ” Trash ” , They should look at them selves .

      Sent from my Virgin Mobile Android-Powered Device

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Hello Alex:
      You talk about being ignornant – go take a good long in the mirror – speak four languages my ass – you can’t even complete a sentence – so go Bull-Shit someone else.

      If – and I repeat IF — your so smart and really hate Americans — then get the fuck out – go somewhere you’ll be happy..

    • ingli ONLY says:

      You really need a powerful laxative, cause you’re full of crap ! and give one to the anchor while your’re at it.

  430. Mickey Jones says:

    Hello Americans:
    Well – if you folks have read any posts – I think you’ll find that I have tried my best to be decent to the Illegal Mexicans – but its seems apparent that is not even possible – as the Mexicans don’t even know how to read and make logical conclusions.

    My conclusion is that Mexicans feel they are entitled to what ever it is they want – for what ever reason they want – and have absolutely no regard for American or the American people.

    In other words – The Mexican is a follower of the new Global Progressive movement which lends itself to “Liberal Global Communism”.

    America – we all know who it is that has turn its back on America for the design and implementation of such Liberal, Globalistic and Communistic agendas — THE ANIMALS NAME IS OBAMA — who is not even an American Citizen – and who has acted as a Traitor by allowing ILLEGAL MEXICANS to become citizens of our nation.

    YOU FOLKS — all of you know what to do – lets get on with our dirty work……

    • ingli ONLY says:

      hi mickey,

      But isn’t it true that the Elites want us to be fighting each other, its called divide and conquer.
      If they can divert our attention to killing each other and stop attacking the government for the state of our nations then they can continue to get rich and lead the good life whilst we all kill each other.

      or to take it a step further…..

      With a full out race war , then people would beg for
      military intervention, bring about the New World Order they desire? As in, the disarming of America as per the provisions of the misleadingly named Patriot Act?

      • Mickey Jones says:

        Hello Ingli:
        Yes – thats is absolutely correct – and the Mexican understands this – and is further attempting to use our system aganist the American Peoples.

        Good Thinking – so what direction would we as sovreign America go – what actions should we take?

        Do-Not post your finding on this line — but who and or what nation is our allies?

  431. ingli ONLY says:

    to michelle hernandezzzzzzzzzzz
    Entitlement” is the word. Cut enough social programs, and illegal immigration won’t be such a problem.
    does your family plan on paying back the money paid to educate your illegal brother and any other services they were given while illegally being here??? does your pussy dad ever plan on going back to mexico and fighting for HIS people and HIS country?? and if he has a job here then hes a f2#&ing beaner who has stolen an Americans job!

  432. ingli ONLY says:


    If there is a war, it will be the first one in history where the invaded government claims that it would be racist to shoot back. Never before has America made it so easy to be an enemy of America..

    defending and protecting ones way of life is not or will ever be a racist act or behavior.

  433. ingli ONLY says:

    TO MICHELLE hernandez

    Mexico has absolutely NO shame. They should be, but aren’t, embarrassed by their rhetoric. The really pathetic thing is that, in their ARROGANCE and stupidity, they actually believe all of their rantings and ravings.

    “It’s all America’s fault, yada, yada, yada!!”

    Of course,in their view, mexico is blameless…it’s not mexico’s fault that its citizen are largely uneducated and unskilled. If only those “bad Americans” would educate Mexico’s children like they’re supposed to do!!

    Mexico’s sole contribution to the illegal immigration debate to is to whine and complain…and throw millions of its people over the border.

    p.s. my parents paid for my school lunch… why do illegals think they are entitled to a FREE school lunch when they shouldn’t even be here in our schools??

  434. ingli ONLY says:

    to tease01 aka michelle hernandez

    you wrote quote “”””” So your saying that just because a child is an Illigal Immigrant , He or she does not have the right to get an education “”””” unquote….. they have every right to an education paid for by THEIR COUNTRY!!! Why do you think another country is responsible to educate you??? who taught you this?? why do you expect this, why do your people think this?? our schools use to be GREAT!!! and now they can barely afford to stay open… why???

  435. ingli ONLY says:

    Always remember 9/11

    The last words ever heard by Todd Beamer a passenger on Flight 93 as a signal to other passengers to attack the hijackers are portrayal of a brave American…..
    “Are you guys ready? Let’s roll!”

    How can we protect homeland security unless the government stops the invasion of ALL illegal aliens OR if everyone isn’t of the same composition as Todd Beamer?

  436. Jiggaboo says:

    Humans never cease to amaze me, meanwhile the white race diminish as the minority escalates. The Zionists are achieving their objectives as I laugh throughout these types of racism, but to be honest it’s quite funny to read some of your posts given the fact on many reasons to be distracted as the inevitable genocide approaches. Keep up the racism. :) On the side note I could really care less about what you say to my race or me, I’m quite fond with racism, I’ll just laugh at your remarks. lol

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Hello Jiggaboo:
      I hope I’m not in error when I assume your Negroid. If that is true, and you are in fact a Negroid – do you have such a small brain as to not realize you and the Americanized Negroid Race is just as much a part of the problems within the United States as any other race – such as the white race, the asian race, the arabic race — excedra?

      You know what Ithink – I think its dummies like you who would rather the US fall – rather than taking a the tough road and actually getting this nation back in order – so – when no-mamas welfare funding slips away from your greedy monkey paws – don’t blame me — talk about having a reason to laugh – it will be me who has the last laugh – and that really is a shame.

      • Jiggaboo says:

        You get the last laugh? i’m sorry as we speak your race becomes less frequent to society, meanwhile the inevitable destruction escalates as your white race diminish lol notice how diverce Europe became? and let’s not forget the media lol promoting interracial couples and gay marriage oh and how quickly they hide black on white crime, speaking of blacks i laugh at you for thinking I’m black lol niggers dont have the intellectual capacity to live on their own and to compare me with them makes me laugh lol it’s ok ignorance is bliss i’ll say.. let’s just leave it like that, i hope you have more facts about niggers lol

  437. LOL AT WHITE PEOPLE says:

    Disgusting white people. You consistently insult other races when your hate for other ethnicities is one of the reasons why all other minorities hate you. You peckerwood, neanderthal, fat cracker politicians are insanely idiotic. I don’t believe that only whites are capable of being racist, however HISTORY shows that you orange juice slurping pigskinned retards are the most racist out of everyone. You are also a f_cking alien you drunken, wife-beating irish piece of sh_t. I read these comments and realise that you guys make whites look bad. What other races do shouldn’t bother you one bit, but you bitch and whine constantly because you are scared of what the other races can do in the job sector, while you trailer trash shitheads waste your life pushing crystal meth in a trailer park. It’s brilliant how you insult other racs intelligence however we’re the ones climbing up the ladder constantly and pushing you neo-nazi pricks down. LOL.

    You talk of how they should return to their countries, how can you think that? They come here to start a better life for their children. Thats the problem with honkies, you never see it from a different perspective. If the US became a piece of shit and Mexico became a land of ‘milk and honey’ so to speak. You would be rushing your pink pig asses over there trying to get residency. WHY? to better your lifestyle. Then again white people are so narrow-minded so I bet one of you rednecks will disagree with me. Go ahead, prove me right crackers.

    • ingli ONLY says:

      how much pot do you have to smole to be that stupid?

      mexican immigrants are assimilating to life in the United States LESS successfully than other immigrants. ( English ability, education, military service, homeownership, citizenship, and earnings, ) Educational levels of Mexicans has lagged behind the national average for the past three generations. ..The incarceration levels of subsequent generations also spike… Not good for American the worst possible kind of immigrants (legal or not)

      On the other hand……
      Today’s Asian and Russian immigrants are some of the best and brightest, which puts them on a faster track to assimilation via economic success. Good for America the kind of immigrants America was founded on…

      The moral of the story is you reap what you sow. I see assimilation as a relationship and not some robotlike process of adaptation to a new environment that takes place only on the part of the assimilated.”

      mexicans have hurt every aspect of America.

      • LOL AT WHITE PEOPLE says:

        Shut the fuck up buddy. Never did I mention that it was Mexicans only. The mexico thing was only an example if you had read properly. I meant races in general, not mexicans. Before you insult my intelligence maybe read twice before making a comment smartass.

    • ingli ONLY says:

      illegal immigrants really need to lose that sense of entitlement that they can break our laws because of their personal needs.. grow a pair and fix YOUR own country,,, really you don’t have the right to ruin mine….

  438. ingli ONLY says:

    The immigration debate is tainted by a sense of entitlement from illegal aliens that they have some kind of right to illegally cross our border and work in the United States
    PRESS 1 you are not entitled! You are NOT entitled! YOU ARE NOT ENTITLED! you are not entitled… you are not Entitled!

  439. ingli ONLY says:

    its not being racist… it’s all facts…
    In the first two years of the recession (2008, 2009), the U.S. economy lost 8.2 million jobs while adding 2.4 million legal and illegal immigrants. not counting all the anchors born to illegals… do the math it hurts America.


    Click your heals together three times….
    & go the fuck home………..

  440. MexicansAreGay says:

    why is it that all my female friends say,”ewww” and go off in disgust when they see a mexican hitting on them…

    such a shame.. only way a dirty beaner can have sex with a woman WITH CLASS, is rape… pathetic

  441. Fuck off, gringos! says:

    Ah, what would this world be without racist gringos?
    I find this extremely amusing. You seriously believe in white supremacy, no, wait… more specifically, american white trash, don’t you?
    No doubt UK is so ashamed of you, self-absorbed bastards. First, you hated black people, then, they got their way and you switched to other minorities. (By the way, if you are black and discriminate as well, that’s stupid, I thought you would understand racism better.) Now, american women being superior? Lots of them are sluts with no education whatsoever. Disgusting. I would never hit on one of those.
    About the jobs, well if enterprises prefer Mexican workers to Americans, it’s for a reason, don’t you think?
    And speak proper English…! I fucking hate that ridiculous accent of yours! You should be ashamed, you come from native indians yourselves, well, that is if you ever took the time to read about your country’s history.
    I would never, ever work for your boring, lifeless country. Just gonna take advantage of some nice places you’ve got (not the best ones, though). Hell, I swear if I stay more than a month there I’ll get fucking obese. ¡A la chingada, pinches gringos!
    Ps. I meant no disrespect for American people who actually have a brain on their heads and are not idiotic as the majority of people on this thread are.

    • american women sluts with no education? that’s funny, aren’t most mexican females stay at home moms because they cant keep their legs closed. Even if they do have a job, it’s probably cleaning hotel rooms and flipping burgers.

      a mexican with a degree? LOL, dont even get me started.

      • SwedenVader says:

        Fuck up, you fat piece of crap. You’e so full of shit and fast food and you Self absorbed bastards need to pull that gigantic pole out of your asses. The rest of the world sees America in a ridiculous light. You may rule the media and may think people think you’re great but its not true. You’re a bunch of fat retards who live in a land of criminality and racist punks. WHY DO YOU PEOPLE CONSTANTLY MAKE AMERICA LOOK BAD. If you think the immigrants are damaging ‘america’ your stupid opinions are. How dare you sing ‘Land of the free’ when clearly judging by the content of this thread, you disrespect minorities like hell. There is no logical reason to beleive in racial superiority whether you are black, white, mexican, asian, whatever. If they are pissing you off then okay, dont let it bother you, if you’re pissed and going to rant about mexicans and minorities on the internet, you’re clearly too scared to do it in real life, and in public. I will pay you 100 bucks to tell the average mexican guy he’s an immigrant spic. You would nut it.

        Your point about “A mexican with a degree?LOL dont even get me started” Oh shut the fuck up. Racist people, no matter how many degrees you have, you will ALWAYS be the most idiotic,senseless, and stupid people on the planet, holding the human race back from progressing forward all because of a damn skin color. Wow Americans, wow.

        By the way I am white and from Sweden, and lived in the United States for around 4 years before returning here.

      • Nytg says:

        What about Black ghetto women? From what I’ve seen they just seem to keep their legs WIDE open. Not only that, but they tend to be lazy drug addicts. Unless you don’t consider them Americans? Also, I doubt you have a degree because your Spelling S U C K S !

  442. Omg brothers and sister, why do we hate each other? I know you guys are mad cause we here in this beautiful country! I love this country ill die for it, I love white people cause their nicer then us, two of my sister and laws are white, there’s always will be haters everywhere I know, how are we going to change that? By teaching our children to respect and love one another like Jesus Christ show us, GOD bless you all, traten ala gente como tu quieres que the traten,

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Greetings Erick Castle:
      You ask why do we hate each other – the answer is because multi-culturalism is something that is not natural – it is a manipulated act – therefore. there will always be racism – which will go along all lines of humanity.

      Remember – not even half of the world follows the teachings of Jesus Christ – in fact I would say that only one-third of mankind follows such teaching – if even that many.

      Myself – I am not a christian – even though I do follow a Creationist view – but do not follow a religious view which came out of Hebrew Teachings – which include the Jews, Christians, and Muslims – and of course – each of the three listed have more than one branch – such as saying – Christians include Baptists, Methodists, Church of Christ – and many more.

      So – the point I’m trying to make is simply to say — Stop Preaching about something that less than half the world follows – simply because we do not care..

  443. Mickey Jones says:

    Hello Jiggaboo:
    Well – I was reading your entry – and have determined you to be just another Illegal Mexican – but yet you use a screen name you associate with Black Persons – and or persons of a Negroid decentment.

    So – your not a Mexican who wants to be black — nope – thats not the reason – so why use such a screen name — simply to create trouble – to cause problems — kinda like the Communist Bastards who run around the world asking for welfare – and seeking more for nothing.

    Get out Mexican — get out of the US – and do it now – you dirty piece of Filth…

    • Jiggaboo says:

      “Well – I was reading your entry – and have determined you to be just another Illegal Mexican” lol how amusing, you compare me with a 3 world shitbag just makes me laugh what’s next I’m speaking spanish? “So – your not a Mexican who wants to be black — nope – thats not the reason – so why use such a screen name — simply to create trouble – to cause problems” lol to cause trouble? we’ve all seen your true colors the hate of the nigger is very common, but you sir contradicted yourself. I’ve read some of your posts indicating decent “American” blacks yet hold on i’ll put it in quotes lol “Americando you have such a small brain as to not realize you and the Americanized Negroid Race is just as much a part of the problems within the United States” lol oh the irony, talk about trouble you were determined to think I’m “black” and generalised the whole race lol now how did that work for ya? feeling stupid huh dont blame ya lol

      • Mickey Jones says:

        Jiggaboo – you can’t even right with reasonable accountability.

        Ok – in your words – you say your not a “”Third World shitbag”” – meaning your not a Mexican.

        Well then – why in the hell are you posting on this blog???

  444. Mickey Jones says:

    Greetings SwedenVader:
    So let me get this right – your living in Sweden and originally from Sweden – but once lived in the United States — Is this correct?

    Well – if this is correct — then why in the world do you care about what American think about Illegal Mexicans – I mean – what concerns you about America and the way we feel about the Preservation of our nation — what is your motive?????

    I’ll tell you this — Take your Long Nose out of American Business – leave us alone – tend to your own affairs – and we will tend to ours.

  445. Mickey Jones says:

    Hello: LOL At White People
    OK SPIC — you dislike white people – and the way we see society — then leave the United States – get the fuck out.

    I dislike you and your sub-human culture – so I guess were even – so pack your bags and get the fuck out.

    Ohhh — if your brown ass thinks your tough – please boy – get together with your other cock-roach buddies – and start the war – I mean its going to happen anyway – you might as well walk the walk – you have talked the talk – so PLEASE BOY — put your actions up front — and don’t be a big mouth Spic….

  446. My grass is getting pretty long, any beaners interested in cutting my grass?

    you can tell mexicans don’t really live around this area (long grass, no loud circus music, high property value, etc.) its so peaceful until you need someone to cut your grass and a maid to clean the house when you work. So i guess mexicans are useful in a way? other than that, they’re just a waste of life

    • Sofia says:

      Haha! Pretty funny, mister. I’m so sorry, I’ve been very busy with Med School. But certainly you can hire your formal slaves to perform the task, and by this I mean Black people. Weren’t they the first ones? Oh, I forgot. Now you’re equals. Shame on you.
      Oh, and by the way, I don’t want to sound pretentious or something, but your spelling sucks ass. So, instead of complaining as the little bitch you are, you might as well take some English Composition courses. Just saying.

      • Sofia, im just curious as to who you had to sleep with to get to med school? Having babies, not knowing who the father is, stealing, etc. Isnt that your thing? LOL i have nothing more to say to you than, “go to the kitchen and make me a sandwich pendeja”

      • Tease01 says:

        @ BurnAllMexicans , You are a fucking embicile.

  447. Sofia says:

    Seriously? Is that what American women do to enter Med School? Now, that’s sad! And about the sandwich… te lo va a hacer tu puta madre! Oh, and your Spelling still sucks.

  448. I Just realized, wthout mexicans, who would be willing to cut my grass? (sadface)

  449. Mickey Jones says:

    Greetings America:
    Just some information – some are already aware of the following – but for those who are not, please take some time to research the following.

    >> Sanctuary Cities: Do a google search – read about this topic.

    >> Most closely means — Illegal Mexicans can live within the United States in one of many different US Cities — I think all states are listed as having a Sanctuary City. This will list an Illegal Mexican as being beyond the law – in other words – an Illegal Mexican can Invade our nation, and live, draw welfare, attend school, and commit any crime without the authorities being able to prosecute.

    >> After looking into this info – ask yourself the question — “”Should we as American Citizens put blame on the Mexican – or blame our own Government”””?????

  450. ingli ONLY says:

    we are not blaming the illegals for our problems; we are rightfully blaming them for the problems they are causing.
    Big Difference.

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Greetings Ingli:
      Yes – I agree with you – there is a major difference. Ok – let me address this point: I honestly believe the Mexican Problem will destroy America – and it must be addressed – so what course of action would one take to address the Mexican Problem – A or B.

      A = Taking the Mexicans on – as in Head on – leterally run them out of the nation – in which case – the American People would have to fight the Local, State, and Federal Government and or authorities.

      B = To address our own Local, state, and federal authorites.

      I choose the later – as they have created this mess by espousing the Elite – so we need to make them clean up the mess.

      • ingli ONLY says:

        Hey Mickey,

        Q: What do you get when you cross a crooked politician with a crooked lawyer?
        A: barack obama

        Q: What does barack obama call illegal aliens?
        A: Undocumented democrats

        be funny if it weren’t true………….

  451. ingli ONLY says:

    we have millions of illegal immigrants and their children collecting billions of dollars in entitlements from U.S. taxpayers.
    In one state (California) illegal aliens cost taxpayers over $10.5 billion annually just for education, health care and incarceration. Do you now understand why California is bankrupt and insolvent? This is spreading across the country….


  452. The truth says:

    Let me tell u something, all the Mexicans must return to their county because they form an unsafe enviorment in our country. If u noticed all the resources of the gangs in the US are Hispanics, they are mostly criminals blood suckers and kids rapers, just get the fuck out of US no one likes Mexicans and u should have sensed that by now, be ashamed and have dignity and leave us alone.

  453. BackwoodsTex says:

    Messicans say they come here for a better life, but in mexico they still live in cardboard boxes with 20 kids? What’s the difference? Why not just get the hell out of my country and let MY people do the work. They do a shitty job mowing, painting etc… And I can’t work anywhere in the deep south without having to try and understand some stupid ass spics language! GO HOME. AMERICA, HOME OF THE FREE. THAT’S WHY WE LIVE HERE AND TAKE CARE OF IT. If you dumbass mexicans are saying VIVA LA MEXICO, how about you GO FUCKING LIVE THERE. AND VIVA MEXICA ALL DAMN DAY? Get the hell out of my country before your whole existence in america will be shot to hell…

  454. whitepowr says:

    the only thing worse than the drug muling donkey fucking spics who spend all day washing the smell of manteca out of their greasy heroine stuffed assholes are the white faggot fucking pieces of shit helping them

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Hello Whitepower:
      Ya – I understand what your getting at – and agree. The US needs a house cleaning really bad – simply get rid of the garbage.

      But I maintain – the main problem we have is our so-called elected officials – that in my mind is the heart and soal of all garbage.

    • Isaac Lovo says:

      i’m sorry if you think that, i’m part hispanic and white, and i would just like to inform you,not all of us are this stereotype you speak of… i for one really don’t like MOST of their attitudes as well but i just negotiate with them with not hate,but love and my below reply, it show’s what i mean,and thank you for your time fellow american.

      • Mickey Jones says:

        Greetings Issac Lovo
        Ya – it must be very hard on you – being a mix I mean. You can-not relate to – and or completely understand either the Mexican Ways – or the white ways — I’m very sorry for you.

        That mixing must come to an end – for the good of both peoples.

      • Isaac Lovo says:

        i’m not mexican though, i am salvadorian 35% , hoduran 20% and italian 45%, but i can relate because i hang out with BOTH races and they’re fairly decent people.
        mexicans ex:they’re nice people with great values but sometimes a bit of a show off and try and act ghetto.
        white’s:they’re nice at times,but i can’t believe how much they rip of blacks and mexicans,but they’re still cool people,but sometimes try to act black -_-. now, i don’t act like either, i’m usually a cool and relaxed guy that doesn’t take sides and try to solve the problem at hand because i have a passion for helping people with their problems and i don’t want this world to always be fight. now listen,they’re both great people,mexicans and white’s but they do have they’re faults,but that’s what makes us human. we have some better traits than other ethnicities but they have something better also. we all have our great traits but we don’t have all of them,and i think we shouldn’t be messing with them, just try to comply and reason with them,and what do you know?, you might have a new friend! we are all human, just give them a chance,and i’m glad that i’m mixed because i can experience what both sides are like-the hispanics and the whites alike are all awesome!

  455. Mickey Jones says:

    Ya – I’v tried to be nice to the ILLEGAL MEXICANS – I even invited one to go hunting with my son and I – but it wouldn’t attend.

    I understand it gets cold in the mountains at night – and it would have to bring its own shovel – but still – that Mexican Thing would even go hunting with me.

    I suppose food stamps will feed the Mexicans just fine..

    Ohhhhhhhhh how sad it that…

    • Mary:) says:

      Your stupid how you say it referring to that Mexican person who is a human being by the way. I’m sure you thinks its cute to say what your saying right? Well it’s not you look uneducated and you only invited that person to hurt them or even murder them since your saying you hate them. You act like you’ve never seen people other than white. I guess you weren’t educated either. And stop blaming Mexicans for everything. Just because your poor and struggling most likely doesn’t mean you can be mad at them

      • TheWhiteRule says:

        Fuck off you brainwashed bitch and go make one of the sexist weasels in your family a sammich b4 they gets up and bitch slaps ya into next year. You’re a WOMAN and in your ‘culture’, that means you ain’t fit for crap and yet you keep on serving the ese’s like they’re worth a damn. They ain’t. Your best bet is to get whatever’s left of your beauty over to a rich, white country somewhere in the Netherlands and find some blonde boy who will fall for your dark eyes. The Aryan boys will always treat their women better than the small dicked Ese’s and hombre’s in the america’s, because they VALUE their women as human beings. In YOUR culture, you’re just an incubator. An opportunity for themselves bcuz they’re self-serving little mutants and most of ’em are on the down low anyway. If you ain’t their mother, you ain’t nothin’ and you know it. Find a white boy who will step down so you can step up. Besides, it’ll piss off your tiny dicked men and what better revenge can you get than biffing them and bagging a white boy?

        Go on now! I said Git!

        Viva los blancos!

  456. Mickey Jones says:

    Hello America
    Let me ask — are you foks really satisfied to see your government espouse a Mexican Take over of your nation?

    You do realize your tax money goes to feed, house, medicate, educate, and over all support ILLEGAL Mexicans — don’t you?

    And all the while — you earn less – pay more – and lose your rights as a citizen – while ILLEGAL Mexicans rape, rob, and over all destroy your homes and cities – do you folks realize this???

    IF – you folks better get together and tell Obama and the Liberal Left Communists what is going to take place – remember this while TENDING TO THE Problem – Both Illegal Mexican and the Lefts — and I qoute — “”””THERE AIN’T NOTHING TO IT — BUT TO DO IT””!!!


    • ingli ONLY says:

      Until our elected officials understand the term “Illegal” nothing will be done about the infestation of illegals in this country. We need to vote out anyone that is soft on immigration..

      and equally important Babies born in this country to illegal aliens should not be made citizens. We have no moral obligation to support the world.. Anchor Babies Grab One Quarter of Welfare Dollars in LA County.. logically they shouldn’t even be here,,, not only are they here WE have to pay for them??? makes no sense.

      Enough is enough
      Shoot them at the friggin border! or..Stop dangling the carrots for more to come over. No social benefits period.

  457. Isaac Lovo says:

    i am part hispanic and part white but i do agree with some of the facts this man is saying and that is
    *MOST mexicans are lazy and always try and fight together like cowards(personal experiences)
    *alot of them always try to start fights and let a bunch of there friends skip at the very last moment-_-
    *and alot of them are just plain ignorant
    BUT, some things you said about raping a “white girl” isn’t really much true at all dude, i don’t know where you heard that but i probably don’t know…anyways dude, i know they’re as bad as you think SOMETIMES, but you have to respect them dude, it’s not cool to be like that and just screw them over. heck!, i used to be very racist against “blacks” but i overcame it and got rid of it because i knew i was better than that… well, the point is, just don’t hate on them dude, just try to comply with them and reason it out, easy as that! =) anyways i’m not mexican though, but i am yellow and am very smart in my classes and going to get a fantastic job right after i get my masters degree for whatever i want to major in and retire at the age of 43 or 50 so that i can live life to the fullest and travel the world with my family(doesn’t matter if she’s white or hispanic),as long as they have a great attitude and i love them, then it’ll work out. but, with all due respect, i think you need to change a bit dude, because it’s just not cool and you might go to hell for your racist actions,and i don’t want to see NO ONE, go to hell because i love everyone even though they did me wrong,just like a quote from jesus,”if someone punches your cheek,let them do the other,if someone makes fun of you,add to the list,and if someone tries to hurt you,then just stand and take the hit,and if someone hates you,pray for them and give them your love” , and that’s what i always do and how i got rid of my racist actions, just don’t think negative and try to negotiate and possible change them.=) anyways, i love you even though you might hate me dude, and i’ll pray for you

    • ingli ONLY says:

      Just where do you get the idea that a NATION does not have the right to discriminate who comes into their country and who does not!? People try to cast this as RACIST ISSUE? Or a civil rights issue?? BUT for it to be a civil rights issue you have to be a legal citizen to begin with…
      I HATE mexicans coming here and RUINING America.!! I’m NOT a racist I have 2 blacks, 1 Japanese, 2 Russian, 5 of mixed races, and 4 whites at my Thanksgiving table…
      mexicans have left a clear path of destruction … Every city they populate… from the schools to the prisions, from the hospitals to the streets they fuck it all up. ..
      MEXICANS ARE BAD FOR AMERICA.. It’s not a racist isuue, it’s just a FACT!

    • ingli ONLY says:

      I blame the voters in this country who are still supporting the LEFT for granting amnesty to law breakers who are fringing off the tax payers and killing our Country.

      compassion for illegals. where is the compassion for Americans?

      Anyone who agrees with the amnesty for illegals, is not thinking American!!!!

    • ingli ONLY says:

      the illegal immigrants really need to lose that sense of entitlement that they can break our laws because of their personal needs

      It is not a race issue. It is who plays by the rules and who does not issue. It’s a who belongs here and who does not issue,,,,,,,,,,,,,, it’s a what is best for my country and what is NOT issue.

      And we absolutely DO have the right to deport every single illegal alien in the country now…

    • ingli ONLY says:

      ISSAC, And in closing
      The only hell I fear is the hell the masses of mexicans have brought and are bringing to America… the fear of what others might think has virtually destroyed us.. the Americans who fear being called a racist are a big part of the problem…

      One other comment to toss in here. Illegals and pro-illegals idiots know in their heart they have absolutely no argument or credible reasoning to back any of their BS. This is exactly why they always end up throwing down the race charge . AND WHEN they do, the debate comes to an end. They do not want to admit the facts about how bad illegals hurt our country because they know it paints a horrific picture. (a picture kinda like HELL)..

      • Isaac Lovo says:

        ugghh dude. whatever but, alot of these “illegals” shouldn’t be criticized for that matter in hand. alot of them try their hardest,and even though i do agree with alot of your facts, i still have to disagree. i believe that only people that are plain ignorant can’t try and think of a better solution for the problem, they just try to criticize, criticize, criticize… but, if you feel strongly about your argument then, i don’t know what to say, but all i do when i hate someone, is to just change that hate into love,and don’t think negative,think positive of what they did. i mean blacks are one of the big reasons this economy is down, due to the fact that almost all of them steal and some don’t even pay taxes because they failed in life and live in the projects. and they barely pay anything close to what we pay for our houses, but i just think about the positive because it’s the right thing to do

    • Mary:) says:

      How are you Hispanic and you say you agree with some of what people say about them? You sound stupid! Ex lazy,fighting people,just Olin ignorant can’t you find all these examples in every race. Oh I guess you didn’t get those traits since your only hod Mexican right? Im 100% sure that’s what you think. Your so stupid since you choose to not see bad things in people if their not Hispanic. But oh so sudenly notice bad things if they are Hispanic. Your only making the stereotype worse for yourself since your throwing that out there that you agree their that way since you are Hispanic yourself… Think you brainless dweeb

  458. ingli ONLY says:

    No matter how you define it, humanitarian or not, as their numbers grow, OUR consequences accelerate. How far do you want to go down this rat hole? Keep silent, never speak up, don’t complain, always go with the flow, watch it from the sidelines, pride yourself IN NOT BEING CALLED A RACIST or xenophobe, trust your senators and congressmen” soon, like the citizens of Mexico or any degraded country” you too will be another victim of Third World corruption.
    More sobering, America will be a Third World country.

    Not kidding speaking the Truth does not make you racist… This is NOT a race issue THIS IS AN AMERICAN ISSUE/PROBLEM… SPEAK UP.. SAY IT LOUD.. SAY IT IN ENGLISH..

  459. ingli ONLY says:

    the mexican who won the silver medal in the Olympics… he was wearing a USA jersery on the USA team…he lived in the US since he was 4 when his parents came here ILLEGALLY…
    When he won
    he chose to raise the American flag AND the mexican flag???

    This country took him in during his hour of need paid for his education and who knows what else…. Now in his moment of glory, which country deserves his respect ????- the one that offered nothing to his parents and forced them to leave or the one that took them all in and gave him the opportunity to live out his dreams?
    The answer should have been obvious. ??

    But as usual mexicans find pride with mexico and a free ride in America…

    Americans needed to shove that mexican flag up his mexican ass, demand he pay back EVERY cent he and his people took from America and deport him and his criminal family back to the Country he’s so proud of….

    • Isaac Lovo says:

      well, i’m from italy(part) and the only reason i would put up the flag is to just honor them for being “my kind”,not because i like them,but because i’m one of them,and i think that is very rude and unnecessary for saying that,but i would put all my respect mostly to the US flag because i live here and they did me good. it’s not that i’m illegal,but i just try to put myself into a mind of a mexican and how they think.and i do agree with you,that that kind of is just not right for him to do that but he should’ve at least put more effort into the US one,but yeah dude, mexicans are full of pride and you can’t change that, just like white people are full of energy and mostly hyper. you just can’t take that away from them.but, you saying this stuff make’s it seem to me your not really rich and in no position to talk bad and be racist, that’s why i am not racist whatsoever,because i’m going to finish with excellent grades and SUCCEED in life so i don’t have to worry about this stuff and help the government a bit by picking up litter,donating money,and doing other volunteer work. i’m going to live life as a successful psychiatrist or other thing that comes up later on that intreages my interest.

      • ingli ONLY says:

        Isaac, you sound like a nice kid, how old are you?
        You sound too young to have witnessed all the negative hits the states have taken because of this immigration nightmare…
        I’m sure you’ll succeed in life, my brother-in-law is a psychiatrist and enjoys a great life because of his hard work. And there’s nothing better than traveling I follow an NBA team and travel to all their away games and during my travels I meet a lot of people who feel exactly like most of the posts on this site… Why does their city have to pay the price because a country won’t take care of their own people? Why do these people they are force to take care of ruin their way off life? Why are they responsible?
        And really I’m not a racist I am a very concerned American… I give 10% to charity (disabled vets and programs for new orleans kids). I volunteer at 2 or 3 work sponsored events each year…
        My point is just because I and others passionately want to take the responsibilty of another countries people off of America it doesn’t make us bad people or racist people…

        And your statement regarding black people, bottom line they are American first and just like poor white Americans, black criminals, white criminals, black losers, white losers,, we ARE responsible for them, they are entitled to our schools, public assistance, jails and so forth. America needs to take care of their own… or should we pack up all of our least productive citizens and teach them to sneek into Canada?? How do you think the people in Canada would feel about that? Would they be racist to object to 20 million people invading them, using their free medical services, using their schools making them over crowded and using resources leaving their children with less? If I was one of the Americans to cross the border and one of these Canadians objected to me waiving the American flag, should I call him a racist?? Is he, really? Or is he protecting his country and HIS way of life?

        Sorry I rambled on but I am trully passionate about America,,, and the weird part is I want it to continue to be the kind of country people want to immigrate to, the way it’s going now soon (20 years or so) we’ll be nothing more than a country like Mexico and people won’t want to come here anymore, I guess at that point Canada better secure thoes borders… ha ha

        Have a good one, keep up the school work, have a excellent present and if you know anyone who knows voodoo have them put a hex on the Heat for me…………………..

      • Paul Kris says:

        HAHA its been 6 yrs since you posted this and were kind of dumb to the world i wonder how you feel these days if you finally woke the fuck up and if you got shook awake either way no one goes though life blind and young dumb other then dumbass liberals

  460. Truth says:

    People are going to be “erased” , some of the people and their loved ones on here already been “erased”, unless it stops one by one you racist shall fall.

    • Mickey Jones says:

      What in the world kind of comment is that — I’m not sure I understand.

      Are you saying you want to erase me?????

    • TheWhiteRule says:

      Fuck your La Raza b.s. Bet you think the superior whites went away with the old guard KKK doncha holmes? You’re so freaking wrong it cracks me up how STUPID your types are. The REAL white men in this country, the ones who actually are about its fate, have been silently working away and INCREASING the numbers of pro-white groups in this country. We are businessmen, doctors, lawyers, politicians, teachers, farmers, veterinarians, team owners, coaches, etc etc. We whites are in every single important level in this country and we have been secretly and EFFECTIVELY solidifying our unity with each other and you have NO IDEA how we are shutting you out and directing the lives you think you have found here. If it serves the intelligent white cultures ends to allow you into colleges, we will do it. If it serves our purpose to direct you into white collar work, we will do it. But know this: You will NEVER be ‘equal’ to us because you will never have either the blood nor the pride invested in this countries soil like we do. OUR ancestors bones fill the lands from east to west, north to south…not yours! You think we’re gonna forget all the obstacles we overcame, including facing down the rowdier, drunken elements in our own culture, just to let you tacos take it away?

      Man, you are living in a dream world if you do. Everyone that watches what your people do to neighborhoods and your agendas to ‘drive the quiet whites’ out so you can run down property value and drag every last member of your family here to cram them all into a house you eventually trash and ghettoize because you’ve never had to live in a CIVILIZED, clean, comfortable neighborhood. Your behavior and the traces of it in your neighborhoods are on display for ALL to see….filth inside your houses where you shit into buckets if the toilet backs up instead of FIXING IT YOURSELVES for hygiene’s sake alone; how you dump trash bags in the streets because you’re filthy, lazy, and too cheap to pay for trash pickup, how you blast your monkey circus music right at your other neighbors with no concern for the peaceable enjoyment of their own homes….everything you do and the way you live scream that you don’t give a fuck about ANYTHING decent people do…

      No mexican can ‘have pride’ when the fact of the matter is you are all too cowardly to fight for your own country. Cowardly little men running away from a fight. Yeah, well the blacks in this country have MORE THAN EARNED their right to Freedom and Equality but you? No way. You swagger without any foundation for swaggering. Your boasts and pride are empty, because you abandoned your own countries to evil men instead of facing them head on taking the fight to them to get your country back. When white men and black men see you, they think,”Oh great, another one of those little cowards running around dirtying up the city.”

      Well Sport, get this message if you don’t get anything else: We saw your damage coming from a long way off and have been preparing your punishment. It will come and it will hurt. Straighten up and become civilized, law abiding gentlemen who build safe, clean neighborhoods or you are going to find yourselves rounded up in the night and dragged to a ‘come to jesus’ meeting you won’t soon forget.

      Trust us when we say that if you all left overnight and stopped picking the fields, we strong, proud white people would find a way to get the crops in, because like weak mexicanos we don’t run from a fight.

      Don’t mistake the whites tendency to ignore your filth and rude behaviors while living in a COMMUNITY. It is duly noted and taken to secret meetings you will never, ever be privy to. Unlike yourselves, we fight for our country when it’s invaded. And unlike yourselves, when we get mad we don’t stand in the road screeching like baboons about it. We figure out the most effective way of hurting you and you won’t ever be able to pinpoint exactly where it’s coming from. You’ll only notice odd, strange, and bad things happening in your life, one after the other, until you either wake up and see the light of your rude lifestyles and dirt values or you leave. But trust us when we say,”You WILL do one or the other. And they will be your only options:”

      If you understand nothing else about whites understand this: we NEVER forget those who irritate us most. We may smile at you and be civil to you, for that is the way of a wise man. But forget? No, no, no. You would be foolish indeed to think we aren’t marking the routes and methods of your most notorious gangs and the destruction they sell; You would e foolish indeed to think when you fuck over a white man or woman, that you have just ticked off millions of us worldwide and we will destroy your life, by degrees, over time.

      You cannot rule yourselves, so you leave it to others to rule over you. Just so happens that is one thing that we whites manage quite well.

      If you behave yourselves and learn to conduct yourselves like mature men and women, who know how to behave politely in public places and towards your neighbors, we will let you live in this country undisturbed. If you do not, then you leave everyone no choice but to send out the message that you are in need of ‘special guidance’.

      And ‘special guidance’, mi amigo, is exactly what you will get.


  462. Mary:) says:

    I see you never graduated from school because you make no sense at all. Also the fact that you hate Mexican people for no reason at all is very ignorant. You can’t even tell yourself why you hate them I bet. Why because the way they look? Well get over it there are hundreds of different countries in this world and we all look different. Once again my point about you not graduating because you cant even apprepriate different cultures or race since you never learned it to begin with. Your very stupid if you feel your better since your caucasian. How does your skin color make a difference? You act like a child as if you know barely anything. I hope you realize that you acting this way only makes you look very uneducated. I still have no idea what most of the things you said meant but man I hate Mexicans! Your so dumb I can’t stop laughing!!! Ad my step brother is half Mexican and I really don’t appreciate you saying those mean things. Oh yeah and if you ran him over in a store like you bragged about he would give you black eyes and broken bones BITCH!!!!!

    • ingli ONLY says:

      Mary, read your own post… what the heck does it mean?? and who were you addressing it to? Just because people have a BIG problem with legal and/or illegal immigration it DOES NOT mean they are racist,,
      These people have seen what the growing numbers of hispanics in their cities has done to their neighborhoods and it hasn;t been good.

      They are the fastest growing ethnic group in America, but they have NO ALLEGIANCE to our country.

      Do you want Texas to become a state of Mexico? Do you want America to become as corrupt as Mexico? Do you want the filth, squalor and diseases of mexico to become a part of America’s reality? Do you want to give up California to Aztlan? Do you want America to become a part of the Third World?
      Keep doing nothing and speaking like a fool about this immigration invasion and you’ll get your wish.

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Mary – shut you Tortilla hole — go have some more beans or something…

  463. ingli ONLY says:

    O.B.A.M.A. = One. Big. Ass. Mistake. America !!!

  464. kristela gonzalez says:

    Im very sorry to say but theones that are from america are the native americans. So i dont know why youre being racist, because we all have our different origins.o_O
    O and did you know that in the u.s. the white people are the majority of serial killers

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Serial Killers you say — LOL LOL LOL — Ya — would you like to go out on a date with me late some night — I’m a nice looking white man???

      LOL LOL LOL — say yes….

    • ingli ONLY says:


      Shouting “racist” seems to be the favorite, easiest avenue but in reading these posts illegals, ANCHORS and pro-illegal immigration advocates might do well to look in the mirror.

      you’re obviously of Hispanic descent. So, try looking at it from a NON biased view.

      would you like it if 20 million people who dont speak your language or share your values, disregard your laws and come to freeload in your country – where they don’t have to play by your rules???? And think they have the right to protest for more and/or better… It’s illogical and very disrespectful to show your allegiance to one country while demanding accommodation or anything from another…

      America has plenty of American lawbreakers and crazies, BUT THEY ARE AMERICAN and we have to deal with them,,,, We do not need to take care of another countries problems…

      sorry!!! but it’s not racist, you’ll have to come up with another reason why you think Americans are wrong…….

    • ingli ONLY says:

      k Gonzalezzzzzzz,

      Illegal aliens in the United States have a crime rate that’s two and a half times that of white non-illegal aliens. For the children of illegal immigrants born in the US (ANCHORS), the crime rate is even higher. tHATS A FACT LOOK IT UP, IT’S TRUE!

      the majority of serial killers in the U.S. have been white, once again that’s part of being people good bad ugly and evil, we all have them…

      America is responsible to medicate our ill, catch and put to death our evil, educate OUR CHILDREN and so forth….. WE are NOT RESPONSIBLE for the mexican good bad ugly or evil…

      We have no moral obligation to support the world..

  465. Charles Rodriguez says:

    I could come up with a thousand ways to combat this post and everybody’s comments against Mexicans. However the results will be the same. I do have one thing to say. I’m sorry to all white people. I don’t know what I did or what we did to you in the past. I graduated high school, I’m looking into getting speech therapy to remove my accent. I’ve accomplished so much. I don’t know what to do. I guess only thing to do is what you claim. A shot to the head. Your unfortunate because I have no access to a gun, and plus I’m a pussy to lose my life. Say we all do go? Yeah, we vanish for some unknown reason, would that solve all your problems, will you maybe… feel happier? Would you say you wouldn’t have anymore hatred on other race. There’s a reason why the “Mexican” category was removed from census surveys. They combined us with the white race. Does that say anything… or are we just cockroaches. Last time I checked, there is white roaches too :).

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Ya – I would be much more content if the Mexicans just simply went away – turn into ash or something — but leave us alone – its just as simple as that….

  466. Alexis Silva says:

    This article makes me sad in many ways. My hope for Humanity fades every time I see someone being racist. I know that not all american people are racist, but why are you people so closed minded? What made you be so closed minded? I don’t hate you people, I pity you. You will never see beyond ethincities.You call us Mexicans “Ignorant” but I think that you are the ones that are ignorant. No race is better than other, once you come to accept that you will become the smartest people on earth.

    • ingli ONLY says:

      You can;t debate any facts… just hope the word “Racist” will shut the American up, right???


    • Mickey Jones says:

      You and your people just don’t get it — you do not comprend’a — no comprehend.

      Look – listen – read::::: – I never once said I was better than anyone else — or that anyone race was better than another — that is not the point – not at-all.

      The Illegal Mexican are Criminal Invaders – you have come to the US as an Enemy – that is what I teach my militia – to never hate the enemy – as there is only one thing — “””TO KILL THE ENEMY””””…

      Mexico is the Enemy – Mexicans are the Enemy..

      Get out while you still can….

  467. Miguel G. says:

    All this hate makes me sad. My family has served in the US military for four generations and fought in WWII, Vietnam, and Korea. My little brother just went to basic training 2 weeks ago. My family has been in this country for over a century and we have paid our dues. My family is not alone. Mexican-Americans are Americans. We are no different than the Irish, Italian, or even the British. We are citizens of this country and we live and die for it. Those of you that hate Hispanics with no regard for the burden we take on despite all we have done for this country are not worthy of the freedom that we have fought for.

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Get out of the US – we do not need your brown ass stinking up our nation – leave while you still can — if your brown — your a target — you better listen to me….

    • ingli ONLY says:

      Miguel G,
      I would like to ask you a question after reading your post, if you wouldn’t mind…

      Let’s just say America went to war with mexico, would you fight for America? Kill the mexicans? Would you press the “button” to destroy the mexican enemy? Would you do whatever it took to defend America and the American people?

      I do disagree with your statement that there is no difference between the Irish, Italian (immigrants of the past) and the mexican immigrants today…
      This lies in stark contrast to the behavior of yesterday’s immigrants. Like anyone else, they certainly felt comfortable in the bosom of their own subculture; yet, they knew they were in another’s land and NEVER viewed accommodation by their host nation as a birthright, and any ethnic patriotism harbored was trumped by the dream of becoming American,,

  468. Pyvz says:

    And after all this bane and empty hateful words you people just wrote, I want to ask you. Besides noting and mmm yeah nothing what else can you do about it? look around Mexicans (or Hispanics) are getting over the entire country, in 50 years no only Mexicans but Hispanics are going to be majority. Mickey Jones you are just a sad joke, what are you going to do about it ? kill them all? the millions and millions ? LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL poor guy, I’m sure your daddy raped you so many times when you were a kid.
    Oh btw isn’t your nation anymore. HA-HA

    • ingli ONLY says:

      IF YOU CAN’T EVEN TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR OWN GOVERNMENT,HOW IN BLUE BLAZES ARE YOU GOING TO TAKE OVER OURS? (you can’t) And that’s what is the most frighting about this mexican problem… as their numbers grow the States are slowly becoming more like mexico… They are killing the American way of life and if they are the majority in 50 years as you say, this will just be another dirty mexico…

      Illegal immigration of mexicans may ultimately be more threatening to the character and values of the US than any threat from radical Islamists. It’s not about tribe; it’s about the law ….
      It’s not about being “Racist” it’s about saving America

    • ingli ONLY says:

      Pyvzzzzz…………. As you mock Mickey Jones did you think what if there is one day a civil war??? I ask you this… Why the fuck are mexicans going to fight? They would not fight for the country THEY LOVE so much, so why are they going to fight and die for a Country they hate??? (they hate the country but love it’s services and free-bees)

      I got an Idea if mexicans hate the thought of America saving it’s self by enforcing our immigration laws…. and mexico is a country to be SO proud of …. Fine, lets adopt mexico’s immigration laws.. Works for me!

    • ingli ONLY says:

      Pyvzzzz, I distrust the culture of false pride and cowardice. If there were any pride, then the mexicans would return to their country and defend it instead of fleeing like rats off a sinking ship. What kind of pride is it in strutting around the USA with their mexican flags while not one of them would return home to help build Mexico into something? Not a people you can admire at all. … (having this breed become an majority will not be good for America,,, )

      Those in mexico would be another matter…. but we’re talking about all the FAKE mexican pride in the USA, those who ran, those who did nothing for their country at all..
      Hey, they aren’t good for America, they weren’t even good mexicans.

    • ingli ONLY says:


      The saying ‘Pride comes before the fall’ is very famous, it has a metaphoric meaning, it means that after being very obnoxious and stuck up about something you’ve won or think you’ve won, you will soon fall flat on your face.

  469. ingli ONLY says:

    mexicans don’t like OUR immigration law? fine! Let’s adopt THEIRS!!

  470. ingli ONLY says:

    It’s not about race, it’s about climbing over the neighbors fence and stealing from him. and then shitting on his property!

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Greetings INGLI:
      Yes – I agree with you completely – Its not about ones race – religious preference – ethnicity – and or Origin.

      In my mind – the color of a mans skin doesn’t mean anything – other than what race they decend from — but what does make a difference is the fact that Illegal Mexicans have broken our laws by coming here – and then walk all over the American People on top of it – and then — STRIKE THREE — as they say — Our Own Government hands – literally hands out billions of dollars in welfare each years to the Very same Criminal Trash – Yep – The Illegal Cockroach……

      Ya – a fight is coming – and the sooner the better as far as I’m concerned…

  471. ingli ONLY says:

    Hey pyvzzzzzzz where u been,,, where’s your knowledge and smart ass at???

    YOU WROTE:: “””Oh btw isn’t your nation anymore. HA-HA”””

    actually the HA-HA would be on you and everyone from mexico if that were true… if and when this truly turns into mexico it will be dirty, disgusting and news flash::: all the public assistance will be GONE so, then where will they sneek off to?? kinda a catch 22, huh?

    Maybe your fellow illegals and anchors should go home and fight for change in YOUR country instead of trying to bring mexico here.

    What makes me laugh is that illegal immigration promotes (a) a race based underclass so the protesters are racist (b) cheaper food and goods in America so the protesters are cronies of American big business (c) prevents political reform in Mexico and so the protesters are helping support the oligarchy that has kept Mexico from working its way into the first world.

    maybe illegals/anchors need to REALLY educate themselves??? Why aren’t our laws enforced?? What is the true reasons the mexican govmt wants you here and why does the American govmt allow it??? THINK,,

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Actually – if the truth were known – the United States – Canada – and Mexico are under one rule — known as “”Amexia””.

      The New Currency is to be announced sometime in the near future — known as the “”Amero””.

      This is what I’v been trying to tell everyone – to put blame where blame sits – which are the Global Elite.

      Various places around the world are being pushed and shoved together – such as European Nations – the Mid-East nations and African Nations.

      Mexicans – you better get out of the US – and do it soon – the American people have had enough of your saurry brown asses – and a war is coming to your back-door.

      • John says:

        That won’t happen and you know it, and if there’s a war to worry about it’s the Israel vs Iran (all the Arab world), that war will affect America more than anything, leave the Mexicans alone they’re here because our government let them in, and their government push them too. They are so arrogant and horrible because they are the poor Mexicans, the uneducated ones that know have in America anything they never imagine they could have, If there’s someone to blame, blame our government that let them in, do you really think the government don’t know about illegal methods to get into the country it’s impossible to stop that, worry about other stuff and why do you only mention Mexicans? what about Salvadorians, Colombians, Venezuelans, Costa Ricans, Chileans, Argentinians, Brazilians, Cubans , and a whole lot more countries, do you even know there is a differences or you are so ignorant that you call all of them Mexicans? and what about Russian/Ukrainians, Turks,Greeks? Here in the Seattle-Tacoma area are almost as much of them as Mexicans and Russians give more problems than Latin Americans, so there is not a problem whit white immigrant uh?, I’m starting to think your a little bit racist .

  472. John says:

    John says:
    October 3, 2012 at 1:52 pm
    That won’t happen and you know it, and if there’s a war to worry about it’s the Israel vs Iran (all the Arab world), that war will affect America more than anything, leave the Mexicans alone they’re here because our government let them in, and their government push them too. They are so arrogant and horrible because they are the poor Mexicans, the uneducated ones that now have in America anything they never imagine they could have, If there’s someone to blame, blame our government that let them in, do you really think the government don’t know about illegal methods to get into the country it’s impossible to stop that, worry about other stuff and why do you only mention Mexicans? what about Salvadorians, Colombians, Venezuelans, Costa Ricans, Chileans, Argentinians, Brazilians, Cubans , and a whole lot more countries, do you even know there is a differences or you are so ignorant that you call all of them Mexicans? and what about Russian/Ukrainians, Turks,Greeks? Here in the Seattle-Tacoma area are almost as much of them as Mexicans and Russians give more troubles than Latin Americans, so there is not a problem whit white immigrant uh?, I’m starting to think your a little bit racist .

    • ingli ONLY says:

      since when does being poor make you become arrogant and since when is it an excuse to be horrible??? What?

      most of the others you mentioned salvadorians, brazilians and so forth don’t like mexicans either… the reason i personally call them out is because they are the group responsible for KILLING California.

      RE: the war in the middle east,,, Obama is doing whatever he can to make sure that it DOES indeed happen, knowing how much it will hurt America,,, guess that’s his plan. Let’s deal with truly freeing Black and White American citizens, and send all the illegals packing home, Fix the retard interpretation of the 14th Amendment, AND get that American hating prez out of the white house.

      We are subsidizing our own invasion. It’s truly insane.

      p.s you posted the same thing twice
      p.s.s. I don’t think that our fight is hopeless. It ain’t over until we get our country back!

    • ingli ONLY says:


      It’s not about race, it’s about climbing over the neighbors fence and stealing from him. and then shitting on his property!

  473. Rebecca says:

    Wow this is hilarious…that’s all I have to

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Hello Rebecca:
      I’m very pleased that you find all of this to be humorous – but will you still feel the same when America gets itself together?

    • ingli ONLY says:


      the facts are there are only 4 possible paths
      1. we enforce our immigration laws and they ALL get deported
      2. they take over and turn us into mexico2… we’ll be third world gross and poor…
      3. civil war,
      4. the beginning of the new world order… and if you don’t make millions per year you will be classified as “a useless eater”

      by the way,, which option did you find funny?
      and option 1 will piss off mexico because they DON’T want millions of their own people returning,,, so that would most likely start some sort of war….

  474. Mickey Jones says:

    Don’t worry about the Poster “”””JOHN”””. John is most likely a Mexican – perhaps a Illegal Mexican — and if not – a dumbed piece of white trash.

  475. John Wernert says:

    I’m a white male you dumb shit, if not being racist means to be a dumbed piece of white trash then you brainless moron have a PROBLEM, you’re sick.

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Hello John:
      Ok – you say your a white male — but yet you want Illegal Mexicans to invade our nation — Hmmmm.

      Well – thats interesting – but I do see something is backward about you – Hmmmmm – what could it be?????

      However – if you like Mexicans and Mexico so much – why are you living in the United States – why – if you really like them so much – why not just go ahead and take the plunge – pack your shit and get on down to GOOD Ole Mexico?????

  476. Mickey Jones says:

    Greetings American Patriots:
    Use “””John Wernert”” as a main example of why this nation is falling apart – the very first words out of its mouth is the big bad “”R Word”” — ohhhh know a Racist — ohhh how horable it is for a White American to be a Racist – that must be a true crime — Hmmmmm.

    Yesterday – the Mexicans were celebrating — and I qoute — “Latino Scholorship Acceptance Day”” — any whites get a scholorship????

    If the Mexicans do not see race – then why is that amoung countless other prompts only for and specified for “””LATINO’s”” — which actually means — “”ILLEGAL MEXICANS””.

    White America – I have posted countless times – I am not a Racist – but I am a Patriot — but you know — perhaps I should become a True out and out hard core racist – Now that would be very funny…

  477. chris farely says:

    man i fucking hate beaners all they do is play handball and they think there so bad ass all they are, are stupid peices off shit that come out of butholes.

  478. chris farely says:

    i hate border hopper all they do is come in this country and theyre making it worse. 20 years ago there wasnt that many beaners in america and thats when we had jobs. now today there everywhere you turn and there taking all our jobs and they have like 20 people in one house. if you go to google earth all of california is brown from space becausue of the stupid beaners

    • ingli ONLY says:

      to chris,

      instead of the fuckers coming here and fucking up our country they need to have alittle pride and fight and fix their own country…

      , Los Angeles is almost
      unfit for Americans to live there. Given enough time, it will mirror the slums, crime and misery of mexico…

  479. fuck beaners says:

    What do a Mexican and a skunk have in common?
    They’re both black and white and they both smell.

  480. fuck beaners says:

    Did you hear the one about the Mexican that went to college?

    Me neither

    its a funny joke because its true ive never even seen a beaner pass high school.

    you know why we have global warming?

    all the beaners who eat beans fart and queef to much.

    so dont blame polution blame the border hoppers because thats what they all are in my mind

  481. fuck beaners says:

    There is an American, a German, and a Mexican in a boat.
    The boat is about to sink.
    Each of them has to throw something out to make the boat lighter!
    The German throws out 4 cases of beer and says:
    “We have a lot of bear in Germany so we don’t need these!”
    The Mexican throws out 5 cases of burritos and says:
    “We have a lot of burritos in Mexico so we don’t need these!”
    The American grabs the Mexican and throws him out.
    The German asks why he threw the Mexican out.
    And the American replies:
    “We have a lot of Mexicans in America, we don’t need him!”

  482. ^ says:

    ha ha ha very funny fuck beaners, a bit retarded, maybe your just jealous cause you could live as a king only with the taxes I make in the US and I dont even live there, Im busy getting my master degree in Germany.
    I guess your still competing to get one of the shit jobs my beaner compatriots usually get.

    • ingli ONLY says:

      It is the failure of Mexico to create a vibrant economy that can fully employ its own people. Mexico is pushing people out of its country rather than solve its own problems. And it’s costing America more than money.

      Americans are entitled to speak up and entitled to protect America…. We are not responsible for mexicans… Mexico is responsible for mexicans. Can’t express it in a more simpler fashion,,,, someone earning a masters should understand what i’ve just stated…

      it comes back to one of two reasons why they come… pussy / fear of fighting for their rights and own country or 2. leech / all the freebies … and bottom line America can’t continue to be a great country with millions of pussys and leeches and to make matters worse they breed…..

  483. CrudeOil says:

    USA should accept only smart and nerdy Japanese/Korean/Philippinos who engage in science and technology industry because they are not anti-USA and does not make troubles much.

    • ingli ONLY says:

      to: CrudeOil,
      Would you marry your next door neighbor just because of that person’s convenient location.?? Is it because the mexican border is closet to us that the so called leaders allow/invite the invasion… are they working to dissolve sovereignty in order to unify with a third-world sewer best known for corruption, violence, poverty, sexism and apathy toward education?
      one answer is Mexico’s enormous supply of cheap, exploitable labor.. But the cultures of the peoples of Mexico and the United States are deeply incompatible, and have a history of bad blood going back centuries. So in turn that “cheap” labor has cost the American people a lot… not just money,
      this is a shotgun wedding! Americans DO have the right to be picky about who they share their futures (and country) with…

  484. Mickey Jones says:

    Hello to my fellow Americans – let me ask – have you been having problems making ends meet these days – lost a job, laid-off perhaps, over-worked and under paid such as the term known as the working class poor — well, lets give this some thought – Hmmmmm.

    Ya – thanks to the ILLEGAL MEXICAN and the GLOBAL ELITE – many americans are simply not making a living anymore – even though this is your nation.

    Meanwhile – Mexicans get welfare and your job — HMMMMM. — I just wonder if ILLEGAL MEXICANS might just have money for you to PHYSICALLY TAKE from them…

    Ohhhh ya – don’t forget about the rich banker either…

    • ingli ONLY says:

      Hey Mickey,

      we need to eliminate the ability for money to influence politics. It was never intended for anyone to be a career politician. Public office was a duty, not a career. Those who were elected were to hold their office honorably, and conduct business in the best interests of the American public, and at the end of their term they were to go back to the lives they led before being elected.
      Career politicians with their ever increasing lust for money and power have brought this country to the brink of destruction.

      Immigration legal/not legal could be ended at anytime,,, EVERYONE sees/knows that it’s killing us… so the question is WHO is going to gain power/money from allowing this to continue?

      SO the masses of mexicans they are purposely allowing to evade us makes it seem as if the government is not only expecting and preparing for IT, they are actually facilitating IT.”

      not really knowing much about the “IT” makes it hard to explain, recruit, prepare and so forth………….

      • Mickey Jones says:

        Hello INGLI:
        Yes – many will not say what “””IT””” really means — and I don’t blame you or anyone else for avoiding the meaning — but you know — I’m abit different.

        Like I’v said – I’m just a worn out old bastard – a veteran of three different conflicts – hell I’m about to die off as it is – so like I said – I’m different – I simply do-not care.

        The “”””IT””””” — well, that in my mind would describe what so many other nations have already experienced – the end of an age. The US is toast – it has gone just about as far as it can – so major “”Changes”” are just over the horizon.

        When “”IT”” comes to be fully realized – remember these words — “””Its Better to trust the Bastard that you already know – rather than getting to know a NEW Bastard”””…..

        War – ya – but much more than a simple war – as this will be a Globalist conflict.

        So lets get to the bottom of the fruit bowl – and ask this: >>> “Where and or How do the Illegal Mexicans Figure into all of this North American Alliance bull crap””?

        Answer ==== there are 1.4 Billion Chinese
        Answer ==== there are some number of other Asain fighters?
        Answer ==== There are some number of Arabic Fighters?

        The Mexicans are stupid enough to fight with the United States — LOL LOL LOL. But I did try to tell them – but they simply will not listen to me — as I’m just a worn out old man who is out of touch. LOL LOL LOL……

  485. Kimberly says:

    Wow. Just a class of hypocrites. What right do you have to be talking about any race? Just like Mexicans you caucasians are immigrants too. Before you start disrespecting any race, you should do your research. The only non-immigrants here are Native Americans. Actually you causcasians are more immigrants than a Mexican. In case you took US-History in school, “Americans” or Europeans took over the area which used to be Mexico. They are more native to this land than you or your ancestors. I’m sure God does not discriminate against anyone, especially not because of their skin color. If God doesn’t do it then neither should you. You think you accomplish so much because you disrespect other races and feel superior? Well great for you! While some races not just Mexican try to actually find jobs you are here assaulting people? You speak of people who waste your money, take your rights, and are causing your country to fall apart but you do not see that you are wasting more time being racist than benefitting your country. Stop stereotyping because it’s just as easy for us to do the same. I am Mexican and guess what? Im PROUD. My mother is a doctor and my father is lawyer. I graduated from my high school as valedictorian, and got a full scholarship to George Town for a law degree. Yes, I admit there are people that take advantage of the opportunities they are given, but that does not mean we all do. They’re are as many other races that do the same. Before you attack them and say they are useless think of all those races do for you. If it weren’t for them you wouldn’t have that food on your table, home you live in, that office you work in, the schools your children attend, or anything else that Caucasians aren’t willing to do. Stop being racist and take God in your heart. While you spend your time attacking us I laugh at your ignorance. I pray God helps all those racist people. You can say all you want but your words do no harm to me. I know what I have is brought to me by my thoughts, and by what I read of you, that seems like no good. Keep complaining and mean while a Mexican that does want a job will keep taking your occupations. God bless you all. I know if I can forgive so can anyone else.

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Kimberly — Just take your Dirty Brown Mexican ass down to Mexico – you say your smart – and its apparant to me that your pro-mexican – so why stay in the US – if you really are who and what you say – then go to mexico and HELP your fellow beans – make a contribution to the People and Nation that you care about so much.

      Now — was that so difficult to comprehend????

  486. ingli ONLY says:

    Kimberly,,,,/ Anchor

    It is funny how the uneducated still want to use American Indians as an excuse for these criminal illegal aliens!! I always love how you claim the whites came and stole our land.. DID you forget how mexico got possession of the southwest!! How they spread diseases and murdered the inhabitants, much of the same as happening today!! Read up on Geronimo and tell me who really stold land…

    My favorite is the “stolen” part.
    Stolen from whom? Last I checked, Texas declared independence from you guys. Oh, and then you guys declared war on us and LOST. It’s not like we just marched in and took the land.
    (more history) Santa Anna’s govt SURRENDERED the northern states and was even PAID $15 Million in 1848, under the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. The collective government in Mexico City & THE U.S. spent 2 months creating the treaty and both nations signed it.

    The government of Mexico carefully and willingly agreed to the transfer of California, Nevada, Arizona and parts of New Mexico.
    So really the mexican history books are just a little off….

  487. ingli ONLY says:

    Kimberly / Anchor

    and you mention your pride,,,,mexicans are a culture of false pride and cowardice. If there were any pride, then the mexicans would return to their country and defend it instead of fleeing like rats off a sinking ship…

    It’s easy to come and invade a country that will feed and educate YOUR children….
    Let them do the hard work of building a country. Build infrastructure, roads, etc.
    And maybe they will become a country/ a people with pride

  488. ingli ONLY says:

    Kimberly / Anchor
    you must not live in California. Out here we are not blaming the illegals for our problems; we are RIGHTFULLY blaming them for the problems they are causing. and that makes me a racist? ReallY?

    Actually, Due to their own racist belief & the belief this land was stolen (ya right , duh)…that they can do whatever they want because they are hispanic, they are over-populating and bankrupting this state and which state will be destroyed next??

    mexicans have no right to demand anything in this country. Get them back to their own country where they have every right to demand anything they want… this is America!! and by reading your post… YOU ARE THE RACIST!

    and your “””we wouldn’t have food, homes, schools without the mexicans””” is such bullshit.. first of all if all the mexicans left we would save billions of dollars (they cost us EACH YEAR) and wages would go back up ,,,lettuce might cost 25 cents more but in the long run worth it.. and guess what America was built and all the jobs got done before mexicans,,, u can go we’ll be fine, we’ll be better. I’ll probably get my order correct at the local fast food place by a cashier with manners……..

    take that mexican pride back to mexico where it belongs…

  489. Mickey Jones says:

    Heres an interesting little story for you folks – I.E. “”Mexican Entitlement””.

    Mexicans have been taking over the states for a number of years – as many already understand – but the Mexican isn’t the only non-american coming in now.

    Last week – a Mexican Medical Assistant – who gets government pay for working in a health clinic for ILLEGAL MEXICAN FARM WORKERS learned she would have to learn a new language: understanding Spanish and English was not going to be enough anymore — she is now being forced to learn “””CAMBODIAN”””…

    But the Dumb-Ass Mexican can-not handle it — looks like she will be forced out of her job — just like the American Workers have been forced out by the Mexicans.

    LOL LOL LOL — go home Mexican — get out now…..

  490. John says:

    U need to die

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Greetings John:
      Well John – if you really think I need to die — then get on with taking care of that – I’ll be waiting.

      Mexican – you can talk the talk — CORRECT — So Now Listen up you Dirty Mexican Cock Roach — its time for you and all the other Roaches to Walk the Walk!!!!

      I’m here John – if you really want me dead — you know what to do — correct????

      But don’t worry John – I’m an aged old white man now – I have failing eye sight – weakness in my knees – back pains – rotor cuff problems — Yep — I tell you the truth – so come on and take care of that Business John – get with it punk….

      • Mickey Jones says:

        Or is this JOHN the WANTA—-BEEEEEE white dude?????

        LOL LOL LOL — either way — JOHN — get on with the shit you feel needs to be done — don’t just talk like your BIG and Tough – as you know what they say — “”Actions Speak much stronger than Words”””.

        Get on with it JOHN — lets get boy….

  491. Mickey Jones says:

    Hello John:
    Well Punk — where are you?

    Listen Boy – I’m only going to say this one time — If you do have white skin – your a Mexican ASS Kisser — and in such a case – we have no room for you – not in the US — so pack up your shit – and take your dumb-ass back down to Mexico..

    IF your a spic — PLEASE — I Repeat — PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE start something with my old white ass ———– You know what — start something regardless of what you are — on second thought.

  492. Wet Back Hater Here says:

    I agree with all the people’s hate posting about Mexicans. I hate them sooooo much that I laugh when I see them beg for change on the streets. It’s sad to say but it makes me feel fucken good when I see them die in car accidents or struggles. Here is 10 reasons why I hate you God Damn Mexi-Spics

    1) you people volunteer to be the future slave, by working for dirt cheap. Too cheap, you guys out beat the Chinese sweat factory.
    2) whole damn country is corrupted forcing them to cross the boarder
    3) you fuckers teach your young generation to be low life gang bangers that don’t benefit anything. But I do love it when I see you Mexicans kill each other on the news….that makes my night a good night after a few stories about Mexicans gang dying or Mexicans people getting in car accidents. Hahaha oh I love it :-)
    4) have NO education what so ever, and if you educated Mexicans are reading this…..your not Mexicans your Americans now since you put all your effort and time to read, write and attend US schools, so you can lie to your self all you want but you’re a traitor to your Mexican roots other wise you’d move your ass back and stay back on your ancestors shit ground….hahaha this is soo true.
    5) the woman blows up with tube bellies after having one kid because at this time is when all the nasty beans catches up to them. Hahahaha
    6) Oh man their music and instruments are ALL them same tune and beats on every fucken song. It’s the most annoying sound.
    7) their kids stinks and have boogers running down all over their faces. Their clothes are swamp meet quality…..oh wait that make sense as to why they look like that cause they (Mexico) makes cheap counterfeit shit since they haven’t ever invented or come up with any thing of their own.
    8) their flag color are just toilet paper material. The color are just ugly all the way around with a snake that looks like a worm. It’s good for one thing and that’s to wipe American people’s ass with.
    9) they fuck any thing, (I fuck some fine ass Mexicans girls over my teenage years and I gotta say they are the most easiest people to fuck, it’s like a free pussy species, but they are not wifey materials. If you want a good fuck and quick blow jobs and don’t want to spend much money they’re the one since they have no morals or class.
    10) they all just a disease …PERIOD. Look at living proof 90% Mexican babies have no father since the just spread like DISEASES. It’s a know fact google it for proof….hahahaha.

    • Tease01 says:

      You are a looser lol

      Sent from my Virgin Mobile Android-Powered Device

      • Wet Back Hater Here says:

        Your the looser for taking time to read all the hateful threads about your people. Again we have a reason to be here whether its in this country or at a website, our purpose is to come together and be here for a good cause, you on the other hand just pop in (like usual) to places that aren’t meant for you or your unwanted disease roache people. Thanks for taking the time to read this……hahahahahahahahahahaha

        Fucken how stupid can Mexicans be!

      • ingli ONLY says:

        Tease01 / michelle Hernandezzzzzzz
        where u been??? U never did answer my question!!!

        u can call people “looser” white trash” or “racist” but you can’t answer the question?? Why??

      • ingli ONLY says:

        michelle hernandezzzz,

        gonna answer my question from 2 months ago??

      • ingli ONLY says:

        michelle hernandezzzz,,,
        the fact is WE are OVER immigrated,,, legal , not legal ,, there’s just to many of you sucking our nation dry!

      • ingli ONLY says:

        tease01/ m. hernandezzzzzzzz,

        not only do i have a problem with your criminal parents sneaking into the U.S. and the cost we had to endure by educating your illegal brother… and most likely had to pay for medical, food and housing at some point… (U.S. spends 12 Billion dollars each year to educate these little non American illegal children)… why are we responsible?? there’s a part two … the anchor baby (YOU), and you’ve proven the point many times over you are a MEXICAN born in the U.S. (U.S. spends 17 billion dollars each year to educate ANCHOR babies)… you are a mexican through and through,,, born in the U.S. so at this point and time we are stuck with you…. If your criminal parents weren’t given any FREEBIES they would have left,,, and you would have been born in mexico,,, where you belong.

      • ingli ONLY says:

        michelle hernandezzzz,

        anchor) ..birthright is a problem. It accounts for a disproportionate amount of births… it’s estimated that 10% of all births in California are of babies to illegal parents,,, that’s alot of babies we are FORCED to support.. and who is paying the hospital bill for these illegal mothers?? and are these illegal mothers going to teach these anchors to have pride in America or teach them to have that false mexican pride… THIS IS A BIG PROBLEM… you just see it as your parents came here for a better life,,,, add up what they took ($) then multiply that number by 30 million… We can’t afford to support your people!!


  493. Mickey Jones says:

    You folks know somethng, this whole idea of “Mexican Entitlement” is something that I see as rather ODD and Strange – the very Idea that Mexicans feel they are entitled to anything in The United States is adverse.

    Mexicans actually think they have a right to a fixed system – a system that adhears to their wishes and commands – simply because they are an Illegal Mexican.

    Entitled to free everything – entitled to commit crimes – entitled to citizenship – entitled to do what-ever they wish – and the American Citizens have nothing to say.

    Its time folks — time to get shed of the COCK-ROACH…

  494. ingli ONLY says:

    last week was an annual charity event in Los Angeles that gives shoes and school supplies to needy children. They gave stuff to 3,000 kids… 80% in line were mexican/hispanic… the news showed coverage throughout the day… these mexicans had multiple children and a great number were pregnant (if you can’t afford the ones you have,,, why are you having more?),, some had dogs,,, if you can’t afford to feed your children, why do you have a pet?? and MOST were on cell phones,,, what the fuck??? you can’t afford YOUR OWN children but you can afford a cell phone???
    they didn’t show the parking lot but i bet most had cars,,, this event use to be for truly NEEDY AMERICANS…

    I quit giving to most charitys 5 years ago because i’m sick of supporting mexico/mexicans… the only charitys i trust are Disabled Vets and Wounded Warriors…(and one for the victims of hurricane Katrina)…

    SO, were these mexicans really in need or just wanting more free stuff??

    • Wet Back Hater Here says:

      Them stupid fuck Mexicans are not there to get help, they were in line to suck up any free stuff that was handed, Mexicans are like dogs they take any left over to take home whether they have a need for it. I believe you when you said 80% were mostly wetbacks in line cause Fresno county (where I live) at least 99.99% percent of these disgusting bastards line up for the free flue shots. I swear I couldn’t get in line for my 2 kids even though we work and pay taxes just so my two year old and 10 year old can get a shot because these Mexicans mother fuckers have their god damn entire family in line. I was soooooooooo disgusted at how far they would take and take for themselves not leaving a crumb for other race. So instead of waiting in line I just take my kids and pay or the shot 3 months later when more vaccine was produce.

      Also every year when the Red Cross give out free food to the home less people all I see is the same god damn Mexicans all line up. I saw maybe 2 Asians, 5 blacks, 10 whites and 1 billion Mexicans in line. They take and take and take till its all gone. Yes these mother fuckers have babies cause they fuck like rabbits, they go on welfare, have cell phones and drives cars but at the same time have the fucken nerve to stand in line for free stuff. This is call lazy greedy people that cross the boarder to take advantage of the system.

      We live in a good middle class neighborhood and my son goes to a good school, this same school is also happens to be the same district that the poor wetbacks go to since its the only high school within the 3 mile radius, now guess what…….. Now my son goes to this nice middle class school with a bunch of ghetto mother fucken Mexican kids that are gang bangers and disturbing the school, their parents don’t teach them morals and manners and so they pass on the gang attitude disease around my kid and my son can’t stand going to this school any more. So now as a tax paying parents who works hard and a bussiness owner now I have to transfer my son farther so he can be away from the Mexican caca roache people. I hate Mexicans so much that I would volunteer to shove a nuke up my own ass and carry across the boarder to set it off just so they would all be eliminated permanently.

      Fuck all you god damn MexicansI hope you read this thread and feel the hate I have for all you mother fucker. I hope my words piss you off just so you can understand the magnitude of hatred towards you people….

      • Nicole says:

        Well you’re ignorant I’m 12 & half white , half Mexican . I dont get how all of you white people that hate mexicans always say that you hate ALL mexicans . That ALL mexicans are the same . It’s not true , you yourself probably will say all of this behind a screen but not to someones face and no I’m not trying to be rude , ignorant , etc . I’m stating my opinion , the same way you’re stating yours . Not all Mexicans are the same , you probably just met the wrong ones . You guys say we’re short , ugly & fat . No . It’s dumb how you guys can actually say all these things. Don’t go saying that we do weird things . It’s our culture , we have our things that we like to do . EVERY CULTURE IS DIFFRENT . But it doesn’t mean you can go ahead and discriminate it . It’s just terrible how the people nowadays can actually set such bad example for their kids .

  495. ingli ONLY says:

    to michelle hernandez and people like her,
    Babies born in this country to illegal aliens should not be made citizens. We have no moral obligation to support the world

    • Tease01 says:

      Should not be made citizens? Are you fucking serious? Wow -_____-

      • ingli ONLY says:


        Birthright citizenship is an antiquated practice that has been abandoned by nearly ALL wealthy nations and emerging nations (recently India and Indonesia) and by the majority of poor nations.
        The United States is unusual in its offer of citizenship to anyone born on its soil. Only a few European countries still grant automatic citizenship at birth. The United Kingdom and Australia repealed their U.S.-style policies in the 1980s after witnessing ABUSES similar to those plaguing the U.S. today.
        Just because you can sneak here,,,, breed here,,,, illegally be born here… doesn’t mean you are welcome here or entitled to be here.. if Irish people were the ungrateful leech losers,,, ruining every city they invade I would be agaist them being here too! and by the way beaner baby you still haven’t answered the question.

  496. notimportant says:

    This is actually funny. You do know that the US is the most hated country in the world. Saying all Mexicans are dirty is like saying all Americans are fat and gross. So by that logic you Americans are the fattest, McDonald’s consuming, pieces of shit out there.

    BTW, I’m 1/2 Canadian and 1/2 Mexican and I normally don’t have anything bad to say about Americans but this blog is downright stupid.

    And if it wasn’t for the overwhelming need for drugs by the greater percentage of the American population, Mexico wouldn’t have as high a crime rate as it does today.

    What the world should do is isolate themselves from the US. Make it so that only Americans populate the US (granting you your wishes). This way it would only be a matter of time before your country kills itself in a drug war being the cocaine-hungry animals you are. But then again this is my opinion and since we both live in free countries I’m ready to receive any and all pathetic comebacks you have.

    • Tease01 says:

      Well said!

      • ingli ONLY says:

        to the mexican born in America, by 2 illegal criminal parents
        aka anchor aka michelle hernandez

        can’t answer the question can you? guess because there’s not one good reason we should be responsible/obligated to take care of mexicans in America.

      • Tease01 says:

        Like i said ” Ingli” , I have much better things to do than to be on the computer waiting for somebody to respond to their comment ( hmmm… YOU) ,

    • Wet Back Hater Here says:

      I don’t care if your mom fuck a dog and you were made, as long as you have .01 percent Mexican in you your still a disease that came out of a stanky pussy. Your moms pussy was probably free just like all Mexicans stanky raunchy hoe. Look you must be a stupid Mexican just like the so call “Tease” slut….the name speaks for itself. Mexicans are fake a wanna bee, a group of non-people but only a plague that wants to fit in where others climb and succeed. You two are no more than a dog that needs an owner since you and your country can’t help them selves you sneak and crawl to a place where you can feel welcome or be a part of. If you are such proud mexi-dogs like you claim to be the stinky boarder is just south of San Diego make yourself at home and cross that boarder back to your stupid Aztec Gods. Tease is a word meaning fake…..she pick out a good name for her self because she found her true self. You and her must be pretty board since all Mexicans do is fuck have babies and do nothing productive and go online to this kind of website reading horrible comments about your people. You should search for a positive site but than that wouldn’t make you a true Mexicans correct because you would need guidance from other people since you dumb people ant do any thing on your own.

      Look the next time you look at your mom ask her which dog did she fuck that way you can pinpoint whether your a chihuahua or a pitbull since all Mexicans love those two breeds chances are your dad was probably your mom brother…..dogs aren’t picky they fuck there own siblings.

      And on a note cocaine was made from Columbia, they invented that good stuff, Mexicans found out about it and your mama was on it when she fuck the dog. Mexico copy the drugs, step on the drugs and claim it to be theirs. Everything come from Mexico is bunk just like you and your people. We want the good stuff, we rather have Cuban here at least they’re more real about themselves….and on another note…..did you know that the Cuban don’t like it when people call them Mexicans! Gee I wonder why!!!!!

      Fuck Mexicans……..hahahahahahahahahahaha I can’t believe you would be stupid enough to read all these aweful stuff about your own people.

      • Tease01 says:

        Are you mad because your cousin didnt let you get some???

      • ingli ONLY says:

        Hey wetback hater,

        FYI: teaseo1 is named michelle hernandez, she is an anchor (mexican born in the U.S. by illegals), her illegal brother attended schools here…

        We have an entitlement class here in the US, and if you want to see who they are, just visit the ER of any major big city hospital and you’ll see them in droves, because they make up the majority of patients. They’ll be the ones constantly talking and texting on their expensive cellphones while filling out the forms on why they are UNABLE TO PAY. They’re the ones swearing at the staff because the waiting lines are so long. They’re the ones making demands.
        And they’re also the ones sobbing and wailing because one of their family members just got shot in some gang incident. They’ll be the ones wearing their colors and flashing gang signs.

        A full 50% of all the births at one hospital here were illegal aliens from mexico who came here expressly for a FREE delivery and an ANCHOR baby … the hospital was forced to close…

        IT’S Time To say NO!
        Let the RIOTS BEGIN
        Let the riots begin………..

    • ingli ONLY says:

      I think stating we are the most hated is a bit excessive, but I agree we are not adored by a lot… I think one reason is that we stick our nose into other countries business to often..
      At this point and time we don’t have the right to judge any other country since::: not only is our Country being invaded, we are financing the invasion … not too bright are we?:::
      It is time to use the US Military for its ONLY proper constitutionally mandated purpose, the defense of the borders and the citizens of the United States of America, instead of fighting illegal wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya.

      • notimportant says:

        I know my comment was excessive. I was only making a point. But you have to agree with me that saying ALL Mexicans are illegal, dirty, etc, is also a bit excessive. Sure, alot of the Mexicans in the US are illegal, some might be dirty, some might be criminals, but they only make up the minority (This includes those living in the US and Mexico). Alot of Americans, Canadians are also dirty, and are criminals, and are fat. Saying they ALL are is downright wrong. No matter how much you hate Mexicans you must know that not all of them are what you make them out to be.

        In regards to the military, I do agree that your tax money would be better spent fighting the drug/border war, but at this point I think if your military pulls out of the middle east it would feel like a defeat for you. Especially after a decade of fighting and deaths. BTW I have nothing but respect for your armed forces.

        BTW, I’m sorry for the language I used in my first comment. I’m glad we can talk like adults and not like children.

    • ingli ONLY says:


      Regarding being a nation of “fatties”,,, you have to remember that this just started making headlines about 10 years ago… GUESS What… mexicans are now figured into the equation.. If you drive by any school in the Los Angeles area you will see a school yard filled with fatties:: approximately 70% of the fat ones are mexican… and then the parents dropping the children off approximately 85% of the fat mothers are mexican.. SO, mexicans have increased the numbers of obese significantly

      • notimportant says:

        I agree. Mexico has a big problem with child obesity. And I also agree that not all Americans are fat. But once again I was only making a point of how calling all Mexicans dirty is like calling all Americans Fat. In other words they are only stereotypes.

    • ingli ONLY says:


      yeah, a lot of Americans use drugs,,, but the fuckers that bring the drugs here have figured out they can also market at home….

      A 2009 United Nations report estimated 1.7 million Mexicans (in mexico), or about 2.4 percent of the population, use cocaine. In comparison with the US, where an estimated 88 tons of cocaine are consumed annually, Mexico, with about one-third of the population as its northern neighbor, consumes an estimated 27.65 tons of the drug every year. If the UN’s numbers are fairly accurate, Mexico is rapidly catching up to the US as a leading consumer of cocaine.

      In other annual indices of hard drug use, mexicans reportedly consume 3.9 tons of heroin and 4.2 tons of amphetamines and Ecstasy. At the same time, more than three million Mexicans, or about 4.2 percent of the population, are users of marijuana.

      Mexico’s Attorney General stated, “It is clear to everyone that our nation has stopped being a transit country for drugs going to the United States and become an important market as well. We are experiencing a phenomenon of greater drug supplies in the streets, at relatively accessible prices.”
      So, if the fuckers can’t feed their children they come here.. does that mean if they can’t feed their drug needs they will come here too?

      • notimportant says:

        OK, you make a valid comment. But put aside your hate for Mexicans for a second and think about how the drug war in Mexico is affecting innocent Mexicans. Kids who have nothing to do with drugs get kidnapped, raped, killed and mutilated then displayed on the streets as a “reminder” if you will of the cartels power in Mexico. All of this simply to say, “we are in power”. What i’m saying is that more innocent Mexicans are affected by drugs than Americans are. Hell, almost all of Mexico is a warzone, compared to the hundreds of safe cities your countries has. Now I know some if not all of you are going to reply with “I hope they all die, they deserve it” and you are entitled to your opinion but lets talk like adults here.

    • ingli ONLY says:

      last response to N.I.

      the isolation dream you speak of will never happen, people will always want to move to the United States.. BUT, we do have the right to pick and choose who , we have immigration LAWS, we are not a charity to the world’s poor and disgusting. Immigration was meant to benifit our nation, NOT TO SUCK IT DRY!

      • notimportant says:

        To make myself clear. My problem isn’t with your hatred for illegal Mexican immigrants. It’s not to say that I agree with the way you classify all illegal immigrants under “dirty, fat, gangmember” stereotype. In fact I do agree that immigration should benefit the country. My problem is with your hatred for Mexicans in general. Assuming you never went to Mexico, you can not say definitely that all Mexicans are dirty. Same way that I (who has never been to your country) could say all of you are fat simply because of the stereotype given to you.

    • Tom says:

      Don’t blame America for Mexico’s problems. And since you live up north, you don’t know the frustration of illegal immigrants using Americans’ tax dollars for their selfish selves. America isn’t the problem, THEY are the problem. STFU because you don’t even live here.

      • ingli ONLY says:

        hey Tom,

        the valuable contributions of illegal immigrants have made to our great country:
        Exploding crime rates
        *Overcrowded prisons * Overcrowded & dumbed down schools
        *Pervasive illiteracy *Pervasive poverty
        *Bankrupt school districts *Bankrupt hospitals
        *Bankrupt social services *Trashed wilderness areas
        *Diminished wages
        But thank god lettuce is 20 cents cheaper…

      • notimportant says:

        I might not live in the US but I do have family in Mexico that are more directly affected by the drug problem. So I do have a say in this. And historically the drug problem started because of your countries drug demands. The weapons dealers then saw the market in it and started smuggling weapons to Mexico thus aggravating the problem. While this might not be the case anymore, a big reason for the drug war in mexico/us was fueled by your country. So saying your country had nothing to do with it is a lie. Plus, the geographical location is of no help either. What if Mexico would trade places with US, then with Canada (Mexico on top, Canada middle, US bottom), who’s to say the Americans wouldn’t have the same problems the Mexicans now have. And who’s to say a swarm of Americans wouldn’t illegally cross borders into what would be Canada.

    • Nicole says:

      Well said , :’] It’s true everything you said . America really is the most hated country in the world . If Americans only knew , there the fattest fucking country in the world , about 50% of the country is obese or overweight , but yet they have the balls to say that Mexicans are fat . It makes no sense whats so ever .

      • ingli ONLY says:

        the obese stats include the mexican population you idiot… since they’ve included mexicans into the equation it has increased the percentage of obese in America…

        If you drive by any school in the Los Angeles area you will see a school yard filled with fatties:: approximately 70% of the fat ones are mexican… and then the parents dropping the children off approximately 85% of the fat mothers are mexican.. SO, mexicans have increased the numbers of obese significantly..

  497. Lee says:

    Threatening bodily harm is a crime, and being that I am a gay ass American, married to a Mexican national, I will be reporting this blog!

    • Wet Back Hater Here says:

      Hey Lee

      The SNITCH blog is at a different website you dumb cock sucker. Blah blah blah report all you want, you gay fag fuck, you would be stupid enough to be with Mexican. You love being fuck by one of them because you haven’t realize that theve been fucken our system for free care.

      Your such a disgrace to your own people, if I see you around I’d shove my spicey Asian dick up your ass. Not just the white people hate Mexicans all the Asians and blacks hate them even more than the white.

      We (Asians, blacks, whites are now a minority), the wetbacks are now the majority but your too stupid to see that because your too busy being a gay fuck getting pounded by them.

      Like I said the Snitch blog is at a different site.

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Hello Lee:
      Ya – I hope you do – in fact – that will help the cause – help get the nation going the way it should be.

      Listen Faggot — if you think for one second that the American Patriots want violence – well, your wrong – all we want is justice and our nation back.

      Ohhh ya – Listen close Faggot — your a non-desirable — you need to leave the US just like the Mexicans – so – go spread your AIDS somewhere else….

  498. Mickey Jones says:

    Greetings To – NotImportant
    I read your post about the Drug Problem in America – Stated that due to Americas desire for Illegal Drugs is the reason why Mexico has become a drug-dealing nation – backed by American Weapons.

    Well – I’m not sure if your an American or a Mexican – but I do agree with your post regardless of what you are – Spot-On – and keep up on writing truths – thank you.

    Now – even though I agree with you 110% – concerning the Reasons for the drug and weapon problems – I also want to say – the issues that you have high-lighted have nothing to do with the fact the Mexicans are ILLEGALLY INVADING the United States – where they (The ILLEGAL MEXICAN) draw multiple types of welfare – commit numerous crimes – are rude to Americans Citizens – and act as if they are entitled to any and everything they can get.

    Ok – we have agreed on several issues – but the Illegal Mexican must go back to Mexico – live a nice happy life – and seek to change Mexico to suit Mexicans – rather than coming here – to the States.

    • notimportant says:

      Hello Mickey,

      I actually live in Canada and I’m half Canadian and half Mexican. I know that Canada does not have the same illegal immigrant problems as does your country, so some of you might think I should not be posting my comments here. I should let you know though that I am not defending the illegal immigrants. It’s well within your rights to “hate” the illegal ones if you want. My problem is with the people who hate ALL Mexicans. Those who call ALL Mexicans dirty, criminals, gangbangers, cockroaches etc. It is wrong to classify an entire nation under a single stereotype simply because of what you think of the illegal ones.

      Concerning the illegal ones. I do agree that immigration should benefit ones country. But lets face it, it is not only the “American dream” that attracts alot of illegal immigrants; It is your countries geographical location. Like I mentioned in an earlier post. If Mexico was up top, Canada in the middle and the US at the bottom, we (Canada) would have the same illegal immigrant problem with you Americans as you currently have with illegal Mexicans. Now, I can not say this with 100% certainty but it is a big possibility. The core problem with the illegal immigrant problem is not the Mexicans themselves. I’ve lived in Mexico for a couple of years, and regardless of what you think, they are among the most hospitable people, whether you agree or not. Sure, there are alot of criminals, every country does. But you must understand Mexico didn’t always have the same problems they have today. It is only recently that the drug problem has become so big, that the politicians are becoming more and more corrupt, and thus more people illegally immigrate to the US. What I’m trying to get across here is that it is not the Mexican people themselves that are the problem, it’s the problems that have fallen upon them that have forced them to become what they are today. I’m not saying that what they do is correct, but you and I live in countries where the governments are solid enough for the majority to live comfortable lives (whether we agree with the way our governments are run is a different topic). In Mexico they can not rely on their government for virtually anything.

      • Mickey Jones says:

        Greetings: Not Important:
        Well – as a Canadian – this is actually not your place – but thats ok – we can discuss a few things here.

        I understand your position concerning the illegal mexicans – and to some extent I agree with you – you would be suprised to find out exactly how I see this issue – and can tell you that I am not racist against Mexicans – or any other race for that matter. In fact, I am a white male who absolutely loves the Asains Peoples and their culture.

        I’m an old soldier who served the US Army for 25 years – if my reserve time is counted – as such – I have traveled all over the world – and met peoples of all races and religions as well – I repeat – I am not a racist – and this has nothing to do with feeling that I or the American people are better than others – not at-all.

        My entire reason for posting on this blog is out of being a Patriotic American – and to warn others – to include the Mexican people of whats coming to our world – to the United States!

        So here ya go – I hope You and every other working class person will listen – and act on my warnings.

        The global problems can not be blamed on any race or religion – not the average people of any nation – the problems are a direct effect of the Global Elite – the One-World Power Hungry Criminals – as they are nothing more than the Mafia wearing super nice clothing – who have such a hold on all nations and their currencies – they are literally devisting the average people – and of every nation.

        The Illegal Mexicans are a tool for these Global Power Elite – that is why the Illegals earn very little – but when the welfare is added – they actually earn more than the very people who pay taxes to support the Illegals.

        Tough times are coming – the Mexicans had better think and leave the United States – as a massive war is just around the corner….

      • notimportant says:

        To Mickey: I respect your opinion on world issues, specifically those involving Mexican immigrants. In fact I have nothing negative to say about your opinion and agree with it to some extent.

        I would like to remind you though that the reason I first posted a comment on this blog was because, as I started reading the comments, I noticed a heated argument between Mexicans and American. I also noticed that the comments posted by the Americans had less to do with actual politics and more to do with a general hatred for all Mexicans. Calling them all dirty, cockroaches, the list goes on. It is because of this reason that I felt that I had to post a comment to express my opinion on the difference between stereotypes and reality. If you noticed, when the comments went from being about a general hatred for all Mexicans and changed into a political conversation I agreed with most of your, and “ingli only’s”, opinions.

        Frankly, if the comments posted on this blog would have been purely political from the start I wouldn’t have posted a thing. But I am glad we are on the same page and that you know that my issue with this blog wasn’t on the political aspect but rather on the “hatred against Mexicans” aspect.

        Also, it is important to note that all nations have gone through periods where they where not at there finest. 60 years ago the Germans where hated by most of the world, they are now allies and well respected. It is now Mexico’s turn to “not be at their finest”. They come from a rich and cultural background and in order to gain more respect and become a first world country they will have to fight hard for it, not all is lost.

        Lastly, I would like to thank you for your service, no matter who you served for it is always appreciated. In fact I’m planning on joining the service (navy) here in Canada soon.

  499. Mickey Jones says:

    Greetings To ALL:
    Ok – I thought we should all begin the process of getting things figured out – both American Posters and readers – as well as the Mexican Posters and readers.

    The fact of the matter is – The United States is falling apart – and has began tthe process of becoming a third world nation – simply tied to the GLOBAL monetary system.

    Question is though – who should be blamed?

    1. The American Citizens?
    2. The Illegal Mexicans?
    3. The Global Elite Communists?

    Well – think about that question – ponder on that view – and once you all have the answers – you will then know what to do about the problems.

    >>> Mexicans – I’m trying to tell you folks – its time for all of you – regardless of social status – or even legality – you really need to begin the process of leaving the United States – heading on down to Mexico – and just living your life.

    NOTE: The United States will do anything before it becomes a Communistic nation – it will fry first – and the Mexicans with it….

    • notimportant says:

      To make this short:

      It’s like I always say. it is not us humans alone that are the cause for global warming. It is a mixture of many factors that cause global warming. That being said I do not believe that it is the illegal Mexicans alone that are the problem. Yes they might be a big part, but they are not the only cause. Sending all Mexicans home will not fix the problem.

      Plus, I don’t agree with your statement on how the LEGAL immigrants should be sent back. They are obviously in your country for a reason. All countries are made up of immigrants, either from 200 years ago or 10 years ago. Canada has alot of legal immigrants (including Americans)and we do not send them back to their countries simply because we feel they are the cause to whatever problems we have.

      • Mickey Jones says:

        The reason Illegal Mexicans are in the United States is because the POWER ELITE – wanted them here – this was to help the Global Economy – for a new world order.

  500. ingli ONLY says:

    Hey notimportant,,, you stated you have legal immigrants in Canada what about illegal ones??
    it’s estimated that 25% of the Hispanic population has no legal right to be here… and then they continue to breed,,, they are killing our schools, hospitals, welfare programs… using our needed resources…

    Fact: If illegal aliens were a separate state, it would be the most populous state in our union!

    Does it make any sense for America to sponsor a subculture comprised of 38 million third-world peasants, most of whom are uneducated, unskilled and non-English speaking? and then let’s just put salt on this wound… they feel they are entitled to EVERYTHING.. And the only response you’ll ever get when you question this is “You’re a racist””

    Everyone Canadian friend that I have (that live here) can’t believe how we cater to non-Americans.. these truly are the worst of immigrants the United States has ever encountered,,, All the Asian groups are an asset, the Russian immigrants fit right in…. and so forth..

    So you gonna watch Steve Nash with the Lakers this year…?

    • notimportant says:

      No doubt there are many illegal immigrants here in Canada as well. Of course not as many as in your country; we only border the US. My previous comment was a reply to Mickey Jones who says that ALL Mexicans should return to Mexico, no matter their legal status. I replied by saying that I believe the legal ones have the right to stay in the US. They pay taxes, contribute to the community in some way. And since the US government gave them legal citizenship they are most likely well educated, well mannered, have a good job etc… unless of course they are refugees. In regards to your views on illegal immigrants then I agree, in some respects. My problem is with treating all the illegal Mexicans as scum. Obviously not all of them are. And even worse, how people view ALL Mexicans as scum, this is an entire nation your talking about.

      You say all Asian groups are assets. That is incorrect. What about the thousands of illegal Asians that are smuggled into the US. Obviously there aren’t as many Asians as there are Mexicans but that is just common sense. Why would a Chinese hike across the world to get to the US? or take a raft and make the dangerous journey across the Pacific?

      And i’m a football (soccer) fan i’m not much into the NBA.

  501. notimportant says:

    For those of you that like to study WW2 history like me: The majority of Vets agree that under different circumstances they could have been good friends with the Germans. And keep in mind that these are vets who used to HATE the Germans, and they had all rights to do so. The Germans constantly shot at them , they killed their friends, made them leave home for many years. But after the war many vets from both sides of the war became friends. Same applies now, under different circumstances you might become good friends with Mexicans.

    That being said, I hope we can keep all racist remarks out of this and keep this conversation purely political ( or whatever you want to call it) like civil people. I think it is well established already that most of you hate Mexicans, no need to bring it up again.

  502. ingli ONLY says:

    Do you ever wonder why US politicians seldom if ever criticize the Mexican government for anything? mexico’s Government in 2006 started a drug war that has murdered close to 50,000 of its own citizens? U.S. gets involved in everything, so why didn’t/haven’t they gone to protect mexicos people? Washington coddles the Mexican government and turns a blind eye to the entire situation. It is about greed. .Why are they allowing millions of mexicans to invade the U.S?? Greed. In the meantime the people in mexico are without a future and Americas future is looking pretty bleek if the numbers of invaders continues to grow…

    My comment about Asian immigrants: Latinos for the most part do not assimilate into mainstream U.S. culture, .. The Asians as a whole thrive on it and do well.. They learn English quickly.
    The nightly news tells the story of whoes bringing down California neighborhoods / .. I could go on and on and on and there are exceptions to every rule… The bottom line is this is America, this is not mexico or a charity for mexicans…

    Which side of Canada do you live on?? Heard it’s nice. I have been to Mexico a few times, the poor parts the rich parts and the tourist parts and I did meet a lot of nice people…

  503. notimportant says:

    I have to agree with your comment on how Asians integrate well into the American way of life. Even here in Canada all the immigrants, legal and illegal, stick together and maintain, to some extent, there Latino way of life. (Here in Canada we have a lot of Colombians.)
    If I where an immigrant, I would integrate myself as best I can, maybe even change my name.

    It’s funny how things work out. You’re military is involved in a war that now only morally affects you. The tax payers money would be better spent fighting the cartels that directly affect you. It would be better spent.

    I maintain that in order to “cure” mexico and make the illegals move back would be to first clean the government of corruption and then fight the drug cartels. Sadly, it is now the cartel that run most of Mexico. This would probably start a civil war, Government and the people vs the cartels.

    I live near Ottawa, the Capital. It is very nice, I used to live in Quebec City is very nice, very historic. Whereabouts do you live in the US, I have always wanted to visit your country. I used to live in Veracruz (Mexico), have you ever visited Veracruz, very nice.

    • ingli ONLY says:

      hey Canada,

      somehow the U.S. prospers by not helping / getting involved with Mexico… it’s weird our government is always sooo concerned about other countrys people and their civil rights but they just watch and do nothing as tens of thousands of mexicans get slaughtered in mexico…

      I’ve been to Xalapa, Cabo, Tijuana, Puerto Vallarta, Cozumel and I have a friend (100% mexican) who lives in Ensenada,, he has a really nice place by the beach I go out there every other year or so. He use to live here (legally) and he hated it, .. He disliked illegals as much as me and also felt the living expenses here were insane here..

      I live in California, the Los Angeles area, use to be the best state of all but it’s dirty, broke and slummy now… I travel a lot during basketball season I like going to away games… New Orleans is a good time, Boston and New York are worth seeing, Portland area is pretty if your into that, Parts of Florida have great beaches, Oklahoma has a great deal of American culture perserved, .. Each state has a different feel to it… I plan on going to Canada so see a game next season… Looking to move soon, I’m checking out places in South Carolina and different areas of Lousiana…

      So what does half mexican and half Canadian mean?? I get the half mexican part, where do Canadians originate from??

  504. notimportant says:

    It is funny. You’d think that the US would want to help with the Mexican Drug War since it more directly affects you.

    Yes, I can imagine the living expenses are very high. Take the education system for example; In the US you have the highest tuition fees in North America, in Mexico tuition is the equivalent of around 100-200 US dollars per semester. And it’s not like the Universities are bad.

    California seems nice. Your lucky you can travel so much for away games. If I want to see a soccer game I would have to go to Europe (For the good teams), Luckily I want to become an airline pilot so that means alot of travel to places I otherwise wouldn’t be able to visit.

    My mom’s 100% Mexican (legal if you where wondering), her origins come from Spain. My dad’s Canadian, his origins come from Scotland and Ireland. That’s what I mean by half Mexican and half Canadian. .

  505. Sandy says:

    Dear Bane Rants and all your loyal, racist, soulless, retard followers,

    You guys are all complete morons! Haha! Why the heck was an idiot like you, Bane, given a badge and gun?! I guess your boss is stupider than you. My condolences to whatever county you “serve.” I can tell you’re a very unhappy person. Perhaps you ought to go to the gym to release those endorphins, or did you just forget to take your medication? Do yourself and your silly, immature, racist followers a favor — get your facts straight! A lot of us DO pay taxes! Jeez, what a freak you are are, insane Bane!

    Well, ADIOS, all you weirdos :-)

    • ingli ONLY says:

      mexicans and anchors belong in mexico…. go home!

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Hello Sandy:
      I wish you all the best down in Mexico — but you are a Mexican – so it does not seem fitting that you should reside in Mexico — does it not?

      Now listen – I realize that relocating back to mexico will not be easy for you – you will have to work for everything you get – meaning you will not be recieving American Welfare anymore – no free home to live in — no free utilities — no free medical care — no free education — and the drug problem and killings are very high in Mexico as well.

      But Sandy — its time for you and your fellow Mexican People to grow up — face the Harsh Reality of what Mexico is and or has become — you folks say your proud and brave – you folks think your tough — and I honestly hope thats true — for now the time has come for you and your fellow Mexicans to PROVE what you claim — be tough – be proud – be strong — and take your NATION BACK — MEXICO BELONGS TO YOU and to your fellow MEXICANS!

      Sandy — Mexico is your home — you folks take it back — live and love in Mexico – prosper in Mexico — but leave this nation — THE US of A alone — get out and leave us be – this is our problem — not yours…

  506. mexicanamerican says:

    Wet Back Hater Here: Hey tiny dick asian, not stupidly generalizing like you, but I need to tell you that if you live in the US and complain about the mexicans then get the fuck out of there, as simple as that, I mean Im able to understand coming from a nationalist US american, but from a non-native american, who is or was illegal, is actually quite funny.
    Not important: I agree almost 100 percent with you, Im mexican and always lived in Mexico and let me tell you that not almost the entire country is a warzone as you say and the attacks against civilians are rarely seen, normally they murder, mutilate, torture between themselves (drug cartel members), We shouldnt just swallow up what the media says.
    btw bro, I wish I could live in Canada as well haha, Ive been in several places like Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal, Ottawa and its absolutely great I love it there.

    Now, nationalists I dont think the US is close to become a third world nation nor a communistic country, I really dont think so.
    I must say that I really DO understand the immigration problem, I mean its so clear. I personally dislike the living in the States mexicans, well the woonnabe, ballsucker ones, you know those who would kill for “their” flag, those who criticize Mexico, those who pretend not to speak spanish and try to do the american accent the best they can so their browness may go a little bit more unnoticed. You show the problems about the mexican immigration, but you havent even mentioned what it represents for the elite, they dont have no problem at all, I mean its easy to see why, you actually quoted it “the elite wants the mexican in here” and of course, its a great business. I mean cmon just by looking at the border fences Im like “The great number one United States isnt able to build PROPER fences to unless reduce the problem?”
    Lets suppose you guys start killing all the illegal mexicans haha, not even that would be the solution but, What would happen if the order see their numbers decreasing? I think it would be time for US american people to start worrying about another 9/11 or even worse.

    • notimportant says:

      Hello mexicanamerican; I suppose your right, I did exaggerated when I said the entire nation is a warzone. But it’s not too far a stretch to say that mexico is not what it used to be. I used to live there a while back (veracruz), maybe 13 or 14 years ago, and I felt safe walking to the corner store every day. Now you might be walking, minding your own business, and just be at the wrong place at the wrong time, and get shot. What I mean to say is that there is alot of collateral damage where innocent civilians get shot because they where in the middle of a crossfire between two cartels. When multiple cartels are at war it is inevitable that there will be civilian deaths.
      And yeah, Canada is great, i’m from Ottawa. Where do you live in Mexico? I wish I could go back to Mexico, I really love it there.

    • ingli ONLY says:

      very interesting post… you’re right if our government had wanted to enforce our immigration laws they would have been able to do so… all these poor mexicans are serving a purpose,, even today if the elite felt they were no longer needed, the U.S. has the ability to get most of them home…. and regarding becoming a third world nation,,, the invasion of all these mexicans has overpopulated and is bankrupting a lot of cities.. we already have water and energy shortages, depleted landfills.we have mexican gang members who attack and shoot at our police, so i don’t think the concept is that far fetched.

      • Mickey Jones says:

        Greetings: NotImportant >> and >> Ingli

        I was reading both of your posts – your discussion as it were – and feel that both of you make some good points – Once More: I agree with both of you to some level.

        You guys – Listen – Like I have said – this whole thing is not about being hatefilled – having hate for anyone else – it is however about Protecting the United States – and the future of the American Peoples.

        The main problem – with all of the world can be said in one word: “””Globalism”””.

        The One World Global Elite are going to completely destroy all nations and the working class — “”THUS”” in the near future – the world will be composed of a two-class system – 99% of the worlds population will be as poor as a church mouse – and 1% will own everything – to include the people – and of every nation.

        Illegal Mexicans are only helping this take place – and I realize they do the things they do simply because its there for the taking – such as Illegally Entering the US — Selling Drugs — Rapes and Murders — Car thefts – Home Invasions — Drawing 20 kinds of welfare which is paid for by the AmericanTax payer – getting free college, housing, grocery, medical care — on and on..

        Now look – are the mexicans not smart enough to understand that if something seems to good to be real – it probably is???

        America is a Death Trap for us all – and the Illegal Mexicans are this tool – a tool that the Global Elite are using to kill everyone.

        Think about it…

      • notimportant says:

        To Mickey Jones and inlgi ONLY. This will be my last post on this blog. Before I leave I would like to present to you my final thoughts.
        1) I agree with most of what you say. The U.S. is your country and you’re well within your rights to defend it. While a certain number of illegal immigrants in the U.S. is inevitable ( illegal immigrants are present in every country) it has reached a point where “enough is enough”.
        2) I do not agree, however that the LEGAL Mexican immigrants should be deported as well. Like I said before, as long they don’t come in the millions, those legal immigrants have earned their right to stay in the U.S. because lets face it, if they are in the U.S legally they most likely have a good education, pay taxes and have something to offer to your country.
        3) ingli ONLY: you mention that you don’t believe in the concept of mexican-american. Let me ask you this, do you believe in the concept of canadian-american, american-canadian? Can’t a person consider two different countries as “home”. Take for example Missy Franklin who won gold medals at the Olympics for your country; Both her parent’s are Canadians, she just happens to be born in the U.S but feels a strong affiliation to both countries. Why can’t the same apply to Mexicans who where born in the U.S? I am, of course, talking about a baby born of two LEGAL U.S residents, not illegal parents.
        4) Also, I would like to remind you that my first comment was for the sole purpose of giving the people who commented on this blog a piece of my mind regarding a general hatred of all Mexicans. no matter legal status, or even whether or not they lived in the U.S or Mexico. Mickey you say that this blog is not about hate or racism towards Mexicans, yet the first 3/4 or so of comments had almost nothing to do with politics and everything to do with racism. (Yes some of those comments come from Mexicans being racist to Americans, but most racist comments came from Americans in the first place. ) Some people who commented treated ALL Mexican, not only the illegal ones, as scum, dirty, cockroaches, gang members when that certainly isn’t the case. That is why I first commented on this blog. The last quarter, on the other hand has turned into a political conversation, and it should have been like this from the start.

        Mind you, all this is coming , from a Canadian born to a Canadian father and a legal Mexican mother with strong ties to both countries. So you might say i’m more biased towards the Mexicans but I tried to stay as objective as I could throughout this whole conversations. In any case, an outside voice is always helpful when dealing with a subject that is important to you.

  507. So1 says:

    This thread is about Mexican Americans, not Mexicans. Mexican Americans are annoying, rude, and obnoxious because they behave like shit. Just imagine that one group comes to Mexican and they keep making troubles.

    • ingli ONLY says:

      So1, i don’t believe in the concept mexican-american,,, there are mexicans who live in America… and no, i can’t think of any other country that would tolerate millions of invaders with a f’ed up attitude.

  508. Mickey Jones says:

    Mexicans simply do-not belong in the United States – legal or illegal – as they do not understand theAmerican poeple – nor do they understand the system itself.

    Take for example: Above – a poster (Sandy) wrote – and I qoute – “Some Mexicans do pay taxes”!

    How many mexicans have wrote that same thing?

    Two Problems with that statement >>

    >> Taxation is actually illegal in the United States.
    >> The amount of taxes the mexicans do pay does not even cover the amount of monies they recieve in welfare.

    Mexicans are from Mexico — thats where they need to be — in MEXICO…

  509. Mickey Jones says:

    At this point – I wish to tell everyone concerned – this hating mexicans ideology is a rather thin line – but yet the Mexican is killing our working class – as in the massive numbers coming into the United States – this along with NAFTA and the WTO.

    Mexicans – you folks need to leave the United States – you have your own nation and your own culture – but your stepping on mine – go home – go home before the second american civil war breaks out.

    The American people are at the cross-roads of making some very real choices – but I can tell you and anyone else – the american people have had enough of the Elitest Agenda – the Global Agenda.

    Mexicans – You are a tool being used by the Global Elite – a tool which has been installed by the global elite to destroy the american people. Leave the US before things get out of hand.

    • SuPadre says:

      hahahahaha ohhh mickey youre so funny….. you would start a civil war??? cmon man, im 99% sure youre a white fat ass man with erectile disfunction lol

  510. True Story says:

    I’m sure all of you white people wouldn’t have the balls to actually say this to a Mexicans face.

    • Alex Goodman says:

      Thank you, someone with some sense. We all understand you guys have a loathing hatred for Mexicans, or the whole Hispanic race for all I care. But post it online and talk trash about each other online? Really? This is a disgrace to both races. Go ahead, by all means, insult me. I just needed to make my point heard.

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Ya True — don’t count on it – if your a bad ass – just go right ahead and get the crap going — please get it on…

  511. sandra says:

    Everyone just stop with this bullshit this is stupid. All this hate you have, is only hurting you. This crying and complaining on the internet just shows how lame and unhappy your life is. You hating people does not hurt the people you hate. What you need is God in your life.

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Find God you say! Whose God are you talking about — the Hebrew God????

      God – thats just pathetic….

      Now I know your a wet-back…

    • Mickey Jones says:

      LOL LOL LOL — now I’v heard it all — Mexicans actually preaching about the Hebrew God — LOL LOL LOL – and something about a Virgin Mary — LOL LOL LOL…

  512. Alex Goodman says:

    God is universal no matter what faith you have.
    It’s actually quite amusing to see people calling the other “uneducated” and then they post stuff like this.

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Alex Goodman – what in the world is the matter with you? You want to discuss GOD on a blog which is based on the hate of Illegal Mexicans — LOL…

      Not all of us are followers of this GOD you write about – in fact, some dispute the very ideology.

      Ohhhh – and guess what Dummy — I was raised in the South – raised a Southern Baptist – attended a Southern Baptist University where I achieved a Masters Degree – and I do not follow the view of some old Hebrew Control Process.

      So – Mr. Goodman – get back on topic.

  513. Nicole says:

    I really don’t understand what this world has come to . It’s sad knowing there will NEVER be peace in this world . I’m 12 & half Mexican , half white . I understand why in your case you would be mad at mexicans . But I find very dumb that you point out that ALL Mexicans are dumb , lazy , ignorant , ugly , etc . It’s just plain dumb . My family we’re all very intelligent my mom a nurse , my dad a cook . Me well I’m still very young but I’m putting my hopes up that I become a pediatrition . Anyway back to topic . I’m always seeing on the news or on the Internet something racial , but what I see is that all you guys being racial to ANY country , well your setting a bad example for the next generation . Me being next generation don’t understand how it got this bad that some people actually want Mexicans “extinct” . Those people that say that are just ignorant and rude . And again I hate the fact that you point out that all mexicans are dumb , it’s an opinion , I know …. but it’s not a FACT . I will be checking the comments on this post , & I know people are going to be like “i hate beaners” , but know that some Mexicans actually do have an education , aren’t criminals , don’t do drugs , and certainly not all Mexicans are ugly that’s just so ignorant to say .

    • Mickey Jones says:

      You know what they say – once a Mexican always a Mexican – and you – you say your 50% Mexican – well, thats enough to be a Mexican – so go to your home-land – Yep – down to good ole Mexico and live your life…..

      • sunstreamer says:

        Mickey Jones is a cold mean ass.
        I for one am also half-Latino + half-Anglo. I do not fit in with “Mexican culture” and I don’t speak Spanish, plus most Mexicans
        don’t want to have anything to do with me anyway.

        Your quote “Once a Mexican always a Mexican” is very inaccurate. My father was Mexican, but I don’t relate to
        him as he did abandon me, and I did not grow up with him.

        I am not short, nor fat, nor am I on “food-stamps”,
        nor do I have any “kids”, nor do I fit any of the stereotypes presented here.
        Most of my friends are either White or Persian,
        and occasionally I have Asian friends.
        I was born in California, but I see the same pattern repeated
        over and over again, that I’m not welcome because I look kind
        of “brown”, with black hair, brown eyes.

        I hate “Globalism” too, but please don’t hate every guy walking around just because he has a “tan”.

    • ingli ONLY says:

      nicole,,, i read a post of yours up above your comment sounded 100% mexican to me… by 50% white you don’t mean 50% American do you?? your head and heart are mexican, that’s fine,,, It’s great to be mexican in MEXICO..

  514. Anthony Nguyen says:

    Coming from a mixed Asian and White point of view, people have the right to think what they want, but it is socially not acceptable to express it in a way that degrades others. All I see on this forum are profanities, insults, and highly over-generalized statements rather than open-minded, intellectual discussion. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but you also have to respect the viewpoint of others.

    In addition, I see no differences between race, gender, sexual orientation, or social class. In my perspective, I just see people. People who are just trying to live their lives, trying to make sense of the world that we all share. I see struggles from all races, because life does not discriminate. I see the same pain, happiness and burdens that transcends our superficial qualities of skin color, background, and wealth. It would be hypocrisy to judge by factors in which one cannot change. We all have our differences, but what connects us all is our will to live. Everyone just wants to lead a successful, fulfilling life. And they have the right to do so, without the fear that they will be deemed as a “sub-human being.

    We cannot continue to hate and inflict violence upon each other, whether it be verbal or physical, as it is essential for respect and peace to be established in order to promote friendly relations between races. As Martin Luther King Jr. once famously stated, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”

    Just some food for thought.

  515. ingli ONLY says:

    The Obama administration has deported more illegal persons than any administration before his. This has been done quietly… WHY? Deportation is not dirty word, or bad thing. It is sending them to their rightful country, and we should be doing it. Any other talk is waste of time. Then,,, just before the election obama gives (amnesty) to his dreamactors,,, this NOT done so quietly… again,, I ask, WHY? Did you read about the illegals that get $739 in food stamps because they dropped five anchor babies in the USA. They are here as illegals, but no one makes an effort to deport them??? once again, WHY?

  516. Mickey Jones says:

    Greetings Sunstreamer:
    Ohhh goodness – I feel very sorry for you – after reading your post – man I’m very sorry – I truelly am.

    So – Your Father was a sperm donor Illegal Mexican – and your mother was a white whore – and now your stuck here in the states – and even the MEXICANS who are the real racists dislike you.

    Sheeeesh man — thats a real shame – I can only begin to put myself in your shoes.

    Well – there are many ways of doing away with yourself – you could go to south-america perhaps – or to Mexico City where the diversity is common place.

    But the one thing you shouldn’t do is stay in the US – as you already know what you are — which is a RACIALLY MIXED PIECE of TRASH..

    I am sorry – but let me ask – are you happy being alive – living day to day knowing what you are – having to look into the mirror and see a monster looking back at at you — ya man – I just don’t know what to tell you….

    • SuPadre says:

      Mickey Jones has to be a fucking farmer in nowhere kentucky fucking chickens and cows lol hahahahahahahahahaha fucking rednecks are the funny shit! and why dont you kick him out of the states?? probably you dont have the balls???? hahahahaha fucking stupid people mickey jones is writting shit about mexicans while his ugly sons may be some white faggots like the ones of the coloumbine masacre fucking freaks hahahahahahahaahahahahahaha

      • Mickey Jones says:

        Ya — Mexican Dum-Ass — you need to learn – the colobine shooting were Jews – not whites.

    • SuPadre says:

      mickey jones instead of wasting your time here hating you should go to the doctor to get some help about your erectile disfunction lol

  517. Mickey Jones says:

    Here are the hard cold facts – I hope people will try to pay-attention.

    The fact of the matter is – The United States of America was at one time the finest place on earth: Great wages for the working class – the cost of living was relatively low – crime was very low – tecnologies was very high – great medical care – a very safe nation to live in – Great educational standards – the Family unit was in place for the children to thrive within – poverty was the lowest in the world – Americans had rights and freedoms – the infrastructure was high — on and on and on: The Bottom Line – no other nation in the world could claim what the United States could.

    However: In recent decades the United States has been in decline – I’m sure everyone reading this would agree with that statement! In mind view – the United States today is not worth even setting a fire to. In my humble opinion – the United States has become a third world piece of garbage – and needs to be taken down completely – but the question — “WHY and HOW has the United States become what it is today””?

    OK FOLKS — You Need to start looking at the changes which have occured over the last 40 or so years to answer this question – here are some hints.

    > The Global Events: IE: NAFTA and the WTO.
    > Private Federal Reserve.
    > Global Social and Liberal Communism.
    > A Combination of a POLICE STATE with a WELFARE STATE,
    > The failure to Manufacture a steady form of NATIONALISTIC FUEL: EXAMPLE: CNG is the most plentiful fuel type/source in the united states – Why are means of transportation not running on CNG — the bottom line is to get free of foriegn oil.

    As far as the Mexicans – legal or Illegal – They must leave the United States – they are a tool being used by the “”GLOBAL SOCIAL and LIBERAL COMMUNISTIC ELITE””.

    IF the Mexican does not leave by their own means – open war is the next step. American Citizens – we are at a cross-roads – it has come to the point where it is now you or it is them.

    Advice: One does not murder the Enemy – One kills the enemy!!!

    • Anthony Nguyen says:

      Unfortunately for you, the hate against Mexicans is dying down as the new generation emerges. The people of generation Y ares becoming much more liberal and much more tolerant. It is only a matter of time until your highly racist attitude becomes extinct.

      • Mickey Jones says:

        OK Mr. Nguyen
        Lets go along with your view – lets say your correct – perhaps you are – what then???

        Heres a lesson for your small mind – pay attention.

        The various races and or ethnic groups all around the world exist for a reason – a Natural Reason – to mix the various races is to put an end to mankind as we know it – and perhaps all together. I suppose there are many views as to why – but my reasoning is – the one world global elite would soon find a problem with over population, and other made-up reasons, such as global warming for example – thus: seek to de-populate the world – while one ruling class over-shadows the workers, and or MULES.

        I hope you understand that having various races naturally creates a resistance against the global elite – and without various races/ethnic groups/religous groups/cultural groups – THUS: ONLY ONE GROUP EXISTING – Resistance against the KINGS — and or THE ELITE – The Common People will be ruled and controlled to the point of a pin-head.

        In such a time – there will be a TWO-CLASS SOCIETY – THE KING ELITE – WHO CONTROLL EVERYTHING to include the COMMON PEOPLE —— and the ones who do the CONTROLLING.

        As you can see – I am not a Racist as your small mind thinks – as I understand the value of various Racial Groups – but I also understand the Nature of Man – as an example: A rich man only seeks to become more wealthy. The Global Elite are the peoples enemy — not me – not the common people.

    • European, Germany says:

      Your :Insane i think you need to be brought to justice, people like you who fall into footsteps like hitler himself, blaming another race(s), for your own faults, America always blames other countries, when are you going to stand up and say ” it’s our fault.” Man up.

      • Mickey Jones says:

        Ya – Listen close European, Germany — you kiss my ass-hole – your a two-bit punk – this is an american issue — not a European issue.

        You know why the Americans kicked your asses in two past wars – ya well – go look at that shit punk who looks back at you everytime you look into a mirror – if your even white that is – as your most likely a mud-faced piece of trash from the mid-east or africa.

        On any account – screw-off punk….

    • SuPadre says:

      hahahaha this fucker thinks that mexican people started migrating 40 years ago lol these fuckers are so ignorant, they dont even know that half of their country used to be Mexico…. and is fucking hilarious how he says “open war is the next step” hahahahahahha he surely is a fucking fat ass or a fucking faggot if he had the balls he would start doing it himself not waiting for others to do it but probably he would shit his pants if he had a mexican in front of him lol probably he hate em so much because her mother is getting laid with a mexican dude while his pale ass father is jerking off and finishing after 30 seconds hahahahahahahahahahaha

      • Mickey Jones says:

        Ya – this SuPadre is nothing more than a stereo typical WET-BACK MEXICAN — nothing on Its Tiny Little mind out-side of sexual slanders.

        Mexican — Read your garbage – look at your dirty brown trash self – and perhaps you’ll understand why the American People see Mexicans as nothing but an animal – and piece of garbage that illegally invades – with hat in hand – begging the American people for food.

        Look – if you think your tough – get the fight started – I wish you would.

      • ingli ONLY says:

        supadre,,,, Most Americans do know that parts of the US use to belong to mexico,,,THEN<<Texas declared independence from theM. Oh, and THEN THEY declared war on us and LOST. It’s not like we just marched in and took the land.
        THEN,,,, Santa Anna’s govt SURRENDERED the northern states and was even PAID $15 Million in 1848, under the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.

        The government of Mexico willingly agreed to the transfer of California, Nevada, Arizona and parts of New Mexico… OMG two very different Countries with Borders, what a concept! All fair and square, in no way does this history entitle millions of mexicans to live here,,,, The US is NOT obligated to take care of another Countries people..

      • ingli ONLY says:

        supadre,,, after reading all your insightful posts to Mickey Jones
        I’m sure the only fear you have triggered in him is the fear if nothing is done SOON regarding immigration and birthright issues you and people like you will be the future of American,,, not only is that sad it’s terrifying ……………..

      • SuPadre says:

        dont worry brothers, im mexican and i live in mexico city and i have a little thing called VISA and i go to the us because they need me im an architect and i get paid veeeeeery good so i just got here to have some fun you couple of jerks. I dont care if you hate or dont hate fucker… comprende amigo?? i dont care if your only merit in life was being born in the fucking US in some little town in some fucking insignificant state!!!! i can go to the border and they allow me to go and then come back and go back again and get more money than the one you would ever dream of…. trust me my pale ass friends, do whatever you have to do, and stop talking shit. The day you can start a civil war or all the bullshite you have written in aaaaalll your boring posts, let me know. In the meantime, let me wipe my ass with the dollars you will never get and let me spend them in my country, or in your country, or in europe, or in any place in the world i have been already. One day youll get out of your farm and realize theres a wonderful world out there. Maybe one day you wont be afraid of going out of your farms hahahahahahahaha

  518. Anthony Nguyen says:

    @Mickey Jones. I think it’s rather hilarious that the majority of your replies and arguments rely heavily on ad hominem statements. You claim that your are not a racist, but you readily put down on other races other than yours. I wonder, how are you going to answer to this? More insults and mudslinging?

    • Mickey Jones says:

      The answer is so simple – one will naturally choose their own race as the race they identify with the most. Trust me – I have given everyone the best view possible – but if you and others are to stupid to understand – then go ahead and let the global elite rule over you.

      But I think your not really reading what I write – your just a dumb mud-face punk – to stupid to understand anything.

      • Anthony Nguyen says:

        Oh look! More ad hominem attacks! ♥

        I identify myself as quarter Italian, quarter French, and half Vietnamese, and I personally have no racial preference whatsoever. What of it? Of course people have their preferences, it’s who they are. But that does not give them any right to be rude and offensive.

        And just so you know, there is no global elite. Get that delusion out of your mind, it’s detrimental to yourself and others around you.

      • Alex Goodman says:

        I agree with Anthony. Mickey Jones needs to realize that he’s the only one with a small head who won’t accept anything else but his racist opinion about a problem there’s not really any way to fix.

  519. SuPadre says:

    greatest thing of this motherfucker is that while hes writting shit about how much he hates mexicans, mexicans are fucking him up in the ass and making a lot of money out of him lol that hilarious. and also he says he should be able to say “cmere you fucker…” hahahaha i wish he dares hahahaha if he could see me for example or had me infron of him he would shit his pants hahahahahahahahahaha funny stuff. Also is funny how they think we would get annoyed by reading this shit hahahahaha is only making us think how scared you are from us and how fucking hard weve been fucking you up right in the ass hahahahahahahahahahaha

    • Anthony Nguyen says:

      I’m all for supporting the racial equality, but please don’t say things that would weaken your position like profanities and insults. You don’t want to stoop down to the bigots’ level.

      ¡No uses las palabras malos por favor! Usa los argumentos con evidencia y declaraciones logicos! :)

      • SuPadre says:

        no te procupes amigo. Im here sitting in my loft in downtown mexico city. In december ill go to New York for business. Im an architect and i have a business visa. Trust me i would never think of living in USA or staying in there more than 3 months. I just go over there for business thats it. I only wants them to get mad and laugh my ass off with their comments. They are so stupid dont you think? they talk about wars and stupid facts of skin color. I wish i could upload a pic man. First i dont know what they think but mexico is part spaniard, part Mexica. Therefore, we are very different between us. Example. Im not brown, but my dad is. They think that since theyre white, they are better WTF. Im not racist amigo, Im only racist to racist people. And i laugh a lot because Micky Jones and Ingli are two scared white men that hide behind a racist post. In Mexico we are aware of this situation. We know how racist they are. They hate blacks, Mexicans, native americans, they hate everybody. I watched Michael Moore bowling for coloumbine and you can understand many things watching it. While they are hating, im an architect, speak 3 languages, live in downtown Mexico City look for it in Google i live in calle Madero wight next to Zocalo. We find a lot of US visitors in here enjoying our country, and trust me, i dont hate em!! I welcome them!!! and youre welcome to come too!!! and mr ku klux klan micky too!!! maybe we can discuss it face to face!!! But first we need to know if he can afford it lol. Peace!!!!! See you in December ill be right there!!!! first new jersey, then Nueva York!!!!! And ill be Shouting “Viva Mexico Cabrones!!!!” right there in Times Square!!!! and i hope someone tell me to get back to my country… that i can educate two or three racist pieces of shit.

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Well well – you really think your a big bad mexican don’t you – why don’t you put your money where your mouth is — get the fight started – hell I need some help getting this revolution off the ground.

      But you can’t can you – simply because your nothing more than a big mouth mexican punk. LOL LOL LOL — the Mexican Punk thinks its tough — lol lol lol …..

      • SuPadre says:

        read my reply above my pale ass friend. Dont hate man or youll affect your liver you may be fat right?? lol

      • SuPadre says:

        also Inlgi supports you in all your comments is kind of love over the internet….. have you ever guys though about knowing each other like… you know…. in a love level? i think you guys have a shot!!! lol Se que no me entenderas porque solo hablas ingles maldito ignorante decadente pero vale la pena escribirlo porque se que de puro coraje buscaras traducirlo y al terminar la traduccion sabras lo pendejo y predecible que eres lol hahahahahahahaha

      • SuPadre says:

        “I need some help to get the revvolution off the ground” hahahahahaha faggot doo something man up lil bitch you dont like it? stop looking at your screen and dooo something!!!! youre so lame asking for help to your sisters hahahahahahaha

    • ingli ONLY says:

      supadre,,, after reading all your insightful posts to Mickey Jones
      I’m sure the only fear you have triggered in him is the fear if nothing is done SOON regarding immigration and birthright issues you and people like you will be the future of American,,, not only is that sad it’s terrifying ……………..

      • SuPadre says:

        read my reply above my pale ass friend. Dont hate man or youll affect your liver you may be fat right?? lol

      • SuPadre says:

        and you also start doing something instead of crying like a lil bitch, want to do something soon?? then do it! or probably you cannot do it?? so sad! stop the crying cunt

    • ingli ONLY says:

      you just wrote::”””””next to Zocalo. We find a lot of US visitors in here enjoying our country, and trust me, i dont hate em!! I welcome them!!! and youre welcome to come too!!! “”” sounds like you love your home/homeland… how would you adapt to 30 million Americans moving there and changing it for the worse?? You stated they are visitors which means they are doing good for your economy, BUT then going home.. IF 30 million Americans did invade your home YOU would have the right to say something/do something…

  520. Mickey Jones says:

    Your so racially mixed, its no wonder you have no means of identification – thats your problem though – not mine – so don’t heap your mutt-self upon me and my kind.

    • Anthony Nguyen says:

      I don’t don’t see what your problem is with multiracial people. Care to enlighten me?

      I never see my diverse ethnic background as a problem. In fact, I like having a trait that sets me apart from most other people. It widens my perspective and respect for different cultures.

      Tell me, how exactly is being of a homogeneous ethnicity make you any more of a man than I am? It doesn’t. Everyone on this forum is equal in the basic fact that we are simply trying to live. Nothing else matters.

      • ingli ONLY says:

        Anthony, there is nothing wrong with having a diverse ethnic background… I have 6 cousins Whoes mother is from Japan and father American, all above average intelligence, all beautiful inside and out, 2 did the military thing, 1 was CIA for 5 years,, they are all 100% American .. when their mother my aunt became a US citizen she thrived as an American and brought her children up that way… My aunt has been an asset to the Country as most immigrants of the past were………

        things have changed and not for the better…
        we are artificially supporting a population (non American) that is growing out of control… Poor California is on life support as we speak.

      • Mickey Jones says:

        Hello Anthony Nguyen
        Ok – you continue to say that you think I’m a racist – which is the product of a small and infantile mind – as you have no other arguement – you revert back to calling me a name which you see as a negative.

        I do see race – just as everyone else in this world does – so is everyone a racist?

        I do not hate others who are not the same race as I — Rather — I give peoples of different racial, cultural, enthic, and religious background the respect and dignity of simply leaving them alone.

        As far as your problem – being a racially mixed – what-ever you are — Well let me put it this way: Asains are from Asia — Africans are from Africa — Europeans are from Europe — excedra. Thus: Each individual Race/Ethnic Group/Religious Group/and or Culture are what they are for a natural reason – such as evolution – bound by geographic region and others factors which have created each specified group – taking thousands of years to so.

        To mix the races goes directly against the natural order – such as the building blocks of humanity.

        ADD: The various races are needed to be different for safety reasons – to mix the races is to allow the Global Elite to much power.

      • Anthony Nguyen says:

        @ingli I appreciate that you still remain to be mature about this discussion. I wasn’t replying to you, but I do understand your viewpoint. I understand the reasons why illegal immigration is bad, but I can also sympathize with the illegal immigrants and understand the reason why they do so.

      • Anthony Nguyen says:

        @Mickey Jones

        In your earlier posts, you claimed that Mexicans, regardless of their legal status, should be sent back to Mexico. That is prejudice and racism solely against Mexicans.

        Races were formed out of the needs to adapt to the environment, true, but in these modern times, it has become a vestigial trait due to improvements in technology, society, and living standards.

        I really do love your hypocrisy. According to you, I have a “small and infantile mind”, but coming from someone whose posts have a plethora of grammatical and spelling mistakes, I’ll take that insult with a grain of salt.

        If you want to prove to me that you’re are not racist and want a genuine intellectual conversation, please, change the tone of your writing and omit the racial slurs in your posts. We are adults, not children.

      • ingli ONLY says:

        Anthony, You stated that you sympathize with the illegal immigrants and understand the reason why they do so. I understand why they come here,,,, Why is it the responsibilty of the US to take care of another Countrys poor/problem… The price the American people and America has paid is TOO high…
        Americans have had a fear of being labled “RACIST” in the past if they spoke up….

  521. beaner for life says:

    its my birthday yahoo

  522. ingli ONLY says:

    Any country who thinks it can take in unlimited numbers of poor people, uneducated people and prosper by such a policy is doomed. America has reached the tipping point and is falling into poverty no longer able to take care of its needs. We are OVER immigrated.

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Hello Ingli:
      I completely agree – just look at California – man that state is really starting to hurt economically.

      I have had dozens of people from all over California moving into my area – so I began asking why – trying to find some kind of trend.

      Although there is a list of reasons being offered by these people – the top two and most consistant answers are as follows.

      1. The Cost of Living in California is simply prohibative – in a word – the middle class can no longer earn a reasonable income to even afford a home to live in – such as Taxation – and falling wages: Both are a direct response to ILLEGAL MEXICANS…

      2. The Crime rate is shooting up so fast – no-one can keep up with it – so as a result — Taxation is even higher – and California has become a police/welfare state – with a common factor of Illegal Drugs. Again — Illegal Mexicans are at the heart of the problem..

      • SuPadre says:

        hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha this is better than watching a fucking clown hahahahahahaha mickey jones youre the shit hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

  523. Mickey Jones says:

    Can anyone say — “””MEXICAN PRIDE”””?

    1. How many Mexicans have ILLEGALLY INVADED THE US — Is that “”MEXICAN PRIDE”””?

    2. How many Illegal Mexicans not only Illegally Invade the US – How many – as in % come with hat in hand begging the American People for Food, Housing, Medical care, Education, Utilities, Small Business grants – excedra — Is that “”Mexican Pride”””?

    3.. What % of all Illegally Mexicans invade the US – and then begin some form of life in Crime – such as selling drugs to under age children – shoplifting at the walmart – taking gasoline — excedra – Is that “Mexican Pride”?

    4. How many Illegal Mexicans come and are rude to the American People – is that Mexican Pride”?

    5. How many Illegal Mexicans have a clear understanding of the US Constitution and the Founders of the US as an entire – Is that to Mexican Pride”?

    Listen you f*cking Illegal Mexican Spics – you are the real racists – you disrespect the American People everyday – and then try to say we – the American People are racist – right here in our own nation – its ok for the Illegal Mexican to be a racist – but not an American.

    I have news for you SPIC – F*cking Wet-Back Garbage – as long as I am an American Tax-Payer – I’ll say what I want when I want – and if you dislike it – you can go suck a pigs C*ck for all I care.

    Perhaps the time has come for the American People to become racists – out and out Racists — well all see – now won’t we.

    • SuPadre says:

      dooo something about it faggot… man up !! and stop the crying!!!!

      • Mickey Jones says:

        Hello SuPadre:
        You want me to do something about what – are you refering to the ILLEGAL MEXICAN INVASION of the UNITED STATES?????

        Well – ok – I’ll start working on doing something about that problem — watch my new posts – see if you aprove.

        However: if its a fight you want — ok then – your the Invader – Your the one who is Aggressive – Your the Tough Mexican — well, I won’t run from a fight – so get one started.

        If you don’t — My people will.

        Ohhhh – and try to pay attention Dumb-Ass: I have tried my best to warn everyone – both the Mexicans and the Americans – but the ILLEGAL MEXICANS simply refuse to listen — Ok then, so be it….

      • SuPadre says:

        hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha my god is so funny listen to this bastard. Ill repeat bitch. IM IN MEXICO. again. IM IN MEXICO. Not all people who speaks English lives in the US. I speak 3 languagaes. Maybe too much for your little brain but not for mine. So, you wanna do something? i dont give a fuck! but honestly, you dont sound like a man who has the balls to do it. You need the approval of your mommy to go to the bathroom and the help of your sisters to wipe your ass. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha FAGGOT!.

  524. Chad USAF says:

    I never understand my own race, always hating on other races, for one i am going to stand up, on this blog. What were saying is wrong, We are all human beings, born from the same God. why do we always blame other races when times are bad? Like the italians, and scots, then things went bad, blame it on the japs, times are bad again, its the mexicans. It’s our own fault, nobody elses, this country is multicultural, and what makes us great is the different back grounds. Educate yourselves please, to understand the real background economic issues, it won’t make you look like ignorant, racist bastards, please for my own kinds race.

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Chad USAF — Your a Spic — Just like that one who calls itself Nguyen.

      You spics think your so smart – and think your fooling me — but your not – I can read between the lines – I know what you are.

      So Chad – Go suck on a Taco Shell.

  525. SuPadre says:

    Good night Micky Jones and Ingli!!! Greetings from Mexico City!!! see ya soon there in your country!! because as i said, im more than welcome to go back there!!! I dont thinkk you would stop me would you??? of course not!!! Ill go there for new years eve, fuck some new york women (maybe your wives i donnt know lol) and then back here loaded of money because you know what?? not too many US citizens are able to use 3d Max, Archicad, Autocad and render images as i do!!!! and guess what??? ill go and get loaded of fucking money!!!! and then come back and go to Cancun maybe… or coco beach in Florida?? i dont know, but i can go to both!!!! 1.- because i can nobody will stop me i have a VISA and 2.- because i can afford it!!! get out of your farms rednecks!!!! read, fuck, drink, eat, dont hate!!! life is short and you live believing hating will make you better persons in your communities, where probably nobody wants you and nobody knows who you are!!!! and if you hate the situation so much, doooooooooo something!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no woman no cry!!!! lol Saludos maricas!!!!

    • Mickey Jones says:

      LOL LOL LOL — Mexican — LOL LOL LOL — your so full of crap – such Bull-Shit — even for a Mexican — LOL LOL LOL — Your post is nothing more than a Mexican Dream and a Fantasy.

      Listen Spic — you might fool a few – but you don’t fool me — I can read between the lines you know — and your line to be honest – well, there full of Bull-Crap MEXICAN DREAMS — good try though — LOL LOL LOL….

      • SuPadre says:

        not a dream bitch. not everybody in this world is as fucked up as you are hahahahahah

      • SuPadre says:

        and why dont you answer to mi other posts amigo??? dont be scared of me i wont fuck you as your father did lol

  526. Mickey Jones says:

    SuPadre — ya – whats your question?

    Scared of you — are you joking — I suppose its true what people say about the Mexican Social View – something about Mexican Males have to be Maucho – such as acting as if their tough – I guess thats true enough.

    Listen close Mexican — I am not affraid of you — I think its you thats affraid of me and other White Americans – and if your not – you should be.

    But listen close Mexican — if in fact you honestly think your a Bad Ass Mexican — you get in touch with me off this blog – and I’ll tell you where to be and when to be there – after all — you have been going on about how much travel you do – in and out of the US — ok, if thats true and your one bad ass and mean Mexican — get in touch – and I’ll give you instructions – and please be a real piece of shit — bring your family and friends — bring all of the other Mexicans that you can.

    This is an Invitation to you Mexican – please follow up – make plans – and show up when and where I tell you to show up…..

    Ohhh ya – just in case your not aware – I’m nothing but an old man – so you will know who it was that got to you..

    • SuPadre says:

      hahahaha yeah is better if you tell me were to go, i forgot you cant get out of your farm you pice of shit hahahahaha you cannot even afford to travel! ok give me the address and ill go to your house in bumfuck Kentucky or one of those states nobody care about lol lol lol

  527. Mickey Jones says:

    Greetings Patriots:
    Did you folks watch and listen to the elections closely? If so – in the States of Florida – the comments that some areas “””””””Are not as WHITE as they once were””””” — was made in response to Romney not getting the number of electorial votes in one area as he should be.

    This was even more pronounced in California. The meaning of it was – There are now more Mexicans voting in said area than whites – Mexicans vote Obama of course – the reasons – MORE MEXICAN WELFARE can be found with Obama in Office – so the Mexicans want Obama.

    But let me ask you white patriots a simple question > “Are you content to allow the Mexican to control your nations future”?

    If so – go ahead – sit on your hands and let the Mexican have a field day – taking your nation bit by bit – faster and faster.

    If not – you know what to do – watch for hidden camares – a silencer may prove effective – the dark of night is great cover.

  528. Mickey Jones says:


    Ya ya ya — carry on Mexican – tell everyone again how tough you are – let us hear how “””””MOCHO””””” you really are – tell everyone your a BIG BAD ASS ILLEGAL MEXICAN – go ahead SPIC — I can’t wait to read about just how tough and bad ass your Dirty Brown Mexican ASS is.

    Ohhhhh ya – Listen up SPIC — tell all of us again how wealthy you are – how much you travel and srew – and how many ILLEGAL drugs you consume — go ahead SPIC – I really would enjoy reading about your “”MOCHO DRUG USE”””””…….

    AMERICA — Read this dirty Spic – and then ask yourself — is allowing MEXICAN GARBAGE to ILLEGALLY INVADE and then Draw our Welfare and Commit Crimes at the same time something that we want and find acceptable?

    If not – get yourself ready to do some shooting – begin getting rid of this trash…

    • SuPadre says:

      is macho… hahahahahahahahahaha good try of spelling a word in another language you fucking ignorant hahahahahaha

      • SuPadre says:

        uhhhh im scarred because this redneck is asking other old rednecks to shoooooot hahahahaha you dont get it piece of shit??? im in MEXICO. Let me spell it for you M E X I C O, yeah im here in this country whose name you cannot even pronounce you piece of shit! do the shooting you want i dont care!!! im just laughing my ass of because i know im having a lot of fun making you go nuts with my comments!!! lol lol lol is not good for an old man to get that mad please relax brother!!! and also about the drugs…. mmmm let me remind you. USA is the biggest consumer of drugs in the world. And Also we dont forget about their adiction to alcohol universally known during the years. USA bastards cant live without whiskey!!!. Fucking drunkard and junkie nation you have!!!! Adios marica!!! lol lol

  529. evancho says:

    The BIG MOUTH Jones, why dont you just start doing whatever it takes to get rid of what you cant stand at all? What the heck are waiting? Another 20 million mexicans? Instead, your behind a computer sucking your white patriot fellow’s cock.
    I think I’ve read you telling the mexicans to fight their country like a man. Just as you? Yeah, typing shit about mexicans is fighting your GREAT nation’s fall disgusting nationalist of shit. The elite will rape you as hard as they can you will see, soon or late.
    I can see you have enough arguments to start your stuff, but I think its your lack of balls superior hoary white, what wont let you go ahead.
    Now, if your a bow-legged grown man, why dont your kids start what daddy hasnt been able to? I think their pretty well educated for that, arent they?

    • Mickey Jones says:

      SO – Just who are you now — “Senior Evancho” – or – “Senior SuPadre”?

      As far as me – lol lol lol – no, its not a lack of wanting to get shed of the Mexican – the US problem is up to the American Citizens to fix – not me alone.

      LISTEN CLOSE SPIC — Your dirty Brown Ass – will someday see what the American people are all about – so just go ahead the way you and your are and have been going – I can’t stop it – but I can and will voice my opinion – as I’m sure many agree with me…

      • SuPadre says:

        cmon granpa go to sleep its been too much activity for you today. go to bed and try to get some sleep because tomorrow you have to type again a lot of shit as you get bigger and bigger eating shit and sitting in front of your computer lol lol lol

  530. SuPadre says:

    Hello patriots. Im Mickey Jones again. As you can see I always post something against mexicans because i have nothing better to do. While i do this, my wife is touching herself because i have erectile disfunction so i cant do my part anymore. Anyways… Dont judge me because of my retarded comments. You have to understand how lonely and retarded i am. Thats the problem of my beloved country. We have the technology, but is whithin the reach of fucking ignorants like me. Im the kind of guy who calls a call center to install a tv at my house. So please dont be mean to me. Im only worried about the future of my nation. This mexican pieces of shit are taking over and im sooo scared. Ive been always scared. Everyone who looks at me thinks im a fucking moron and they have made fun of me throughout my life, but i think the time has come to stop this bullshit and man up!!! behind my comments over the internet of course……Of course i think mexicans are ILLEGALLY INVADING my country, but i also know theat the history of the United States is a continuing story of peoples from more populated continents particularly Europe and also Africa and Asia, crossing oceans to my beloved country. So as im writting all this hatting against mexicans, Im aware my granpa may have been a fucking german drunkard or an irish bastard that came to America “begging for food ” in my own words. Im not american. If i was american my skin color would be red. Im aware of that i know im an invader too but, id rather not tomention this part because i get sad of not belonging to anywhere and i start crying like a lil girl. I did not have too many choices in my lefe so i am an uneducated person. I consider as my greatest school achievement being able to read. I read slow though. Also type slow. Typing a post over here takes me about 1 day. And when im finished i feel so tired i can only think of sleeping, as my wife keeps on touching herself. Maybe thats why recently she has become a slut and fucks with anyone (also mexicans) who passes by. My dream is that one day, it wont be any fucking mexican around, and then i would be able to start another blog about “how i fucking hate niggers”. And once weve get rid of the niggers i will start my blog “Why i hate my fucking life” and whenever i conclude that i hate it because im a fucking loser ill commit suicide. Thats my plan and i would like you to post your opinions about it. Only white people can post opinions, though. Otherwise ill get mad and start crying like a lil bitch so please dont do that. See you soon with my next post american fellas.

    • Mickey Jones says:

      LOL LOL — thats pretty funny – funny that you spent all of that time to write the garbage – as if trying to strain a knat to swallow a camel.

      Very good – now tell everyone how bad-ass you are – that you have Mexican Macho power from your illegal drugs – and all of the crimes you commit — come on and tell everyone just how the Mexicans will take over the United States – and that the American Citizens have nothing to say about it.

      Teach US — Please Mexican — Teach the American People to keep their mouths shut while the Mexicans take over….

      • SuPadre says:

        hahahahaha i dont sell drugs amigo. Not because your freaky children get loaded of fucking drugs to evade reality and ignore the fact that their father is a fucking loser, means that i sell drugs. As you read this drining your whiskey and begging your death come soon im at work bastard. Get something to do stop goofing around !!!

  531. Mickey Jones says:

    Greetings Patriots:
    As you folks can see, Illegal Mexicans try to have some sense of humor – but even fail at that — OHHHHH well.

    Getting back on track – my question to the American People is — “Do you and or – are you content to allow the Mexican/mexico to descide for you who your next president will be”?

    Thats exactly what has taken place in this election – and the trend will only continue to become more pronounced as the years go by. The 2016 Elections will be dominated by the Mexican – as they are flooding in. Even the Republican Party is discussing the idea of Kissing Mexican ass – in order to have a chance at the next election.

    Meanwhile >> Illegal Mexicans are still invading, still under-cutting your wages, still drawing 20 kinds of welfare — selling drugs to your children – treating the American People very badly – literally pushing you out of the way – and how do the Illegal Mexicans re-pay you – by commiting more crimes against you.

    Let me discuss the view of a .22 caliber silencer. One shot to the head will drop almost anyone – they are small and light – ammo is cheap – they are very soft in sound.

    America – take your nation back – tell Obama that the American People want our nation and freedoms back and that the ILLEGAL MEXICAN is not part of our nations future.

    As far as the Mexican – they feel entitled – they are so forward they would actually tell the American People to keep our mouth shut – so they can be free to do what ever they wish – when ever they wish – for what ever reason they wish: MOREOVER — The Mexicans actually believe that the American People are helpless to the Mexican – The American People have nothing to say or do – the United States now belongs to the Mexican.

    Patriots – is this the kind of America you want??????

    • SuPadre says:

      oh god youre so fucking brave and intelligent you should be the president lol lol lol.

      • Mickey Jones says:

        Greetings SuPadre – or who ever you are today.

        I wouldn’t want to be President of the US – I’m to old for one thing, and I do-not think I would even be able to keep from getting my head blown off – simply because I would represent the American Working class rather than the Global Elite.

        But thanks anyway.

      • SuPadre says:

        haha this bastard does not understand sarcasm lol lol lol

    • Lindsey says:

      Mickey Jones, you are my fucking hero. You really are. I salute you!

      • Mickey Jones says:

        Greetings Lindsey:
        Thank you for the kind words – but I’m not anyones hero – all I want to do is to get the American People to wake up and see whats happening to them – thats all.

        On this blog – I have been called alot of name – such as being called a racist – excedra – but feel that just not fair – but do admit to being a sort of sepretist.

        You see – there are good people in ever race – ever religion – every culture – and or ethinic line: I know this because I have been all around the world – and witnessed first hand what people are: but – there are also very bad – evil – greedy and over-all self serving people in every group aswell.

        The blog is titled – “Man I hate Mexicans”.

        So – do I hate Mexicans – and the answer is that I hate ILLEGAL MEXICANS – not the people of Mexico – and trust me – there is a major difference – as the ones who have remained in Mexico are a very brave and decent peoples – I salute them.

        As far as the question of what I see as the major problem: It can be summed up – The Global Elite – The very ones who are supposed to represent the American People – but yet – only represent themselves.

        The Mexicans who have ILLEGALLY INVADED our Nation – they have been allowed and further espoused – by such incentives as Mexican Welfare Programs – Mexican Education Programs — excedra – AND — it is our Government who has done this to our people – by orders of the ones who own our nation – “”The Elitest.”

        Lindsey: it is a fine line between hating the Mexicans and seeing the truth. Should we hate the Illegals – “”YES”” – simply because they are seriously hurting our people – but the Mexican is only a tool for the Ones who own our nation and the common citzen.

      • SuPadre says:

        tell us micky jones, why if im here in Mexico and im not INVADING ILLEGALLY your country you keep on insulting me and using racism throughout all of your answers? You are saying all people who stay in Mexico you salute them. Is that the way you salute them? the way you treat me is the way you show your respect? Oh man i feel so sorry about you. Youre nothing to your country nor to your community not to anybody and you think you are illuminating us with your comments. Please dude…… Das pena ajena pobre pendejo. Ya me estas dando hueva creo que ya dijiste tanta mierda que hasta nos mareas pero en fin. Sigue por tu falso camino de patriota y chinga tu madre tres veces.

    • Anthony Nguyen says:

      I truly don’t understand why you are so nationalistic. The United States isn’t that great of a country anyway.

      • SuPadre says:

        hes not nationalistic, hes just scared thats all. Poor little baby.

      • Mickey Jones says:

        The United States was the greatest nation in the world at one time — and thats the reason others have flooded in – but now – due to the immigration and changing of laws to appease the others – I do agree: the United States isn’t worth a f*ck…

      • Anthony Nguyen says:

        The main reason why the United States isn’t worth anything is because there are WAY to many closed-minded bigots. Many Americans are very rude, lazy, and whiny. Not all of them, as I used to live in the States and some of my closest friends were American. There’s a reason why many countries look down on Americans and the United States, regardless of it’s economic standing.

  532. Mickey Jones says:

    If your in Mexico – your fine with me — Keep your dirty brown ass down there – there are already enough Mexican Trash in the US as it is.

    You think I’m scared – scared of what?????

    Do you think I’m scared of you? If so – bring it on – I’l take care of your brown ass anytime you feel ready – post your addie – and we’ll set up a time and place.

    But don’t ever sit back and talk about how tough you are again – not unless your willing to face the consequences – in a word: if you want to talk the talk – get ready to walk the walk…….

    • SuPadre says:

      no man, what if you have a heart attack? you said you were a decrepit man old and dirty, im not that mean. And yeah ill stay here until i want it, and if tomorrow i feel like going over ther i will, just because of the simple fact that…. I CAN DO IT. sucki it up faggot!!

      • Mickey Jones says:

        Its like I’v told you — I’m just an old American Soldier – don’t worry about my health – its not worth even talking about anyway – so come when you wish – and when you do – be sure to look me up – I’m sure we can be “”FRIENDS””…

        But now – you have work to do – get busy explaining to the American People that you and all of the Other Mexicans are really really tough – and Macho.

        Explain to the American People that they (The American People) have nothing to say – as the Mexicans are going to do what-ever they want – when ever they want – and for what ever reason they want – which includes ILLEGALLY INVADING the United States – and at random – Coming in and Raping the American People – and taking what ever they want.

        Explain to the American People that the Mexicans are “”ENTITLED”” to do what ever they want – simply because they are Mexicans – and the American People have nothing to say about anything – and are helpless to the Mexican.

        SuPadre — as a Mexican – do you feel compelled to just take over the United States – while the American people just sit on their hands – affraid of the MACHO MEXICAN??????

      • SuPadre says:

        oh ok. Clarifying AGAIN im not in the states right now but if you want so…. here it is:

        I dont even need to explain it. All you ignorant rednecks have to understand that your “ku klux klan attitude” is not cool anymore. Only remarks how stupids you are. We are not though, I dont speak in behalf of anybody, but as for me, Im only a REAL man, not someone that hides behind internet posts saying shit and feeling like if i was entitled to speak in behalf of my community. Im only a real man that feels like he can go whenever he wants to any fucking country in this world including fucking united states. I have permission to do that and neither you nor any other fucking ignorant farmer can do something about it. As for the other mexicans that jump illegally to the States i cant speak for them. But im 100% that if they were not needed they would not be making as much fucking money as they are. That only indicates this…. FUCKING REDNECKS LIKE YOU, ARE LAZY ASS MOTHERFUCKERS THAT CANNOT BE HIRED NOR USED BY ANYONE. Maybe you are in your farm, or you live in a fucking trailer. And you want to blame a whole community for your laziness. You have no right to decide whos worth to live in your country or not, because you are nothing to your country. If your opinion was required, Government would pay attention to your stupid posts, but you are nothing to them. You are simple a worthless lame self called patriot with nothing productive to do. And no matter what color your skin is you are NOTHING. You are a piece of WHITE NOTHING. Nobody wants you nobody needs you. Nobody thinks about your posts they are lame. Stop thinking you are a genious illuminating others about the mexican invasion cmon dude!!! do you really think someone has changed his/her mind because of your cheap propaganda?? pffff dont make me laugh….

        You want me to tell them they have nothing to say?? i will!! stupid people like you have nothing to say. They open their mouth but only shit goes out! And as for mexicans doing whatever they want… Dont let them if you have the balls!! if you dont have them, suck it up and shut the fuck up wtop crying! Maybe you are so lazy for that ass well. And this goes to aaaall motherfuckers who support this idiot.


      • ingli ONLY says:

        u say you are an educated mexican… and look how u speak… American gets alll the uneducated beaners,,, you can only imagine how they speak and act… why are we responsible for YOUR people…. You and your government could care less about them. So what do you care what Americans think/say about them?

      • SuPadre says:

        i speak three languages idiot. I want you to try to write in spanish the same way i write in your language hahahahaha cmon try it!

  533. Charles says:

    Mexicans are shit, trash, filthy fucks who do NOTHING and destroy OUR CULTURE and cities!!! fuck them fuck their culture and way of life, this is OUR COUNTRY! they moved here, fuckin adapt or GET THE FUCK OUT!!

    • SuPadre says:

      hahahaha what culture??? disneyworld culture??? hahahahaha losers

    • Anthony Nguyen says:

      America is a melting pot of cultures. There is no clear line of what “American” culture is.

      • ingli ONLY says:

        America is called the melting pot because there are people from everywhere around the world, they have different cultures, different customs, but in the past when they came to America, they were one, one nation…. Immigrants of the past came to build a life and became quality American citizens… Now we have Takers / leeches.. If their own Country doesn’t want to care for them… WHY?? Are we obligated?

    • beaner for life says:

      Bro. American culture is a mix of everything that includes Mexican culture duh

  534. SuPadre says:

    oh ok. Clarifying AGAIN im not in the states right now but if you want so…. here it is:

    I dont even need to explain it. All you ignorant rednecks have to understand that your “ku klux klan attitude” is not cool anymore. Only remarks how stupids you are. We are not though, I dont speak in behalf of anybody, but as for me, Im only a REAL man, not someone that hides behind internet posts saying shit and feeling like if i was entitled to speak in behalf of my community. Im only a real man that feels like he can go whenever he wants to any fucking country in this world including fucking united states. I have permission to do that and neither you nor any other fucking ignorant farmer can do something about it. As for the other mexicans that jump illegally to the States i cant speak for them. But im 100% that if they were not needed they would not be making as much fucking money as they are. That only indicates this…. FUCKING REDNECKS LIKE YOU, ARE LAZY ASS MOTHERFUCKERS THAT CANNOT BE HIRED NOR USED BY ANYONE. Maybe you are in your farm, or you live in a fucking trailer. And you want to blame a whole community for your laziness. You have no right to decide whos worth to live in your country or not, because you are nothing to your country. If your opinion was required, Government would pay attention to your stupid posts, but you are nothing to them. You are simple a worthless lame self called patriot with nothing productive to do. And no matter what color your skin is you are NOTHING. You are a piece of WHITE NOTHING. Nobody wants you nobody needs you. Nobody thinks about your posts they are lame. Stop thinking you are a genious illuminating others about the mexican invasion cmon dude!!! do you really think someone has changed his/her mind because of your cheap propaganda?? pffff dont make me laugh….

    You want me to tell them they have nothing to say?? i will!! stupid people like you have nothing to say. They open their mouth but only shit goes out! And as for mexicans doing whatever they want… Dont let them if you have the balls!! if you dont have them, suck it up and shut the fuck up wtop crying! Maybe you are so lazy for that ass well. And this goes to aaaall motherfuckers who support this idiot.


  535. lolnono says:

    Honestly, I dislike Mexicans but I do not hate them, at least not most of the Mexican community. In fact, I’ve had Mexican friends all my life and they’re pretty neat and nice. What I don’t like is how THEY’RE FUCKING EVERYWHERE! And by everywhere, immigrants! Fuck, they’re in your schools, jobs, and even in your houses. For jesus christ sake, Mexicans cannot drive like how Asians can’t drive, the same with Polish people. And it isn’t just Mexicans, it’s these European shits that come out here and think they can run their mouths off because they speak a different language. Well guess what mother fucker, you thought wrong. It just pisses me off to see any foreigners, I’m Puerto Rican and my family are nowhere near ghetto. In fact, I come from a wealthy bloodline. Everyone in my family are civilized, none-trashy, and educated individuals with good jobs and etc. I have not yet met a mexican family that could compare to mines, my grandpa was a low budget farmer in Puerto Rico and got his green-card fair and square… So why can’t Mexican Immigrants be the same? The same with any other races out there however, why is it mostly MEXICANS? Why? There’s just so much mother fucking wet backs in this country, they’re fucking everywhere. Worse than Europeans, Asians, etc.

    • Anthony Nguyen says:

      1)Why exactly is seeing a large number of people from a certain group an annoyance?

      2)Stating your social status was irrelevant, sorry. And when you stated that you “have not yet met a Mexican family that could compare to mines[sic]”, that is rather rude. If you have a better economic standing than a another person, great. Good for you. But that does not necessarily make you any better as a person compared to others. One can be richer than another, but it means nothing if he is inconsiderate.

      3)Well, Puerto Rico is American territory so yes, getting a green-card is much easier for you and your family. Because of the Jones-Shafroth Act in 1917, Puerto Ricans all have US citizenship.

      Take this light heartedly, I’m simply curious to see your responses. Let’s have a nice discussion shall we?

      • SuPadre says:

        uuuuuuuuuhhh mickey is mad, the old dirt man is mad… uhhh im scarred…. naaaa hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

    • SuPadre says:

      dude… what is Puerto Rico?

      Its a shame that after 500 years of Puerto Rico’s history they are still a colony and the only colony other than Guam. You should be ashamed to be speaking like that hating people because “they are everywhere” while your “country” if it can be called like that, is still a colony and is the shame of whole latin america. Speaking other languages?? cmon dude! you should be speaking spanish, english is not your native language!! And even having the “us citizens” as mr nguyen says, youre nothing to them!!! ask them if they consider you American and youll see!!! youre not american, youre puerto rican!!! and how wealthy is your family is not relevant to anybody. Dam after reading your post i understand why Puerto Rico stays as colony. Really…. at least all other countries in Latin America have pride. Shame on you.

      • Mickey Jones says:

        Why don’t you give it a break – loud-mouth spic — ya – f*ck Off and F*cking die…

        What are you – the international Spic of all the Dirty Brown ass Trash.

        You make me sick – you f*cking punk — either shut your tortilla hole – or come up to the states – and I’ll shut it for you….

      • SuPadre says:

        dont get mad mickey im getting scarred uuuuuuuh hahahahahahaha and you really hurt my feelings with the tortilla comments hahahahahahaha. Only shows how ignorants you are. Mexican food is appreciated all around the world as a world class cuisine along with other countries traditional food. You comments just show how fucking mcdonalds shit has affected your little brain hahahahahaha

  536. ingli ONLY says:


    Everyone hates America propaganda is based
    on a narrow and distorted understanding of America. It exaggerates
    America’s faults and ignores what is good and even great about America.

    America provides an amazingly good life for the ordinary guy.

    Rich people live well everywhere. But what distinguishes America is that
    it provides an incomparably high standard of living for the “common man.”
    a country where construction workers regularly pay $4 for
    a nonfat latte, where maids drive nice cars, and where plumbers take
    their families on yearly vacations.
    In most countries in the world, your fate and your identity are handed to
    you; in America, you determine them for yourself.
    On occasion, America intervenes to overthrow a tyrannical regime or to
    halt massive human rights abuses in another country, but it never stays
    to rule that country. In Grenada, Haiti and Bosnia, the U.S. got in and
    then got out. … It’s time for the US to defend it’s own,,, sorry but we have our own problems, our own poor, our own children to educate…
    Why are we responsible for another countrys people?? Why can’t I speak out against immigration and express how BAD it is for America it’s NOT how it was intended to be.

  537. ingli ONLY says:

    you wrote::”””””next to Zocalo. We find a lot of US visitors in here enjoying our country, and trust me, i dont hate em!! I welcome them!!! and youre welcome to come too!!! “”” sounds like you love your home/homeland… how would you adapt to 30 million Americans moving there and changing it for the worse?? You stated they are visitors which means they are doing good for your economy, BUT then going home.. IF 30 million Americans did invade your home YOU would have the right to say something/do something…

    • SuPadre says:

      sorry but i disagree. If is people that is “needed”, and when i say needed, i mean they have a job and for whatever reason theyre getting hired, youre welcome! Maybe youre not aware of whatever happensa around the world because, with all due respect, most of the americans i have met are not interested in international news, but Mexico welcome spaniards after their civil war, and they stayed here. Also we have thousands of chinese and korean people here. I know many americans that are “taking over” beaches in Mexico which are a paradise, example, guayabitos, zipolite, cancun, etc… Im not a hater brother, i have better things to do. I hate haters though.

      • ingli ONLY says:

        supadre,,, there is a big difference having thousands of LEGAL chinese and korean people vs having 30 MILLION illegal people… Mexico has VERY strict immigration laws,, they are VERY picky on who they let stay in the Country.. We too have immigration laws but Our government is not inforcing them (?) taking in people with education and means is for the most part beneficial for a country/economy… So, one point is that the people your country is allowing to stay is not costing them or your people anything…. You sound kinda young, how old are you??
        as for your country welcoming spaniards after the war,,, No country has ever welcomed more immigrants the the US…

      • SuPadre says:

        Probably youve never been in Mexico. And yes im young and feel young. Im 29. Korean and Chinese people do not have a legal status. We are not STRICT. Many people from Centroamerica who are on their way to the States end up living here and nobody starts the racist propaganda. Yore are right US is aaaaall immigrants including you and your family as well. You are not a Sioux are you? So thats exactly why is confusing to see your posts and Mr Micky stupid Jones talknig shit about immigrants. Shows your ignorance about your own history

      • ingli ONLY says:

        it’s pretty much like we save 20 cents on a head of lettuce… or 20 cents on some other product… but in the long run they cost us billions,,,, Americans would benefit and save billions by paying a little more for lettuce.. Kind of deep, but true!

  538. ingli ONLY says:

    supadre, drugs? Alcohol? yea a big problem in the US..
    A 2009 United Nations report estimated 1.7 million Mexicans (in mexico), or about 2.4 percent of the population, use cocaine. In comparison with the US, where an estimated 88 tons of cocaine are consumed annually, Mexico, with about one-third of the population as its northern neighbor, consumes an estimated 27.65 tons of the drug every year. If the UN’s numbers are fairly accurate, Mexico is rapidly catching up to the US as a leading consumer of cocaine… We have OUR problems and faults and mexico has theirs,,, why should America be responsible for yours???

    Arguing with some people is like playing chess with a pigeon, no matter how good you are at chess, the pigeon is just gonna knock over the pieces, crap on the board, and strut around like it is victorious” I went back back and read all of your posts and it’s pretty much like playing chess with a pigeon..

    Shouldn’t mexico take care of it’s own people?

    • SuPadre says:

      thats exactly why im mad my friend. Our stupid president started a war against drug cartels and its been a lot of people dead in here, and just because we are trying to care about YOUR PROBLEM. We all low where the drugs go to, hey go to your country, the biggest consumer of drugs. All the fire between cartels is because they fight to get the drugs exported to the greatest buyers, our northern neighbour. So why should we care about your kids not being able to stop doing crack? think about it

      • ingli ONLY says:

        supadre,,, bellieve me if our government wanted to end the drug problems and the violence/cartels in mexico not only would they of,, they could of… our military could get in there and clean up that shit,,,, but, somehow our government is just as greedy/corrupt as yours… just as there is a reason they are allowing 30 million of your people to come here and destroy our cities one by one….

      • SuPadre says:

        they can! of course they can! but that would not fix the problem. You think that american kids do drugs because of mexican cartels??!! youre totally confused!!. They do it because they are junkie pieces of shit. And even if your military comes here and blows off Mexico, that wont make your kids stoop doing crack they would find other ways! stop blaming other countries is YOU. After ending the problem in Mexico, what are you going to do? go to Peru, Colombia and all latin america and do the same?? and then all around the world?? Are you really so naive? What happened in Iraq? What happened in Afghanistan? You still havent learned? still think you can do as you want? They keep on bombing and spitting on soldiers faces because nobody respects you all around the world. And nobody does because of people like you. And you even dare to cry and ask why this happens when things as September 11th take place

      • Spic Hater says:

        This is exactly what we should do, just invade Mexico and then move on to South America. You dirty-ass spics need to be put in your place.

  539. ingli ONLY says:

    Just Quit trying to defend these people already! They are a drain on our country. We are not obligated or responsible to take care of these people . I heard over and over and over they are such proud people..Hard working people… where is this pride when it counts? where is the hard work when it comes to fixing the problems in their country??

    • SuPadre says:

      Hey Ingli! i speak three languages idiot. I want you to try to write in spanish the same way i write in your language hahahahaha cmon try it

      • ingli ONLY says:

        supadre,,, you’re one up on me, I’m an English only person. I have a profession that requires a great deal of travel. plus i take 12-15 personal trips each year and so far i haven’t needed a second language. One of my brothers and my sister are both fluent spanish/english by choice, which is truly amazing since they were brought up in an English only home…..
        What’s your 3rd language? and in closing I’m truly not an idiot , I just see the destruction of California (because of OVER immigration legal/not legal) and I speak my words loud and clear … There isn’t one person in Government I haven’t faxed, written, called or emailed including our piece of crap president regarding my concerns…

      • SuPadre says:

        hahahahaha maybe they have your mails in the junk mail inbox lol hahahaha and they speak spanish fluently?? id like to see that!!! and is kind of stupid and ignorant to think that you should only learn a language if you “need” it. You learn it because you want to learn it no matter if you need it or not, and even more if you travel 12-15 times as you say. You show no education for a person that goes around the world. Learning a foreign language is part of being an educated person. To speak another language makes a person to count as two persons, or three, or as many languages you can learn. Makes you more productive and efficient. No need of translators nor waste of time. You are only able to speak in your “native” language which has no merit at all. That only shows how simple and basic minded you are.

  540. Mickey Jones says:

    You know why I know your just another dumb-ass Mexican?

    You think because of my comments that I mad – and thats not true. I have nothing against you or any other Dirty Brown Ass Piece of Garbage Mexican – not at all – I have no hate for you or anyone else for that matter.

    Here it is Dumb-Ass – please pay attention.

    The US is about to fall into a civil war and or revolution – the Mexicans need to leave the American people alone – let us sort out our troubles – The Mexican seriously needs to keep their noses out of American Business – and that includes you…..

    • SuPadre says:

      hahahahahahahahaha ok then…. what are you waiting for??? to start your civil war??? cmon dude!!! i see nothing!!!! keep barking little chihuahua dog…

      • Mickey Jones says:

        Its not up to me to start a civil war – that depends upon the way our nation goes – and I actually want to avoid such a thing.

        To avoid a civil war in the US – the Illegal Mexican must leave — along with all of their crime.

      • SuPadre says:

        haha faggot!

      • The Pope says:

        You’re a fucking joke. “things” like you should be hanged.

  541. ingli ONLY says:

    supadre, I can’t determine if the content of your writings is as it is ,, because English is not your first language or because you are 15 or 16?
    Mexico is FASTLY catching up (percentage wise) with the US with the number of drug addicts, so are the mexicans included as druggie pieces of shit that you speak of??
    and in closing I have no reason to lie about anything I’ve said to you or anyone on this site….
    BUT if it’s lies you want, HERE”S A LIE FOR YOU:
    I would like to thank mexico for sending us their most beautiful and educated, people who the US will benefit from having… They never leech off our society,. Our schools , our streets, our country is much better because they are here, and we welcome 30 million more to come and have their beautiful children they can afford…

    • SuPadre says:

      with or without mexicans, youre nothing thats all i have to say. No Bro i wish i was 15 or 16, unfortunetely is not the case. FASTLY catching up…. mmm ok but youre still the biggest market PERIOD. No excuses…. so yes you americans are the biggest junkie addicts pieces of shit, is a fact.

  542. ingli ONLY says:

    unskilled illegal immigrants cost considerably more than they contribute to our society … if they were worth a shit their own country would want to keep them………………….. …..

  543. ingli ONLY says:

    Maybe you should study your own culture to see how our values differ and figure out why your men won‘t fight for the Mexican dream in mexico. They can’t all be puss cees and leeches, can they? You seem to know everything about America and A,mericans,,,, so what’s up with these mexicans that come here and expect another people to feed their kids?? Why do they work for under minimum wage (that really hurts our society) but, I’m sure they don’t care…
    And why do Mexicans get offended when you bring up these facts??? Why don’t they help their own people in mexico??? instead of finding it insulting that Americans have something to say about it???? Why is it our obligation to take care of them and not YOURS?

    • SuPadre says:

      i find insulting racism. Thats all. And i find insulting that you keep on blaming people for your own mistakes. September 11th, fucking ragheads. Liquor store robbery? Fucking niggers!!! i pay too much taxes??? fucking mexicans!!!! cmon again stop crying you all be a man and stop blaming others for your own disgrace. I know a lot about my culture which topic would you like to discuss?? Do you know about your culture?? oh i forgot! is USA we re talking about here! you have no culture! sad but true brother. Dont hate. Is better learn from all people from all cultures. If the immigrants were not needed, they could not even survive in the States, they would starve to death and nobody would go. Instead, they find jobs, which means that somehow they are needed. PERIOD. Maybe you dont need them but theres a looooooot of people that do need them so dont hate mexicans, hate your own people who give them jobs, because the dont live of welfare, they all have jobs. So why dont you hate your own culture giving them jobs??? instead of hating the people whos only taking the opportunities??? think about it

      • Mickey Jones says:

        SuPadre — thats what were trying to do – is to stop blaming others for our problems – Americans do-not want to be rude toward others – but what we do want is a decent nation – and that means tending to our issues right here – and with out mexican interference..

  544. ingli ONLY says:

    supadre You say “All Americas are immigrants, so who are we to deport these people”, remember that in fact Americans are actually LEGAL immigrants, allowed to immigrate into the country by the choice of the country, not by the whim of the immigrant.
    Illegal aliens by definition show no regard for the residents and laws of the country they break into, so they are by nature undesirable immigration candidates that should be immediately deported upon discovery or sooner………….

    • SuPadre says:

      hahahahahahahaha thats so stupid. Youre going to tell me that all immigrants from Italy, Ireland, Scotland, etcetera were all exemplary individuals??? hahahahaha cmon man bring up topics worth to discuss.

  545. Charles says:

    you know its one thing to provide a country with working class citizens and what not but that is not what is happening. When I see some Lazy ass who Won’t speak English getting welfare and disability checks! that is what is wrong with America. Why should they be entitled to the benefits of our Great Nation. Beyond that fact that there are ALOT of PEOPLE, which includes a LOT of Mexican immigrants on welfare, disability, MAP clinics. which by the way all these things ARE NOT FREE!!! We the working class individual who puts in hours every week, pays for their own insurance, puts food on the table at home, and has SELF RESPECT are the ones paying for these “Free” services that are being incredibly exploited and abused. Those programs are so abused that the people who really need help, who really need the community of our country to help them out CAN NOT get the help they need. Its Wrong, a single mother in her 20’s working 45-60 hours a week at three jobs while barley only making minimum wage and has no car, no place to live besides where friends and family put her and her child up, hardly has enough money for food and diapers for her child. She needs our help but she can’t/ won’t accept being on welfare, because she does not consider herself lazy or a quitter. also it is increasingly more difficult to accomplish this task, the process is so dragged out that if you have to work to keep your head above water there is no way to take off the amount of time needed to apply and be processed in to the system anyway. so FUCK YOU SUPADRE your fucking America in the ass, IF BOSNIAN, CROATIAN, CHINESE, and INDIAN immigrants can come to this country, apply themselves and make enough money to buy a home and have a family AND LEAN TO SPEAK FUCKING ENGLISH then so can anyone else and I am sorry but a good amount of the MEXICAN COMMUNITY in TEXAS doesn’t give two shits. they see a way to get free money without having to do a fucking thing, And that Mentality is hurting all of us in ways you couldn’t believe. so please SHUT YOUR FUCKING TORTILLA HOLE UP! and don’t add to the problem motherfucker because if you do, you don’t deserve to be here, BECAUSE YOU NEVER FUCKING EARNED IT!

    • SuPadre says:

      hahahahahahaha another asshole. Read all my comments and youll see that 1.- im not in the fucking states and i dont want to. I can go whenever want though. and 2.-are you serious?? youre from Texas?? fucking wirtless state! ive been several times there in austin and oh my god is so lame. Anyway. Youre from Texas so… let me see… whats your name?? Jack ESPINOZA?, Tom Perez? you better shut the fuck up and respect the land youre living in. If youre talking about a white bitch that deserves this and that…. and she doesnt take it because as you said “she does not consider herself lazy….” then whats the problem??? she wont take it because she has pride so, why are you barking about that? and for being your primary language, you dont express yourself clearly in English, another ignorant an uneducated fucker, cmon bring it on!!! i want more of these fuckers to join the blog. That way id have more examples of “exemplary individuals and american patriots” hahahahahaha just another cocksucker

      • Lindsey says:

        “you dont express yourself clearly in English, another ignorant an uneducated fucker”

        …your whole comment absolutely made no grammatical nor any apparent logical sense, who’s the uneducated fucker? You’re so annoying.

      • SuPadre says:

        you understood that part at least bitch. Why dont you show me your exceptional grammatical skills in another language??? probably because youre another undeducated bitch who thinks english is the only language in this world. Did you understand this post? I think you guys are understanding my posts, thats why you answer all of them and you just get more pissed off hahahahahahaha so lame….

  546. sff says:

    “supadre,,, bellieve me if our government wanted to end the drug problems and the violence/cartels in mexico not only would they of,, they could of… our military could get in there and clean up that shit,,,, but, somehow our government is just as greedy/corrupt as yours… just as there is a reason they are allowing 30 million of your people to come here and destroy our cities one by one” THE most clever thing I’ve read. Also, Why is the RICH hiring illegal immigrants when it’s obviously illegal?Why United States doesnt stop the immigration problem when the whole world knows that it is capable of doing it?
    30 million mexicans, but what’s the percentage of actual illegal mexicans? less than the half?

    Being honest, I can understand your postion as a taxpayer legal citizen about this immigration phenomenon but I can also understand why those people immigrate. Our oligarchy, being able to solve that problem if they’d want cause they can cause they have the sources, prefer earning dollars and more dollars. As far as the shit mexicans you’ve mentioned and I know there are, its a shame, I dont even wanna say they deserve to go to jail cause it would cost money as well but what about the others? I know you guys just overgeneralize a mexican like this fellow of yours “IF BOSNIAN, CROATIAN, CHINESE, and INDIAN immigrants can come to this country, apply themselves and make enough money to buy a home and have a family AND LEAN TO SPEAK FUCKING ENGLISH then so can anyone else and I am sorry but a good amount of the MEXICAN COMMUNITY in TEXAS doesn’t give two shits”, but being rational we know that mexicans with these characteristics also exist.

    You unitedstatians as well as many mexicans, spend millions in providing the illegal ones with food, housing, education, etc and your not obligated to.
    Any complain about the billions you spend daily in warlike expenses? Or you are obligated to contribute to the elite’s domination plans?

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Hello sff:
      That was a real nice posting – thank you.

      This Mexican — known as “SuPadre” – hes just a big mouth Mexican – a dumb-ass Mexican – and he isn’t trying to do anything except created problems.

      The Illegal Mexican problem – atleast to my way of thinking – can be blamed on the elite – elite American Business – as well as some foriegn business elite – such as the Global Elite.

      They are such a powerfull force – they actually own Americans political process – as well as the monetary system.

      In my view – in many ways the Illegal Mexicans can’t be blamed – as they are only taking something thats being givien to them – Yes, the Mexican Must go – but we Americans must control our system first – and we all know what that means…..

      • SuPadre says:

        not big mouth mickey jones, big brain. thats what i have. You wont ever get to control your system cmon! youre just an ignorant reneck stop dreaming!! Hey Mickey is better if you forget about this post and go and watch wheel of fortune or some stupid Unitedstatian stupid tv show lol

  547. Mickey Jones says:

    Ya Ya — Carry on “SuPadre” – just keep on flapping that big brown tortilla hole.

    Listen Spic – Things are just as I’v tried to tell you – a big bad and nasty war is coming to the US – and as far as I’m concerned – when ever the american people are ready – thats just fine with me – as there is nothing I can do to start it or stop it from taking place.

    I realize that Dirty and Criminalistic Spics like yourself have to act tough and be the Mocho Little brown Tough drug pushing punk – by heritage I suppse – but that Spic Crap doesn’t work with me – niether does the idea of Mexican Trash trying to hide behind a Hebrew God – as the idea of trying to get MEXICAN FAVOR based of some bull-shit Catholic Hebrew borne shit – so take your crap back home with you.

    But you know what really gets me the most – what I have a hard time understanding ?

    How is it you and the Mexican and or Low-Tina culture can be so LOW – and feel that you and other Spics need to push such an inferrior cultural view on the American Peoples – a Society that you try to escape from – but still live while ILLEGALLY INVADING the United States?

    I mean – your from a shit nation – you are shit – the Mexicans are shit – but yet – you demand the americans to become what you are and what you run from – as in saying — everything a Mexican touches turns into shit — because you are shit.

    Go Home Spic – get your nose out of american business.

    • Alex Goodman says:

      What are you trying to accomplish by calling Mexicans shit and insulting people like this? Do you think they’re going to leave? It’s not necessary. Well you haven’t done anything to help the issue, so do something for a change. I bet you wouldn’t say this to a Mexican’s face.

      • mickey Jones says:

        Mr. Good-Kike
        Well, oh well – you must be one of those Liber”als I keep hearing about.

        I actually have said these things to various Mexicans – and over the years – wanta hear a story — its a true one???

        Years ago – I think I was about 28 to 30 years of age: I was in a grocery store one day – an old “Winn Dixie” – in Arlington Texas – heres what happened.

        I was pushing my cart down a section that ends into a four way – and just around the corner was a mexican family – Mama – Papa – and little Bambino (female).

        The Mexican was in the intersection before me – and I hit his cart – ran into it as it were. So I looked at them – and said — “Ohh I’m Sorry”!

        So what do you think the mexican said to me — his response as it were? Do you think the Mexican said – oh thats ok? == Nope! Do you think the mexican said – get out of my way == Nope!

        After I said to the Mexican that I was sorry for running into his cart — that Lousy Piece of trash said to me and in my own country – in my home state and in my home town — and I qoute — “””DON’T YOU LOOK AT MY WOMAN — Or I WILL KILL YOU””””.

        Well – its a long story after that – but after trying several times to let the Mexican Illegal know that I was sorry – that ILLEGAL MEXICAN GARBAGE continued to tell me that he was going to kill me — yep — and so I eventually lost my temper – I grabbed that PIECE OF MEXICAN TRASH by the hair of the head – and began pulling its brown ass out of the store – telling that thing that its was fixing to get its chance to kill me in just a few seconds.

        Its “WOMEN”” — if you want to call it that was screaming and crying to to protect its Mexican Beast – that I was going to TEND to once and for all.

        LOL LOL LOL: Mexicans are Proud — LOL LOL LOL!!!!!

      • SuPadre says:

        hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Cmon dude! Not even your mother would believe that story!!! Why dont you admit that probably you were beat up by a mexican and thats why youre so scared of them? hahahahahahahahahahaha man your posts become funnier and funnier is even better than watching a clown show or something hahahahahaha tell us more!!! please another one!!!!

      • Alex Goodman says:

        Mickey Jones
        Just a correction; it is woman not women, because women is plural. That’s an interesting story, but who says any other type of person wouldn’t do the same thing? You probably did more damage to him than he would have ever done to you.

    • SuPadre says:

      hahahahahahaha seems that youre retarded or something. You have not understood im not in the States. Anyway…Im not criminalistic and dirty, trust me. And i think rednecks like you have to act as if you were tough and “superior”, because probably you have a trauma with a mexican who is probably fucking your wife (if you have of course, maybe youre too lame to have a woman) or maybe your mother. Or probably because you were abused at school by a mexican i dont know. But that would make sense. Poooor micky :( So old and still cant make the mexicans go home. So sad being and old man like you and have to live with the fact that YOU ARE A LOSER. AND IS ALSO SAD THAT EVERYDAY YOU COME HERE WITH YOUR HATING ON MEXICANS, AND THEY DONT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOU. hahahahahaahahaha LOOOOOOSER!

  548. Shame says:

    Gosh it looks like a 12 year old wrote this… I am an american but it is really disapointing to know that a fellow american wrote this blog, I thought we where better than this…

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Greetings Shame:
      Tell me why you find this so disappointig?????

      Or – can it possibly be your just another Mexican?????

      • Alex Goodman says:

        Mickey Jones,
        Its because the majority of people on this blog are so ignorant its unacceptable.

        “No you dumb spic, there are cameras all over my gym, so even though I would enjoy beating the pride right out of one of your brown buddy’s ass…”
        “what the fuck are you talking about im a fucking nazi i will find where you live u fucking beaner peice of shit”
        “Just admit you lack the intelligence. Don’t worry though, Taco Bell isn’t going anywhere, so you’ll be able to work as long as you aren’t a lazy cockroach.”

        These comments were made by people opposing any Mexicans (note: illegal AND legal) in the US. Until fellow Americans stop making comments like these, Mexicans are no less intelligent than us.

  549. Mickey Jones says:

    You folks read where that MEXICAN THING “SuPadre” makes a statement – claiming that its intelligent?

    But then you read on – what it has written – words like “”Bitch””, “cocksucker” and other words which I was not able to define!

    Now lets ask – does that Mexican Thing sound intelligent to anyone – or does it sound like a jack-ass instead?

    Ya well – thats ok — “”SuPadre” — why don’t you do something to help your people – such as trying to get your own nation under control – instead of a horde of “”COWARDLY WET-BACKS”” illegally invading the United States – begging my nation for welfare – and your what was that again ?????????????

    MEXICANS are PROUD and MOCHO – TOUGH – BRAVE – LOL LOL LOL —- Mexicans are nothing more than Cowardly Welfare Begging Trash – Criminal Trash — Mexicans are so full of crap…..

    Hey SuPadre – have you finnished sucking your Pigs Cock yet????

    • Alex Goodman says:

      Mickey Jones:
      “why don’t you do something to help your people”

    • SuPadre says:

      hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha You keep on getting more and more pissed off. Is so funny to read your posts. Cmon mickey, tell us, what are you going to post tomorrow?? I want to go to sleep with a big smile on my face after reading your posts, hahahahahaha. And guess whats the funniest fact? THAT YOU ARE OLD AND MISERABLE AND SOON YOULL BE DEATH. AND MEXICANS WILL STAY IN THE STATES AND YOULL DIE AND NOBODY WILL NOTICE. AND MEXICANS WILL BE THERE…. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA GREETINGS FROM MEXICO CITY!!!!!!!

      • FkingSuPadres Mom says:

        Lol there will be racism and hate no matter what. Accept it, people like Goodman are the ignorant ones.
        In the meantime, SuPadre’s mom is about to swallow all my cum

      • SuPadre says:

        hahahahahahaha well you sound like you have erectile disfunction so i dont think so lol

      • Alex Goodman says:

        Excuse me “FkingSuPadres Mom”,
        How are the people calling foreigners garbage, shit, etc. not ignorant but I am? Think about it. Yes, I know there will be hate no matter what but its disgusting to think that people feel the need to say these things over the internet like this.

  550. Aaron Davis says:

    “Now lets ask – does that Mexican Thing sound intelligent to anyone – or does it sound like a jack-ass instead?” Not really, anyways he sounds far more intelligent than you of course.
    You are intelligent for people with BRILLIANT arguments such as this “I dislike mexicans because they think their tough and they are unable to fight on their own they need some other spics helping them out” seriously?
    But anyways here we have a dude asking the mexicans to fight their country instead of invading ours when his fight is to be writing stupid stuff REALLY REALLY stupid shit behind his screen.
    What else? Oh yes, plenty of misspellings and yet he has the nerve to call an entire population ignorant, wow you do have balls.

    “Well – its a long story after that – but after trying several times to let the Mexican Illegal know that I was sorry – that ILLEGAL MEXICAN GARBAGE continued to tell me that he was going to kill me — yep — and so I eventually lost my temper – I grabbed that PIECE OF MEXICAN TRASH by the hair of the head – and began pulling its brown ass out of the store – telling that thing that its was fixing to get its chance to kill me in just a few seconds”

    Good story there fellow, “– TOUGH – BRAVE – LOL LOL LOL —-”
    By the way, I saw that story told differently on previous postings, you are nothing but an ENORMOUS COLOSSAL mouth Mickey Jones.

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Aaron Davis – did you even read the story? Its told the same way as this is a fact.

      I think your the MOUTH – and most likely just another wet-back.

      So “””””MR. DAVIS”””” – if you dislike my story — what are you going to do about it – tell me punk – whats ya going to do???

      I hope I get the right answer punk – go on and act like a bad-ass punk – please do something – SPIC….

  551. ingli ONLY says:

    Per capita income of Hispanics is one half that of non-Hispanic whites, and household net worth is less than one tenth.
    Fifty percent of Hispanic households use some form of welfare, the highest rate of any major population group.
    Hispanics are 3.3 times more likely to be in prison than whites; they are 4.2 times more likely to be in prison for murder, and 5.8 times more likely to be in prison for felony drug crimes.
    Young Hispanics are 19 times more likely than young whites (and slightly more likely than young blacks) to be in youth gangs.
    At 43 percent, the Hispanic illegitimacy rate is twice the white rate, and Hispanic women have abortions at 2.7 times the white rate.
    ZERO percent of MEXICANS in mexico have the right to say anything about how Americans feel about illegals….. TAKE CARE OF YOUR OWN PEOPLE, then and ONLY THEN you’re welcome to have a say… until then SHUT THE FUCK UP.

  552. ingli ONLY says:

    TODAY is the annual turkey/food give away… shown all morning on the news…. White people and Black people donating and volunteering……………… oh my god mexicans, thousands of mexicans in line for the FREEBIES…
    Americans and America needs to STOP giving to them… NO more free turkeys, free food, free medical, free education, no more free stuff,, most will go home… Let the big mouth mexicans in mexico take care of their own….
    AND if you know of a Company that is hiring illegals REPORT THEM… if you see a mexican bitch with a job and suspect she’s also receiving welfare report her ugly ass too!! You can’t just call once you have to call over and over and continue to follow up… It’s NOT PETTY,,, it’s the first step of getting them to go…
    it’s either report the mother fuckers or shoot ’em at the border.

    • SuPadre says:

      hahahahahahahahahahahaha oh my god youre almost as funny as your daddy micky jones…. yeah you should do that. Report them fucking illegals and all the ugly mexican bitches oh and also shoot them at the border…. yeah right. And then what? youll still be poor and miserable. Your life wont become better i swear. You were born a loser and a hater, and thats the way youll die. youll die a loser, with or without mexicans… anyway, i doubt you even have the balls to report them anyway. you are scaaaaaaaareeddddddddd uuuuuhhhh hahahahahahhahahaha

  553. ingli ONLY says:

    Mexico has absolutely NO shame. They should be, but aren’t, embarrassed by their rhetoric. The really pathetic thing is that, in their arrogance and stupidity, they actually believe all of their shit.

    “It’s all America’s fault, yada, yada, yada!!”

    Of course,in their view, Mexico is blameless…it’s not Mexico’s fault that its citizen are largely uneducated and unskilled. If only those “bad Americans” would educate Mexico’s children like they’re supposed to do!! (supose to do?? what the fuck??)

    Mexico’s sole contribution to the illegal immigration debate to is to whine and complain…and throw millions of its people over the border.

    Mexico only cares for its citizens ONCE they illegally enter America; until then, Mexico doesn’t do anything for them…except for distributing a pamphlet with instructions on how to escape illegally to America. The education system in Mexico is so bad that, by necessity, the pamphlet is comprised largely of pictures and graphics.

    stupid mexican logic “they come to better themselves, provide for their family””” fuck you people in mexico .. it’s not our responsibilty to take care of YOUR bottom feeders.

    • SuPadre says:

      hahahahahahahaaha dude waht can we expect of education in America, when a big % of american people do not know that cancun is part of mexico they think is another country. And also they are not able to tell where are the other americas countries in a map, because they think America is acountry, not a continent.. hahahahahahahahaha we all know how ignorants you are. We know you dont know shit about the world because youre so closed minded. Dont come and tell me we are ignorant. What percentage of Americans know their own history? they know more about britney spears life!! We can see the average american in tv shows like “Jersey Shore”, “Saturday night live” and we know youre ignorant when you bomb countries whose names you cannot even pronounce nor locate in a map. Well illegal people is stupid…. “the pamphlet is comprised largely of pictures and graphics.” i challenge you to cross the border with your pamphlet…. if you can move of course, because you may be, as a good american, a fucking fat ass bastard who gets exhausted and sweats while sitting in his couch watching wheel of fortune hahahahahahaha dumb ass

      • ingli ONLY says:

        Regarding being a nation of “fatties”,,, you have to remember that this just started making headlines about 10 years ago… GUESS What… mexicans are now figured into the equation.. If you drive by ANY school in the Los Angeles area you will see a school yard filled with fatties:: approximately 70% of the fat ones are mexican… and then the parents dropping the children off approximately 85% of the fat mothers are mexican.. SO, mexicans have increased the numbers of obese significantly… Guess they don’t need all that FREE food we give them…
        you seem to mention, gay, and dicks and wheel of fortune ALOT.. what are you ??? a short chubby non circumsized little dick boy that watches wheel of fortune with his 12 year old boyfriend?? You really are just another dumb beaner,,, I’ve had many conversations with many different people on this site… you just prove over and over you have zero substance. For you to beable to make me mad or to hurt my feelings I’d have to value you as……………. something… You continue to ramble on without ever saying anything,,, is that just the mexican way or are you just stupid? So are you one of the brown beaners your country could care less about?? or are you one of the white ones that thinks they are above the little brown ones?

      • SuPadre says:

        hahahahahahaha beaner…….., i dont know how many times ill have to explain to you that IM NOT IN YOUR FUCKING COUNTRY. fucking stupid you act like if you were retarded, or is only the american average intelligence? i dont know but dam youre lame. Cmon dude get out of here. is getting late for your cocksucking with mickey jones.

  554. ingli ONLY says:

    $2.2 Billion dollars a year is spent on food assistance programs such as food stamps, WIC, and free school lunches for ILLEGAL aliens. if you can’t afford to feed the little fuckers,,, ???

    • SuPadre says:

      blah blah blah blah blah fucking coward do something get a job or get a life. You write shit over shit and nobody will change points of view with your shitty arguments. dam and you speak in behalf of the “greatly educated” americans??? your more like a shame for your own country. Poor marica.

  555. SuPadre says:

    I have an idea! This post is becoming boring and stupid. Why dont we change it. Lets talk about Mickey Jones and Ingli romance, how they met each other and the problematique of their homosexual relationship in a conservative America??? How do you guys survive in a homophobic country?? I think that topic would be more interesting dont you think?

  556. Mickey Jones says:


    Ya – I suppose I do hate Illegal Mexicans who feel so special that they are entitled to do as they please: Such as Beg for money – beg for free housing, food, electrical services, educational services, and so on – who really knows what all the MEXICANS want for FREE.

    But what really pisses me off about theses DIRTY LITTLE BROWN CRIMINALS – is the fact that they already ready know what they are – and continue to invade the US – bringing more crime – more rude behavior – more and more entitlements – because the MEXICAN IS PROUD to be a begger and a Criminal.

    America – lets begin the process of TENDING TO THE TRASH.

    America – don’t be fooled by these dirty brown cock-roaches – they are not tough or mocho like they would have you think – they are nothing but an act.

    • SuPadre says:

      you wont comment about the other topic?? share your experience cmon i know will be good for you to express your feelings maybe that way well understand better all your bitterness and low self esteem.

  557. ingli ONLY says:

    make life so miserable for undocumented/illegal immigrants that they will “self-deport.”

    • SuPadre says:

      hahahahaha asking people to make life miserable to others, because his life is miserable from the very beginning. Poor Ingli, sad but true. But you still have Mickey Jones cock to make you happy every day!!! cmon! stop typing shit!! go and blow mickey jones cock!

      • Mickey Jones says:

        SuPadre – your just an ignorant and vile Mexican – everything that you spew is vile and disgusting. I will not get off topic and write about a subject that you want to discuss – simply because there is no trueth to any of it – the subject you want to discuss is just a product of a Dirty Mexican Mind, and has nothing to do with reality – which is the main reason people all over the world hate Mexicans.

        The reality is — Mexicans are in the United States as nothing more than a Criminal Element – Mexicans are Beggers – Mexicans are Dirty carriers of various forms of “Staff Infections” such as “Mersa”.

        So – Supadre – its time to become truthfull about ILLEGAL MEXICANS – time for all of us to tell the truth – don’t you think?

        In you mind – tell me — tell us — explain in your words what Mexicans are – tell everyone why there should be anything that one would describe as an “”ILLEGAL MEXICAN””?

        1. Natural Borne Mexican Citizens Break American Law by Illegally Invading the United States – TRUE?
        A: Why is this true – Why do Mexicans Feel entitled???

        2. Why do ILLEGAL MEXICANS feel entitled to BEG the American people for multiple forms of welfare??
        A: I thought the Mexican People were a proud Peoples – is BEGGING for welfare a sign of being PROUD and MOCHO – a sign of HONESTY and being DECENT????

        3. Illegal Mexicans sell illegal and or controlled substances to american citizens – TRUE???
        A: In what way could anyone find it acceptable for an ILLEGAL INVADER to force themselves into a foriegn nation, only to begin an illegal enterprise — IE: drug Sells?

        SuPadre: if a few Mexicans had Illegally invaded the US – say 10,000 or less – no-one would say anything — If the Illegal Mexicans did not take welfare – no one would say anything — if the Illegal Mexicans did not sell illegal drugs – no one would say anything — if the Illegal Mexicans were nice – pleasent and not rude – no one would say anything — BUT — The fact is — The Illegal Mexican is guilty of everything I just said.

        THUS: The American People see the Illegal Mexican as a rude, dirty, criminalistic Parasite – and therefore have a great deal of hate for MEXICANS…

        Your people did this to yourselves.

      • SuPadre says:

        Ok Micky Jones. Lets clarify…………….. 1.- The country most hated all over the world is the USA. Thats a fact not something in making up. Therefore dirty amercians like you are hated not only in Mexico, but all around the world. For people like you is that in many parts of the world september 11th instead of being considered as a disaster, was taken as a celebration. youve done this to yourselves.

        2.- If mexican sell drugs (and there are not only mexicans but, for your little brain lets say yes, there are only mexicans selling drugs yada yada yada) is because and ONLY BECAUSE, the american junkies are the biggest consumers all over the world. Im pretty sure that American kids start doing drugs at a very early age. Thats also a fact, not something i am making up. So, if there were no fucking american junkies, mexicans wouldnt sell drugs because of the simple fact that there would not be a good business. theres a 90% of probability that you and your sons are fucking crackheads or at least, have tried crack in your life.

        3.- the fact that you hate mexicans, does not mean that everybody hates mexicans. As a matter of fact there are A LOT of Mexicans in the US that are more succesful than you or have made so far more than what you have done in your entire life. You say all them are asking for welfare and wasting your time, while Mark Sanchez is the NY Jets quarterback. You should be ashamed. Mark Sanchez is a little brown cockroach brown turd begging for welfare? Eduardo Najera? I dont think so. Thousands of UNAM students required in American Universtities with scholarship because of the interest OF YOUR COUNTRY in their contribution to science. And what are you? you were born in the US and…? what have you done for your country and for yourself? The answer is sad, but is true. Sorry Micky. Your life is miserable. but is not mexicans fault.

  558. pansy ass gringos are scared of mexicans dealing drugs to their addict nation. it figures. and mexico isn’t feeling envy toward countries like venezuela and argentina that are more POOR than mexico could ever be. you punks. you guys say mexico is the most hated in america but which people are in jail more? not mexicans. which people flew planes into buildings? not mexicans. so i guess you’re “most hated” shit doesnt mean shit. keep talkin shit and shit about us you fake ass christian faggots. fuckin punks. who stole texas and arizona? you know the answer puto. yea and “taking your jobs”? have fun picking vegetables and fruits that feed your punk spoiled kids. have fun with the fact that most americans who are wealthier than immigrants are going to be doing jobs that dont fit their living conditions and ways of life. fuckin idiots dont make sense. americans take jobs from americans, get mad at their stupid hypocrit asses too. “follow our laws” is what you whities say, but laws dont always mean shit. Hitler had laws and people till this day still hate his ass, legally, in text books. so fuck off with your stupid hatred. you people probably hate blacks and jews you fuckin mongers. go wage war on another POOR country you fuckin cowards. oh yea and get mad at a mexican in your fuckin country working his ass off just to get shit for peanut money. keep hating the poor and less fortunate you fuckin brat shit for brains. karma’s a bitch for you fuckin punks in the future. thats all i’m goin to say. fuck off. your comments and hatred dont mean shit. hateful little Shitheads.

  559. if you gringos want to do hard farm work go ahead, but that shit wont suit your MORE wealthy communities than any other community in america. get real. have fun with the more vegetables and fruits that almost everyone in america will have to pick with your “kick out immigrant” attitude. mexicans are glad to do that work and atleast have decent amount of money to put on the table, have fun getting the shit money $ those jobs will give you too. or are you gonna make your country suffer with havinig owners of companies make less if you raise the pay. you idiots, bringing your own country back to old times. fuckin dreamland is what you hateful racists are in. get a fuckin life fuckin hateful pieces of shit. racist hateful people. you hate blacks and everyone who isn’t a blonde blue eyed hitler model of a “normal” person. you people are the real abnormal humans. no wonder alot of people around the world Burn your flag. punks

    • Spic Hater says:

      The only thing you spics are good for is for doing shit jobs like mowing lawns, washing dishes, or working as janitors. Basically, you guys get the shit jobs because you guys are dirty pieces of shit.

  560. have fun mowing lawns, cleaning , farm work and doing crap jobs that are for the desperate for money. have fun puto

  561. and this “mexicans are fat” shit. so are alot of other people around the world including your own. this Ingli guy actually calls other countries fat when his is probably the fattest in the world. hahahahaha.

  562. Putos . Putos. Putos. Putos. i respect every country, including USA. i believe alot of americans arent even as hateful and piggish oink oink as the racist dying for attention trolls on this post.

  563. SuPadre says:

    Ok Micky Jones. Lets clarify…………….. 1.- The country most hated all over the world is the USA. Thats a fact not something in making up. Therefore dirty amercians like you are hated not only in Mexico, but all around the world. For people like you is that in many parts of the world september 11th instead of being considered as a disaster, was taken as a celebration. youve done this to yourselves.

    2.- If mexican sell drugs (and there are not only mexicans but, for your little brain lets say yes, there are only mexicans selling drugs yada yada yada) is because and ONLY BECAUSE, the american junkies are the biggest consumers all over the world. Im pretty sure that American kids start doing drugs at a very early age. Thats also a fact, not something i am making up. So, if there were no fucking american junkies, mexicans wouldnt sell drugs because of the simple fact that there would not be a good business. theres a 90% of probability that you and your sons are fucking crackheads or at least, have tried crack in your life.

    3.- the fact that you hate mexicans, does not mean that everybody hates mexicans. As a matter of fact there are A LOT of Mexicans in the US that are more succesful than you or have made so far more than what you have done in your entire life. You say all them are asking for welfare and wasting your time, while Mark Sanchez is the NY Jets quarterback. You should be ashamed. Mark Sanchez is a little brown cockroach brown turd begging for welfare? Eduardo Najera? I dont think so. Thousands of UNAM students required in American Universtities with scholarship because of the interest OF YOUR COUNTRY in their contribution to science. And what are you? you were born in the US and…? what have you done for your country and for yourself? The answer is sad, but is true. Sorry Micky. Your life is miserable. but is not mexicans fault.

    • Spic Hater says:

      Haha, your claim to fame is Mark Sanchez? Look at that beaner who didn’t do shit in the NFL, basically like all spics. They don’t do shit, yet expect to collect their check (welfare).

  564. SuPadre says:

    well… seems mikcy jones finally has no more shit to type. good.

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Hello Spic:
      Let me ask – what else is left to discuss?

      Everyone knows what Mexicans are – which is/are: Dirty, Drug-Addicted – Drug Pushing – Criminalistic – invaders. Moreover: Mexicans are nothing more than Liars – a horde – shall I say an entire population of trashy punks who walk around acting as if there proud and tough – and in the words of a Mexican – “”MOCHO”” — but that is again – a MEXICAN LIE – as the Mexican was to much a pussy to take charge of their own nation – so, and as everyone knows – the Mexican illegally invades the United States with hat in hand – begging the American people for food and medical care – along with untold other hand-outs.

      SuPadre – Your a PUSSY PUNK – an LA ILLEGAL MEXICAN – and don’t try to hide that – but your not the only Mexican PUSSY PUNK – so don’t feel to bad!

      On any account: I’m done here – I’v made my points – and you know what SUPADRE – even you know what you are – and what your people are —– YA THATS RIGHT — Mexicans are a Cowardly Mouth – two-bit pussy welfare punks – Two-bit drug pushing illegal trash — MOREOVER: MEXICANS are such vile pussy punks – you were forced to run from your own nation simply because your people were to much a coward to control your own destiny…..

      Atleast you and your people had a place to run to – even though you are an ILLEGAL criminal – but try to learn some manners while here in the states…..

      • SuPadre says:

        ok so, tu sum up, you wont write more shit right?? great i won!!! And yeah is frustrating to see how after several attempts of explaining that im not in the states to you, seems that youre retarded or something, many all the crack you have smoked throughout your miserable life or maybe you just were born stupid i dont know. But is great to know that you gave up and no more shit in this blog. send me an email when you are about to start your revolution ok? lol lol lol

      • FagBitch213 says:

        Mickey Jones: I hate how people like you say that mexicans are Drug addicts, trash & live off welfare. Well guess what! Not only mexicans are like that. African americans, whites and asians are like that too. We all know that every raise has their own flaws. No raise is perfect. Were all people.

        Sent from my Virgin Mobile Android-Powered Device

    • Spic Hater says:

      You fucking dirty ass spic, go back to Mexico you fucking piece of shit.

  565. ingli ONLY says:

    The land known as mexico DID include parts of the land known as America. However it was named so by YOUR MASTERS the
    Spanish. Mexicans were all tribes back then. They owned shit. The Spanish YOUR MASTERS “sold” the land to America. After the Spanish YOUR MASTERS pulled out of your useless land and raped all your women, the French became YOUR NEW MASTERS.. They are the ones who formed what’s known as Mexico today… so yeah, pick that fruit, mow that law, clean that toilet then go the fuck home……………….

    • SuPadre says:


  566. ingli ONLY says:

    You can already see the future today in the Los Angeles Unified School District, where 75 percent of the students are Latinos, one third do not speak English, and only 39 percent graduate from high school, despite the fact that half of all students are “SOCIALLY promoted” year after year.

  567. Mickey Jones says:

    SuPadre – what exactly have you won?

    What have you proven – that Mexico has destroyed the United States – is that what you and Mexico are claiming – victory over a nation – by means of polluting it?

    You know – although its been many years ago now – I have been to Mexico – to an area just south of the texas border – out west by El Paso.

    Ya – I took a trip while in college – touring the Industrial complexes of Mexico – where I found big name companies – such as Fuji Film from Japan – Ford Motor from the United States – and many many other companies – some from Canada – some from Saudi Arabia – some from Germany – a British company as I recall – several other American Companies – on and on.

    However: not one company originated from Mexico – not even one – Justin Boots was there – a large American Boot maker – but even so – it was an American Company doing business in Mexico.

    So – what point am I making?

    The Point is – there are literally hundreds of Foriegn to Mexico Companies in Mexico – which employee thousands – if not tens of Thousands of Mexicans – but yet – Mexicans still Illegally Invade the United States – despite the fact that most of the worlds industrialized nations support Mexico thru various forms of industry, and employment.

    The obvious question is why are Mexicans still invading the United States?

    You know why – if not I’ll tell you why for the 50th time – because Mexicans are Cowards – and want to push drugs, get welfare – and run from a nation where they would make a meager living without american help.

    So you honestly think you and Mexico has won – do you really?

    SuPadre Your a Coward – you and all Mexicans are so weak you can not even control your own Government – thats the reason why the term Illegal Mexican exists – Fucking Big Mouth Cowardly Mexican welfare pigs.

    • SuPadre says:

      oohhh god here he comes again. Tell me Mickey Jones…. Do you think Mexico is what yo see at the border??? Man dont be stupid, the fact that you could not afford to go further, does not mean you know Mexico just for being at the border. Thats sooooooo stupid maybe the stupidiest thing you have ever written (and thats hard to determine considering all the stupid things you type) but… is as stupid as saying, “you know what dudes, i know the states, because i went to columbus New Mexico….” WTF dude, be real. Fucking loser you keep typing shit and showing how retarded you are. Dam man for a moment i thought you were dead but no fucking roaches are hard to kill….

      • Mickey Jones says:

        SuPadre – you don’t even address the questions or topic – so how can you be taken literally.

        As far as you residing in Mexico — you don’t expect anyone to belive that non-sense do you – Come on – The way you word things is pure California Ghetto – Mexican Drug Culture.

        SuPadre – if your so tough – if your so proud — if your so “””Ma”Cheeeeeze”Ohhhhh”””””” — lol lol lol lol — which is a laugh anyway — why don’t you come on out to texas so I can meet with you.

        SuPadre – please follow thru with this invitation – I think you’ll have a great time – and please don’t be affraid of me – I’m just an old man now. I do understand however that you just like all mexicans are by nature a big mouth coward – its ok — you don’t need to be affraid – don’t continue to be a Big Mouth Coward all of your life – come on out – I have something to show and share with you…

        I completely understand why you ran away from Mexico – the Mexican Government is pretty tough isn’t it? I understand completely how uncomfortable you must be in the US – after all – being a Dirty Brown Big Mouth Coward must have it problems…

      • SuPadre says:

        dude dont even dare to say i live in the States now. You want me to proove it??? here it is. Look for me in facebook. Im Pedro Babilonia. I have a lot of pics in there. And youll see who you are messing with and where i am located. Dam man youre in Texas???? fuck!! that state suck!! at least i though you lived in New York or something decent, but Texas??? really??? dam youre nothing but lame…. look for me bitch. I do have ways to proove what i say. California??? ive been there. yes. But i liked it more in New York. Also i liked Florida A LOT. As you can see bitch i do know your country so, do you know mine?? no!!! why??? because you are miserable old man living in your pitty Texas town with rednecks. Dam you may live every day pissed off dont you? Texas is full of people called John RODRIGUEZ, Jeff PEREZ. Dam thats why youre so fucking scarred now i undesrstand it!!!

  568. ingli ONLY says:

    written by FagBitch213 QUOTE”” Not only mexicans are like that. African americans, whites and asians are like that too. We all know that every raise has their own flaws. No raise is perfect. Were all people. “”UNQUOTE maybe your “raise” shoULD learn how to “race” their offspring???
    yes there are white and black trash and whites and blacks on welfare…… THEY ARE AMERICAN!!! And that’s the point Americans are entitled to EVERYTHING American,,, mexicans have NO RIGHTS,,, So feed and educate your own “”RAISE””

    • SuPadre says:

      hahahahahaha Hey Ingli, do you want to go back to the “how many languages you speak” topic? i think is not convinient for you if you want to show how educated you are…

      • Mickey Jones says:

        YOU don’t speak anything but Mexi-America – certainly not english – your just a Dumb-Ass Mexican Coward – I’v read how you word sentences – which is proof enough…

        SuPadre – You know what you are – I just want you to admit it — admit to being a Dumb-Ass Cowardly – Welfare Drawing – Ghetto Dirty Brown Shit-Bag.

        Either that — or come on out to my home state so I can get the chance to shut you brown crap hole once and for all…

        But you won’t – I can’t even hardly get around anymore – as I’m old and worn out — and your even affraid of me — LOL LOL LOL @ SuPadre — LOL LOL LOL — SuPadre is affraid of an old and retired American Veteran — LOL LOL LLLLLOOOLLLLLLLLL…

        SuPadre — I can’t understand Mexican Culture — I really don’t understand — You and the other Mexicans Males think they have something which is refered to as — and I qoute — “””””MA – CHEEEEEEEZE – OHHHHH””””…. — LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL – which means most closely “””MEXICANS think their Tough, Proud, Brave — above reproach as it were””””

        But yet — LOL LOL LOL — you and other Mexicans have to run — run mind you — from the place where some Mexican Bitch pushed them out of their dirty brown cunt — LOL LOL LOL….

        SO – Mexicans are Cowards — affraid to take charge of their own nation — and then get to the United States – and are afffraid of an old and worn out American Veteran — LOL LOL LOL @ SuPadre — LOL LOL LOL…..

      • SuPadre says:

        Well give me your address down there in greenbow alabama, or bumfuck idaho??? lol lol lol hahahahahahahahahahahaha of course it has to be that way, because you cant afford to come here hahahahahahahahaha miserable old broke man hahahahahahahaha and your grammar is also…. poor. the fact that is your native language make it worst, though. typing “your” instead of “you’re” says a lot. Cmon man dont get mad because i type something against your bitch ingli, relax.

  569. SuPadre says:

    oohhh god here he comes again. Tell me Mickey Jones…. Do you think Mexico is what yo see at the border??? Man dont be stupid, the fact that you could not afford to go further, does not mean you know Mexico just for being at the border. Thats sooooooo stupid maybe the stupidiest thing you have ever written (and thats hard to determine considering all the stupid things you type) but… is as stupid as saying, “you know what dudes, i know the states, because i went to columbus New Mexico….” WTF dude, be real. Fucking loser you keep typing shit and showing how retarded you are. Dam man for a moment i thought you were dead but no fucking roaches are hard to kill….

  570. SuPadre says:

    HAHAHAHAHAHA this ingli bitch talking about “OUR MASTERS” the “Spanish” thought us this and that yada yada…. Ok First thing Ingli, FUCKING IGNORANT IS SPANIARD NOT SPANISH. SPANISH IS A LANGUAGE. DAM!!! Thats the education you get in “AMERICA”??? FUCKING IGNORANT NOT EVEN IN YOUR LANGUAGE, WHICH IS THE ONLY YOU SPEAK, YOU GET TO EXPRESS YOURSELF PROPERLY. And also, Ingli, do you thing the us exist since the prehistoric era??? What the fuck is wrong with you??? you talk about tribes??? really???? Man is called Aztec or Mexica, also Mayas. If you get to read someday (I dont think so) you can learn a lot of things about OUR CULTURE, WHICH YOU DONT HAVE. WHAT ARE YOU?? WHAT YOUR HISTORY IS ABOUT? PILGRIMS???? KU KLUX KLAN? FORREST GUMP? hahahahaha Many gringos study OUR CULTURE, and thats why every year, and most this year, we will have here in south Mexico bunches of fucking ignorant redneck gringos praying to mayan gods not to bring the armaggedon on!!! and also here in Teotihuacan in March!!! You know where and what is Teotihuacan right??? hahahaha no no Ingli…. is not at the border…. Well in that place maaaaaaaaaaaany gringos come to say hello to the Spring and the good vibes and i dont know how many gringo stupid things more. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha i fucking laugh my ass of at you and all your ignorant people and lame culture, if it can be called culture. Keepn on the ignorance with your hip hop and your crackheaded culture faggots!!! hahahahahaha

    • Mickey Jones says:

      SuPadre — Now that was a great post – that about white americans going to mexico to pray to the Myan Gods – that was Halarious — GOOD JOB — LOL LOL LOL…..

      • says:

        Mickey Jones: How about you go do something important with your life, instead of being on a computer and argueing online. By posting this kinda shit up on the internet wont benefit you or anybody. Do you think everytime you reply or post a comment on this that oneday your gonna get rid of ”Spics” ? No mickey jones no. Shut up and do some thing useful.

      • SuPadre says:

        yeah micky a lot of gringos come here for that… of course the ones tahat can afford it not you hahahahaha

  571. Mickey Jones says:

    TO – FagBitch213.

    Ya punk – if you truelly dislike what I write – do something about it – Mexican Punk – don’t worry I’m just an old man – surely you can take me out — so don’t be a cowardly brown dirty hole.

    SPIC – for your culture – please remember your a MEXICAN – your Proud, Brave, Tough – and have the Mexican “”””””Ma-Cheeeeeeze-Ohhhhhhh””””””””.

    I’m ready when you are – so stop flapping that Brown Mouth – and get something done…

  572. Mickey Jones says:

    Hello nystik0666
    what do you have in mind?

  573. SuPadre says:

    MICKY JONES dont even dare to say i live in the States now. You want me to proove it??? here it is. Look for me in facebook. Im Pedro Babilonia. I have a lot of pics in there. And youll see who you are messing with and where i am located. Dam man youre in Texas???? fuck!! that state suck!! at least i though you lived in New York or something decent, but Texas??? really??? dam youre nothing but lame…. look for me bitch. I do have ways to proove what i say. California??? ive been there. yes. But i liked it more in New York. Also i liked Florida A LOT. As you can see bitch i do know your country so, do you know mine?? no!!! why??? because you are miserable old man living in your pitty Texas town with rednecks. Dam you may live every day pissed off dont you? Texas is full of people called John RODRIGUEZ, Jeff PEREZ. Dam thats why youre so fucking scarred now i undesrstand it!!!


    • Patrick says:

      yo diggity :D

      • Patrick says:


    • Mickey Jones says:

      Greetings Pedro:
      Like I said – I’m pretty much done here – will not be replying to many posts here in the future – perhaps from time to time…

      Ok – you say your in Mexico and your name is Pedro — ok great — thats just fine — be sure to keep your brown ass in Mexico..

      I did look up the link you posted for Facebook – I have doubts thats really you – but will take you at your word.

      Now – I’m trying to be as respectfull as I can be – if in fact that Pedro on face book is really you – its you who doesn’t know what your getting into to – who your messing around with – you and all mexicans I mean.

      I’m an old man – and to be honest with you – I could snap your neck with my bare hands – I was a bare-knuckle boxer in the army – thats the reason I have to wear glasses now – and have athritic problems in my hands – please don’t be offended – but even at my age – I could whip your ass with out any problems – but like I tried to explain – its not me that you or any other mexican needs to worry about – its the American Militia that you need to fear – not me!!!!

      I know americans militia members from about 40 states – and train some loose units from time to time – when I get the chance – nothing heavy these days – as and again – I’m getting to old to put much time or effort into it.

      Pedro – you and all of your fellow Mexicans really need to listen – as I’m being as respectfull as I know how to – Please – Please – please – go back home – stay in Mexico – live your life as in much peace as you can – but honestly – your people need to leave the US and very soon – as a horrible war is coming.

      The American Civilian Militias alone could whip your entire nation, and take it over – lock-stock-and barrel — your people call these folks hill-billies and red-necks. What-ever, call them what ever you choose – I don’t care – but one thing is certain – the Militias are mean, well armed, well trained, and they are sick of their own government and have began to blame the Illegal Mexican for many of their problems.

      Ok – I’v said all I can – I have tried to be honest and respectfull – but your people better listen – I’m not joking around…..

      • SuPadre says:

        dude again, i dont give a fuck. just respect people. in general. not only mexicans. And you think you can whip my ass?? maybe you did not look at me really good. As you can see im in good shape. You want me to post something on my facebook wall to proove is me?? i will!!! why dont you believe its me??? because im not a “cholo”? im not a “hommie”?. Please dude. Your mind is soooo closed you are very limited to your miserable life in a little town in Texas. Ill leave a hello for you if you doubt is me. Anyway. Youre too old for me. why dont you leave your facebook here? so i can see how rude you are?? you were a boxer?? please bitch! youre talking to a mexican… almost all mexicans know how to box. You sure know that right? You live with lots of mexicans there in Texas. You want people to be scarred of your militia and saying youre though and blah blah blah. Again dude i dont give a fuck and all the times ive been there in the States, trust me the last thing i think about is rednecks and migration. Im legal. Suck it up. But also all illegal mexicans dont give a fuck as you speak and speak bullshit after bullshit. Again youre like a little Chihuaha dog. You want to compensate that youre little and miserable by barking at the top of your lungs sayin “im rude and bad!” Let your mother believe you. Not me. Bye Bye Micky Jones. I hope you really dont post your shit again. Stay there in your little Texas town until you die.

  574. Mickey Jones says:

    Ya Pedro:
    Chihuaha is a breed of canine that originated in Mexico. Sounds like your the little dog.

    Your the Mexican Bitch that has to run from your own nation – you and other mexicans.

    Ya ya – get that mexican culture crap going again – the mexican “”Ma-CHeeeeeezzzzzee-Ohhhh”” bull-shit. Again – acting as if your tough – brave – and proud.

    I have tried to be respectfull – only because you say your in Mexico -and not an Illegal Welfare hound. But – I already know that Mexicans are not a responder to being treated in a kind manner – as your entire culture is based on acting as if your really bad-ass – and should be entitled to what ever you want – again – the Mexican Ma-Cheeze-Mo bull-shit.

    You want a history lesson punk?

    I’m directly related to one of the Texians who fought under Sam Houston (The Battle of San Jacinto) when your President “General Santa Anna” was caught running away from the fight wearing a Privates uniform – screaming and crying like a little bitch – a Mexican bitch – a dirty brown mexican punk – just like you and your fellow Mexican Shit-Fucks.

    So – you think I’m to old to whip your ass – LOL LOL LOL – well, ok – perhaps I am – but that thing that stands in the corner isn’t – or that thing I carry under my pick-up seat.

    Pedro – Go ahead – you and all of the other Mexicans – go ahead – continue to illegally invade the US – but look into this for future reference.

    US President Bill Clinton stated — and I qoute — “Its the Economy Stupid”.

    Now the US economy if fried – and the Illegal Mexican is a prime respondent to the fall of the US.

    OK – you Mexicans think your tough – how about getting things started then – whats holding you back – or do you plan on BEGGING for more welfare first????????????????

    • SuPadre says:

      oh my god…. im not in the staaaaaaaaaaaaates!!!!!! dammit dude you may be on crack every day or something. You can be related to Jesus Christ if you want. You are a piece of shit anyway.

      • Mickey Jones says:

        Ya ok — SuPadre — I dislike you and you dislike me — and thats just fine with me – but I suggest you stay out of my way – stay out of the US – and keep your brown tortilla hole shut.

        If you chose to keep on screwing around – just come on up – your a brown cock-roach – and I for one know exactly what to do with your kind.

        Mexicans are Cowards – Cowards that are forced by heritage and by being born into a Third-Class Culture to act as if their tough and proud – brave – and bad-ass – but the fact is – MEXICANS are a cowardly and dumb, backward, drug-addicted piece of garbage by birth.

        SuPadre — FUCK-OFF SPIC – you and all your fellow SPICS can kiss my white American ASS – and if you take objection to that – PLEASE DO something about it — PLEASE!!!!!!

      • SuPadre says:

        hahaha nooo i wont do anything my pale friend. The one upset and miserable here is you not me. I wont do shit. Im ok with my life and everything. Youre the one saying that “the revolution yada yada yada” seems that your “militia” does not respond. LOL LOL LOL Youre getting old and more miserable. Poor Micky Jones.

  575. Mickey Jones says:

    Greetings: Addressed to the American People.

    Folks – its time for all of us to understand what has happened to each and everyone of us – such as the Mexican Question – the question of education – the question of “NAFTA – and the WTO” – the question of a “Privately Owned US federal reserve bank” – on and on.

    Are all of these thing un-related?

    I tell you they are related – and are all products of the Elite – the ones who own not only the US – but the world – just like the “”ROMANS – from the “Roman Empire”.

    Taking myself as an example – I’m a retired US ARMY VETERAN – I spent my entire life serving the ones who all of us need to fear.

    Illegal Mexicans are here and drwaing welfare because the elite want them here.

    Children get an education to serve the elite – as in a work force.

    The Federal Rserve bank is broke so we will have to pay more for common goods and services.

    NAFTA and the WTO are in place to serve the Elite.

    The federal government is trying hard to create a second civil war – thru the means of Illegal Mexican Mules.

    Folks – please understand just who the real enemy is – who is the owner of the global economy – and what their goal really is.

    Blame the Mexicans — ohhhh – not completely – but certainly outwardly – by that I mean directly.

  576. Mickey Jones says:

    Hello America:
    You folks been reading all of this – Mexico thinks that America is full of old and aged out of touch white folks that can-not defend themselves.

    Mexicans are here as a mule – to take whats left of this nation – simply because of “”MEXICAN ENTITLEMENT”””.

    Folks – take your nation back.

  577. SuPadre says:

    hahaha nooo i wont do anything my pale friend. The one upset and miserable here is you not me. I wont do shit. Im ok with my life and everything. Youre the one saying that “the revolution yada yada yada” seems that your “militia” does not respond. LOL LOL LOL Youre getting old and more miserable. Poor Micky Jones.

  578. Yoon says:

    Late So Ranreply but I am an 18 year old girl from NORTH korea :) I immigrated to south korea (daejeon) when I was a child. I think this is the same way we feel about blacks and white people who come to our country and disrespect our culture and traditions. You americans and europeans come here and stink up our country with your bad immitations of our language and proceed to interbreed with us purebred asians, making these hideous mixed race mongrels so that when they grow up they can claim they are of asian descent and try to live of the accomplishments of asian men and women. You bring your military here to asian countries so that they can coerce our good girls into having sex with them, then they dump them and go back to their crap country and leave the girls to be looked down on by their communities and families. Do you know what happes then? These girls are stuck as single parents raising these trash-like half breed mongrels, who eventually abandon their “asian” roots and the parent that single handedly took care of them, to run to america and they are either going to get famous or end up married to some lower class american citizen. The ones that get famous then claim that they are “blasian” “waisian” “eurasian” or whatever name you moronic americans use to disguise what is in fact, a mutt. I can’t believe how all you whites, blacks, and euro nazi fuckers can talk about mexicans. As far as I can see you are all just as pathetic :) you whites are dirty enslavers who steal other countries technology and claim it as your own. You are perfectly happy with your schools being terrible and your redneck teachers molesting the students. Your country is FULL of crime. Prostitutes, drug dealer, and you are producing second rate children at best. America is full of UNDEReducated animals, so pat yourselves on the back because the USA is the first to produce an entire COUNTRY of illiterate asswipes. As for blacks? Ew. You african monkeys should never have been let out of africa. It was the whites mistake to enslave you and im sure if they realized that after decades you would STILL be here, they wouldve just shot you instead. With your gang violence and loud ghetto bushman music, do us all a favor and take your big assed baby mommas back to your own country and stop overpopulating others. But more so than anybody else that worthless piece of shit country europe and its introverted, incestual, simple minded, nazi drones should burn. Seriously. If the white bastards weren’t patroling north korean/south korean borders and watching our every move, your useless country would just be a big crater full of dead bodies. With all n. Koreas tech. And bombs, we could easily wipe this world out. Europe is full of shit for brains racists. You alienate germany for its past but at least they had the guts to do what they had to do. The rest of useless europe calls itself “saving” the jews, but in reality BILLIONS of those little roaches DIED before those retards were rescued by the american idiots. I swear you are a waste country. When your precious god shitted, it was europe he used as his toilet bowl and all you little wayward faggot bitches running around are his by-product. this forum is SHIT. to make a hate forum is to name all the races in the world that deserve to be eradicated and i say all you fuckers that arent asian deserve to die. ASIA IS THE SMARTEST CONTINENT IN THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!! we always have been and we always will be so if your not PURE asian, then please PLEASE kill yourself so that we can expand and create children with more than 1/4 of a brain. Gamsahabnida/thankyou and jalga. -The Azn Nation

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Greetings Yoon:
      You might be suprised to find that I agree with you — Multi-Culturalism really does stink — I wish the people of all nations would learn how to leave each other alone.

      I like the Asain Peoples – but they should be free to live without the influences of others – to include whites – such as saying the Koreans are from Korea – and Korea is their home.

      Good Job Yoon – keep telling the truth..

      • BIG CHRIS says:

        Mickey Jones of course you’re always agreeing with anyone with a low digit IQ. You like xenophobic racist asians such as that dumb racist “wannabe white American” Korean bitch with the retarded sounded name Yoon. That’s a huge shame and embarrassment. I’m white and you give me secondhand embarrassment.. it has been years so you must had croaked lol

    • notimportant says:


      What about the thousands and thousands of Asians (including Koreans) who immigrate (legally and illegally to Canada, and other countries). Toronto alone has a huge population of Asians, more so than Korea has a population of whites.

      And regarding your statement on how Korea could “wipe out“ all non-asians from the world, I highly doupt that. Do you really think that 1 country could wipe out an alliance of superpowers. I don`t think so.

      Moreover, if you believe Asians are the dominant breed, if you believe Asia is for Asians and “fuck other countries, their traditions, languages ect.“ Why the hell are you speaking english?

      It would seem to me that if you really hate all other races that isn`t your own you would only be speaking your native language…

      • Mickey Jones says:

        Greetings: notimportant
        You have made a very good point/points!

        My view of the modern world is based on the Global Economy and or One world – World as it were – being a sort of illness – which was developed by a few ultra elites.

        In other words, I am a sepratist.

        Now: I recognize that there are both good and decent people in every race – but I also reconize that every race has its share of trash.

        However: Ones race doesn’t bother me at-all – but what does is the fact that a few wanted to create a multi-what-ever society for their own profits and gains.

        Question: Do I hate Mexicans — and the answer is Yes – but only if they have illegally invaded the United States – all the while knowing and understanding the Imigrations laws as well as I do – but add – knowing that our laws have been manipulated by the few I write about.

      • ingli ONLY says:

        Hey Canada,
        I was out of town for the past 3 weeks,,, 10 days of work and then I went to New Jersey where my friends and I sponsor a family devastated by “Sandy” so we went and brought them some necessities and took them out for a night and offered whatever support we could… then to New York, Boston and New Orleans for a few Basketball Games…. Got home late last night logged onto the computer and very surprised to see you back………….
        You do know that Canada has a good point system in place in selecting it’s immigrants???

        Skill-based immigrant selection may be the most
        important feature of the Canadian
        points system’. Introduced in 1967, this
        system selects immigrants based on points awarded for possessing characteristics
        predictive of employment success such as education, knowledge
        of one of CANADA’S two official languages and work experience. We in the United States are not so lucky,,, we get the bottom of the barrel the rejects!!! the ones that MEXICANS IN MEXICO don’t even want… It is illegal for companies in Canada to hire undocumented workers—they can face fines and even jail time… I’m not saying that’s a bad thing… It’s what your Country SHOULD do to protects it’s own… At this point and time Canada is searching for 41,000 illegal’s and when they find them,,, THEY WILL DEPORT them… If a NON Canadian shows up for medical care,,, they need to give a credit card NO FREE MEDICAL for illegal’s Another Smart Canadian Law,,, oh and then the illegal is DEPORTED…
        All and All you have been protected by your government from being invaded by millions of people that could have and most definitely would have destroyed your Canadian way of life..

        People in the US haven’t been a fortunate as you…

    • BIG CHRIS says:

      Lol you’re fucking pathetic. Nobody likes you ugly ass Casper The Ghost pale looking ass hideous Asians. You’re a dumbass Korean little girl. You’re not a real woman because you don’t act like one. It doesn’t surprise me that you idiots try hard to be just like us white Americans. Go eat your fucking pets or stray animals, and ask your parents to pay for your plastic surgeries. Or go kill yourself bitch. Korean females are ugly as shit, and you women all look like men or a tranny. I’m white and I can’t stand you Korean motherfuckers. “Yoon” you have the most dumbest sounding name ever and of course you’re a dumb person. All that stupidity you posted, I BET YOU WON’T SAY ANYTHING IN A PERSONS FACE! YOU CHINK-EYED COWARD. You would be losing teeth or get your ass whooped by me. Female or not. I hate asians, including YOU. Fuck off and die, will ya

    • BIG CHRIS says:

      What I meant by calling your simple minded dumbass a “wannabe white American”, you sound exactly like a common white American racist, but you’re only 10x more dumber! This is coming from a white guy who has heard and seen all kinds of racism. Keep your vile hideous chink-eyed asian flat-ass in Korea. Yoon, you are one of the dumbest asians I ever seen online lol

  579. To everyone on here, racist or not. Have a very good time this Holiday Season and a Merry Christmas to you all and your families. May your minds be at ease and your hearts filled with compassion towards your fellow brethren.

    Wish all of you the very best.
    -George Lopez

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Goerge Lopez — ya well – is that suppose to mean something – be special in some way?????

      Well – thanks for the nice thoughts – but I do-not celebrate a hebrew view of a holiday.

      My brother was killed over 40 years ago – so I have no brethren – but thanks anyway.

      Now – why don’t you mount your boro and head south for a few weeks — thanks for that aswell.

      • SuPadre says:

        hahahaha micky jones youre so pathetic…..tell me micky… your brother was an ignorant redneck as you?? if the answer is yes, we all have another reason to celebrate december!!!! and hopefully you die also this year in December, then December would become a great month. :D

  580. Mickey Jones says:

    SuPadre -Pedro – what ever you want to call your self today – no he was not an ignorant redneck – he was a very skilled machinist by the time he was 15 years of age – as my grandfather taught him while in school.

    My brother was drafted into the army at age 18 – were he served his country as a machinist – and while on tour during the vietnam war – he was killed serving his nation.

    I joined the army out of high-school to follow thru on work he couldn’t do – to replace my brother!

    SO: any American citizen reading this – the Illegal Mexicans have destroyed you and your future – and the future of your children – the American is not as skilled today as they were just 40 years ago, because the american people are being destroyed from within their own borders.

    Take your nation back !

  581. Anton says:

    Those trying to hide the fact you’re a racist because you are scared to be labeled one ( that coloreds like to excessively use), you’re idiots. Anyone making a comment on this blog are confirming that “races” exist (and very like that you have poor feelings about those of the “opposing” race).

    • mickey Jones says:

      So Pedro – are you calling yourself Anton now – or are you still SuPadre???

      Who cares – people have right natural right to be a racist if thats what they are – so who are you to suggect otherwise???

      Your just a two-bit trolll – and probably some liberal black or dumb-ass mexican — so get screwed punk…

      • Anton says:

        My comment was poorly written. I’m a racist and I was basically saying I don’t like the people that try to hide that they are racist.

      • notimportant says:

        Racism is an idea adopted by many, it can be fought, but never defeated. Multiculturalism is also a concept that can be negatively viewed upon, but never defeated. So as long as humanity remains alive, the majority of the world will have to deal with racists such as yourselves which, although I don’t have the facts, most likely constitute a minority. So all you racist people can continue to be so, hell there isn’t a law stating you can’t be one. But know that your hate will never change the world.

        You know, I feel sorry for all you racists. For example, Mickey Jones is a racists and also believes the world is run by the elite. Until the day he dies, he will walk outside and everywhere he looks he will see conspiracies brewing. ” The world elite is plotting against the American people” ” the government is spying on me” “damn Mexicans everywhere” The last thoughts he will think are going to be “The elite won, I wasn’t able to stop them, I have failed”.

        The rest of the world is going to go on with their lives, living peacefully with their families, not worrying about no world elite, not worrying about conspiracies. The last thought they are going to think is ” I led a good life”.

        Racists such as yourselves have existed for as long as humans are alive, but never have they succeeded in “restoring cultural balance”. Many have tried, many have failed. The Nazis where the last group of people who tried to bring a “cultural balance” to the world. Hitler manipulated millions into following his cause. Millions armed with, what was at the time, state of the art equipment, fought against those who opposed them, and they failed. So you really think “internet warriors”, and redneck racists militias such as yourselves stand a chance against the billions of people who fight racism. I don’t think so.

        We, the world, have won the racism battle for the last thousands of years, and we will continue to do so for the next 1 thousand years.

        Your cause is lost.

      • Anton says:

        eh, ebb and flow notimportant

      • SuPadre says:

        hey notimportant thats a really nice post.

  582. CMD says:

    Mam Wahts Up With Yu white People Waht In The Hell Makes Yall Think That Every Damn Thing On Eath Is Galls. Why Didnt Yalls Bitch Asses Stay In Yalls Fuckin Poofy Ass White Wigs. Wooden Nasty Rounchi Teeth Bullshit Country Calledeurope . Bitches Jist Remeber We Crossed A River YALL soggy Ass Cracker Crossed A OCEON.Bitches Who Has A Wetter Bavk. Huh!

  583. SuPadre says:

    duuuuh no micky jones im here i dont hide behind other nicknames bitch!!! so you were in the army, and your brother… and so on. Very interesting. Generations of redneck soldiers. Always sending black people to the frontlines though, but they feel very brave…. and you are proud about that??? dam…. text me whenever you rememebr a family memebr who had success at college or at least had finished high school. :D

  584. Anton says:

    The only language accommodation that wouldn’t irritate me when I saw would be on a package of condoms, or any other forms of birth control.

  585. Mickey Jones says:

    Your just trolling – but I have a Masters degree in Management and a BBS. My Cousing is a City Manager for a Texas town and carries a BB – I have Lawyers and Doctors in my family.

    Your actually an Afro head — LOL LOL — you really need to watch what you write .

    • Anton says:

      Who the heck is this Su Padre you keep bringing up? Well I’ve got a Bachelors in Behavioral Science and working on a Masters; but I’m not a credentialist so I don’t base a persons intelligence on degrees. I don’t know what race you or what you have against me because you are going from one side to another; and scattering BS around in your comments.

    • Chuck T (alias: Anton) says:

      In addition, I’m not a Spic or a Nigger; I’m a full-blooded Western European.

    • ingli ONLYDon’t let this Mexican frazzle you!! His bottom line is he Doesn’t want these 30 million GREAT CONTRIBUTORS of society coming back and ruining his country … think about it a mexican in mexico that doesn’t want the illegal Mexicans in the says:

      Don’t let this Mexican frazzle you!! His bottom line is he Doesn’t want these 30 million GREAT CONTRIBUTORS of society coming back and ruining his country … think about it a mexican in mexico that doesn’t want the illegal mexicans in the US to come home to his country… how disturbing is that??
      A mexican in mexico that thinks he has the right to comment on what and how the US should treat HIS people that he truly wants no part of??? That’s just another twisted version of that Mexican pride thing.

  586. SuPadre says:

    oh my god micky jones…. so you are an old american veteran, who at the age of 17??? joined the army to do the job your redneck brother could not do because he was killed or whatever. And you have a degree in Management and a BBS. You also are a bare knuckle boxer (yeah right) and you kick mexican asses in less that 10 secs. Damn dude!!!! youre a fucking miracle!!! LOL LOL LOL Probably your mother thinks youre great, but dont try to fool US. With us i mean, thinking persons. Youre nothing but shit. At least i had the balls to show you who i am. You dont have them because probably youre afraid of getting caught in all your lies and shit. Show yourself faggot. Stop the bullshit stories of your life man be real. After all this just that YOU SAY you have done and achieved, you can comment the way you comment?? damn i dont know whats worst, to have made up all this bullshit stories, or after all these “achievments” (yeah right) you write and say and think all this rethoric shit and crappy propaganda. fuck off loser!

  587. ingli ONLYDon’t let this Mexican frazzle you!! His bottom line is he Doesn’t want these 30 million GREAT CONTRIBUTORS of society coming back and ruining his country … think about it a mexican in mexico that doesn’t want the illegal Mexicans in the says:

    Hey Canada, notimportant
    I was out of town for the past 3 weeks,,, 10 days of work and then I went to New Jersey where my friends and I sponsor a family devastated by “Sandy” so we went and brought them some necessities and took them out for a night and offered whatever support we could… then to New York, Boston and New Orleans for a few Basketball Games…. Got home late last night logged onto the computer and very surprised to see you back………….
    You do know that Canada has a good point system in place in selecting it’s immigrants???

    Skill-based immigrant selection may be the most
    important feature of the Canadian
    points system’. Introduced in 1967, this
    system selects immigrants based on points awarded for possessing characteristics
    predictive of employment success such as education, knowledge
    of one of CANADA’S two official languages and work experience. We in the United States are not so lucky,,, we get the bottom of the barrel the rejects!!! the ones that MEXICANS IN MEXICO don’t even want… It is illegal for companies in Canada to hire undocumented workers—they can face fines and even jail time… I’m not saying that’s a bad thing… It’s what your Country SHOULD do to protects it’s own… At this point and time Canada is searching for 41,000 illegal’s and when they find them,,, THEY WILL DEPORT them… If a NON Canadian shows up for medical care,,, they need to give a credit card NO FREE MEDICAL for illegal’s Another Smart Canadian Law,,, oh and then the illegal is DEPORTED…
    All and All you have been protected by your government from being invaded by millions of people that could have and most definitely would have destroyed your Canadian way of life..

    People in the US haven’t been a fortunate as you…

  588. Mickey Jones says:

    I wanted to give a special thanks to the person and or persons who originated this blog – thank you for allowing me to post my thoughts and views in regard to illegal Mexicans.

    America – you folks need to first deal with your own government and the Elite who own you and your nation – and secondly you need to deal with Mexico as an entire.

    America – Take you nation back.

  589. SuPadre says:

    i dont want them??? This ingli bastard…. They have the right to be wherever they want whenever they want. Im not the right person to say “youre welcome youre not”. If they want to be over there, they have the right to do so or at least try to jump the border. Why? because they feel like doing it. As simple as that. If in the process of jumping the border, or living already in the States they get deported or beat up or whatever (since according to you all this people are only drug dealers and whatever illegal way of life you come up with) thats the risk theyre taking. But dont get confused. I neither want them here, nor to stay there. ITS THEIR DECISION. If you feel entitled to tell them or make them to leave, then DO IT. My point (and its been always my point since i started using this blog) is the following: STOP SAYING SHIT. YOUR LIFE IS FUCKED UP NOT BECAUSE OF ILLEGAL MEXICANS. YOUR LIFE IS MISERABLE AND YOU ARE SO FUCKED UP BECAUSE OF ALL THE DECISIONS THAT YOU, AND ANYONE HAS MADE THROUGHOUT YOUR LIFE. YOU ARE IGNORANT NOT BECAUSE OF ILEGAL MEXICANS. YOU AMERICANS ARE PARANOID, NOT BECAUSE OF ILLEGAL MEXICANS. YOU AMERICANS ARE JUNKIE NOT BECAUSE OF ILLEGAL MEXICANS. YOU AMERICANS ARE FAT NOT BECAUSE OF ILLEGAL MEXICANS. YOUR CHILDREN START SHOOTINGS AT SCHOOL NOT BECAUSE OF ILLEGAL MEXICANS. YOU AMERICAN SOLDIERS ARE SO TRAUMATIZED NOT BECAUSE OF ILLEGAL MEXICANS. AMERICAN ECONOMY IS GOING DOWN NOT BECAUSE ILLEGAL MEXICANS. AMERICANS KILL EACH OTHER BY THOUSANDS NOT BECAUSE OF ILLEGAL MEXICANS. AMERICANS ARE SO TRAUMATIZED WITH “RACE RELATED THINGS” NOT BECAUSE OF ILLEGAL MEXICANS. MAN UP!! STOP BEING A PUSSY.

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Greetings Supadre:

      Heres what you say about Illegal Mexicans — “”””They have the right to be wherever they want whenever they want. Im not the right person to say “youre welcome youre not”. If they want to be over there, they have the right to do so or at least try to jump the border. Why? because they feel like doing it””””.

      Ya – thats a typical Mexican Attitude – as far as the Little Mexican Brain thinks anyway – In other words — “”””Mexicans can do what ever they want – when ever they want – and for what ever reason they want””””.

      Supadre – You and your entire race are nothing more than a bunch of backward thinking Criminal Trash – beggers – drug-dealers – overall – Mexicans feel they are entitled to get what ever they want when ever they want it – and no-one should be able to get in the way.

      Ya – I’m done talking – get ready for some real shit Mexican – bring your ass up here you piece of garbage – please come on up Mexican.

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Ya Spic — you say — and I qpute — “””STOP BEING A PUSSY”””.

      You and your people – the Mexican Race are the Pussies – Running from Mexico to Illegally Invade the United States like a bunch of two-bit punks – what are you and your fellow Mexicans affraid of????

  590. SuPadre says:

    micky jones!!! oh god for a moment i thought you were living in an old people house or something but you are back. Ok i know what i wrote. Im talking about people in general. Not only mexicans. If a german feels like invading the states he´ll do it. Everybody is free to decide what to do with his/her life, of course facing the consequences of what they do. So….. Are you going to do something??? DO IT. you want to beat them up? do it! you want to deport them? do it! you want your government to listen to you? do something! Again my point here, and its been always my point: DONT BLAME OTHER PEOPLE (IN THIS CASE MEXICANS) FOR YOUR MISERABLE , LONELY AND REDNECK LIFE. NOBODY WANTS YOU NOODY NEEDS YOU. THATS NOT MEXICANS FAULT. And yes…. STOP CRYING. STOP BEING A PUSSY. Hope this time (after 1000 attempts) you get my point. Dam! fucking retarded ……

    • Mickey Jones says:

      I don’t care what point your trying to make – your people are breaking American law – and yes – simply because the American Government allows it – thats going to change – one way or the other – that will change – and again dumb-ass – the changes will take place when the American citizens decide they have had enough – not me – not you – but the Citizens!!!!

      Now – do you understand????

      As far as calling me a redneck retard – why don’t you come and find out what I am for yourself – up close and personal – it time for your dirty brown ass to walk the walk – you know how to talk the talk – well, thats fine talk all you want — its now time for you to do some walking – do you think???

      Big Mouth Mexican Punk!

      • SuPadre says:

        naaa for the 1000 time, i wont do anything. The one that is not satisfied with your life, and your government and your miserable life and the mexicans etcetera. If i go to the states id go somewhere i can enjoy not bumfuck Texas!! damn thats a horrible state. I wont go back there anymore. I went once to San Antonio, and i also went to Austin. Dam San Antonio is one of the most fucked up cities ive ever been. And last time i went a lot of black people moved to San Antonio from other states. Do you have a blog against black people as well Micky? Anyway. No redneck i wont go. The one that wants things to change is YOU NOT ME. MAN UP. STOP BEING A PUSSY. Im happy with my life :D

  591. Mickey Jones says:

    SuPadre – you say your happy with your life – than why do you take time to post on this blog?

    Do you think your teaching me and or the American people something – or do you think your so special that your words are suppose to have such meaning that we the American people will change to do as you see fit?

    In a word – what motivates you do post on this blog everyday?

    You asked if I’m racist toward blacks – ok – thats a fair question – heres your answer.

    My main association with black people was during my time in the military. When I served in the Army – I served with many people of African decentment – and got along with them as they were serving the same nation as I was – and were part of my outfit.

    At that time – racial problems didn’t exist in the army – everyone got along well – regardless of race, religion, or gender – or even ones personal view of society.

    But – just as I was nearing my time to retire – racially based gangs in the military began to build – most of which were black gangs.

    While I was in – I knew some very decent black people – black people who served in the same way as I – so no – I didn’t hate black people at that time.

    But than – in about the year 1988 to about 1992 – black gangs began taking over the military base I was stationed at – alot of these blacks were racially based cowards – punks – criminals – and didn’t serve the same ideas that I did – or even other black soldiers.

    To answer your question – Ya – I absolutely hate the new and young black folks – especially the young black gang soldiers – as they are no good for anything.

    They call the new deal “”Black Rage”””. And blame white people for their problems – just like the Illegal Mexicans.

    • Mickey Jones says:

      So – who do I blame for Americas problems – you mights ask?

      >> I do-not blame the Mexicans — as they are nothing more than a herding animal being used by the Global elite.
      >> I do not blame the Black Gangs – as their nothing more than a brainless horde of dummies who have listened to elitest propaganda – so now they have “”Black Rage””.
      >> I do not blame any one single nation or any single race/religious group.

      >> But I do blame the United States Federal Government for allowing themselves to be bought out by a bunch of two-bit globalist trash.

      >> I also blame the American people for being to weak and to stupid to put an end to this globalistic crap – and for the destruction of not only the united states – but the world as an entire.

      OK SPIC — you understand – you and all illegals better understand what I’v told you here – and get the fuck out of the US – and be content to live in Mexico…

      • SuPadre says:

        Im content to live in Mexico. As a matter of fact i can tell you living in Mexico City can be much better than living in Texas. BELIEVE ME. Living in Texas for an american is what for a mexican would be living in Tlaxcala. No way you can compare Mexico city to Texas. Anyhow… Why do i post. Well first time I saw this blog was because i was checking out race related issues in the US. I started checking this since i watched in the news that there was this little town there in Michoacan, were almost all the population is women because most of the men go away to jump the border. There was this man who was interviewed and he was in the States for about 10 years. He came back (not deported) since he says there was a economic crisis in the US construction line of business (he was a construction man) and therefore, and also because oif the DISCRIMINATION he suffered he decided to come back. When he was asked about the discrimination suffered, he mentioned this word BEANER. Then i typed in google “i hate beaners” to know how deep the issue was, and i found this post. I started reading all the posts, and what i found out was a lot of ignorance. I found such posts that i could not even believe someone above 10 years old could write them. I wanted to understand the hate but, i could not. There was no reason. At least not a valid one. So i started typing whatever came up to my mind. And i found you and your stupid posts. And now i find interesting to read your stupid responses. Is like having fun. As i said youre like a clown to me. Asking me to go there to “walk the walk” LOL LOL LOL thats so funny. Really i mean it. Dude, do you think i have the time and the will to go to fucking lame Texas states to argue with an old man whos only looking for a friend because hes lonely?? sorry dude, i ha no time for you, but we can still communicate over the WEB.

  592. SuPadre says:

    Micky Jones:

    The shooting in CT elementary school was also mexicans fault?? or the elites fault?? or both?? fucking ignorant redneck you americans have REAL PROBLEMS to deal with like this freaks starting shootings everywhere, and instead of taking care of your REAL FUCKED UP PROBLEMS you are here, blaming mexicans for your miserable life. My condolences to american people this is a real disaster. Mexicans pray for the families who lost ther children to find peace soon. MICKY JONES FUCK YOU. FUCK YOU AND ALL YOU IGNORANT PEOPLE. YOU ARE THE ONES TO BLAME FOR FREAKS WHO START SHOOTINGS AT SCHOOLS. YOU RAISE CHILDREN WITH HATE AND CULTURAL DECADENCE. FUCK YOU MICKY JONES. YOU ARE THE REAL PROBLEM IN YOUR OWN COUNTRY. PEOPLE LIKE YOU SHOULD BE SHOOT INSTEAD OF THESE POOR KIDS.

  593. Ryan says:

    Spics are cockroaches that breed, commit crime, and leach off the system.

  594. anon says:

    The world hates white people anyways and in reality Islam could wipe out about half of the English speaking world, which is a minority. Whites have small penises. Whites enslaved blacks. Almost made extinct Native Americans and Aboriginals in Australia. Whites tried to dominate India, which is now over 1 billion people and over double the anglo world population. Whites tried to trap China with the Opium wars, and now the Chinese are stronger than ever and they also hate whites. Africans hate whites because of colonialism. Latin America hates whites because of economic exploitation. No one likes white people but they are too stupid to realize how hated they are. Not even a lot of white people like other whites. GOD BLESS OBAMA, all the racist tried their hardest and were outvoted. GOD BLESS AMERICA. Sorry butthurts whites, but society has advanced beyond your understanding. Bye!

  595. GOD says:

    Fuck everyone with black hair–I don’t discriminate. Just shoot yourselves and let real people live.

  596. Mickey Jones says:

    Greetings White Folks:
    You know what really gets me – the Muds actually hate whites – but if it were not for whites – the muds would be living in a world without any modern value: without whites – the muds would not have a steady diet, clean water – ways to cook – electric lighting – a secure home to live in – transportation above an ox-cart – and would most likely be killed by a rival by the age of 6.

    Non-Whites are heathens.

  597. SuPadre says:

    Nothing to say about CT elementary school shooting micky??? maybe my previous post shut your mouth up once and for all. First educate your children. Then you can hate others. Have your children ever thought of starting a shooting or killing themselves micky?? theyre rednecks, and have a miserbale life (i assume thatm id have a miserable life knowing youre my father!!) Fucking United States people are just a bunch of wackooooooooos!!!!

    • Mickey Jones says:

      SuPadre — you think you have some “””””Mah-Cheeeeze-Mo”” – don’t you – think your real tough.

      Ya – thats a laugh – I did some research – your a nappy headed punk pussy – what a joke..

      Ya well — the name Lanza – the shooter – he was closer related to you than me – look up the name dumb-ass – its Spanish and or Italian decented – which is closer to the African than western europeans – such as myself….

      SuPadre – your a cowardly cock-roach – to affarid to meet an old white man — LOL @ SuPadre – the Mexican Cowardly Cock-Roach….

      Talk – Talk – and Talk somemore Cock-Roach – but talk is all you will ever do – to bad your a coward….

      • SuPadre says:

        MICKY JONES YOURE Awackooooooooooooooo cmon go to an elementary school and start a shooting. LOL LOL LOL. So, what youre saying is…. His last name is Lanza, so he is more related to me than to you?? hahahahahaha youre so stuupid!!!!!!! fucker none of the wackos that have started a shooting in the States had ever been in Mexico, they are not related to MY COUNTRY whatsoever. Fucker your answers are becoming more and more stupid. So first you were against illegal mexicans. Now youre against all other races. Above you go against arabs. Also you say you dont like black fellas. Now you deny any relation with YOUR COMPATRIOTS. Lanza was your compatriot, and he was a fucking wacko. But you say he has no relation with your “western european blood” (lol). ok. And what abaout ERIC HARRIS?? The wacko in Columbine? AND DYLAN KLEBOLD? his fella? mmmm Youre not related to them? and what about Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols?? the wackos of the Oklahoma bombing?? not related Micky?? Well let me tell you something. ALL THEM ARE FROM USA AS YOUR FUCKING AND MISERABLE FAMILY THEREFORE THEYRE MORE THAN RELATED TO YOU. THEYRE YOUR COMPATRIOTS. THE GUYS OF THE OKLAHOMA BOMBING WERE IN THE ARMY AS YOU!!!!!!! THEYRE YOUR BLOOD; YOUR FELLAS; YOUR BROTHERS!!!!!!!!. WACKOOOOOOOOOO LOLLOLLOL You all fucking americans are so decadent. GO AND WATCH YOUR CHILDREN MICKY; THEY MIGHT BE ABOUT TO START A SHOOTING AND THEN KILL THEMSELVES BYE WACKO!!!! LOL LOL LOL LOL

  598. SuPadre says:

    MICKY JONES YOURE Awackooooooooooooooo cmon go to an elementary school and start a shooting. LOL LOL LOL. So, what youre saying is…. His last name is Lanza, so he is more related to me than to you?? hahahahahaha youre so stuupid!!!!!!! fucker none of the wackos that have started a shooting in the States had ever been in Mexico, they are not related to MY COUNTRY whatsoever. Fucker your answers are becoming more and more stupid. So first you were against illegal mexicans. Now youre against all other races. Above you go against arabs. Also you say you dont like black fellas. Now you deny any relation with YOUR COMPATRIOTS. Lanza was your compatriot, and he was a fucking wacko. But you say he has no relation with your “western european blood” (lol). ok. And what abaout ERIC HARRIS?? The wacko in Columbine? AND DYLAN KLEBOLD? his fella? mmmm Youre not related to them? and what about Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols?? the wackos of the Oklahoma bombing?? not related Micky?? Well let me tell you something. ALL THEM ARE FROM USA AS YOUR FUCKING AND MISERABLE FAMILY THEREFORE THEYRE MORE THAN RELATED TO YOU. THEYRE YOUR COMPATRIOTS. THE GUYS OF THE OKLAHOMA BOMBING WERE IN THE ARMY AS YOU!!!!!!! THEYRE YOUR BLOOD; YOUR FELLAS; YOUR BROTHERS!!!!!!!!. WACKOOOOOOOOOO LOLLOLLOL You all fucking americans are so decadent. GO AND WATCH YOUR CHILDREN MICKY; THEY MIGHT BE ABOUT TO START A SHOOTING AND THEN KILL THEMSELVES BYE WACKO!!!! LOL LOL LOL LOL

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Like I said about 20 times — “if you think your tough and so smart – and hate americans so much — come on up to the states and do something about it – put your money where your mouth is”.

      Unless of course your already in the states – and your just another nappy punk pussy – a big fat mouth – in such a case – get something going – I’m waiting punk!

      • SuPadre says:

        shut up wacko!!! but dont start a shooting micky noooooo not another one lol lol lol

      • Frank Ramirez says:

        Mexicans are white. Not because of our skin tone, rather our race and ethnicity. Mexicans circle in white as our race and caucasions as ethnicity on the US Census docs. It’s a simple fact, look it up.

      • USA says:

        Do not waste your time.
        Mexicans are all cowards.
        They are extremely pathetic.

  599. Mickey Jones says:

    Supadre – Pedro – or who ever your possing as today – why are you concerned with American Business and or affairs – if your in Mexico that is — what business is it off yours?

    Naturally – almost every American, if not every American – is disgusted by the news that numerous children and teachers were killed – and yes – that includes me!

    But yet – the word “””AMERICAN””” keeps coming up – meaning this shooting is Americas Problem and Americas Business – Meaning it is up to America and Americans to sort thru the problem – and further decide what needs to be done, and or what steps need to be taken in order to keep such an issue from taking place again.

    Supadre – You say over and over that your Smart – Your in Mexico – Your a “””Ma-Cheeeeeze-Ma”””” – you go on to say you are wealthy, speak various languages – excedra.

    So why do you stick your nose into Americas Business???

    I know your not in Mexico – but yet you will not even meet with me – an old word out american man — Supadre — Your a COWARDLY MOUTH – a TWO-BIT Nappy Headed Punk.

    In the future – either man-up – or keep your mouth shut…

    • SuPadre says:

      haha i showed you im in Mexico fucker i dont need to do more. You have my facebook i can post a pic in Zocalo if you want dumb ass. You man up and show yourself as you are. A decrepit love lacking old man :D

      • Mickey Jones says:

        Ya – your a liar and a coward – trying to divert conversation from the real issues!

        I wonder why a Half Mexican – Part Black-Hebrew is concerned with American Business – if it was so happy and cozy in Mexico.

        Ya – your a liar and a coward – a two-bit punk mouth.

        You know – I can’t wait until the US falls – perhaps my people will get a chance to fix this broken down nation…

      • SuPadre says:

        Part Black-Hebrew????? WTF is wrong with you fucker??? Waht are you talking about??? dam youre really losing it bro have you considered going to the psychiatrist?

  600. chris says:

    i want to fuck a girl call me 951374 5783 it will be the best fucke of your life and i am over 18

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Ya Chris:
      So – Hmmmm. – whats your story – are in you prison – or perhaps you live in a remote area — hmmm. – no that can-not be.

      So whats wrong with this picture – are there no females where you live – Hmmm. – that doesn’t sound possible!

      Perhaps that problem is you – have you ever hought about that part of the situation?

  601. i says:

    Ignorant fucking Greengoes every country hates you only reason they put up with you is because you have a good collection of porn

  602. Frank Ramirez says:

    Mexican is not a race. Infact, we are 100% white and 100% caucasions. Look it up. An unexind mind is not worth having.

  603. Fuck you racist brains dead hicks says:

    MEXICANS ARE THE SHIT the women are hot food is delicious music is good and the tradition is awesome YOU CAN STAY AS LONG AS YOU WANT if anyone should leave its you lame ass racist sons a bitches. White people this ain’t y’all country y’all stole it from the native Americans if anyone should leave its you smelly brain dead incest dumb redneck hicks. TAKE THAT WHITE POWER BULLSHIT BACK TO EUROPE


    • Mickey Jones says:

      If your a Mexican – why are you concerned with the American Indians – as they hate Mexicans?

      If your so happy and content being Mexican and Mexico – why concern yourself with this blog?

      Who on this blog is a white redneck — have you met anyone off of this blog?

      You know what – I don’t think you a Mexican at all – nor do I think your in Mexico — rather your just a dumb-ass liberal piece of trash – most likely a nappy headed sub-human.

      You want to talk and carry on – but yet your to much of a coward to do anything about it..

      LOL – your a dumb-ass

      • Fuck you racist brains dead hicks says says:

        WHITE PEOPLE STOLE THE LAND FROM NATIVE AMERICANS FUCK FACE THERE FOR NOT YOUR LAND im not gonna sit here and call them “indians” indians are people who live or migrated from the country of india PRICK and yea i am black and i am gonna stick up for mexicans let me guess ” i reckon i gotta problem wit dem der words yeeehawwwww” look here prick AS FAR AS IM CONCERNED YOU CAN TAKE YOUR RACIST RIGHT WING THEORY AND SHOVE IT UP YOUR INBREED ASS now give a yeehawww to that pussy

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Ya — ok Liberal Communist dumb-ass – if its white power you want – perhaps we can arrange that…

  604. SuPadre says:

    hey micky jones! youre back i thought you died alone in new years eve unfortunetly youre alive

  605. Mickey Jones says:

    Greetings America:
    I wanted to ask – do you hate Mexicans – IE: Illegal Spics? And if so -Why?

    My reasons:

    1. Illegal Mexicans are Criminals.
    2. Illegal Mexicans are Welfare Hogs.
    3. Illegal Mexicans are Rude and Pushy.
    4. Illegal Mexicans under-cut American Workers.
    5. Illegal Mexicans are Communistic.

    >>>> And – Illegal Mexicans are in The United States with US FEDERAL GOVERNMENT ENTITLEMENTS.

    • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

      Are you really gonna sit here and spew that lame ass bullshit?

      No I do not hate MEXICANS. “Legal or illegal”

      1.) as far as history is concerned you(whites) are the biggest bunch murders rapists crooks and thieves.

      2.) are you really gonna pretend that AMERICAN women don’t lay up and have child after child after child and expect the tax payers to care for them? Your the dumbass

      3.) Now your gonna tell me that AMERICANS aren’t rude? Assholes like you sit up and point their noses towards other races because you think whites are the dominate race. News flash prick your race has nothing to be proud off.

      4.) sounds to me liked someone is jealous of hard working people (which doesn’t supprise me) because they’ll take the jobs your too much of a pussy to even think about doing

      MEXICANS come to this country (certainly not like your croked thives of ancestors ) to establish a better life for themselfs who the fuck are we to say no.

      • Mickey Jones says:

        Ya Supadre – Pedro – or who ever you want to be today — that was an interesting reply – very good – but the MEXICAN has their own nation – its called Mexico – so take your dumb-brown spic loving ass back down to there and leave the White American Patriots alone.

        Mexicans are nothing more than herd animals for the elite – do the Mexican really think anyone likes them — LOL — you couldn’t be that shallow.

      • Mickey Jones says:

        Hello Dumb-Shit:

        You said — and I qoute —- “”””””MEXICANS come to this country (certainly not like your croked thives of ancestors ) to establish a better life for themselfs who the fuck are we to say no”””””””.

        I am sorry that the white europeans were and are superior to your people – but thats the reason we took this land — ohhhhh well – get over it mud.

        As far as bettering yourselves — LOL LOL LOL — so you come to the United States with hat in hand — begging the white people to feed you — begging the white people to medicate you — begging the white people to educate you — begging the white people to house you — begging the white people to fund your businesses — begging the white people for free electricity and water — “”IS THAT BETTERING YOUR PEOPLE””””?????

        And then once the WHITE AMERICANS ACTUALLY GIVE THE ILLEGAL MEXICANS what they want — ILLEGAL MIND YOU – How do you repay the WHITE AMERICANS??????

        1. By Selling drugs to white children!
        2. By Rapes and Murders.
        3. By Drive by shootings.
        4. By Being rude and Pushy to White Americans.
        5. By under-cutting white workers.
        6. By forming Mexican Gangs

        And for this the WHITE AMERICANS should be pleased and gratefull – MOREOVER: we (WHITE AMERICA) should just sit back and keep our mouths shut???

        LOL LOL LOL — thats is the most insane concept I have ever listened to — Sheeeeesh — Mexicans are pure filth and garbage — GO HOME SPIC….

      • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

        1.) You sell your drugs to your own race and yes…CHILDREN as well so dont give me that bullshit.

        2) So are you going to say that whites dont do the same exact thing. Yes, just like you racist pricks there are bad apples ALL races.

        3.) Since were on the topic of shootings have we forgotten about the school shootings in Connecticut and Colorado? How about the sikh temple shooting in Wisconsin….Do i really need to go on?

        4.) You treat your own dogs better than you would a homeless person on the street (mexican, black or WHITE).

        5.) They work the jobs your to much of a bitch to even think about doing. Lazy rich WHITES hire mexican maids to raise their children because their too “busy” to spend any time with them. Then gets pissed off because the child knows and loves Daniela more than…Fuck off with that bullshit.

        6.) Watch a little something called GANGLAND you might learn something. There are plenty of white gangs (aryans, bikers, Neo nazi skinheads and of course the oldest gang in existence the KKK). The only “WHITE” gang that does some good is FSU of Boston (yea thats right representing straightedge bitch) that beats the shit out of racist drug dealing skinheads.

        So do your research before you spew this lame ass bullshit out on the internet.

        “This is america my president is black and my lambo is blue nigga and if i catch you on the street im slappin the shit outta you”.

        -Riley Freeman from The Boondocks

      • American says:

        Mexicans are only scum. They stink and privide nothing for America!
        I served America!
        I fought the war on terrorism, weak one.

  606. SuPadre says:

    hahahahaha thats a nice reply of “Fuck you hating ass pricks”!!! well said. Micky Jones, your so traumatized with me that you think im all the people who post a comment in here… DAMN YOU MAY HAVE NIGHTMARES WITH ME LOL LOL LOL no dude i had not commented anything since i posted i hoped you were dead by new years eve… so it was not me dont worry!!! Happy new year to all non racist people in USA from a honest mexican man in Mexico city!! get over it Micky!!! im not in the States!!! stop having nightmares with me!!! LOL LOL LOL

  607. Mickey Jones says:

    TO: Fuck you hating ass pricks

    Your trying to put Americans citizens and ILLEGAL MEXICANS into the same category. I don’t care what Mexicans do within there own nation of MEXICO – but what White Americans do in their own nation is their business – to include the formation of a gang.

    You couldn’t be this dumb – so tell me AFRO – whats your story?

    • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

      No because MEXICANS (legal or illegal) are hard workers unlike spoiled rich white americans bitcing and nagging about other people coming into this country while forgetting this country was built on immigrants (legal or illegal) if it wasn’t for anyones ancestors (black, white, mexican, jewish, chinese….ect) we wouldn’t have the things we would have today. As a matter of fact…we wouldn’t be here there would be no United States. Its bullshit that Americans like myself that love to travel to other countries and to someday hope to live in for a long period of time have to take shit because of lame ass racist elitist pricks like you, News flash, granted this country is better than most but its not the best period believe me I’ve seen better (Canada, England, Italy, Australia, Japan, France…ect) (Word of advice do not go to Japan because how your treating other races is exactly how they would treat you.). This country is dead last in all major subjects. We live in a country where people care more about the latest fashions and celebrities than basic English or how this country was created.

      • ingli ONLY says:

        Speaking of the better places that you’ve seen… Canada has VERY strict immigration laws and gives NOTHING to illegals.. Australia does allow legal immigration but, the Prime Minister went on record a few years back because the immigrants wanted changes (to benefit their cultures) and the Prime Minister said NO! if you don’t like our country the way it is, our culture and OUR beliefs “””” you are free to leave””” and Japan is the strictest of alll,,,, they allow the fewest immigrants into their country…. still WONDER WHY THESE COUNTRIES ARE THE BEST YOU”VE SEEN????

  608. Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

    The keyword was SEEN as of scenery and yes i am leaving in 2016. America is reduced to nothing but celebrity ass kissers who are constantly obsessed about what society thinks of them.

  609. SuPadre says:

    hahahahahaha micky jones still believes is me! damn this is funny, not knowing if either hes retarded or hes a 6 year old kid. Please micky, continue to have nightmares with me LOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOL

  610. SuPadre says:

    Oh and your bitch ingli is back!! LOL LOL LOL

  611. ingli ONLY says:

    results from a survey taken in mexico last year::: that more than one-third of people in Mexico (38 million) would like to live in the United States if they could. This clearly shows that the desire to come to America remains very strong in that country. This means that if there was an amnesty in the United States, a very large number of people in Mexico might come illegally in the future in the hope of qualifying for another amnesty.
    NO AMNESTY !!! END Birthright citizenship!!!

  612. SuPadre says:

    hahahahahahahahaha trust me ingli theywould not like to live in your guetto in nowhere idaho or wherever the fuck you live LOLLOLLOL

    • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

      Agreed. Ive been here all my life, sure when i younger it was good being an american, but in todays society it just plain sucks. its gotten like a broken record. Im trying to get the fuck outta here in 2016 maybe Mexico or somewhere in South America.

      • Mickey Jones says:

        Ya – go on and get the hell out of the United States – you and all browns should leave – and its really for your own good anyway – whites really dislike you and and all other browns – as you know what you are everytime you look into the mirror and see that disgusting thing looking back — LOL LOL LOL — must be a night-Mare.

        MEXICANO = Infectous Sub-Human.

      • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

        Now im going to assume that with those lame theories I’m going to assume that your a Christian (I’am as well). Im not trying to force my religion on others but christians believe in treating others in a way that you would like to be treated. Now what I’m hearing is that you would like to be treated like crap (that can be arranged). If you believe in the religion then we are all gods children. No race is superior.

        Now to your immature sophomoric statement. Yes I am proudly going to leave the country. Pretty soon this wont be the USA, it will become New China (you might wanna brush up on your Chinese). I cant understand how proud latin women raise your spoiled rich kids, clean you lames ass houses and cook meals you dont even deserve to even eat one minuet the next you want them out. I say fuck you hypocritical racist ass pricks. They can stay as long as they want. They WORK HARD The women are WAY hotter, the food is better and the traditional is better than going to one of your lame ass country music concerts in one of your equally lame ass back woods part of the deep south, If you hate latin people so much dont tan, be proud of your PALE skin lol.

  613. ingli ONLY says:

    Which is worse???
    Mexican immigrants having the belief that they can come to another country and claim the rights of citizens although they are not citizens.
    or Our Government Allowing it?? Our elected officials are either a bunch of pussys OR have one fucked up hidden agenda!

    Why do mexican immigrants believe they have the right to make America better for beaners? Why can’t they make Mexico better for Mexicans?
    and I wish I lived in idaho…. It hasn’t been tainted or infested yet.

    • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

      then move to your lame ass Idaho

      • SuPadre says:

        agreed. Why dont you move to idaho ingli bitch?

      • ingli ONLY says:

        did u decide on Japan?? Canada? or Austrailia?? or wait you’ve “seen” thoes places but don’t know anything about them?? You better stay out of trouble or you won’t have enough points to get into Canada (legally)…. My Aunt is 100%Japanese and my cousins are half,,, don’t even try unless you marry a national or have temp. work visa cuz they won’t except you… Austrailia is probably best for you… learn to adapt cuz it’s their way or you’ll be invited to take the highway… As it should be,,, it is their Country,, their rules, their culture… not the immigrants!! USA should learn from Austrailia….

      • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

        You should take your lame ass opinions to Arizona I’m sure you’ll fit right in. You can have your lame ass country where your dead last in every subject because you worship celebrates. What have they done for you? Did Steven Spielberg walk up to you and offered you a check or did a fashion designer offer you new clothes from their latest line? The only thing you value is green paper with slave owners on them. Mexican value tradition and la familia now im sure your to ignorant to even want to learn spanish so let me translate it means “the family”. Speaking of “learning languages” why are you forcing english in other countries like Argentina, Brazil, Russia or Italy?

  614. ingli ONLY says:

    California is the poster child for the troubles of the country’s immigration policies and of mexican immigrants in particular!!
    Dear Idaho please don’t let government turn you into a dirty nasty state like beaner infested California…..

    • SuPadre says:

      haha funny california is WAY RICHER than redneck idaho lol lol lol

      • ingli ONLY says:

        The streets, the schools, the hospitals, the welfare system hasn’t been fucked up in idaho… I live in California I’ve seen first hand what beaners can do…..
        Los Angeles is under the mayor ship of Antonio Villaraigosa, himself a Mexican national, who has converted a once world-class city into a safe haven for illegal aliens and other third world criminals. Why r u so concerned about US immigration pros and cons??? Oh yeah u don’t want these 30 million going home where they belong,,, cuz it would fuck up your way of life..

      • SuPadre says:

        naaa is just that i dont like to be a crying bitch complaining about everything in my life. Thats what YOU ARE. A crying faggot. The type of faggot who barks a lot but dont do shit.

  615. Henry says:

    Hey dynamic douches Mexicans are great people they don’t deserve to be hated fucking whites do all they want is mcdees bk and shit like that our family would work their ass to make food so before u say u hate remember white is a bunch of fucking dumb people who think they can say shit Mexicans ever say this in the street you’ll get ur ass jumped fucking white people I swear only have time for porn and plus white are so gross half of you guys are mutants u guys stink like pure fucking shit

    • ingli ONLY says:

      Why don’t you try using some real facts instead of spreading propaganda? Oh wait, you can’t since there is no logical reason why America should put up with illegal immigration. We have laws for a very good reason.
      Anchors ARE NOT AMERICAN!!!! so take your illegal parents and go home.

  616. SuPadre says:

    hey ingli why dont you marry micky jones and breed white fucked up kids so that they can start a shooting at their elementary schools because they hate their way of living????? we dont have this kind of problems in Mexico lol lol lol go ahead blow hitlers corpse dick to feel more proud of your white redneck traditions lol lol lol

  617. ingli ONLY says:

    Why aren’t signs put up on hospitals that read “If you are here illegally and you are knocked up AGAIN go home… guess they’d have to be wriiten in spanish…. fucking go have your ugly beanies in YOUR country,,,, We are not obligated to support YOUR children…, if u can afford a cell phone, a car, a spandex dress that’s 2 sizes to small for your fat flat ass,,, then buy your kids school lunch with YOUR money…. feed your own fucking kids, and pay the hospital while your at it…

  618. ingli ONLY says:

    It is the failure of Mexico to create a vibrant economy that can fully employ its own people. Mexico is pushing people out of its country rather than solve its own problems.

    Rather than directly address that problem, Mexico has been exporting that problem to the United States for decades. This is a relief valve for Mexico because if millions of poor Mexicans were stuck inside their country, what would happen???

    Eaiser just to ship the shit off

  619. ingli ONLY says:

    The USA is virtually the only developed country that has a population growth. Could this be because we grant anyone who is born here citizenship? These growing pains cause a lot of problems in our country–traffic, depletion of natural resources, lost farmland, etc

    Immigration to a country should benefit the citizens of that country, not burden them.

  620. ingli ONLY says:

    Unless we get serious about illegals and stop this birthright lunacy, America will be dragged down to the level of a 3rd world country with the next 10 to 20 years. Of course at that point, illegal immigration will cease to be a problem, because there won’t be any reason to come here anymore. Instead, Americans will start emigrating (either legally or illegally) to other countries.

    If the nation does not wake up, and soon, the whole country will turn Into California. More gangs, graffiti, violence, drunk driving, hit and runs, depleted education and medical funds. It has to stop, and a good start would be to stop all birthright citizenship, and retroactively rescind ALL illegitimate births that resulted from two ILLEGAL parents….

    • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

      Since we want to talk about gangs i’m sure you’ve heard of the Aryan brotherhood of California, Hells Angeles,. Warlocks, Mongolos, Devil Diciples,Imperial Clans or the oldest gang the KKK if your not familiar with any of those its called gangland, its practically on all day tomorrow on spike tv. Drunk driving, let me tell you something I live in Wisconsin the home to the most deaths caused by drunk driving in the country and here its mostly caused by…..WHITES!! Since we want to state facts im going to state one as well, MEXICANS are the hardest working people today. Let me ask you something, lets say all of them are forced to leave, who will raise you spoiled ass children….THE RIGHT WAY?

      • ingli ONLY says:

        don’t know what mexicans are like in Wisconsin… can only comment on the ones that have destroyed California… Why would i have a beaner raise my child???

        Nearly half of the children born to Hispanic mothers in the U.S. are born out of wedlock. Hispanic women have the highest unmarried birthrate in the country—over three times that of whites and Asians, and nearly one and a half times that of black women.
        (from the Centers for Disease Control)
        Don’t believe, look it up. Sorry but an abundance of single mother households doesn’t really add up to “strong family values”… where are the husbands/fathers?

        Economists focus on Mexicans not because many are undocumented but because, relative to the rest of the labor force, Mexicans have far fewer skills. And Mexicans and other Central Americans (who tend to have a similar economic background) are arriving and staying in this country at a rate of more than 500,000 a year. Their average incomes are vastly lower than those both of native-born men and of other immigrants.
        Native-born workers: $45,400
        All immigrants: $37,000
        Mexican immigrants: $22,300
        The reason Mexicans earn much less than most Americans is their daunting educational deficit. More than 60 percent of Mexican immigrants are dropouts; fewer than 10 percent of today’s native workers are.
        do you have beaner raise your child?? I’m confused???
        The point to your arguement? What? WE save 10-20 cents on a head of lettuce?? mexicans work for cheap?? What?

  621. ingli ONLY says:

    to the boy who plans on moving in 2016::::
    this is the exact speech from the prime minister of Austrailia
    a great leader!!! nothing like ours.

    IMMIGRANTS, NOT AUSTRALIANS, MUST ADAPT. Take It Or Leave It. I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on Bali , we have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Australians. ‘

    ‘This culture has been developed over two centuries of struggles, trials and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom’

    ‘We speak mainly ENGLISH, not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society . Learn the language!’

    ‘Most Australians believe in God. This is not some Christian, right wing, political push, but a fact, because Christian men and women, on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly documented. It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, because God is part of our culture.’

    ‘We will accept your beliefs, and will not question why. All we ask is that you accept ours, and live in harmony and peaceful enjoyment with us..’

    ‘This is OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow you every opportunity to enjoy all this. But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag, Our Pledge, Our Christian beliefs, or Our Way of Life, I highly encourage you take advantage of one other great Australian freedom, ‘THE RIGHT TO LEAVE’.’

    ‘If you aren’t happy here then LEAVE. We didn’t force you to come here. You asked to be here. So accept the country YOU accepted.’

    all leaders should value their country and people, don’;t you think??

    • SuPadre says:

      hahahahahahahahahahahaha hey ingli you said in 10 20 years youll need to migrate if the situation does not change… do you think youre worth to migrate to any country?? i mean…. you dont speak any other language but english, which has no merit since you were born in the USA. mmm and for the things you type, you may be retarded or something. So tell me, what country would you go??? think about it, because at least mexicans in the US are used for the jobs americans dont want to take, but you?? i mean, what do you do? what would you do in another country?? youre nothing but a lame ass motherfucker LOL LOL LOL

  622. SuPadre says:

    hahahahahahahahahahahaha hey ingli you said in 10 20 years youll need to migrate if the situation does not change… do you think youre worth to migrate to any country?? i mean…. you dont speak any other language but english, which has no merit since you were born in the USA. mmm and for the things you type, you may be retarded or something. So tell me, what country would you go??? think about it, because at least mexicans in the US are used for the jobs americans dont want to take, but you?? i mean, what do you do? what would you do in another country?? youre nothing but a lame ass motherfucker LOL LOL LOL

    • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

      exactly plus Americans are ungrateful and dont appreciate a damn thing

      • Mickey Jones says:

        You know what Americans like – a nation that is free of Mexican criminal users.

        Get out brown….

      • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

        you cant talk about anyone being criminals america is the most dangerous i guess you want to ignore your own crimes and blame other races….typical

        no you get out saltine ass cracker

    • ingli ONLY says:

      Austraila sounds good………………. the people are fine and they speak ingli

      • SuPadre says:

        haha but why would they take you? because you speak ingli??? pffffffffff lame ass motherucker

  623. Mickey Jones says:

    The person and or persons who call themselves “Supadre” and “Fuck you hating ass pricks” are afro-headed drug trash – such as Obama Supporting Communistic Criminals.

    It should be illegal for non-whites to address white people.

    As far as who should get out of the United States – LOL — atleast I’m a citzen and served the people/nation.

    Listen up — “”Fuck You Hating Ass Pricks””” — if you think your a tough guy – heres your chance to prove it — lets meet up for a hunting trip – I know a very nice place for you to rest.

    • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

      Ok look here prick I’m straightedge (i don’t smoke drink or especially DO DRUGS) that happens to support obama. I believe in equality.

      Im a communist? Didn’t Hitler have the same views that you have? Looks to me like your the communist.

      Second of all I dont think my white friends would agree with your lame ass racist theories.

      Yea I think you should take your lame ass white power bullshit to germany and go entertain them.

      look at him supadre he wants to use a gun like a pussy instead of using his fist like a big boy. If your looking for a fight all you had to do was ask it would be a pleasure to drive my fist through your face.

      • SuPadre says:

        yeah i know. But you know what hating ass pricks friend? check my comments towards micky jones. He never gets it! which makes me wonder if hes retarded or just too old to get all i say, with all due respect to retarded and old people. Illegal to address white people??? I mean…. thats like a 5 year old comment. And if he goes to Germany, do you think he would be welcomed by germans?? Racist americans like Micky are hated all around the world! And hes the reason why theres so much hating on americans all around the world. Thats sad. Im 100% sure not all americans are like this love lacking old man. Is not even worth to drive your fist through his face…. hes not worth of anything, not to even look at him. He is miserable and pathetic. He believes hes doing a patriotic act by posting on this blog. Hey Micky! get your fucking mind out of your little redneck county in Texas for the first time in your life, and get to understand that your “old school racist shitty propaganda” is even more lame than it was in the past. Stop wasting your time and keep an eye on your grandchildren, they may be about to start a shooting in a lame ass elementary school in your lame redneck town in Texas.

      • Mickey Jones says:

        Ya ok Negro:
        Drive on out to Texas – get in touch with me when you leave your LA Ghetto – I’ll give you instructions to follow – so your trip will be faster.

        Negro – Who is talking about white power – your the one who brought that into this discussion?

        Negro – your the one who brought up the use of guns – not me – however – now that you have brought that up – you better know how to use one – I’ll be watching for your negro paws to make one move – just like I did in Iraq – hit # 3 for me!!!!

        Negro – I know all about the so-called straight edge BS – I actually worked with some youth that claimed to be the “”””EDGE””” — as the under-educated say — and just as you seem to be. So – don’t go feeding out that stupid crap – not to me anyway – I’m to old and have seen to much to listen..

        Negro – Your the one who brought up Hitler – I’m an American Veteran Retired – having served the American People – Army — not Marine — meaning I served the Citizen – so take you hitler crap and shoved that right up your negro ass.

        So – get your fight started – I invite you and all of your buddies – come on out of your ghetto and make a man out of me — please negro – don’t be a TALKER — be a do’er….

      • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

        Prick- actually prick I don’t live in LA

        Prick- Your spewing lame ass white power theories.. YOUR RACE ISNT AS GREAT AS YOU THINK (not to say mine is in today’s society)

        Prick- you said and I quote “Listen up — “”Fuck You Hating Ass Pricks””” — if you think your a tough guy – heres your chance to prove it — lets meet up for a hunting trip – I know a very nice place for you to rest.” Guns are used to go hunting DUHHH. Like I said before, YOUR TO MUCH OF A PUSSY TO FIGHT (knuckle up, brawl, ass kicking) YOU HAVE TO USE A GUN… By the looks of things you dont act like a veteran. You live in Texas right? Come to Chicago we know what to do with racist pricks like you.

        Prick- I’m EDGE I haven’t used a drug in my entire life dont believe me ill take a drug test.

        Prick- Hitler believed that the German race fuck any other race, you believe that the white race is superior fuck any other race…The similarities are obvious.

        I don’t dictate to bitches but if you feel froggy bring your punk ass to Chicago,

      • SuPadre says:

        haha he wont!!! micky can hardly walk out of his texas redneck town in the middle of nowhere lol lol lol

  624. anonymous says:

    I really don’t understand why there is so much hate between cultures. I’ll admit there are individuals in society that give a bad reputation to their cultures. However, this is not only for mexicans, or whites, or hispanic or any other particular cultures. We should be fighting the violence and the hate in the country rather than generalizing entire cultures for the actions of a few. I am a hispanic person. I immigrated to North America when I was twelve years old and have made every effort to become a useful part of my society.Due to generalization like these my whole family is usually discriminated against! My sisters are denied job opportunities because they have an accent, which they can’t help. Also, when I read conversations like these I am shocked and terrified to see the amount of hate that exists based on… on what?? on unfounded generalizations. I do not support violence, or crimes, or any illegal or unjust actions by any human beings. In fact, I am horrorized by them. However, I strongly believe we need to accept that there is good people, and there is bad people, and we can’t always determine who is who by their nationality or their skin colour.

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Hello Anonymous:
      Your an Idiot — its apparent you don’t know and or have the ability to read – and put what you have read into perspective – so heres how it is – listen close moron.

      This has nothing to do with racism – but has everything to do with preserving the United States – such as — LISTEN CLOSE NOW — ARE YOU LISTENING???????????????????


      If a Mexican Illegally Invades the United States – That mexicans is a CRIMINAL — NO BUTS — NO IF’s — NO Exceptions…. AS the Illegal Mexicans has broke US LAW — and is now effecting the population of the United States.

      If — IF IF IF IF IF — 10,000 Mexicans had Invaded the US — No one would care ——– IF IF IF — 100,000 Mexicans Had invaded the US — No one would care —— BUT — LISTEN NOW — Pay ATTENTION —— an estimated 20 MILLION MEXICANS HAVE ILLEGALLY INVADED THE UNITED STATES — and that number is simply to high.



      They draw welfare — they shoplift — they form drug gangs — they are rude to american citizens — they under-cut american workers — and they participate in numerous forms of white collar crimes as well.

      Now — I could write more — such as the US FEDERAL GOVERNMENTS INVOLMENT and or ROLE — but you should get the Idea — DO YOU??????

      • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

        fuck you mickey that person actually gave an intelegent argument with a lot of truth behind it unlike you spewing that ignorant racist crap. There’s good and bad in every race. There are people like this idiot that give America a horrible view.

  625. ingli ONLY says:

    Dear Cheyenne,

    I am aware that every society has its good and not so good. I have a sister who dated a Mexican from Mexico city who was here legally to pursue a modeling career, He was/is light skinned, tall, WELL=spoken and educated, very good looking guy, great family (the ones I met) they lived in Beverly Hills for a year until Ford signed him and now they live in New York…

    BUT (yes, all caps),,, this is not the case with the millions that have invaded America,, We get the bottom of the barrel, for the most part the majority are NOT like Felipe (model from Mexico) REALLY (yes, all caps).

    When millions of poor and uneducated individuals from our southerly neighbor deposit themselves in America, particularly into one region, the result is not increased diversity (so idealized by elites) but Mexicanization. That flavor of demographic transformation propels a cultural change where objectionable Mexican social norms take hold, which Americans find deeply alarming. Because when Mexicans come to America by the millions, they bring their culture of everyday grifting with them.

    Mexicans (the poor uneducated _majority that come here) do not have the same belief as Americans that the law is central to the equitable functioning of a complex nation. Plain and simple, Mexico is the Third World.
    (In the 2011 Corruption Perceptions Index from Transparency International, Mexico scored a very poor 3 out of 10. By way of comparison, the least corrupt nation is deemed to be New Zealand with a grade of 9.5, and the United States got a 7.5. Mexico is rated the same as Benin, Malawi, and Tanzania, among other backwaters. Mexico ranks as the 93rd most corrupt of 158 countries in the world, according to the Transparency investigations.)

    You can take the Mexican out of Mexico, but you can’t take Mexico out of the Mexican. Or at least it appears so when examining their behavior after they cross the border. Are they grateful to reside in a society where fairness is a strong social value and bribery is not? Do they respond with appreciative behavior?
    Of course not. Mexicans keep their mordida custom even in First World America.

    You can use the word racist to argue how I feel,,,, But, am I racist? Did reality create my racist tone? As one good city after another in th US becomes more third world like, saying nothing would be wrong!
    It’s kinda like the chicken-egg thing…

  626. Mickey Jones says:

    You folks read that Nappy-Headed Negro from “”NO-MAMA TOWN”” ?????

    It claims to be the — “”EDGE”” – and isn’t on what the Afro-Heads calls — “”DWUGS””….

    Ya ya — ok — Listen close AFRO – I’m down here in one of the only decent states left in this nation – bring your negro ass on down – either that or shut your face – and as far as you being edge – you have no idea how close to the edge you really are – screwing around with an old white man like myself.

    So lets all get this right:

    What were dealing with is a young Afro-Head in Shit’Kago – who wishes to start fights on the web – a blog which deals with the topic of “””MEXICANS”””” —- NOT AFRO-HEADS — Now isn’t that just special and simply halarious – by its very definition.

    Talk about going out of ones way to be an idiot — but what would one expect from an AFRO?????

    • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

      Your punk ass wouldn’t last three hours in the windy city. Fuck you and that lame ass right-winged shit hole you call “Texas” now give a YEEHAWWWW to that, speaking of YEEHAWWW your music sucks bitching about “my horse done left me” ill give you some decent states Florida and California (fuck what ingli has to say). What you fail to realize every person in any race is different. I already knew that there are good intelligent whites (like my friends) and there are you racist brain dead morons (like you). As for “starting fights on a blog” didn’t you treated to shoot me? Dont deny it like a little bitch. As for “sticking up for mexicans”, They’re good hard working people unlike some americans. Just like us (blacks), they grew up tough not like “tanner you can give me the toy or sit in time out” or “tanner you can have anything you want” so parenting is spoiling your children? Your nothing but a lonely old grumpy dude who sits on the computer trolls, spews this racist lame ass shit and tires to pick up 16 17 year old girls,GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE

      • Mickey Jones says:

        Hello: Fuck you hating ass pricks.
        I finally got it — your just a little BOY — “”LITTLE BOY AFRO-EDGE””””!

        I’m usually quick to pick up on things – but you finally came out with what you are – thanks!

        You say there are good and bad in all — and yes – I agree with that – but thats not the debate – the debate in this blog is concerned with the HATE OF ILLEGAL MEXICAN CRIMINALS — which include any Mexican that illegally invades the United States….

        You said something about having white buddies — ya ok – one day they will wake up and see you for what you are — which is a DUMB – AFRO-HEADED COMMUNISTIC EDGE BOY.

        You see – your white buddies will one day see – and wake up to the fact that the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT has passed laws against the white people – “”””I.E. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION”””.

        The AFRO is a Protected Beast – they want everything — and free – expecting white people to pay for the AFRO – to give the AFRO welfare – college – government jobs – free housing — free everything really – while — and catch this – the AFRO is just like the ILLEGAL MEXICAN in many ways – as they both expect the Whites to work and pay for their living – and the whites have to smile and enjoy giving to the NON-WHITES – all the while – the whites are being ripped off.

        One day Little Boy — your white buddies will wake up and see you attend college for free – while they have to pay – if the whites can even attend college that is – and even at that – its the Little Boy Afro who will be offered the high paying job that they can not do —- while the whites do not even get an opportunity.

        BE HAPPY AFRO EDGE — LITTLE BOY EDGE — Your a — and as the afros would say — “”””A POETECTED BEAST”””….

        Now LITTLE BOY EDGE – get lost…..

      • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

        first off you better be lucky your hiding behind a computer because just like mexicans talking about my family will get you a nice stay in the hospital.

        Im not your BOY im a grown damn man and I behave as such not people like you bitching and moaning about mexicans. Who are HERE TO STAY AND AINT GOIN NOWHERE

        Yes I have white friends and they beat the shit outta racist pricks like you.

        I’m not on welfare and rapping up my second year of college at northwestern university (which I have to pay for) which means I graduated from high school unlike you who thought ” i reckon im to stupid to do this work is and its too hard for a lame ass wanna be cowboy such as myself im gonna go join the army YEEEEEHAWWWWWWWW” so are you telling me that you dont take government assistance/ You must be ssi with those lame ass racist views your obviously as brain dead as an ass (meaning donkey). Government assistance is provided for EVERYONE of every RACE.

  627. Derrick says:

    Because they RUIN neighborhoods and spoil their male offspring, who grow up to become spoiled, lazy men who think it’s la raza to fuck up quiet neighborhoods. The entire concept of hispanics being considerate or courteous TO OTHERS while IN PUBLIC, and that includes their own neighborhoods, is entirely foreign to them. And they HATE white people. They have ALWAYS hated Caucasians. And, btw, not even Spaniards will have anything to do with the FILTH that is born and bred in S.America. Spaniards properly consider themselves EUROPEANS…NOT ‘hispanics’. They consider the fitlhy hispanic a ‘sub species’ to themselves, and they’re right. It’s fitting that spics work on white farms now because, frankly, the black man has shunned them too, and wisely so. Many black people come up to me and confide that they cannot stand the sight of a filthy, loud, annoying spic because,”…they screw up neighborhoods and then try to convince the whites it’s US doing it.” That’s why so many modern hate groups are now composed of Europeans, Asians, Blacks, and Whites. The ONLY shot the hispanic has of really integrating and being inspected are these two things: 1) stop playing fucking merengue shit noise at annoying levels in your own neighborhoods and at your own neighbors you dickwads…the only animal that shits where it eats is A PIG…and people don’t make friends with pigs, they bbq them and 2) learn fucking English or get the fuck back to your rotten, corrupt, filthy, polluted country you are too fucking cowardly to have stayed and defended. In addition, and for brownie points, you might consider, oh, STOP JOINING GANGS and stop giving them money you dumb f*cks. They make YOU look bad, and don’t care AT ALL that happens. Also, start spanking your sons when they do wrong and stop wiping their butts for them till they’re 10 years old. That’s just freaking creepy. Remember the dad that was giving his own son a BJ for his birthday? Yeah. That’s a creepy ‘tradition’, we aren’t going to stand for it, and you need to EARN your freedom here just like everyone else has INCLUDING WHITES who have shed more blood collectively for the IDEALS of Freedom than you EVER will for the homelands your cowardly men have abandoned to THUGS. The entire population of S.A. should be ashamed when it runs America like little cowards and then gets here and acts all,”Oh, look at me. I’m a short, filthy, little brown man trying to get a free ride and turn all my new neighbors against me. Why I can’t wait to move somewhere I’m not wanted, treat my neighbors like they’re blind and deaf, and then wonder and whine when everyone hates me. Derrr….errr….me no comprendeee…me no comprendeeeeee.” Yeah. Until pay day and then you ‘comprende’ pretty damned good, don’t you? Faggot ass cowards, the whole lot of you. Seriously. You INVITE the hate you get. You INVITE it. Well, mission accomplished jacktard. No wonder History shows you to be defeated again and again and again. Even on your native soil. Uh, you know, MOST countries and races eventually figure out,”Gee, what are we doing wrong? And hey, maybe we should stop doing that.” But not you little short beaner. Not you. Just keep being proud of being loud and being dirty. You’re a real champ, uh hurrr…derrr….gawd, you make cross eyed rednecks look and sound smart!Because they RUIN neighborhoods and spoil their male offspring, who grow up to become spoiled, lazy men who think it’s la raza to fuck up quiet neighborhoods. The entire concept of hispanics being considerate or courteous TO OTHERS while IN PUBLIC, and that includes their own neighborhoods, is entirely foreign to them. And they HATE white people. They have ALWAYS hated Caucasians. And, btw, not even Spaniards will have anything to do with the FILTH that is born and bred in S.America. Spaniards properly consider themselves EUROPEANS…NOT ‘hispanics’. They consider the fitlhy hispanic a ‘sub species’ to themselves, and they’re right. It’s fitting that spics work on white farms now because, frankly, the black man has shunned them too, and wisely so. Many black people come up to me and confide that they cannot stand the sight of a filthy, loud, annoying spic because,”…they screw up neighborhoods and then try to convince the whites it’s US doing it.” That’s why so many modern hate groups are now composed of Europeans, Asians, Blacks, and Whites. The ONLY shot the hispanic has of really integrating and being inspected are these two things: 1) stop playing fucking merengue shit noise at annoying levels in your own neighborhoods and at your own neighbors you dickwads…the only animal that shits where it eats is A PIG…and people don’t make friends with pigs, they bbq them and 2) learn fucking English or get the fuck back to your rotten, corrupt, filthy, polluted country you are too fucking cowardly to have stayed and defended. In addition, and for brownie points, you might consider, oh, STOP JOINING GANGS and stop giving them money you dumb f*cks. They make YOU look bad, and don’t care AT ALL that happens. Also, start spanking your sons when they do wrong and stop wiping their butts for them till they’re 10 years old. That’s just freaking creepy. Remember the dad that was giving his own son a BJ for his birthday? Yeah. That’s a creepy ‘tradition’, we aren’t going to stand for it, and you need to EARN your freedom here just like everyone else has INCLUDING WHITES who have shed more blood collectively for the IDEALS of Freedom than you EVER will for the homelands your cowardly men have abandoned to THUGS. The entire population of S.A. should be ashamed when it runs America like little cowards and then gets here and acts all,”Oh, look at me. I’m a short, filthy, little brown man trying to get a free ride and turn all my new neighbors against me. Why I can’t wait to move somewhere I’m not wanted, treat my neighbors like they’re blind and deaf, and then wonder and whine when everyone hates me. Derrr….errr….me no comprendeee…me no comprendeeeeee.” Yeah. Until pay day and then you ‘comprende’ pretty damned good, don’t you? Faggot ass cowards, the whole lot of you. Seriously. You INVITE the hate you get. You INVITE it. Well, mission accomplished jacktard. No wonder History shows you to be defeated again and again and again. Even on your native soil. Uh, you know, MOST countries and races eventually figure out,”Gee, what are we doing wrong? And hey, maybe we should stop doing that.” But not you little short beaner. Not you. Just keep being proud of being loud and being dirty. You’re a real champ, uh hurrr…derrr….gawd, you make cross eyed rednecks look and sound smart!Because they RUIN neighborhoods and spoil their male offspring, who grow up to become spoiled, lazy men who think it’s la raza to fuck up quiet neighborhoods. The entire concept of hispanics being considerate or courteous TO OTHERS while IN PUBLIC, and that includes their own neighborhoods, is entirely foreign to them. And they HATE white people. They have ALWAYS hated Caucasians. And, btw, not even Spaniards will have anything to do with the FILTH that is born and bred in S.America. Spaniards properly consider themselves EUROPEANS…NOT ‘hispanics’. They consider the fitlhy hispanic a ‘sub species’ to themselves, and they’re right. It’s fitting that spics work on white farms now because, frankly, the black man has shunned them too, and wisely so. Many black people come up to me and confide that they cannot stand the sight of a filthy, loud, annoying spic because,”…they screw up neighborhoods and then try to convince the whites it’s US doing it.” That’s why so many modern hate groups are now composed of Europeans, Asians, Blacks, and Whites. The ONLY shot the hispanic has of really integrating and being inspected are these two things: 1) stop playing fucking merengue shit noise at annoying levels in your own neighborhoods and at your own neighbors you dickwads…the only animal that shits where it eats is A PIG…and people don’t make friends with pigs, they bbq them and 2) learn fucking English or get the fuck back to your rotten, corrupt, filthy, polluted country you are too fucking cowardly to have stayed and defended. In addition, and for brownie points, you might consider, oh, STOP JOINING GANGS and stop giving them money you dumb f*cks. They make YOU look bad, and don’t care AT ALL that happens. Also, start spanking your sons when they do wrong and stop wiping their butts for them till they’re 10 years old. That’s just freaking creepy. Remember the dad that was giving his own son a BJ for his birthday? Yeah. That’s a creepy ‘tradition’, we aren’t going to stand for it, and you need to EARN your freedom here just like everyone else has INCLUDING WHITES who have shed more blood collectively for the IDEALS of Freedom than you EVER will for the homelands your cowardly men have abandoned to THUGS. The entire population of S.A. should be ashamed when it runs America like little cowards and then gets here and acts all,

    Typical illegal cunts deep down inside have thoughts such as”Oh, look at me. I’m a short, filthy, little brown man trying to get a free ride and turn all my new neighbors against me. Why I can’t wait to move somewhere I’m not wanted, treat my neighbors like they’re blind and deaf, and then wonder and whine when everyone hates me. Derrr….errr….me no comprendeee…me no comprendeeeeee.”

    Yeah. Until pay day and then you ‘comprende’ pretty damned good, don’t you? Faggot ass cowards, the whole lot of you. Seriously. You INVITE the hate you get. You INVITE it. Well, mission accomplished jacktard. No wonder History shows you to be defeated again and again and again. Even on your native soil. Uh, you know, MOST countries and races eventually figure out,”Gee, what are we doing wrong? And hey, maybe we should stop doing that.” But not you little short beaner. Not you. Just keep being proud of being loud and being dirty. You’re a real champ, uh hurrr…derrr….gawd, you make rednecks look and sound smart.

    Rednecks are not smart, you’re right about that. All they do is sit under their barns, think about building more barns, and get drunk every other day under their barns and just complain about the world while DOING NOTHING. NOTHING. No, these are NOT the proud, Caucasians who established REAL civilisation in North America. The REAL Whites, full of self-discipline and determination, did NOT just go about blindly exterminating Indians. The fact that Indians committed extreme violence against whites, even though the whites DID TRY to establish a win-win relationship with the natives, and were henceforth referred to as ‘savages’ for their acts of savagery against not just other Indian tribes, but also against women and children. The idea of chivalry wasn’t something the savage had ever contemplated because violence, to them, was the solution to getting what they want. Sound familiar you browns?

    Your ‘solution’ to getting what you want is to band together and form violent gangs. Or, haven’t you seen the mark your ‘ancestors’ have left on the states? Look at East L.A. if you need reference. The ONLY thing, and I mean the ONLY thing, that might save that area is the new generation of highly educated young WHITE people, and some blacks who have finally come around to the concept of hard work and a good education, GENTRIFYING your neighborhoods. Left to you, you will run neighborhoods INTO THE DIRT, where you feel most comfortable.

    Don’t listen to ANY bean from S.A. that says,”I’m from Venezuela or Guatamala so I’m not like those dirty Mexicans.” that’s just them trying to DECIEVE a white person into thinking,”Hey this bean is a-ok”. NO! Go into a hispanic neighborhood sometime and read some of the free literature they have floating around their laundromats, restaurants, and grocery stores. Learn to translate it or take it to an Anglo who can speaky beany. You will be SHOCKED at how utterly and TRULY racist these mofo’s are.

    BTW, the hispanics do NOT like blacks. At all. That fact can best be seen in what happens when they live near each other like in L.A. or the south Bronx. I have heard many hispanics over the years talk about how stupid and dull they think the average ‘negro’ is. Negro is not a Caucasian word, it’s a hispanic one.

    The hispanic willfully and consciously will attempt to ‘pit’, as in pit bull dog fighting which the savage always loves, blacks against whites and vice-versa. The hispanic is actually jealous of the long standing relationship between whites and blacks, however frought with problems it has been. The point in fact is that BOTH whites and blacks KNOW, intrinsically and the evidence is UNDENIABLE, that the black American has more than EARNED and PAID FOR their right to call themselves Americans. They have that RIGHT you illegal cocksuckers, you thieves…you do NOT have that right. I am not talking to the Chicano. I am not talking to the Hispanic American born here and descended from LEGAL hard working people. I AM talking to the ILLEGAL hispanic who has started life here, just point in fact of having BROKEN OUR LAWS, as criminals. I understand you want better lives, but so do we who have fought hard for our country and worked to hard to mold and shape it. We didn’t do that so a bunch of filthy cowards and criminals could come participate. Blacks have a RIGHT to expect help from the government due to the oppression they’ve endured UNJUSTLY. It is just, in other words, that they might be using ‘the system’. It is NOT just that an illegal hispanic does. And then you have the gall to accuse black people of being ‘lazy’? You retards are fucking loco, that’s all there is to it.

    Go back to your country. No, not your money. YOU. Band together with your filthy, rotten, violence addicted gangs of immoral idiots who cannot live in a civilized society without blasting their music at neighbors for hours on end; who cannot in a civilized society without perpetually OFFENDING the other members of that society; who cannot comprende the concept of self-sacrifice for higher ideals, INCLUDING the consideration of the welfare and outcome of your own neighborhoods; who cannot comprende the concept of policing yourselves and weeding out the evil doers amongst you; and who totally REFUSE to listen to THE FACTS of your own history where your people ate the hearts of YOUR OWN PEOPLE to please a sun god. Like sheep braying – ba ba ba- you walked up a ridiculously designed temple of near vertical steps to lay down on a concrete slab so some idiot slathered in the guts and blood of others who had lined up to be ‘sacrificed’ ALIVE…while STILL ALIVE a crude stone blade is thrust into the chest, the heart RIPPED OUT with bare hands while the poor sod is STILL ALIVE…what cruelty! what savagery! There is NO ANCIENT RITUAL on the part of the White nor the African what compares to the MILLIONS of sacrifices over years OF YOUR OWN PEOPLE. You will slaughter each other with abandon if you get this little ‘la raza’ pipe dream where you ‘own’ this country and are the majority. Your old savagery WILL return. It’s in your DNA and without a checking force, that of CIVILITY and the ideas of CONSIDERATION FOR OTHERS…in other words, being quiet at night so others can sleep; not cultivating packs of dogs where children live; abandoning the idea of pitting innocent animals against each other to fight to the death for a few pesos( your inherent savagery is proven over and over and you try to drag the black man or other minority down with you, to kick the last nail in, so you can BLAME THEM for YOUR savagery! ); in short, if you had ANY SENSE WHATSOEVER, you would FOLLOW the advice and behavior of the whites, not rail vioilently against it. You would see the nature of peaceful co-existence WITHOUT offending the rights of others around you. You would see that is the superior way of life but MOST of you do NOT see that. You are blinded by your own self-loathing because you know that gangs like MS13 and Folk Nation get away with what they do on such a grand scale because MOST OF YOU act in COLLUSION WITH THEM. Don’t even try and deny it. You even look to them for protection and help you morons. Yeah, you’re gonna the country you want all right but you’re not gonna get it without a god damned fight from we ‘whites’, the ancestors of those who are, once pushed hard enough, are willing to band together ( and btw, we and black CAN work together in such cases and often have…if you read any damned history about this country you’d know that but you’r etoo busy shoving a polluted and corrupt Mexico down everyone’s throats ). We WILL fight you and we WILL win. Here’s how: WE are the mayors and sheriffs and police and military and senators and congressmen and women and WE are the educators and the administrators who decide.WE and the ‘negros’ you claim are stupid WILL defeat your La Raza agenda.

    Black folks in L.A. have been on to your game for ages, once they got stabbed in the back repeatedly by your ‘promises’ and ‘words’ of ‘honor’. You have NO HONOR. If you did, you wouldn’t have broken our laws and drained our system. You do NOT honor your agreements, you never have. My black brothers and sisters who have experienced the savagery you are willing to go to, the lengths of your own racist agenda against the rest of REAL Americans, are not unknown to the black people so don’t bother trying to reel them in with your ‘we’re just like you homie’. No, you are NOT ‘just like them’, homey. THEY have far more right to call themselves Americans than you will EVER comprehend.

    If you came here and did as well as you say you do, were as honorable as you say you are, and knew how to act in a civilized manner…there wouldn’t be one word of criticism against you here. But that’s not the case and that’s why I’m here. I’ve been around you folks for a long time and I’m about to reveal all your little nasty secrets so hang on to your tostados ese, cause here comes the truth. No viva, No la raza.

    • jenny says:

      We Mexicans are ilegally coming to your country? learn some history white bitches. Half of the US was Mexican territory until you came to invade us. And now you are bitching about us “invading your country” saying we are the illegals? . Have you ever wonder why your cities have Spanish names? Los angeles san francisco, las vegas, colorado and so forth.

      We are just taking over whats ours, and there’s nothing you can do about it bitches.Sooner or later this country will be ruled by Hispanic people. Deal with it mother fuckers.Many city majors are Hispanic descendants. This is just the beginning.

  628. Derrick says:

    No loca viva; No la raza. GO HOME, wherever that may be but I tell you now, it is NOT The United States of America. And it is most certainly NOT South America. There is a border for a very good reason and it has stayed that border for so long for very good reasons. Reasons you can look up in some OBJECTIVE resource and find out the truths of it. If you can stomach it.

    Read the histories, if you dare, the actual diaries of home steaders who moved West and Southwest. Read what they experienced at the hands of ‘savages’ and how virtually impossible it was to come to any kind of compromise or any kind of peaceful co-existence. The ONLY thing you tacos understand, at the end of the day, is the sound and fury of violence. Once a rancher shot at your ass, you hoofed it off their property pretty damned quick. If the poor sod was outnumbered, well, I won’t go into that gore but I have no doubt of your fantasies of what you, too, might do if in their shoes. Your collective fantasies of running, like cucaraches, over entire neighborhoods of Not-Hispanics. You teach your sons to hate women and disabuse them of courtesy and respect; you teach your sons that ‘freedom’ means getting whatever they want, whenever they want; and you turn around in your convaluted logic and hypocrisy and oppress your daughters and wives into servitude and fear of you. You are COWARDS.

    Those of who are true Europeans do NOT respect the whites amongst who behave like yourselves and usually as a result of being influenced by your ‘culture’. Unlike yourselves, we put them the lash to them, if pain is all they understand then so be it. Or didn’t you know that the KKK of old ALSO whipped white people? No, of course you don’t because you don’t read History objectively. You read La Raza caca. If it was reported that a white man was beating his wife, the men put their hoods on, went to his house, dragged him out into the woods where the women and children would not hear him, tied him to a tree, and beat him within an inch of his life till he agreed that it would be totally uncessary to ever come and visit him again. Understand? If a teenage boy, of any color, had become known as a rapist he was taken out and dealt with in kind. Understand? THAT is what the KKK ACTUALLY used to do. Unfortunately, like with anything, there were abuses of power, particularly towards the end when the only members joining or who were left were near psychopaths. That’s unfortunate because the original KKK were based on the concepts that keep neighborhoods safe and clean. For EVERYONE, not just whites. Most of the hate groups today, unfortunately, actually are hate groups and too caught up in the past to work effectively in the modern world. The moronic nazi wanna-be’s, the sons of the confederate blah blah, etc etc. These are not groups that will help the white cause in the long term and often allow drunken idiots to become members of their ‘organizations’. The KKK did not initially tolerate rowdy, idiotic behavior from its members. It did not support such concepts and most certainly would not have tolerated ‘rednecks’ who oppressed their own people, shit up their own neighborhoods, made alliances with criminal elements, nor were prone to alcoholism. These, too, would be taken out into the woods, but not become members of the Klan.

    We don’t really need a klan so much anymore as we need a citizens united, composed of people who value civility above all else, that is composed of LEGAL AMERICANS to ferret and weed out these bean criminals from our country. To WORK TOGETHER to make their lives incredibly miserable and force these ‘men’ to understand that they will never have any ‘honor’ until they, as men, collect themselves; compose themselves; police themselves; and return to Mexico and drive those immoral, corrupt bastards into the Pacific ocean until they drown. No mercy? How about you have ‘no mercy’ for those fuckers in your own government who have turned your country into such a filthy toilet that you think living and sleeping and breathing next to backed up, filthy toilets in your own houses is any kind of life? How about you go back and just START with Mexico? Once you’ve got those filthy, murdering pendejos OUT of government and your police force purged of corruption (if their genetics can handle the thought of working without also having something illegal going on the side and good luck with THAT ) and the Mexican gov is working justly again….then move on to together and tackle the problems in Venezuela. Then the next SA country and the next. THAT would garner you centuries of respect but to do it? Ha! That would require you collaborate with OTHERS and you have proven since your ‘citizenship’ in the states FOR DECADES that you simply cannot handle that idea either pragmatically OR intellectually.

    The ONLY thing you really comprendeeeee is the ‘right’ to dance all night long, shoot pistols into the air at night, set off fireworks wether it’s July, May, or Friday IN SPITE OF the people who live around you; that breeding like rabbits and using your women of all ages as breeding machines or maids; dumping your garbage beside the roads wherever you go and then playing the ‘race card’ at ANYONE who challenges you for being a pig; teaching your sons to have sex far too early instead of respecting themselves and learning self-discipline; turn the places you rent, someone else’s property, into complete and utter shit holes and then running off by abandoning them and leaving your mess for others to clean up….you are, collectively, savages. Nothing more. And you must be dealth with, collectively, like savages. Keep dancing little Jose, but time is running out for you. While you have pretended amongst yourselves that you are la familia and have raised your various SA flags in proud display, others have been working quietly in the background to bring a wave of cleansing across your people till you shape up or ship out. Your choice holmes. And by the way, we’re not all white people doing this. THE MAJORITY are going to vote in ways you cannot comprende and I don’t mean at the booths son. Amongst us, even, are your own people.

    You think you’re hunters, huh? LOL My dear boy, the hunters are BEING HUNTED. Thank you for playing your music so loud and strewing your trash where you please. You leave quite an obvious trail to follow and to notice. And notice it we do.

    You little heart eaters had better start rapidly cleaning up your own behavior, and I mean as you start reading this, or it’s going to be too late. You’ve got, maybe, a year. And, btw, Obama is NOT the friend of the illegal. You only have to look at his admins policies on border control and homeland security to understand that, so stop listening to la raza telling you lies. The brown berets are a false lead little children, and you have obeyed them as predicted.

    Well, good luck with all that. We’ll see ya soon, Adios tacos!

  629. Fuck you hating ass pricks says:





    Most importanly LA FAMILIA

    most americans:

    cant cook

    live on welfare

    have child after child and expect the tax payers to take care of them

    cant take care of their kids

    obsessed with celebrates (what have they really done for you)

    cant cook

    women have no shape (just sticks with no personality)


    spoiled rich kids


    constantly bitching and moaning (like now)

    lack morals

    lack tradition

    People from latin america:

    can cook

    hard working

    always tough


    Rich in tradition

    Rich in morals and values

    most older latinas take care of your spoiled rich children

    • ingli ONLY says:

      visit California and your views will change… the only mexican i know of who took care of rich white kids,,, was that REALLY ugly beaner Arnold screwed..

      • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

        ive been to SoCal it is the shit would love to move to San Diego one day so please stop your bitching and go move in with your bff mikey in texas and live happily ever after.


      VIVA Go fuck yourself, filthy spic cunt!

      Papa turned you into a pillow biter, didn’t he?

  630. Mickey Jones says:

    Hello: Fuck you hating ass pricks.
    I finally got it — your just a little BOY — “”LITTLE BOY AFRO-EDGE””””!

    I’m usually quick to pick up on things – but you finally came out with what you are – thanks!

    You say there are good and bad in all — and yes – I agree with that – but thats not the debate – the debate in this blog is concerned with the HATE OF ILLEGAL MEXICAN CRIMINALS — which include any Mexican that illegally invades the United States….

    You said something about having white buddies — ya ok – one day they will wake up and see you for what you are — which is a DUMB – AFRO-HEADED COMMUNISTIC EDGE BOY.

    You see – your white buddies will one day see – and wake up to the fact that the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT has passed laws against the white people – “”””I.E. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION”””.

    The AFRO is a Protected Beast – they want everything — and free – expecting white people to pay for the AFRO’s existance – to give the AFRO welfare – college – government jobs – free housing — free everything really – while — and catch this – the AFRO is just like the ILLEGAL MEXICAN in many ways – as they both expect the Whites to work and pay for their living – and the whites have to smile and enjoy giving to the NON-WHITES – all the while – the whites are being ripped off.

    One day Little Boy — your white buddies will wake up and see you attend college for free – while they have to pay – if the whites can even attend college that is – and even at that – its the Little Boy Afro who will be offered the high paying job that they can not do —- while the whites do not even get an opportunity.

    BE HAPPY AFRO EDGE — LITTLE BOY EDGE — Your a — and as the afros would say — “”””A POETECTED BEAST”””….

    Now LITTLE BOY EDGE – get lost…..

    OHHH Ya – Do you even know your daddy nap?

    • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

      first off you better be lucky your hiding behind a computer because just like mexicans talking about my family will get you a nice stay in the hospital.

      Im not your BOY im a grown damn man and I behave as such not people like you bitching and moaning about mexicans. Who are HERE TO STAY AND AINT GOIN NOWHERE

      Yes I have white friends and they beat the shit outta racist pricks like you.

      I’m not on welfare and rapping up my second year of college at northwestern university (which I have to pay for) which means I graduated from high school unlike you who thought ” i reckon im to stupid to do this work is and its too hard for a lame ass wanna be cowboy such as myself im gonna go join the army YEEEEEHAWWWWWWWW” so are you telling me that you dont take government assistance/ You must be ssi with those lame ass racist views your obviously as brain dead as an ass (meaning donkey). Government assistance is provided for EVERYONE of every RACE.

      Oh Im the “protected beast”? Sounds like you are.

      • Mickey Jones says:

        Ok – you think your tough – why don’t you stop jacking your jaw – come on down to Texas – and prove how tough you are?????

        Get with it clown!

    • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

      first of im not your clown if you want one i suggest you go to your white trash juggalos


      • Mickey Jones says:

        Ya – BOY — your just a communist Punk – just like the Little Boy you truelly are – following a nappy Obama World View — LOL LOL — it is crashing in around all of you…..

        But – the US must and will fall first.

        And why in the world would I want to travel to Shit-Kago anyway -there isn’t anything there – not for me.

        I suppose your a Nappy Coward – just a BOY – so be productive -cotton fields, pea farms, and fishing holes wait for you BOY…

      • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

        like i said pussy bring your hick redneck ass to a real city CHICAGO or shove that racist bullshit up your ass

  631. SuPadre says:

    hahahahaha this guy derrick is hilarious. Tell us more you moron! come on illuminate us with your wisdom!!!!! hahahahahahahahaha hey talking about the bean traditions, can you explain to all of us your tradition of getting your white spoiled kids run into their elementary schools and start crazy shootings??? tell me does that come from Europe also as all your illuminated culture or thats some contribution of you retarded gringos to the world??? LOL LOL LOL. Hey, also, if your are going to use spanish words, at least have the decency of using them with common sense. Or youre just another stupid gringo who believes that speaking spanish is to say “comprendeeee” and “taco”? maybe your brains cannot help learning another language…. awwww i hope your next post you can give us another american history lesson. But be careful, maybe while youre too busy typing bullshit your wife is fucking swallowing some mexican dudes come lol lol lol comprende? and tell your children not to start a shooting tomorrow at school, tell them that even though their dad (assuming you have kids with a redneck woman, because i dont think a woman with brains can stand you) is retarded, they dont have to shoot at their redneck fellas and then kill themselves. no matter how ashamed they are of having a pale ass faggot as dad, they dont have to take it on others. LOL LOL

  632. Andrew Silverstein says:

    Fuck all you Spics!.

    • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

      fuck you cracker

      • seth says:

        All right then. i say all the Nazi Eugenic Hitler types should grab their 30 Mag. semi-autos, and go to the nearest woodlands/desert, and form teams. (red vs blu), and pretend to have a war with your selves, (live ammo though). You could set parameters as to what determines differences, like penis size, or cranial size. Then start shooting each other. When you are done killing each other, all us peace loving people can have a dance and say good-bye to you with a bit of sorrow, not much though because we really don’t like what you have done to this world. Lord have mercy.

    • Mickey Jones says:

      I’m pretty sure that Shit-Kago thing is a BOY – a boy with a nappy head – but then again it seems to cater to spics – kinda odd!

      • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

        actually MORON I’m well groomed and i cant quite connect a person that believes in equality to monster like Joseph Kony. You sir are truly an ignoramus

        Your from Texas so I’m going to assume your a christian, so in the faith god created all people of all races therefore no race is superior or better race. If stop spewing all that crap, you’ll know that this isn’t anyone’s land this is the land of the lord and we are all children of the lord.

  633. rodrigo says:

    Wow, your lack of intelligence is impressive, but well you have what you disserve when a pshycho enter a school and shoot “arian” usa kids, you sound really nazi, maybe you have to see American history X, and see how stupid you look with all that hate…

  634. Mickey Jones says:

    This blog is really something – can any white american imagine a non-white addressing whites – especially non-american sub-humans like the Illegal Mexican Criminal?

    And what about Afro-Heads that actually want Illegal Mexicans in our country – isn’t that something – such as the Black-Communist-Liberals that they truelly are.

    One supposed afro-head claims to be in Shit-Kago – claims to be “””EDGE””” — which really means that thing is a Black and Mexican supremist – a true Obama Communist.

    White America – have you had enough of this BS yet – isn’t it time to send a strong messge????

    • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

      non whites? Your spewing your white trash redneck racist views against the mexican people it is there business….this is a blog so i can comment if i please.

      Can you believe that America has people like Mickey Jones all throughout the south? Brain dead country hick morons that cant realize that this country was built on immigrants and stuck in the 50’s and 60’s. “Yea isnt it a shame? People that believe in equality their terrible people” Sir you can shove your republican views up your ass.

  635. Mickey Jones says:

    Greetings White America:
    Don’t let all of these NON-WHITE CRIMINALS confuse the meaning of this BLOG – which is all they are trying to do.

    I ask questions – and have tried to be logical – asking questions revolving around Illegal Mexican Immigration – Mexican Criminal activity – Mexican Welfare — excedra – but never get a decent response – not even a direct answer.

    White America – its very clear that Mexico wishes to take over the United States – and that OBAMA and many other so-called elected officials have gone along with this take over – I.E. – GLOBAL COMMUNISM!

    If there is a AFRO Communist – an Illegal Mexican Communist – or any other such Trash in your way – take a good long look – study the Habits – hours – places – excedra – and take your own means to fix the problem.

    Enough is Enough!

    • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

      Can you believe this idiot? This isn’t “white america” this is AMERICA land of the free to all people of all races so go suck george bush’s cock.

      • Mickey Jones says:

        Yep – your correct – a nation that has become increasingly NON-WHITE — and a nation that has become increasingly Coorupted – Dumbed-Down – and most importantly – a nation that lends itself to a “”TWO-CLASS”” population – Ultra Rich and Ultra Poor — Hmmmmmm. — That sounds like Mexico now doesn’t it.

      • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

        actually MORON I’m well groomed and i cant quite connect a person that believes in equality to monster like Joseph Kony. You sir are truly an ignoramus

        Your from Texas so I’m going to assume your a christian, so in the faith god created all people of all races therefore no race is superior or better race. If stop spewing all that crap, you’ll know that this isn’t anyone’s land this is the land of the lord and we are all children of the lord.

        GROW UP THIS ISNT THE 1960’S

      • Mickey Jones says:

        You ASSUME I’m a Christian — well, you ASSUME wrong – I leave the Worship of a Hebrew God to the Muds and other Dummies — LOL — your to funny…

        You say I wouldn’t last a day on the Streets of Shit-Kago — Ya – I agree with that – as I dislike Muds – I dislike Cold weather – I dislike Cooruption in Politics and Business.

        You want me to come to SAhit-Kago — LOL LOL LOL — your the one that wants a fight – and I don’t know the laws in your city/state – so come on down to Texas – come by my place after 10PM – I know the laws here.

        Don’t be a BOY MOUTH!

      • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

        fuck you and TEXAS YEHAWWWWWW that like i said this isnt the 1960’s anymore grow up seriously

  636. SuPadre says:

    haha the greatest thing about micky faggot jones is that he thinks an audience is following all his posts. Thats why he adresses his comments to “white american people” as if he was talking to 300000000 ignorant rednecks like him. LOL LOL LOL Cmon dude! not even your stupid retarded children would read your posts!

    • White Rule says:

      Just cause they ain’t commenting holmes, don’t mean they ain’t here. They’re here alright and they’re paying very close attention to the hate you have for their brothers and sisters.

      Keep talking, spic, keep talkin’…there’s a snow storm coming your way. Better stay warm lil’ cucaracha :)

  637. ingli ONLY says:

    The costs of out-of-wedlock childbearing, academic failure and gang involvement among the progeny of Hispanic immigrants are enormous. (By one conservative estimate, California spends at least $6 billion a year on services, from education and health care to prison, for illegals and their families.) Come 2030 the country will have experienced its first national decline in literacy and numeracy if current immigration patterns hold steady, the Educational Testing Service warned in 2005. California faces an 11% drop in per capita income by 2020 unless the college matriculation rate of Hispanics improves, predicted the Center for Public Policy & Higher Education in 2005. Crime from California’s overwhelmingly Hispanic juvenile dropouts costs the state $1 billion-plus annually, the California Dropout Research Project at UC, Santa Barbara calculated last year
    It will not do to say we’ll maintain the low-skilled immigration status quo and fix its economic and social consequences through more government programs. Federal, state and local agencies have already spent billions of dollars trying to close the Hispanic achievement gap WITHOUT noticeable effect. IT WON”T WORK!!! It’s not our job to fix the problems of another country, we’re not obligated to feed or clothe them..
    NO to Amnesty!!!

  638. SuPadre says:

    oh god ingli youre so smart….man i dont know what would it be of the human being if people like you did not exist i mean… your contributions in politics and philosophy…. im speechless man….. LOL LOL LOL I wonder why everybody thinks you are retarded or something…. mmmmm….. maybe because you are? aaahh fuck them man…. keep on illuminating us with your wisdom of hating….. PLEASE DONT STOP EDUCATING US!!!! LOL LOL LOL Dumb ass!!!! fucking loser! not because your wife and your mother are being fucked by mexicans while you type bullshit in this blog you have the right to hate man. Consider therapy bro.

  639. ingli ONLY says:

    Fuck you hating ass pricks,,, re: your comment that LA is a shithole and you like San Diego ever wonder why San Diego is nicer???
    San Diego has a lot of immigration patrol and if the beaner is caught they easily get sent back over the border because it’s so close. That and probably because there isn’t as much agriculture there. So the beaner problem isn’t that extreme and San Diego is still a nice place to live… you kinda proved the point of this site, Thank You! And why should I move from my home, isn’t trying to fight to fix the problem a better idea? retreating to a better place instead of fighting for my rights would in sense make me the same as all these illegal beaners…

    • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

      los angeles….a shithole? Man take your bitch ass to mississippi youll get along great with the other racist morons

  640. ingli ONLY says:

    Solutions to the challenges facing black Americans have to come from both private efforts and government initiative — but regardless of the specific approach, flooding the job market and overwhelming the public schools and other government services undermines all efforts. The interests of black Americans are clear: No amnesty, no guestworkers, enforce the immigration law.
    How Mass Immigration Hurts Black Americans the MOST
    By: T. Willard Fair
    Do the research….

  641. ingli ONLY says:

    Why would black American citizens, who have disproportionately high rates of unemployment both locally and nationally, be among those encouraging more illegals to be given legal status — allowing them to compete for jobs these citizens need and should have?
    The unemployment rate for white men and women was unchanged at 7.4 percent, while 184,00 black Americans went without a job as reported in last jobs report, for an unemployment rate of 14.4 percent.
    Mass immigration isn’t the only cause of the deep employment problems of black workers. It’s not even the main cause. But it’s the EASIEST one to remedy.

    strong correlation between immigration, black wages, black employment rates, and black incarceration rates. As immigrants disproportionately increased the supply of workers in a particular skill group, the wage of black workers in that group fell, the employment rate declined, and the incarceration rate rose. analysis suggests that a 10-percent immigrant-induced increase in the supply of a particular skill group reduced the black wage by 4.0 percent, lowered the employment rate of black men by 3.5 percentage points, and increased the incarceration rate of blacks by almost a full percentage point.

    Regardless of how illegal immigration may help the 1% and even the 20%, you better hope the research on this is wrong, else we’re potentially setting up the irony of the first African-American president (8% black) passing the single most harmful piece of legislation to African-Americans in 25 years.

    REALLY, do the research…………… it’s not a race thing,,, it’s just facts

  642. Mickey Jones says:

    Hello Ingli:

    The ones who call themselves: “”Supadre”” and “”Fuck Youhating Ass Pricks””” — are nothing more than Big Mouth Cowardly Punks!

    If you notice – they do not even address direct questions – rather – they want to talk like a big man – which sounds like Mexican “”Mah-Cheeeeze-Mo crap to me – but the one who calls itself “ass prick” must be gangsta – — LA – Shit Kago — who knows – but one thing is for sure – both are nothing more than a big mouth coward.

    • SuPadre says:

      hahahahahahahAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA you could not sound more faggot!!!! oh Ingli, these punks are attacking me please help!!!! cmon ingli youre my bitch!!!! help me out or i wont let you fuck me tonight!!!! lol lol lol Geat out of here old man!!! youre sol lame!

      • Mickey Jones says:

        You dislike me – dislike what I say — ok – thats fine – now do something about it!

        Supadre – or who ever you are today — you want to act tough – act like a big man – talk BS – say I should get out — OK — then lets get down to the business of you tending to me — tell me when you can be in the DFW texas area.

        You a cowardly punk if you don’t get things going — to shut me up – to remove me – Supadre — are you affraid of an old man?

        Ohhh surely not — your supposed to be tough – proud – brave – just like a reflection of your big flapping mouth – so lets get this done.

      • SuPadre says:

        jajajajaja shut up you old faggot! why would i like to go to your lame state???? of course i wont go! hahahahahahaha you and ingli fucking disgusting faggots LOL LOL LOL

  643. Mickey Jones says:

    Hello Supadre:
    So all you want to do is write BS Crap on the internet – act like a big man – act like you know something – and then do nothing to change anything?

    Supadre – Your a Cowardly Dumb-ASS!

    You know – I’m not sure what you are – as far as I’m concerned you could be a Shit Mexican – or you could be a dumbed down American Punk – I really don’t know what your problem is.

    You say your in Mexico – and if thats true – then why do you care about this blog – as being a Mexican in Mexico doesn’t concern and or involve you!

    But you have a motive outside of being a Mexican who resides in Mexico – don’t you? Meaning your either not in Mexico – or your just a BIG MOUTH Meadling Dumb-Ass.

    Well – I can see your a dumb and cowardly mexican – such a piece of trash that you can only talk – such a big mouth coward that you will never take any action what-so-ever – is this because your affraid – or is this because your just a mouth?

    • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

      First of Supadre what part of mexico do you live in and how is it?

      Mickey your the dumbass your spewing this lame ass crap about him and his people….this concerns him a lot more than your pea brain can imagine (DUHHH IM FROM TEXAS AND SUCH YEWWHAWW) fuck you and that god awful place i been there its vanilla and crappy…I know why you like it so much. Texas is nothing but a bunch of std filled racist brain dead redneck morons. You call yourself a veteran? Bitch please sounds more like a punk ass bitch that hides behind a computer and brags about the devil’s asshole (smelly, boring and full of diseases) TEXAS.

      • SuPadre says:

        “Hatting ass pricks” i live in Mexico City. I even sent my facebook page to Micky Jones a looooooooong time ago to proove who i am (because i dont have anything to hide, and im proud of being me) i dont hide behind a computer. I have a life, a profession, education and i love my country and respect the other countries in general. This Stupid ass Micky Jones thinks is unbelievable that, im concerned about a topic which, according to him, does not affect me whatsoever. Also he thinks i live in the states because i type in English, which is soooo stupid and square minded. First of all you idiot jones, I can give out my opinion of whatever topic you want to talk about. This immigration problem is a Mexican and American problem. Im mexican so…. guess what?? i have an opinion about it. I dont need to be an inmigrant to have the right to give out my opinion. And my opinion is and always been IF YOU DONT NEED INMIGRANTS, WHY DO PEOPLE HIRE THEM ALL OVER THE USA??? IF THEY ARE SOOOO HARMFUL FOR YOUR WHITE SOCIETY, WHY DO YOU LET THEM RAISE YOUR CHILDREN, PICK YOUR FRUITS, ERECT YOUR BUILDINGS, PLAY SOCCER REPRESENTING YOUR COUNTRY ETCETERA??? Tell me Micky, do you avoid going into buildings where mexicans participated constructing them? because if thats the case, you may not enter THOUSANDS OF BUILDINGS in your country. Do you eat fruit Micky? Do you avoid eating fruit picked by mexicans? Bitch please, stop the crying, youre a hater and nobody care about what you think. Your military days are over (if they were real). Get used to it or die alone and sad. And dude, I speak and write in English because I CAN. Im not living in your country. The fact that your brain is so small to be able to speak another language besides your NATIVE language, does not mean that is hard for everybody. DAM DUDE YOUR POSTS ARE GETTING MORE AND MORE BORING EVERY DAY.

      • Mickey Jones says:

        Hello: Fuck you hating ass pricks:
        Well Well – atleast I got a half way deent answer – not good – but atleast you addressed part of my question!

        You say — and I qoute: “””””””Mickey your the dumbass your spewing this lame ass crap about him and his people….this concerns him a lot more than your pea brain can imagine”””””””.

        So – your basically saying that I hurt the Spics Feellings – and or – perhaps I have hurt the Spics Pride!!! —- LOL LOL LOL – well, the Spic claims to be in Mexico – and not an Illegal Mexican – so my question in this regard was — “”””If Supadre is truelly not an Illegal Mexican – and therefore — this blog has nothing to do with him at-all – not of Supadres business and or concern””””””.

        But yet – the Illegal Spic keeps Coming into this blog to make silly remarks – and is even affraid to Man up to an old Texas Veteran — LOL LOL LOL — seems that Supadre has hurt its own feelings – and destroyed its own pride – doesn’t that seem fair to say?????

        Texas you say is full of STD Rednecks — LOL LOL LOL — compare population rates of most other states to Texas – and Mexico – and then take into consideration that Texas has a high population — #3 in the nation I believe.

        Ok – Persons with STD’s within the United States — Hmmmmm. – What Ethnic groups are the highest carriers – thats the question?

        #1. Black
        #2. Mexican and or Hispanic
        #3. Asian
        #4 White.

        Dude – you truelly are a backward dumb-shit punk – go back to school – do some reading/research – and then grow up.

      • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

        like i said before FUCK YOU AND THAT SHITHOLE YOU CALL TEXAS now run along and play texas ranger or whatever it is that you do in that boring ass place you racist ass skinhead cracker

  644. SuPadre says:

    “Hating ass”

    Mexico city is a great city. With big problems as all the big cities around the world. A lot of cars, a lot of people, but also, a lot of history and a lot of culture. Al non hater americans are more than welcome to come here and visit. Obviosly not Micky Jones since, He cant afford it, and he would not enjoy it since hes a hater. Micky posted once about “knowing Mexico” (LOL LOL LOL) because he wen to some city right after the border (LOL LOL LOL) and obviously, as rats, he went back immediatly to his rathole to feel confident. He says he knows a lot about mexicans and Mexico thanks to that trip (LOL LOL LOL) that lasted a few hours, a few miles away of his lame state Texas (Yeeeeehaaawww). And he is always inviting people to go down to Texas to meet him and fight….. WHO WANTS TO GO TO TEXAS???? And i think he feels like superman whenever hes in Texas, because seems like he is not a man that has travelled a lot. Not even in his own country. Ohhhh Micky, I guess you invite us all the time to go and meet you in texas because you may feel alone and sad….. :(

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Duty Stations included – over a 20 year period:
      1. Ft. Benning — GA
      2. Ft. Jackson — SC
      3. Aberdeen Proving Grounds Maryland
      4. Ft. Leonard Wood Missouri.
      5. Been all over Texas – while on duty.

      > I’v been to Germany – toured France and Spain while in Europe – been to the UK for a few days.
      > Been to Granada.

      Supadre – your just like a child – all you write are things based on what you think will get a reaction out of me – but your just a little boy – a dumb-ass mud face punk – a second rate punk at that.

      You say I’m lonely — LOL — I have a wife of 24 years – 2 sons – and 3 grandchildren. I get along great with my in-laws – and go hunting and fishing often with my father in law.

      You know what the real story is — Your the punk — your nothing more than a DUMB-ASS SUB-HUMAN – A COWARD – A SECOND RATE DUMB-ASS.

      Your proud of what you are – which is a Mexican — LOL LOL LOL — who in the world would be proud to be a SPIC – answer that — YOUR JUST A SPIC — A SPIC IN A NATION WHICH IS AN ARM-PIT – A Coorupted Nation full of Crime and dirty Politics – a nation which is so backward – THE TERMINOLOGY “””ILLEGAL MEXICAN”””” has been coined.

      Well SPIC — I’m glad for you — go on and Be a Proud MEXICAN — LOL LOL LOL — and keep your dirty brown ass in MEXICO….

  645. Mickey Jones says:

    Hello: ASS Prick

    You say I’m hiding behind a computer – this post is for you.

    Jump on Highway 35 – head south to the DFW area – Take the west exit before you get to the Metroplex – – you’ll go thru Ft.Worth – I’ll let you know where to rest in a day or two after you get here.

    Please bring some punks with you — the more the better….

    • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

      Im not stepping foot in your nasty ass disease carrying place you call texas

      • Mickey Jones says:

        Hello: Fuck you hating ass pricks
        Why are you affraid of me — I’m just an old man who tells the truth — shheeeesh your a little boy.

        LOL LOL LOL — Supadre and ASS Prick are both affraid of an old man — Really??? — LOL LOL LOL — you little boy mouth punks are just to much to understand — all you two want to do is Talk Talk Talk – and act as if your tough — but the truth is — both of you are nothing more than a Big Mouth attached to a LITTLE BOY BODY — LOL LOL LOL…..

        1. You talk about how great Illegal Mexican Criminals are — LOL…
        2. You talk about white people having SDT’s — when the non-whites are the ones who have it. – LOL.
        3. You call me a Racist Skin-Head – when you know I’m a Veteran who served this nation — LOL..
        4. You say Mexico is great — but yet Mexicans are running from Mexico — LOL..
        5. You say LA is great – when all the while the crime rate in LA is one of the highest in the nation — LOL…
        6. You talk about Shit-Kago being a great place — when all the while Shit-Kago is known for political cooruption and murders — LOL…
        7. You say Texas is backward – when Texas has one of the best economies in the nation. LOL…

        Ya well — Like I said – you two are nothing more than DUMB-ASS BROWN COWARD BOYS — LOL LOL LOL….

  646. SuPadre says:


    REDNECK. You talk about a 24 year old wife and grandchildren blablabla. Dude show it! I showed myself in facebook. What are you afraid of? You dont want us to know how lame you really are and how many stories you have made up?

    REDNECK. Im not running to the us. In fact, and as i said like 100000 times before i have a visa dumb ass, so i can go and come back whenever i want as i please. But trust me, if i was thinking of running to the us, i would NEVER EVER think of running to FT NOWHERE TEXAS, REDNECK MICKY JONES TOWN. Dude please!!! again… Who wants to go there!! Do your research, at least over the internet if you cant afford to come, and compare your lame ass Texas redneck town with Mexico city.

    REDNECK. You say youre a soldier. And you have travelled a lot. Wel then i admit iwas in a mistake. I thought you were ignorant. But no, youre only retarded or stupid. Is even more sad to know how much you have travelled, and you still typing the shit you type……

    REDNECK. Crime in Mexico City?? Ok. And what about the US. You have your own problems cowboy!!! What about children shooting at their elementary schools, Vietnam war traumatized soldiers with their shotgun right next to their bed in case their demons appear in their bedroom. Children and Teenagers inhaling cocaine and doing heroine. People calling others NIGGER; HILLBILLY, SPIC, etcetera… hate everywhere. Looking for another weak country to bomb, and chickening out with Iran and China and north corea.

    REDNECK. Yes. In dact im proud of being Mexican. SPIC? Well im not that familiar with the term, but i know all you ignorant rednecks think that AMERICA is a country not a continent (LOL LOL LOL) and all below your southern border is Mexican and spic. Well, im going to lower my educational level a little bit to level with yours Micky. Yeah! Im a Spic! I was born below your southern border so. Yeah im a spic! And what are you Micky? Well, i will tell you what you are. And this time i wont let myself go with your racial shit. No matter what color your skin is Micky, YOU ARE AND STUPID, LONELY, TRAUMATIZED “SOLDIER” (LOL) WHO BELIEVES TEXAS IS THE 21st CENTURY ROME!!! PFFFF what a wacko…..

  647. Tina says:

    Finally, a site I can relate to .. I hate Mexicans too. It’s nice to know that white peoples’ numbers are growing again. We’re gonna wipe you Beaners off the face of the map.

    • SuPadre says:

      hey tina, your teeth are yellow as all redneck womens teeth?

      • Mickey Jones says:

        Hello SPIC:
        How do you know her teeth are yellow? Have you met her, seen her picture — how do you know this????

        Or — is the real story — your just another MEXICAN COCK-ROACH LIAR.

        I wish you were not affraid of me — I really do — we could meet for a few hours until it was time for you to sleep..

      • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

        This is getting really annoying and going now where fast listen up you retarded (i hate using that world but really working my last nerve) redneck racist ass son of a bitch NO ONE IS SCARED OF YOU no one cares about you or your lame ass imaginary wife FUCK YOU AND EVERYONE THAT LIVES IN THAT LAME ASS RACIST ONE THEORY SHITHOLE YOU CALL TEXAS. You want to act brave? Introduce that elitist idea that America is “#1” to china and not get beaten to death with bamboo sticks at tiananmen square I DARE YOU nope better yet travel to Venezuela and explain to them why “america is better and Venezuelans are nothing but sub humans) and TRY to make it back to the U.S. alive or in one piece.

        I understand Americans defending their country but its the idiotic idea of thinking its the best ever period, no argument (Switzerland takes that prize) when its not, granted its better than some countries. Its also idiotic to turn down people who want to live in this country and want to go after the so called “right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness”.

        Are Mexicans really that bad of people? Are they secretly plotting to take over America? Absolutely not (if you think that your an ignoramus). Are they plotting to infect the American people with diseases and rape women? No, although the questions that I’m asking sound familiar, don’t they? Sounds similar to the history of this country. In reality, Mexicans are hard working individuals who are simply trying to create a better life for themselves,who have a rich culture, tradition and actually VALUES FAMILY (not throw them in old folks homes to get beaten and neglected).

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Greetings Tina:
      Heres a little information to share with other “Concerned White Americans”.

      1. Illegal Mexicans recieve a whole host of Tax-Payer funded welfare – to include: FREE – “Housing”, “Grocery”, “Medical Care”, “Utilities”, “Education”, and other Benefits – to include “””SMALL BUSINESS GRANTS””””.

      Now – depending upon the Geographic Region of the United States in which the ILLEGAL MEXICANS INVADE – is dependent upon how much welfare they recieve – but a national average is somewhere around $2,200.00 per month – per ILLEGAL MEXICAN HOUSEHOLD.

      The point to be made – Our White American Working Class is being forced to pay for ILLEGAL MEXICANS to take our few jobs from us – as millions of American Jobs have already been sent abroad – under N.A.F.T.A. and the W.T.O.

      THUS: The White American Working class is paying taxes and a high “”COLA”” – “”HIGH COSTS for Fuel, Grocery, Housing, — Excedra””” — only to have Welfare Grabbing NON-AMERICANS take – Take and Take – and that includes the few jobs that we still have available to us – so the American working class has to work for less and pay higher taxes — while ILLEGAL MEXICANS Recieve about $2,200.00 per month — before they work at-all.

      ADD: So – what is the nature of an ILLEGAL MEXICAN????

      WelFare, Crime, Disrespect – and in our nation!!!!

  648. Mickey Jones says:

    Supadre – Pedro – or what ever you are — go back to my post, and learn how to read – I said – and I qoute — “”””My wife of 24 years”””” – that means we have been married 24 years — not that she is 24 years of age….

    Listen SPIC – your a dirty COCK-ROACH — learn how to tend to your own affairs.

  649. Mickey Jones says:

    Hello ASS PRICK:
    Ohhh boy your a dumb-ass – do you even know how to read?

    No one – not me or anyone else has said that America and or Americans are better than others – not even one time. This blog has nothing to do with wanting to fight with others – but everything to do with keeping America free – and controling crime.

    Illegal Mexicans = crime and welfare — and this notion of ILLEGAL MEXICAN = loss of freedoms and national security.

    Ass Prick – your nothing more than a dumbed down piece of garbage – why don’t you move to mexico if you like it so much….

    • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

      your challenging people to fights thinking me and padre are scared of some racist piece of crap like you if you thoroughly read my “rant” I addressed everything most of all the fact that people who want to live and work in this country (who you call “illegal spics”) . Since we want to address crime, fine lets go for it. Did “illegal” mexicans kill dozens of children in Connecticut? No. Were “illegal”Mexicans involved in the Sikh temple shooting in West Allis,Wisconsin? No It was the work of a lame ass brean-dead pussy ARYAN REDNECK.

    • SuPadre says:

      exactly. Whos afraid of the big bad Micky Jones? pfff Micky youre totally confused. Youre nothing but a lame ass redneck. thats all you are for us. Nothing more, nothing less. Dude, you should better get something else to do. Your posts are getting boring. You should better understand WE ARE NOT GOING TO REDNECK FT MICKY YELLOW TEETH JONES IN TEXAS. Who would????? dam dude, youre kind of slow.

      • Mickey Jones says:

        I suppose your affraid — you come on this blog – act as if your a bad ass and tough spic — and then when I offer to take you hunting – you refuse – why are you so affraid — why????

      • SuPadre says:

        because nobody wants to come to nowhere Texas maybe???? duuuh stupid why dont you come here to Mexico City??? youd be fucked up here in Tenochtitlan cowboy!!!

  650. ingli ONLY says:

    to mexicans in mexicooooooooo

    I suppose it’s better to be an American with misconceptions about Mexico than a Mexican who believes those things are misconceptions because they’ve never been outside of Urban Mexico to see for themselves… u would rather die than have these 30 MILLION mexicans come back and destroy your way of life (and 30 MILLION would change everything for you).. Why do i have to be quite about it’s negative effects on the US??

    I don’t mind being called a racist. I’ve been called a lot worse … by lot better people than u

    • SuPadre says:

      ohhh dude you can speak out whatever you want about mexicans “invading” your country. But that is not going to help at all. I think is better if you get your lazy ass and your redneck lazy asses family to take over the jobs illegal mexicans have, getting paid the same. Whenever that happens, feel free to make them leave your country. In the meantime, you better suck it up and fuck yourself.

      • Mickey Jones says:

        Ohhh – thats a really good idea — the american people should follow in the foot-steps of ILLEGAL MEXICANS — ohhh wow — Ok – I suppose we Americans should start trying to get 20 different kinds of welfare like the ILLEGAL COCK-ROACHES from MEXICO — YA — thats really great — just go ahead and turn the United States into a COMMUNISTIC WELFARE STATE.

        Supadre — Pedro — or who ever you really are — Surely your not that stupid — surely not?????

        In an Order for the American working class to compete with the ILLEGAL MEXICAN — the American working class would have to get even more welfare than the MEXICAN COCK-ROACH – and that would completely destroy all that America stands for — such as our freedoms — our economy — excedra.

        No — I have a better idea — why don’t the Mexican cock-roaches just understand that they are criminals – and leave the united states – instead of feeling that they are entitled to do what ever they want — to include BEGGING — BEGGING — and then BEGGING the United States for more FREE WELFARE.

        You know — I just can’t understand just how trashy the Mexicans really are – the Idea that a Mexican would illegally invade the United States — and then begin BEGGING FOR FOOD, A Place to live, for free medical care, for free education, for free utilities, and then commit multiple crimes after they get a free living – and not just a few Mexicans are in the United States BEGGING – there are MILLIONS here — on their hands and knees BEGGING.

        MEXICANS ARE A PILE OF SHIT — Stacked up upon two legs — shit that BEGS…..

      • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

        Nothing but ignorant racism and stupidity go back to being a fake ass cowboy and “screwing” your imaginary wife

      • SuPadre says:

        medical care????? are you serious dumb ass??? we all know almost 70% of gringos have no medical insurance!!!! wtf are you talking about???? your medical system is one on the worst in the world. youre really that stupid???? theres even a documentary of Michael moore about it!!!!!!!! dumb ass MICKY JONES!

  651. America the land of the free says:

    I know a good handful of unemployed individuals that can’t get a job cause all you dirty beaners do it for half the money! If we actually gave a fuck about unemployment we would go hitler on all these dirty wetbacks!

  652. Go home beaers says:

    Fuck beaners! They are the root of drugs , violence and unemployment… It’s sad cause here in California white people are the minoritys! I’ve been through arizona and seen how fucked our border line is! These dirty spics can cross in daily with drugs and diseases….

    • ingli ONLY says:

      California is the poster child for the troubles of the country’s immigration policies and of Mexican immigrants in particular

      You cannot simultaneously have free immigration and a welfare state

    • ingli ONLY says:

      California is the poster child for the troubles of the country’s immigration policies and of Mexican immigrants in particular

      You cannot simultaneously have free immigration and a welfare state just look at what that combo has done to Cali

  653. Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

    Its a shame that these people make America sound like the land of ignorant stupid and whiny. To the people who live in California that continue to bitch piss and moan. What exactly do you have to complain about? Take the titty out your mouths, go see a laker or clippers game, enjoy the weather and shut the fuck up because you have nothing to complain about. Thats the problem with Americans, they already have everything and have it 200 times better than everyone else and still whine and complain like a bunch of 5 year olds because someone took their big wheel j just because people want to live in their country. Nothing but a bunch of stingy, whiny crybaby bullies if you ask me Let me ask all the lame ass racist sons a bitches here. What’s your cultures and traditions? Is it shouting “YEWWWHAWWW” like a morons who haven’t even tried to grasp the meaning of common sense thinking “THE SOUTH SHALL RISE AGAIN”? Is it going to the woods and hunting like assholes. Wow big man with a gun but without it nothing but pussies. Or is it going to see some lame ass people dressed up like a bunch of second rate bozo the clowns? The treatment of mexicans or “illegal” mexicans is almost similar to the treatment of blacks in the South, telling us to go back to Africa, segregation because “you don’t wanna be around and hate niggers” now its “Go back to Mexico, we don’t want your kind here or i don’t want to be around spics” what now your going to plot to lynch them? Same lame ass shit different race. GROW THE FUCK UP

    • ingli ONLY says:

      Very interesting comment sparky
      Finding so much wrong with the USA and Americans…
      Yet people from all over the world “vote with their feet” and stream to the USA.
      This “truth” must be especially inconvenient for a man who knows so much. You sound like someone who checked the obama box cuz they thought he was a black man…. great reason to elect a prez,,, MLK probably turned in his grave

      • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

        Before you “assume” (looks a little too late for that) You know nothing about where I politically stand or my heritage ask before you speak

  654. California is not Mexico says:

    Statistics speak the truth! Living here in California you really see it all! I personally work construction and nothing pisses me off more when the guy thats working with you gets paid cash and doesn’t speak the language! How would all these beaners feel if we went to Mexico and took all there jobs? While we’re at it we will bring along some drugs and violence….we will also not speak Mexican….

    This has nothing to do with slavery guy! I grew up with friends being African Americans and they don’t bother me…. It’s these illegal Mexicans that think it’s ok to live off our government and take are fucking jobs!

    Fuck beaners!

    And fuck you for thinking that’s ok you piece of shit!

    • ingli ONLY says:

      Mr. California is not mexico,,,
      they fucked up california pretty bad,,,

      When millions of poor and uneducated individuals from mexico deposit themselves in America, particularly into ONE region, the result is not increased diversity (so idealized by elites, libs and pro-beaners) but Mexicanization. That flavor of demographic transformation propels a cultural change where objectionable Mexican social norms take hold, which Americans find deeply alarming and gross. Because when Mexicans come to America by the millions, they bring their culture of everyday grifting with them. Parts of L.A. are so third world now….

    • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

      The reason why I bought up that example is look at the way you people are spewing hate about the mexican people just like the whites towards the blacks in the in the ,50’s and 60’s JUST LOOK YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHAT YOUR DOING ITS NOTHING BUT IGNORANT RACISM!

    • SuPadre says:

      hahahahaha fucker thinks we speak Mexican….. teres it is, the fucking ignorant redneck appears claiming california is not mexico…. dude better get a book or do somthing to beat up your ignorance dam you type shit over shit thinking you sound tough or intelligent….. and thinks mexican language exists hahahahaha SPANISH STUPID!!!! go back to elementary school in your redneck town!!!

  655. California is not mexico says:

    Not even close to being an example! These illegal spics aren’t a problem anymore it’s an epidemic here in California!!! It’s not me being racist its me seeing the truth!

    Are you one of those arctic beaners living in the foothills of montana?

    You ever read the police reports? All u see is sanchos,Pedro’s, Jorge’s, Manuel’s and Leo’s! Just recently in my neighborhood 3 beaners unloaded a clip at a civilian pumping gas!!! Then later stold a car at gun point and now they are still leaching off our system in prison beings bubbas lil beaner bitch!

    • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

      Yea there are bad apples, but you racist pricks want to classify ALL mexicans as bad people which is idiotic. There are bad parts everywhere in the world like here in Chicago and New York City. Is James Holmes mexican? No. Was Wade Michael Page the man who was responsible for the horridness hate crime in killing 7 innocent people at the Sikh Temple in Wisconsin Mexican? No. Was Adam Lanza Mexican? No. Is Jerry Sandusky Mexican? I thought so. From the names I just mentioned I could just as easily say white people are nothing but a bunch of sick murdering hateful rapist pedophiles , but that wouldn’t be true and I would be just as ignorant and wrong as you all.

      BTW-Im African American

      • California is not mexico says:

        Once again I am not racist….I grew up with lots of African americans..and they hate these beaners as well….yes those are some significant tragedies that happened on our soil! I just don’t like beans!

        Come out to California and you can understand where I am with my beliefs! Look a the Hispanic population that are in our prison systems!

        Crime is bad from where I am at and the majority of it is caused by dirty wetbacks! I won’t leave my house with out my CCW!

        I am proud to say I got a handful of spics fired from work this summer because of the language barrier!

        And fuck Obama for his ways of supporting these beans!

        I am guessing you voted for him….

  656. Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

    You purposely got mexicans fired for no reason? You saying your not racist is like saying Barry Bonds never in his life took steroids, I’ve been to Los Angeles before and I absolutely loved it. You live in America you don’t even know the meaning of the word violence. Take a trip to the middle east or venezuela THEN we can discuss violence

    Yes I did vote for Obama certainly not because of the color of his skin or to keep my food stamps because Im not on them neither do i want them.

    Everyone wants to talk about “illegal aliens” and how they don’t belong here. Remember the history of this country.

    • California is not Mexico says:

      Illegal aliens dont belong here in the USA! I was very proud to get those beaners fired at my job! If you can’t speak the language then get the fuck out of here! Go back to Mexico!! I plan on getting more beaners fired this summer!

      Look at how much damage you beaners do to country!

      I bet your one of those beaners that’s sends money back to Mexico!

      You beaners are the reason that our unemplyment rate is so high!

      • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

        So just because someone speaks SPANISH they don’t belong here. Now your going to tell me that Puerto Ricans don’t belong here? Or Cubans or anyone that migrated from latin america doesn’t belong here? Very ignorant just because your too ignorant and lazy to try and learn another language everyone that doesn’t speak english has to leave. News flash listen to the names of the cities LOS ANGLES, SAN DIEGO, SAN FRANCISCO, SAN JOSE, PALO ALTO. I hope someone reports your stupid ass and i know you probably cant but IM BLACK!!!!

      • SuPadre says:

        hahahahahahaha this sucker cant fire anybody. he may be a fucking dumbass at his job and may be fucked up by some mexican thats why he hates them hahahahahaha cmon dude!!! whos going to believe youre in charge of some group of people, and even more illogic, why did you hire them in the first place???? dude i will hire your mother for some blowjobs lol lol lol

  657. SuPadre says:

    medical care????? are you serious dumb ass??? we all know almost 70% of gringos have no medical insurance!!!! wtf are you talking about???? your medical systems is one on the worst in the world. youre really that stupid???? theres even a documentary of Michael moore about it!!!!!!!! dumb ass MICKY JONES!

  658. SuPadre says:

    hahahahaha fucking california is not mexicothinks we speak Mexican….. ttere it is, the fucking ignorant redneck appears claiming california is not mexico…. dude better get a book or do somthing to beat up your ignorance dam you type shit over shit thinking you sound tough or intelligent….. and thinks mexican language exists hahahahaha SPANISH STUPID!!!! go back to elementary school in your redneck town!!!

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Supadre — Mexicans speak a form of Spanish — which is a Eurpoean language from the “”Romantic””.

      However: The Spanish spoken amounst the Mexican Lower classes is not Spanish in its truest form – for someone to say Mexicans speak Mexican is acceptable.

      LOL LOL LOL — Supdre — I know something about Mexico and the TWO-CLASS SYSTEM with your Shit Nation. I once knew a Man From Mexico – he was PURE SPANISH decentment – from the Chavez Line – I forget his mothers last name – so I can’t say “”De”” and or Of what other line.

      However: He was out walking when Mexican Lowers came walking up – the Lowers bowed their heads to the Eurpoean – and submitted their loyality to the European – this being a common practice in Mexico.

      Like I said — Mexican LOWERS — The ILLEGAL MEXICAN INVADERS — they have no place in the United States – they are not our equals – they are a MUD-FACED CRIMINAL – a WELFARE BEGGER and a DIRTY ANIMAL…

      • SuPadre says:

        hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha dam dude thats the most stupid shit ive ever Heard from you….. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha please knock it off dude. im goint to wet my pants. so its ok to say mexican???? pfffffff hahahahahahaha now what you are?? a language profesor?? pfff hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha cmon old man keep it real. So you knew this chavez??? dude, do you know how many chavez are in Mexico??? so this dude was spaniard right?? 100%?? did you make the research??? hahahahaha dude please stop saying shit this is getting unbelievable. I knew also this Chavez, Julio Cesar Chavez a bóxer, do you know him???? well guess what, he put on his knees maaaaany gringos, and even worst for you. THERES A STREET WITH HIS NAME IN YOUR COUNTRY. HAHAHAHAHA SUCK IT UP!!!!

  659. Mickey Jones says:

    Greetings Blog:
    You know what really gets me about ILLEGAL MEXICANS: They actually and honestly believe they have a right to Illegally invade the United States – they actually believe America and Americans Owe them what ever they demand – such as employment – welfare in 20 forms – an education – and to be exempt from American law at the same time.

    But the fact is – Mexicans are rude, criminalistic, and carry a “”GENEOHM”” – that suggests they are a special being – such as the Mexican “MAH-CHEEEEZE-MA” crap they discuss.

    IF the fact is – Mexicans are Proud to be Mexican – why is it they continue to invade the United States – wouldn’t they be more content to be in their own nation — YA — The nation known as “”MEXICO”””.

    No – Mexicans are not PROUD – Mexicans are not “”Mah-CHEEEEEZE-MA”””” – MOREOVER” Mexicans known fully what they are – and what Mexico is —- which is — “”Mexico and Mexicans are nothing more than a BIG MOUTH – BEGGER – a Criminalistic BUM – a PILE of SHIT that walks around on two legs – acting tough – but all the while begging the American People to support their suarry asses: MOREOVER — And what do the MEXICANS DO once they get supported for free — how do the Mexicans repay the American People — the mexican response is to Shoplift, commit drive by shootings, sell drugs to children – and create a massive ghetto – a crime filled ghetto in our nation.

    Mexi–asses: you have no rights in the United States – your have taken just about all you can take – you have commited crimes for 50 years – its time for you short brown cock-roach asses to go back to Mexico – and be with your own kind.

  660. PROUDMEXICAN26 says:

    Go fuck your sister, and while you’re at it learn some grammar. pinche gringo. We’re gonna over populate this country ha. ha. ha

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Ya wet-back — if your so proud to be a Mexican – then why did you illegally invade the United States — Running — running — running from Mexico — and so PROUD that you beg — beg — beg the white folks for food — WHY?????

      I’ll tell you why — because your not proud being mexican – and you realize Mexico and Mexicans are nothing more than DIRTY CRIMINALISTIC AMINALS — Animals that get down on their hands and knees begging the White Americans for food – for housing – for medical care – for an education!!!!

      Go home SPIC — You dirty Punk

    • ingli ONLY says:

      and that’s one of the problems… your little uncut peepee will get the 14 0r 15 year old bitch pregnant…. then your short little loser self will leave the fat flat-assed bitch and silly looking child and then this country will be responsible to pay all the bills for that nasty duo WHO SHOULDN’T even be here to begin with… END BIRTHRIGHT CITIZENSHIP

  661. SuPadre says:

    hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha dam dude thats the most stupid shit ive ever Heard from you….. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha please knock it off dude. im goint to wet my pants. so its ok to say mexican???? pfffffff hahahahahahaha now what you are?? a language profesor?? pfff hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha cmon old man keep it real. So you knew this chavez??? dude, do you know how many chavez are in Mexico??? so this dude was spaniard right?? 100%?? did you make the research??? hahahahaha dude please stop saying shit this is getting unbelievable. I knew also this Chavez, Julio Cesar Chavez a bóxer, do you know him???? well guess what, he put on his knees maaaaany gringos, and even worst for you. THERES A STREET WITH HIS NAME IN YOUR COUNTRY. HAHAHAHAHA SUCK IT UP!!!!

  662. TheWhiteRule says:

    The Spaniards consider themselves Europeans. No Spaniard would ever wish to be associated as ‘Mexican’, anymore than a Venezuelan or Guatmalan or Tico would. Even other S.Americans despise you Mexicans and are embarassed by and for you. Spaniards took you down, bred your women, and stomped around of their own free will as they pleased.

    It is a fact of history that most Mexicans will gladly sell each other out to get ahead. And the Spaniards used you in their wars and then dumped you like dirty rags.

    You are stupid enough to believe sheer numbers alone will somehow ‘overcome’ the native and legal Americans in the United States of America. You are wrong. And you underestimate greatly the entrenched nature of Caucasians throughout the courts, business, and government. LOL Do you honestly believe, little Mexican, that we will quietly step aside so those of you who do not have a clue what it means to live in a society of civilized, poilite, CLEAN people are going to actually RUN anything?

    Bahhhhh hahahahahahahahaha

    And the black man has never, ever liked you in general. Whatever beef they have with whites, they have way, way, way more with your people. Your swaggering and b.s. talk about ‘taking over’ is noticed by them as well. And their gangs have, in comparison, slaughtered yours with great ease because you Mexicans are small and bad shots. Your ‘machismo’ is an illusion you created, much like Asian men, to mask the fact that you have small penises.

    And it’s a fact of Life that your women will choose a white boy willing to step down over your own browns who can’t step up. Sorry, that’s just the way it is. Your women like bigger dicks and nice neighborhoods that you don’t provide.

    No, you’re no more taking over America than you are your own country, which you cannot do and will never have the backbone to do. If you had any backbone at all, you’d have a civil war in Mexico just like we did here and you’d start over and build a clean, advanced democracy. But, it’s alright. The rest of the world understands you simply cannot handle it. Better that you work for someone else.

    Like us. The white rule. Adios muchacho!

  663. Mickey Jones says:

    Hello Blog:
    Ya – Mexicans are nothing more than big mouth cowards – they are affraid of an old white man — LOL…….

    • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

      your the pussy talking shit… about mexicans…..behind a blog -_-

      I bet you wont say that to a latin king face to face

  664. California is not Mexico says:

    Fuck Mexico and Mexicans…. I mean mexicants!

  665. White Rule says:

    Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding! We have a winner Ladies and Gentleman. A mere mention of his superiors in other S.American countries and the lil’ spic snaps and resorts to referencing – surprise surprise – the Latin Kings. Who’s next ese? Folk Nation? MS 13? Come, come now. Surely you know these criminals do not accept a NON-member faking as one. In fact, they get quite…um…’upset’ about it LOL You would be well advised to avoid doing that.

    I understand that the facts are difficult for you to comprehend and you understand, just as the entire world does, that the Mexican is the ultimate runner. No other race has run from their own country’s problems for as long or in as great numbers as the Mexican. The other countries in South America such as Peru, Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela, Guatemala, Costa Rica etc etc – NONE of those people have run, run, run like the cowardly Mexican has. Very, very few of them can be accused, as the Mexican can justifiably be, of STARTING their new lives in other countries as criminals by IGNORING that countries laws and making excuses like little whiny babies for having done so. No other group in South America can be accused of the inability to govern themselves either in their native lands or in America like Mexicans. Lat Kings? You’re right. And your worship of them makes total sense.

    When are you going to see the truth about the behaviors you encourage each other to perpetuate, abandon making excuses for them, and rise above – for once?

    When? Never. That’s when. Everyone knows it. You have been offered and you have STOLEN far more opportunity and support than any black person or other immigrants from around the world could even begin to imagine getting. And what have you done with all your opportunity, all this time?

    Your people have destroyed and dirtied neighborhoods. Your people make DECENT people want to leave their own homes, that’s how AWFUL and ignorant you are. And don’t try to trick the black folks like they’re too stupid to see that you’re trying to use any white/black conflicts against them. Trust me when I tell that the VAST MAJORITY of blacks are WELL AWARE of your weasly, conniving ways and know for a fact that you would ONLY use them. None of you, in general, want black dudes getting NEAR your women. In general, black and mexicano gangs in LA do NOT get along, so don’t even try that horseshit here ese.

    You simply cannot handle the freedom, wealth, and help your people suck on continuously in this country and give what back to it? Taxes? Nope. Illegals don’t pay taxes, remember? And it’s not the Mexicans sending money home, it’s the Guatemalans, VZ’s, etc who do. You Mexicans drink and smoke it away.

    Now, I will concur with you that many whites are to blame for the very problems they complain about where the illegal Mexicans are concerned. This is especially true of rural whites with farms, who know they can get cheap labor from you and others SOtB. Worse, the jobs are some of the most dangerous in the country just in terms of sheer numbers. But, please remember that it’s not just whites who own farms in this country. Many of the farms and slaughterhouses are corporate owned, versus just one family with a few tractors and some land. But, they too want to get things done cheaply and the SA’s have been available to do it. I don’t know what the answer is there. I can say with relative confidence that the argicultural market in California, which produces a third of all the food eaten in this country, would have the bottom totally drop out if it were not for the migrant workers. Should they be hiring ILLEGAL workers? No. In fact, it’s illegal to do so. So, ALL legal Americans should have the sense to see the chicken-egg problem here and that the migrants should not be blamed for 100%.

    That said…it simply cannot be denied that the corruption and lawlessness in Mexico is very severe and it has more than begun to spill into America nationwide. NO OTHER S.American group can be blamed for that like the Mexicans can be. None! So, what are the supposedly ‘good’ Mexicans doing about things in their homeland?

    Next to damn nothing, that’s what. While they whoop it up and shoot their pistoles into the air in parking lots once the bars close, do you see or hear them talking about taking their own country back? Nope. They’ve abandoned it to drug dealers. To gangs. To criminals. To rapists and murderers. To pimps and thieves. The only backbone the Mexican male has got is the one he bends in service to others. You don’t even have the sense to funnel money into groups inside Mexico who will rise up and ferret out the corrupt and criminal. It’s too bad. Many parts of Mexico are very pretty and there are very nice, sweet people there. They’re nothing like the ILLEGAL criminals who infest the States and ruining entire swaths of once safe, clean neighborhoods with safe, stable schools. They have no idea how to behave in a civilized society. None. They blast music out of their cars like thugs; they blast music at their neighbors who were there before them and did nothing bad to them; they leave trash in parks, yards, beaches and don’t clean up after themselves; they make no effort whatsoever to learn English; they swagger even though most of them won’t ever weigh more than 180lbs and stand taller than 5’4″ on average ( with the peni size to match ) and the list goes on and on.

    So how do they convince the rest of America that they CAN function in a normal society?

    They let morons like La Raza blast Spanglish through microphones on street corners. Boy, talk about a race that doesn’t know jack shit about adapting to a decent environment in an intelligent way. And what little defensive whiners they are! Go ahead and politely ask one of the illegals to turn down their music at 4 in the morning that they’ve been blasting for ten days while they snort coke and drink everything in sight. ROFL! “Wahh, you are race-eest! You no like Meh-hee-cah-nose!” They can’t wrap their tiny little brains around the idea that, no, you might just not care for THEIR taste in music. But sure dude, play the race card. The whites are playing it back. How’s it feel holmes? You no likey? Awww….

    Based on how the illegals behave HERE, you’d never know that there were decent Mexicans all over Mexico. Most of them are incredibly fearful of the f’d up drug dealers. So what’s the typical dumbass Mexican response?

    Ees nawt our fault we chooz to bee cum drug deelerz! Eez Angloze fault mayn!

    Yeah. The world gets it already. You can’t take responsibility for yourselves or your own choices. It’s everyone else’s fault that you turn to crime. Yawn. Your people have been saying that for 50 years. Get a backbone holmes, and stop rationalizing your bullshit, thug wannabe, rape and prostitution and drugs as being everyone else’s fault except yours. Stop being weak and start where the problem really lies: You choosing to start life out in a new country AS A LAW BREAKER instead of fighting for your homeland LIKE MEN!

    BTW, stop breeding and you won’t NEED to run off somewhere else to feed your poor children who did not ask to be dragged into your poverty stricken, drug making, crime addicted world.

    • SuPadre says:

      baaaah another redneck typing a lot and saying nothing…. who else is coming???? i dont know this blog is getting surreal….. hahahahahaha this fagot says latins have small penises but their White yellow teeth women love blowing latin cocks lol lol im pretty sure this rednecks wife might be blowing a mexican dick as hes fucking typing shit duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude so im inferior???? hahahaha show yourself up and lets see whos more “pathetic” hahahaha you all have my Facebook profile show yourselves bitches!!!!!

    • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

      first off PRICK…I’M A BLACK MAN…so what I bought up the Latin Kings, not like whites are this high and mighty good wholesome group of people. What about your lame ass aryan brother hood movement. Don’t play dumb because I’m sure a lot of you on this blog are apart of that GANG and I’m on to your lame ass agenda you piss smelling redneck inbred racist fucks. FUCK YOU AND LAME ASS WHITE POWER MOVEMENT.

      • Mickey Jones says:

        Hello ASS-PRICK — LOL LOL LOL — you have a Nappy Head — no wonder your the “”ASS-PRICK”””.

        OHHHH by the way — the Latin Kings are just Wanta-Bee Gangsta PINKO PUNK PUSSIES — like I said — come on down NAPPY HEADED PUNK PUSSY – and be ready….

      • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

        Pricks are racist something that im not. The only “wanta-bee gangsta” is neo nazi racist skinhead scumbags like you. You want to “fight” so bad you bring your punk ass to a real city Chicago,Illinois.

  666. History repeats says:

    most of you don’t even understand the bigger picture here…

    do you honestly believe the stat experts that work in government didn’t already predict the influx of south americans and why it would be good for this country? i can give it to you in one word:


    historically, catholics and muslims have never quite gotten along, and for very good reason…the catholics know better than anyone, except maybe the jews, what it’s like to be a ‘dhimmi’…it’s not nice, put it that way…the catholics had to battle islam back and drove them all the way back to the middle east….and btw, it’s baloney when the muslims yabber about having been ‘nice’ to the christians and the jews…in fact, they started abusing the jews long before the catholics ever got around to it…and they incited MOST of the problems between the jews and the catholics but the catholics didn’t figure that out for a good while…

    sooooo…now that Islam is and has been gaining a helluva lot of ground world wide in terms of religous conversion alone, who will be present to help ensure they don’t fulfill their thousand year old fantasy of destroying the Western hemisphere?

    that’s right…the Catholics…in numbers alone, the Hispanic cultures are predominately Catholic and outnumber most other religions, including jews…so, both anglo patriots and jewish patriots can easily see, if they can see beyond the surface, why it is that over 11 MILLION ‘illegals’ were allowed to swarm over the Tejas border for 8 years while…gee..who was it that was governor of Texas then?

    …oh, that’s right…George Bush jr, who then became president just in time for the Islamists to attack….interesting timing, no?

    USA citizens and S.American citizens need to wake up and see the bigger picture here…the muslim hordes are absolutely intent and lay awake at night dreaming of ways to take down the states…iow, we are in this world TOGETHER lads…they will bring the fight to us if we don’t take it to them…bet on it…you wanna wait for them to come? so be it…you wanna watch while they pull our old enemies outside this continents borders back together again to take us down? so be it…but wether it’s here or it’s over there, this is an age old war that they will never stop trying to wage over the Western hemisphere and those of us who live in it and enjoy its more advanced, progressive, and more Liberty-oriented ways, particularly where the individual is concerned…the quran is very clear: Islam WILL BE the one world religion…convert or die dhimmi, convert or die…you think they haven’t forgotten the Catholics defeated them? LOL they don’t have short memories my friends…not like we do who can go about our own business enjoying movies and music and romantic lives of our own choosing…no, they demand an obedience unto death…’blood on the sword’ conversion is their favorite way…and pitting us all against each other serves our enemies purpose, not ours…east vs west…so it has been, so it shall be….awful? yep, but much of reality can be…hiding from the truth won’t change it…but go ahead on and fight and war against each other like a household divided against itself…they’re counting on you being stupid enough to do so…you think they give a damn if whites hate hispanics and vice-versa? no! WAKE UP! they only care that you do so, that’s all…and they’ll use any means necessary…wether it’s funneling propaganda into La Raza or funneling it into confederate sons makes no difference to them…stop being stupid sheep and wake up!

  667. California is not Mexico says:

    What do you call a beaner without a lawn mower?


    • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

      Why shouldn’t white people go swimming?
      Because crackers get soggy when wet.

      • ingli ONLY says:

        Here’s a joke form you sparky,
        The reason 30 million mexicans come to American is because they LOVE American, they want to become American….
        Part 2: The people hurt most by the invasion is Black Americans…

    • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

      first off you know nothing about my heritage, so your “opinion” of African- Americans means nothing to me.

      Second off Im not saying that America is this bad of a place, I just hate the lazy, whiny, stingy, spoiled racist crybabies that live in it. People that live in place like California who have a lot more than most people in this world but continue to bitch piss and moan about people wanting to move to this country and obsessed with greed because they want more and more and more and more. I live in one of the most dangerous cities in the U.S, Chicago but don’t I bitch and whine about it like a rich spoiled 16 year old girl. If California is so bad, why do celebrity after celebrity flock to Los Angeles if its so bad and like a “third world country”?

      • ingli ONLY says:

        the only thing u know abt me is that i live in Callie and I speak the truth about how beaners have killed it,,,,, black?? white?? male? female?? poor?” rich?? I have never said….
        percentage wise there are very few celebs that live here….. a lot work here… and there are some very exclusive nice parts NOT infested by third world invaders…..

      • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

        What have they killed? Are there car bombs going off in Los Angeles? No. Are mexicans raping every women and child left and right? No. I’m sure your going to blame the recession on the Mexicans for that too, plain old refusing to take responsibility for your actions. No what I see is a whiny bitch who is complaining about absolutely nothing. California is the land of the rich and famous, certainly not a third country. If you want the defination of poverty look at Mali or Congo, you want to see a pure defination of violence? Try Somalia or Hati. As for Mexico being a “third world country” Mexico’s economy ranks second in Latin America (Brazil ranks 1st). If its such a “third world country” ask the BILLIONS of americans living there “is it a third country”?

  668. ingli ONLY says:

    the President’s worldview::: any citizen of any country who wants to work hard and get ahead is as entitled to a job as an American, even if that citizen of another country has broken our laws to be here. (Spoken like the unAmerican he is).
    To suggest that we should allow entrance of EVERY person in the world who wants to work and become an American(or just live here legally as an UN American) would mean tens of millions more immigrants in the next few years. No to immigration reform (amnesty) and Stop Birthright citizenship!!!

    Will Amnesty STOP illegal immigration?
    Of course not! ALL of our decades of experience with Amnesties and its results shows that Amnesties encourage much more illegal immigration. Why? Once we as a nation confirm that criminal behavior is forgotten and rewarded with citizenship, voting, social welfare benefits like free health care, it’s easy to see why hundreds of millions more foreigners will be tempted to come. That is what happened after the giant Amnesties in 1986 and the six subsequent smaller amnesties in the 1990s, and it will happen this time.

  669. SuPadre says:

    heres a funny fact. these stupid micky jones love so much the europeans… he may think spain is in africa or something!!! 60 percent of Mexicos population is mestizo, which means they have spaniard ancestors. So this people you hate, have in a 60% of the cases, european blood. I dont give a fuck about it, but you do. You talk a lot about being “european” and that you like sucking european cocks. Well cowboy! get down on your knees and blow me! and blow all beaners you find there in your redneck town! they have european blood!! What you need to understand cowboy is that no matter where you come from. Even if you come from mars YOURE ONLY A PATHETIC, LONELY UGLY WHITE TRASH COCKSUCKER. are we clear??? comprendes gringo???

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Ya Ya — Supadre — Pedro — or who ever you want to be today — listen close — try to learn something — if your tiny brain is capable of such that is..

      Heres some American history — Look up on the internet someone by the name of — “”Douglas Roach – of the Spanish War – 1936, 1937″”.

      Read about this nigger – an American Nigger who fought in the Spanish War on the side of the Communists – A nigger who served with his fellow communists – which were almost all Niggers or all Hebrews — as the Niggers, Mexicans and Hebrews are Communist for the most part — a people so stupid that they actually wish to be controlled by the Government.

      But in our modern world — these same Communists want a Global Communistic world — sounds like Obama and his Mexican Programs now don’t it….

      • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

        Just like a racist scumbag? You honestly call yourself a veteran? Your nothing more than a lonely piece of smelly lame ass Texan shit fuck you and that sorry ass excuse for a state.

  670. you guys are F@#ing ridiculous! says:

    Go to hell! ALL OF YOU, Everyone thats posting here SUCKS! This blog is 11 years old, FIND SOMETHING ELSE TO DO! Idiots….

    • Mickey Jones says:

      Ya Ya – so what are you — another mexican — and Illegal Welfare hound????

      • Mickey Jones says:

        So – if in fact this blog which is an open disuccion about hating Mexicans and the reasons why americans hate mexicans — and its still going on — that means several things.

        1. People still hate Mexicans.
        2. People have a reason to hate mexicans.
        3. The mexican invasion is still continuing on – thus: Americans have failed to solve their pronlems.

        Can you think of any other reasons for this blob to go on — year after year?????

      • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

        1. SOME (mainly ignorant racist fucks) hate mexicans

        2. This ignorant racist Texans has STUPID OBSERD reasons to hate mexicans, though he cant speak for all people

        3. Looks to me someone is scared that mexicans would do what his ancestors did to the Native Americans.

  671. ingli ONLY says:

    hey sparky,

    Entire industries once dominated by black Americans now lock them out. One example is meat packing that once paid decent wages and employed many black workers are now dominated by Hispanics (many illegal) at LOWER pay.
    A coalition of liberal Leftists and Wall Street Republicans while differing on motives, are united in their desire for open borders. Leftists see blacks as a captive voting block that can be ignored because they will never vote Republican anyway. They wish to build new special interest voting blocks to expand their political base and care nothing about the cost to others from their actions. They see third world immigration as key to this dream ((hence, the Mexican)…
    the US population has exploded 50 percent in 40 years while millions of jobs have been automated or shipped overseas. Latinos, which white Leftists are hoping to build into new captive voting blocks, have displaced blacks from entire industries and have driven pay scales through the floor for everyone. it seems they have succeeded.??

    It’s time to stop allowing the elite to derail the conversation off into divisive and phony race issues. We must end political correctness and address the problems as they really are

    Bottom line,,, the really rich powerful (mostly white) men Want as many illegal/legal Mexicans here as possible… they gain more money, more power… they want everyone to think it’s a race thing…. It’s a greed thing!!

    who wins? the rich win, politicians who want to get elected win, mexico wins (they get rid of their poor and uneducated),

  672. Mickey Jones says:

    Hello ASS-PRICK:
    Yes – I call myself a Veteran and a Patriot – I also tell you now that I love my nation – I have a DD-214 (Honorable) to prove my loyalty to this nation!

    Thats my case and point – now lets take a look at you and the people who you associate with!

    So what are you – “Da-Edge”, “Gansta-Latin King”, “Shit-Kago-Thug”, “Exploiter of the Tax-Payers Funds”, “Pro-ILLEGAL MEXICAN CIMINALS”, “PRO-OBAMA COMMUNISM”.

    Ass-Prick — in all honesty – and I’m not being rude or contraversial — but let me ask — and be honest – do you love your nation — or do you have love for Communistic Agendas – such as the Gangsta Life-Style which has been spurred on by you saying to yourself that you deserve more simply because your a non-white – and grew up listening to other thugs talk about how the white man has messed him around – so now – your entire life is based on hating your nation and hating conservative white america.

    Ass-Prick — Obamas Communistic Agenda will not work – Communism is a very dangerous path for any nation – and now even more than ever – such as saying “”Global Communism”.

    Well – what ever man – your a dumb-ass prick – of non-white races — a gansta thug – a coward – and a piece of garbage that will never accomplish even minor things — not unless you grow up – look at the world as it is – and figure out what path to take, and off your own doing — in other words – get away from the thug life-style – stop listening to the gansta BS – and grow up…..

    NON -Whites are just plain stupid – but that isn’t my fault….

    • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

      So what just because I’m black I’m suppose to be a “thug” or a “gang member”? Doesn’t surprise me at from coming from a racist piece of shit like you nothing but lame ass racial profiling. To answer your stupid ass hate filled question no I’m not, nor do I associate myself with any gang what so ever. I’m a person who believes in everyone should be treated as common equals not some trash you see on the street.

      I LIKE America, I just hate some of the people that live in it. So just because your a veteran your this huge hero and I’m suppose to respect you? Absolutely not, you killed people you have never met in your life FOR WHAT? I dont want to hear what I herd in the news, what was your REAL objective? Answer this, if you met that soldier’s wife what would you say? I killed your husband because he deserved it. Or how would you explain to a mother exactly why she can’t see her son anymore. If soldiers are such heros explain the Mahmudiyah killings or the treatment of the prisoners at Abu Ghraib.

      I know mexican men who worked three maybe four jobs to support their wife and kids. Are they “lazy criminals”? Not by any means. Its you who needs to wake up this isnt the 1960’s anymore. Sure there’s bad people in races, if I went by what I read in movies, history and on this blog I would assume that all whites are ignorant racist pricks who do nothing but judge others with that lame ass one track, but I would be wrong. I met a lot of good whites who are nothing like you idiots.

      I guess when it comes to racist scumbags ignorance is curable but stupidity last forever.

      • Mickey Jones says:

        Hello: ASS-PRICK
        I simply can-not believe there are people within the United States who are as dumbed down as you – its simply amazing!

        Listen Dumb-ASS — Illegal Mexicans have no rights in the United States – regardless of what your gansta lifestyle has taught you: Moreover: Illegal Mexicans are criminals from the word go.

        Its easy for your small brain to call me a racist – I’m not really a racist you know — but you and others have come along way to making me so — its not my fault, or the fault of white america that Mexicans can not make in Mexico — nor is it my fault or the fault of white america that blacks are so dumb they can not make it in america — as both the Blacks and Mexicans are close to being worthless welfare hound criminals — but yet not all!

        I told you that I’m not a true racist — as I will say — there are good and bad in every race, ethnicity, religion, gender — excedra — again — I’m not a true racist — but I am a realist – and can clearly see the changes — blacks and mexicans are racists – much more than whites are to be honest — and the reason — they both sit around forming drug gangs talking about how much the whites have hurt them — and I say screw that — blacks have just as much — if not more oportunity than whites — and so do mexicans — so take your racist crap and stick it up your ass – and I would like to say — if you really want me to become a racist, I would be more than happy to do so — and in good southern form — if thats what you really want!!!!!!!!!!!

        Look — and again — if you and the mexicans really think your so tough — just go ahead and start the second civil war — perhaps then you’ll stop talking and flapping that big mouth of yours and get down to some business — and sir — that would make me very happy……

      • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

        You are a RACIST!!! Did you or did you not assume that just because I’m black, you assume I’m a “thug or I live off welfare” there’s a little saying when you assume you make a huge ASS out of yourself, and you just did. Did you or did you not use two of the most disgusting words of english language? Your a RACIST and don’t sit here like some punk ass bitch and say “your not a racist”. What you ignorant fucks don’t realize is this country was MADE on immigrants mostly illegal. The reason why I said illegal is because did the european settlers need “enter this country legally” to infect native americans with diseases and rape and befoul their women? Did you need “permission” to enter Hawaii and completely take it over? Talking about “Mexicans and Blacks” are nothing but a bunch of criminals and murders. Whites are the biggest bunch of murders, crooks and thieves in american history.

        P.S you didn’t address your dealing with the Army, the Mahmudiyah killings and the treatment of the prisoners at Abu Ghraib. IM WAITING!!!!

  673. SuPadre says:

    Micky Jones me la pela!!!!

  674. ingli ONLY says:

    It’S odd to see how much Americans complain about illegal immigration, and yet do nothing about it! The American government is not going to do anything about it because they want the CHEAP LABOR/SLAVES… The Mexican government is going to continue encouraging illegal immigration because they want to get rid of these Mexicans. Mexicans are NOT created equal. Mexico is very divided between the poor and uneducated, and the educated ones. WHAT,” no full “RIGHTS” in Mexico, breeder people? sounds like HATE, a “racial profiling” of some kind. So why don’t Theses beaners march in Mexican streets making demands like they do in the U.S.?? Would it be they would get killed if they did??? Yet if Americans so much as look at these people the wrong way, they are called RACIST, HATERS, NAZIS, among other things. Is this really fair? Apparently these people ain’t shit in Mexico, but yet they are the greatest people on earth in the United States, ARE THEY? REALLY?? the educated Mexicans are in no hurry of leaving Mexico. So, Americans are being taken advantage of by the brokeass stupidass Mexicans….

    The poor uneducated Mexicans have been a drain on Mexico’s resources for decades. The same complaints Americans have about Mexicans not paying taxes, and draining American resources is the same complaints educated Mexicans have had about the poor Mexicans for decades.

    The educated Mexicans welcome this migration because the poor uneducated Mexicans become someone else’s problem.

    Why should they be an American problem?? to make life better for educated mexicans?? really??

    • SuPadre says:

      hahahahahaha they would be killed hahahahahahahahahaha dude please bitch, there are like 10 demostrations pero week in mexico city. do you think they get killed every time people march in here? that only shows how ignorant you are and that you know NOTHING about Mexico. Better go to Micky Jones house and bend over so that he can fuck you in the ass as usual fucking perves. LOL LOL

      • Mickey Jones says:

        Supadre — from what I have seen over the years — if someone continues to talk about something – blaming others — it is usually the one talking who can be blamed.

        You are always talking about FAGS and or HOMOSEXUALS — saying others are — when your the one who is a homo-sexual – that must be true based on how many times you bring it up — as well as reports of Mexican Homosexuals illegally invading the United States — I think Mexican Homosexuals were refered to as “”Drag-Queens”” — or perhaps — “”Trans-Gendered”””..

        I’m not even aware of what the trans-gender is — but what ever, perhaps I’ll try to figure it out, but can only imagine how disgusting it must be — YUCK — Mexican Fags — thats really gross and disgusting.

        Supadre — is that whats wrong with you — are you one of those Mexican Homo’s????? Do you have physical problems — such as the “AIDS” or perhaps a Venerial of the Butt-hole?

        Are you just upset because you know what you are — and wish you were something different — and normal to the extent a mexican could be normal??

        Supare — look spic — its not my fault your a mexican homo-sexual – and have physical problems — just try to live your life in Mexico — sheeeesh…..

      • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

        Wait let me guess your homophobic as well? The only idiot here is you with that lame ass, idiotic, extremely right wing one track mind of yours. That rancid country music and budwiser really must have fucked up you mind. Have you tried living a straightedge lifestyle? lol

      • ingli ONLY says:

        If these 30 million beaners went home and were disrespectful to the government AS THEY R HERE… YES they woukd BE STOPPED

  675. SuPadre says:

    naaa dude i dont mind. if you think im homosexual, then i am!! i wouldnt be embarrased dude believe me. Maybe in Bumfuck Texas, where people still believe earth is plane, they would beat them up to death. but here, in Mexico city, teres somthing called TOLERANCE. I was just saying this because, whenever ingli says something idiotic, you say something to defend him or her or whatever that idiotic thing is., making me think he might be your bitch, or you are his bitch?? AAAAAAAAAAAAANYWAY, think whatever you want dude. If you want to think i have aids, consider it done. But trust me, all these diseases and sexual preferences, are NOTHING COMPARED TO YOUR STUPIDITY. THERES NO CURE FOR THAT, AS IN AIDS. Entendido gringo???

  676. SuPadre says:

    hhahahaha ingli thinks hes educated, and cant even write well in his own language hahahahaha HOW MUCH AMERICANS????? WTF how much??? how many idiot!!! heres a mexican to show you something about your own language lol lol lol

    • ingli ONLY says:

      you’ve never written anything with any content??
      did your mom get pregnant by that donkey??

    • ingli ONLY says:

      guess the donkeys don’t wear protection….. must be mexican donkeys….

    • ingli ONLY says:

      so you learned spanish from your mexican mother,,, and she didn’t want to waste her time with a 3 inch uncut bean dick so she did the big donkey,,,,, AND YOU WERE CREATED,,, and so which side did you get all your brains from??? never mind, i read all your posts, i know which side your intelligence came from..

      • SuPadre says:

        hahahaha whatever dude, you dont write well in your native language, AND YOU WILL CALL ME STUPID??? bitch please hahahaha if my dad is a donkey, i cant even imagine what is your father, since the donkey did a better job tan your redneck dad hahahahahaha

  677. Mickey Jones says:

    Hello Ass-Prick:
    Your wrong – I’m not a racist – not in the most strick sense anyway! You young black and Mexican communist thugs should be happy about that — but if I choose to be racist and make arguement for racicism – as well as being anti-illegal mexican – that is my business and my right — in other words — I have a right to say what I want — feel anyway I want — and do as I please — and that includes and once again — being a racist if I choose.

    Blacks and Mexicans are much more racist than whites anyway — so why not a white man?????

    You know what I hate — Illegals that force their way into our nation – and then begin drawing welfare — commiting crimes — and under cutting american workers — and then on top of it – they treat the american people very poorly and are rude to americans – “ILLEGAL MEXICANS HAVE NO RIGHTS IN OUR NATION — and I have a right to dispose of them — if I chose.

    You know what else I hate — young black communists!

    So I’ll say again — there are good and bad in every race, ethnic group, religious group – in every state and every nation – but I do not entertain diversity, multi-culturalism, multi-religious: Nor do I entertain Global Communism – the very thing Obama wants to shove down our throats.

    ASS-Prick — Your more than welcome to call me what-ever you want — in this case a racist — Hmmmmmm. — perhaps I should become a Genuine Racist – The world might just become a better place for it — and the training I could provide to the young racist whites – does that sound good to you???

    • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

      This guy totally avoided my question…..AGAIN, i see he has something to hide. Also, he obviously sounds very ignorant something I expect nothing less from a conservative jag off. There he goes again “assuming” that I’m a “thug”, I don’t sag my pants, I actually speak english properly, I don’t cary guns and I attend college, hell I don’t even smoke or drink so do I classify me as a thug? Mexicans and Blacks are more racist than Whites? Do you know how stupid you sound? Calling everyone a communist, answer this do you even know the definition of communism or the single advantage of communism (there is one)? Like I said before, this country was built on immigrants (legal or illegal). If it weren’t for immigrants, there’d be no America.

      • Mickey Jones says:

        ASS-PRICK — I didn’t avoid your question — I didn’t address the question because I have very little information on that topic to supply.

        There are no advantages to communism – that system is backward and oppressive to anyone who follows a land of freedoms.

        You are a thug – you admitted that your one of the “”Edge”” – which I have had exposure to – as I once tried to help young folks see the truths to this new Communistic BS — Shove that Edge crap up your dumb-ass….

        You classify me as a racist — ya what-ever — who cares if I am — do you? Besides it all — everytime a NON-WHITE MONGRAL is confronted with anything contraversial – the very first thing out of the MUDS MOUTH IS TO ACCUSE SOMEONE OF BEING A RACIST — you nothing more than a dumbed down and ignorant punk — many are sick of the MUDS using race as a kinda trump card – in order to make someone feel badly for your peoples failure to do anything – as the non-whites have no critical thinking skills what-so-ever — no imagination — no and or little advanced thought process ——- “IN A WORD” — Dont try using the RACE CARD everytime someone confronts your saurry and dumb-EDGE ASS – try learning how to think – try learning how to earn what you get in life – rather than begging the government and the white population.



      • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

        Bullshit, your belatedly avoiding it like a pussy. If you don’t want to answer, say so!

        So just because I live a certain lifestyle that doesn’t involve smoking drinking or doing drugs I’m a thug? That alcohol has really killed your brain cells.

        You have no clue what your talking about because there’s only a small advantage of a communistic economy, there is no theory of “rich getting richer and the poor getting screwed”.

        Do you even realize everyone in this country comes from immigrants? This isn’t your country jag off, YOUR PEOPLE STOLE IT!

        You want to say Mexicans are criminals. Let me ask you, did Mexicans shoot up a school in Connecticut. No. Did Mexicans “brainwash” a 70 year old retired football coach to molest children? No.

        Ignorant RACIST brain dead morons like you are what’s REALLY wrong with this country. Someone who blames other races instead of taking responsibility for their own actions, which is pathetic. A person like ingli who lives in california, perfect place to live, has it better than a lot of people but still continues to piss and moan like a fucking 3 year old.

  678. ingli ONLY says:


    Mexico is the quintessential banana republic—a corrupt oligarchy of arrogant rich, a tiny middle class and millions of poor people, around half of whom live in poverty.
    But Mexico is not poor overall. It has the resources to improve itself.
    Mexico refuses to take responsibility for the social needs of its population. It’s so much easier to let the Americans care for Mexico’s poor.
    Indeed, the Mexican propaganda war to convince Americans of the need to support poor Mexico has been largely successful.

    The immigration scam is very successful: the rulers export their unemployment to the United States and get back billions in remittance cash annually… SO WHAT I MEAN TO SAY….. BY MEXICO GETTING RID OF ALL THESE POOR PEOPLE,,, they are bound to turn American into a third world Country..

    sparky,,,, why are we obligated to feed and educate mexico’s poor people???

  679. ingli ONLY says:

    trying to claim Americans are just being “RACIST”, is shit, you use this magic word because u don’t have any justifiable words for their actions. Mexico caused their own problems with excessive breeding, they could have stopped it. Now Mexico expects the United States to take all these broke baby making people off their hands. And has the nerve to call this free trade. We where told trading is a win-win tool,” Well” it is when you have something to trade. Personally” i don’t believe the U.S. trading 2 or 3 trillion American dollars for millions out of control breeders is in the best interest of the U.S.
    Of course its easy to see how Mexico wins with this.
    **Mexico does not want these people and will do or say anything to get them here……

    • SuPadre says:

      go back to elementary schooooool ingli!!!!! why are you so afraid of mexicans taking over your Jobs if they are so uneducated??? let me guess… maybe youre uneducated too, but besides that, youre lazy!!! so thats why you hate mexicans taking your Jobs. get to work hillbilly!

      • ingli ONLY says:

        No, the real question IS>>>
        Why don’t you and mexico want to keep and take care of YOUR own people?

  680. ingli ONLY says:

    May 22 2009 – Thousands of hispanic students walked the streets of L.A. protesting California’s budget problems caused by to much spending (yea, we spend too much on social services and education for NON Americans). Where did all these people get all they have, they came here with nothing. This hispanic student had the audacity to complain about over crowding in these schools, over crowding caused by who? Americans?
    And 4 years later it’s even more over crowded too many Mexicans in California,,,,
    We can’t afford even one more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mexico wants them here!!! mexico needs to take care of their own!

  681. ingli ONLY says:

    working at fast food establishments are job intended for OUR AMERICAN TEENAGERS!!
    NOT jobs for illegal beaners… it’s time to BOYCOTt
    if u see one of thoes beaners pushing a food cart REPORT their ass,,, start reporting bad health standards and poor customer service…

  682. ingli ONLY says:

    If being against anyone who is here illegally means one is a racist, count me in.
    If being against libs who spread UNtruths and propaganda means one is a racist, count me in.

    If being against a President who lies and is UnAmerican means one is a racist,

    gotta go, my plane is boarding,,, until next time

    • SuPadre says:

      hahahaha whatever dude, you dont write well in your native language, AND YOU WILL CALL ME STUPID??? bitch please hahahaha if my dad is a donkey, i cant even imagine what is your father, since the donkey did a better job tan your redneck dad hahahahahaha

      • ingli ONLY says:

        what?? speak a-ingli don’t understand ???
        you have NEVER written one comment with any content???
        But, you are good at calling names…. No content, zero facts….

      • SuPadre says:

        mejor ya llegale a chingar a tu madre pobre diablo inepto y falto de huevos. chillon como sus putos compatriotas “ay los mexicanos ay ay mama los mexicanos me dan miedo” pfffff pinche cobarde, gringo asqueroso y nefasto, seguro te inyectas heroína hasta por tu puta entrepierna

      • ingli ONLY says:

        zero content in beaner talk either?? what’s worse a mom that shoots up or a mom/country/women who fuck donkeys…………………
        Why does your country think it’s okay to send your poor/uneducated away??? why is it Americas obligation to take care of them??

  683. ingli ONLY says:

    to half jackass,

    The poor uneducated Mexicans have been a drain on Mexico’s resources for decades. The same complaints Americans have about Mexicans not paying taxes, and draining American resources is the same complaints educated Mexicans have had about the poor Mexicans for decades.

    The educated Mexicans welcome this migration because the poor uneducated Mexicans become someone else’s problem.

    Why should they be an American problem?? to make life better for educated mexicans?? really??
    Answer the fucking question!

    Why should we be responsible for YOUR country’s people?

  684. ingli ONLY says:

    to, any confused Americans who have read the comments above:

    What is the mexican Donkey Show you ask? You’re thinking “Hey, I’ve been to Tijuana”, I love their Papas & Beer, “It has got to involve cute little donkeys, happy little funny speaking Mexicans, and they put on a show right?” Sort of like the Mexican version of Shrek?

    So what is it, you may be wondering? Unlike the Broadway musical of Les Mulerable where the lead sings “Don’t Cry for Me, Donkey Penis”, the “authentico” version usually is held in a dirt floor bar or “discoteca” (a dance floor) where patrons are taxi-cabbed in, (the cabbies get a cut) and then are enticed to purchase large amounts of cerveza (beer) or gamble, while waiting for the “main event” of a scantly clad mexican woman (not to mention handsomely paid) arousing a restrained donkey lying on its back. It’s not exactly Sesame Street on Ice, and is more along the lines of Debbie Does Dallas. Just replace the Dallas with a Donkey and you get the picture.

    • SuPadre says:

      hey! you know 2 or 3 words in spanish!!! (is “auténtico, no atentico dumb ass) , great achievement considering your lame ass brains

  685. ingli ONLY says:

    Many Illegal aliens and criminal alien residents are guilty of some type of fraud against the Social Security system. For them, false documents are a way of life. Prosecuting Social Security fraud has been used successfully to tie-up terrorist suspects, even if they are not illegal aliens. The Office of the Inspector General of the Social Security Administration operates a fraud hotline for reporting misuse of social security cards and false statements on claims either by employers or employees.

    Social Security Fraud Hotline
    P.O. Box 17768
    Baltimore, Maryland 21235
    FAX: 410-597-0118
    Telephone: 1-800-269-0271 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. EST
    TTY: 1-866-501-2101 for the deaf or hard of hearing.

    • SuPadre says:

      pppffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah

  686. California is not Mexico says:

    Ingli only is correct!!!

    All you illegal beaners cheated the system some way or the other!!!

    Fuck you beaners!


    • ingli ONLY says:

      Callies not mexico……………..
      isn’t the news disgusting in California when they show a public school on TV???? the kids, the mothers (rarely any fathers),,.,, no suprise mexico wants them gone… BUT fuck mexcio,, why should we have to educate their poor??? The beaners have destroyed our schools,,,,.

      • ingli ONLY says:

        Since 1980, LAUSD enrollment has increased by 180,000 students, bringing total enrollment
        to nearly 750,000 today. Approximately 73 percent of the district’s students are low-income; 41 percent are
        classified as English language learners; 71 percent are Hispanic or Latino; 12 percent are African American; 4
        percent are Asian; 3 percent are Filipino, Pacific Islander, or American Indian; and 10 percent are white. It’s estimated that 65% of the students are here illegally or are anchor babies………… LA Schools wouldn’t be broke, poor, unsafe or stupid if we didn’t take on mexico’s OBLIGATIONS.

        p.s. burro baby, these are just facts

      • ingli ONLY says:

        Of the approximately 750,000 students enrolled in LAUSD district, almost three out of four were eligible for free or reduced price meals ,,, who is paying for these FREE meals??? Is mexico paying to feed THEIR CHILDREN? We get to educate them AND feed them.

        Mexicos poor are mexicos poor,,, NOT America’s poor …

        p.s donkey boy, once again facts first

      • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:


        If Mexico is this “horrible third world country”. Explain why there are over a million Americans (who are working, studying or are retired) living there? Explain why peckerwood assholes like you and mikey give ALL Americans a horrible reputation around the world . Explain in what way a high school student who is Mexican graduated with a perfect 4.0 gpa and is attending the University of Wisconsin who is seaking a degree in engineering a criminal?

  687. ingli ONLY says:

    Yep if you can’t come to my country illegally then you better not complain about how I call you a piece of shit. and the fuckong country that wants you to leave is a piece of shit too…

    p.s. son of the donkey fucker,,, no facts here but feeling shared by millions i’m sure!

    • SuPadre says:

      hahahahaha!!! Relax dude! youre not talking to a 10000000 crowd!! chill out! dont you realice only A FEW people read this blog?? and from those only like 4 rednecks lately?? do you really think youre making the difference??? pffff fucking pathetic….Stop acting like a faggot hillbilly!!! stop wasting your time sharing your wisdom with uneducated, donkey breed mexican readers like me. I have an idea. According to you there are billions of gringos who think they have to get rid of all ilegal aliens. Good. And you have the intelligence and the leadership etcétera to get them together and once you are all together, start getting all these ilegal aliens out of your country?? Or why dont you start punishing all gringos who hire ilegal aliens. Do your research and look for all those “global communist” gringos who hire beaners and kill them and his beaners?? or just deport them?? I mean….. Dude do you want people to take you seriously when you keep on barking like a Little pussy dog and doing nothing????? Jesuschrist what a loser…. Maybe you just lack the balls to do it and you want someone to do it for you???? pathetic anyway….whenever you get some serious thing working on this beaner topic, post again. If you keep on posting shit, dont blame us if we all think youre a fucking loser redneck with yellow teeth and broke, as well as impotent, with nothing better to do besides jerking off watching latino porn and wondering when his life got this fucked up. Ahhh and also blaming mexicans for all the things mentioned before. LOSER!

  688. SuPadre says:


    hahahahaha!!! Relax dude! youre not talking to a 10000000 crowd!! chill out! dont you realice only A FEW people read this blog?? and from those only like 4 rednecks lately?? do you really think youre making the difference??? pffff fucking pathetic….Stop acting like a faggot hillbilly!!! stop wasting your time sharing your wisdom with uneducated, donkey breed mexican readers like me. I have an idea. According to you there are billions of gringos who think they have to get rid of all ilegal aliens. Good. And you have the intelligence and the leadership etcétera to get them together and once you are all together, start getting all these ilegal aliens out of your country?? Or why dont you start punishing all gringos who hire ilegal aliens. Do your research and look for all those “global communist” gringos who hire beaners and kill them and his beaners?? or just deport them?? I mean….. Dude do you want people to take you seriously when you keep on barking like a Little pussy dog and doing nothing????? Jesuschrist what a loser…. Maybe you just lack the balls to do it and you want someone to do it for you???? pathetic anyway….whenever you get some serious thing working on this beaner topic, post again. If you keep on posting shit, dont blame us if we all think youre a fucking loser redneck with yellow teeth and broke, as well as impotent, with nothing better to do besides jerking off watching latino porn and wondering when his life got this fucked up. Ahhh and also blaming mexicans for all the things mentioned before. LOSER!

    • California is not Mexico says:

      Hey nacho,

      You and your family are more than welcome to leave our country and go back to Mexico! Let me guess your one of these college beaners? If so I bet you didn’t pay to get there.

      Ingli only is correct about our California school systems…it’s sad when the middle class family doesn’t qualify for discounted lunches at our schools but all you beaners do? Explain that! Some way or the other you and your family work the system! I bet you don’t even pay taxes? Go back to Mexico!

      Every Friday in my neighborhood there is a food drive….99% that take free food are beaners….they all arrive in Cadillac escalades or some other high end auto! Dirty cheating the systems beans! Fuckng discusting!

      • Mickey Jones says:

        Mexicans will not leave the United States on their own accord — for two reasons.

        1. Mexicans get everything free in the United States – such as medical care, housing, grocery, education for their 20 “”Bambinos”” — excedra — in a word – why would Mexicans want to leave when one considers just how easy they have it.
        2. Mexicans are Cowards – they are to dumb and stupid to take care of their own home lands – such as having to deal with the extreme cooruption of their own government.

        Meanwhile: White America is being forced to support Mexicans and Mexico — forced by means of over burdening taxation and increased “COLA” advances. Plus the fact that many american working class people are now the working class poor – under-employed – without health care.

        White America in my opinion must at some point wake up to the reality of what has taken place – which is abit detailed in its entirety – but in brief heres a simply explanation.

        Most would blame the elected officlas – such as Clinton passing NAFTA and the WTO — Johnson passing Affirmtive Action – Bush Jr. allowing millions of undocumented Mexicans to illegally invade the US — Kennedy — but first Wilson allowing the Federal Reserve to be absorbed by a private banking system — Clinton giving out millions of dollars to Illegal Mexicans in the form of Business grants —– and now Obama seeking Immigration reform – when the United States all ready has laws on the books to deal with immigration, such as being a dictator.

        I could continue with other examples – but everyone should get the idea — so my question is — “if we are blaming the Elected officlas – is such blame correct — or is it mis-guilded?

        In my opinion – our elected official are not representing the average white american — and have not for a good many years now — say since 1913 – so who and or what entity is being represented?

      • SuPadre says:

        no gringo, youre wrong. Im a university degree man architect, to be more specific, and i live in Mexico City. another fucking redneck with stereotypes…..

      • Anthony says:

        You can leave the country to asshole. You’re not a NATIVE AMERICAN! Dumbass.

  689. SuPadre says:

    For California is not Mexico:

    You cant send me back to my country. dude first of all,because im not there. Second of all, because ive been there working with a wriking visa as an architect and i go there WHENEVER I WANT. And also leave WHENEVER I WANT. dude seriously, i should not be talking to you, we are not at the same level. Anywaaaaaaaaaay, use another argument, because that one is pretty stupid. Now, do you want a job? i used to be constructing in LA at Dickerson avenue like 3 years ago. Maybe ill go back this year i can get you a job, but please, get your lazy ass to work!

    • California is not Mexico says:

      I bet everybody that you hired is a beaner…..please stay in your amazing Mexico city and never come back to the states!!

      • SuPadre says:

        haha as a matter of fact ill be back. you cant do shit They want me there haha. fuck off punk! get to work!

    • Anthony says:

      Ignore these arrogant, racist, uneducated lowlife pieces of shit….. Spanish guys are gorgeous with their smooth tan skin, big brown eyes and thick black hair ;-) Thank you for coming to America!! (yes I’m gay and my bf is Mexican) lol

  690. Anthony says:

    You’re nothing but a racist lowlife fucking prick! Maybe it was YOU’RE daughter who couldn’t keep her legs closed and let all her Mexican class mates take turns fucking her and when one turned her slutty ass down she got pissed and pulled the sexual harassment card…. Noticed you said “Was a cop” Glad you’re not one anymore cause you were and will be one of the most dishonorable piece of shit PIGS!!…. You people wan’t them to go back to Mexico? well then YOU should get the fuck out of the US, Back to where ever you’re ancestors came from…. People like you deserve to be shot and have you’re lifeless body pissed on! I swear, You people are the biggest disgrace to Americans!

  691. ingli ONLY says:

    Remove the incentives for illegal immigrants to remain (jobs, PUBLIC EDUCATION, healthcare, welfare benefits, insane policy of birthright citizenship) and the illegal immigrant population will decline precipitously by attrition. Problem solved

    • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

      Your really gonna sit there and say it’s perfectly fine for Americans to go to other countries, rape it’s of its resources while killing millions in the process and “annex” sed country when they’re finished and bored with it, but its not ok for people that want to move to this country to provide a better life for themselves and their families, while not killing or hurting anyone? You ignorant racist pieces of shit have life totally fucked up

  692. ingli ONLY says:

    I went to an apptmt last week and while sitting in the waiting room this pregnant chick with her adorable little kid started a conversation w/me… At first I was confused she looked part Mexican (but not quit that ugly), but her kid was priceless and he looked black, ….. HER WORDS during the conversation: “”” did you think I was Mexican? I’m not , I’m from El Salvador and I’m nothing like a Mexican, look at my kid, he’s not a pig and he has manners, I‘m not a bad mother or anything like a stupid Mexican…….” the conversation went on for a while and this chick passionately HATED Mexicans loud and clear.

    She shared that her husband was black (explained her son “DeSean‘s” cuteness) and that she had moved to the States after meeting her “American” husband in El Salvador.. Saying that she had always hated Mexicans, but after moving to California the hate has intensified after seeing the animal behaviors and lack of values they demonstrate.. She point blank told me that her biggest annoyance is that people perceive or mistake her as Mexican,,,,

    … I don’t know what I took away from the whole encounter,,,, I don’t know the history regarding mexico and El Salvador,, all I do know is this woman REALLY DIDN”T WANT ME TO THINK SHE WAS MEXICAN>>>

    • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

      It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that there’s hatred amongst El Salvadorans and Mexicans

      • ingli ONLY says:

        you really didn’t answer the question Mr. Rocket scientist?
        So, you think the Lakers are gonna make the playoffs this year?

  693. ingli ONLY says:

    Obama (osama), just gave Egypt another multi million dollar check. Before the election he gave them 450,000.000 Million. He has to take care of his Muslims Brothers on the backs of Americans!
    This money could be used to enforce the laws on the books!! Deport!

  694. Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

    So it’s perfectly fine for Americans to go to other countries, rape it’s of its resources “annex” the country while killing millions of people in the process and NEVER leaving sed country, but its not fine for people that want to move to this country to provide a better life for themselves and their families, while not killing or hurting anyone? You ignorant racist pieces of shit have life totally fucked up

    • ingli ONLY says:

      When? Where? What?
      third question aren’t you American?

      • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

        American soldiers invading the middle east. First off, did Americans “get permission” to enter Iraq? I shouldn’t have to answer that. Does the Abu Ghraib torture sound familiar? How about the date of March 12, 2006 when us soldiers raped and killed an innocent 14 year old girl in Iraq, and you want to talk about mexicans?

        To answer your question yes I’m an American but I’m ashamed to be one. The reason being is because Americans want to pin all their problems on another race instead of owing up to its mistakes. Were Mexicans responsible when an American decided to show up for work drunk? No. Were Mexicans responsibility for teen pregnancy? No, maybe the parents should tell there daughters to KEEP THEIR FUCKING LEGS CLOSED.

      • ingli ONLY says:


        the U.S. government is absolutely brimming with idiots, incompetents and incredibly corrupt politicians. And liars…. The war started exactly 10 years ago based on a lie to the American people
        reality that leaders of nations will lie to their people to trick them into wars they otherwise would have refused. It is not “conspiracy theory” to suggest that leaders of nations lie to trick their people into wars. It is undeniable fact.
        You should be more than angry. You should be in a rage. You should be in a rage no less than that of the families of those kids who have been killed and maimed in this war started with a lie. You need to be in a rage and you need to act on that rage because even as I type these words, the same government that lied about Iraq’s nuclear weapons is telling the exact same lies about Iran’s nuclear capabilities. The writing is on the wall; having gotten away with lying to start the war in Iraq, the US Government will lie to start a war in Iran, and after that another, and after that another, and another and another and another because as long as you remain silent, and as long as you remain inactive, the liars have no reason to stop.

        The same is true with the corrupt governments (both) obligating America to care another countrys people… Wish it was simple as the propagandas’ that are spread… they do the jobs Americans won’t do or they are just being racist and don’t like the color of their skin… or they are here to make better lives for their families … blah blah blah… all lies..

  695. SuPadre says:

    hahahahaha this ingli cock sucker and his imaginary stories. Dude, she did not want people to think she was mexican??? pfff 1.- El salvador as many countries in Centroamérica, has so many things in common with Mexicos population. In El Salvador, their culture was formed of “nahua” speaking people, and considered always as mesoamerica, as many cultures in Mexico. For all people who went to school or read a book, Mexicas along with the Incas, were the greatest cultures in America, and mexicas got to have some trade relationship with Incas in Pero. Therefore, Mexicas got to be in El salvador, Guatemala, Honduras Etc. also Incas. SO WHOEVER SALVADORIAN WHO DOES NOT WANT TO LOOK LIKE A MEXICAN, DOES NOT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT ITS OWN HISTORY. WHETER THEY WANT IT OR NOT, WE HAVE SIMILAR ANATOMIC FEATURES. Now, analyse what Ingli says…. so that we can study this monkey and try to understand why is he so stupid. He said, “seemed to be mexican” but not that “quit” ugly. This time i wont pay attention to the “quit” stupid typo he made in his own language. Lets focus on something else. Not that quite ugly??? what does that mean?? are you able to tell differences between salvadorian and mexican people?? what did this woman had or did not have that was ugly, but not that much?? Now, you said to that ugly, but she was ugly anyway. Did you tell her?? or you did not have the balls? did you tell her “Hey maam, you are so fucking ugly, but not as a mexican woman, just a Little bit less” ?? i dont think so. Now he says she married a black guy, and got a beautiful kid. It was because she got married to a gringo? So what you are saying is that any gringo who fucks a “Latina” Will “improve” the race???? If so…. Isnt this comment racist? Dude, this imaginary salvadorian woman you talked to, looke like a mexican…. Why did you talk to her?? why didnt you just grab a baseball bat and beat her ass up??? i mean… in the end she looks like a mexican…. and you hate them so much… or why not calling the ICE cops to have her deported??? in the end, you did not know if she was llegally tehre or not… You know what Ingli, youre nothing but a BIG LIE. A big fucking lie. You dont do nothing you are nothing but a barking scared Little pussy dog. thats what you are… and also, if that salvadorian was real, You could give her your advise to look like a gringa. Get some yellow teeth, start eating junk food until youre as fat as the regular usa population, start doing drugs as a fucking punk, and get a mexican to fuck with him, since pale ass gringos like you have erectile disfunction. Dude she was ofended to be considered a Mexican? Dude do you think is an honor to look like an American??? Dude please, i would be ofended too if they tell me i look like a gringo! fat, pale ugly and with yellow teeth?? no thanks.

    • ingli ONLY says:

      americans got the obese tag once they added mexicans in america to the equation..

      among Mexican women, 78 percent are overweight or obese, as compared to only 59.3 percent of the non-Hispanic White women. In 2010, Hispanics in America were 1.2 times as likely to be obese than Non-Hispanic Whites. In 2009 – 2010 Mexican children in America were 1.6 times more likely to be overweight as Non- Hispanic White Children. From 2007-2010, Mexican women were 40% more likely to be overweight, as compared to Non-Hispanic Whites

      the above is what people call facts… no just a bunch of words

      • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

        Now this idiot wants to blame Mexicans of the obesity issue. Hears a suggestion TAKE SOME FUCKING RESPONSIBILITY AND OWN UP TO YOUR MISTAKES INSTEAD OF BLAMING ANOTHER RACE.

    • ingli ONLY says:

      more facts::::::::::
      Insurance Coverage: It is significant to note that Hispanics have the highest uninsured rates of any racial or ethnic group within the United States..
      they shouldn’t be here and they shouldn’t be a liability non our roads

    • ingli ONLY says:

      more truths:::::::::
      We’ve had 7 amnesties and everyone has been a failure.
      They’ve drug in millions more in extended family. We have 3 times the population of Mexico with almost double the unemployment .Mexico encourages their uneducated ,poor and criminal citizens to immigrate ,not Their Dr’s and scientists .not even their so-so middle class….

    • ingli ONLY says:

      Poor white people from the Southern United States of America were nicknamed Rednecks because they worked outdoors, usually as laborers. They would get sunburns on their necks and were nicknamed a redneck

      MANY MANY well known people (too many to list) have been born into redneck families or stereotypical redneck areas like:
      The son of a trucking company manager, Brad Pitt was born , in Shawnee, OK. Raised in Missouri

      Ashley judd , dolly parton, Johnny cash, Jessica Simpson, Dr. Phil, Steve MARTIN…
      Patrick Swayze: , Woody Harrelson: Born in Midland, Texas,,, Stone Cold” Steve Austin: Born in Austin, Texas,,, Megan Fox born in Tennessee, ,, Chuck Norris born in Ryan, Oklahoma, and the MOST famous redneck is Elvis…..

      Damn sounds good to be a redneck,,, wish I was one. Where do I sign up? you like to stereo type white people
      rather look like george lopez or brad pitt???

      a little short boxed head beaner or a good looking American

      • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

        Dos Caras Jr. (also known as Alberto Del Rio)
        Carlos Santana
        Eddie Guerrero
        Eva Longoria
        Salma Hayek
        George Lopez
        Cain Velasquez
        Tony Romo
        Mia St. John (Hotter, Successful Richer and can certainly kick your ass)
        Mario Lopez
        Jose Hernandez (astronaut)
        Elroy Rodriguez (Professor at Cornell University)
        Alfredo Quinones-Hinojosa (brain surgeon at Johns Hopkins Hospital)

        being Mexican sounds SOOO much better than being white
        I’d rather look like Mario Lopez than Bruce Jenner

        P.S Id take the bella twins over the olson twins….ANY DAY!

    • ingli ONLY says:

      didn’t like the one about the salvadorian woman (WHO IS HERE LEGALLY)… well i have plenty of other truths…
      went to Universal Studios with some peeps awhile back and my sisters date was from Brazil… He hated mexicans more than anyone i had ever met… He out right told a group of unrulely beaners to “””move their little wet back asses”” the 5 mexicans looked at us and moved… I’m sure things woukd have been different had we not been at the park… They had to go through metal detectors to enter so the group of munchkin men were unarmed and undermanned… want to hear more details,,, want to hear why he wanted them to move?? want to hear why he and his family hates mexicans??

    • ingli ONLY says:

      Remove the incentives for illegal immigrants to remain (jobs, PUBLIC EDUCATION, healthcare, welfare benefits, insane policy of birthright citizenship) and the illegal immigrant population will decline precipitously by attrition. Problem solved

    • ingli ONLY says:

      facts, facts and more facts..

      Nearly half of the children born to Hispanic mothers in the U.S. are born out of wedlock. Hispanic women have the highest unmarried birthrate in the country—over three times that of whites and Asians, and nearly one and a half times that of black women.
      (from the Centers for Disease Control)
      Don’t believe, look it up. Sorry but an abundance of single mother households doesn’t really add up to “strong family values”… where are the husbands/fathers?

      • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

        what about the whites? OVERT YOUR ATTENTION TO TEEN MOM. On the show there’s a WHITE pot smoking poor excuse for a mother that cares more about “kesha” and fucking more men than her own child, but yet she makes more since than you do.

  696. CockheadedAmericans get a life! says:

    You guys are all stupid, you’ve been going back and forth for too long. YOU’RE ALL A BUNCH OF FAGGOTS WITH NO LIFE. DONT BOTHER REPLY CAUSE I WONT, BUNCH OF FUCKING BRAINDEAD CUNTBAG AMERICANS.

    • ingli ONLY says:

      went to a laker game and a clipper game on the same day this weekend,
      what did your pathetic self do??

    • ingli ONLY says:

      For all of those who are soooo proud of Mexico and being mexican,,,,,,,,, here’s your chance to prove it by GOING HOME and fighting for your civil and human rights, demand jobs, demand that the oligarchies pay for your social programs and that you stop being pimped out to America’s corporate elite in order to prop up the economy with remittances.
      You come to America to be a whore or a slave,,,, go home and be a man..

      • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

        And why should mexicans be ashamed of their heritage? Because of some white bread prick? Being mexican is nothing to be ashamed of, now being a white bread redneck chicken shit ignorant asshole, is pretty embarrassing. Since you want to shit all over the Mexican people, what do you have to be proud of? America done a ton of evil to other countries and you want to talk about “invaders”? GET REAL!

  697. I hate beaners says:

    Good morning beaners! Just wanted to say that all of you beaners can eat some dick!

    • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

      Wow a homophobic comment that’s showin them -_-

      White bread chicken shit mothafucka

    • ingli ONLY says:

      Our government pretends we benefit greatly from immigrants but the stats do not coincide .

      64% use at least 1 entitlement program here, 53% are single parents ,their birth rate is almost double that of American citizens .5 million illegals purchased homes that ended in foreclosures .
      And those farm field workers stories are a farce. Only 3% work the fields .
      More are drug dealers and importers of underage sex workers than farm hands.
      Prosecuting and imprisoning illegal criminals negates any benefitS gained.
      Then add in environmental damage ,strain on healthcare ,utilities and infrastructure and they become a burden.

      It’s better to pay 20 cents more for a head of lettuce than have the entire country turn into Los Angeles California..

  698. ingli ONLY says:

    the way things are going mexico is going to have to secure its border to keep THEIR people from coming home

  699. ingli ONLY says:

    There is now a near universal mistrust of Obama among world leaders as well as many members of Congress who candidly admit they cannot deal with Barack Obama, as he has proven himself to be untrustworthy and unbelievable — particularly as he refuses to accept any responsibility for the outcome of his actions and policies. The diminished status of the United States around the globe and the greatly eroded standard of living for the vast majority of Americans (black Americans being hit the hardest) testament to these character flaws.

  700. SuPadre says:

    hahahahahaha ingli you did not answer to all my questions…. maybe you dont have the brains. aaaaaaaaaanyway…. i guess you did not know abot mexicas being in el salvador if you dont even know how to typw in your own language. but tell me…. you dont want to look like George lopez?? thats fine…. you comparing it to Brad Pitt… ok. But what happens when you compare it to the real redneck gringo. the best example of all, the biggest donkey in recent history George W Bush?? ugly as a fucking mutant and evil as Mr Burns….. damn dude at least George lopez is funny….

    • ingli ONLY says:

      bush is an ass hole one of the very rich elites that wanted open borders so that all the uneducated slaves would come work for cheap… cheap… cheap and george lopez isn’t very funny
      unless you’re counting looks.
      Martin Lawrence, Chris Rock, the cast Of Modern Family, Damon Wayans, Robin Wiiliam, Whoopie (saw her stand up show last summer), are funny.
      Gerorge Carlin and Richard Pyor were the greatest…

      • ingli ONLY says:

        George Bush and Obama have a lot more in common than both looking like little chimps…

      • ingli ONLY says:

        Take a look back at President Bush’s 2006 televised address to the nation on immigration reform and read it alongside President Obama’s Las Vegas take on the same subject this past month.. The style may be different, but the substance and sentiment are essentially the same.

      • ingli ONLY says:

        Obama has actually taken Bush’s war machine and put it in overdrive, sending significantly more troops to fight overseas, spending more money on “defense” than even Bush, and engaging the U.S. in even more conflicts on more fronts, sometimes even ignoring the Constitutional separation of powers (i.e. breaking the law) in order to pursue warfare on a level unmatched by the worst excesses of the Bush Administration:

      • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

        Ok I agree with Bush being an asshole, Lawrence, Rock, Carlin, Prior and TWO members of the cast of modern family. Williams isn’t funny anymore and I lost respect for Damon Wayans because My Wife and Kids was god awful. George Lopez is hilarious, if he wasn’t he wouldn’t be one of the latin kings of comedy.

        The thing I cant stand is blaming the Mexican people for ALL of America’s problems. Things like obesity, teen pregnancy, pregnancy in general, jobs lost and deaths. The blame relies solely on the people. Its not Mexicans fault that your daughter is a complete whore, you lost your job because you grouped your female co-worker, or your 300 pounds. Its a shame that people cant own up and take some responsibility.

      • SuPadre says:

        well there you go, theres a redneck to be proud of…redneck pride!!!! there are many, and even more ugly…. let me know if you want me to bring up the redneck mutants list or you better shut the fuck up. how ugly as fucking hell you rednecks are….

  701. California is not Mexico says:

    Fuck off beaners!

  702. JRock says:

    I live in Los Angeles and the way I know to avoid an area is I’ll visit a public restroom in a nearby grocery store or department store. If there is a mirror in the bathroom, the area is okay and not infested with mexican gang culture bullshit. If there is no mirror in the bathroom, this is a VERY VERY bad sign. Criminal mexican thug scum gangbangers do what is called ‘etching’. It’s like graffiti but is more permanent and can’t be removed. They take a knife and carve their silly gang bullshit into every area of the bathroom. On the toilet seats. On the mirrors. On the tiles on the floor. On the tiles on the wall. On the bathroom stall doors. On the soap dispenser. On the paper towel dispenser. I think after awhile businesses get tired of replacing the mirrors after having them carved up so excessively as to no longer even reflect a mirrored image back. I’ve been to areas that I mistakenly thought were nice and moved to them, visited them. Then within 3 days I regret it. I now no to look in the public bathrooms, it is very telling. Go to Irvine, Orange County, the nicer parts of Anaheim, Calabasas, Simi Valley, etc. Mirrors in the bathrooms. No etching anyway. Every other area it’s the same story. Digusting bathrooms with no mirrors but etching all over every inch of the bathrooms. If this is going on in a city near you, which I’m sure they have infested every major city in america by now, be very wary of the area you move into. The reason why decent areas in L.A are so expensive is because the only way to keep filthy mexican trash out of your neighborhood is to charge exhorbitant amounts for rent. $2400 for a 1 bedroom apartment. Expensive, yes. Excessive, yes. But better believe there’s no mexicans living around. I used to only hate illegal mexicans. Now I hate about 95% of them, legal or not. The reason is because sadly, I’ve learned that the overwhelming number of legal, americanized mexicans are sympathetic to the illegals, probably because of racism, where they stick up for their own. I can’t be cool with anyone sympathetic to illegal mexican/guatemalan/salvadorian scum. The worse thing is that ugly spanish language they insist on using. Even the americanized mexicans speak a strange hybrid of spanish and english, often within the same sentence. It’s horrid. I suppose racism is at fault. Them speaking spanish makes them feel proud and that they are united or something. Pretty disgusting stuff. I have only around 5 mexican friends and they hate illegals, they speak english only, and they deplore what this city has become. They are hated within their own culture and seen as social outcasts and misfits. I guess they are seen as the mexican version of blacks who are called uncle toms. It’s disgusting. When a mexican here is different and decides to reject the most ignorant parts of hip hop, free entitlement, breed heavily, look out for only yourself, leach off the government culture, they are shunned. But good riddance, if I were a decent mexican I wouldn’t want that part of my culture to embrace me anyway. It would be like me, a white guy, giving a fuck what trailer trash redneck hicks thought about me. I reject the worst part of white culture, the meth addled uneducated welfare scheming false lawsuit child molesting fuckheads. Decent blacks should reject nigger culture. Decent Mexicans should detest violent, pigheaded, trashy mexican culture. That is all. If all decent people bonded together and did their best to eradicate the most ignorant parts of their own cultures, the world would be a better place. Instead popular culture and the indoctrination of liberalism into every facet of our lives and political correctness has brainwashed us into thinking if someone from another race doesn’t like the trashy aspects of a different race, they must be racist. That’s where things got messed up. You should be able to call someone trash and go out of your way to shun that person and avoid them at all costs without being accused of being a bigot. We have truly lost our way my friends….

  703. California is not Mexico says:

    Good words…..I live in California as well and it is discusting here with all the illegals running around getting free welfare and causing violence in every city you come across! I also don’t respect anybody that thinks that’s ok….I live in northern Cali and you would think that we wouldn’t have as many beaners around? Wrong! The truth stands that we are the minority’s here! Every time I open up the newspaper and read the police logs it’s always some Miguel, sancho, flocco, or some other beaner name….the food drive that happens every week gets invaded by all the beaners that role up in there Cadillacs, BMW, Lincoln navigators…they park down the street from it and walk up collecting free food like they deserve it! It’s fucking bowl shit! All these liberal beaner loving individuals that think I am racist? Go fuck your selfs!

    • SuPadre says:

      Those are weak arguments. Graffiti and whatever branch of it was not created by mexicans. In Mexico only exists in big cities like mexico city, and is a totally different stuff. If Mexicans in the states do that is BECAUSE THATS WHAT THEY LEARNT FROM THE GRINGO CULTURE. Im not sayin all mexicans in the states are good individuals. There may be a lot of stupid individuals among mexicans. Though thats not something that is exclusively mexican. Thats what makes me think you people who type in this blog are only bitter hillbillies frustrated with your own lives looking for someone to blame, in this case mexicans. And California is not Mexico, wheter you like it or not, California will always be Mexico. Either you get used to it or get the fuck out of there to another state. Check out the surfers culture, they have spanish words. California was Mexico and willl always have something from Mexico. Get used to it and man up. And for JRock, saying spanish is “ugly” bitch please i want you to learn spanish…. is way more complicated and more elaboorated tan this barbarian english language. Funny thing is that all those who say they hate spanish dont know shit about the language…. But what can you expect from a hillbilly….

      • ingli ONLY says:

        every now and then a non mexican will graffiti,,,
        here’s a True story:
        Vandals recently spray-painted a hateful message — “Mexicans Go Home” — on an interstate billboard.
        it was deemed hateful by the media,,, i guess it should have said “Illegals go Home” to make it less hateful and more liberal/stupid friendly….

        This is becoming the sentiment more and more with ordinary citizens. They are tired of the unimpeded invasion of our country. Hate message? No. Public sentiment? Yes.

      • ingli ONLY says:

        and the mexicans in mexico are different than the mexicans your government has encouraged to come here… lucky us gets the ones who scribble on walls and mirrors and buses and and and and…

        Mexican is a nationality and a diverse nationality at that. Although it is said to be a VERY racist country that instills resentments that are being carried over into our country. Mexico has encouraged it’s poorest citizens to “migrate” and send money back to Mexico turning their poorest and least productive class into their largest money producers. Look at the leaders and highly placed politicians, many are WHITE Mexicans (THE NON Graffiti type).

  704. Joe Mama says:

    I love smearing my beaner sperm in your daughter’s face before she goes to the Africans.

    • California is not Mexico says:

      Hey Joe Mamma,

      There you are being a typical racist beaner! Let me guess are you illegal as well? Me personally I wouldn’t even touch a Mexican woman with your dick!

  705. JRock says:

    I will never learn spanish. I would learn spanish if I were in Spain, where a beautiful version of the language, called ‘Castian Spanish’ is spoken. Mexican american spanish is the bastardized version of it. Kinda like ebonics is the bastardized version of English. Same language at the core, but one version sounds elegant and the other sounds like dog shit coming out of your mouth. People in spain hate you guys. Other hispanics hate you guys. You are an embarrassment to the world and haven’t done shit to advance society in 2,000 years. Europeans were in the united states first. Native americans were the first ones here, but guess what? They originally came from ASIA, that’s why their eyes are squinted. They then migrated to EUROPE. They then crossed over on an ICE BRIDGE from EUROPE to NORTH AMERICA, specifically what is modern day CANADA. The native americans then swept down into what is modern day UNITED STATES. So really, Europe has more claim to U.S than mexico ever could. MEXICANS are NOT Native Americans. Mexicans are mestizo aztecs conquered by the spanish. You mexicans have NO CLAIM to the U.S. YOU bastards stole the land from the NATIVE AMERICANS. The U.S atleast BOUGHT the western territories from MEXICO after we KICKED YOUR ASS in a war. We could’ve TAKEN Cali, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, etc, but we PAID you for it. YOU need to learn history and never, ever insist I learn SPANISH. I have been turned off from that language FOREVER. It is disgusting sounding, the only spanish that sound decent is the spanish spoken in SPAIN. True SPANISH culture, from SPAIN, is a beautiful culture with a beautiful language. You mexicans are only PART spaniard, and only because you were conquered and your women were raped. If you were FULL SPANIARD your I.Q would be higher and you wouldn’t look so fucked up looking. Down in Mexico the mexicans that are doing well and don’t resort to sneaking to the U.S are MAINLY spanish breed, and only part mestizo. The MEXICANS that SNEAK over here are only part SPANIARD, the rest is violent, primitive, shady, criminal azteca bullshit. California is not MEXICO, it was, back in the 1800’s, but never again. The only reason you are free to stay here illegally is because of the white LIBERAL. without the WHITE LIBERAL you would be NOTHING!! The WHITE LIBERAL gives you free healthcare, section 8, wel-fare, feels sorry for you, prints your materials in spanish, doesn’t make you learn english, and panders you and sucks your dicks. It isn’t because they value you, it’s because they WANT YOUR VOTE you idiot. They want you to vote DEMOCRAT. And you do, you are stupid enough to vote for the party that enslaves you. They give you free shit, you vote for them, and you stay poor and addicted to welfare your whole life and stay at the bottom. Get it? Your being hoodwinked. So are the blacks. They don’t give a shit about you. They want your vote and that’s it. But without the WHITE LIBERAL, you would be gone already. We would not be pressing 1 for English when paying a bill. Your time is limited. As soon as the WHITE LIBERAL gets sick of you and sees you for what you are, which, even though the liberal has his head up his ass, he’s still capable after enough of your gangbanging trashy ways, to see the error of his ways. Once that happens, YOUR GONE. Already any white that’s not a liberal HATES YOUR FUCKING GUTS. Blacks HATE YOUR FUCKING GUTS. THe only people that tolerate you are other mexicans and white liberals. that’s all you have. And sadly, that’s not going to be enough when shit hits the fan. Be ready criminal scum, it’s coming. Also, did you know that out of all the ethnic groups, mexicans score the lowest on tests and have been proven to have the lowest I.Q? Doesn’t that embarrass you? Does it embarrass you that somewhere, someone of your descent is on his needs carving his initials on a fucking TOILET SEAT in a wendy’s bathroom?? That’s pretty animalistic and primitive behavior if you ask me. SOmething tells me you guys never really evolved properly. The rest of the world has evolved in the modern era. You guys are somewhere back in the 15th century. You should be ashamed to be mexican.

    • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

      Mexicans should be ashamed of their culture? Do you realize how ignorant you sound?

      First off Mexicans have absolutely NOTHING to be ashamed of with proud passionate people rich culture and strong family values. If anyone should be ashamed it should be Americans. Such a “perfect” history with stealing the land from the Indians, raping their women and spread diseases. Where are all these morals I hear about? When white girls on MTV parading around as celebraties just for getting pregnant at 16 and having their lives documented and shown every Monday night. On the topic of celebraties, why is it that Americans have their heads so far up their asses they turn to shit heads? Ceartially not the land of family values, if it were then “old folks homes” wouldn’t exist or children wouldn’t call their parents bitches or assholes or saying they hate them just because they can’t get the latest version of call of duity or ipad. It’s funny how they blame other people for their own mistakes. Mexicans are not to blame just because you wanted to show up drunk and cuss your boss out like a dumb redneck. It’s also kind of weird that people don’t want to bring religion into most conservations but a must when denying two people that love each other the right to get married.

      Second off “California is not Mexico” I disagree, listen to the fucking state, hell listen to the goddamn cities you stupid ass ignorant piece of shit.

  706. California is not Mexico says:

    Fucking hating ass prick,

    You disagree? Then now your talking about religion? We should be ashamed if we’re Americans? How about you take your hippy beaner loving self to Mexico with all these illegals that are here to work our government! I am guessing that all the Mexicans that you work with are grade a individuals? Fuck off hippy! Go and find some beaner and give it to him in the ass!!!

    • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

      actually jag off i was disagreeing with the name. I know your an immature grown man who has the attention span of a twelve year old but ill try to dumb it down, try to keep up, for example Los Angles is actually spanish for “The Angles”.

      Your too ignorant to even get what I was saying. Americans hate bringing religion into arguments (the golden rule would be the perfect debate in this hate-filled blog) but it is a must to bring up the bible to deny gay marriage (maybe you should ACTUALLY read before jumping the gun dumbass). The concept of homosexuality isn’t “disgusting or unnatural” your just way too immature and moronic to understand. If its so wrong why are you jerking off to lesbian porn or trying to have threesomes with two lesbian women?

      Teen pregnancy is a bigger issue than “illegal mexicans invading this country” which is a bunch of bullshit because americans are the biggest bunch of invaders in history. Maybe you should teach them to close their damn legs or about contraception. Speaking of welfare, what about the American women who purposely have child after child just to draw welfare or attention. The working class has to pay for this poor excuse for human beings children.

      Speaking of uneducated, address the high school drop out rate here in the U.S. You know people who choose their appearance, dick, weed or alcohol over a high school diploma. Don’t you think a GED is a slap to the face to those who busted their asses, got up at five or six o’clock in the morning till 3:45 pm, studying like its no tomorrow to earn their diplomas?

      P.S. Im disregarding your lame ass homophobic statement.

      • ingli ONLY says:

        It’s mind-boggling that most Americans you included can’t seem to understand that any immigration, legal or illegal, is not in their best interest. We don’t need MORE people here. We got plenty, even enough CHEAP labor for the corporations
        It’s not just cheap labor that corporations want, they also want more consumers they can sell to. They want more people going to malls and to Wal-Mart and Target-type stores, and more people to sell cheap services to like expensive car insurances, payday loans, prepaid cell phones, and other crap. Corporations are not thinking about what’s good for the country, just what’s good for them……….
        and regarding teen pregnancy it is a problem America needs to deal with and educate the AMERICAN teens, it’s NOT our responsibility to care for or educate another countries people!

      • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

        what makes them any different then an American migrating or wanting migrate to Japan, United Kingdom, France, Germany or the best overall country on earth Switzerland? Or people such as myself who want to study about other countries and cultures, instead of learning about the same robbers, thieves, and rapists over and over and over again. I don’t understand how people can dictate to other people who want to live here when they have their own problems. You have high teen pregnancy and high school drop out rate.. DEAL WITH THAT instead of blame other people. For example, “he got me pregnant now he’s denying he’s the father of my child” maybe you shouldn’t open your legs in the first place, “I got fired because the found weed in my system from a random drug test” do I even have to explain that?

        Soon all of this bullshit about “Mexicans cant stay here” will be irrelevant because soon this will become New China, you people don’t want to learn spanish thats fine, but you’ll have to brush up on your chinese.

        “Nǐ dōu gǎo zá” lol

  707. ingli ONLY says:

    There’s a lot of oxy morons, i.e.: Anarchy Rules!, calm storm, jumbo shrimp, nothing much, pretty ugly,
    Real phony , Mexican American…..

    • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

      ALL whites are these good wholesome people with outstanding morals and values? If there were such a thing that ranks morals and values, America would rank dead last just like Science, Math and Reading. For a place thats “English first, English only” you sure do murder a lot of it.

  708. JRock says:

    lol, you talk of the evils of teen pregnancy when it’s mexicans teens who are having all the kids. A white girl gets pregnant at 16, she’s embarrassed and worried that her life is ruined. She’s worried she might not be able to continue her studies in school. She knows she made a mistake. A mexican girl at 14 gets pregnant, the whole family celebrates. She’s proud of it, and she can’t wait to have her 3rd, 4th, 5th child by the time she’s 18. The baby is now her meal ticket to free shit from the government for life. A white girl comes home and tells her dad she’s pregnant. The dad says “YOUR WHAT??? WHO THE FUCK IS THE FATHER?? I’LL KILL THE LITTLE BASTARD!!!” A mexican girl comes home and tells her dad she’s pregnant. The father says “OH BOY OH BOY, CONGRATULATIONS MARIA!! I HOPE IT’S TWINS, MAYBE EVEN TRIPLETS!!” You did well and made me a proud pappa! Wait, I’m not the father am I?”

    • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

      What about a WHITE american pot addicted kesha obsessed lame ass poor excuse for a mother? How in hell are you going to sit there and try to explain that is better than a Mexican mother who instills discipline, morals and values in their children so they wont be spoil pieces gold-digging pieces of crap like typical Americans “bands make me dance” give me a fucking break. A Quinceañera is a party to recognize when a young lady becomes an adult (very classy and elegant) what do spoiled ass Americans have? Baby Shower! Thats a lame ass celebration, The pregnancy of 14 year old should not be celebrated. If Americans have all these morals and values, why are there 14, 15, 16 and 17 your olds getting pregnant and dropping out of high school? Why are there kids caring more about the latest pairs of Jordan’s then a high school diploma?

  709. JRock says:

    lol, your retort is absurd! mexican mothers instilling discipline, morals and values? BWAHHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!! Yeah that’s why the kids grow up to be gangbangers and spend saturday nights on their knees in mcdonalds bathrooms scrawling their gang initials on a toilet seat right? Thanks for the laugh buddy I needed that!

    • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

      Like Americans are this great people. Ever herd of the Bloods, Crips, Aryan Brotherhood or how about the oldest gang in history the KKK?

      If Americans are so disciplined, explain the obsession with drugs and alcohol. Ive never took a hit of anything or a drink don’t believe me? I’ll take your drug test. Americans wish they’d have my sobriety, my discipline. Im not a slave to drugs, alcohol and tobacco like you weak fucks. My prize is waking up without a hangover knowing that I’m tobacco free, alcohol free and drug free and knowing that my body is pure of all toxins. If your “smarter than mexicans” explain why America is dead last in every subject?

      P.S. Since America is “english only” explain why Americans completely murdered the English language?

  710. JRock says:

    If you take no drugs, take no alcohol, and take no tobacco, and you are mexican, guess what??? THANK YOU!!!! That’s all I’ve ever fucking wanted!!! A decent fucking MEXICAN!! I’ve met a few here and there, hell I have 3 mexican friends here in l.a. To people like you, that are decent, go ahead and invade l.a. Have at it. The educated and the decent are no threat to me. My problem is not with decent mexicans, which L.A has plenty of. My problem is with indecent mexicans that are burdens to our society.

    • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

      Actually I’m African-American (shocking right?). If you have “Mexican friends” why do you insult their culture, their people. You say “Mexicans can have la” well as far as I’m concerned Americans can keep destroying America (just keep it nice and cozy for the Chinese). You have and continue to discriminate against every race, blamed other people for your own problems because your to much of a pansy ass pussies to own up to your own mistakes and you’ve destroyed your own language (a smack in the face to the British) and you expect other people to speak it? I’ll be going where the women are smoking hot (way better than your lazy ass no moral, uncultured, classless women) and better culture. BRAZIL

  711. Fuck Mexico says:

    Fuck you beaners!

  712. JRock says:

    I have mexican friends but you ask why I continue to insult their culture? well, it’s like this. they bring it on themselves. I’m aware, as a white guy, there’s a subsect of white culture out there that’s embarrasing. It’s called trailer trash hick redneck culture. I’m embarrased enough about it, as it is, but realize it only encapsulates maybe 5% of white culture nationally. Mexican culture, on the other hand, encapsulates about 90% of culture. Most mexicans are trashy, refuse to speak english, are obese, uneducated, stubborn, and unworthy of respect. I think it’s cool if you are among the 5% of mexicans that are actually decent. I salute you, I really do. And TRUST ME, if america was being invaded by 15 million trailer trash white rednecks I’d be just as concerned believe me! The fact is though, trailer trash rednecks are pretty much relegated to their trailer parks in the outskirts of big towns. Beaners on the other hand, are in every city, every town, every state. And they don’t speak English. Until the mexican deplores illegal immigration they do not deserve my respect. I assure you my 5 mexican friends I have in L.A hate you fucking disgusting beaners as much as I do. That is all.

  713. JRock says:

    “Fuck you hating ass pricks” Look man, can we just call a truce? believe it or not I don’t want to argue with you. You remind me of my mexican friends. Your decent. Your not a criminal. You don’t smoke, drink, do drugs, your a good guy. I apologize with my most sincerest feelings if I offended you earlier. I’m sorry for that man. I’m not against you guys AT ALL. I’m only against people that sneak into our country and feed off of hard working tax payers money. The german that snuck over the border collecting free shit is just as guilty as the guatemalan doing the same thing. I ain’t racist. WE’d probably be friends man if we were neighbors. Let’s just settle it like this. America doesn’t need trashy white people. We don’t need trashy mexican people. And we don’t need trashy black people. Nobody is better than the rest. Trashiness has no color. To my man fuck you hating ass pricks, let’s just be civil and cool k? You make some good arguments. I respect you and just hope we can all find peace in this crazy ass world man. real talk.

    • Theresa Perez says:

      “Feed of of hard working tax payers money” more like you are feeding off of hard working illegal immigrants’ hands. Guess who picks all the fruits and veggies you so comfortably go and shop for at your local super-market? Guess who are working all the jobs you are not willing to work? Gosh ignorant people like you make me sick to my stomach. Not all Mexicans are bad, not even the majority. There are a few out there that make us look bad but trust me the majority are only hard working humble people that all they ask for is an opportunity. I am an American of Mexican background and all of my family are admirable people. Every Mexican I know has class and lives very comfortably in my family my sisters and brothers are all in the military two of them are air traffic controllers for the navy the other works finance and also holds a bachelor’s in business administration while my other brother is a combat controller for the Air Force. I cannot be more proud of my heritage. I live in a community that is 75 percent Mexican and let me tell you it is one of the cleanest and safest places to live in America. I do not know any one that is worthy of you calling them anything disrespectful.

  714. SuPadre says:

    funny thing is…. this jrock says the only decent spanish is the one that comes from spaniards…. hahahahahahahaha dude how do you know??? you dont understand it at all!!! you type like a fucking donkey and i assume as almost 80% of gringos dont speak a second language…. hahahahahaha thats funny. anyway……Let me guess….. JROCK is just another redneck, fat as fucking hell ignorant gringo who believes cancun is a different country not Mexico hahahahahahahahahaha tell me more JROCK! spread your wisdom!!! cmon i wanna read your posts again so i can laugh my ass off imagining you with your fat big mcdonalds ass and jerking off since not even flies fly around you. hahahahahahaha as i said to other rednecks fellas in this blog… you have my facebook account you can see who i am. Im in Mexico city and im an architect. Much more than your pathetic existance. If thats is not true, proove it. Im under Pedro Babilonia in facebook. i have nothing to hide. What about you JROCK? areyou going to hide behing this blog being ashamed of your fat ass and pale skin shrimp skin? show yourself you idiot. In the meantime ill watch mtv here in Mexico watching mtv is like watching apes in a laboratory or some clowns at the circus. tu tu tu tu tu tu hahahahahahahahaha a chingar a su madre gringo!

  715. JRock says:

    Su Padre, why does white mean redneck to you? Look at the computer your typing on. invented by a white. Do you appreciate electricity? invented by a white. Do you enjoy driving in your car? Invented by a white. Do you appreciate democracy? Invented by whites. Do you like capitalism? invented by a white. Your so quick to associate white with rednecks but the truth is, rednecks are maybe 3% of white people. Trashy fucking mexican scum, however, are about 85% of mexicans in the U.S. Your proud of that??? My goodness you need your head examined. Look at all that white culture has produced in the last 200 years. We have been so instrumental in bringing about a great society. What about you guys? What the fuck good has a mexican done in the last 200 years? What inventions have you brought about? How many nobel peace prize award winners have been mexican? WHat have your people done????? NOTHING. Your all a bunch of toilet scrubbers and leaf blowers. Pitiful. Pathetic. MEXICAN FUCKING SCUM is what you are

    • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

      So because of some bad people you place all mexicans as bad people, thats wrong. Trust me I’m embarrassed and ashamed of some things (world star hip hop, bet, sagging..the list goes on) and I date exclusively outside my race, but I have friends who are complete opposites of that. If I had that same belief as you, I wouldn’t trust any race and paint my self green and make up my own race. Mexicans I know work 3 4 hell even 5 jobs to support their families, that live to do nothing but provide for their children. How does that make them terrible people?

      You proudly say Mexicans have nothing to be proud of and they should be ashamed of their race, well let me ask you what do Americans REALLY have to be proud of? American History is the most barbaric, vile, disgusting story ever told. Culture, what culture there’s no such thing as American culture, its non existent. A word of advice, you better stay in the U.S where its “nice and safe” because If you leave, the same way Americans treat mexicans, they will get that same treatment and in some cases, do make it back alive,

      Land of the free and home of the brave? More like home of the bully

  716. SuPadre says:

    jajajajajajajaajjaajajaja yeah im a mexican trash scum. Truth is, what inventions HAVE YOU MADE??? what contributions HAVE YOU MADE TO SOCIETY??? let me guess NONE. So assuming your numbers are true, logic dictates thats you are part of this 3% of this FUCKING IGNORANT REDNECKS. ergo YOU ARE AN IGNORANT REDNECK. My point was made. And never ever tell me im a trashy mexican before showing yourself as you are. I said, look for me in Facebook, i can show you my universuty degree, and also i can show you some of the constructions i have made and contributions IN YOUR COUNTRY. Maybe youre new to this blog, but as i said many times I HAVE A WORKING VISA AND I GET TO YOUR COUNTRY WHEN YOU GUYS CALL ME. Maybe i can get you a job next time i go there, because seems you have a lot of time to waste, maybe you can use part of it to work, instead of hating mexicans because you think theyre the ones to blame of the lame ass pathetic life you have. Sad but true Gringo. Now stop looking for stupid data in Wikipedia and get to work lazy ass!!! ahhh i was forgetting. This motherfucker JROCK thinks only native americans walked trough this ICE BRIDGE (Sic) (Lol). Maybe this fucker thinks aztecs grew up in the tres. lol lol lol thats what is wrong about Wikipedia, too much info at the reach of ignorant White trash as JROCK. Dude if you did not go to school, you wont compensate it by googling everything!!! get real! lol lol lol what a lame ass hillbilly…..

  717. JRock says:

    I’ll tell you what I’m contributing to society. I’m not having kids out of wedlock that I can’t afford to feed and letting hard working taxpayers fund my lifestyle of sloth, greed, animal lust, and wanton disregard for anybody outside of my immediate family. That same mexican you say works 5 jobs is sending 70% of his pay back home to Mexico to fund more illegals to cross the border and contribute even more welfare fraud and popping out more anchor babies they can’t afford to feed. You don’t sound like the smartest person in the world but perhaps even you can understand that in an economy, when you get paid, you spend it IN THE STATES. This is good, as circulation goes around and the dollars are doled out among citizens. When you get paid IN THE UNITED STATES, but SEND THOSE DOLLARS TO ANOTHER FUCKING COUNTRY… THis is bad. Those dollars are now in the MEXICAN economy. If this happens enough time, it will have DIRE NEGATIVE ECONOMIC CONSEQUENCES. Think mexicans give a shit? Most mexicans only care about their own families and to hell with everybody else. Your people have been in Los Angeles for 40 years and their 5 year old children speak more english than they do. Some one who sneaks into another country and doesn’t even bother to learn the language of the country they are invading is just plain selfish, vile, and evil. If I moved to Mexico you bet your ass I’d bother to learn Spanish. It’s only civil and polite and shows good citizenship. Look at the mexican jail population. Look at the graffiti, the etchings, the car jacking, the killing of innocent americans by drunk driving and then skipping out before the police arrive. Look at your obesity rate. Whey are all of your women fat? Why are your men angry irresponsible drunks? Why is there so much incest and beastiality in your country? Why do you guys have on average, the lowest I.Q out of any culture? You sneak into this country and aren’t screened for diseases and you ruin once thriving neighborhoods and turn them into barrio trash. You are the most filthy trashy culture in the world. Am I saying all mexicans are bad? Of course not. But when at least 85% of your culture are no good trashy scum it’s something to be ashamed of. Wouldn’t you be concerned if millions and millions of white trash rednecks were invading the country? That’s all these invading mexicans are, just rednecks with brown skin. THey are actually worse than rednecks. At least rednecks speak english. Would Mexico appreciate it if we shipped all of our poor white trash down to their country by the millions? Would they welcome 15 million trailer trash rednecks who refused to learn Spanish into their country, bankrupt their hospitals, dumb down their schools, increase the crime rate, spray graffiti and etch initials into their glass doors of nice office buildings? Your lucky that your people have chosen the democratic party because if you had republican leanings you would’ve been shipped out of the country by now. Once the liberals get sick of you shit will hit the fan. I already know some liberals that used to love the illegal mexican until they actually were exposed to your trashy ways and had to live around you. No white person who has ever had to live around you disgusting people are ever the same. The more you have babies and the more you make even guilt ridden white liberals hate your ass, the more your days are numbered. You have ruined L.A. You have ruined the U.S. You really should be ashamed of your people, you are an embarrasment. Guatemalans, Salvadorians, Cubans all even hate your ass. I have no problem with hispanics, my problem is with mexicans. And you know that about 90% of the population hates your guts too. How does it feel to be despised universally?

    • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

      J ROCK:

      How does it feel for people like YOU to be despised all over the world? How the fuck can you sit here and stand for “english only” when people who were born here can’t even speak english properly, people who don’t know the basics of capitalization or punctuation, people who spell the word you “yew”. Americans know more about celebrates when they cant even pick up a book. You keep saying “Mexicans should be ashamed of their their history? Like Whites have anything to be proud of? Your history consists of noting but murders, slave owners, crooks, rapists and thieves.

      Yes there are “gangstas, graffiti artists and criminals” because they picked up on America’s lame ass culture and its equally lame ass morals and values. You also said “I have no problem with hispanics, my problem is with mexicans”. That doesn’t make any cense if you claim “to have Mexican friends”, though you continue to trash their culture and people? You asked ” Whey are all of your women fat?Why are your men angry irresponsible drunks? Why is there so much incest and beastiality in your country?”

      I have a question for supadre Do the bella twins orJessica Burciaga look fat to you? OK J Rock I have a few questions. Why does America consist of nothing but drunks and pot heads? Speaking of incest and obesity explain the south? Now next year I will be going to Brazil to study Brazilian culture, capoeira and brazilian jujitsu, I’m I going to learn Portuguese? Your damn right.

  718. JROCK says:

    Whites have plenty to be proud of. The invention of electricity, the automobile, the computer, skyscrapers, democracy, modern day plumbing, space shuttles, figuring out a way to travel to the moon, the printing press, I could on and on. America, which is a country still dominated by white people, is by far the most generous country on earth and is responsible for billions of relief in foreign nations. How many untold billions has the U.S donated to Africa during the last 30 years? Why is the illegal mexican allowed to break into this country, pop out a child that is now an american citizen, and become eligible for section 8 housing, food stamps, a government paycheck in the form of monthly welfare, and doesn’t need to learn English because our wonderful government prints out voting ballots and everything else in Spanish. You mexicans should ADORE white people. What other country rewards you with economic benefits after sneaking in? What does Mexico do with illegal immigrants from central america that try to sneak in? Why are we the only country in the entire world that rewards illegal entry into the United States? Look at how we suck up to your culture and try to give you a hispanic heritage month to give you some pride and identity? Look at how we make our own citizens press 1 for English when paying a bill! Look at how we go out of our way to make sure the illegal mexican is comfortable here along with his 50 other relatives. And you claim America is evil? Your people are BREAKING INTO OUR FUCKING COUNTRY BY THE MILLIONS and you have the AUDACITY to suggest we are in evil country or an evil people? You need to get your fucking head out of your ass. Without the white man your people would be STARVING!! Without the white man’s government handouts you wouldn’t be able to function! You will literally starve! How many illegal mexicans do you know that receive no governmental aid in any form? ZERO!! You NEED us to survive once you sneak over here, without government handouts you would be dead by now! Every body knows that all the filthy mexican has to do to receive government aid is to pop out a kid once on american soil and you get free welfare for life! Forget that it’s bankrupting the country your people don’t give a shit! It’s all about YOUR immediate needs and your FAMILY’S immediate needs and you don’t give a fuck about anything else! You pop out 8 kids you can’t afford to feed without food stamps and then you march downtown and demand rights and amnesty? You people are demented! And I’ll have you know, my mexican friends hate the illegal invaders as much as I do! There’s trashy people in every race, I particularly don’t like trailer trash redneck white people but they aren’t invading my country by the millions and having 10 kids by the time they are 25! If this was happening I’d be on the blog ranting about trailer trash rednecks taking over, but that AINT HAPPENIN. The people we are being invaded by are MEXICANS, so it’s MEXICANS I HAVE A PROBLEM WITH! YOU don’t seem to GET IT!

    • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

      your forgetting one important thing something i already told you….IM BLACK!! Were not being “invaded by Mexicans” If thats what you call “invading” then what do you call when US troops invaded into Iraq? A peaceful stay? What did you call it when America invaded Hawaii and completely took it over? A friendly visit? America has invaded and killed, but its “wrong and unlawful” for people from another country to live here? Something is really wrong with you. America full of evil, corruption, greed, blackmail, discrimination and violence. What makes New York City any safer than Sao Paulo or Rio? You took a man who truely gave back to the poor in Hugo Chavez and you completely slandered his name. You call Mexicans stupid? Answer this why does America rank dead last in science, math and reading? Sounds like some country has their heads up celebrates asses and not cracking books?

  719. JRock says:

    When we ‘invaded’ Iraq? You mean how we went in and dethroned an evil dictator in their country and left most iraqis praising the U.S for doing that? Don’t believe the liberal media, they’d have you believe Iraq hates us now. The truth though, is that they love us over there for going in and taking out saddam. But if your one of those nutjob conspiracy theorists you think we were over there for oil or some bullshit or that bush went in to avenge his father or some lame ass theory like that. The U.S is always meddling in the affairs of foreign nations because we are the leader of the free world and that’s what we do. We save everybody’s ass but still get called evil for doing so because we now have a liberal media in our country that will stop at nothing in making conservatism seem evil and liberalism the greatest thing ever. Smart people, on the other hand, don’t fall for it but maybe you do because you don’t seem like the smartest guy even in the room. You sound like an american hating liberal but you think your educated when it’s actually completely the opposite. Everyone’s a liberal nowadays it’s not something to be proud of. It just meant that whatever university or schooling you got made sure you got brainwashed into accepting liberalism as a superior ideology when really it means your naive and a complete dumbass. Chavez? Gave to the poor? Wow you are a complete idiot this is worse than I thought. When that tyrant, who starved his own people had U.S envoys come to interview him he put on his best behavior. He’s a fraud though and it’s good he’s gone. I bet you think Che Guevera was a great man too don’t you? I can’t even talk to you anymore as you’ve proved to be a disgusting liberal and there’s no way to win an argument with a liberal. Their heads are too far up their ass and they are too far gone. This isn’t about anything but mexicans and a lot of mexicans are fucked up people. I’m not going to get off script or allow the subject of this blog to be changed. Mexicans suck, plain and simple. That is all. One more thing, the U.S has been plummeting and falling behind other countries in science and math for decades. Now here’s the ironic part, the reason we are falling behind other countries in education is because we have been invaded by millions of mexicans in the past 15 years and their kids have to learn English as a second language because their parents refuse to value education, so really, when you look at just white kids, americans are still top 5 in education worldwide, it’s just that the blacks and hispanic children are horrible students for the most part and they bring the averages down. If you don’t believe me, look it up, it’s been factually documented that white kids, on average, do wonderful in school and hispanic and blacks kids, on average, do horrible. So you just messed up your own argument there ha!

    • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

      If Chavez was such a “tyrant” explain this:

      Why are you blaming “invaders for low test scores? TAKE SOME RESPONSIBILITY AND PICK UP A FUCKING BOOK! Yes you invaded the middle east If you were in Iraq to “fight the good fight explain the Mahmudiyah killings. If you don’t know, news broke out in 2006 about U.S. soldiers raping and killing a innocent 14 year old girl and they were over there to “do good”? What about the Abu Ghraib torture? You basically stole Hawaii from the natives, what business was it of yours to “annex” it? Why in the hell are their military bases in places like Spain, Germany, Japan if your not invaders. There’s not a single foreign military base here but YOU can go to other nations and set up base? C’mon who’s the REAL invader? America loves to stick its nose where it where it doesn’t belong and bully its way in.

  720. Mike says:

    My girlfriends 3 kids are half Mexican. Their dad is a couch-surfer who never works, except under the table carnival and firework stand jobs, just so he can avoid kicking in on the $15,000 that he is behind in child support. I think that pretty much sums up the average Mexican male right there. My girls kids are cool, I love them, but the illegals and worthless fuckers need to go! The last time my stepkids saw their dad, they came home and, within 2 hours I went into the bathroom and saw shitty toilet paper in the garbage can, because Mexicans don’t flush it, they just dump it in the garbage like the filthy pigs they are! That’s where I draw the line and that’s the last time they’ve seen that worthless piece o’ shit.

  721. SuPadre says:

    hahahahhaa this JROCK fucker needs to pick up a book. First of. I was not born in the States, i have gone there and i had not received ANYTHING from you but an Exchange. I give them my services as an architects and they pay. Thats it. I dont need you nor “Whites” to feed me. What are you talking about???I can have a conversation with you i speak fluent English and a Little bit of italian and portoguese. I asume your brains cant get to lear another language am i right? I think i am. if you hate this much all mexicans who “invade” your country, you MUST HATE EVEN MORE ALL WHITE PEOPLE WHO HIRE THEM. Why do you SUPERIOR WHITES hire ilegal useless mexicans??Now they send their money over to Mexico and the poor United States just allows them to do it because the are such a good civilization…. pffff dude do you really believe that? they give the option of Spanish on your customer service lines because they make business with mexicans!!!! they are customers!!!! All is business. You have mexican clients, you have the option of spanish. Pretty simple right? and even more if a lot of mexicans in the states make a lot more money than some pathetic rednecks do in their whole miserable existance.DAMN! only because “hating ass pricks” is posting in this blog, and some good USA arcchitect coworkers i have made good friendship with is that i still believe gringos are not stupid, but with your posts im giving it a second thought. I mean…. do you really think states “help” africa because they are as good as Santa Claus??? do you really think you went to Iraq to defeat the evil empire of the devil in disguise sadam Huseein?´pffffff all you ignorant gringos like you are brain washed and made you believe all this bullshit even a 5 year old mexican kiddo knows, with his lowest IQ in the workld (lol, by the way, where do you get all your information???, becauase is not even Wikipedia maybe you get all this from your hillbilly granpa or something) that all this is bullshit. You get to Africa because Africa is like the garden of eden to the states because of their natural resources. Also Iraq, they did not want freedom for them, they want their oil. You keep on saying Electricity was created by whites, skyscrappers, etc etc buuuuullshitand makes me think i was right. YOU, as AN INDIVIDUAL, NOT AS A RACE HAVE DONE NO CONTRIBUTION TO THE WORLD. Now, here in MExico we dont even know what etching is… maybe is something mrxicans learnt over there….dude your are plenty loaded of bullshit. Now you think mexicos culture is hated all over the world??? dude, you like to search bullshit information, why dont you check out the list of the most hated countries ALL OVER THE WORLD?? there are several lists like this and they differ from each other… but teres something i common in ALL OF THEM USA IS ALWAYS THERE. Think about it and let me know which culture is hated more, if you can even call culture what USA has. mexican women fat??? bitch please USA IS THE FATTEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD. Damn dude get your head out of your ass in your own words. Maybe you are as fat as Mcdonals and Coca cola want you to be. You are pathetic. And as i said. If you had the guts, you would show yourself as you are. Do you have something to hide?? maybe your miserable life??…..

  722. JRock says:

    Before the illegal invasion from dirty filthy mexicans, our obesity rate as a country was 29%. Now it’s 53%. The more dirty filthy uneducated fat disgusting mexican slobs come to the U.S illegally, the more our education goes down, the more our obesity epidemic increases, and the more our crime rate increases. It’s funny that every single thing you complained about the U.S above, is a direct result of mexicans coming here by the millions. Remove dirty filthy stank ass fucked up mexicans from the U.S and watch our crime rate dwindle to almost nothing. Watch our educational standards skyrocket. Watch our unemployment rate decrease to less than 3%. Watch our cities become beautiful again. You know it, I know it. Don’t try to take up for mexican culture. It’s filthy and disgusting and I’d love to have a civil war so that I could legally kill all of them on sight. I’d have fun doing it too. Beaners have ruined American culture. Go back to your barrio shithead, it sure would be fun to drive a sharp ass fucking knife through the side of your neck. I have no mercy for beaner scum. One day soon you will see the extent of white people’s rage at this infestation. It’s coming shit head. It’s funny that out of 5,000 entries to this blog, 95% of respondents agree and they hate dirty wetbacks too. The only people that take up for them are niggers and beaners. Imagine that…..

    • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

      Yea imagine that Americans blaming other people for their problems its typical. First off, you’ve fucked up your own culture, Mexicans have nothing to do with that. So its the faults of “Mexicans” that Americans know so little about Math but know so much about Jersey Shore, Lil Wayne and Twlight? You don’t blame Mexicans, thats your own stupid ass faults. Mexican culture is better than your shitty ass bullshit, their women are way hotter than those lazy,slutty,air-headed fucks you call women (not hotter than brazil, sorry padre) and their values and traditions are a lot better. Its kind of sad how you whiny stupid ass Americans complain about nothing, who hasn’t even experienced real violence. You people bitch and moan when your child hears a “swear” word, yea raise keep rasing them like judgmental little pussies like all Americans. Are Mexicans setting off carbombs or purposely raping your stupid uneducated women? Thought so so shut the fuck up. The only “unfair treatment” you prissy snobs ever experienced is when fast food places stopped stop serving trans fat you fat ignorant fucks!

      Really don’t hate America, just Americans.

  723. SuPadre says:

    hahahahahaha yeah right you want to put a knife through my neck? hahahahahahahaha check my pics on Facebook and later tell me if you think you can do it. And also, i dont think you can afford to come over here, to mexico city, i hope you dare coming, and also say all this bullshit in here if you had the guts. but you wont…., you know why?? because youre an ignorant pussy redneck that, as almost all rednecks typing in this blog, say would kill as many mexicans as they could, but then dont do shit. maybe yourre scared, i dont know. Im pretty sure theyre all pussies. thats a fact. You should start doing your killings now, or youre waiting for your redneck boyfriends to support you?? lol lol lol

    Hating ass prick:

    haha no problem i know brazilian girls are Hot as hell bro!!!. But one of the hottest women ive ever seen is Beyonce!!! pffff this girl is just a piece of art. Greetings to all americans who are not ignorant and square minded!!!

  724. JRock says:

    How pathetic your mindset must be to think that any white person that has a problem with you filthy mexicans must be a redneck. Truth is, classy, rich, educated, well-to-do whites hate you also. Blacks hate you. Other hispanics who are decent hate you. You are despised by most of the modern world. I am far from a redneck but even if I were, I’d hate you by default. The U.S was just fine before your evil disgusting people started invading and taking over cities. You speak of how great Mexico is…….why is a 3rd of your population continually sneaking over to this country if Mexico is so great? Why are 18 of the top 20 most wanted on the f.b.i list in THIS country mexican? Why do mexicans in america have the highest birth rate yet lowest education rate? Highest rate of criminal activity yet lowest rate of wage earning? Highest rate of government dependence yet lowest rate of assimilation among the 200 or so cultures here from all over the world? Truth is, the overwhelming majority of mexicans in this country are filthy, poor, pathetic, uneducated scum. Yes, there are decent educated mexicans, but guess what dumb fuck? They STAYED in mexico!! They are STILL THERE, and will NOT be illegally immigrating to the U.S! The only mexicans we get sneaking over here are poor illiterate gang banging trash. They couldn’t even make it in MEXICO! They are even illiterate in fucking SPANISH!! Why is the age of sexual consent in your country 12 you perverted asshole whereas in the U.S it’s 17? How many WHITE gangs are in L.A vs. how many MEXICAN gangs are in L.A. I don’t know what city you live in and really don’t fucking care but if you ever came to L.A you would be saddened and deeply embarrased about what your culture has done to this once thriving city. Or maybe you’d be proud because your trash too? Don’t know, don’t care, but please, since your in Mexico, do me a favor and tell your scholars, your athletes, your nobel prize winners, your scientists, your architects, your doctors, your surgeons, and your bankers to start flooding into L.A from Mexico instead of the rapists, thieves, gangbangers, pedophiles, donkey fuckers and criminally minded parasitic government entitlement mules that we have been getting for the past 10 years. Aren’t you ashamed of your dirty filthy country? A country where the drug cartels are more powerful than the government and that all of your police force are corrupt and you must bribe them to get out of going to jail if your an american tourist caught down in tijuana doing nothing more than bar hopping? Your government is filthy and corrupt and your leaders are a bunch of shady opportunistic slobs who would rather encourage the poor masses to sneak into the U.S instead of dealing with his own people himself. At least our leaders in the U.S pretend to care about poor people and have a system of welfare to help, what does your country have? Your country has more natural resources within it than most countries on earth, yet you are ruled by a very small elite rich ruling class governing over billions of poor people. Where’s your middle class? Your country is a fuckin’ toilet dude and you know it. Look at pictures of all white los angeles neighborhoods in the 60’s and compare them to pictures of those same neighborhoods in 2013 after poor mexicans moved in and chased away any decent person because they didn’t want to live around your kind. It’s a stark difference. From grassy lawns and children playing in the streets and clean sidewalks to graffiti, chicken coops in the back yard, badass kids skateboarding in the streets cussing like sailors and breaking into people’s cars, filthy mexican taco trucks that are unlicensed on every corner, couches and sofas just left out in the middle of the street, flies crawling all over dog shit because in your culture you’ve never heard of picking up after your animals, gang signs etched on anything and everything, bars on every single fucking window and door, nobody even bothering to learn or speak English even though they have been in the U.S 25 years, it makes me want to vomit. And you don’t give a shit or seem to notice because you are trash like them and if you ever moved to L.A you’d move into an all mexican shit hole neighborhood because your a racist that won’t assimilate or follow the rules of simple decency within society. You need to be locked up, executed, tortured and fucking maimed and so do 90% of your filthy people. Would really love to see us go to war with you guys when shit hits the fan so that I can personally take part in the eradicating your shit demonic filthy lazy culture. Show me a predominantly mexican area in the U.S that is clean and has a low crime rate. Search all over the internet, hell I’ll even give you 5 days to do it. What’s sad is, you won’t find one because it doesn’t exist. How many rich, white, prominent, beautiful and classy areas just in L.A alone exist? Plenty, beverly hills, malibu, bel-air, sherman oaks, burbank, etc. You never have to go far to find a clean area that’s infested with whites because unlike you we take pride in our areas and we work hard and don’t fiend off the government like pitiful losers.

    • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

      First off what’s pitiful is how you claim have “Mexicans as friends”. I’m black and I have a lot of Mexican friends and I would never trash their culture or people, so your a fake ass lying fuck.

      Since “you know so much” then answer this, if Mexico is such a “disgusting place” why are there over 200,000 Americans who are living (either retired, working, or studying) in Mexico, you didn’t consider them did you? I have been to Los Angeles for a campus tour of USC my senior year, i enjoyed myself would love to go back to LA. If you think Los Angeles is dangerous you wouldn’t last fifteen minuets here in Chicago or New York City, hell you wouldn’t even last 30 minutes in Philly.

      You want to throw out “age of consent” answer WHY in the legal age of consent in states like Alabama and Mississippi, is 16 years old? Explain the fact that America has the largest teen pregnancy rate…IN THE WORLD!!! Since you think whites are perfect than Mexicans, I’m confident you can bat for Jerry Sandusky, James Holmes and Adam Lanza?

      You want to throw out “Mexicans are the most hated people in the world” you really know nothing because the most hated are in fact Americans. The fact that America has completely slandered Arabic-American to be made out to be nothing but terrorists. Mainly because of your lame ass western culture and the total lack of morals and values. The fact that you’re given everything and have it better than every other country (with the exception of France, England, Denmark, Switzerland, Ireland, Sweden and Finland) but yet you still bitch and moan like your a third world country. The fact that you polarize teen pregnancy like its the best thing known to man, when its in fact a problem.

      Since you think ALL Mexicans are nothing but scum Im going to leave you with this name. Albert Baez who made contributions to the X-Ray telescope and microscope. What contributions have YOU made to society you xenophobic ignoramus.

  725. SuPadre says:

    hahahaha Jrock you answered ny question, youre just a bitch waiting for shomeone to sheppard you as the fucking lame White redneck piece of shit sheep you are, towards a war aginst the evila mexicans. So you dont have the balls to do things on your own. Thats my conclusión. I dont talk to pussy bitching idiots so, get the fuck out of this blog until you bring up somethig interesting. FUCK OFF REDNECK!

  726. JRock says:

    Okay, a few things. This is for SuPadre, Fuckyouhatingassprick, and anyone else for that matter. First off, #1 – I have mexican friends who reject the trashier aspects of mexican culture. They are not offended by my hatred of trashy mexican culture, and especially my hatred of illegal mexicans invading my country. On the same note, I am not offended by their hatred of trashy american white culture, mainly, hillbillies, rednecks, and trailer park white people. It is possible to hate certain members of your own race and want to remove yourselves from them. When blacks do it they are labeled uncle toms and traders. When mexicans do it they are also labeled traders and ‘not down with la rasa’. This is a shame. However, when whites do it, it is acceptable. Therein lies the problem. If decent whites were demeaned for rejecting the trashier parts of their race, and there was constant pressure on whites to act like trailer trash rednecks, perhaps there’d be a much bigger population of redneck trailer trash whites in this country. Fortunately, they are mostly relegated to the southeastern states, though you will find certain populations in other states but not as rampant. If blacks and mexicans in america could more easily disassociate themselves from the trashier aspects of their race without being vilified and made to feel guilty as ‘traders’ ‘white wannabes’, ‘sellouts’, etc, I think this country would be in a lot better of a position. You know this is a double standard so if you try to argue my point I will ignore it and have no response. #2 The 200,000 americans who choose to live in Mexico aren’t running away from the U.S because they are too poor to feed their families. They are also assimilating into mexican culture by learning the language. They aren’t begging for handouts and starting gangs and demanding entitlements from the mexican government. They are buying beachfront houses and enjoying some of the nice areas in mexico. They aren’t living in dangerous drug cartel controlled border towns. They are living in places like cancun, puerto vallarta(sp?) and the areas that aren’t overidden by crime and poverty. I have never said mexico as a whole was a shit country. I have learned about mexico and know that outside of the border towns it has some very good areas with successful, literate, decent people. The problem is that the illegals we are getting aren’t the cream of the crop. We are getting the poor, the criminally minded, the desperate, and the uneducated. They are encouraged by their OWN government to flee their situation and live off the fat of the land in America. They can’t protest in the streets and demand their government help them or they will be shot. I understand WHY they are coming up here. And I see it as the fault of the mexican government for tossing their problem on us, and the fault of the american government for giving them incentives to illegally cross the border in the first place. Republicans want their cheap labor and democrats want their votes. Is the illegal mexican the smaller pawn in the bigger scheme of things? Is he being exploited by higher powers? Of course. That doesn’t let them off the hook though. They need to assimilate and learn the language like every single other culture that has immigrated to the U.S has done since Ellis Island. If it wasn’t the illegal mexican invading and causing problems, but instead was the Swedish, or the French, or the Germans, or any other white country, I would have just as much of a problem and just as much hatred. The problem with this debate is that people cannot seperate race from the issue. And race has nothing to do with it. Surely you are intelligent enough to know this isn’t about racism, but is about the disgust of having a foreign nation invading yours and bankrupting it. Again, do not argue this point or it will be ignored. You know this is the truth. #3 if you are smart enough to get into USC which is one of the most prestigious in this country then you are smart enough to know that Los Angeles is far more dangerous than those other cities you named. We are the gang capital of the world. THE WORLD. We have more gangs within our city limits than ANY OTHER IN THE WORLD. New York? Been there. Philly? Been there. Washington D.C? Been there. Chicago? Been there. There is NO comparison. L.A is extremely dangerous outside of the suburbs and any area south or directly east of downtown. #4 You bring up that some of the southern states has an age of consent of 16. And your point? It’s surely better than 12 like in mexico no?

    • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

      First off my first choice was Northwestern University, I only went to the SC campus as consideration but I wanted to stay close to my parents here in Chicago so I went with my first choice, I’m currently a sophomore.

      You..been to New York City? Lier, for someone who lives his life in glits and glamour wouldn’t last 60 seconds in Brooklyn or the Bronx. What’s even funnier is that you said “you’ve been to Chicago” You wouldn’t last a single second on the West side, you’ll be crying for your mommy within 15 seconds you spoiled fuck.

      Who are the true invaders? The people who move to America who search for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness or the people who would gang rape and murder a 14 year old Iraqis girl, tap its country of all its resources, kill thousands of civilians, never leave the country and are viewed as “American heros? Now you think about your answer thoroughly.


      It’s people like you and these racist ignorant morons on this blog who give America a horrible name all over the world

  727. JRock says:

    #5 You say america has the highest rate of teen pregnancy in the world. Definitely a huge problem. However, when dividing the statistics among race, it is Mexican girls who have the highest rate of teen pregnancy in the United States. Also, a lot of the time, black pregnancy is dealt with by a huge amount of abortions. White pregnancy a lot of the time is looked upon with shame within the white community. However, mexican teenage pregnancy is celebrated. Since you guys are heavily catholic you don’t believe in birth control or abortion, and this results in a lot more mexican births in america than any other. You guys within the U.S are EXPLODING in population. By 2050 it is said you will be the majority. You might celebrate this fact, but when you look at the bigger picture, you will see that the majority of recently transplanted mexicans are on welfare and live in poor neighborhoods. From birth a lot of mexicans in the U.S are destined for a life of government entitlements and non assimilation. Do you see how this is a recipe for disaster and failure? 49% dropout rate among mexicans living in America because a lot of the mexican parents do not stress education and by the time the poor kid gets to first grade he has to learn English as a second language because the parents didn’t love the child enough to learn English themselves and encourage their kids to speak it. America is going to go broke one day soon. And all of those government entitlements will disappear. What then for the illegal mexican? What then for anybody who cannot survive without welfare, including whites and blacks? A dark day is coming, and it’s not smart to sneak over the border in America, pop out a kid, get on welfare, and try to let that be the solution to your financial woes. For now, yes, it is a solution, for them, at least. But it’s not smart at all. Because as soon as that well runs dry, well, an uneducated mexican who’s been on welfare forever and doesn’t even know or speak English. Will be left to fiend for themselves. If you love your child you will encourage assimilation upon landing in the U.S, you will stress education heavily like the asians and those from india do, and you will try your best to become self sufficient so that you don’t have to depend on government entitlements to survive. Save for a rainy day and stock up your assets like the squirrels do. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket and think the government will always be there for you because this is naive thinking. #6 You think america is the most hated country in the world? Do tell then, please, why it is the number one country that is immigrated to in THE WORLD? We have more cultures trying to come here by any means necessary so your argument has no merit. We are hated by jealous extremists and communist liberals abroad of course, but that’s what jealous out of touch people do, they pent their aggression on the first scapegoat they see. All of the wars we’ve been in to save some other countries ass and still we end up being hated. Anybody who hates america after all we’ve done, after all of the foreign aid and natural disaster relief we are ALWAYS doling out is somebody who is disillusioned or brainwashed into liberal idealogy that’s taught at most universities these day. Is America perfect? FUCK NO!! But are we still a great country? OF COURSE!

    • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

      Those same southern states I mentioned when we were discussing age consent ARE THE HIGHEST TEEN PREGNANCY RATES IN THE COUNTRY. Explain that.

      America IS THE MOST HATED COUNTRY IN THE WORLD.In some counties even mention your American in most countries will GET YOU KILLED. They hate your lack of morals, family values and its lame ass spoiled culture,especially bullying and throwing its weight around forcing their will on countries .Believe me, they’re not jealous of a damn thing. They hate that you clearly have nothing to bitch, whine and complain, but yet you still do. Your not living in Mali so why are you complaining like spoiled little pussy?

      America act like its perfect “fuck any other country” when really there’s corruption all around them. A country that values green pieces of paper with slave owners on them than themselves. ITS YOU THATS BRAIN WASHED!!

    • SuPadre says:

      hahahaha this redneck fuck, you dont even know how to aviod contradictions in your arguments. WE DONT KNOW TO SEPARATE RACE FROM THE ISSUE, BUT WHEN IT COMES TO PREGNANCY, YOU SEPARATE BETWEEN WHITES BLACKS AND MEXICANS. PFFFF that makes no sense at all you typope like a 9 year old get outta here

  728. JRock says:

    #7 Looked up Albert Baez, who made the advancements in science and technology. Good for him! Do you dare think I was suggesting that being Mexican makes you bad by default? And that all whites are perfect and anybody not white can’t achieve? OF COURSE NOT! Back then when Baez was prominent, coming to this country was about pride in your new found home, respect for the laws of the land, and educating yourself and being the best citizen you could be. It used to be about coming here and loving america and assimilating and trying to make this country a better place. Now it’s just about coming here to get money, free shit and better financial opportunities and sadly, that’s where it ends. No pride, no unity, no assimilation, no appreciation. And that’s not a pattern limited to mexicans either. It seems these days everyone who immigrates here just does it for the money and we are no longer the melting pot for hundreds of cultures and countries like we were from the 1920’s to the 1980’s. We have become more like a fruit salad, and that’s what brought about the fall of Rome. Without national pride and unity you will eventually fall. Lincoln said a house divided against itself cannot stand. Already we are close to a civil war with democrats and republicans they hate each other. There is no unity here at all. And now the media tries to pit cultures against each other in the name of selling a story and ratings. It’s disgusting. I suggest you take a look at America by visiting and seeing exactly what America has become and not what our media brainwashes other countries to believe we are.

    • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

      I have “seen” America. I’ve lived in it for 21 years. When I walk out my house all I see are people talking about “who’s the best rapper alive”, “did you see Jersey Shore?”, or talking about which celebrity is fucking or dating who and racist pieces of shit. IM SICK OF LOOKING AT IT AND IM SICK OF YOU SPOILED ASSHOLES. I cant wait until next year when I leave for Brazil for a month, its going to feel damn good to get away from you valueless vanilla idiots. Brazilian women are JUST AS HOT AS THE WEATHER and 400x better than those fat lazy brain dead air headed slobs you call women and their culture and values are way better than you spoiled brats any day.

      kiss my ass you racist pieces of shit!!!!

  729. J says:

    You are referring to the pop conformist brainless idiot americans. Yes, we have plenty of those, more than I’d like to admit. But when you go to the more affluent communities and seek out people that are about achieving something substantial and not just being consumers in society, you will see that America has one of the highest percentages of upper class people that are about ideals, advanced concepts, and expanding the mind than almost anywhere else in the world. We have 320 million people. Forget about the 200 or so million, the other 120 million are some of the nicest, well adjusted, thoughtful, and most kind people you find anywhere. Those are the ones that give to charity and make us look good. The rest of the bastards make us look bad. There’s good and bad in every country, and I assure you, when you go to Brazil and see the shantytowns, thousands upon thousands of shacks built out of nothing more than pegboard and scrap wood, DIRECTLY surrounding the olympic village that will host the 2016 summer games, you will see that it’s got it’s good and bad too. No such thing as the perfect country.

  730. Beaner hate says:

    Dirty beaner fucks! @fucking Hateing ass prick how about you go and lick some dudes nuts you communist fuck! You don’t respect our country and it’s values at all! Fuck off guy!

    • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

      I come to expect nothing less thats what america…IGNORANT PIECES OF SHIT WITH THE IQ OF A GRAPE. Wow you really proved you point with that lame ass homophobic statement…PULL YOUR HEAD OUT OF TMZ’S ASS AND READ A BOOK OR SOMETHING!!

      P.S I’m not a communist…see what happens when you ASSume?

  731. SuPadre says:

    hahahaha this redneck fuck, you dont even know how to aviod contradictions in your arguments. WE DONT KNOW TO SEPARATE RACE FROM THE ISSUE, BUT WHEN IT COMES TO PREGNANCY, YOU SEPARATE BETWEEN WHITES BLACKS AND MEXICANS. PFFFF that makes no sense at all you typope like a 9 year old get outta here

  732. SuPadre says:

    is funny to see how when you have a point and the others should shut the fuck up because theyve no valid argument to expose, the start calling you:

    1.- beaner
    2.- communist

    hahahahahahaha is fun how americans are scared of those two mythological individuals lol is like when they were afraid of blacks and they had their civil war with rednecks supporting slavery. DAMN DUDE YOU HAD A WAR BECAUSE ONE SIDE WAS SUPPORTING SLAVERY!!!! is one of the most BARBARIC REASONS TO START A WAR IN WHOLE HISTORY. And you claim to be intelligent??? well theres people in here who still believes US gets into wars to help other countries to be free so what can we expect….

  733. JRock says:

    How about this SuPadre? How about we judge a man on his merits plainly? Not on his history, not on his family, not on his race, creed, culture, sexual orientation, upbringing? How about we do what Jesus did, and judged people merely on their hearts? I’d like that. I don’t even want to fight anymore man. This is a peace offering. You are probably a cool Mexican. If you got to know me you might even think I was a cool white dude. Life’s too short to fight man. Forget my other arguments and posts. I’m all about peace man come on dude, let’s just all be cool. Same for you ‘fyouhatingasspricks’. Just kinda had an epiphany and saw how immature it was to argue over spoiled milk. Who gives a crap? Let’s just be nice to each other, seriously

    • SuPadre says:

      dude ive always done that throughout my life. I dont care where do you come from or who are your parents or your skin color. I just see great people and bad people. Thats all i see. Every man on its own. I like that.

  734. Melanie says:

    I am Mexican American and this is sad to see. So much hatred …

    • ingli ONLY says:

      Correction: you are a mexican living in America

      • Melanie says:

        Correction: I am half mexican and half white. Mexican American. My dad is American and my mom is Mexican. So stfu because you don’t even know me.

  735. California is not Mexico says:

    Su padre,

    Go fuck yourself! How would you feel if all us Americans came to your mainland and leached off your government and pushed all your citizens to unemployment and we didn’t care to learn your language….. Then how would you feel if we demanded citizenship because we came there illegally….then how would you feel if we raised your crime rate and and ran American gangs all through your city’s and killed people and brought drugs with us to distribute….how would you feel?

    Fucking hating ass prick,

    Go fuck yourself as well…I am guessing you live in one of those wealthy communities in the east coast were you don’t experience such problems as we face here on the west coast…. You have no knowledge what so ever on how bad it is in California…your nothing but an arrogant communist that wants our country to suffer from the blood sucking Mexicans that destroy our labor force and destroy our unemplyment rates!

    Fuck yourselfs!

    • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

      If you classify Humboldt Park Chicago as a “wealthy community on the east coast” assume away, only makes yourself sound like a dumbass. I don’t get how my “strong dislike” for Americans makes me a communist. I bet your the same stupid fuck that classifies the French, Italian, and Swiss communist because some of those people hate Americans, a lot more than I? No answer this, do you even know the definition of Communism?

      What the fuck do you have to complain about? Your not living in poverty stricken country, just to be grateful to survive another day without catching malaria, yellow fever or HIV/AIDS? Are you experiencing car bombings or bombings on a daily basis? That’s what the fuck I thought now, put the xbox controller down, shut the fuck up and PICK UP A BOOK!!!

      • SuPadre says:

        California is not Mexico

        haha and the trauma of the communist appears again!!!! dude i really doubt you know what communism is. and how would i feel? Well if i go an apply for a position in a job and i find out that an illegal immigrant got the job….. well i would ask myself, what is he doing better than me? thats the right question dude, and if you ask this question to yourself im pretty sure youll soon get a job. Otherwise youll stay a loser and blaming inmigrants for taking your Jobs. Now shut up and get to work!

  736. JRock says:

    I agree with you ‘fuckyouhatingassprick’, we all should pick up a book. However, you have to be careful. A lot of books about america are leftist propaganda and only an astute observer would be able to tell the difference. I understand your frustration with America, but you HATE america? Yet live in Chicago? Methinks you’ve been getting a lot of anti-american viewpoints in your reading. Be careful, that stuff is poison. America isn’t perfect but you could easily live in another country and truly know what it means to suffer or even know how it feels to be threatened with death for giving your opinion. What about in middle eastern countries where women are stoned if they show any skin and are forced to where burkas? You need to be grateful you are in America and if you don’t like America, perhaps you should read pro-america viewpoints? Usually any time you read something there is a spin to it, just gotta be good with seeing through the fog. Just sayin man….

    • SuPadre says:

      He has clarified previously that he appreciates all the benefits of living in the US. Actually he points out the fact that this blog was created, saying that is hard to believe us citizens complain about their lives in this pathetic way. At least thats what i have understood from hating ass pricks. And i agree with that.

  737. SuPadre says:

    California is not Mexico

    haha and the trauma of the communist appears again!!!! dude i really doubt you know what communism is. and how would i feel? Well if i go an apply for a position in a job and i find out that an illegal immigrant got the job….. well i would ask myself, what is he doing better than me? thats the right question dude, and if you ask this question to yourself im pretty sure youll soon get a job. Otherwise youll stay a loser and blaming inmigrants for taking your Jobs. Now shut up and get to work

  738. Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

    My frustration, anger and hate doesn’t come from a book. It purely comes from my experiences of observing Americans in the real world first hand.

    Believe it or not (like I really care) I do enjoy living in this country, but Americans (not only on this blog) infuriate me and make it difficult to be proud of being an American. People who constantly bitch and moan but absolutely have nothing to complain about. Clearly no one on this blog lives in countries like Congo, Somalia or Zimbabwe. Where people truly live in poverty, where catching life-threatening diseases is easier to catch than the bus, malnutrition is growing rapidly and clean water is a myth. I ask you, WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU HAVE TO WHINE ABOUT? People wanting to move to America,not getting the latest call of duty on xbox 360, Ipad or the latest pair of Jordan’s certainly doesn’t count. There are American women who have child after just to live on welfare and idiots who think high school is to hard, so they drop out to drink, smoke or sell drugs, join gangs or decide to have kids at 14,15,16 or 17 years old. What about the group of women who got pregnant at 16 who are parading around like celebrities or people who know more about drugs, alcohol, and celebrities than a basic math problem or sentence. THAT’S SOMETHING TO BE ENRAGED ABOUT certainly not mexicans having the desire, passion and drive to move to this country to establish a better life for themselves!! Going days, weeks, or months without a meal, not having a roof to live under or clothes on your ass is something to complain about! Why dont you want them to live here? Is it because you people blatantly piss away your freedom (and don’t want anyone else to have the rights as you?), FOR WHAT? FOR MONEY, ALCHOL AND DRUGS? This is clearly a country where stupidity and ignorance is either celebrated or praised, not punished and I no longer want any part of it .

    since Americans love using hashtags, I’m going to leave you all with one


  739. Joey says:

    This is atrocious. Hispanic’s are all around America and Asians are coming up just as fast. Race and ethnicity doesn’t matter. My parents came here illegaly and are proud. I am a computer science major and work as a part time model. My wife is Japanese. All my siblings are college graduates. One is a kindergarden teacher, the other a bussiness woman, and my younger brother is a civil engineer. My youngest brothers wife is Caucasian and we are all an active big happy family. In addition, Illegal immigrants are the hardest working people in this country. But who cares, all of you anglo saxon skinheads are ignorant and soon to be extinct. I live in California and I love the diversity.

  740. Stanford8920 says:

    “Illegal Mexicans” aren’t even eligible for Welfare! Stupid fucks! Mexicans are the back bone for this country. We are left with the dirty work and low paying jobs! But I ain’t never seen anyone as hard working as us. We only take the jobs people don’t want to do, so how is that affecting the country? If we leave I highly doubt your lazy asses would work the fields; you fucking pussys will really begin to bitch and whine. So stop conplaining bc without us you ain’t shit!

  741. Stanford8920 says:

    You Anglo racist fucks are just angry bc you will soon be extinct and it kills you to know that one day we will completely dominate you. Sorry to break to you, but unfortunately this is not just an English speaking country if you look around and see the signs no one is enforcing just one language! Even gringos are learning Spanish bc they know its now mandatory! Whether you like it or not things will change, but you can always feel free to leave and reunite with your ancestors back in Europe!

    • ingli ONLY says:

      once were extinct that’ll be the end you idiot! mexico gets rid of their loses and sends them here AND THAT”S A FACT!!! LOOK IT UP!!! The educated beaners (the ones in mexico) know it… America gets the leeches, pussies and losers… we get the little brown stupid ones,,,,, the 5’8 (whoa) lighter skin beaners get to stay in mexico…

  742. Only Mexicans are retarded enough – and I mean RETARDED enough to knowingly commit a crime over and over again while it is documented and videotaped! This is a doomed race. Just like other humanoids that have come and gone. Society has to face that Mexicans are on their way out. They are a slimey, dishonest, thieving worthless race that needs to be annihilated. They have no intellect, no decency and no taste. After witnessing their behavior for over 20 years I have no respect for them whatsoever – and I was once a person that supported Che Guevara. Forget THAT!

    • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

      The real “retards” are the people who reside in small cities in the deep south who commit the same crime over and over for the past 60 or 70 years, just because of someone’s skin color. Im not going to sit here and single out blacks or whites, but when it comes to Americans, your all are equally slimy, dishonest and judgmental wastes of space. People who value the green pieces paper over your own bodies, souls, families, and morals. People who know more about athletes and celebrities than basic math. People who continue to bitch and moan like immature ass children, while compared to some countries in the world, they certainly have nothing to complain about. You want to mention the words “slimy and dishonest” when it comes to a certain race? Bernie Madoff, Kenneth Lay, Jeff Skilling and Andrew Fastow do any of those names ring a bell?


      • SuPadre says:

        maybe this kill the spics piece of shit thinks che Guevara is mexican, because argentina is part of mexico. lol lol lol how do rednecks want to be respected with these comments??

      • ingli ONLY says:

        i thought for sure with your hate 4 AMERICANS N AMERICA U WERE THE BOSTON BOMBER..

  743. SuPadre says:

    maybe this kill the spics piece of shit thinks che Guevara is mexican, because argentina is part of mexico. lol lol lol how do rednecks want to be respected with these comments??

    • ingli ONLY says:

      SHUT THE FUCK UP mexican… the only reason you have an interest on this site is because u don’t want these 30MILLION leeches to GO HOME… WHERE THEY BELONG… U DON’T Want the loses of your society to bring u down… u don’t want to b responsible for your OWN people FUCK U mexican… THEY ARE YOUR PEOPLE u and your govmt need to take care of them NOT US!!

      • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

        I don’t understand how some hypocritical moron dictate to anyone. I don’t see this racist cum dumpster or any others racists cum dumpster’s name on this country. Do you own the U.S? Hell no you have as much ownership as I do 0%. What I’m still burning on is how the hell do you justify being against immigrants moving to this country (when indeed immigrants built this country) but It’s perfectly fine to have military bases in other countries.If the military wants to protect America…STAY IN AMERICA.

  744. Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

    thats exactly what I’m talking about, wants to spewing hate but has no idea about about shit, typical American. Rednecks are the idiots and clowns of the country and should never be respected. If they would’ve taken their dicks out of their family members and put down the moonshine and beer maybe they could’ve learned something, I guess its too late for that.

    • ingli ONLY says:


      • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

        Wow you really proved your point, because of my and anger towards the ignorance of Americans, you would classify me as the “Boston Bomber”, typical American ignorance. Not shocking when indeed Americans have done the same same exact thing to Arabs, now they’re all classified as terrorists, which is a damn shame. The absolute most self centered country on earth. Hmmm… what other tragedies occurred that weren’t even mentioned Wednesday? 7 Palestinians were killed, 87 Deaths in Iraq and 12 deaths in Afghanistan. So sad that in this country, ignorance is celebrated and encouraged clearly by the ASSuming Ingli only. Speaking of english only, how the hell do you expect others to learn and speak the language you have blatantly butchered?

  745. Jennifer says:


    • Mickey Jones says:

      Hello Jennifer — are you an admitted racist? Thats all you say about yourself – so please tell everyone why your a racially motivated person!

      On to the news – hmmmm. – how about the Bombings in Boston — I expect everyone has got word of that by now?

      Lets see – from what I hear they were IMMIGRANTS – persons who came to the United States – and were accepted into our nation legally — and now we see what they have done – LOL LOL LOL!

      Just in the same way we American Persons see Massive Illegal Mexican Immigration – we also see massive terror – but from the Mexican Point of view — we either support their greasy brown asses – or we will see more terror – as terror from the Mexican Borne Immigrants already exists – and it exists in our nation every day — in so many forms no-one can compile the totals.


      America — all of the little suggestive points are coming to light — get ready for the fight — a fight for your nation — a fight for your rights as a citizen — and most importantly — a fight for you and your childrens futures.

      AMERICA — RIGHT NOW — you have a legal right to hunt down and — BLAW BLAW BLAW every illegal mexican you see – but if and when the “””GANG of EIGHT””” get their way — you will no longer have that right….

      • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

        Mickey you amaze me, just when I think “this guy possibly cant get any dumber, well I was wrong”. She’s calling YOU, the people who are trashing the Mexican race, who is using lame ass RACIAL slurs. You make Westboro look like the worlds smartest people.

        Believe it or not (like I really care) I do enjoy living in this country, but Americans (not only on this blog) infuriate me and make it difficult to be proud of being an American. People who constantly bitch and moan but absolutely have nothing to complain about. Clearly no one on this blog lives in countries like Congo, Somalia or Zimbabwe. Where people truly live in poverty, where catching life-threatening diseases is easier to catch than the bus, malnutrition is growing rapidly and clean water is a myth. I ask you, WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU HAVE TO WHINE ABOUT? People wanting to move to America,not getting the latest call of duty on xbox 360, Ipad or the latest pair of Jordan’s certainly doesn’t count.

        There are American women who have child after just to live on welfare and idiots who think high school is to hard, so they drop out to drink, smoke or sell drugs, join gangs or decide to have kids at 14,15,16 or 17 years old. What about the group of women who got pregnant at 16 who are parading around like celebrities or people who know more about drugs, alcohol, and celebrities than a basic math problem or sentence. THAT’S SOMETHING TO BE ENRAGED ABOUT certainly not mexicans having the desire, passion and drive to move to this country to establish a better life for themselves!!

        Going days, weeks, or months without a meal, not having a roof to live under or clothes on your ass is something to complain about! Why dont you want them to live here? Is it because you people blatantly piss away your freedom (and don’t want anyone else to have the rights as you?), FOR WHAT? FOR MONEY, ALCHOL AND DRUGS? This is clearly a country where stupidity and ignorance is either celebrated or praised, not punished.

        This idiot who calls himself an “American Hero” but when I even mention the Mahmudiyah killings he quivers and avoids it like a little bitch. YOU TELL ME HOW THE FUCK CAN A GROUP OF SCUM WHO RAPE AND KILL AN INNOCENT 14 YEAR OLD GIRL CAN CALL THEMSELVES HEROS!

        “Why should they ask me to put on a uniform and go 10,000 miles from home and drop bombs and bullets on Brown people in Vietnam while so-called Negro people in Louisville are treated like dogs and denied simple human rights?”-Muhammad Ali

        So what you take from a 21 year old who lives in Humboldt Park Chicago who just happens to be black is a “inner city gang banger who uses and manipulates all the countries benefits who probably dropped out of high school” Well your wrong, as you can see. So now history repeats itself, now your discriminate against Mexicans. Fucking disgusting and pitiful.

  746. ingli ONLY says:

    to: Fuck you hating ass pricks
    where r u gonna bomb and kill little black and white American children??? u wANNA leave America cuz u hate it so much?? Do it!!! Do it NOW!! If u hate it here SO much fucking LEAVE! Go to Austraila or Canada like u said ( u have seen pix, WOW) don’t hurt or fuck with Americans,,, JUST LEAVE

  747. ingli ONLY says:

    The Senate’s so-called Gang of Eight has finally introduced the amnesty bill, S. 744, that it crafted in secret. The goal of these “fucks” and other amnesty supporters is to ram this 844-page measure through the Senate as quickly as possible before the public has time to understand its contents and react against it.
    U want these 30 million illegals and then their families coming????
    better SPEAK UP!!

    • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

      Talking about me look at this ahole lol fuck outta here. Just because your pissing away your benefits and rights, you don’t want anyone else to be entitled to them, typical American selfishness. Like America belongs to you? You own as much of America as I, 0%. You dont want Mexicans to live in America, but its perfectly fine to have military bases overseas. Somethings not right with that picture

  748. ingli ONLY says:

    call your Senators and demand that they oppose this destructive legislation. S. 744 can be stopped, but only if concerned patriotic Americans make their voices heard. To reach your senators’ offices call the Capitol Hill Switchboard at (202) 224-3121. Also, you might be able to reach the switchboard at the toll-free number (888) 978-3094. If your senator supports S. 744, demand that it at least receive adequate examination.

    Please call now—and encourage your friends and relatives to do so as well by forwarding this alert to them. If they would like to sign up for alerts, they can do so below.

    • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

      Just because your pissing away your benefits and rights, you don’t want anyone else to be entitled to them, typical American selfishness. Like America belongs to you? You own as much of America as I, 0%. You dont want Mexicans to live in America, but its perfectly fine to have military bases overseas. FUCKED UP PRIORITIES

  749. ingli ONLY says:

    reports show that immigration is costing the Miami-Dade public school district $22 million more per year. The report says that 1,000 new immigrant students enter the school district each month, adding 11,000 new students per year at a cost of $2,000 per student than those that already live in the county. Miami-Dade is the nation’s 4th largest school district with more than 353,000 students IT IS NOT THE RESPONSIBILITY OF AMERICAN TO TAKE CARE OF THE MEXICANS THAT MEXICO DOESN”T WANT!!!!.

  750. ingli ONLY says:

    , don’t give out work permits to millions of illegal aliens to do construction and service jobs while there are millions of unemployed Americans who are standing in line for just those kinds of jobs.” DEmand mexico to feed clothe and employ their OWN people!!

    • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

      you honestly think lazy ass Americans would work as hard or do the jobs hard working Mexicans would do? I sure as hell don;t want what your smoking lol.

      • ingli ONLY says:

        American was cleaner, nicer and survived just FINE before mexicans??? what’s your point?

        Fast food jobs ARE intended for American Teenagers!!!

      • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

        If you honestly think americans will work as maids or work in fields? You are smoking some serous cocaine. Americans think they’re way too good to for that kind of work and dont want to see anyone succeed but themselves , a bunch of selfish stuck up money hungry gold digging greedy pieces of useless shit

  751. ingli ONLY says:

    This bill will further flood labor markets at the lower-skill levels where real wages have declined 10% to 22% since 1980. If the bill passes, the chances of America’s high school graduates e (BLACK AMERICANS WILL BE THE MOST and First FUCKED OVER) ntering the middle class may disappear.But it isn’t just the low-end where Americans are threatened. The bill would make huge increases in importing higher-educated workers at a time when around half of all recent American college graduates either have no job at all or they aren’t working in a degree job. The under-32 Millennial Generation already is in danger of being a lost generation. After this bill, we may see these young adults spend the rest of their lives only partly engaged in the economy as they depend on government and family.

    None of this is the kind of economy or society most Americans desire. Surely a compassionate and thoughtful citizenry will put a stop to this nonsense and ask its Senators to go back to work putting Americans back to work.
    You can stop this from happening and it won’t be stopped without you.
    It is NOT the responsibility of America to take care of Another Countries People!!!!

  752. ingli ONLY says:

    take 60 seconds to support a ‘Petition Against Amnesty’ for illegal aliens that sellouts in Congress plan to push next week! Take 15 seconds to sign the online petition, then 45 seconds to tell your friends (at least 5 or more) using email or social media features on the homepage link of

  753. SuPadre says:

    hey!!! ingli and Micky Jones are back!!!! so is the redneck invasión back?? well done, do you also believe che Guevara is mexican?? AAAAAnyway, just going back to Micky jones comments and, the Boston bombings topic, which micky jones is so interested in… ill drop one question here…. Was Micky Jones the one who talked about White craps being superior?? your were all proud of your european backgrounds and ancestors??? well…. there are some europeans you have to be proud of!!!! and you talking about them as ilegal immigrants?? 1.- they were legally in your country and 2.- they were europeans such as the ones you are so proud of beinf part of…. SHUT UP, READ A BOOK, GET TO WORK AND STOP THE BITCHING!!!! Good night rednecks!!!

  754. Redneck says:

    Su padre on be half of all rednecks llick my nuts beaner! Then after that I will let my horse fuck you in that beaners ass of yours!!! Yeeeehaaawwwww!

    • SuPadre says:

      hahahahaha i dont know what you mean by beaner, maybe you should learn some manners here you uneducated caucasian prick. GET A BOOK PEOPLE!!!!!! AND KEEP YOUR REDNECK KIDS AAWAY FROM BOMBS!!!! SEEMS THEY ONLY THINK OF BOMBIN YOUR THIER OWN COUNTRY!!! LOL

      • Janeth says:

        Su padre you are so right hahaha every country hates u Americans for the same dam reason for being so nosy getting into other countries shit leave them the fuck alone and the poor nice good Americans have to pay for ur shit ! I love every race as long as they are not racist that’s how it should be! Buttt that’s impossible there will never be equality in this sinful world! Cnt wait till it endssss n you racist people burn in hell :)

      • SuPadre says:


  755. Redneck says:

    Hey janeth go fuck yourself!

    • NOT doubting your a fat angry liddo man, with a dick the size of a baby pinkie, who feels empowered when he talks shit to strangers behind a keyboard. right?
      BITCH, stfu before i fuck your mom. btw i am a proud white american that is NOT a racist. mexicans bleed red just like you and me. shut your god damn mouth. im tired of this disappointment, im tired of people like YOU.

  756. Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

    Janeth is 100% right I’ve been to a part of Florence, Italy where you even mention or give a hint that your an American, they will kill you no questions asked, all because of some stupid ass fucks wanting to be cocky, ignorant and preach hate.

    Man, I feel like doing dumb redneck jokes.

    You know your a dumb redneck when you think Walker Texas Ranger is real person.

    You know your a dumb redneck if you think England speaks a foreign language.

    You know your a dumb redneck if you consider possum to be the other white meat.

    You know your a dumb redneck if you consider a family reunion speed dating

    Your a dumb redneck for being a dumb redneck.

    ….anyone feel free to jump in

  757. Fuck Beaners and niggers says:

    Mexicans and black people are the two worst races on this entire planet, u cant walk to the store at night why? because someone who isn’t even from this country is going to rob you, this is pathetic we should completely shut the boarders down to these disgusting people, my paper boy is black i make sure he gets paid on time every time he comes around because i can always support another race with a job, my problem is 99% of them don’t and, want to take your hard earned cash, from now on before bringing these dirty rice picking immigrants over we should look at how there country is run first, there’s a reason its a shit hole, It should be totally legal to kill someone who isn’t of white descent because we knew they had it coming.

    • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

      Like your race is any better? Clearly this is a dumb ass redneck from Mississippi or Alabama or somewhere in the back woods of the deep south so ill try to dumb it down for you take the dick out of your cousin, put the moonshine down and go read a book. To pretend like your race is any better? Weren’t two white guys apart of the boston bombings? To pretend like your race is nothing but outstanding people, apparently he’s been living under a rock for the past five years so I’m going to fill him in, a WHITE football coach raped and molested children for years while a group of his WHITE staff did absolutely nothing about it, a pathetic WHITE rich kid took the lives of innocent people in a movie theater in Colorado A WHITE piece of shit took the lives of innocent children in Connecticut.A WHITE Boston graduate killed a masseuse who is now known as the craigslist killer. So you can take you “white power theory” and shove it up your ass.

  758. hating ass prick loves the dick says:

    Hey fucking hating ass prick read a book? Go and look at the statistics about our federal prisons to city jails….before you try to talk shit tell me what is the leading races inside these prisons?

    • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

      wow I expect nothing more from a lame ass racist resorting to homophobic slurs…I would tell you to grow up but looks like the alcohol actually killed whatever brain cells you have left

      Your race is also in prison..looks like “white power” looses again

      • SuPadre says:

        ah god when you think a redneck cant be any dumber, theres always a new redneck that shows up to demonstrate the opposite. damn is like a fucking plague of morons married to their own cousins lol

  759. Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

    Instead of taking responsibility for their own actions, Americans love to either a) make excuses of why this happened or why that happened or b) dump all of the blame on other people. Its everywhere, on television for example “I don’t think I’m that child’s father because she sleeps around” and especially in public. In this particular cause these dumbass hillbilly redneck pieces of garbage chooses to blame a race, Mexicans which is down right disgusting and shows nothing but ignorance. One of these people gets fired for showing up for work drunk. Instead of owning up like a grown damn man/woman they pin all of the blame on a race.

    Believe it or not, in America slavery doesn’t only exist in prisons, but it exist on the outside as well. Americans are slaves to either drugs, alcohol or women even all three but all Americans are slaves to the USD. People in this country sell their bodies, their souls AND FOR WHAT? FOR GREEN PIECES OF PAPER WITH SLAVE OWNERS ON THEM. Who really sounds like the idiots and morons here? Certainly not Mexicans. The old saying used to be “you own money, money doesn’t own you” thats dead and gone.

    Since people are so concerned with what Mexicans do with money they actually worked for I ask you this. What the hell do YOU snobby greedy fucks do with yours? Buy porn and jag off all day, buy weed, booze or sit in your moms basement and play world of warcraft, simply piss it away? Americans don’t want to see anyone other than themselves being successful our earning a decent living. Its nothing but blatant greed and jealously and its a damn shame.

    Im going to bring up a word that makes people cringe.. Prohibition. Prohibition should be put back into place and actually be enforced. If it were, the lives of innocent people token by drunk driving would be here today, parents would still have their children, wives/girlfriends wouldn’t get beat by their poor drunken excuse of men they call husbands/boyfriends, people wouldn’t have to give up their organs to someone who’s just going to kill their liver or kidneys like they’ve done with their own, and you drunken redneck poor excuse for human beings would wake from your lame ass segregated fantasies you live in.


  760. Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

    If the military is so called “fighting for America and its freedom” stay in America. No going to Japan, Germany, Spain or any other country. You people have problems with immigrants having the drive and desire to provide a better life for themselves but its fine and “makes perfect cense” for the military to go and invade other countries? You people have life fucked up.

    • SuPadre says:

      damn i couldnt say it better. US military stay away from Latin America and all around the World!!! Youre preparing something in Venezuela…. better take care of your self bombing teenagers!!!

      • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

        US even mentioning anything in Venezuela is a horrible idea considering the fact that Venezuelans hate Americans, that’s like me being one of these redneck pompous assholes moving to China saying “I’m going to drain all of your countries natural resources because I’m American and if you don’t like it, well bully our way in fuck what you think” type of theory and expect not to have consequences.

        Caracas is one of the most dangerous and the most expensive places to live in the world. A 3 bedroom anything is about or near 2500 dollars a month, a meal at Mcdonald’s is 12 dollars, even a bag of apples is 6 dollars a pound and a taxi (if their stupid to even want to get in one) runs about 10 dollars per mile. An American being stupid and walk out at night, be prepared to be mugged, kidnapped or murdered even in broad day light. The only upside to Venezuela is it is home to the of the hottest women on the planet usually winning or finishing in the top 5 in Miss Universe pageants, but a pretty face is not worth loosing my life.

        They have enough problems as it is, certainly don’t need America sticking its nose where it doesn’t belong. Americans love to whine, bitch and moan but they don’t know a damn thing about true violence, poverty and inflation. Spend at least one week in Caracas (if you make it back to the States alive) and then we can have an intelligent conversation.

  761. Thomas Murr says:

    The only people who hate Mexicans are poor white people because you’re poor and uneducated and can’t get a real job and you’re mad you lost your job at McDonald’s.

  762. Thomas murr the beaner lover says:

    Thomas murr can fuck off…. I hate beaners and I make 45.75 hr…..does that sound like McDonald’s?

    • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

      This guy seriously needs to grow up, but not going to happen because alcohol and marijuana has clearly killed this moron’s brain cells,but I guess we digress.

      This country belongs to no man, woman or child so how the hell can you dictate to who lives here and who doesn’t? Since were on the topic of invading, justify the military going to other countries claiming “were protecting the rights and freedom of the American people” exactly how? IF YOU WANT TO “PROTECT AMERICA”, STAY IN IT!

      Don’t give me that bullshit “were helping other countries”. If you really believe tapping the country of all its resources (oil) is helping, then you should really put down the moonshine.



  764. SwedishVader says:

    I laugh at all the whites on this, since many of you racist Fucktards claim you’re so patriotic how can you sing “Land of the Free”, when you’re on here talking shit about immigrants. This Banedad prick is probably dead by now and good riddance anyway, he’s also a fat slob shit head with pizza stains on his 23 year old tank top which smells like a mixture of marijuana and crack. The rest of you can shut the fuck up and go back and eat burgers and shitloads of pork. Being from Sweden, here we are so much more receptive to people of all races no matter what. WE ARE OPEN MINDED PEOPLE. But the only exception we make to be Narrow Minded is for retarded people, in this case, the people posting comments on this joke of an article.

    The posters on this site are a shitty joke and need to grow up. Complain Complain and complain but know that theres nothing you can do about it, SO WHY CONTINUE? I’m not ignorant, I’ve lived in your country for 4 years beforwe returning home. And half the people I see on the street are fat hoarding slobs. The people I on this board have probably been victims of the shitty high-school education the United States has to offer in their “Middle-Class” schools. If you retarded dumbasses have been to school then you wouldn’t have this completley rubbish opinions on people who are the same as you but only differentiated by a damn skin color. So whats to blame, are you posters inbred or is the education in the United States utter shit?

    Your statistics can suck a dick, Theres no excuse for narrow-minded idiosyncracy, in regards to ethnicity. I think you racist fuckers better get back to your kettle, the crack is boiling and you don’t want to overcook it. AMERICA, the people who insert tablets in their anuses, use bath salt, smoke pot all day, ride motorcycles, eat burgers, and have a crime rate that can reach the high-heavens. And don’t give me that bullshit about who’s causing the crimes, you’re all equally responsible for what you’ve done to your country. Your attitudes for one are shitting on it. But honestly fuck off, you guys need brains urgently.

  765. Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

    @SweedishVador Man Im starting to love Sweeden right about now.

    I question “land of the free and home of the brave” Not really free, because Americans are slaves to the USD (proven fact) and brave is something that their not. Justify exactly how is America brave when you all blatantly hide behind either the constitution, bible or both? Seriously Ive heard newborn babies cry and complain less than you.

    Something that’s absolutely mind boggling, I how dictate to people who want to live in this country but cant even discipline your damn children. I can’t place on the blame on America’s public school system for drop-out rates or people not learning anything. Its up to the people to want to learn something. America is taking a step in society all because of people like these narrow minded assholes who’s brains are still in the 1960’s and think England doesn’t speak English. Since you ignorant fuckers hate immigrants so much, dig up the statue of liberty send it back to FRANCE, hope your not using an Apple product, thank CHINA as a matter of fact most of your electronics come from either JAPAN OR CHINA, luxury cars you rich spoiled brats don’t deserve, comes from EUROPE, hell you pieces of shit wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for immigrants. I hope your smart enough to make up your own language because, take a wild guess were English (something you blatantly destroyed) is derived from.

    I cant grasp the concept of myself killing people I don’t even know and possibly dying just to fight “America’s war”, when a black man has to fight tooth and nail in his own war on his own soil. I’m supposed to “fight for the American people”? The same American people who treat me like common dirt just because the color of my skin, clothes I wear, way I look, music listen to or the lifestyle I live? FUCK THE AMERICAN PEOPLE!! The military “fights for America”, exactly how when you invading other countries. If you want to fight for the American people, STAY IN AMERICA!!

  766. mar says:

    I am Mexican and was born here. I hate no one, work legally, my family values are high, never have been raped no one in my family has and we have never in our lives condoned it that is disgusting, we respect everyone and understand that everyone is different, I attend one of the top colleges in the country with a perfect GPA and extensive community service, am well educated and these “stereotypes” and accusations may be true for a few people you have encountered, NOT all. Just as if I were to say “I HATE ALL WHITE PEOPLE YOU ARE ALL WHITE TRASH”. That is not true. I am not saying change your opinion but do not judge based off the few you have met. I have culture as well as high family values, work ethic and am well educated, and never judge based on ethnicity. That is not fair to do.

    • SwedishVader says:

      I respect everything you said here Mar it’s all well and true, but the pathetic inbred moronic bastards will find something racist in any way possible. Their retardation is at an all-time high, good luck with the coming onslaught of peanut-brains.

  767. gosh, you’re all idiots. STEREOTYPICAL bastards, i swear. Just like all white people AREN’T greedy & rich, not all Mexicans are fucken scumbags. many of you talking shit are sure too be the ignorant immature dumb fucks who make America the most hated country on this world. oh & by the way while you idiots are here blaming a race for your economic problems, do me a favor & turn around. I want you to see that it your glorifying government fucking you in the ass. ;)

  768. Juan lopez says:

    Remember when whites came illegally to North America and Indians where living here already? Yeah.

  769. Zhang Xiao Zheng III says:

    Asian Man here, shut your spic asses up! we try to run noodle shop and you smelly dirty fuckahrs come inside to burchase shum noodle bean soup. You are-a kurazy Bunch. Fucka YOU, my son Lang Zhou Hang Xhou was beaten by allot of you sick spics. Spic rhyme witta dick, rick, trick, snitch, bitch, not rich, and skitch, is what you sick bean-men do because yuu cannut afford gooda car to drive. FUCK YUU. AND WHITE-MAN is no butter, white man come to noodle shop speaking engrish, this is a fucking noodle shop not the U.N!!! white rhymes with fight (because all they do is turay to do is fighta pipple), kite cause all they do isa getta high, bite because they bite the cocku, and not right, because those moudafuckahrs are not right menterlly! But I premote my a store, “Zhang and Xiaos supppuh store, WE are-a not chinks, we are-a smarter than you, A burrfect GPA! Study hard, take-a adventerge of schoolingu systemu. We are the aduvanced ones! Rong Rive Asians! We make-a sushi and noodle soup and special bean soup for Mexicans especially… Your Sumelly asses are welcome, come to store please?

    • SuPadre says:


      • Zhang Xiao Zheng III says:

        AAAAhhh, Spic do nottu Understandu my engrish? Letta me speaku your language-u. Ey holmes, wass good holmes, come to my shop holmes, buy some beans holmes, half price because of you on welfare holmes, take a break from cleaning hombre.

        You understandu Me, my spic-ku friendu?

      • SuPadre says:

        not really….. but Im tolerant. I mean i can even tolerate stupidity so dont worry dont feel bad i undesrand your life may be tough and thats why you write the way you write. Dont worry everything will be ok son. :)

      • Zhang Xiao Zheng III says:

        You make-u fun ofa my accentu and knowledge?!. Har Har Har, Common knowledge Asian smarter than disgustingu spic, and durrty white man… Fucku Off

  770. Diana says:

    PLEASE READ THIS!!!! Hi i’m a 13 year old girl. Yes I am Mexican. I don’t know why so many white people hate me and my race? What did i ever do to them? Never in my life have i done something to them. Actually i help them. I am very kind towards them. My family has never disrespected a “white person”. No i am not a wetback or a spic. I am a human i having feelings like you and a heart. I feel what you feel some Mexicans i very agree are assholes. I am not i actually help many white people like crossing the street if they are old, with homework, and more. My friend that is “white” hates me. Why? because i’m Mexican this started a year ago. Never in my life have a been rude or anything to him. I actually liked him. Since i’m a human being like you i cried. I hated myself for being Mexican. It was not my fault i was born like this. Please COREY LEONHART if you are reading this please listen. I didn’t know why you called me a slut, bitch, etc. I never did anything to you or my family. My mom liked you because you where a nice little boy. Now i don’t what i did i am human like you. Please

    • SwedishVader says:

      Jesus Christ if this is real it broke my heart….Shit… Not many things do that by the way.

    • spic are a disease says:

      see that is just wrong because you are trying by using English and being useful to our society he is just a tool follower who has no clue that you want to be here at least you are doing something to break the cycle so keep being part of society and get other Mexicans to assimilate

  771. Q says:

    why do mexicans stare at girls who clearly don’t find them attractive at all? and why do they think they have game when their dicks are 1-2″ short? they’re gross and talk shit about everyone. makes me cringe everytime they check out some young under-aged girl.

    • sergio says:

      I DONT THINK I HAVE GAME I AM UGLY and I know there are people who are ugly in all races, why do mexicans stare? I cant even figure out if you are joking. In all my life I have never insulted anyone but my younger brothers, please dont steriotype. And checking out under-age girls, Lol that is definetly not a steriotype I have heard I personally am attracted to older women. And by the way to all you racist people I am white skined so dont try to insult me by my skin color. And yes I am full mexican

  772. fucking gringos says:

    no have culture the fucking gringos.

  773. YO MOMMA BITCH! says:

    i’m just laughing at this :P well first of all … this is so wrong! Not all mexicans are like how them gringos describe us! yea some do commit crime and shit but whites do too! please watch the news once in a while! i really feel sorry for all of you who are being racist! hope you can ge a life soon and concentrate on your education more than getting on your fucking computer and talk shit about mexicans online :/ i guess your being bullied at school or somebody else is being racist towards you or just plain being mean to you… but you don’t have to spread your hate! Bitch! Also if you bothered to talk about mexicans, might as well take the time and meet Every mexican! By THEN you may talk about mexicans since you know how ALL of them act. I came to the USA when i was 3 and since then i am a legal citizen! I now know 3 languages going on to 4. In school, I have won more than 30 certificates and 7 Honor Rolls! Perfect attendance, Perfect conduct, all A’s in all Pre-AP (advanced) classes! so your calling me dumb!? huh…yeah…… ehh no. First learn your fucking facts and your M’F history you little fucking wet dog mojo! CLEARLY!!! you haven’t met ALL mexicans so why don’t you shut your big fucking mouth and go do your fucking homework do some studying on your history! go search it! go on facebook and look at every mexican and then go tell me they are ugly. some mexicans are sexy A’F! I have many white friends and thank god lord they are not racist like yo ass! go to a mental hospital or something because honey do you need special help! Bitch i was one of the highest in the STAAR exams! Commended Performance on three! some white racist girls got a 30 on the social studies one! huh wonder why?? …Did you fail??? maybe and maybe not! I don’t know BECAUSE I DON’T FUCKING KNOW YOU AND I DON’T FUCKING CARE! CLEARLY!!! you need help ASAP! and why the fuck does color matter! this is a free country… i cain’t imagine yo ass singing “Land of the free” My parents are legal too and has a legal job! my cousin has more than 30 awards! and i have other siblings that have succeeded in life ! so Bitch please shut up ! This only goes to all of those who are being racist!

  774. YO MOMMA BITCH! says:

    Remember when whites came illegally to North America and Indians where living here already? lol Juan Lopez! haha

  775. Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

    United States of America, so much hatred over the color of someone’s skin, sexuality ,or someone’s culture, why do you claim to be the best country? When indeed its just as corrupt as Russia, police abuse their authority on people who aren’t white, when people get screwed financially its Capitalism, but when the people have a voice and stand up its violence.

    The same country that claims to be free when indeed, people are slaves to green pieces of paper with slave owners on them (U.S Dollar). A country who claims to be brave, when citizens hide behind the constitution and bible (instead of using it to live by the messages of jesus christ, people use it to preach hate and cast judgement while preachers use it to make money).

    Ignorant racist fucks on this blog want to classify Mexicans are invaders, I beg to differ. Who bombarded Native Americans and nearly wiped them out? Was taking Hawaii from the natives by overruling the monarchy, just “a good ole American visit”? Who’s the true invaders.

    Ingli Only (which is the dumbest thing I’ve every heard of due to the fact that Americans have absolutely butchered the English language, how can justify forcing English on foreigners, when you cant even speak it correctly) loves to point out bullshit statistics while forgetting the fact that we’re all human.

  776. enrique marcin says:

    mexicans just need to stay in mexico. they are gross pedophiles who will fuck anyone and anything.

    and what’s with the constant STARING ???

  777. isaac lovo says:

    ok, time to get educated people: firstly, why is there soo much hate towards a singular race??? I just don’t get how you can have this much anger and blame a whole race for these events and say they are all stupid as a whole? Look, i understand where you’re coming from, I used to be racist, but there is this thing called tolerance, and you need to tolerate it if you want to have a great life or else you will always be miserable. Second of all, Mexican isn’t a race and the true term is mestizos, because most Hispanics are white/native American.(the mestizos where here first partly due to their native American blood). I for one, am italian/Salvadoran and I don’t appreciate how you can be soo critical to the whole population of Mexicans and call them a separate species. We are all the same, it just depends where in the world we were born, that’s why blacks have curly hair and dark skin,they adapted to the heat in Africa.thirdly, I know very little mestizos that have actually crossed the border(less than 1%), and even then, they are great humble people that are just a delight to be with .there is actually some mestizos that are very intelligent , like myself, that don’t make such arrogant,intolerant, and just plain slapdash remarks that can inundate a Hispanics self conference from seeing all this hatred, and that is just wrong!!! I think you people need to stop categorizing just because you don’t understand. I love all people and I hope you can too! One thing I recommend doing is to be polite and killl them with kindness, it works like a charm and I wish you a good day, and god bless your soul. =)

  778. Who gives a meaty shit? says:

    fuck everyone anyways

  779. Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

    All I’m hearing is “if you dont like it leave” fine. What the fuck is so good about this country? Cowards hiding and abusing the constitution in a pathetic excuse to justify racism and discrimination. Living with people so dependent of the U.S. Dollar, they sell their souls and bodies. Living with people that know more about a canadian who cant even sing or obsessed which celebrity is fucking who or what their eating but have no idea the basics of SIMPLE English (which Americans murdered and have the AUDACITY to force on people) or Math.

    Having to automatically sign up for “selective service” to “defend the American people.” FUCK THE AMERICAN PEOPLE! A black man has his own war on his own soil and you expect me to kill people I’ve never met in my life return home mentally unstable with images of the lives I’ve taken or come back in a casket dead all for a bunch of racist greedy spoiled bastards? FUCK THAT AND FUCK YOU.

    Someone told me “there’s racism everywhere” that may be true, but it isn’t this bad. Since a certain someone wants to point out statistics, I have a statistic of my own. The United States of America is the leader of Racism and Discrimination (sarcastic applause ) and thats something to be proud of? You should be ashamed, you also can take your lame ass racist agenda, excuses and “white power” theories and shove them up you racist pathetic asses.

    Padre, Which city is better to live in San Pedro Garza García or Mexico City?

    SwedishVader, Im considering Brazil,Colombia and Mexico, but the open mindedness of Sweden is awesome ( means my lame ass race war is over). There’s something I’ve always wanted to know. Is what people are saying about swedish women and black guys true?

  780. James says:

    you stupid inbred trailer trash cracker , id beat your pussy ass so bad you’d be crying for your sister or mother as there both the same to you!!” teach your kids to fight and maybe they won’t get punked all the time like you did and prob still do!!! have a nice life pussy !! brown and prowd !! shaaaaaaaaaas!!!!

  781. La Mexican Ganster says:

    Look bitch shut yo ass down I swear fuckin dumb bitch y’all are hatin just because mexicans are way fucking better than all yo ugly white asses
    Arriva Mexico culeros brown skin

  782. jealous gringos says:

    No need to argue their only jealous of our amazing actual true tan. and the part that we actually know how to talk two languages fluently. and their girlfriends even show that they like Those amazing chulos que son mexicanos. he’s just jealous mexicans look better. and we not fake like most white barbie dolls. que chingan su madre guey!

  783. d.a.s says:

    Stereotypes. I have always disliked the fact that humans judge based on what they think other cultures are. Not only does it show a lack of intelligence and knowledge, it also gives a negative impression of that person’s personality. After all, not being informed about something can cause a certain dislike to it. A quick fact ,15 billion dollars are paid to social services by illegal immigrants, yet they only take 1 billion from that.In fact, the system relies on them paying taxes to keep working (they pay taxes by buying products and even if they didn’t, if your income is low enough like their’s is then you don’t have to pay taxes even as a citizen) .That is including immigrants from many different countries such as China,Mexico,Brazil,Korea,Honduras,and El Salvador. So in reality its not just Mexicans. Personally, i share with you some opinions on how some people are extremely rude and horrible human beings, yet please do not classify a whole nationality based upon your unfortunate encounters with some of them. I can assure you about 95% of Mexicans are not rude and stupid ,as you think, just in the same way not all Americans are vulgar and ignorant as common belief goes. For example, I can say that despite being born in Mexico, coming to the US LEGALLY during 5th grade, living in a tiny 12*14 storage “house” ,not knowing any English, and being bullied cause of the latter, i have managed to academically surpass every single one of the students (who have had the advantages that come from being born in the US).So yea , not all Mexicans are horrible

  784. Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

    To Ingli only (which is a very stupid username considering the fact that Americans completely murdered the English language)

    Since we love to throw statistics around, there was a survey conducted by Mercer last year on the best cities in the world based on quality of life. Let me ask you this, if the United States of America is the greatest country in the world (fuck everyone else), why weren’t any US cities mentioned in the top 2 let alone top 10? Another survey was conducted by Monocle in that same year, only this time it was based on the most livable cities in the world. ONCE AGAIN, NOT A SINGLE CITY FROM THE UNITED STATES WAS MENTIONED! You explanation?

    • SwedishVader says:


      Cool that you’re planning where to go, to answer your questions about Europe heres a little info from my personal experience!

      Yeah, Sweden is very comfortable with all races. Of course there are some idiots and in every country there will be. But none this bad and they aren’t seen often at all. I’ve seen Swedish women with all types of men of different races. Even the Netherlands is the same. Europe is a good option aside from Russia, Ukraine, and Poland. Their VERY isolated from other races. Good European countries without retardation also include

      Sweden, Netherlands, France, Germany, UK, Italy is about 75 percent good…. spain is about 68 percent good. European women love ethnic guys because their kind of like novelties to them, different and new.

  785. Ana Gomez says:

    yall fucking racis im 100% ,mexican and im not illagle …..just saying …you fucking hate your self too cause a long time ago your ansaters where not from the united states so fuck u gringos who fucking hatin on mexicans and other racis …..and who ever said everybody hates mexican check again cause thats not a fact retard its an opinon. so u can say what u want to say no one fucking cares just keep it to your self …and just saying im 12 ….there is no point of making this fucking page any ways just keep it to your self ..thats all i have too say so fuck you you fucking gringos ….do me a fav. and go ahead and reply i want to see what u going to say to a fucking 12 year old girl !!!

    • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

      what these inbred morons don’t realize is that this country was built on immigrants and they’re the true “illegals” who still carry the same traits as their ancestors. Take whatever they want and demean whom ever they damn well please and have the nerve to call mexicans invaders? Lets be honest here, who are the true “invaders”? History doesn’t serve well for you inbred incest hicks. Why don’t you actually do what you tell immigrants, learn english or go back to where you came from, I’ve witnessed, italians and japanese grasping the english language better than you. I for one love the mexican people (especially the women) and its culture.

    • ingli ONLY says:

      What the fuck beaner bitch??? u are proof that America dollars spent on beaners is a waste of MOney/// U ruin OUR schools and can’t even fake educated after sucking them dry… DID U get LUNCH tickets???
      ps george zimmerman is a beaner NOT a white man

      • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

        Expect noting more from “ingli only” (stupid ass name considering the fact Americans butchered the English language) Pissing away your own money on alcohol drugs and women so you don’t want anyone to have access to benefits? Typical american greed and I expect noting less. Where’s this anger and hatred when it was revealed that the U.S the country you love so much is spying on you ignorant mindless sheep. Yet there was no outrage or rioting, you all took it like the bitches you are. People that value green pieces of paper with slave owners on them then their own privacy, bodies and dignity. I would forfeit my own citizenship and benefits to a Mexican family in search for the “American dream” (I don’t see why anyone would want to live this tarnished sham of a dream, but if it makes them happy by all means) than to be around people that value materialistic bullshit and green pieces of paper over their families. YOU MINDLESS SHEEP DISGUST ME!

    • patriot says:

      Whatever, you ugly wetback!

  786. I don’t like meskins

  787. Anna says:

    Reading these comments made me sick to my stomach. I really think it’s ridiculous the amount of hate here. Im proud to be an American, but reading these comments made me shameful. This is representing our country! No wonder other countries label us Americans as “stupid.” Just look the amount of ignorance this page holds. THE CONTENTS OF THIS PAGE IS THE REASON WE LIVE IN SUCH A FU*KED UP WORLD. A place full of hate. THIS RIGHT HERE IS A PERFECT EXAMPLE OF WHY 9/11 HAPPENED. ONE GROUP OF PEOPLE HAD SO MUCH HATE FOR ANOTHER GROUP. This shows how we Americans are NO better than the hateful Saudi Arabians. Think about it. This is the UNITED states of America! Where no matter what fu*king skin color, religion, nationality, or gender you are, you are free. I really hope that our children aren’t as closed minded idiots as most of you on this site.
    Im 15 years old and PROUD to be Mexican-American. I personally have no hate towards any race. We are all god’s children and we are all equal. We all bleed red blood. Im just glad my parents taught me to love, not hate.♥

    • ingli ONLY says:

      What you’re really saying is you are mexican living in American,, Did your parents or grandparents come here illegally??

  788. Hans says:

    just because the way they act, annoying, loud, dirty, think they are cooler. many of my friends from different racial background (excluding south americans and mexicans) all say they don’t like and don’t trust mexican, half or full blood. why? look into your dumb barbaric culture. a lot of the half or second generation mexicans try to fit in the popular community, yet they can’t. many popular high schools and colleges in major cities have crouds, different clicks, full with asians, mideasterners, whites and blacks, but very very few mexicans. they are not motivated to a better world and not willing to fit in the society and expect the world to fit them? nope people, you should all get out and leave us some peace. so many jobs that weren’t shameful to work, it’s shameful to even tell your friends now if you work with a lot of mexicans. they make everything downgrade in every way.they have contributed nothing to the improvement of this world besides corrupting it with wars, mafias, gangsters, overpopulating and drugs.

    • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

      First off looking at the culture and history of the United States you have no room to judge someone else’s history or culture. My friend (who I’m proud to say) is one of the smartest people I’ve ever met, graduated high school with a 4.0 gpa and is attend UW-Madison for engineering who happens to be MEXICAN! I saw your earlier comment let me ask you, how in the fuck is this country beautiful? What’s attractive about being spied on and being told there’s nothing you can do about it? Absolutely no protest or outrage just “ok whatever you say”.. How is this country free when Americans are slaves to green pieces with slave owners on them and materialistic shit? How is this country brave when everyone hides behind the bible or constitution to make excuses for their bigotry?

      • CubanPhysicist says:

        Why are you here then? Your logic is so flawed that debunking each fictitious or erroneous claim would take hours.

      • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

        As noted several times Im leaving the United States, if you want to stay here and constantly get spied on without a fight, by all means. Im sick and tired of the notion that the United States is the best overall country when its not. When its proven time and time again there are a lot of countries that are way better, this country is just as corrupt as any other country. If Mexico is this “horrible and corrupt” place, why are there over one million Americans and counting living there.

    • CubanPhysicist says:

      I don’t like most Mexicans I know, but I also don’t like generalizations and ignorance. You might as well consider yourself to be as uneducated and ignorant as the many mexicans you talk about. Lets talk statistics shall we? In the news a reporter said that 7% of the white population is unemployed whereas 14% of the blacks in the US are unemployed. So…are more blacks or whites currently looking for a job? hint: check the total number of whites vs. the total number of blacks. I am with you in that many mexicans conform with mediocre jobs, but, judging by your apparent education level, you should know how hard it is for some people to find motivation. Minorities do start somewhat behind the starting line, and people often expect for them to catch up. It is sometimes hard you know.

      I do agree that Mexico is full of corrupt people. I lived there myself. I did not encounter 1 single decent Mexican. It is a filthy place full of filthy people. I came here and got a great degree from a great University, but it was not easy. I can see why others would give up.

  789. Kaka because says:

    I agree except for the part about killing furiners

  790. jenny says:

    We Mexicans are ilegally coming to your country? learn some history white bitches. Half of the US was Mexican territory until you came to invade us. And now you are bitching about us “invading your country” saying we are the illegals? . Have you ever wonder why your cities have Spanish names? Los angeles san francisco, las vegas, colorado and so forth.

    We are just taking over whats ours, and there’s nothing you can do about it bitches.Sooner or later this country will be ruled by Hispanic people. Deal with it mother fuckers.Many city majors are Hispanic descendants. This is just the beginning.

    • CubanPhysicist says:

      That is incorrect, American’s did not invade “Mexican” territory. I see that you need to learn history yourself. The Spanish government in charge of mexico encouraged migration into its northern boundary to foster development. The people of Mexico freed themselves from Spain, but did not completely closed their empresario program. The people living in “Mexican” territory fought against a corrupt and unjust Mexican government that sought to centralize power and limit freedom. Like today, Mexico was a highly corrupt government.

      I am a physicist from Cuba, and I lived in the dumpster down-south that people call Mexico. I don’t like the palpable corruption, and we came to America in search of freedom and running away from Communism and corruption. Whites are not racists towards those who assimilate and show respect and gratitude to this great country. Ignorance from whites and hispanics alike will continue to fuel conflict as it has for so long now. I hope that you Mexicans learn that chanting “Viva Mexico!” makes us wonder why are you here in the United States of America.

      • jenny says:

        You said “Ignorance from whites and hispanics alike will continue to fuel conflict” and then “dumpster down-south that people call Mexico”. you are just an ignorant white wannabe, first you call our country a dumpster and then you say we fuel conflict? what a contradictory idiot. I dont think mexico is as much of a dumpster as cuba actually is. This makes me think you got bullied here in mexico that’s why you ran away. What a fad

    • runtelldat says:

      But if you HAD NOT LOST THE WAR, much of this country WOULD still be MEXICO and you people would STILL BE TRYING TO GET AWAY FROM IT. The problem with Mexico is not the land , it is the people that inhabit the land. We don’t dislike you for your looks, we dislike you for your culture.

    • jenny says:

      Remember you asshole that not all of the immigrants are mexicans you idiot. How do you know he was mexican when all of south americans look alike. This just makes me think your just another ignorant piece of shit.

  791. CubanPhysicist says:

    I love the United States of America, and Mexico can’t begin to compare to this majestic nation. It granted me freedom and opportunity. I have made the most out of it so far. I hope that hate doesn’t spread anymore in this country. The internet has given cowards a voice. I see that many start pages like this to reach out to more cowards with similar views. This seems to arise anger in the targeted groups, and arguments begin. Hours get wasted, and anger gets fertilized.

    Mexicans: Don’t fight ignorance with ignorance. Spread love and tolerance. Let the brute be a brute. Don’t lower yourself to the level of those who look at you and label unjustly. If you want to change the mind of any Americans, then you must show them what you are worth. I wish you Mexican and Mexican-Americans luck. I hope that you don’t disappoint those of us who expect for you to adapt to this country and work for the progress of the American people (to whom you belong).

    • jenny says:

      You called our country a “dumpster” and now you ask to spread love and tolerance. Seriously you are such an idiot. Saying contradictory shit. Go fuck yourself man. fucking gringo wanna be

      • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

        Yet he doesn’t know that over one million Americans and counting (potential me next year) and living in Mexico.

  792. Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

    If it was possible, I would love to forfeit my U.S. citizenship and to a Mexican family who has the desire to work hard, make a living for and want so much more for their family. With that being said the so called “American Dream” in today’s society is more of a want than an actual need, its no longer my desire, want or need.

    I’m fed up with the greedy and materialistic nature of the United States. Its disgusting to see you mindless pathetic sheep categorize a man like Edward Snowden as a criminal, its disgusting that you pathetic racist sons a bitches categorize blacks as thieves, when in fact whites stole this same land from the Native Americans (Yes NATIVE AMERICAS not Indians, Indians reside in India) , nearly wiping out their people with diseases and raping their women.

    The audacity to label Mexicans as invaders but isn’t this country founded on “invaders”? Didn’t America invade Hawaii and stole it from the native Hawaiians?. America invaded the middle east and trying to cover up the real reason why their over there in the first place by saying “were protecting America’s freedoms and fighting for America” and you stupid mindless sheep fell for it hook line and sinker.

    I’m tired of the everlasting notion “America is the best overall country” when its proven time and time again that there’s countries far better than the U.S, If “America is the best country” why are Americans leaving leaving? Better yet why do Americans have a thought of leaving? If Mexico is this horrible and dangerous place, why are the over a million Americans and counting living there? If America “is the best” no one shouldn’t have the thought of wanting to leave.

    How in the red, white and blue hell can you all be in favor of “English only” when Americans completely murdered the English language? Every day Americas prove in every detail possible exactly how countries are more advanced from an intellectual standpoint.

    • jenny says:

      Me robare esa parte, muy buena frase “The audacity to label Mexicans as invaders but isn’t this country founded on “invaders”?”

      • ingli ONLY says:

        los jenny,,,The oxygen thieves (invaders) today have no sense of (American) pride since they are taught FALSE history and never form that bond because they did not have to earn the right to be a citizen … very different breed of invader, not here to make it stronger and/or better..

    • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

      Yet this idiot still wants to call Mexicans “invaders”. What the fuck do you call America bombardment of Hawaii stealing it away from the natives, a friendly and relaxing vacation? America are the true invaders, invading other countries and never leaving. If its not true get out of Japan, Germany and the middle east.

  793. Joules says:

    Mmmm… ¿Que les puedo decir? Soy mexicano. Creo que si todos esos mexicanos que se fueron a lamer traseros gringos hubieran dejado toooodo ese esfuerzo aquí, nuestro país estaría mejor. No la caguen cabrones, ¿Que pinche necesidad de ser discriminados a lo guey por esos pendejos? Déjenlos en su puta sociedad de mierda!!!! (Ni van a entender lo que escribo los muy pendejos) I do know how to speak English but I just don’t want por que soy mexicano (muy culto por cierto) y les escribo desde México

    • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

      Mmmm país con buena comida y las mujeres calientes …. ¿dónde firmo? Mejor ciudad allá abajo?

      • Joules says:

        La neta sí carnalito, pésele a quien le pese MI país SÍ es una tierra donde SÍ puedes ser VERDADERAMENTE LIBRE no como allá con esos putos gringos que además de restringirte en todo y por todo yo sé que discriminan a la raza de por acá sin un argumento de peso. Acá también se puede hacer varo si te lo propones y te preparas o si le chingas sabroso a lo que sea. Hasta con un pinche puestecito de quesadillas si le chingas sabroso como Dios manda, puedes progresar cabronamente (los he visto y los conozco). Lo de mujeres… bueeeeeno donde quiera y mejor ciudad por claro! Por muuuucho te digo que aquí sí eres libre no como en esa tierra de dizque “libertad”. Aquí si te pones chingon hasta te puedes dar el lujo de no pagar impuestos, etc.

      • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

        Una de las cosas acerca de la cultura mexicana que amo es que la familia realmente es lo primero, y que las mujeres mexicana son mucho mejor que algunas de estas bestias ella aquí. Antes de que yo estaba contemplando República Domiciano, Brasil y Colombia, México sólo parece correcto. No digas nada más estoy en!

      • ingli ONLY says:

        Which part of the family value do u love?? the part where u can fuck them and then leave them with a child or 10??

      • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

        I see Ingli (stupid ass name because Americans murdered the English language) has decided to grow some balls and confront the “US Hater”.

        When a Mexican kid does something wrong they get beat, when a white kid does something wrong the get rewarded. Its called discipline, something white parents never heard of. Time out isn’t discipline, “now bill you can either clean your room or go to time out” isn’t a punishment.

        When was the last time you saw a Mexican parent sitting on the stage at the Maury show crying and scared of their daughters beating them or having sex with 25, 30 or 50 year old men, selling their bodies in exchange for the white man (USD),doing drugs? What race are the women on teen mom? Certainly not Mexican, hell they aren’t even black.

        What race is the nasty whore who lied on her back, named it “backdoor teen mom” while saying “I want to flaunt my body while I still can”, numerous times abused her mother? What race is the mom is the dumbass ass who countless times abused her mom, got caught in a house while doing drugs, went to jail for doing drugs? You want to talk about parenting? You clearly let your spoiled bastard children run all over you.

    • ingli ONLY says:

      joules, does your country have a screening process that picks just the little ugly useless ones to go to American ? The ones that won’t benefit your country?? If you don’t want them, why should we??

      • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

        Dumb fuck, what part of over one million Americans and counting living in mexico didn’t you understand? What makes Americans so high and mighty that they can victimize other countries countries they want but if anyone talk about the us of a there’s going to be problems? FUCK THE U.S, and I’m an American (future expat). The fact that Snowden reveled what the government was doing but yet there was no outrage just “were ok with that” agreeing to everything the government does just like mindless puppets you are.

  794. Joules says:

    Arriba el DF culeros

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  796. Robin Corey says:

    Mexicans come from shit, they come here because we take care of them no matter what. Thats America, we all came from shit once, and ended up here. It sucks for the ones living here now, but we were once them,. If I lived in a terd of a country, I would run here too. Now the not learning elglish, and whatnot is bullshit. We all had to do it, just like our ancestors from other countries. So them not wanting to do that is bullshit, and there should be no pampering in this country. Everybody you see in Gangs of New York with Leo had to learn the language, so nobody is too dumb to learn it. The cream always comes to the top, and the ones that want something out of life will come here, flourish, and do better for the country, as for the dipshits…well, they will keep thier mustaches, and stand in parking lots at home depot. Its survival of the fittest, and always will be. The good from all countries have come here and excelled, but as for the bottom dwellers, with the old english writing in the back of their trucks, while they live in mobile homes….those people will always fail. There is shit from every country, and they all come here, but understand, we were all shit once. But if you are still rocking the pedophile mustache, and are from Mexico….come on man….thats probably whats holding you back.

  797. I'm praying for all of you says:

    This is so sad! It’s so hurtful toward my feelings people feel this way about minorities. I could go ahead and insult you ignorant people, but it’s not worth my time. I just pray for the day in which people can accept each other regardless of their ethnicity, gender, sex, and or skin color.People can be so mean and cruel. I’ve witnessed students get bullied at my school for being different and feel the need to “cut” themselves due to constant rejection of who they are. I wonder why we’re still fighting this issue, but then I read these comments and notice that a lot of them come from GROWN people who are shaping their kids in such a negative way… Slowly things are mending for gays, blacks, and Hispanics so I have hope that someday we will all be accepting of one another as God intended us to do. Mark 12:31 “You shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is none other commandment greater than these”. :) I truly do hope in my heart that things will mend between all of us!
    -Anonymous (Senior, member of the National Honors Society in High school)

  798. :) says:

    Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.

    Martin Luther King, Jr.

  799. crusader4464 says:

    if your a no good bastard. then your a no good bastard. no matter what race you are. most white yuppies elected the worst trader of all time. and so did the Mexicans and blacks that are here legal in the us. enjoy the change. l hope you ungodly first rate upper crust track home jap car driving great USA folks can get use to your new 3rd world country.

  800. MonsterTRAP says:

    well if you have such a problem with mexicans or hispanics than you should tell your govt. to stay the fuck out of their country with its politics and govt. bribing to either steal land from foreigners or to destroy the rain forest and build companies. Tell you’re govt. to stop trying to enforce their political views or set up businesses in their country. Also, your govt. shouldn’t be trying to steal the middle east’s resources and land so that they can set up some sleazy businesses or trying to expand their capitalism in Iraq, afganistan, iran, egypt. syria claiming its trying to establish democracy and eqaulity for everyone when it doesn’t even practice what it preaches in its own country.

    As for accusation that illegals are talking over your jobs. Most illegals do shitty jobs that other people wouldn’t and do it for less and sadly are low life jobs. If your such an uneducated lowlife I guess you can complain having no out look in life. Their are 50 million people unemployed in the U.S but thats because of the govt., OBAMA, and half the U.S white population that voted for OBAMA that let him win because they leeched off this corruption. Honeslty stop blaming blacks and illlegals about OBAMA. It was white Democrates that were rich, held a high manager job or just plain ignorant that held OBAMA a corrupt president win. Obama Only cares about the rich and passing favors for the rich who trample the poor and pass unjust laws to find ways to extort money from them.

    Remember the U.S really belongs to NATIVE AMERICANS which they backstaved though most native american were hostile and peaceful letting white settlers settle on their land and not white europeans. White people didn’t even build the U.S but black slaves anyway who did all the hard work while the white europeans sat around doing nothing.

    Last time I check Mexicans lived in some states way before white U.S setters. Those states included florida, texas, california, arizona, new mexico, colorado, nevada, along with native americans. Those mexicans accepted white U.S settlers and had not problems with people moving in.

  801. MonsterTRAP says:

    well if you have such a problem with mexicans or hispanics than you should tell your govt. to stay the fuck out of their country with its politics and govt. bribing to either steal land from foreigners or to destroy the rain forest and build companies. Tell you’re govt. to stop trying to enforce their political views or set up businesses in their country. Also, your govt. shouldn’t be trying to steal the middle east’s resources and land so that they can set up some sleazy businesses or trying to expand their capitalism in Iraq, afganistan, iran, egypt. syria claiming its trying to establish democracy and eqaulity for everyone when it doesn’t even practice what it preaches in its own country.

    As for accusation that illegals are talking over your jobs. Most illegals do shitty jobs that other people wouldn’t and do it for less and sadly are low life jobs. If your such an uneducated lowlife I guess you can complain having no out look in life. Their are 50 million people unemployed in the U.S but thats because of the govt., OBAMA, and half the U.S democratic white population that voted for OBAMA that let him win because they leeched off his corruption. Honeslty stop blaming blacks and illlegals about OBAMA. It was white Democrates that were rich, held a high manager job or just plain ignorant that helped OBAMA a corrupt president win. Obama Only cares about the rich and passing favors for the rich who trample the poor and pass unjust laws to find ways to extort money from them.

    Remember the U.S really belongs to NATIVE AMERICANS which they backstaved though most native american were hostile and peaceful letting white settlers settle on their land. White people didn’t even build the U.S but black slaves anyway who did all the hard work while the white europeans sat around doing nothing.

    Last time I checked Mexicans lived in some states way before white U.S setters. Those states included florida, texas, california, arizona, new mexico, colorado, nevada, ect…along with native americans. Those mexicans accepted white U.S settlers and had not problems with people moving in.


  802. tagman says:

    this website is very funny. I am an Asian who lives in one of Asian countries, but white Americans do the same thing. White Americans do not try to learn local language and culture; they always speak English and assume that others can speak English as well. Also, many of them do drug and violence. They do walking smoking, sit disabled only in the subway, throw trash, etc. I understand that (many) Mexicans do not assimilte to the Aemrican society. However, my question is, “Why white Americans are more obnoxious when they are out of town?” Is it just because white Americans who live in Asia are just losers?

    • ingli ONLY says:

      are they legal white americans or illegal?? are they helping or hurting your economy? Are they hurting your neighborhoods and killing your property values?? most importantly do you have to support them?? pay for their food, sheltor, education and medical, or do they come with their own resources???

  803. To the white people demanding Mexicans to “go back home” take your asses back to the Caucasus mountains

    Visit my cousin’s website, maybe you’ll learn exactly how to please a woman.

    • ingli ONLY says:

      there are planes, trains and boats leaving all the time. Seats are available.

    • ingli ONLY says:

      On June 15,the DC march for jobs was both an attempt to highlight the unemployment plight of the black community AND a protest against the disastrous illegal alien amnesty for millions of illegal aliens that will crater black unemployment.
      The Black American Leadership Alliance’s (BALA) letter highlights the fact that amnesty will have a high cost for the black community.

      studies have shown that black Americans are disproportionately harmed by mass immigration and amnesty. …
      the number one KILLER of African American JOBS is illegal aliens. Unfortunately, leadership like Barack Hussein Obama, care more about future Latino voters(votes) than the well being of black Americans..

      Black Unemployment 13.5%; Hispanic Unemployment 9.1%
      Do we really want 33 million poverty-level illegal immigrants to become legalized?
      Educate yourself about what is really going on. You cannot depend on the main stream media
      to tell you the full truth about this issue.

      • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

        Let me tell you something about the black community, I have 21 years of knowledge when it comes to my people. Blacks are so concerned with the next person has instead of focusing on their own household. Blacks are obsessed with finding new way to draw attention to themselves not caring how it the community is viewed as a whole. Your on the outside looking in and know nothing when it comes to blacks,I’m around it 24/7 365. Mexicans stick together as a whole, not selling out their people for the white man (USD). No secret that America is the most racist country in the world leading Russia and China. If not, why is there such a thing as “African-American, Native-American ect” but whites are American not Caucasian american or white american. You sit here and throw out lame ass statics based on a race you know nothing about. If I could, I would proudly give up my own citizenship to a hard working Mexican family so they can work towards “the american dream”. You can take your lame ass racist spoiled materialistic country and shove it up your ass!

  804. ingli ONLY says:

    first off u don’t know my race, gender or occupation u have zero idea what I’m surrounded by 24/7 u know my political views on immigration, anchor babies and that I travel alot…

    Because the pro-illegal alien lobby has a bottomless pit of money and can hire PR people to spin (and fabricate) anything any way, there are an undue number of myths and lies that the public (and many politicians) has bought into. white liberals should also be thrown out of the country … they’ve done most damage, by far!

    • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

      I know that you’re the original murderers, thieves and rapists. I know that you race loves to demise and humiliate other races for your own sick games (it clearly shows).

  805. ingli ONLY says:

    I’ve never been impressed by romantic references to superior Mexican family values (knowing it to be liberal propaganda)…. The phenomenon can be attributed to one mundane fact, common to squatter cultures: Mestizo Mexicans are instinctively drawn to band together by blood. However, rather than the warm cocoon of family conviviality that is imagined by Anglo liberals, Mexican homes housing children and relatives numbering well into the double digits there’s something oppressive and joyless about the way they are mindlessly jammed together, generation stacked on top of generation in overcrowded and collapsing conditions.
    Instead of a manageable home in which to educate and discipline, it is a chaotic and dysfunctional setting: often they are flatly unaware that one or more of their many children—or innumerable grandchildren or countless cousins—stopped attending school months ago, or have become involved in drugs, or even that they have been arrested. Whether this binding together of kin is really an expression of superior familial love which should make us frigid Anglos hang our heads in shame, or simply (as I suspect) a response to some primitive impulse that drives them to amass the greatest possible force of blood-related bodies in one place in order to assert and defend the squatting imperative, is unclear.
    But ask any LAPD officer dispatched to the umpteenth Saturday night DOMESTIC violence call at a tract house designed for a 1950s Anglo-American single-family unit with two children, but now housing 25 or 30 Mestizo Mexicans, about the “family values” that predominate in that volatile environment…
    Family Value:: myth number one.

    • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

      So you confuse the whole Mexican race as nothing but drug lords and murders. So its perfectly fine for me to classify all whites as spoiled rich people who’ve had everything handed to them on a sliver platter and fed to them with a golden spoon. who’s also been throwing their weight around for hundreds of years and continue to do it because they can?

      If Americans (especially whites) are such great parents explain 16 and pregnant and Teen Mom, explain women going on talk shows talking about their daughters beating them, having sex with men older than them, doing drugs, drinking. Last I’ve checked, none of those mothers were Hispanic, they were either white or black.

      American family values: mito numero uno

      • ingli ONLY says:

        Hispanic immigrants, even in the second and third generation, are significantly more likely than white Americans (and East Asian immigrants) to drop out of school, go on welfare, and end up in jail, notwithstanding their (exaggerated) greater “family values” and the moral rot “right in the heart of America …
        The Great family values “propaganda” was just bullshit fed to the American people like: ‘hard-working – looking for better lives – provide for their families…… blah, blah, blah… and again with the white pregnant 16 year olds??? Look up the stats not only do the mexican teens win that prize they usually don’t learn and get pregnant again.. different sperm donor of course..

        On mexican television, in politics and in academia, you see light-skinned people. On construction sites, in police forces and in restaurant kitchens, you’re more likely to find those who are dark-skinned. In the priciest neighborhoods, the homeowners have light skin, and the housekeepers are dark. Everyone knows this, and yet no one talks about it, at least not in elite circles.
        Nor do Mexicans seem all that eager to discuss the larger dynamic that race feeds into: the fact that this is, and has always been, a country of deep divisions. In the 100 years since the Mexican Revolution, one part of Mexico has often been at war with another: urban vs. rural, rich vs. poor and, yes, dark-skinned vs. light-skinned… Mexico is just as reacist as America if not more…… But again this is NOT a race issue it’s an American issue.

        Certified and accredited polls tell us that approximately 66-80% of Americans oppose any form
        of Amnesty and favor enforcement over Comprehensive Immigration Reform Amnesty.
        Yet, elitist politicians, Global corporations, and race based organizations continue to push
        Comprehensive Immigration Reform on the American public because they hope to gain more
        money and more political power….

        The rewards of instant citizenship for Illegal babies is a lifetime of welfare for their mothers and, eventually, all of their immediate family members. No wonder six thousand illegal aliens cross our borders daily!
        These benefits attract illegal aliens like moths to a flame and are a principal cause for our immigration crisis. And obama may look stupid but he’s not – he is aware of this and is everyother corrupt politician…

        I could go on and on… and I understand you are only 21 and you’ve seen what you’ve seen, and your life experiences have formed your thought process and point of view… and I understand that.

  806. ingli ONLY says:

    Myth: Illegal immigrants are only taking jobs Americans do not want.
    Fact: Many illegal immigrants are able to work for less than market value because they don’t pay income or Social Security taxes and are able to take their entire paycheck (or cash) home. This is not only unfair competition against employers who follow the law and pay employees “above the table,” but it depresses the wage scale for Americans who would otherwise select jobs currently filled by illegal immigrants. These are jobs that Americans “do not want” only because the illegal immigrants have depressed the wage scale for the positions. Take away the illegal immigrants, and the market would raise wages to the level where Americans would take the jobs.
    taking jobs Americans won’t do:: myth number two

    • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

      So your telling me Americans would work in fields for little of nothing? Are you serously telling me Americans would take jobs as a maid? Muto numero dos when Americans would never take jobs as maids because Americans are too concerned with what the next person has and will do anything to destroy them. Do you honestly think Americans will take field jobs or get paid little to nothing?

      • ingli ONLY says:

        Re: the hotel maids who do you think did these jobs in the past? Food workers also were Americans the bus boys were American teens and legal unskilled immigrants… The farm workers I don’t know- but i’ll look it up and let you know.

      • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

        no no no not hotel maid, maids for the rich. If you think that’ll happen? Whatever you smoking keep it away from me

      • ingli ONLY says:

        the field workers total about 50% immigrant and illegal…. they avg 250.00 per week and most get housing during the picking season… BUT take into consideration the education – medical – food – and whatever other costs the US has to take on while they are here at poverty status– it ends up being VERY expensive cheap labor. Instead pay a decent wage to an American (he’ll do the job) problem solved!! … And I don’t watch reality TV so alot of your concepts I don’t relate to — but YES Americans were hotel maids in the past… and Gardeners, and pool cleaners,,, our local trash guys are American they are paid a decent wage .. not an apealing job, but it gets done. and they are able to support their families…
        Give me an American teenager anyday at a fast food place ALL i Want is to get my order right and be thanked in ENglish.

        I looked it up and the Average maid (Legal American) makes 400.00 a week plus tips.. These jobs are meant for our American low skilled workers … so, we give the beaner the job for 250.00 cash what happens to our American low skilled worker??? Who would gladly take the job at fair and decent wage and working conditions. Our people have to come first… we ARE NOT Obligated to take care of another contries poor. wheather they think we are or not… It’s not racist putting American first in America..

      • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

        Like I said if you honestly think that Americans would clean up, cook and take care of their spoiled children whatever your smoking keep it away from me. Americans have this materalistic image they have to maintain.

  807. ingli ONLY says:

    cheap labor.” It may be “cheap” to those who pay the wages, but for the rest of us it is clearly “subsidized” labor, as we taxpayers pick up the costs of education, health, and other municipal costs imposed by this workforce. These have become a substantial and growing cost as the nature of illegal immigration patterns has changed. For decades illegal immigrants were single men who would come up from Mexico or Central America alone, pick crops or perform other low-paid physical labor and then go home. They were indeed “cheap labor.” But starting slowly in the 1960s and steadily increasing to this day, these workers either bring their families or smuggle them into the country later. They become a permanent or semi-permanent population living in the shadows but imposing immense municipal costs. Illegal immigration today isn’t “cheap” labor except to the employer….Realistically no minimum-wage workers or even low-wage workers pay anywhere near enough taxes to pay for even one child in school (and they always have more than one child) ..medical?? food?? non insured??
    America needs cheap labor on farms:: myth number three

  808. Caitlin says:

    Hello friends, pleasant piece of writing and pleasant urging
    commented here, I am really enjoying by these.

  809. Rodrigo says:

    Well america is hated by half the planet because you kill people just to get money like on iraq. You guys kill them and take their petrolium and texas and california were from mexico but you took our territory with guns just to take the petrolium of texas and the gold from california so basically the US is a country with a bunch of thiefs. Every country hates the US like Russia, Korea, Japan, Mexico, Cuba, Colombia, (basically the whole latin american cotinent). And if america didn’t exist we would have less racism with black people and we wouldn’t have many wars because every time the US gets in trouble with a country like now with Korea. and guess what?, The mexicans don’t kill people to get their territories or their money and that is why mexican don’t even have enemies.

    • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

      I experienced first hand how other countries hates the U.S. when I was in Florence, Italy, to be honest, I don’t blame them. U.S consist of nothing bunch of greedy materialistic celebrity obsessed bastards.Worst thing about it is the government is secretly fucking them, but don’t have the balls to stand up to it. This country was practically built on racism and the horrendous treatment of blacks,

      Still to this day there are people who are proud of living in the racist country in the world, some even wish slavery would come back. However we don’t exactly help the situation, because we keep doing dumb shit (killing our own over shoes, white men (money), women, drugs and women).

      I for one am embarrassed to be an American having to live around the spoiled, materialistic, racist, celebrity obsessed idiots. How people can degrade and demean a race because they can, hating Arabic because of “9/11” I think was a scare tactic that had nothing to do with the middle east, was an excuse to steal oil, telling Mexicans to go home and telling blacks to go back to Africa.

      Whites are the original thieves, murderers and rapist again its how this country was formed they murdered and raped Native Americans all while stealing they’re land in the process, using blacks as slaves while raping our women, fast forward to the 1960’s where we were the lowest scum of the earth in the eyes of whites not being able to use the same bathrooms, drink from the same water fountains, hell even sit near them on the bus or in movie theaters and all hell broke loose when blacks and whites had to go to the same school. How would you react if i said that the same vile word that would haunt blacks would still be said commonly not only from whites, but blacks as well, no big deal we dropped er and add a, stupid right?

      I want to escape the ternary and ignorance of the u.s and move to either mexico, colombia, dominican republic, brazil or argentina, but the reputation of ALL Americans (especially the ones that want to leave) is being tarnished all because of a bunch of spoiled, greedy, racist celebrity obsessed bastards.

  810. Tom says:

    Mexicans never value education.

    • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

      Mexicans never value education? Explain how the US is dead last in every single subject including a language you try to force upon others? I blame you kids for being celebrity obsessed, pot smoking alcoholics who know less about spelling yet know more about which celebrity is fucking who and all the best illegal parties.

      • ingli ONLY says:

        California is close to dead last now (school scores) that the enrollment is majority hispanic… So they are putting another countrys children in the equation… it’s NOT American children … And the schools have been slammed with the evasion and will never recover… Schools and scores use to be GREAT.

      • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

        Typical American culture, instead of owning up to their mistakes they quickly find someone else to blame. Im in the mood for a good laugh, explain exactlyhow its the fault of Mexicans that children know more about celebrities that basic math? Explain how the Hispanic culture is to blame for children knowing more about “the latest trends or fads” but don’t know how to read, Amuse me!

      • ingli ONLY says:

        Again, it has to do with the FACTS!! Just going by the enrollment status/data and the test scores… Why do you think everyone is celebrity obsessed…

      • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

        Of course! Its the American way

    • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

      Clearly its the American culture along with taking whatever you want while ruining the people your stealing from, spreading hate towards other countries, but its a problem when the U.S is discussed, bombarding other countries for resources but its a big problem for people to live here because they want the so called “pursuit of happiness”. I dont go by bullshit statics, I go by what I see every time I walk out of my house, spoiled rich whites looking down on society like bums on the street, corrupt politicians, the black community playing into the negative stereotypes, dumb rednecks with 6 cases of beer with the unlimited bottles of alcohol they already have. Since you love to throw stictics around, business insider conducted top 16 countries to live…..IN THE WORLD.. My top five choices (Mexico (14), Brazil (12), Colombia (10), Domician Republic (8) and Argentina (5) ranked much much higher than the USA (71), something to be proud of right?

      • ingli ONLY says:

        I think i saw that article but I think it was top places to Retire…
        Big Difference….

      • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

        no top 16 places TO LIVE. If america “is the best country overall fuck any other country” why are there over 6 million AMERICAN expats. If america was the greatest country in the world no one would leave right?

  811. Tom says:

    Mexicans always drop out of high school or go to college for a low degree that’s easy to get. Young Mexican Americans are always low and only care about smoking weed and doing the minimum in school. I blame it on the Mexican parents, they don’t know how to raise their kids.

    • Stephanie says:

      I’m 20 years old, graduated from University with a degree in Business administration and a minor in Labor Studies. I’ve never smoked weed in my life, never had government support, pay my taxes, have my own house, support our troops, give back to all thiae in need (this includes all races but mostly homeless whites) AND the biggest blessing I have are two wonderful parents who raised me right. How do you think I turned out?

  812. Stephanie says:

    First of all, I am simply giving my point of view here and my opinion.
    Not all mexicans are like that, just like not all Asians are good at math and not all african americans are thiefs. It’s very ignorant and bad judgment to speak out that way. If you knew your history and no I don’t mean the one they teach you in school because they don’t give you the entire truth there. You would know that the “Americans” invaded an took over Mexico and NO it wasn’t when they won the battle of the Alamo. It was when they decided to cross Mexican Border, and I do repeat, MEXICAN BORDERS with their families to look for a better life. Hmm does that sound familiar? Yeah, and to add heat to the fire Americans disobeyed this law the mexican people had about Citizenship in Mexico. BUT lets put this in there. Mexicans nowadays cross the border out of necessity (most not all) Americans did it because they WANTED it. There was no reason for it. They took over land that was not theirs, land they did not build, land that had blood awry and teara from OUR mexican ancestors. What did your ancestors do? Some pussy shit that Propaganda made seem like some heroic shit. Excuse my language but a lot of people on here need to be educated. Including some mexicans that just talk because they have mouths and you ignorant Americans.
    But again one thing separating us is our nationality?! All people in America are immigrants, all their ancestors were once from a land far from America. No one deserves the title of American because they put it to shame.

  813. Andres Juarez says:

    Man fuk u racist ass gringos yall dumbasses shit your ass is gay as f your dumbass shit yo ass said u carry guns listen bitch if u so “tough” why the fuk u need a gun

    Fuk yall y que viva mexico cabrones

  814. Candylupita says:

    Why all this people are racist?????????
    I don’t understand why people have to be heaters and discriminate mexicans and other races like black and asians.
    For all the mexicans in here not all white people are racist, this people are fucking republicans and why they treat mexicans like animals??? and they don’t know that mexican people clean their asses and take care of their children because white women don’t do that kind of stuff. If mexican food gives you diarrhea you must be sick of your stomach and might have the crohn syndrome and you “Bob says” should go to the doctor because you could die in a couple years. i am telling you. for all the people who said that mexican are trash thats not true because alot of them too are trust and they not smart enough.

    • ingli ONLY says:

      The Los Angeles area — the hispanics do not have a great track record for bringing up their own children,,, why do you think “white” women are entrusting their children to mexicans???
      Makes no sense??

    • ingli ONLY says:

      Unless the life chances of children raised by single mothers suddenly improve, the explosive growth of the U.S. Hispanic population over the next couple of decades does not bode well for American social stability. Hispanic immigrants bring near–Third World levels of fertility to America, coupled with what were once thought to be First World levels of illegitimacy. (In fact, family breakdown is higher in many Hispanic countries than here.) Nearly half of the children born to Hispanic mothers in the U.S. are born out of wedlock, a proportion that has been increasing rapidly with no signs of slowing down. Given what psychologists and sociologists now know about the much higher likelihood of social pathology among those who grow up in single-mother households, the Hispanic baby boom is certain to produce more juvenile delinquents, more school failure, more welfare use, and more teen pregnancy in the future

    • ingli ONLY says:

      Are Hispanics good parents? Great Child Care givers??? One minimal measure of success is keeping one’s children from being killed. Hispanic children, ages 10 to 19, are four times more likely than whites to be shot to death. The figures are for California rather than for the country as a whole, but California is the state with the largest number of Hispanics—11 million, or 32.4 percent of the national total—and there is no reason to think it unrepresentative. Hispanics are more likely than whites to abuse their children,
      A study in 1998 by Johns Hopkins University found that Hispanic children are 72 percent more likely to die in traffic accidents than white children. Hispanics are equally irresponsible after an accident. As the Atlanta Journal-Constitution has noted, they are “more likely to run after a crash,” partly because many are here illegally and do not have insurance. Uninsured drivers raise the cost of insurance for everyone else.
      So how does the rating for being a great caregiver go???

      • ingli ONLY says:

        Although refraining from criminal violence is not usually considered a family value, it should be. It is hard to be a good parent from inside a jail, and a criminal record is not a good example for children. There are no national crime figures that separate Hispanics from whites, but once again California gives an indication of what is likely to be true for Hispanics generally. In California, Hispanics are nearly three times as likely as whites to be murdered, and about four times as likely to be shot to death. They are also about 3.7 times more likely than whites to be arrested for murder. Those who assume arrest rates reflect nothing but police “racism” should note that in California, Hispanics are actually slightly more likely than whites to be convicted of murder (77.7 percent v. 75.6 percent) once they are arrested. If there is a “racist” plot to jail Hispanics, it must pervade the justice system top to bottom, including the increasingly Hispanic jury pool. California statistics show that Hispanics are well over twice as likely as whites to be arrested for rape and other sexual offenses.
        Family Values?
        I’m sure mexicans are great in mexico … the ones in California kinda suck!!

      • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

        Its easy to to bastardize and degrade a certain race isn’t it? You’ve been doing it for hundreds of years and counting, why stop now, right? If “Mexicans are the scum of society and shouldn’t be in this country (which completely sucks anyway and Mexicans aren’t to blame)”. Then its perfectly fine to make an assumption that whites are spoiled pathetic racist pieces of shit who get off on seeing other races struggle while they’re sitting in their big fancy houses belittling the middle and lowering the middle classes, but I’ll be just as bad as you throwing out pathetic statistics. If I went by what i saw on teen mom, Jersey Shore, I would make an assumption that white women are self obsessed drunks that lie on their backs all damn day and cant take care of their kids which isnt entirely true. If whites are better parents, why are your kids missing all the fucking time? Why are your daughters beating on their mothers? Why are a large majority of them only care about smoking, partying and drinking? If you instill “discipline” teen mom wouldn’t exist, teens wouldn’t beat on their moms, disrespect their dads. How it looks in today’s society and the overall history of America, you absolutely have no right to judge anyone.You like to call them “invaders”? You invading other countries and raping it for all its resources just because you can, is a friendly overseas meeting? “Mexican women are unattractive slobs”, and i suppose those women who refuse to dress up with no shape what so ever is you definition of beauty? How can you call EVERY Mexican criminals when in fact your the very first criminals. Lets see your rap sheet: kidnapping, assault, murder, genocide, rape, child molestation, hate crime, tyranny, discrimination….doesn’t end!

  815. whites are a disgrace for the world says:

    i hope one day fucking rednecks or firecrackers go burned in hell,whithout mexicans they wouldn have homes. fuck the kkk motherfuckers. thats why in prison theres alot of firecrackers

    • Viva la Whites says:

      I hate to break it to you Jose, but we had homes before you disgusting parasites came here. You simply stole an American’s job. Mexicans are the true disgrace to the World.

      • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

        Actually you stole them while commuting genocide in the process and actually Americans are the true disgraces of the would. forcing your will upon other countries, raping countries of their resources. Rednecks are the laughing stock of the world

      • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:


      • Viva la Whites says:

        Actually Caucasians were here first and the Mestizos are from Asia. Try actually learning some history sometime and maybe you will develop half of a brain.

      • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

        Actually you stole the land from the native american (yes native Americans not Indians, Indians are people that live or have ties to the country of India), raped their women and spread numerous diseases…who are the real thieves and murders?

      • Viva la Whites says:

        Actually it was proven that Caucasians were here first and the Indians genocided them when they came over from Asia. Sorry we were just taking back what’s ours.

  816. California is not Mexico says:

    I hope that all Mexicans get burned…I would say hell but I don’t believe in that nonsense! Fuck Mexico and fuck all u dirty wetbacks!

    • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

      And I hope you pale pathetic excuses for human beings are shipped back to the caucasus mountians.

  817. Viva la Whites says:

    I hope that all Mexicans are deported. I will love the day when I don’t have to go everywhere and see Paco with his 10 little taquitos.

    • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

      And I hope you pale pathetic white trash racist pieces of shit are shipped back to the caucasus mountians. FUCK USA!!!!

      • Viva la Whites says:

        You’re free to leave if you hate OUR country so much. I will even buy you a plane ticket.

      • Viva la Whites says:

        Oh and stop acting like you’re not racist, you obviously have a deep seated hatred of Whites you self-righteous hypocrite.

      • Viva la Whites says:

        Also I find it hilarious that you’re defending Mexicans since the majority of them hate Blacks. You’re probably just a beaner though saying you’re Black because you think it give you more power to argue against Whites.

      • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

        Let me get this straight, your offering me a one way ticket to Rio De Janeiro? Thank you kind sir for relieving me of this bullshit materialistic celebrity obsessed greedy country. Actually I’m not a racist person, I just don’t like America, every race has their own issues (especially us African Americans because no other country with blacks acts this embarrassing) Don’t sit and pretend that your this group of innocent people. Your the poster child of teenage pregnancy (16 & pregnant), ignorance and stupidity (cmt, housewives, anything that has to do with jersey, maury’s out of control teenage girls). Your actually the most racist country in the world, im sure your very proud of that. I grew up with very smart, respectable, and talented people who I’m proud to call my friends who just happened to be Mexican. Some who are much much smarter than you. That graduated hs at the top of their respective classes with 4.0 and in college for engineering, law and psychology. They’re not involved in any gangs, hell they don’t even drink. What have you done with your life besides bitch and moan about Mexicans.

  818. Viva la Whites says:

    Hahaha not a racist person? Coming from you, who has been on here for months trashing White people? What a joke. I put myself through college without any affirmative action or money from my parents and now make six figures, thank you. If it weren’t for Whites, you would still be living in mud huts, so quit your complaining. You’re obviously a mexican (lowercase intended), because if you were a black you would be on some other forum and wouldn’t be obsessed with this topic for months on end during your every waking moment. Get a life pendejo.

    • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

      First off I’m a college junior attending Northwestern for BA, I’m also a co-owner of a business I’m having a fairly decent life but as I pointed out Im not racist i just hate Americans (proves that you cant read) arrogant, ignorant, spoiled, stupid (among other things, characteristics of what America is all about). Your the one who’s lying rich boy, we all know your parents put you through college but dropped because you wanted to party and got everything handed to you (typical spoiled american).

      Yea if it wasn’t for whites we would have lived a good life in Africa but you kidnapped us, forcing us to work for you, if we tried to educate ourselves, we would get beaten (sometimes to death), rapped our women and. Yet I have no animosity towards any race including whites, because they had nothing to do with anything with our oppression hundreds of years ago by the murders, thieves and rapists you call “founders of this great country”.

      What I do have a problem is the spoiled rich kids who have everything handed to them on a golden platter but can afford to fuck it all up by partying and smoking weed while the rest of society has to gnaw, scratch and claw to make a living. I have a problem with brain dead morons whose idea of a good time is having sex or raping their own family members and get drunk all damn day (rednecks). I have a problem with racist fucks who think slavery and segregation is the greatest thing known to man and should still exist today. I have a problem with celebrity obsessed, pot smoking drunk bastards you call children who know more about which celebrity is fucking who instead of basic math or knows where all the best parties are but cant spell. I have a problem with the motto get money fuck bitches. I have a problem with the military but lets call them what they are, gangsters.

      What separates them from them Latin kings, bloods or the crips? The military is a legal ? Lets look at this, ,military does the bidding of the US government, mission to kill people they don’t even know because “they’re the enemy” killing for oil and other resources for the countries, sounds like a gang to me. Yet you mindless sheep blindly accept it just because they’re selling you a lie “were defending the freedom of this country”. Your the sheep who did nothing when it was reported that the government you love so much is spying on you and continues to invade your privacy, Yet you lie down and take it like the spineless cowards you are. FUCK USA!

      • ingli ONLY says:

        who are you kidding? Africans sold their own black african people …..From the 1500’s to the mid-1800’s, the Europeans shipped about 12 million black slaves from Africa to the Western Hemisphere. Nearly 2 million of these slaves died on the way. About 65 percent of the slaves were brought to Brazil, Cuba, Jamaica, Saint Domingue (now Haiti), and other sugar colonies. Brazil alone received about 38 percent. North America got about 6 percent.
        The greater number of slaves than whites in those Latin-American areas also made slave revolts more common there than in the United States. The biggest slave revolt in history broke out in Saint Dominque (Haiti) in 1791. Nearly 500,000 slaves rebelled against their French owners and took over the country

        UNICEF estimates that 200,000 children from Africa are still being sold into slavery each year. ….

        Someone call Johnnie Cochran and have him send over “The Card” — the race one

      • Fuck you hating ass pricks says:

        Yet you are the original murders crooks and thieves nearly wiping out Native Americans. Yet nothing has change Americans are able to do whatever they want without caring who’s going to be affected, Americans are allowed to troll saying the dumbest and the most offensive bullshit on the planet yet hide behind the constitution. If this country is so great why are their over 6 million american expats? If this truly is the best overall country no one would want to leave right? You can go to other countries setting up military bases never leaving, but its wrong for people from different countries to live here? You can through your weight around and impose your will on most of Europe, Middle East and Japan, but why don’t you attempt to bully Russia, North Korea or China? Ah! Not as dumb as you all look huh? Actually you are with cheeseburgers clogging your pathetic useless arteries while destroying your already useless brains with alcohol and weed, munching on the shit of celebrities diving head first deep in their assholes. F…U…C…K THE U…S….A!

      • Bz says:

        Fuck you to everyone who said f the USA, all the USA does is worry about other countries and you all just use us.

  819. Marcus Tupou says:

    I’m polynesian, but I live in a predominately Hispanic (mexican) neighborhood. I have had numerous negative encounters with Mexicans, I have long been searching for a Mexican that has good morals and values, and somone who hasn’t been corrupted by the pressure of narcotics or being involved in gangs or associating with gang violence. My friends have faced numerous attacks by Latinos and my own father is in the hospital after he was attacked by two Mexicans accosted him in a store. So in essence, I support immigration and I believe we need to rise up and deport any Mexican crawling into America, and destroying the tranquility that us beloved Americans enjoy so dearly…

  820. Tyson says:

    I just wanted to post a comment. I work in production. I want to know why a 100% american like myself gets treated so badly. At my job the manager’s, leads, and almost all workers are Hispanics. I have tried over and over to be nice to them and try to respect them. But they either don’t know a word of English or they refuse to speak it. I can speak a little Spanish myself and I know they talk shit and are extremely RUDE. Why is it OK for them to come to America and not learn English? If I moved to a different country I would have to learn that country’s language. The Hispanics come here and get a free ride or take our jobs. A lot of them are illegal immigrants that come here and polluate our city’s and neighborhoods by having kids. They refuse to learn English. The Hispanics kill, rape, steal, or whatever crime they commit. Guess where they flee MEXICO. I think America needs to put a stop to this. I think it should be a law that if you want to live here and want a job you need to know and understand English. It makes me angry when there is a problem at work I can’t tell anyone because they don’t understand what your saying. I don’t give a shit if you want to move to America. But do it the right way and learn English. We as Americans fought for our land, we fought for our country, and we fought for our freedom. Hispanics should try and learn something it’s called RESPECT. I know that’s a big word for them and if they don’t know what it means I guess they can Google it. This is America we speak English here and so should you.

  821. NAB says:

    It’s not that I hate mexicans, but the ones in LA are so filthy (a lot of them live in shithole part of town and look awful with their flabs hanging out). The curious part is that it seems that they’re totally fine with it. Why is it that way? Why are mexicans such filthy creatures? Why are there no asian/white/blonde maids yet an abundance of hispanic ones? You can’t argue that you guys are underserved because there are many cases where immigrants (non-mexicans) have raised successful children that moved on to do great things. For example, Russians and Asians (a lot of them have parents that come from poor backgrounds) but at UCLA 44% of the student body is Asian and a little over 30% are white. So why is it that way?

  822. Future Expat says:

    Americans trying to force English on foreigners is like teaching a poodle to hunt its stupid and makes no sense. Its no secret that Americans have murdered and raped the English language, how the hell can anyone vote English only when you cant even speak it correctly?

    Its a shame that these racists retards, celebrity obsessed jag offs and greedy bastards are ruining the reputation of travelers, future expats (such as myself) and the other 6 million of Americans who are living overseas. You already fucked up Egypt for everyone don’t fuck up Thailand, Dubai or Latin America!

  823. DaN says:

    I’m 26 years old. for the last 10 years I have lived with Mexicans. I LOVE a few of them and HATE many. I say we find all the lost puppies while they are young and mold them into Americans. The ones That call themselves Mexicans and talk about how great mexico is deserve whatever our most colorfully descriptive posters can imagine. Mexico is a shit hole that won’t get any better and our country is only getting more populated and polluted by their migration here especially that really cool ILLEGAL migration.

    • Future Expat says:

      First off, If Mexico is this “shit hole that won’t get any better” explain how there are over 1 million Americans living there. Even if Mexicans weren’t living here, this country would still suck. Actually you’d rally to send us blacks back to Africa. Lobby to get every other race out of America so there’s “whites land, white’s only”. If this country is so great explain how there’s over 6 million (and counting) American expats living in places like Mexico, Thailand, Brazil, Colombia, Dominican Republic….ECT. All I ask of you Americans is to simply don’t fuck up countries for the people that want to leave or people who love to travel like you did Egypt.


  824. Ana says:

    Omg me too!!! I cannot stand wetbacks! I hate how they can’t fucking spell. They smell, are uneducated and unattractive and total free loaders. Hate them,

    • Future Expat says:

      Your getting on another race for not understanding a language you murdered? 90% of Americans cant even spell or speak the language your forcing on immigrants because your so concerned with getting drunk, high, making complete fools out of yourselves while have your brain dead heads stuck up the asses of those dumbass celebrities you admire so much. Mexicans are unattractive? Mexican women are a hell of a lot better than you pasty face no body gremlins! They smell? Explain when white people get wet they smell just like wet dog?

      FUCK THE U.S.A

      • ingli ONLY says:

        Hey sparky changed your name?? I looke up best countries to live “”Business Insider”” cause i found your numbers a little off….

        The 15 Countries With The Highest Quality Of Life Business insider 2013
        So when thinking of ideal place to live wouldn’t it be the one that offers the highest quality of life????
        They based the rankings on 11 factors including, income, safety, life satisfaction, and health, and then rated each country on a 10-point scale.
        For the second year in a row, Australia is the number one happiest country in the world. And it’s not hard to see why (all the beautiful people) —they rank extremely well in health, civic engagement, and housing.
        The life expectancy at birth in Australia is 82 years, two years higher than the OECD average.
        #2 Sweden
        #3 Canada
        #4 Norway
        There is a strong sense of community and high levels of safety in Norway,
        #5 Switzerland
        OMG don’t start your white rage thing… but yes
        #6 United States It also ranks as one of the best countries for housing conditions, with good basic facilities and general feelings of safety and personal space.
        #7 Denmark
        #8 Netherlands
        #9 Iceland (and I think I read somewhere that Iceland has close to zero crime)
        #10 United Kingdom 85% of the English population say they have more positive experiences in an average day than negative ones
        #11 New Zealand
        #12 Finland
        #13 Austria
        #14 Luxembourg
        #15 Ireland The Irish have a strong sense of community
        11 categories were judged income, housing, jobs, community, education, environment, civic engagement, health, life satisfaction, safety, and work-life balance… I think when you think about the best place to live High quality of life is the most important factor Don’t you??

      • ingli ONLY says:

        P.S. if there’s Best quality of life list there must be WORST quality of life….
        And damn if there isn’t… these countries were rated on the same factors : business insider 2013… Here you go sparky… the worst quality of life

        #10 South Korea: they have to work too many hours…
        #9 Portugal Only 32% of Portuguese adults aged 25-64 have earned the equivalent of a high school degree
        #8 Hungary
        #7 Greece
        #6 Estonia
        #5 Russia
        #4 Brazil 68% of people aged 15 to 64 have a paid job in Brazil, with 12% of employees working extremely long hours.
        And only 41% of Brazilians have earned the equivalent of a high school degree.
        #3 Chile There’s a huge gap between the richest and poorest, with the top 20% earning 13 times as much as the bottom 20%. Chileans also have extremely high level of atmospheric PM10 (which causes lung damage)
        #2 Mexico Despite tremendous progress over the last decade, Mexico is still one of the worst developed countries on the list. Only 60% of people aged 15 to 64 have a paid job, and those that do work approximately 2,250 hours a year, much higher than the OECD average of 1,776.
        And despite improvements in education, still only 36% of Mexicans have earned the equivalent of a high school degree.
        #1 Turkey
        For the second year in the row, Turkey is at the bottom of the OECD list by a long shot.
        31% of its population has the equivalent of a high school degree, and 48% of people have a paid job — some of the worst numbers on the list.

        isn’t this the time you write back your hate for rich whites … or lazy whites or spoiled whites blah blah blah GET over it we know you hate whites we know you hate Americans… Go smile for the camera and get your passport ….

      • ingli ONLY says:

        Hey sparky,

        there are planes, trains and boats leaving all the time. Seats are available.

        I’m sure that thoes 2 non american boston bombers, pieces of shit share your same points of view, sparky 2 pay checks and you’ll have enough money to purchase a ticket… or are you saving up to build a bomb??

        were you happy your idol made the cover of the rolling stone??? is your bedroom wall plastered with his picture??

      • Future Expat says:

        Mexico has the worst quality of life but yet there are millions of Americans living there. Its funny that you mention Brazil due to the fact of its rising economy. According to ABC news has an article about Brazil looking for workers and actually inviting people to move instead of casting immigrants as leaches of society (US). Also, there was a great documentary on how Brazil is a haven for black men, yet “its a terrible place to live”? If the US is the best overall country explain the fact that there are over 6 million American expats leaving the us? If it’s truly “the best overall country” it would be on the top of the list and of course NO ONE WOULD WANT TO LEAVE….so that’s a lie. Just because I don’t like this country and the celebrity obsessed brain washed masses that reside in this country, you categorize me with someone with the Boston bombers? It’s not shocking due to the fact that you can bastardize and demean any country, race or culture because its “the american way and america is #1” you done it to Arabic, Blacks (hundreds of years and counting) and now Mexicans. Yet what’s happening in Egypt is mainly your fault

        FUCK U.S.A!

  825. Rich says:

    Wow I can’t believe what I just read. Do people have to be this ignorant? All I can say is one thing: the millionaires and billionaires see everyone as spics, white mixed middle class trash, and the N1@@3r$ as nothing. All the fake mixed American whites working, all the Spics, niggz, etc.. are only making the rich, richer. Bunch of white trash, spic, niggz IDIOTS

    • Future Expat says:

      Exactly how is the “US the best country” with dumbass shit like this? Paid more attention to a gremlin shaking her ass than the shit you caused in Egypt. Your the overall racist country that’s your tittle wear it proudly, hopefully I’ll be long gone when it bites you racist fuckers it the ass. Race war is coming, I’ll be damned I’ve I’m gonna be a soldier in your mindless useless bullshit!

      FUCK THE U.S.A

      • ingli ONLY says:

        Let’s see America donated 19% of development aid to Egypt…. By that logic are you also blaming Germany, France, Japan, Kuwait and other Arab states the also contributed to them?? The US Dollars are not the blame for violence in Egypt, It’s a process of rapid political and social revolution… The Russian, French American and British revolutions were equally bloody, the difference is that there wasn’t 24 hour news, the internet or a way to send the pictures across the world in real time… Egypt is deciding for itself the form its future will take…

        Another student of “”blame America school…. America has been blamed for both supporting and opposing egypts coup at the same time, How can that be sparky??

      • Future Expat says:

        Also forgetting the fact that the rest of the world despises you for your elitist attitude, bullying tacts (would really love for you to go try and bully russia, north korea or china), really lame ass western culture as a whole. The killing part of Anti-American’s reason for despising the U.S is actually good reasons and ACTUALLY true.I hate this facade that “America is helping other countries”. If that were true explain countries like Congo or Hati?

  826. Gera says:

    I’know you guys feel like you’re better than the Mexican people, but you guys are just a stupid people and very lazy is why the Mexicans need to came and do the hard work, because you guys (“Americans” I put like that because the Mexicans are more Americans) can’t do it

    • Future Expat says:

      I love the Mexican culture, food and especially the women (which are a lot better than some of these gold digging celebrity obsessed whores). Welcome Mexicans stay as long as you like hell if it was legal I’d forfeit my citizenship to a hard working Mexican family who is hungry to provide a better life for themselves. In my view being an American is tarnished, overrated and useless just like the celebrities Americans adore and love. However, if they want to live here who am I to deny their right? I personally think no one is truly free here mainly mentally due to the strangle hold green pieces of paper with corrupt slave owners have on people.

    • ingli ONLY says:

      yeah, we lived in boxes on unmowed lawns before mexicans came here!! Seriously?

    • ingli ONLY says:

      here’s the problem paco,,,, you must not be educated, have money or look good… So, your grand old mexico doesn’t want you …
      So. here you are in America, where the rich greedy businesses do want you, as a slave.. u stupid dumbass, there is a reason u and youre people aren’t deported and/or shot at the border, it’s not because your a great breed or an asset, put on your thinking cap paco

  827. Blight and Salavation says:

    A mexican luxury automobile: a mid ’90s Dodge Caravan with peeling clearcoat, home done body work with dull mismatched paint on the poorly repaired area, oversized rims from Pep Boys, black taillight covers with a Dodge ram head cutouts, Pep Boys self-stick fender vents, yards of chrome plastic door edge moldings even on the fuel filler door, fart can muffler with big chrome tail pipes, cheap chinese aftermarket xenon headlamps that shine right into driver’s eyes, a $5,000 sound system that plays bass heavy mexican circus music while their unbelted children dance on the van’s seats, a giat Raiders decal on the rear window and a chain link license plate frame that buzzes and rattles to the beat of the mexican shit kicking music.

    Ahh… no education and no manners. Overpopulate and degrade communities everywhere they dwell.

    • Future Expat says:

      So the redneck life is the best life?

      No education? There are Americans who can’t read, write or count but no where “the best parties are”, know more about getting drunk and high.

      Overpopulate? Please watch Maury you just might learn something.

      “Degrade communities everywhere they dwell”? I’m guessing you know nothing about rednecks and the black community.

  828. Brown Pride says:

    I must say that this tirade and the ensuing racist comments are laughable and entertaining.
    The amount of astounding ignorance is almost numbing.
    Racism is great however; for it weeds out the weak and those unwilling to join the new world at horizon. It’s not about race, it’s about class, citizenship, and world economies. Not these enclave race creeds that distract from the gold.

  829. K3llyyy says:

    You gringos need to get off the Internet and go find a fucking job. Talking shot bout mexicans are you fucking serious? Stop hating and go see a therapist.

  830. Future Expat says:

    Were the most racist, but still better than you..Oh and immigrants aren’t welcome only here, Americans only..”Yea terrific message”


    • ingli ONLY says:

      hey sparky, you still alive?? or was that you who fucked with Americans and then died in DC today???

      • Future Expat says:

        So just because I have negative views I deserve to die?

        The Elite
        All of which are American dreams

        Really must be a true statement

      • ingli ONLY says:

        i never said you deserved to die… Just checking to see if you were the gunman in DC

      • Future Expat says:

        Oh so you thought just because of my anti-American views I would go out and kill people? One of the American dreams are clearly in this blog…ignorance!

  831. jessyrayz says:

    Im relieved to see others hate them like I do, i was raised not to be racist or judge others for their skin, but you act like trash you’re going to get treated like trash. I used to be friends with a couple Mexican girls but I’m not anymore, all they do is bitch and make excuses about EVERYTHING! Theyre fat? I suggest working out and quit eating fast food, they have an excuse. They dont have any money? I suggest going to school (business or engineering dont be a retard getting an art degree) or applying for better jobs, they have an excuse. And they seem to be the most racist bitches I have ever met. I’ll take a black over a Mexican ANYDAY!

    I want to move because of them. I have applied for jobs in other countries but its hard to get a visa, and I dont want to be a little shit going to another country illegally and not knowing the language. I hate seeing Spanish everywhere it makes me feel not wanted in my own country. Its not my money the companies want its beaner money, wow theres an oxymoron, beaners dont have any money.

    • Future Expat says:

      Like there aren’t obese Americans residing in the Midwest and the south? I suggest that you don’t tan because you’ll get their complexion. Somehow a group of people act like white trash retards yet they have a channel and tv shows dedicated to their lifestyle but they aren’t treated like trash. The redneck lifestyle is encourage please explain how? Yo do know that all Mexicans aren’t gang bangers? Maybe take your attention of what the fuck celebrities are doing maybe… just maybe you’ll learn something. Just because “you don’t like seeing Spanish” you’ll disrespect Latin culture? You do know that their are about 16 other countries and Puerto Rico that speak Spanish? norteamericanos tontos I bet you hate that. Instead of attempting to shun Spanish, why don’t you try learning it? I’ll tell you why because dumbness Americans like you is more common (Ignorance being one of the Americans dreams). Trying to make this country English only when Americans completely murdered the English language. Even stupider, getting pissed because people refuse to speak the language you disrespect on a daily basis. Instead of forcing English down everyone’s throat, why don’t you do a better job in teaching your now piss poor lesson?


  832. Theresa Perez says:

    Seriously? What type of crap is this? All these racist comments are simply stupid and I have no idea why you are all acting like you’re so well educated and on a whole other level than Mexicans or people with Mexican background if all you’re doing is demonstrating your lack of knowledge and class. Brown turds? Well this might be a huge shocker to you but not all Mexicans are of brown color and there are plenty of us who could well pass as white. Not all of us are short as a matter fact my husband who is Mexican is 6 foot tall and taller than most Caucasians we know( he is also fair skinned with green eyes.) He holds a master’s in Mechanical engineering and is incredibly intelligent. Race has nothing to do with anything and all these stories about Mexicans raping people either 1. They’re not fundamentally true or 2. There are plenty of rapists of all colors and races. As far as illegal immigration don’t forget that this nation was formed by immigration. It’s just so sad that we are in 2013 and there are still so many ignorant people in this world.

    • jarred jack says:

      Yes, you are an ignorant bitch! You defend illegal aliens! They destroy this country. You defend criminals. Yes, the uninformed Democrat party is the issue. I am not sure if it is training from the Democratic party or simply due to the fact that your brain is the size of an acorn. Whether you believe it or not, I have an IQ of 180. Your husband is intelligent? I served as a Marine Sniper, I have a degree in Biochemistry and I am a Medical Doctor. Guess what? I have dark skin! I am no Mexican! I am Greek and Italian. Perhaps, I am a descendant of Herakles himself. Yes, Herakles! Not Hercules! The evidence states that illegal aliens commit horrific crimes! Hold on to your Grad. School Major. It does not deny your lack of intelligence and destructiveness! Any retard can get a Master’s degree!

  833. dice65 says:

    BaneRants is spot on! I live in Houston metro area – which has already been over run (45% spic) and I can confirm all the same problems here.

    • Future Expat says:

      Houston? Hispanics are the least of your worries lmao. That disgusting STD infested cesspool you call a city, Hispanics have nothing to do with Houston Texas (just saying it makes me sick). Its no secret that Mexicans help each other, Puerto Ricans help each other same goes with Cubans, Dominicans ect… White Americans only help themselves or rich whites screwing their middle and lower counterparts, the black comunity all we do is kill each other (I guess you white racist pieces of shit can sleep at night). I guess Texas really really proves that state is nothing more than a one trick pony and a cheap trick circus your cheap trick is those cheap STD infested sperm dumpsters you call women and your cheap circus is your intelligence…period!

  834. bvcdfvb says:

    Mexicans, along with Niggers and other shthead asshole hispanic types are scum of Earth.

  835. gabriel says:

    you fucking sister fuckers, tailer trash must suck to be you. i am mexican run a big company and have bunch of white folk working for me calling me sir all day and im as brown as they come. you dumb white bastard sitting on couch all day scratching your nuts and molesting your little sister need to get out and get a fucking life.

  836. steve says:

    to the white fucker that said we are short and have small dicks? fuckface im 6,0 and my cock is 6.5 inches (not hard) think about that asshole. Fuck your racist asses one day you guys are gonna be slaves just like the africans cause the way the United States economy is going its all down hill putos. FUCK YOU RACIST ASSHOLES.

  837. Germex says:

    In an ironic twist of fate, whites are dying out in the USA and more and more of the Mexican horde floods in. Europe sound pretty good to you people?

    Also, I’m half Hispanic, and half German. Great grandfather was a Nazi and I’m living life in Germany. :)

    Any of you non-German whites wanna curse me out? Germany FTW!

  838. caca cheetos says:

    Shut up foo

  839. mexicana says:

    Im mexican and im agree with you. I was born in usa and i just visit the country just for go to the mall or just foe vacations. I live so good in mexico, here m free, im.finished the university and i have a good job, if im moved to us i have to work many hours and be a slave. My parents arent us citizen, they have good jobs too and they live best than me. When i seen on tv the lifestyle of this mexicans i get mad, because youre stupid withe trash like you think everybody are like them. Its like when i went to usa stupid white are my slaves, they working at the mall, at the restaurants. They wake up at 4 am.andbackto home to 7 pm. Like a robot.
    You white trash never have nothing, pay house, car, per month. Never have cash. Manyyyy 99.9% rent , so many people dont have never.
    Im agree, nasty mexicans are stuped, they went to us work drink and get food stamps but the never have nothing, good own car, own house. They are low class same like you white trash.

    I was born im.usa for an accident,mom was on vacation at new york.
    So , u have to know if u hate all mexicans ure retarded, we are many different and classy. Correct your blog i hate nasty low clas mexicans. Here in mexico we call to them nacos.

    • Kevin Ellis says:

      Mexicana white people have the highest per capital. Most white people are paying for their EBT cards and their welfare so they could have their fifteen kids out of wedlock for. Most of the good Mexicans are in Mexico but their isn’t very many good mexicans around. Mexicans have the lowest per capital income out of a All the Hispanic groups together. Hispanics are the second poorest group of Americans after blacks but don’t worry their recieving taxpayer benefitts they just have to sit on their asses collecting welfare and get fatter off their EBT cards yes there’s white trash but they mostly marry minorities to receive more benefitts. But white is only about 10 percent of are white American population. I have only met about Mexican that’s any damn good. But she’s only part Mexican. By the way EBT cards are the replacement of food stamps. The idiots can buy anything with their EBT cards except liqueur and ceggerrettes so they are causing triple the dept with these things and they are raising the taxes on hard working Americans.

  840. i like mexicans says:


  841. Fernando says:

    White bitches suck my dick y’all a fuckin joke hahaha y’all can’t exterminate us we have cartels that make Taliban look like pussies

    • Kill Human Garbage says:

      These white pieces of shits will be pissing their pants, praying to their savior and crying like whiny punk ass bitches if they ever cross paths with Mexican cartels. Experts at human torturing and decapitation. They kill with no remorse and they won’t use a weak little gun, unlike these white fools, to end your life.

    • Jennifer says:

      Hey all you Mexicans, is dumb the new smart?

      • I feel sorry for all you racist people . You are a waste of humanity. Go to hell putos !!!!!! VIVA MEXICO !!!!!!

      • Jennifer says:

        I am sorry. I was being immature. I love Mexicans. We are so different and I love it😀

      • Kevco says:

        Is Love the new Hate?

      • Jennifer says:

        I know how u feel. I asked them the same question. Alot of those Mexicans are extremely immature and anti growth people yet so proud to be dumb( they think they are being smart). I am so lucky to live in Canada and I don’t even see them around.

        I feel for ya!

      • No pity for the little ones,all mexicans are scum says:

        I do not understand why all these Mexican say “Viva Mexico” yet they live in the states,If Mexico is so great why are you here?

    • jarred jack says:

      You have a tiny brain. I have fought the Taliban. At least they are smarter than your disgusting race.

  842. Obvious. Troll is obvious. Everyone knows Mexicans shower at least once a day.

  843. Dmitri Romanoff says:

    бля американцы, я надеюсь, что ваш гребаный страна идти к черту вместе со всеми вами, вы, блин, расисты, поэтому весь мир ненавидит вас

  844. bleep says:

    I dont hate any particular anything because it takes too much fucking energy and any semi intelligent person knows that while races are indeed different, you will still find some good people within those races, however many or few. I agree that maybe our country cant handle too many immigrants, but hate isnt going to solve the problem morons! Hell I have completely stopped dating because of how men are, and im no longer interested in them for relationships nor willing to give anything more to them emotionally, but even I recognize theres a few good ones out there, Im just not willing to keep looking and keep getting hurt. Anyways, now I forgot my fucking point, but if you morons want change, stop wasting energy on hate and maybe partake in political activism. You will accomplish much more that way. Useless hate and ranting does nothing, except make you unhappy..

  845. wolf warrior says:

    why do ppl hate Mexicans and by the way i am mexican and native!! i mean we are all born the same!! and u ppl tht hte Mexicans so much u dnt knw how we are raised!! and u ppl are more lazier than Mexicans. at least we hve guts to protect our ppl

    • Jennifer says:

      Tell me your secret on how u r so dumb and because of that you have a great power of pissing people off. What goes through your mind that u would do the opposite of what a humane person would do. What is your need to be so cruel and offensive. You know u bring out the offensive side out in all of us, don’t you.. What is the motivation behind the rebellion?

    • Jennifer says:

      I love Mexicans. They have a kind heart and soul, however you have no respect for the civilized way and you don’t understand that primitive being is not enough here. In order to be respected, you have to respect our civilization and appreciate our manners here.

  846. Kevin Ellis says:

    I hate how all the fucking liberals in the government especially Obama have to let all the trash in that can barely speak English, giving them welfare,EBT Cards, social security, free amnesty and free driver licsences for comming here illegally their’s still a lot legal immigrants on the crap I listed above only a few immigrants work a living. But Obama and his liberal buddies want to bring the bad stove for us hard working taxpayers to pay for. Instead of the good foreigners that could help are economy. Plus I want the beatiful women here instead of those fat ugly Mexican women and other fat idiots get fat off of their EBT cards from not working

  847. Kevin Ellis says:

    We’ll not all Mexican women are fat and fugly just the trash that Obama has been inviting because these fatas immigrants from Mexico and some countries where Obama knows where all the dumbasses are at. Obama and liberal communist allies like these assholes because they buy the grocery stores out with their EBT cards. Sense the taxpayers pay them Obama will love itbecause it’s helping bankrupt the United States of America because hates how it’s the greatest nation in the world. All this stove is part of his hope and change plane to ruin the United States of America . He is successfully failing at that this year. Thank god but let’s hope he will for the rest of term which he will properly successfully because the United States of America is a very difficult nation to destroy because it’s the greatest nation in the world and always will be and Obama with all his stupid friends will have to deal with because they should consider moving to a different country themselves because communist like Obama and his friends are poisen to democratic nation such as the U.S. He and his communist friends also hate white by not showing any of the hate minorities do against innocent white people that didn’t do anything wrong to them or anything else bad. Most hate crimes are down minorities by the way. The media and Obama just want to vocus on making white people look bad because the only recent hate down against black was down by a multi racial Hispanic name George Zimmerman. But the black victim also attacked Zimmerman instead of ignoring him. Obama
    And the communist media want to vocus on thAt little city crime instead the black And Hispanic unimployment rate their out of we’d lock birth rate the hate crimes minorities are doing against innocent white people. Obama is also showing his hatred towards white people by making them pay for these assholes welfare EBT card and their Obama phones.! These are all exspensive programs mostly minorities are on these programs some of them can’t even speak English. Some of them are illegal Allianz and some of them aren’t even living in this country which could a good thing it because would make easier to take those benefits away from them because they vote sense their not from are country. Plus Obama has also gave benefits to dead people. All these benefitts come out of the great Americans taxpayers wallets most white Americans are on welfare so their taxes are going up from it. More taxes equals less kids. But their tax dollars are going assholes that are having fifteen kids out of wedlock without knowing atleast who have their fathers are the are fathers are properly on drugs receiving benefitts to. But the taxpayers can’t do those awfull things because they wait until they get more money to raise to raise their families they also wait until find the right person to raise them with and find a nice house to raise them in. But right know with Obama by accident responciple people can’t afford to have kids that would cause good effects to are future society but instead they are for these morons recieving benefitts Obama puts them on the system because that’s the only way democraps can win elections. But trust me i know every group has its good and bad but it seems like some groups has more bad than good.

    • Future Expat says:

      Every one loves to bring up the word “communism” but have no idea of its purpose or its methods. How is the U.S the greatest nation when the value of the USD is RAPIDLY decreasing, ranks dead last in Math, Reading and Science which means the majority of Americans can’t read, write or spell the language they’ve murdered and forcing onto others. Hell most of the debit belongs to China, and its the greatest nation on earth? AMERICA LEADS IN OBESITY….there are very few Hispanics that reside in states like Georgia, Mississippi, South Carolina, Tennessee and Alabama (also know as the deep south), those are actually the states with the fattest people in the country. The are white and black women (majority black women) who have child after child relying on the tax payers. Let me guess its no big deal because they were born in this country? The majority of the women who seek T.V pertrinity test are 1) Black women 2) White women..What does that tell you. Hell the majority of teen on 16 and pregnant and teen mom were white teen girls.

  848. This Basic Bitches says:

    Stop being rude to another race, you’re not superior than anyone else.

    • Just Some Dumb White Dick Talking says:

      Niggas be like, lmao mexican are dumb and stupid. We’re white pure Americans. Haha! Looks at all our better shit. We’re fucking better than them, right?!

      No, shut up. You have no damn right to criticise another race, you pale as fuck piece of shit.

  849. J Turner says:

    I have lived in TX, NY and FL and met mexs from all of those places, some were pretty cool especially in NY but the ones in TX were walking shit stains covered in dog fart. They smelled like nasty stew, stomped around 24 hours a day up stairs, had 12 people in a 1 BR apt and acted poor but drove BMW’s. There scum, call me a hater call me a white bastard I don’t care that’s why were moving back to the north. I am tired of the spic’s and the cracker’s if they want that huge turd known as TX they can have it.

  850. Theloneranger says:

    So u think ur a big tough guy hahahhahahahhh

  851. Eww i hate u says:

    Hey i am adopted i am half mexican not full blooded but i have full blooded mexican in my class and believe it or not not all mexicans are like that he is cute funny and nice just likr me but i am not cute but not the point the point being is not all mexicans are like that

    So u hate mexicans i hate u

  852. Prisca says:

    I have to agree…But not all Mexicans are illegal here you have spicy Mexican food because you are next to Mexico. When you are next to a country, you guys will copy of each other. The same is in my country, I am from the enchanted Islands Galapagos, Ecuador so north I have Colombia and south I have Peru. Colombians and Peruvians come to my country for jobs and put up business..and we also eat some of their food and they eat ours in their country…most of them are illegal for staying too long in our area but when do they get caught…and it screws up our little country. Bad side too is Colombia brings crime and Peru sales of narcotics. We all have it.

  853. Jonathan says:

    Wow wow wow…first of all I’m Mexican and I can give a fuck what these fucken haters say; honestly, especially for all you white people that think your all that..umm…ur not! Like I said I’m Mexican and guess what bitches I’m an electrical engineer major making 153,000 a year and I live a great fucken life…I drove by these racist ass poor low class rednecks the other day in my new diesel truck and laughed at them..damn rednecks are dirty nd shitty looking..not to mention all the blonde girls out there stupid as fuck haha nd all those stupid Caucasian ppl are just lazy nd plain retarded.. U couldn’t get them to tighten up a screw even if u put a gun to their head haha wow I know plenty of those white ppl..fuck all u haters..I have friends nd family of 5 different races Caucasian black Mexican German and Filipino and we all get along so well but then again there’s a bunch of fucken idiots like the person who posted this that thinks the same of all Mexicans..btw I’m not racist all I said about rednecks nd whites I didn’t mean it that’s just so u could see how this stupid fuck sounds

    • chavez says:

      right on! i think he and anyone like him needs go back to where they are really from! then all u will see here are Mexicans and Indians so ha ha ha ha….

  854. NonEsei says:

    All you Mexicans saying “Fuck you, Gringo, viva Mexico!” aren’t helping your case. Ignorant, hateful, comments overflowing with stupidity are only proving this cunts case. Maybe respond with intelligence, depth, & meaningful criticisms of his post, breaking down his bigoted arguments & exposing for the idiotic, hate filled prick he is? Ignorance is not a virtue. A chingar estos cabrones con nuestras mentas, porque en eso no nos ganan :)

  855. fah q. says:

    90% of all rapes are committed by white people. You know those fucks who were too stupid to find India but had the audacity to call us savages when they showed up without supplies and began eating each other. This from the people who brought us the plague, feudalism and the gauotine.

  856. Suck cock
    You should leave the country if it’s bothering you that much
    – my parents came here for the better

  857. Gordon says:

    Wow wow guys guys relax i mean come on is this how your mothers taught you to be cant we all just try and get along all of you racisist fucks!!!

  858. Tacos or hamburgers? says:

    Eyyyy guys!! Calm down, the only argument that we have to discuss is who makes better food? Mexicans or Americans? ;)

  859. cdub says:

    100 percent agree. Ive made about 10 mexicans bleed . I hate all the stupid beaners

    • Kill Human Garbage says:

      I’m guessing you mean in your dreams. Most of you white dumbfuck racists are scared of confrontation. Haha. White people have told me that their relatives are racists but they stay away and live under a rock in fear of what they hate. I’m glad that we make you asswipes scared enough to stay in your home hidden behind a keyboard typing your little pathetic life away in forums. Get the fuck out of the streets and stay in your homes you whiny bitches.

  860. spic are a disease says:

    ok first of all Mexicans are the filthiest race second you steal work from whites because you spics work for less than a normal person you illegal pieces of shit second you live 16 to a house ogle young girls like the filthy pedophiles you are then you leach off are system then you speak spic everywhere you go your kids who go to school here speak spic in schools because your filthy race are to big of cowards to talk shit in English then you are just loud obnoxious fuckers in general then you do nothing for the country you infested like serve it in time of war because you would have to learn English in the service and your just useless in general I am a 5’7 white American who served his country in time of war so fuck off spics

  861. The Pope says:

    Everyone who feels the same about filthy beaners, please listen.

    I live in California and see them everyday…they are everywhere. They’re population number will only increase unless…they are some how…eliminated. Who else agrees? Oh, and any beaners that read this, go fucking burn in hell you worthless pieces of shit. You come to my country, wave your ugly ass flags here, think you’re all “macho” and shit with your wife beaters and shiny rims and Nissan Altimas. If you’re anything other than beaner, please have a great day. If you’re a beaner, go look in your old 95′ piece of shit toyota truck, find your gardening tools, get the sharpest tool you can find, and stab yourself, and all your 10 kids, your ugly fat wife who was pregnant at the age of 17, and all of your other cousins that live with you. Thank you for your cooperation, beaner.

    • Kill Human Garbage says:

      Go stick your wife’s/gf’s big dildo up your ass dipshit. That will keep your fucking mouth shut for awhile.

  862. anonymousguy666 says:

    Fucking white people are stupid saying we are shit. We are better than you. We do most of the work here in the usa while you fucking white pigs just sit around not doing shit. So stfu and leave if you dont fucking like us!

    • The Pope says:

      Leave OUR own fucking country? You’re a fucking pathetic loser! You’re better than us? I laughed when i saw that. You “people” are trash, you don’t do anything productive in this country. Go learn proper english, go learn our country’s history, and if you’re simply not willing to, then go fuck yourself, AND GET THE FUCK OUT OF OUR FUCKING COUNTRY. You want me and all my white friends to go invade Mexico, destroy your schools, literally DESTROY fucking areas? I’m asking you, anonymous guy, how the hell would you like it. Answer honestly you little shit. I’m curious.

    • TheycallmeD says:

      Because of ignorant bastards like you white American people and Americans in general think we ( Latinos, I’m from Costa Rica) are as stupid and Cocky as you bitches are. And that’s why nobody in Latin America like you either

  863. Frank Thinney says:

    I am half mexican, and part white, and can not understand why people fight with each other about race stuff. People who work to live have to get along with each other, because the rich have everything, and just use all of us. I work for a company as a cook, I work for Panda Express, and can tell you that the asians that own that are very racist against all people except asians but I have asians friends, black friends, mexican friends, and white friends. Panda Express acts like all people are under them, except a few asians that act like they are humble. I want to stop working there because of the racism toward me. The most racist are the rich, and not white people or mexican people.

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  865. Michael says:

    I’m neither Mexican nor Caucasian but what you just said is straight up ignorant smh feel bad for you watch your daughter end up with a Latino and give you a bunch of mixed grand children. God doesn’t like ugly and he’ll humble you down in a second.

  866. Paola says:


  867. Paola says:


  868. Salamander says:

    I just wanted to say, your paper has some very one-sided views, as in sure, I’m certain there were some Mexicans who did those disturbing practices, but we can’t turn a blind eye to the Americans. They’ve done some pretty weird shit too. Ever heard of Utah city with the polygamist incest cult? No? Or how about all the other kidnappings and rapes and harassing a happening in America by Americans? If you’re going to insult others, why not take a look at yourself first?

  869. Kill Human Garbage says:

    Oh man look at all these old low life crackers. That Dell guy, I was laughing at all your comments. You think you’re some big shot don’t you? No one is scared of smelly old rednecks trying to be tough on the internet. All of you faggots are all talk. You won’t ever say that shit out in public because you are too fucking scared of being beaten to death. I know I’m right. Everyone saying the same shit “Huuur duur piece of shit beaner, piece of shit beaner”. That’s all you ugly fuckers can say? Huh? You punk bitches. You white dog turds are weak compared to Mexicans. They are brutal. You limp dicks just use guns. Mexicans actually torture their victims followed by decapitaion. I’d love to see all the dipshits who posted here being decapitated and posted on the net.

    Go ahead. Send me comments. You won’t hurt my feelings. I already know what to expect. “Oh spic you piece of shit blah blah blah”. I just think how funny it is that you talk shit yet you are a worthless dumbfuck human. You are all a waste of space. Niggers and crackers need to be sent to the face of the earth. Death to them all.

  870. Okay listen here, are you on some type of drug? Or are you just mentally fucked up in the head dipshit? Do you even know how stupid you sound? Oh wait i know you probably don’t because the only thing you do is jerk off to fucking lady gaga videos , down in your basement . You’re the most stupid sounding idiot i have ever heard. Atleast mexicans aren’t every fucking race ,such as “irish”,”american”,”greek”,jewish”,german”,”french”,etc. i can go on forever! Just because you think you are better than everyone making yourself feel better while talking about a race doesn’t only “brighten” your personality, but also makes everyone know you’re a fucking low life mutt.

  871. Cumputer says:

    Well you gotta cut the Mexicans some slack for breeding like roaches. The girls can be sexier than fucking hell.

    • ingli only says:

      The L.A. beans are short and fat with the flattest fattest asses..
      how can a fat ass be so flat??

  872. Spic lover says:

    Spics are hot you white ppl tan to look like them your all trailer trash.

  873. Jess says:

    I’m Latina and been with a few white guys and let me tell ya truly truly disappointed me, not only they have skinny small dicks they suck at fucking! Ugh I had to fake it with them hah and they loved this. I know a lot of white girls that love Mexican dicks they even have children with them and are very jealous and possessive over them, and by the way if your a white guy your most likely GAY meaning u love the dick up your ass. Which explains why white girls go for either black or Mexicans. You guys are disgusting smiguel Hey u for the man that hates Mexicans do us all a favor and just use one of your guns and kill yourself. You say you have kids right I’m pretty sure they probably will grow up grab your gun and start shooting at random elementary schools.
    Everybody pays taxes you fucking idiot!!!! It’s funny your well educated right Hhhm you white people are all crack heads posted in the middle of the road asking me for money! Fuck you don’t ever ask me for no dime get a fucking job you crack head. The majority of bums ARE white!!! Every city that I go I see the same crack head!
    Go back to England and shut the fuck up if you don’t like it bitch. I’m pretty sure your at a taco shop as I write this eating a damn burrito with carne asada fries on the side. That’s why we spit at your food!! When I walk in a taco shop GUESS what I see white people eating a fat ass burrito.

    Hahahah that guy said I’m a nazi hahahhahahahhahahahahahha bitch you will get captured and have your fingers and toes cut off and be sent to your damn pathetic ass family hahahah
    They’ll give you shot for dessert.
    And for that other guy who said Mexican families raising their kids wrong uuuummm last I remember a white crack head boy killed a dozen of elementary kids stupid fuck! Where was his mom at maybe getting some heroin or just being a crack head.

    It’s funny how you guys say stay the fuck out of our country buahahaha dumb retards do you remember where u came from morons were all immigrants here crack heads. Killing little kids your a disgrace for your own god damn race!

    • the fairhairedchild says:

      You sound really stupid and you are making the rest of us mexican-American women look bad some advice never describe your sex life it makes you look bad and slutty .

    • Jamie says:

      Mexicans men have the tiniest dicks in the world and are all short, fat and ugly as fuck. Stop lying. As a white guy I’d never date a dirty nasty Mexican trash girl, they’re all sluts and all look the same. No white guy ever dated your ugly ass. Prove our point you nasty fucking Mexicans breed like rabbits and have tons of welfare babies. Y’all disgusting.

  874. martin morales says:

    im a mexican.
    why some fucking mexicans are so stupids?
    some white persons are stupids too.
    i hate this fights!
    this is sooooo fuckin idiot
    really im not happy with you guys (mexicans)
    andd not all the mexicans are like everyone in this page are saying!
    VIVA USA! and MEX.

  875. None important says:

    I’m mexican and I can tell you that not all mexicans are are how you describe them I actually feel sorry for you that you feel that way but I’m not going to tell you how to feel or what kind of opinion you should have you can think what ever you want because by the end of the day you don’t really matter your just another person you say mexicans don’t file taxes or that they steal your jobs but can you tell me what kind of jobs they are actually be taking because without papers they can’t be hired nor will they ever find a high paying job and do you have any clue how much actually pay taxes. Not only that but the reason why so many come here to america is the very same reason why you are able to express your own opinion or be better off economically and that is for the American dream. I can tell you with out giving it a second thought, I know people that would bleed and die to make sure that there wife and kids never go a day hungry and If that’s means going to another country and facing discrimination then so be it. The only think that I wonder is if you’d do the same.

  876. Equality says:

    Okay we’ll it breaks my heart that someone could have so much hatred over Mexicans. I understand that there’s events that led up to all of your hatred and I’m sorry for that but don’t let a couple of bad people ruin your image of a “Mexican”.
    All the white Americans who show up I the news because they’ve murdered or who have done any illegal thing that landed them in jail and on the front cover of the News Papers, do you think other races not see ya’ll and think “wow white people are crazy I’m going to hate white people forever” NO why? Because it is un logical and unreasonable that just because a couple of people have done bad things in there life that’s not a reason to hate a whole race.

  877. TheycallmeD says:

    Well first of all allow me to say that not only Americans hate Mexican people actually because of their fucking attitude and nasty traditions we don’t like them either ( I’m from Costa Rica witch actually holds relations with the US government ) , actually nobody in Latin America like this cocky muthefuckers… And I say this cus I’ve been in Mexico several times and let me say I’m not amazed at all, so with all the respect you Mexican bastards should be eliminated from this world….. And NO we are not the same, Costa Rican people and other Latins are veryy different from Mexicans .


      • TheycallmeD says:

        Bitch shit the fuck up shouldn’t you be cooking tortillas or takin care one of your 16 kids? Reality is nobody like your people , yall being hated in America and Latin America…… So shut your stupid ass

      • La chula Mexicana says:

        Yea I bet you don’t say all that bull shit when your down in Mexico on vacation bitches! And you Costa Rican bitch no body fucking cares about your damn opinion bitch!!! Hating ass slut go suck a dick.
        Talking about how we take your jobs. Get your ass off that mothafucken couch and look for a fucking job you lazy ass crack heads. Damn none of you racist fucks knows what your talking about. Think before you talk. All you are to me are a bunch of fucking bitches who probably had parents who either molested you or simply didn’t give a fuck bout you . All I’m saying is something must have gone down in your house growing up, I mean if you even a had a house. Since we took all your jobs lol dumb ass motherfuckers. WELL!! At least I’m enjoying life with a grrrreat job!!!! Woot woot my Mexicans gotta love em!!!!


      • i am 23 stupid and i dont have any kids soooooo BACK THE HELL OFF !!!!!! VIVA MEXICO !!!!!!

  878. TheycallmeD says:

    Why people in Latin America hate beaners? Because of them white people in America think we (I’m from Costa Rica where we have the same problem with Nicaraguan people, they come here and take advantage of our medical problems, create gangs and rob our people) are the same! And we are not most of people in Central America are poor and unnaducated yes, but people in panama an Costa Rica not.. That’s why we hate you fuckin beaners and I’m not racist I’m just being honest..

  879. Miguel says:

    Hello everyone, I think all this is hilarious. I am Mexican, and proud of it. And believe it or not, I love America. I have accomplish things that otherwise would be nearly impossible to accomplish in my country. There is a lot of opportunities here, and I am taking every single one of them. I am only 25, just bought a house, about to graduate from College, and have a good job. I’ve only been here 6 years. Yes!! I pay taxes!. FWI, not all Mexicans are illegal. And please, for the love of God!!, understand that not all illegal people are Mexicans. #fact—the most hated race in the world are Americans!. I’m not saying that I do, because I know that not all Americans thing the same way. But for those I feel pity instead. To me, racism is the lack of education. One thing that I will agree with most of you Americans, is that if someone wants to live here, they should at least put the effort to learn the language. That is the one thing that bugs me, seen people who complaints about not being treated equally, when they don’t even understand English.
    Thank you

  880. steve lorusso says:

    White power!! I can ho on forever.even though there a million white people i hate i really cant stand these fucking wastes of space.niggers and spics equal a strain on societry and a pain in my ass.fuck!

  881. Border off mexico says:

    VIVA MEXICO????? Then go the fuck back to Mexico you dirty beans

  882. Joel Blaine says:

    Mexicans are attacking the US Border, this should warrant military response

  883. I appreciate that Latinos hate our guts, I appreciate they eat our free food. I appreciate they enjoy free insurance. I appreciate they get free rent. I appreciate they have 300 lb wives and 8 kids. what I don’t appreciate is that they live.

  884. I don’t even know how I ended up here, but I thought this post was great.
    I don’t know who you are but certainly you’re going to
    a famous blogger if you aren’t already ;) Cheers!

  885. GO BACK HOME says:

    I HATE how mexicans in America, especially illegals talk about Mexico like its the fucking best place on earth, you fuckers love it so much THEN GO BACK THERE BECAUSE WE DONT WANT YOU HERE. I noticed some dick with a mexico flag on top of an american flag, the fucking FBI should go to that fuckers house and burn it down how dare all you worthless beans disrespect our nation by first of all fucking comming here as illegals then fucking getting our tax money then raising your stupid snake shit flag ontop of our hard earned flag that we fuvking fought you dirty wet backs over! you say we stole your land? no we put all of your monkey brained soilders into their graves!!!!! thats called a war, a fucking WAR yoou dumb bean fucks! im so sick of you leaving mexico to only talk shit about america, go the fuck back there you have so much pride for the worst country ever? you all are so fucking stupid, the fathers are all alcoholics working on ranches enslaving there own children to do whatever the fuck they say, talk about culture, atleast illegals from other countries actully take pride in america and what we do for them, NO WONDER WE ALL HATE YOU, ALL YOU DO IS SAY “fuck america, mexico rules” but yet you get handed everything to you like theres no tomarow. you ever here an illegal affrican say fuck americans and live in our country? you fucking beaners are too dumb to notice all your doing is hurting yourself, you will probably have somne crazy white boy trying to start a mexican genecide. then you have your gang members infiltrating our states to corrupt our people. if you love mexico you brown shit fucks then stay in your shitty little territory like the dogs you are, you dont deserve what our corrupt government offers you, we should beable to make these fucking illegals our slaves. if we went into mexico illegaly we would be shot or even tourtured you fuckers have your own fucking hoildays in america this is some bullshit and us true AMERICANS need to rise up and stop these fuckers because our government isnt doing shit!!!!!!!! i have no problems with hispanics intill they are illegal. and on top of all that one of our fucking marines who works his ass off for americans is in a fucking mexican prison being tourtured, we need to go to war with mexico and put them in concentration camps to show what happend when you fuck with america.

  886. Anonymous User says:

    I agree with this article and I am MEXICAN! However, I have been educated here in California, and I now go to a 4 year university! And being educated here in America (as most Whites do), I can now understand where most educated Americans are coming from when they say that most first and second generation Mexicans are a nuance to society!

  887. VolandoLyon says:

    We should build a wall twice the size of the great wall of China across the American mexican border and use the land South of it for target practice! Dump all the shit we want down there, toxic waste, raw sewage (why not? They do).

    I used to be a supporter of equal rights. But that was ruined long ago by people of other than white ethnicity. I know there are Caucasian scumbags, dope addicts, rapist, thieves and otherwise, but they are not a majority in our race, nor do the majority of our race treat others as inferior just because of the color of their skin. On the contrary we typically give anyone an opportunity to prove themselves stupid. And in my opinion the majority of mexicans prove themselves to be the most arrogant, ignorant, selfish and uncaring people in all of the world.

    My favorite brown whine is the “we’re trying to make our lives better!” By breaking or laws and undermining our economy (by our I mean American)? Why don’t you make your life better by improving your own nations economy and environment?

    I don’t like being filled with hate. But do to the mistreatment I have suffered by many different people who constantly cry racism, abuse, minority, etc. And the majority of those people being hispanic, I hate them more than any other race, species, vermin, insect, or otherwise.

    Americans would do themselves a great service if we were to adopt a much less tolerant attitude towards crime. We could learn a lot from the way most of Asia deals with crime. Prisoners don’t have rights and criminals get the worst treatment intolerance can supply, caning, beheading and the likes, and immigration?! How about open season!

    We’re all created in God’s image, and that is free will. Not a color (race), sex, or size. Just free will. This blowhard compassion that is really just pathetic empathy has allowed the dregs of society to overrun the world. And if the Bible thumping lawmaking morons would actually read their own book, America wouldn’t be the dumping grounds for the rest of the world’s human garbage.

    I could go on for days. So I’ll leave it at: Humans are stupid mexicans and middle easterners are the worst. Study history before you open your mouth. All races and species exterminate one another. All races envy and fear the Anglo Saxon as we were the best at conquering and exterminating for centuries. Mexicans hate us the most due to their inferior intelligence, and that whole Spanish inquisition thing. P. S. beaners it wasn’t the American whitey that you hate that did that to you it was the Spaniards you inbred, crossbreed, degenerate fucks! And BTW they still hate you too! And if it wasn’t for them you’d still be shit eating spear chuckers!

    What’s the most common thing that’s not common anymore?

  888. john says:

    And Yes i have a ere I make a valid point, why in the world are yall so fucking ignorant, you only point out the bad things and some are fucking lies, like every race there is good and bad not all mexicans do those things you listed, and some of those are lies to I happen to know a lot of succesful mexicans that make if far in life and they do all the hard work you lazy asses cant do and what is more emberassing is I see more and more white people out cutying tobacco along with all the mexicans why because they are ignorant pieces of shit like you, if you are given an opportunity through school to get a good job why the hell waste it and wnd up doing immigrant work, and your a low lige piece of shit I know plenty of white people who have respect for mexicans why because they are hard working people and do what they can to provide for their family trust me if mexico wasnt so corrupt and had a decent economy nobody would fucking bother come to the U.S to put up with ignorant white trash like you, yes im a mexican and was born here and believe it or not im doing something with my life unlike some of my friends sadly, and for exam0le I drive a nice lifted truck that im proud of and worked hard to make it what it is now, and believe me white people look twice and almost cant believe its a mexican driving and yes I have a white girlfriend

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  890. tdbt says:

    The only good type of human being is an aborted one, sealed in a medical biohazard container…the entirety of their potential existence snuffed out before it has a chance to sink it’s hooks into the world. I can truly say that if I, in my life, ever manage to wrestle together something…*something*…that will allow me to exterminate large quantities of human life, I will do it; I pledge this to all.

    I’m not going to keep my hatred for human life inside, forever. I have the time and circumstances to work towards consuming human lives like breathing. Fuck all of you dunce cunts; know that every day, you and all of the minorities (soon to be majorities) run the very idea of civilization into the ground.

    I may never kill as many human beings as a war, but one person can make a massive difference in the lives of the people they hate.

  891. Ana says:

    Wowwwwww this is probably why I hate most white people like wtf. If you got a problem with Mexicans keep it to your damn self. Im Mexican and im proud, so whatever. Viva Mexican puntos!

    • David says:


    • Patriot says:

      You are ugly too!

  892. moonfire2012 says:

    The problem is the women have too many damn kids! Immigration needs to impose a two children per family rule like they did in China. They go beyond that, they get forced sterilization. That’ll teach them not to breed like cockroaches. They move into my neighborhood and take over. They let their dozen kids run wild with no discipline, then when I yell at them to stop kicking their balls into my yard, they yell at ME! They blast that dumbass oompa-paa shit all the time or the rap crap, and their kids vandalize cars with knives, bb guns and baseballs. I usually live and let live but this is out of control. Thank God I’m moving to where I’ll never put up with that shit again!

    • David says:

      Moonfire, I have an even better idea: let’s just stop paying for their goddamn kids. That by itself will keep the average iq of the country from going down further. We should even refuse emergency medical treatment to someone who can’t prove they’re here legally.

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  894. Biff says:

    You ARE illegal. We set up the government here so by definition we are NOT. Our government stole from whoever had it, but that was the government, and government’s are “illegal”. Has Mexico and anything south of them ever invented anything in the last 500 years except for the drug trade?

  895. Edmundo says:

    Hey There. I found your blog using msn. That is
    a really neatly written article. I will make sure to bookmark it and return to read extra of your useful information. Thanks
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  896. disgusted says:

    Spanish-speakers make me fucking sick. Your blog is packed with bitter truths. Spics destroy any area unfortunate enough to be invaded by them and on top of that our shitbag media loves to run sob stories about these insidious scum “just trying to seek a better life” while ignoring the fact that they decimate the quality of life in any community they colonize. Lowest form of “human” life on this planet.

  897. Larry Smith says:

    Let’s put the blame squarely where it belongs. Jerry Brown, the would be jesuit turned liberal mexican loving politician. Kids can’t get a summer job anywhere like I did when I was a teenager, blame him. He is hugely responisble for turning California into the turdhole of the world which it clearly has become under his auspices. Question: why don’t we vote this guy out?

  898. David says:

    I’m so sick of these unbelievably stupid fucking lowlifes. They become ten times as stupid when it gets close to spic pride month. Stupid Obama going out of his way to coddle the illegals who are leaching off our tax dollars only emboldens these subhumans. If they were worth a damn, they would better themselves instead of breeding like stupid rabbits (which we get to pay for). Of course, that would mean going to college, which they won’t do unless someone else pays for it (give me an example of a spic working his way through college). Just keep pissing off real Americans, you retards, see what happens. You just might spark a race war in this country. Too many of you are begging for some retroactive operation wetback.

  899. Oil Prices says:

    Great information. Lucky me I discovered your blog by accident (stumbleupon).
    I have saved as a favorite for later!

  900. Jose Juan Alfonzo Alonzo says:

    Wetback beaners are so retarded. Using Mexican logic, they think California once belonged to Mexico, so they have the right to be here. Actually, California belonged to FRANCE when FRANCE OWNED MEXICO. Anybody can take over those little twerps’ country. Spain totally kicked their aboriginal ass, then sold that worthless land to France, who also found it worthless and sold it to the US. Mexicans are lucky America didn’t wipe them off the map. Now the sorry pinto-bean skin looking idiots are crawling over the border, pretending they belong here.
    They’re really only good for punching bags. I’d like to hang up a couple of sorry Mexicans and work their midsection. I suppose some of the Mexican bitches are good for fucking except you know every little latino teenager has already been in there since they’re such sluts, they get knocked up before they’re even 16.

  901. stupid people says:

    Wow what? I find it funny how you people can write stuff and still say nothing.

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  904. Spic Hater says:

    Spics are the worst. Classless, dirty pieces of shit. They smell like shit and look like shit (seriously, they are the same color as shit). Look at how they ruin any area they live in, the areas they live in turn to shit (just like them). I say, kill ’em all, let God sort them out.

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  907. chris says:

    HAHA well just look at you people hating each other, oh man how i hate Mexicans, how i hate blacks, how i hate purple people, etc… if you could please keep reading this you will realize that we are all imperfectly equal human beings, you can go out there and kill all the mexicans, whites,blacks or “furriners” haha you want but you wont accomplish anything the race you hate the most will be here forever and ever.
    At the end we will all die and rot in the ground like the humans we are, oh and btw most child molesters, rapist, serial killers, and croocked fat cats are white sooo cancer will be right around the corner for all of you and 50 years from now in a multicultural and multiracial America no one will remember this webpage or you bigot backward hillbillies. Judge by personality no one asked to be born black orwhite

  908. hi im adrian matrinez and i hate dirty ass brown spicks with their wet back taco jockey they need to all just kill them selves they are just replacements for the blcks as farm equipment for cheap labor worth nothing more then a big floppy donkey dick on a windsheild with a cow turd splatterd on it im sick of them coming to this country and using all our good resources for their worthless brownness i honestly think every mexican currently in the use should be checked for a green card and we should be building walls for the border and have more border patrol shooting the fuckers on site and kicking them back across the border where they belong in the shit hole they came from

  909. Ice princess says:

    Hallelujah!! Finally someone else who gets it! I am Spanish American ( not Mexican-yuck!) I live in south texas and am sick of these illegal Mexican shit stains! They’re rude, self entitled, and jealous of anyone who doesn’t have ugly ass dark kids with silver teeth.As you posted they cut in line, expect everyone to like their stupid music and food, and boy do their bastard children love to bully other kids who are actually decent looking. They talk loudly, have no manners, and their whore mothers spread easily so the government can support them. What truly angers me is that there are a lot of them( just like that ugly darkie in California who killed two police officers)that are here illegally and because of our dumb shit president, they aren’t being deported. These people are leeches to society, ungrateful, ugly, and the ones who come here and kill, rape, molest children, etc. should be shot in the head. I used to live in a wonderful gated community, so quiet, and safe. Then these asshole homeowners got greedy and decided to accept people in public housing! Oh my god! Everywhere my family and I look, ugly darkness! Loud disgusting music blaring from car stereo speakers, late night parties with like 100 people, ugly dark kids who can’t even speak English(what the fuck?). Just pure shit everywhere. I’m sure the property value of our home has gone way down.I even try to not be so judgemental but they always prove me right.

    • Antonio de Vargas says:

      Look you cock sucker, I’m also Spanish and I you are full of shit. You don’t know what your talking about. These Mexicans you’re talking about are hard workers and are here to have a better quality of life. I the Gov should deport you and all of your shit.

      • La chula Mexicana says:

        Uuuummm to these dumb ass people who say I am Spanish American, WTF does that mean????? Ok do you mean you are Spaniard because as far as I know Spanish is not a race! It’s a language! So your a language? Hahahah Dumb fuck. Hahhah hahahhaha I can imagine this on a survey ( What is your race? Hispanic, cockasion lol, Asian or other ………… Yes I am Spanish American buahahhaahhahahah Stupid!!!!

    • Andrew Li says:

      The Mexicans will keep coming illegally, have a shitload of babies who will be automatically given citizenship, and then there will be a lot of Mexicans who will vote! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Mexicans are taking over! Take that you racist bitch!

  910. Seriously says:

    They Destroyed Our World, and we have enough problems as it is.

  911. john dillinger says:

    Im from socal, and ive lived with these fucking animals all my life. I grew up learning that racism is bad. So i tried my best not to be racist. But now that im ten years out of school and ive had lots of experience with these fucking spics… im ready to fucking choke all of them and throw their bodies back into the desert they came from. They drain our tax money without contributing, they commit crimes, they dont speak any fucking English, and every time i call the courthouse or the dmv the motherfucker who answers doesnt speak a word of fucking english. Go to hell you fucking bean dip bastards, america doesnt want your filthy beaner .


  913. Antonio de Vargas says:

    All you Fucken gringos go fuck yourselves and suck my mexican cock. Yall are a bunch of lazy punk ass bitches. Long Live Mexico Putos, y chingen su puta Perra bomba madre.

  914. Brown Pride says:

    knock them on their ass yea rightt that’s why you carry guns 😂😂
    Dumbass white folks

  915. the fairhairedchild says:

    After reading this it seems as it were written by a 15 year old just sounds like nonsense you mentioned your daughter dropped out because of some Mexican guys ? Which is a convient excuse when in reality she dropped out for being lazy and being weak to men . Your daughter is probably a whore who would consent the touching and being groped because she enjoyed it .you sure didn’t teach your kids much i would hate having you as a parent you have let your children fail and will end making random hate rants like you in their future

  916. Suck my dick says:

    Fuck you gringos you don’t even deserve to be in America fucking immigrants you guys came from Europe by a wrong turn, I’m mexican and Native American we are the only people who should live here so get your dirty little cracker ass back to Europe just jealous cause ou race has the beautiful women

  917. StopAB60 says:

    Damm web backs are destroying my neighborhood.I pay taxes, obey the laws, but when I see people that break the law (illegals), that have no respect for the law. I draw the line.
    My kids are harassed in school (because they are non-Hispanic).
    I almost lost my job to an illegal because of preference.
    Then the house I paid off in 20 years, the neighborhood is getting fucked because some damm liberal allowed illegals to live in his apartment complex almost rent free (government subside – meaning taxpayers are paying for it) now I see more graffiti, trash in the street, drugs sold in the neighbor. Because of illegals Mexicans.
    What the fuck…I tried to show respect treating all people with respect. But, I see the same people that harass me at work, bother my children in school and come in my neighbor, (MY HOME) with DISRESPECT.
    They created hatred in me….I hate them all.

  918. Mexicana says:

    I feel sorry for all you worthless people. I Don’t know why you even exist in this world. Maybe you people had a piece of shit farther who probably didn’t give a fuck about you, pathetic creatures. And a whore mom who was never there but out whoring. Yea actually I take it back I don’t feel sorry for you worthless piece of shits. Each day that I take a dump, looks like each fucking racist up in here hahah that’s what I think of when I take a shit lol yup there goes another one. You deserved your fucked up childhood. Maybe all you racist fucks where fucked by your fathers that makes sense why you racist fucks turned out so fucking retarded. Cuz smart! Lol you bitches ain’t smart for shit!

  919. The author of this article lacks intelligence, that is, he is ignorant and most probably, poor and from a dysfunctional family who instituted hatred (which in turn is moved by fear), and abused him during his childhood. Now, a couple of the above cited matters are simple conjectures that apply to those of the same ideology, one of them that is objectively clear, is that he is ignorant, for no other reason other than the lack of knowledge makes someone to have such intense fear to a person or a group of people. Perhaps he feels he is intelligent because he watches FOX News and has the nicest pick up truck at the trailer park where he perhaps lives, one thing I am sure of, he does not live in Manhattan.
    You think your hatred and aggression protects you, but in due time, you will see that it will be your disgrace.

  920. Linsey Li says:

    I couldn’t finish reading what you wrote because it’d be a waste of time and good energy. You do not sound like a kindhearted person who know how to deal with people. Smart people can get in everywhere and even the angriest Irishman will adore and chase women. Our ancestor wished for me to be naive. I was happy giving the “American s”

    • Linsey Li says:

      Naive, but instead of taking advantage of me they showed me the love and affection I needed. White people? Am I the only one? Arians although you are white you are immediate danger. Other people resided here but they were sipped out. I have become a part of the male group I found of powerful men who I knew could take the craziest of the crazies. Now that I wanna be sane you’re asking for crazy. We all agree

  921. Linsey Li says:

    Perhaps you should go to another country because there are some times in life you have to agree with the truth as much as that is difficult for you. We are spoiled Americans, i am. I’ve requested you to make changes immediately regarding another race, it wasn’t a problem. America is not weak men and heartless women. You’re forgetting who our mother’s are. After all, she makes you the best you can be. inly with a woman you love not one that makes sense. Women this is hard but when I was alone I took on two husbands. The first would be my blessing and greatest loss. He Taught Me about different cultures I hadn’t ever met and for the first time a man was giving me respect and helping me to understand the Muslims. Catholics heard muslims then watched an explosion. I’ve heard many thugs from “Americans”. Americans are the dmoothest kindest men and the most perfect women. Thru my personal studies ive come to conclude that when i was in lovevi knew where i belonged; however i coukd be carefree byvgoing with how I felt and hurt the people who hard for me. It’s a done deal. You will not see me acting a fool. I need a strong man to help me to not act out. We are amazing beautiful women. I’m so proud your hear. Men if you love the woman tell her she will remain at your side with no one to intrude. You know what is write and our ancestors have just challenged the best of the best to fight for this country. No white people? Good I was pissed they were hanging out together being pusses. The rich have money but either u see god and possibilities for your children or you walk away. You are with us, even the women had that passion for a reason. No man could understand how many men do not understand that you are doing the right thing by keeping price withbpeople. When you don’t have family you learn to survive off gifts. Not all white are scandalous men, not all Armenians are cheaters and no religion says hurt eachother if we love God and our father loves them we are here to share the land. By no means will this land be filled with more biggots. Why don’t people help eachother? If we are sharing then we need to understand respect. My Irish friend was drinking I was friendly and what was his response? He was kind gentle. I asked have you met me before? I as he was meant for this day. Men of different lands do not understand how long you all worked to take your share.its a beautiful day. There are no whites who show us support. They do not carry love and kindness but believe that these men are below tgem. not respect me but he acting so and behave so. Perfect model to help me in getting you to understand we will not win if we are constantly comparing ourselves. I tried to tell Lei it’s fine to think poorly but do not assume. we are the elites so come together!

  922. Cat says:

    I moved to Southern California at 30 years old after being born and raised in Michigan, I am 33 now and after 3 years I could not take it any longer and moved back and am so happy to be back, I am a taller 5’7 1/2, slender white woman with blond hair and blue eyes and was raised with manners and come from a community that is kind, respectful and takes pride in our home, where we live and our fellow neighbor. I was shocked at what I experienced while living in California, first off I am not a racist in anyway and can only base my experience with the hispanic/mexicans on my own indvidual experience and my children’s at the time my daughter was 13 and in 7th grade and my son was 10 going on 11 and in 5th grade and I was shocked at the rudeness of the mexican people and for me at least my experience was such a negative one when dealing with the mexican woman ecspecialy, unbelievable! just nasty, and hatefull, mean for know apparent reason and no-matter how hard I tried it just did not make a difference, people always talk about whites being racist but I always put my best foot forward and treat all with respect and kindness and I was treated by the hispanic woman so hatefully and for 0 reason at all other then I guess being white, honestly i walked away having a bad taste in my mouth for these woman, they are so unpleasent and honestly do they ever smile? what is with the constant poor attitude, biggest group of haters i have ever encountered in my life are mexican woman, and my beautiful daughter had the same experience she always talked about how mean and scary they were and I agree only because that was my personal experience, I lived in riverside county and i lived in a community that was about 80% mexican and it was horrible, what the hell is wrong with them? why? and it was maybe not all but no joke most and close enough to all, will somebody please help me to understand.

    • WTF ._. says:

      Sorry to inform you but this isn’t
      That info about you having blue eyes and those words you described yourself with go on

      Well Miss Lady Person,
      Iam a Mexican (: and just know we’re not all the same as you white people aren’t all the same either, keep that in mind

  923. kilo says:

    I LOVE YOU, MAN……..

  924. Drink Lye says:

    You are an abysmal writer, and everything you say is undeniably false. Not a single point that you made was substantiated. You even went as far as to include an anecdote that your mother allegedly heard and apply that to an entire nation of people.

    Many Mexicans do live by standards that are considered disgusting in America, but you are far worse than them. I’d rather have to live in shithole house with 25 Mexicans than even be in the same country as you. You are a white trash, redneck piece of shit. Every race has its trash, and white trash is by far the most disgusting. You’ve had every opportunity to obtain an education and become a reasonable person but you have failed miserably.

    I pray that you have not procreated and further diluted our race’s gene pool by propogating more ignorant hillbilly children. If you have had children, please, go home and strangle them to death then promptly shoot your wife in the face before killing yourself.

    Sadly that is not nearly as painful of a death as you deserve, but at least we’d be rid of you. Filth like you makes me ashamed to be white.

  925. Jennifer says:

    The reason I can’t stand spics is they don’t listen, they repeat mistakes infinitly because they don’t care and are not able to learn. That is why they are a disease because they are impossible people to relate to. That sucks the life out of people, because how can anyone on earth be so dumb. Its mind boggling!!!! Its not possible to reason with them or go forward or get anything accomplished with them. They have no scence what so ever in social skills and they don’t give back. Ultimately, they are on earth to piss people off to no end and beg for money. I am the nicest people you would ever meet and yet, the Mexicans bring out the devil in me. How can we except these people who have no consideration for anyone or anything. They just don’t care!!! That is a sure way to piss off anyone, even the nicest people . And they are gross and so is their hygiene. I don’t want no teeny tiny taco, spic dick!

    • WTF ._. says:

      Really “spics” xD hahaha wow okay so we shall call you white people…. “americs”or something like that right?
      Do you sniff people ? JA xD
      Uh well “americ”not all Mexicans are the same.
      Just like all Americans are not the same
      “Well i Met this American and he was sooo gross and so was his hygiene, he didn’t care about anything so just because of that one American I’m going to assume all Americans are the same”
      This is the version of you but Mexican
      So stop assuming all Mexicans are the same
      -a Mexican (:

  926. Feli Roach Lopez de Chadwick says:

    I am a Mexican American woman and I know why many White people are angry. I get it. You have a low-wage job or are unemployed. Your high school diploma does not get you as far as it used to, before China gained a large labor advantage over the United States, right? Competing with “them dirty Meskins” for work?

    While you are all crying away in lower middle- class mediocrity, I must deal with lecherous, wealthy White men trying to make me their trophy wife. I have to remind them that my job as their financial manager does not make me a vessel for their unwanted attractions. In fact, I can drop them as clients if I want to-I can afford it.

    Your type of White America has no room for wealthy, educated, attractive Mexicans. You want to believe that all Mexican are short, dirty, illegal law-breakers that are out to rape all of your White women. Back to Birth of A Nation rationale, are we? How…Retro.

    It is always amusing for me to see how people beneath my sphere of influence react to their own failings in life…By blaming other groups. Typical.

    • Sarah says:

      Great post! So true by the way!! I am curious though… Do they sit on their computers all day Googling “mexican dick”?

  927. Billy says:

    Imagine how good America would be if Hitler chose beaners instead of jewish people. Nobody would have objected…

  928. Billy says:

    I like how all these brave beaners talk shit and say I wish you would try some shit, but don’t leave an address for those of is that would skin them alive… lol…pussies!! Oh wait, what am I upset for everyone here alreasy knew beaners are pussies. ..

  929. Billy says:

    For all intents and purposes here’s a few real definitions in my own words:

    Mexican – A person born in Mexico.

    Mexican American – A person born in Mexico who is now an American citizen through citizenship process.

    Chicano – An AMERICAN of Mexican decent. Usually born in the United States and sometimes also used as anchor babies.

    Illegal immigrant – someone who enters a country by illegal means.

    Beaner – a.) Illegal immigrant (Criminal by default) b.) makes no positive ctycontributiins to America c.) begs the American government for assistance with children he or she or both cannot support d.) Joins gangs and commits crimes because something is missing at home e.) Hated by most nationalities on the planet f.) Insert common stereotypes here.

    Forgive my stupidity earlier. I do not have an issue with the upstanding Legal American law abiding citizens/productive members of society from any backgroum, race, nationality, culture, or etcetera (not excedra). I served this “past tense” great country with many of these people that I actually call my brothers and sisters in arms. Albeit, I absolutely hate Illegal immigrants who take take take, and earn nothing for themselves. Im sure many would agree that we have no pronlem with the entire Mexican community, but simply the ones everyone knows are bad. Life is simple; if you cannot support children then stop popping them out! Obey the laws of my country. If you don’t have something then work for it or earn it, dont steal it. If you happen to fight someone show honor and dignity by fighting your own battles and taking an ass whooping if you have to. We’d respect you more for it. Take pride of ownership where you live, so nobody elses property value is driven down. Gang? Self explanatory. Please please please learn the english language. Stop being ghetto and blaming it on not having anything. Obviously some of you are quite capable of making something of yourselves, so do it. Don’t make excuses for how terrible a country is because millions of immigrants from other countries all follow the legal process and assimilate the correct way. If you want to be respected vs hated then drop that brown pride bullshit and work with the rest of us not against us. It’s easy to make excuses for certain behaviors, but at what point does a person take responsibility for his or her actions?

  930. Sarah says:

    Reading this post and harsh comments really does make me wonder why people like you exsist. I’m not gonna lie that I am hurt by the stigmatizing things you all have said about Mexicans. We are all human and ALL have flaws within our cultures. I am Hispanic and by you saying “spics” are all blah blah blah it’s like saying all white people are incests. We are all built differently and I get Mexicans carry characteristics physically and mentally but shouldn’t you just let them be? Hate is a pretty strong word…. we are all just trying to live a life in this fucked up world like the rest of you. We all have problems

    • Jackiee says:

      Pinches putos pendejos vayensen mucho a chingar a su pinche puta madreeee……
      Hahahahaha said alot of shit to you and can’t read it 😂😂
      Thatz why you hate mexicans cuzz we better than yall…..

      • moonfire2012 says:

        No, you’re not, because there’s this thing called Google translator and it shows how childish this sentence, and your mentality, is: Pinches fucking assholes vayensen much fuck your fucking whore …… madreeee

      • jarred jack says:

        Your language smells like shit!

  931. keepin' it country says:

    I wish all the illegals would go back to Mexico and stay there. I hope that someday a guy like Hitler comes along and succeeds in extinguisingnthis filthy race. Maybe not ALL Mexicans are bad, but the ones who refuse to assimilate or cooperate need to get the fuck out. If you have the nerve to scoff at the American Flag, or disrespect this country in anyway, then why the hell are you still here?! I’m tired of these short asses walking around California with their 10 fucking kids running around like fucking cockroaches. All these Mexicans do is come here and cause problems. They refuse to speak English, let their kids run around and knock shit over at the grocery store, have morr kids than they can financially support or verbally discipline, mooch off of tax’payers welfare, amd bitch about how much they hate Americans. That there says it, Mexicans hate America and Americans, wanna say viva mexcico & say fuck the police, yet their sorry ass pieces of shit continue to live here and degenerate our cities and society as a whole. Mexican kids hold our children back because instead of teaching them more in depth grammer and thinking skills we have to teach them how to fucking speak English. Mexicans refuse to contribute to society. They won’t speak English, get a job, pay their own taxes, pay their own kids’ college educations, pay for their family’s food, don’t join the army or military. They’re entire race is essentially just a lazy sack of shit. They don’t do anything yet still have the audacity to expect everything to be handed to them. Piss on them. Piss on their fucking beaner ass short motherfuckers that come to America only to smoke week and from gangs and try to turn our country into another piece of shit hell hole like Mexico. They litter and tag the streets and live so filthiliy that cockroaches and bed bugs and flies follow them around because they are just as dirty as insects. They need to stop letting their fifteen year old daughters get knocked up by gang members amd perpetuating their dependency in welfare and WIC and send their asses to military school. They literally have no brains, they are ignoran and continue making babies that they can’t support. Maybe if they spent more time trying to learn English and get a job they wouldn’t be breeding so damn much. They’re overpopulating our country, can we just sterilize them so they eventually die out. Mexicans may be people too, but not all breeds of a species are equal. Wolves and chihuahuas are both canines, yet one clearly trumps the other…

    • barbiebrutalmassacre says:

      All im reading is nothing but fucking rants from you racist morons !!!! Fucking pathetic. Viva Mexico !!!!!

    • WTF ._. says:

      Sure I’ll go to Mexico and I’ll stay there for a week or two but then I’ll come back cause I was born here sooo…. Yea (: and of course we all have brains if we didn’t have brains we’d all be dead…
      Iam a Mexican 🙅🏼

    • Why all the hate says:

      I wish all whites would go back to the UK and stay there. .-.

  932. All i am reading is nothing but fucking rants from you racist morons !!!! Fucking pathetic. Viva Mexico !!!!!

  933. WTF ._. says:

    I’m Mexican….
    So what?
    And Your American
    So what?
    Why be racist ?
    Just because you met a Mexican you might not like doesn’t mean we’re all the same.
    It’s like saying all food is the same just because you tasted a certain food you didn’t like.
    Btw some of you Americans don’t have proper grammar to so stop acting like you do.

  934. Jose Cepeda says:

    I was born in AZ with Mexican descendence and it surprises me how much hatred and ignorance comes out of racist people, yeah you guys might hate Mexicans but have you guys ever had the chance to get educated before saying stupidity. Mexicans have been with America for a long time working together to form what is known as the best country in the world. Through out the wars that the U.S has had, Mexicans or Hispanics have been involved serving America. They have died for all you fucking racists to be safe and walking on your stupid flipflops and eating on your couches watching T.V while drinking a mountain dew. Discrimination is for the uneducated challenged which are known as racist. Still today Americans serve the U.S and still lose their lives for everyone. I had a friend who was an illegal, he was an illegal for 8 years and finally he had the luck to get his U.S residency and guess what he did as soon as he got it? He enlisted himself for the U.S ARMY because he felt like he owed so much to this country and wanted to give something in return. He didn’t do it for college money or for any other beneficial reason he did it because he thought that joining the ARMY Americans would look at Mexicans as brothers and not as animals.

    PLEASE STOP RACISM, WHAT IS GOING ON WITH THIS WORLD. WE ARE ALL HUMAN AND WE ARE ALL NOT PERFECT. LIFE IS HARD. You guys have no idea how life in Mexico is, how miserable people live and having to look at everyone’s face of fear is heartbreaking.

    Would you guys leave your country trying to survive and be able to eat 3 meals a day? think about it!

  935. jay says:

    So much hate… I hope this makes you feel better…

  936. ProudMexican says:

    How about you shut your fucking mouth fucking incest. You guys are a bunch of whiny, lazy, heroin-addicted motherfuckers who stand right outside of 711 like primitive creatures that you are. One time I saw a fucking cracker ass heroin-addicted mltherfucker sitting by a freeway asking for money while on the other side there was a Mexican lady selling flowers and working her ass off, doing anything she can to feed her family. This just goes to show that these white motherfuckers are nothing but lazy and primitive creatures who deserve to die. Just by the sheer fact that you think Mexicans are stupid shows your lack of intelligence. You should really look into the rich history of Mexico and its people. You greedy mltherfuckers are worthless and good for nothing. Everything you guys invent or are the first to do something, there’s always someone who can do it better than you white inbred creatures. Low-lives motherfuckers are only good at fucking their sisters and at shooting up schools. You white creatures go crazy out of nowhere and start shooting. How fucking primitive can you be? I suggest you get your ass off the internet, get an education, and then kill yourself. Since that’s what white people do. They’re a bunch of pussies who either turn to drugs or kill themselves.
    -A Mexican-

    • ProudMexican says:

      -I am a Mexican student at Standord btw. And will soon earn my masters at Harvard. Just thought I’d let your dumbass know.

  937. Flex says:

    wow.. Both the beaners and the uncle daddy’s on this forum are all ver in educated. Not sure why I took the time to read this blog but it’s really a shame to race how ignorant everyone on here is…

  938. John phaff says:

    Well I’m German and Mexican so does that mean you hate me too? My mother is German and my father is Mexican, he came to the United States poor and worked his butt of and he studied at the sam time. He has never been on any food stamps or anything of that sort, yet he has been successful because he started his own company. He went from poor to wealthy and he is now a citizen of the United States. He knows more American history than most white folks on the street. I’m not hating on white people because there’s many that are very hard working, but there’s also some lazy ones that are having kids like crazy, and on food stamps. What I’m trying to say is you can not judge a race like that because your own isn’t perfect. Theres all kinds of people in each race no race is perfect, but I respect your opinion and I hope you respect mine. Thank you.

  939. Isaac says:

    who ever talks shit about Mexicans are stupid because Mexicans work in fields and work their ass off just to give all you lazy ass motherfuckers fruits and vegetables. Stupid ass racist gringos can go fuck themselves.

  940. AbsolutelyTrue says:

    It is all God’s fault to begin with, and the whole world really Sucks.

  941. Costos says:

    I’d take your average mexican over your average rican any day.

  942. Lol says:

    Anyone who is racist without a doubt is very ignorant and uneducated

  943. Jojo says:

    Fuck mexicans you can’t even get a fucking job without being fucking bilingual because they can’t even speak fucking English. Get the fuck out of the US. Please you’ll do all of us gringos a huge fucking favor. You guys are nasty. Live in filth. Eat with cockroaches and you guys use the poor American system. Go back to Mexico and rape your kids and cousins and have more and more and more children !!!! Cuz that’s all you fat mexican lady’s are good for! (=

  944. Kolton says:

    mexicans are all a bunch of fucking spics and all they do is go out and commit crimes, sneak in to our country, and then live off of welfare and make us pay for them with our taxes

  945. tRuTh says:

    I seriously have no idea why there are still racist forums in the web its 2015 almost everybody has forgotten about color and race I am a proud Mexican with a masters degree and a good paying job I don’t live in a mansion but I don’t live in a shit hole either so this topic has to be fake all these stupid stereotypes make me sick cause I see all kinds of poor people including white people if you visit Los Angeles you will see what I am talking about so stop hating on other races and worry about yourselves I am not racist in fact I am actually 25% percent white my mom is half white half Mexican and my dad is Mexican just stop hating cause if you start studying instead of writing racist topics Mexicans and Whites were not here first Indians were the first to settle in America

  946. This country was made by white people, for white people. Cant wait to defend my country(again)! Bring it wetbaks,bring the niggers with u . Make america white (again)!!!!!

    • Why all the hate says:

      Learn your history. Mexicans and indians owned america before white came. Stop being so ready to fight. Worry about isis and stop trying to start a fight with people who are judged due to the horrible actions of idiots. You acts like whites rule and like they dont do anything wrong. Why cant everyone just learn to be nice? Because people like you are to high on your pride. Get down here with the rest of the americans and shut up. I am mexican but not all mexican. I was born in america and my mother was indian and white. My father was mexican and white as well. If you were to get rid of all the other races in america then you would be left with nothing but 1,000,000 people because there are people who have children that are more than just black, white, and mexican. There are also British and German and asian. Along with Russian and Arabian. Some people may look white but could be all sorta of unknown races. If it takes a 12 year old to clarify this all up for You then i feel sorry for You.

  947. Bz says:

    Thank you! I LEFT high school because of all the fucking spic’s, and once I got to college, I had 4 Mexican room mates, that ggot into school, and free tuition and dorm payments simply because they where poor inner city Mexicans. Now I’m not rich. But dam, I had my room broken into on a daily basis, everything of value stolen, and our dorm was never NOT calm baked with pot or w.e other drugs they where doing. All were going to become either a and I quote “rapper or DJ”. Now why do I have to pay 20k for a college education I could not receive due to them, and they get played to party and fuck off. Its bullshit.

  948. JG says:

    Your not worthy to mention God on your opinion. Therefore your a murderer according to God’s standards, and have no favor with God. The Lord rebuke your speech and all the work of your hands and everything that comes after you until you learn that there’s a God in heaven that rules over man. And that presidents and government are put in place according to the people heart. Therefore if your in sin that’s what you get a sinful government. Repent so refreshing times may come invoke the name of Jesus

  949. Wtf-2015 says:

    I’m mexican-american and I must say I strongly disagree with these idiotic remarks. I mean yeah of course there’s a bunch of cocksucking Mexicans, whites,blacks, etc. It doesn’t pertain to a single race. I mean look at gay pride, the majority of gays in America are white and black, Mexicans at least have the decency to reproduce LOL. I love all people, blacks whites beans you name it. I don’t do the stereotype bullshit because everyone is different. Now I’m going to go fuck my wife, y’all have a nice day.

  950. pedro says:

    All mexicans hate your dumb ass fuckin peckerwood motherfucker mexicans are the one that make your welfair check ,you low life motherfucker

  951. 1 says:

    Wow. I don’t think I’ve ever seen something quite like this, the comment section and post itself alike. I’m both stupefied and appalled. This isn’t even about racism anymore, this is flat-out hatred of one specific human way of life. We’re all human. Mexican, white, black, be what you must, we’re. ALL. HUMAN. Is this what you’d say to an elderly Mexican woman who works their ass off for their family? Is that what you’d say to an elderly white woman who’s had hardships in her way, but made it? How fucking dare you? How fucking dare any of you say any of that about anyone? This is what being human is? Berating people for being who they are? This isn’t a fucking war for supremacy, this is a game called life, and if you can’t respect the players, the door is to the left. This brings “don’t hate the player, hate the game” to new levels. How fucking dare any of you? “Get the fuck out of our country you fucking beaner?” “Fuck gringos and they’re motherfucking families?” Who the fuck died and made you preacher, I’d like to know. How fucking dare you generalize an entire race from what one or few people have done, because it sure as fucking He’ll doesn’t mean everyone is affiliated with that specific action you’re calling out. I’m ashamed to be a part of humanity as a whole. Why is it, “I hate Mexicans?” Why isn’t it, “I hate that one motherfucker that did this?” Or “I hate those guys who did that?” Why the entire. Fucking. Race? Get a fucking reality check. There are others in this world besides you. I’m not saying it’s not OK to share you’re opinion, I’m saying don’t throw an entire culture under a bus just because you know a group who did something not socially accepted. In fact, fuck society as a whole for having such human beings within it. Fuck everything. I need to put this into perspective. Not just Mexicans commit crimes. Every race commits crimes. That includes whites. Let me emphasize that. It’s not just Mexicans. It. Is. Not. Just. Mexicans. IT. IS. NOT. JUST. MEXICANS. IT IS NOT JUST MEXICANS WHO COMMIT THESE CRIMED. Next time you’re about to racially categorize, think about the fuckers in your own race that fucked you over and now everyone hates your kind. Think about every motherfucker that made your life more difficult. Why not hate them instead? How do you think Mexicans feel? How do you think it feels to be fucked over by a few idiots who created rumors? How about whites? How do you think they feel when Mexicans go to reprimand them for being racist towards them, when in reality it was just a few assholes and not the entire race? Reality is a fucking bitch when you realize that you’re opinion isn’t valued more by anyone but yourself. I hope you read through what you’ve sent, because if you didn’t and you were an idiot and bluntly racist, you’ll sound like a fucking idiot. Also, Mexicans CAN speak and learn English. I’m an example. I am Mexican-American and I’m proud of who I am. I hope you are too, and you should be proud of who you are, always, no matter what race you are. That message is for you open-minded, beautiful people of any race you may be. As for the rest of you tunnel-visioned insufferables, open up your points of view. Look around. Don’t think you’re powerful and safe behind your keyboards. Karma is known to be a bitch. You’re just like the rest of us. In fact, say what you want. Fucking feign supremacy. Just keep a few things in mind. The first, you’re hiding behind a screen typing words to feel superior when in reality it makes you look like a complete idiot. Second, you’re nothing special.

    I hope I she’d light upon you’re idiocy. If not, good day.

    • Why all the hate says:

      Thank you for spending your time to say all of that. There need to be more people like you in the world but sadly..there are very few who speak their mind….and actually make sense.

  952. SadToSay says:

    Not all of them, but Most of them have Destroyed our world especially the ones that get their free bees.

  953. mickrussom says:

    Mexicans are scum and we have let too many in. These scum are stupid, they are violent, druggies unenlightened and don’t value education or getting out of the scum slime low level station in life. They are ignorant idiots that cant speak proper Spanish correctly nor English, wave their stupid flags and drink their garbage beer and cook their disgusting food which is dirty and stinks. Also Soccer pretty much sucks in general and the Mexicans suck at it. They refuse to play baseball or American football or anything we do here. Their music is pure dog crap as well. Horrible. Mexico is garbage and has done nothing in their history but debase the USA.

  954. Astrid G. says:

    If MEXICANS are so GREAT, DECENT, and SMART, and MEXICO is so GREAT…what the hell are they doing in the U.S.A?

  955. just some random guy says:

    United States********************************** Mexico is also in NORTH AMERICA!!!! which makes Mexicans Americans if you think about it lol and even if it was in South AMERICA they would still be considered Americans lol

  956. Demarrquan Wiggins says:

    Lmao! I know right

    • America says:

      Regardless of what anyobody on this site says, I have traveled all over the world. Mexicans are the laughing stock of the world. That is the world in its entirity. Talk as much as you want. Mexicans are simply subordinate to any person of any other descent.
      Cockroaches of the world.

  957. Joe says:

    I agree with you 100 per cent.
    I have dark skin becuase of my Italian and Black heritage. Ignorant people associate dark skin with mexicans. I am not mexican.
    I do not like mexicans.
    I served in the Marines Infantry as a sniper.
    I served the great USA.
    I have traveled the world and have noticed that Mexicans are the scum of the planet.
    Mexicans are racist. They travel in packs. They say other people are racist. They are a guest in America and fail to speak our language That is failure to adapt. Also known as ignorance.
    Mexicans are weak and pathetic.

    • I'm OK--You're OK says:

      After reading some of these comments I realized that they are from some toothless “white” trash. The only job they qualify for is packing groceries at their local Ralph store. Their self esteem is so low that they feel important by posting this idiotic comments. Don’t bother replying. I won’t be here to read your stupid replies.

      • America # 1 says:

        You are an ignorant piece of scum.
        Mexicans are cockroaches.
        Look in the mirror, you ugly piece of trash.
        You stink, lie, cheat, steal.
        I would throw you through a window like a doll.

  958. JG says:

    Your a devil full of hate and I hope God passes judgement upon your house and everything your hand touches , everything your mouth speaks God rebuke it so when it comes to pass you’ll remember this comment.

    • USA says:

      Okay, fake man of God.
      Your ignorrance is only showcased in your attempt at an argument.
      Mexican lover? Appears to be that you are.
      Fake arguments and invalidity aside, organisms like you are the reason for society’s failures.

  959. I'm OK--You're OK says:

    After reading some of these comments I realized that they are from some toothless “white” trash. The only job they qualify for is packing groceries at their local Ralph store. Their self esteem is so low that they feel important by posting this idiotic comments. Don’t bother replying. I won’t be here to read your stupid replies.

  960. Don Trump says:

    Fuck Mexico!

    • Luigi says:

      Fuck all of those stinky people.

      • Legit says:

        Why do Mexicans think they are entitled to everything?
        Reminds me of people I served with.
        Except, they served America. Mexicans do nothing but infect.
        Mexicans are strong. Extremely strong. Reminds me of prokaryotic bacteria. Strong and infectious. We all know that bacteria is strong and it may kill us. Mexicans are designed to kill our nation.
        Mexicans have no positive contributions for us.

        Know what is humerous?
        Mexicans do not speak Mexican.
        They speak Spanish.
        Yet, I was in the beautiful Las Vegas and some Spaniards were speaking Spanish. The Mexican I was with, unfortunately, said he did not understand the language. He said it was Spanish.
        Wow! Mexicans are the imbeciles of this planet. I have traveled this world. I have seen people of all descents and upbringings.
        Mexicans are great people in my sight.
        They have managed to distuinguish themselves.

        They are the scum of the earth. I step on bugs and pollute, and am reminded of them. I am thankful that I am no longer in the services. I am no longer forced to be in areas of discomfort.
        However, the beloved country that I served has been tainted by these people. I am forced to leave.
        Mexicans are so proud of their country, yet they are in America.
        Staggering to me.
        Pride may be a form of ignorrance. Maybe that is why cockroaches share similarities with Mexicans. They may have some bizzare form of pride. Afterall, they do do travel in packs.

      • Why all the hate says:

        Some mexicans do work hard though….

  961. spanishfly002 says:

    Lol…I have heard and read racist jargon before,all stipid in yheir own ways. Bit I havemt read anything this stupid in a very long time….lol…where do you get this ridicilous information? Mexicans pay taxes. Just like everybody else…theypay and they file. As far as school lunches, the cafeteria staffenforce rules strictly so everyoe gets the same amount of everything. The price of medical prescriptions has always been high and you can blame that on pharmaceutical companies. As far as mexicans breaking laws to fred their families, well its better than whites packing guns going into black churches packing guns and shooting and killing blacks because they were black. Quit blame shifting and quit that explosive diarrhea of the mouth you are suffering from….some peoe are just too dumb

  962. Garfield says:

    Spic what will you do when the man sets up a wall with one door to it and all its for is to throw the spic back in the pig filth where it belongs. It will only have an “Exit Only” sign and forget the “Entrance” sign,,, that shit will no longer belong on your Free Menu. American’s are gonna do a big cleaning job and it starts with the filth that walks the grounds of American. messicant’s will have to go back. They always need help and the reason is laziness and just not giving a shit. Well fuck you all who think this free ride is gonna last,,,, its not your all fucked. Its an overload on America and where not putting up with it any longer.

    Get your ass in gear and start going to school and I don’t mean here in America, but in messico where you started, and build up your fucked up land that you love so much and stay there. And stop fucking all the old ladies without any rubbers. Even if you gotta use balloons, fuck their cheaper than rubbers bird brains. Talk about scrambled eggs for brains, fucken beaners who fuck the system all the time, screw you.

    Look messicants get with it numbnuts its been long over due. Get your shit together and make something out of your dead ass lives. Fuck you pinheads have no future in the history books but dead beat nothing. Open up some learning centers in messico so you can all get some knowledge of what a paper and pen is really for. Damn fucked up country just thinks about earning on someone else’s dollar. Do they even have schools in that damn country? Get your ass in gear a clean up the shit in your dead beat country.

  963. AW says:

    Then again, look at all the low life women that are out there these days.

  964. jenny says:

    We Mexicans are ilegally coming to your country? learn some history white bitches. Half of the US was Mexican territory until you came to invade us. And now you are bitching about us “invading your country” saying we are the illegals? . Have you ever wonder why your cities have Spanish names? Los angeles san francisco, las vegas, colorado and so forth.

    We are just taking over whats ours, and there’s nothing you can do about it bitches.Sooner or later this country will be ruled by Hispanic people. Deal with it mother fuckers.Many city majors are Hispanic descendants. This is just the beginning.

  965. TheTruthSpeaks says:

    God is a filthy low life piece of shit Scumbag for creating this Rotten world to begin with. Case closed.

  966. Juan Rocha says:

    Most blacks and whites are racist how about that homie.

  967. Alexis Smith says:

    I don’t get it, mexicans should learn to speak english perfectly when they go to the USA but when americans go to Mexico they expect everyone to talk to them in english. Springbreakers go to Mexico and they literally destroy hotels, rape women and men and do as many illegal things as possible but that’s ok because they are Americans. Americans are always wimping about how mexicans take their jobs but when Americans go to Mexico to work its totally fine, when someone gets a job no matter where they are from is because they are the best, please understand that. If a Mexican goes to USA and is heard speaking spanish on the phone or whaterever people start screaming “go back to Mexico ” this is so stupid, then you go back to the UK. I have traveled many times to Mexico alone , went to big cities and small towns and not even once I have been catcalled but in the USA I am catcalled minimun 10 times a day.

  968. AbsolutelyVeryTrue says:

    Donald Trump for president which will really make it a much better world.

  969. Leather, upholstery, and all sorts of thick fabrics can be
    simply tackled with the greatest commercial grade sewing machine
    on this list.

  970. Langely says:

    I am truly sorry to have to say this, but from what I have seen first hand living in California is that Mexicans really are as bad as people say they are. I didn’t want to believe it at first so I used to defend them , I thought they were treated unfairly. BUT As time went by I noticed more and more that while i loved this country and worked hard to make it a better place for myself and all who live here, the people that I knew who were mexican and Illegal hated America and it showed .

    They don’t want to become citizens, they don’t want to pay taxes, they get everything for free and we work for it. The ones who do work are still leaching off the system until they become legal. Even the legal mexican doesnt really care about being an American…his loyalty will always be to mexico.They have many many children and they teach their children to resent whites/blacks and America. I want all who read this to know I am not racist whatsoever , I do however believe that we need to deport anyone who is illegal and fails to assimilate.

  971. Why all the hate says:

    Not all mexicans,right? There are some mexicans that are here in the united states legally. Like m, im here in the united staed legally. I was born here. My dad can to the united states when he was around 25. And he had all his papers and everything. Im not saying i dont hate the lazy mexicans that do nothing but there are mexicans that are actually doing their jobs and not slacking off. You cant say that mexicans are gross either (even though a lot of them are) because white people are gross as well. Every single race in the world has a gross side. As you can tell from all the fast food places and how quickly americans are becoming balls of fat jelly. If you think that mexicans should go back to mexico then you can say that. But not all mexicans are causing crimes here. There are african americans causing crimes and they have a higher crime rate than any other race. You see, mexicans arent that bad if they are here in the USA legally. I totally get you being mad at them for coming illegally, but if you think that they are the reason there is more crime then you are wrong. There was crime before this happened. There are some people who have families in america and they are trying to improve, and your veiw on the kids calling their friends to cut in line, is just wrong. You cant hate kids for something that other mexicans did. And even so, its not only the mexican kids that do that. Its also the other kids too. I understand you getting mad because i get mad myself but the lunch period lasts long enough for every kid to eat. And dont judge by whatever the news says or what you think you know about something because it came from a trusted site or whatever. You are thinking like every other simple minded human that hated one race because of something a few people did. Maybe if you were to actually TRY and meet some harkworking mexicans then you would change your view on them. Please dont say you hate mexicans for the stupid actions of a few of them….try and look for hardworking mexicans because they might have been through hell just to bring money home or to put food on the table. I know that there are some mexicans that think they are all tough but not all mexicans are like that. Im not like that. I am honestly afraid to say hi to someone in person. I will apologize to someone quickly if i hurt them or just accidentally bump into them because of crowded hallways. Im not agrreong with you on hating mexicans…but im not trying to just trying to say that you do have a point about some things but then you are wrong on some things. This is all coming from a 12 year old who has seen all the messed up things in this world and the things that cause destruction. You must mnow though…the two things that cause the most destruction….are people…and the internet.

    • No pity for the little ones,all mexicans are scum says:

      I’m sorry to dissapoint you.I’m down here in Mexico on business and I’m sorry to say that 99% of the posts here are right about Mexicans.You have no idea how f***ed up it is down here and worst how people behave down here. Instead of writing a long post about why they are right I’ll just say that now I understand why some flies are causing havoc up in the states.Maybe instead of concentrating on the flies ,someone should clean up the piece of shit country they came from.By the way,I’m still trying to find a hard working Mexican down here in Mexico.

  972. Стивен мексиканская says:

    Sad to say i have Latin blood, but I also despise Mexicans. They do come here for our welfare and fu*k the government on taxes then they claim all the kids in the family, even if they are not US born. I hate the trumpet music or ghetto rap they listen to. I hate that the older I look more Mexican. I was a light skin kid with light brown almost blond hair, but the older I get the more Latin I look. Look; I hate all people who have no class, The Mexicans don’t accept me because I love the USA I was born here and proud of it, and don’t like the shitty music they like and most of everything,what the illegals eat and drink.In contrast, I am classy, I love jazz, rock, and classical music, and I listen to MPR.

  973. Madder says:

    You’re obviously mad because I’m Mexican making a 6 figure salary in the US where mind you I was born and raised, I DO NOT receive help from the government. I went to school and landed a good job, AND I’M MARRIED TO A WHITE WOMAN who loves to ride this dick 😂😂😂😂

  974. john b says:

    i hate all foreign bastards stealing job cars our way of life our population was actually decreasing the liberals let all these sorry over breeding scum into our country lets kill these all and their kids

  975. REKoome says:

    Fuckin’ spics are so damn dirty and ugly and retarded. I wouldn’t mind them if they just stood in there God damn country, but they pour into my neighborhood and spread their retarded culture. If you want to celebrate your shitty traditions, do it in your country, not mine, okay Josè? Everything about wetbacks is ugly: their faces, their bodies, their culture, their country, their language, their names, everything. Honestly, I wish all illegals would get the hell outta here.

  976. Jerome says:


  977. KWhit says:

    I hate you with a passion white punks everytime I see you out there I will beat your ass down and yeah I fuck white girls im breeding you out weak bloods.

  978. mighty whity n proud hater II says:

    there needs to be a government eugenics program.

    mandatory sterilization for both men and women

    stop the trash people from over breeding now.

    there needs to be many many more prisons such like pelican bay.

    everything else has failed and now its time for them strong punitive draconian measures to fix everything up..

    you know this will guarantee remedy all problems.

    politically correctness, don’t solve the problems

  979. One Bad Ass Mexican says:

    That’s why I love to knock white people out for no reason.. That’s right.. I like to go around beating the shit out of your white children. I love the way it feels to walk down the street and feel the fear pumping through in their heart.. Nothing is better then inking your scary ass children because they are all bitches.. I like to purse snatch white ladies and maybe an occasional strike to the face well in doing it. I love terrorizing white people so I feel why your hatred and disgust towards my people is necessary because I feel the same way about white people. America is ours now and I can’t wait to send your kids home crying or even put a few in the dirt! Fuck white peoples! Your white bitches suck my dick!

  980. Wenceslao says:

    Hijo de Su Donald Trompas!!

  981. Concepcion says:

    Fucken White people……..
    You Think your white Ugly Assss Bitches are Hot!!!!!!!! Hahahhajajaha Funny man.
    You know your wife is looking at a young tall Dark Mexican and her Dried ass white Pussy suddenly becomes Wet. That’s Because white Men Have Fucken Dicks..
    I’m Proud of my Donkey Dick Mexican Vato’s out their.. That’s right I’m A 1st Generation 26 years old Sexy Mexicana.
    Your Snobby Ass daughter of yours whisses she was Mexican . either white Bitches are Skinny all bones smelly pussy or Fat Asses that’s Just ,Smell..!!!!
    So Fuck all you White Men and have a good. Day ….

  982. Whitetrash says:

    This is the most irrelevant hating later towards Mexicans you most of gotten tired of writing so much bullshit coming out of you lmao I feel sorry for you and your family.

  983. Cheeba says:

    This is now a FAGGOT and Mexican Immigrant nation a harsh reality -those Mexican pests neighbors decided to start a loud stupid party with their stupid music at 3 o’clock in the morning and we have Obama and his husband to thank for it , puppets who are part of a hidden agenda

  984. Mmmm Dddddd says:

    My car just got stolen in san jose i wonder who did it.. A little mexican fuck whos gonna drive it around, smoke weed in it, and crash it. It was a manual though, can a bean drive manual?

    • Common Sense says:

      Mexican Peolple are extremely smart. People that speaks bad about Mexican people are useless.

      • Jen says:

        If they are so smart why is it they need to come to the United States for a better life? If they are so smart why haven’t they made Mexico a world power at least a country of wealth and abundance ( they have the capacity but corruption and crime has limited them apparently proving that they aren’t so smart after all)? If they are so smart why are the majority of Mexicans living in poverty? If they are so smart why is it most of them don’t seem to have any parenting skills and allow their kids to do whatever they want? If they’re so smart why is it that virtually all of their culture is actually bits and pieces of other cultures rather than a culture all their own? If they are so smart why is it their men are sexist and vulgar? If they’re so smart why is it manners and respect seem to be concepts they have yet to embrace ( having them as neighbors proves this to me as they have no respect for their neighbors- being as loud and as obnoxious as they want to be without ever so much is stopping to think that maybe their behavior might be disturbing there neighbors? If they are so smart why haven’t they figured out what a garbage can is for? Is they are so smart why haven’t they figured out what a shower is for? If they are so smart why do almost every Mexican male have to spit all over the place like they’re marking their territory or like they are some sort of wild animal incapable of even the most basic of manners? If they are so smart why do they stare at people and hoot and holler at women proving they have zero class or manners? If they are so smart why are they so aggressive and why is machismo such an important part of their culture which only proves that they are in their very heart of hearts primitive in behavior and nature?

        Their intelligence is in question because they’ve displayed little evidence they have any intelligence whatsoever. They are living proof that stereotypes are not only accurate but unquestionably fact when talking about Mexicans. I have yet to meet a Mexican who is cultured, intelligent, well seasoned, well mannered, knows literature, enjoys music from around the world instead of just one very specific Mexican style of music, can fluently speak English, has a taste for fine cuisine and enjoys eating something other than tacos and burritos, has aspirations to be something other than a day laborer and is actually taking steps to accomplish that goal, has respect for people of other cultures and ethnicities ( I actually find that Mexicans tend to be on average more racist than the most racist white person), and actually take steps to limit over populating the already overpopulated earth by only having one or two children rather than 15 to 20. I find Mexicans to actually be a blight on the human race. They have virtually no redeeming qualities whatsoever. Individually I’m sure I could meet a Mexican here or there who is the exception to the rule. However, the stereotype in this case is 100% accurate for the majority. Sorry but that’s just the way they are and if you are one of them then I’m sorry that you’re a part of such an abhorent ethnicity.

        As hard as it may be to believe and it even sounds a little strange for me to say, but I really was never racist until I started living around Mexican people. It was only after I actually observed them for years on end and visited Mexico on more than one occasion that I’ve come to realized just how backwards and primitive the Mexican people are. If the Mexicans want to be perceived as anything other than what they are presently than they have a long way to go to fix their disgusting and vulgar and backwards culture.

  985. Book says:

    grease ass mexicans use a mail boulder co. For welfare drop off & sign them.forge hand writing cash the welfare ck. Sent the money to them in mexican country.their were a lot of BASTARD doing. This

    • Jennifer says:

      I am in Mexico now and two Mexicans were outside my door asking me for cervesas(Beer). I am shocked at how little pride these people have for themselves. I didn’t say anything this time but next time I will suggest they get a fucking job!!!
      Man I hate Mexicans!!

  986. Michael says:

    What has this world come to? All this racism… I am mexican but i was born in the United States. I have nothing against whites. Yes many come here illegally but to work. Work jobs that many white people wouldnt last a damn day in and thats a fact. Yes many commit crimes. But not only mexicans… Everyones commits crime.. Mexicans, blacks, whites, chinese.. Everyone does. Not everyone is the same and all this racial profiling has gone too far. But i guess that just how this world is now. What a shame. God help us. God bless you all and may god forgive you all.

  987. The Truth says:

    Yea, you say Viva Mexico, but you pay thousends to come to the land you hate. If Mexico is so great why is no-one paying to get there? Mexico is the Trashiest culture I’ve ever known, other than Blacks, most the women aren’t married or have half a dozen children by different men, that my friend is TRASHY. Now you come here your women start looking the first thing for all the government freebies, and squirting out babies every year to get more free stuff. I know how you watch your children the oldest watches the other brothers and sisters while fam mammy lays in bed all day, do they ever know where the little children, NO, but if you’ll look outside you’ll see them shiting in the neighbors yard, we don’t shit in the neighbor’s yard and haven’t sense the 1700’s. I they cut the food stamps would you come? Probably but it might slow it down if you got nothing from America. These social programs are for the Old and sick, not for a bunch of wetbacks so they can drive a Hummer, go home already, we don’t want you, it’s a shame that your country is so lousy that you would do anything to leave it, then fight to stay out of it, VIVA MEXICO, is BULLSHIT and you KNOW YOU HATE IT, or you would still be there.

  988. Miguel Carlos says:

    You have got to be joking. You seriously are trying to assert all of this as fact? Mexican male here, and for the record we do not copulate with our elderly women. We’re not screwing up your medical systems because we don’t get any without a damn social security, which I lack. Can’t even file for fafsa to help pay for college so I’m stuck at El Co taking 6 units max and working at this undercover gambling cafe getting payed under the table since I can’t even apply to walmart on a kiosk. But I’m taking your jobs right ? Only reason I’m here is because my own countries government is corrupt. Maybe if you would stop supplying firearms and buying dope from the thugs back home, I’d pack my luggage and head off. Quit being so myopic and selfish. The truth of the matter is that you can only speak about what you know and that is limited. Surprises me that you say you worked in law enforcement and have such a distasteful attitude. None of the peace officers I know have ever been so crude in nature.

    • Jen says:

      You say you come to the US to escape corruption in your home country? What happens when there are so many Mexicans in the US? Inevitably they will bring to the US that corruption, crime, poverty, and everything else that makes Mexico what it is today. We can’t be the clean, industrious, regulated, low to no corruption, economic world leader that we are if Mexicans come here and rather than adapt to the American way of life they simply bring Mexico with them. Eventually they’ll bring the corruption and everything else we don’t want here with them. That’s why we want you illegals out of our country. Because we don’t want to become Mexico. We like our country the way it is and would kindly ask you to leave it the way it is and get the hell out or be here legally and adapt to our way of life. I’m sure Mexicans would ask no less of somebody that wants to become a legal permanent citizen of Mexico. Even most Asians are better at adapting to US culture. At least they make a concerted effort. Even going so far as to name their children with white names like Jason Chen or Susan Takamori. They come to the US and are proud to be here and want to keep it as they found it only improving on it. Mexicans come here to take advantage of it at best or to turn the US into Mexico at worst. Refusing to speak English or even learn it and waving a Mexican flag while demanding US citizenship. Basically saying to America that America has to adapt to Mexicans and not the other way around. Now do you understand why we hate illegal Mexicans?

  989. Joey cruz valdez says:

    Wow….so much hate. Well I’m an educated white female from Minnesota and I’m married to a wonderful smart Hispanic man (Cuban/Puerto Rican) and I can surely vouch for all Hispanics that they are very well endowed. My friends from college as well as a some relatives love these Latin men. They dance well and cook better than I. Lol. They have rhythm unlike my fellow Caucasian counterpart’s. White men or at least the ones I’ve dated, all are below 6 inches. Sad! They have no rhythm and most have no swagger whatsoever. My kids are so beautiful and smart. So I’m glad I married the one I’m with. Hispanics Rock! So please stop hating you loser!!!!

  990. Nina Rose says:

    We`’ll that goes 4 typical Mexicans and they` re backstabbers, brown nozers. It’s true they’ll all jump ya! You know thou, low class, dysfunctionals in every race… I am a mix of Spanish, Latin, Italian, my son don’t dislikes mezcans, and he’s got German, + my good type Beretta side.. watch your back n front. Do not trust anyone, it doesn’t matter what race. Family first. Don’t be food poisoned, drink a dope drink from any race… watch out for Asians, blacks, white grim resorts in the hospital, they’ll send you 2die, believe that, I’ve seen all sicky types.. evil vengeful world we live in. Capish?

    • Nina Rose says:

      My son dislikes mezcans, he’s all of me+ a big dose of German/Irish. He can’t stand how they give you a go2hell look, jealous and 1 kid fights you, then here comes the whole tribe to jump you… he can’t stand the loud Mexican chimpmunk through sound! We our who we are, we are nice, as for friends? They always want to sponge bumb all they can off you!

  991. Stevencagle says:

    Go trump clean them out

  992. RJ says:

    I hate em too, bro!

  993. Mexico says says:

    I really don´t know what to say, I hate mexico, china, africa, uk, italy, korea, afganistan, australia, japan, rusia,…. bla, bla, bla but all the time we lives all the time hating something or anybody, but you seen this happens in all the world, north Koreans hate southkoreans and usa, ecuador hates mexico and usa, but i say why to hate what you don’t understand, many situations in the world about wars and racism is product of bad governments, mexico and all most latinamerica is fucked by their governments, personally i hate the person of the next house and is of my same nationality and i have reasons to hate him: because he listen loud music when it’s time to sleep and because he is rude, but i know i hate him because i know he is a dick, many of the people what don’t know the traditions, history, or language are haters and it’s not fair for me, for you and for the rest of the world because we are losing friends, experiences, family or something important what you don’t see yet.

    imagine an horrible disaster happens in usa, an earth quake, tsunami, the worst storm snow of the history!, who you imagine will help you? the country neighbors: canadá and mexico they will send food, water, medicines, people to help in everything, and the two countries will have open the doors in the borders

    and USA suppose to be the most tolerant and anti racist country in the world because there are black people, white people, brown people, yellow people, and etc…

    so don’t hate people what you don’t know them and their still of lives.

    don’t do it man

    i’m from Mexico, an american spit out in my face, in my country, in my house. there are many rude and racist people in the world, so please don be that kind of person you are most big than that.

    the real mission of the global society is to unify all the nations and not to make wars for everything and we are the same under the eyes of God

    as mexican, i suppose to hate you or any people with the same mistakes here?, off course not, i love you if you make the war, i love you, if you hate me, i love you; because you are human and me too and if you don’t like the idea, sorry but it’s true.

  994. Mexico says says:

    you say you have to pay more taxes, the medicine is expensive, your children can’t enjoy the cafeteria well let me to tell you something, many children die every day in the travel of hope to USA and they die because they are killed for bad people, by the hungry, because they are alone. many fathers and mothers sacrifice their lives to their children have one more they of live, and Mexico is visited by Cubans, chilean, colombian, and more every day and do you know what the mexican government and people of here do, we give them food, refuge, water medicines, toys, to make them happy because are people who suffer violence and here in mexico we don’t let them go to your country we deport them to their respective countries and they return many times, you have a house where to live, you have kids, you have a family, don’t waste your time hating and make sure to they be a best persons in the future and not haters because the mistakes of the people of this time line will be payed by the sons, i don’t want to visit USA to live and make my live there because i have a mission here: is to make a Mexico a better place to live to my sons and the next generations.

    so do that mission with your kids: make the world be a better place to live

  995. Bryanna says:

    You should really shut up cause honestly you don’t know what you’re saying you’re just trying to make up excuses because you are racist and the fact that you were a cop shows how you were probably bad at your job that’s why you got fired though you would probably end up being those cops that shoots at someone just cause they feel like it. You act like white people don’t commit any crimes. What about that white male who shot up a school or the other white male who killed 9 people inside a church. Stop making you white people seem like a victim cause youre not, stop blaming other people for your own problems and grow the fuck up!!!

  996. To tell the truth, again I encountered the top piece of material on the web. I I have just added this article and return in the future. I seemed to be overwhelmed and thus impressed. It is always good to be in an internet site . something like this.

  997. Person says:

    Yes, Im sorry on behalf of my people. There are some that do need to understand the sacrifice of freedom and the responsibilty that comes it. Reading the comments from both sides has made me realize that I thought more of humanity. I assumed that more people understood their place in exsistance as a species.
    We are all alone on this planet and all we have is eachother. Together entering a new era that we only saw in fantasies or could only dream of. But I wont give up.
    I will continue to smile when you see me. I will speak of peace, forgiveness, and atonement through my actions. For the sake of future generations. This message is not for hate but to express that I understand your anger.
    The little ones are are watching. Ill hold my hate and negativity. It will die with me. Keep the bad and pass down the good.

  998. JW says:

    Even God sucks filthy Niggers Cock and swallows like a dirty Motherfucker.

  999. Jorge Leyva says:

    We were here before you, we’ll be here after you long gone puto. Try that manifest destiny shit with me and I’ll feed you you fucking heart maldito malparido I’d slice your ass up good, I got nothing against white people jus the ones who think the absence of color in their skin makes then somehow superior to the rest of the world, nobody really like you everybody of some color want to fight you,

    • Jennifer says:

      White people so far are the most decent, and smart people I know. They can think, talk, make decisions and live an extraordinary life.
      Mexicans on the other hand don’t have a lot of confidence, patients or skills to do what we do. Most part of the time they are stuck on shit and whine about dealing with any mature matters.
      They have a whole new level of low character that we have never been subjected to.
      They don’t mind there women giving blow jobs to another guy if they got something free out of it.
      The have very little stamina for the real world.

      • Killa Kev says:

        Mexicans don’t even work hard at work. They play at work instead of actually work. One time a saw a guy who hired a bunch of Mexicans to do carpentry for the house he was building and they did more goofing off on their phones then work. But their boss didn’t even care. But then at the end of the week the Mexicans are always sending their money back home to Mexico.

    • Sam Houston says:

      Fuck you WhoreHey – if you want to “take back” the United States, bring your shit on. You wouldn’t slice shit, because there will be bullet holes in your head, spic boy.

  1000. crip says:

    Damn ass Wetbacks!!! all of em!!!

  1001. Steve says: says:

    Mexicans are Ignorant (meaning a lack of knowledge or awareness) of the American way of life in general. They learn by watching n learning from our example. Especially, the Mexican born ones.

    I hate to call anyone stupid, it’s just rude. What makes Mexicans look discourteous is that they’ve this terrible habit of starring to the point of glaring at you to get your attention. It’s seems like it’s in their DNA, so I don’t think their even aware of this constant starring. Maybe you need recognition or plus to get noticed. The way you stare so intently It’s like you’ve never have a seen a white person which isn’t the case. Years ago in China I could understand that starring because I’m tall and blonde. Today their are plenty of other races in China so we’re not an anomaly anymore.

    From the moment I could speak and understand English, my mother would constantly say “Do Not Stare at anyone unless they would address you because it’s RUDE!!!
    If I kept starring at someone because I thought was interesting my mother would slap the back of my head.

    Mexican’s born in Mexico and I’m assuming some Mex/Americans don’t even realize that there always starring because from birth it wasn’t grilled into them like American born people. Of course Americans stare from time to time. But it’s considered in bad taste.

    Another reason why Mexicans never learned not to stare from a few years old is because their mother stares at everyone just like the men.So I’m assuming from their mothers it’s probably acceptable.It might be a cultural thing in Mexico to stare at people. But in the US it doesn’t work here.

    The only reason this caught my attention is because the Mexican people would repeatedly stare n glare until I made eye contact. I think one of the reasons why Mexicans are called Stupid by Americans is because of their starring. It’s not being fair to them, but It doesn’t make you look proper. I don’t make eye contact with most people because I don’t want to make anyone feel uncomfortable!!!

    This is just my POV (point of view) and my perception.

  1002. Attention from Mark says:

    I meet a lot of Mexicans who are from Mexico but send back 60 to 70 percent of their paychecks back to Mexico to pay for their mothers sisters,uncles,their wives,kids even their friggin cousins.. You cross our border regardless if it’s legal or not for free.You barely spend any of the money you earn in the US. How do you live on 30 percent of your paychecks. There are places that have 2 to 2 1/2 bedrooms with bedrooms with 12 to 15 Mexicans living there that’s not even legal!

    There are no other countries worldwide who utilize that process of sending money home on a consistent weekly basis. Your reason because Mexico is in close proximity to the Calf border. Why won’t you pitch in at least half for the wall. Unless you have another hidden agenda,so the illegals can cross our border so they make money here, then spend it in Mexico’s economy. I know a lot of Mexicans aren’t that bright due to the language barrier.However,.I seen Mexicans stay in one stinking job for 30 years because they feel they can’t never get another one. One they never get an education unless they were born here,n two the English language, n three a green card.

    I understand why people hate you, I don’t waist my energy on hate,but . I up for the wall so it makes it tougher on more illegals entering US borders who probably don’t pay US taxes.

  1003. Sam Houston says:

    Hey spics – the United States does not “belong” to you. Get the fuck over it and go the fuck back to Mexico if you don’t like that. If you want to “take over” by going to war, bring your shit on – we’ll kill every one of you shit bags and send your corpses back to your mothers in Mexico.

  1004. Vito brata says:

    I fucking hate Mexicans too…..they come here to take jobs and screw our women….Mexicans are the only mistake god made….f you brass ankles and I will get even with all you

  1005. Dave says:

    Mexicans are pretty evil. They make neighborhood really bad. High crime and lots of noise. Pure evil.

    • Jennifer says:

      Mexico is pretty free and Mexicans are loud and Mexico is poor. They are always looking at you as what they can score from you. They are probably in heaven now and feel like they struck big in the U.S.
      Whatch your money and your stuff around them because they have their eyes on it.
      All the best.

    • jarred jack says:

      Read the book CON JOB. You will find out how evil these specimens truly are.

  1006. Jay says:

    I Hate them Filthy Brown ruedas ILLEGAL ALIEN Wetbacks too,im sick of them filthy maggots invading our country Having Every thing handed to them free food,free Health care,free housing etc,im on social security,And even I have to PAY a monthly Premium For medicare And I am a white american born citizen,they get Every thing For free by breaking our Laws,I have never Gates any race of people in My life but I “”HATE MEXICANS””

  1007. TheVeryTruth says:

    They certainly have Destroyed our world and continue to do so Unfortunately.

  1008. Jonathan says:

    Hahahahahahahahhh. id like to see half of you fucks say something like this to a Mexican. You white people are built like women. You hide behind badges, computers, and guns to act like you got a pair. Your hate is irrelevant! You see rapists killers and drug dealers in every race. Im a first generation Mexican-American and my family is full of nothing but hard working men that care for there children. I pay 300 dollars of taxes for my country every week. Not all of us are illegals. Idk about you but out in the west I always see the Chicanos walking out of schools with finest women. So stop the hate please. 😏

    • Jen says:

      Hate to break it to you but Mexicans are far more racist. They see whites as gringos or simply some other unflattering Spanish word.

      They demand US citizenship by waving a Mexican flag. WTF?

      Many refuse to speak English and some even refuse to learn it. That would be like me moving to Mexico City and refusing to learn Spanish or speak it. All while demanding Mexican citizenship by waving a US flag.

      They can’t fight on their own. They need others to fight for them. So, why tell them what everyone already knows to their taco eating baby making smelly asses? Because every wetback related to them, which is every single fucking brown catholic burrito, has to get involved. It’s better to just legislate against them breaking rules like illegally coming here in the first place.

      Fuck Mexicans and fuck your crappy shitty music, your beat up piece of shit vans, minivans, and trucks, your unrefined behavior, your gutter version of Spanish, your bratty undisciplined kids, your disrespect for your non Mexican neighbors and your disrespect for the law, and everything else that makes Mexicans the bane on humanity.

      If we poisoned hot sauce, Mexicans would finally not be around to take up space with their retarded machismo bullshit. Take that taco and cram it right up your jalapeno tailpipe

  1009. William Baker says:

    Wow, I seriously CANNOT believe this is an actual thing.

  1010. Enrique says:

    Yea, and what do you do? Piece of shit, self entitled assholes American nationals. Lazy mother fuckers with superiority complex. All you have done is allowed the federal government to make slaves out of your lazy ass retarded clueless population while serving the British crown. You
    dumb fuck, inbred sons of fucking bitches. You have allowed this once great nation to be used in war after war for profit, while you sit your lazy fucking clueless asses eating tv dinners, drinking beer and watching bestiality and child pornography while the Jews stick it to the rest of the world in your name. In your name Satan sits in his throne in New York. That’s right!!!
    Satan’s throne is New York City.

    How you like you Now?

    Get her done, inbred bitch!!!

    What you got to say about it to this Mexican??

    Bring it pecker wood..

    Come on dick faced faggot!!

    America isn’t shit, the world isn’t shit without Mexicans in it.

    Come on lazy ass fucking hicks, clueless mother fuckers.

    Self absorbed, self entitled ignorant morons!!
    You were given a republic but you weren’t able to keep it.

    We helped you to maintain it, but, alas…we the Mexicans are claiming back what is rightfully ours.

    California is Mexicos the rest, we don’t give a fuck about.

    I will end with this !! “remember the name “JOAQUIN MURRIETA” !!
    Engrave it in your heart, your mind and soul. Maybe then shame will not completely overtake your retarded self deluded ass…you dumb clueless animal…
    Peace ass hole!!!!!

    God bring down this nation of dumb order followers…Amen

    • vladtheimpaler says:

      you mad bro?lolyou cant have california you will have to fight for it,but since you losers spend your entire lives at moms house in the barrio that wont be an option,so shut your fart smelling ass up dare you speak to your superiors like that,now dont you have a burritto to roll or a grave to dig or something?we are going to cut joquine murrietta ‘s throat some day and the rest of his la raza big talkers who never do shit.they are all hot fuckin air(farts)typical can talk about shame ,your people have none,white people would rather fend for themselves than come groveling over to whiteys country for scraps.anyways you would never help whites,we know this,yet you spit on all the hospitality we showed have a nice piece of real estate,inmexico there are tropical rainforests to grat desets,yet you let a handful of cartel bully and chase you out of your own homeland,now you are over here threateing to take on the most well armed race in america,?when you couldn’t even defeat the drug cartels.good luck with that,you will need more than that faggot joaquine to beat us,so go back to folding paper around tacos muthr fukr you aint scaring anybody.and you know what,i already forgot that spics name .mahatho murrietta or some shit?it wont matter anyways .we will snipe him from 5 miles away.

  1011. MEXICAN says:

    First of all I am a Mexican the leaves in a very good condition of life with a big house and everything and we didn’t have donkeys or hats or live in a desert so don’t start with your racist shit.

    Mexicans are the best people in the world and americans suck Mexicans big dick so everyone in this webpage shut the fuck up.

    • vladtheimpaler says:

      talk about people in glass houses,every mexican i know is a lard ass,you are okay but you break laws without regard for anyone else,its like rules dont apply to you.jews are not white,you blame celtics for what jews have done,or the spanish,wtf have americans ever done to you besides be generous,you treat whites like shit in mexico,yet you expect and demand respect from us?suck my white hogan mutr fukr.your free ride is ending,its back to your makeshift shack in the desert.have fun muthr fukr …scratching fleas.

  1012. varg todsenn says:

    Mexicans are shit!! That,s a fact m8! The mega crap on whole earth.. Americans are mini shit because they are just a big stage and just united states controled by the shitty jews! You r just the poor parents of britannia..
    Germany. Austria. Russia. Japan. Iceland. Norway. Sweden. Denmark. Are real countries and cultures!
    Anyway pls die shitty mexicans!!!

    • MEXICAN says:

      Mexicans are the best and were here before Fat americans that are the biggest fail on this world while Mexicans are nice and good people americans are fat and ugly priks
      I agree with you in the Jew part but not on the Mexican part

  1013. TheHonestTruthHasBeenTold says:

    God really needs to get rid of all this Shit already before it gets much Worse.

    • MEXICAN says:

      All I say is I bet I’m richer than you, have a better quality life than you, better education, bigger house, and a better person than you are so please SHUT YOU FUCKING ASS and respect Mexicans no matter what.

      • vladtheimpaler says:

        you aint got shit ,sit your bean fart stinking ass down,educated my ass,you guys are dumber than rocks and yiu do a half assed job at everything you have ruined the construction industry with your crap work and hack jobs and you cant build a pool for shit either,your food sucks and your women are lardasses.shut us up muthr fukr,we respect nobody that doesn’t respect us ,what are you gonna do about it ?fucking nothing,get prepared to be deported you fuckn parasitic bastards.and take your rat assed kids with you.they smell like dirty diapers.we will strike like a snake while you are enjoying all the spoils of whiteys world .mcvey style,you wont know what hit you.and we will dance in the streets.

      • MEXICAN says:

        I’m surprised that people who speak Spanish know who to write better than people who write English.
        Okay below some simple questions:
        1. What phone to you have?
        2. What kind of house do you have(Apartment, house, etc)
        3. Is your house big?
        4.Are you rich?
        Answer them first and I will answer after you and you will be surprised bitch

      • The Truth Was Said says:

        To Mexican, Eat Shit and burn in Hell with Satan.

  1014. vladtheimpaler says:

    oh by the way ,we kicked your ass at cant beat us at anything even your national passtime.i bet we could hit a pinata better than you besides farting and sneaking around ,i cant think of anything else you are good at.

  1015. Radius says:

    I hate Mexican men they are nothing but dickless haters and should be escorted out of our country at gun point….fuck Mexico and everyone who lives there, die slow.

  1016. Steven Saragani says:

    I am a American of Latin decent, I’m 100% American! I will defend this country against any enemy foreign or domestic. I grew up listening to Rock and watching MTV before they started playing Rap and those stupid shows they have now. I also dislike Mexicans and South Americans, they come here with their stupid flag and stupid music with trombones and pointy boots. the niggers are just as bad. America as we knew it is gone,Europe is also being taken over by the Arabs and Blacks. I admire Russia they don’t take to much bullshit from immigrants. When the shit hits the fan I will fight for the America I once knew with my friend AR15 and my .50 CAL
    Bring it on! veteran of U.S. armed forces.

    • Jessie Nazi skin says:

      Steven saragani your a brown coconut. U spics are the reason why american s are doing bad. White power and black power run all u latins turds. Even u little sellouts like u. Kiss all the white ass your want we still going to kill u spic. Your just as bad as a dirty Mexican. No pride in yourself. When the shit hits the fan white black and Asian are going to unite against you and Latin people to run u out. U fought with white Asian and black people and now u want to kill us. I personally to purge u and kill your sellout spic ass.

    • You mama says:

      Esteven go suck the nazis and him belong in your countries,you are no fuking Americans
      We are no Russia, or Nazi Germany’s this guys are war criminals,they don’t belong in our country they are Russia and Nazi Germany’s USA enemies.

  1017. Mexican hater says:

    Mexicans should get the fuck out of Californai and go to Mexico. Between the nasty Asians, Indians then you have ugly dirty Mexicans. California sucks

    • AyraHatesMexicansandPuertoRicans says:

      Agreed! Instead of bombing Iran and Syria, why not just bomb California and wipe out every single one of these tit-sucking Commie sheep and their self-absorbed spic-infested “state” that is “soooo awesome brah”? Problems solved :)

  1018. Steven says:

    To jessie: I dislike classless Mexicans just like classless hicks like you! I am former U.S. Military and will put you down just like a rabid dog that you are. Ill put you down just like those Iraqies and Afganies I took down, you sound like a nigger lover to me you, terd lover. yes, im latin and Italian decent and proud of my blood line I just hate ignorance and anyone who wants to hurt true Americans.

    • Jessie Nazi skin says:

      U not a true american u spic. American is for white people black people , and american Indians. Blacks have died in many wars so that brainless self hating spics like u can be free. Your the nigger hating on your fellow americans all we did. If u don’t like whites,blacks, and american Indians get the fuck out of America take your illegals with u.

  1019. diana says:

    Hello, I am a 13 year old Mexican. All I want to say is God made us all differently not to hate on each other because of these differences but to learn to love each other because of these differences. Yes, people have flaws everyone does but you cannot hate on the entire race just because of some people you have to learn and except everyone. If not you will live an angry life. I realize that you wrote this in 2002 and I’m writing this in 2016, I pray you changed you changed perspective on my race, god bless you.

    • Jen says:

      You seem nice but this argument is over more than simply being Mexican.

      This argument is about Mexicans coming to the United States illegally. This about Mexicans demanding the United States adapt to Mexicans but Mexicans often refuse to adapt to the United States. They demand citizenship by waving a Mexican flag. They demand everything be offered in Spanish. They demand everything Mexican be representative in US culture and politics. They demand all of this but won’t do anything to be a part of America.

      People from Asian countries do adapt to America. Even naming their children with white/European/biblical names like John and Susan and Steve and Carol. Over time they learn English better than most. They are proud to be here and are proud of the American flag and the American way of life. They are an example of immigrants America wants.

      Mexicans, I’m sorry to tell you, are usually the exact opposite. Instead of adapting and becoming American, most Mexicans just want the United States to adapt to them. We patriotic Americans are just sick of that. That is why there is so much hate.

      • Jessie skinhead says:

        Jen Americans are of all races not just white. As long has u learn English and thrive to be successful u are american. We should be thankful for this great land the american Indians let us stay on and thank god too!

      • Jen says:

        You’re right. There are more ethnicities than whites. I never said there wasn’t. What I have implied is that of all the ethnicities in the United States the one ethnicity that refuses to adapt to the United States the most is Mexicans.

        They (Mexicans) often refuse to speak or sometimes even learn the language that the founders of our nation decided to write our Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and every subsequent law and bill. They refuse to wave the American flag and in protest of their desire to be citizens of the United States and in protest of American politics they have chosen to instead wave a Mexican flag. They are sending the message themselves that they despise the very country they want so desperately to be in and enter illegally to be in. They want acceptance but refuse to accept that they are in the United States. They want the United States to adapt to them but won’t adapt to the United States. That is what this is about. Not how many ethnicities there are.

        I was using the Asian American reference as a way to show that other people from other countries do come to the United States and integrate, adapt, and become integral proud citizens of the United States. They don’t run around waving the Chinese flag or the Japanese flag while demanding citizenship and protesting American politicians all while refusing to speak English. That’s the difference.

      • Jessie skinhead says:

        Yeah u are totally right. Immigrants from Asia,Europe,Africa,,south america, and carribean islands become Americans and grow to assimilate into America. I don’t know why Mexicans insist on becoming enemy number one and want everybody to hate them. I myself have been treated badly by Mexicans and made to feel like a foreign in my own country. Something is going to have to change. Go trump kick the illegals out. Being the nice guy isn’t working for these illegals.we are a nation of laws and good christians.We can’t take it anymore. God bless America

      • steven says:

        Amen Jen, I apologize for my impudence, ignorant people like Jessie should be ignored. I fought for this country and almost died for it. I once too was a skin head because it was demanded by the military. Jessie you need to move to Poland or some other country that is adaptable to your hate. Long live The United States of America.

      • Jessie skinhead says:

        Shut up Steve your hate isn’t welcome in America. Only color is red,white ,and blue. Were only against Nazis ,commies, and illegals who break all laws.If u support illegals your a traitor and need to get out. Real skins are against Nazis and socialist like Bernie sanders.

  1020. Slick says:

    Fuck all you white trash the only thing yall good for is sucking dick even the white females are trash God Almighty Angel took a shot in heaven and out came white trash white is history all whites deserve to die and I love it mother fuck as white trash

  1021. Dawn says:

    I love you! I hate them too. My husband is a disgusting immigrant fucker who had an affair with one who can barely even speak English!!
    She’s so ugly and has kids and a husband and comes to my country and fucks my husband thinking she can get away with it and doesn’t want to fight me. Threatens to call police . She’s scared.
    It’s truly disgusting and I hate my husband for it and we will never be the same. I’m not perfectly innocent but fuck, I’m not going to cheat while married especially with an ugly dark brown colored genitaliaed illegal immigrant. wtf??
    I called immigration on her and her family and reported her for doing nails illegally without a license. Dumb ass ugly bean bitch.

  1022. Niggerseatabagofducks says:

    I’d rather have some mexicans than these lazy ass Nigger fucks…I mean they get deported, they get deported…but I don’t care about them, deport these nasty welfare niggers and their babies money sucking welfare mama’s….fuckin spooks…and I’m not talkin about black people, I’m talking about ghetto trash lazy fuckin niggers…you know. ..the ones that even black people can’t stand

    • Jessie skinhead says:

      I don’t know mexicans work harder did white trash niggers like u. I mean all I see is white people begging for change. I see Floyd may weather getting more money than u will ever make in your life. Lol! I can’t stand white trash always blaming Hispanics for their problems. Always molesting kids, shooting up their classmates, always on welfare and blaming immigrants. U know the peckerwoods who don’t do shit will their lives but smoke meth. Even white people hate them plus all that land they took from the american Indians and they mad at the Mexicans wetbacks lol. The Mexicans are winning the war by having more kids than white trash people. Stupid peckerwoods are stupid to even see that because all they want to do is do method and fuck their cousins. Viva Cuba. Stupid white people suck at sports and can’t even compete with Asians lol! So viva for more Mexicans less white trash lo! The Mexicans work white people complain on the internet. Viva Cuba and mexico R.I.P white trash citizens!

      • Jessie skinhead says:

        I don’t know mexicans work harder than white trash niggers like u. I mean all I see is white people begging for change. I see Floyd may weather getting more money than u will ever make in your life. Lol! I can’t stand white trash always blaming Hispanics for their problems. Always molesting kids, shooting up their classmates, always on welfare and blaming immigrants. U know the peckerwoods who don’t do shit with their lives but smoke meth. Even white people hate them plus all that land they took from the american Indians and they mad at the Mexicans wetbacks lol. The Mexicans are winning the war by having more kids than white trash people. Stupid peckerwoods are stupid to even see that because all they want to do is do meth and fuck their cousins. Viva Cuba. Stupid white people suck at sports and can’t even compete with Asians lol! So viva for more Mexicans less white trash lol!The Mexicans work harder than white people . White people complain on the internet. Viva Cuba and mexico R.I.P white trash citizens!

        Also what is with white trash and NASCAR. That is the most boring. sports I have ever seen. Latinos will take over and put u stupid white trash on the rez where u belong u scum.

  1023. MexicansGoHome says:

    Mexicans need to stay in their own country. If they’re so full of pride then why not stay in Mexico and try to make it a better place? Instead they come to the U.S. waving their Mexican flags, pillaging every system in place, expecting Americans to conform to their low-IQ culture, blind Catholicism, incessant breeding, etc.

    Mexicans have ruined Mexico and they’re on their way to ruining America.

    They look for a better life by riding the coattails of what Europeans built then tell those of European descent to go back to Europe!? That makes a fuck-load of sense. This establishment was not built by you, nor was it built for you… but you sure do enjoy it!

    If you want to stay connected to your culture there’s a fantastic way to do that… GO THE FUCK BACK TO MEXICO! Maybe with enough brainpower, hard work and determination you can turn it back into a country that people might actually want to live in and not emigrate from.

  1024. I'm white but I'm not like you says:

    This is exactly why everyone hates white people.

  1025. Larry says:

    boy you sure are a stupid ass uninformed bigot I’m sure your sister is your mama or your daddy is your brother you dumb KKK loving cornbread eating sister fucking redneck motherfucker and I mean that literally oh by the way David Duke is looking for you you faggot ass bitch-And hurry to the poles and I don’t mean your daddy’s or your uncle’s poles you inbred faggot I mean the voting poles cause Donald Hitler I mean Donald Trump needs a bitch like you.

  1026. Jack Bower says:

    The fucking spics are bad enough. But do you know who is even worse? The cocksucking politicians who think spics belong in this country. If they lived with the same spics they supported I guarantee you they would change their minds about them if they survived being around them! The Mexicans have hated us for generations, and they were the ones who started fights with us way back when our founding fathers were trying to pull this country together!

    All of them deserve to be thrown back across the border where they belong. They made their country and if they can’t live with it, then they are weak and don’t deserve to live anywhere! I’m with Trump in saying those spics should pay for a wall, but the U.S. should build it because not only would those fucking spics mess it up, they would also leave holes in the wall for those wetbacks to squeeze through so they can sneak into our country! You can’t trust them, wetback or not.

    • You mama says:

      Bower I’m with you.but you ever notice that we are the fuking ones who break the imigration law,by giving them the jobs like
      Picking our fuking,crops,working on the estupid jobs ,doing shit that we don’t want to do because this bastard owners think just because they pay fuking $7.dll the fuking hour,we have to do any shit they want,we are not eslaves.we don’t want that shit just because they want….. we know our work rigths and ,they don’t pay higher salaries,and because the white fuking owners want us to produce more..without benefits!
      They don’t care if we are whites..are you aware of this shit or you speak,because the fuking Mexican flag?
      And you are aware of our fuking white pride,don’t accept to fuking ,work on the fields,we shoul go and get those jobs or what are we are allergic to the fuking sun?
      Our fuking white rich corporations are the ones who create this fuking problem,with the crap of globalization.
      We are Ben used!
      to fight this white mentality of greed from our rich corporations they want to control every countrys labor productivity .we are the ones who fuck break every imigration law,,are you aware of this,we are the body to blame you and me and all the white USA citizens who allow they the companies or any one include the ones who want their house to be clan for cheap be cause we to tired to do the fuking house cleaning and…
      This crap of the Mexicans is BS we in USA are the ones. Who create NAFTA,and the Mexicans farmers were the losers,that I care less-read about,read about the subject,of globalization and open borders like the Europe,they don’t like it why UK left this crap.
      Get inform.all I read in this page is fuking ignorance,I don’t care
      If I don’t pas the fuking gramma test,or if you think I’m to fuking criticize.or give a fuking opinion.but we are fuking used.find the truth.your self.
      Don’t Belive what the nazi guy say
      this guy is no good for our,country he claims ..what ever…hi is an enemy of our country,he is a Nazi, a Nazi,send them to Germany were this guy belongs.and they claiming that our president is one of them,don’t allow this lies.
      Send them back to Germany all of them.get them out.
      They are criminals of war,they are hiding in our country.

  1027. TheGod'sHonestTruth says:

    Trump all the way which really Would Be the better way.

  1028. Erika says:

    You fuckin stupid for 1) mexicans and illegal immigrants do filw for taxes 2) its called ITIN you get it to report it and in the future it helps them get legalized. 3) learn your motherfucken facts before you start talking mess abt people on here. I am a U.S. CITIZEN and i have siblings of all kinds Mexicans for sure, Whites, and Africa American. My big family is mixed. You should talk all that shit about people because you never know whats there main reason on coming to your fucken state U.S. Mexicans work anywhere in fields out in the sun all day meanwhile some of the white fokes are sitting down scratching their fucken balls all day without doing shit. I do ask myself why did people mistreat mexicans if they are the ones doing all the work. You will never see a white trash in a field pick strawberries, or out in the sun. But yet you wanta talk abt mexicans. Theres a difference between a mexican criminal with a mexican who trys to help there family. Everyone has sins. And i know for a fact you aint no saint. Let me let you one more fact the mexicans used to own the whole u.s. until some motherfuckers like you started stilling from the mexicans. Also your talking about carrying a gun guess what fucker i carry one too and im a girl Mexican American. So i guess instead of dropping my ass to the floor i guess I’ll shoot your ass to floor. Right. A dont be a fool dude no Mexican is going to want a little white trash in Mexico unless that bitch is worth millions. So go fuck off✊somewhere else with your racist shit.

    • Jen says:

      Mexicans NEVER owned the “whole US”. The Mexican ancestry, at best, was part of various tribal communities in the southwestern parts of the North American continent. The largest being the Aztec Empire which was conquered by Spain. Many Mexicans today have Spanish blood mixed in their heritage and thus are no more or less connected with only the Aztec Empire and, in fact, have European blood mixed in their DNA. The fact they still speak Spanish is a testament to their past and the influence of Spain. Today’s Mexican is nothing like his Aztec ancestry. So, spare me the “we were here first” bullshit. Second, so the fuck what of you were? Mexico is still nothing like its Aztec past. You want to go back to worshipping the many Aztec gods and commit human sacrifices and run around in loin cloth, be my guest. As it is, it is Mexicans who want to be more like everyone else. The music Mexicans like is basically nothing more than a mixture of music from other cultures. Their attire comes from other cultures. Their religion, Catholicism, totally not their ancestral religion. Pretty much everything modern Mexican is either influenced by or copied from other cultures. So, Mexicans don’t even have a connection with their true past and thus calling on the ancestral territorial rights is fucking retarded since you don’t even follow your so called ancestral past in any meaningful way.

      Furthermore, the borders have been established. A war between the US and Mexico was fought a long fucking time ago over border disputes. The war ended and the border was agreed to. End of the fucking discussion! You love Mexico so fucking much? GO BACK THERE❗

      Mexicans are the only ethnic group that comes to the United States with a sense of self-entitlement because they believe that they are the true rightful heirs of the country and therefore have no need to acclimate or assimilate to the culture that they have chosen to join. Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Indian, Pakistani, Italian, and on and on. They all learn English and accept this country as their country. None of this “well I’m going to be here illegally and refuse to speak English because I don’t think I should have to because once a long time ago someone I might have been related to used to call this place home” crap you wetback motherfuckers pull.

      And spare me the “we do all the work you won’t” bullshit. Nobody is twisting your taco eating arms to come to the US and pick strawberries or do landscaping and so forth. Your asses come here because you know your shit for a country can’t produce enough jobs and won’t pay well enough to feed all 50 of your little burrito brats. Not our fault America is more industrious and has better living conditions. In fact, it’s why the US is better. Why else would you fucks come here unless you wanted something better for yourselves? Because you know when Mexicans govern Mexicans they suck at it.

      Mexicans don’t produce wealth. They produce tacos. Mexicans don’t have food and safety regulations at the level the US does. Mexico’s living conditions are third world compared to the US. That is why many of us non taco sniffing shit skinned gutter monkey’s want you fucking Mexicans out. If you can’t make your own country as good as the United States then why on Earth do you think taking over the United States would make the United States better? We fear that once you out populate us and start taking over you’ll run this country into the ground the same way you did your own fucked-up country. Get it?

  1029. Whitepride says:

    Effin spics!

  1030. The Very Sad Honest Truth Of All says:

    God is a real filthy Low Life Scumbag for creating these Low Life Pigs in the first place.

  1031. Chupa me la verga says:

    You fuckin white degenerate mother fuckers are fuckin pieces of shit!! Don’t get mad cuz your girlfriend say ewww fuckin Mexicans.. But when you’re not around they swallow our cum!! We have that good dick they crave. Not those fuckin pink willy`s you call penis`. And learn how to spell when you post shit. That only proves that Mexicans made this county BEAST!! USA IS THE GREATEST. FUCKIN RED NECKS ARE GARBAGE!! P.s. thus is America! Where you make more money for being bilingual! Like your girls tongue

    • Jen says:

      The only white women who want that nasty uncut rotten nacho cheese dipped unwashed sweaty stinky wetback third world spic dick belonging to a shit skinned loud mouthed insecure machismo sexiest waste of human genetics is an equally nasty skank.

      I’ve seen the average woman dating Mexican men- she’s a fat trailer trash whore. Any self respecting attractive in shape white woman wouldn’t be caught dead touching that petri dish you Mexicans call a cock.

    • Anonymous says:

      And filthy Garbage like you need to be EXTERMINATED.

    • Anonymous says:

      Why would God create Shit like you people to begin with? What a big fucking mistake he made.

  1032. Haters says:

    Translate this to english stupid

    Hola hijos de perra, creen que por ser ESTADOUNIDENSES pueden insultar a todo el mundo? ustedes creen que son “blancos”? que estupidos!! los verdaderos blancos son del norte de europa y no insultan a nadie, se creen los dueños de america autonombrandose americanos. Todo el mundo nos odia a los americanos por sus estupideces y guerras, e insultando a todo el mundo con nombres estupidos, además tuvieron que exterminar a los red skin para que hubiera según ustedes puros blancos, pero en cambio solo se hizo gente GORDA y CONSUMISTA y RACISTA, a ustedes les incomoda que el euro sea mayor que el dolar gay. Y VIVA MEXICO CABRONES!! 🌵🌵🌵🌵 WE ARE BEANERS, AND?. IF WE’RE BEANERS YOU EAT US ✊✊✊

    • Jen says:

      Eat your taco you stupid wetback. Isn’t it time for you to go fuck and produce another of those brats you produced every 5 minutes before going to mow my lawn? Stupid uneducated smelly Mexican. Fucking retarded music and ugly fucking sexist men. Mexicans have zero redeemable qualities. You are all completely and utterly useless. If the world had no Mexicans on it the world wouldn’t even notice them gone.

      Translate that burrito brain.

    • Someone who hates being a mexican says:

      At least americans live in a clean house unlike those mexicans living in a shitty house, with dirt everywhere.
      Now like many mexicans here would say, go suck a horse dick, filthy cowboy wannabe.

  1033. Huge cock says:

    Suck my huge cock beaner esay wey puta chinga pos.

  1034. Aaron dinola bitch says:

    As a native American. Fuck you. They belong here more than your shitty heritage.

  1035. Someone who hates being a mexican says:

    Mexicans also discuss about any kind of shit, and their roads, oh god, they are awfully constructed, another thing is that they don’t even want to rebuild them, they prefer just sitting there with their shirts off, and scratch their ass, and the last thing is that their educational system is shit, is comple shit, but that was a known fact.

  1036. Mizzchris says:

    I feel your pain. I am a 4th generation American of Mexican decent. I speak fluent Spanish when I HAVE too because an illegal waiter/waitress refuses to learn our nations language. Now mind you that I am a light skinned spic so I often get confused on both spectrums of the race. I’m either too white to be spic too dark to be white. So, I have given insight to both. Caucasian race does seem to think they are entitled and I cannot tell how many times I have gotten THEE job . Caucasians get treated as such simply because of the color of their skin. I grew up with four older Hispanic brothers and I’ll have to say that when they were horny and wanted all three holes in a woman they dated a white girl. But when it was time to marry I would overhear that the girl in question only allowed her vagina as entry. Now, that I have gotten older and married a white man he totally agreed that white women are generally more comfortable with their bodies. But spics are raised to treasure their little girls until the husband takes over. I totally agree with you though when it comes to manners the reason they cut in line is usually because they are taught to fend for themselves any way they can because life is already hard at their tender tiny little ages, simply because of the color of their skin.
    My children are often confused for being Italian because I raised them “White” is what I’m told.
    But honestly I raised them with love and not hate.
    To empathize instead of summing up everyone as a cockroach because one day that cockroach will run the country because of their outrageous growth rate.
    Ex. “His” Panic.
    Coincidental? I think not.
    I’m sorry you walk around with so much hate
    my heart feels for you.

    • Jen says:

      “Caucasian race does seem to think they are entitled”

      You mean entitled to live in a country free of lawbreakers and free from people that refuse to speak English? Guilty.

      Whereas Mexicans who think they are entitled to violate US law and come here illegally and proceeded to violate other us laws all because they claim that at one time a long time ago an ancestor might’ve lived or been part of a certain section of the southern most parts of what is now the US. They come here illegally and obtained jobs illegally and drive without a license or insurance and the list just keeps going on and on. Who again acts entitled?

      “one day that cockroach will run the country”

      And, just like Mexico and most of South America, when the day comes a bunch of Pope loving taco eating smelly wetback spics take over, the United States will become a third world country because burritos suck at governing. Just look at Mexico as proof of that- a corrupt country with third world living standards, water that you can’t trust to drink, and food safety controls that are virtually non-existent, not to mention an economy that sucks. Machismo and hot sauce does NOT a great nation make.

      “because of their outrageous growth rate”

      Hence calling them cockroaches. They, like cockroaches, breed far to much. The only Catholic rule they follow is the one against birth control and condoms. They then have a bunch of brats that they don’t take care of who then grow up to become an even worse strain on society than their worthless “parents” were and the cycle just starts all over again. Mexicans aren’t just like cockroaches they’re like a virus that spreads and destroys or makes bad everything it comes in contact with and everything it affects.

      Individual Mexicans are fine. It’s their collective ethnicity that is a blight on western society. Corrupt. Smelly. Uncultured. Uneducated. Rude. Sexiest and misogynistic. Unwilling to follow the laws- considering most of them came to the United States illegally they came here already committing a crime and everything they do from then on out is criminal.

      Also, most Mexicans that date or marry white women date or marry fat white women. Self respecting healthy white women wouldn’t be caught dead with ghetto trash.

  1037. yeshelloyes says:

    yes i will fucking wipe my cock over all medicans come join my mexican hate blog where we all hate mexicans and light them on fire and fucj their pussys

  1038. Don says:

    Arm the boarder killed all!

  1039. Leigh Goodwin says:

    You would go to jail unless you shoot the Cops if you break the law to support your family. Americans will learn the hard way about these greedy pieces of sh#t.

  1040. Marcus says:

    Man. This is bad stuff.
    I am a ‘legal’ immigrant who became a US citizen years ago.
    My father did it the ‘legal/ethical’ way.
    I can handle most immigrants, but am incensed about the fat Igor ugly Mexican peasants.
    They are lazy, send their money back to Mexico via wires, never pay taxes, and take advantage of EVERY angle possible.
    They are parasites.
    We could solve the problem quickly brcshipping out all of the smelly rats who are not legal, stop wires to Mexico, and ensure EVERY citizen pays taxes.
    The cost to monitor this, build a fucking wall with armed guards who shoot anyone who finds a way to cross, and ship them home will be far less than they are costing the US every day!
    Ask ANY taxi driver, or any charity, about the Mexican contribution and you will get the same story.
    They TAKE everything, breed like rabbits, steal and take advantage of everything, and NEVER contribute.

    That is their culture. They are like roaches and need to stay in Mexico. This is why they have the worst country to leave very in -period.
    What don’t people from Costa Rica, Argentina, Brazil or the rest of the south come here in droves?

    Mexicans are fucking disgusting and in 10-years, California will be toast thanks to the liberals like the senior governor.

  1041. mumof5jaes says:

    Funny but all so true. They are scums of the earth! Lazy asses and criminals!

  1042. The Truth Was Said says:

    Why would God in the first place create these Pathetic Fucking Losers for? Don’t we have enough trouble in this world as it is? God is a real Filthy Low Life Pig himself for creating this Filth that is Rapidly Destroying this world. Trump has to win to get that Wall Up right away.

  1043. OliviaBeal says:

    No more anchor babies niggerbama spitting out little welfare checks while shopping at the chink owned “everything’s a dollar”stores dntn Elpaso EPISD school buses Oli king up those little dual citizens evr morn at 7am to go have bkfst lunch and dinner at our public schools and fucking up the education of American citizens because of these godddamn animals that don’t speak English and won’t stay in that sicilst fk up country they’re from. Next ain’t taking in any illegal f central or Cuba or S America. U dig a grace hand over ur pussy purse and bk pack ,,get in that grave and get a bullet and take that eternal nap fk Mexico

  1044. Pancho says:

    Have you had one in your ass honky

  1045. Let The Real Truth Be Told says:

    Let us hope that Hillary Clinton the Low Life Loser that she is Doesn’t win since the Crime Rate will really climb very rapidly by these Low Life Animals. Vote Trump all the way.

  1046. Let The Real Truth Be Told says:

    Victory for Trump since that Wall will be Built after all.

  1047. Reality Check says:

    Most Mexicans are filthy scum but the ones that are Legal and work very hard for a living should be left alone.

    • Alt right all the way says:

      Now that Trump is President, spics , niggers, Jews, fags, ragheads, Muslim filth, and all the rest of the trash is on notice! Make America Christian again. Make America a straight again. Make America white again. Make America great again.

  1048. Many thanks! This is an awesome website!

  1049. C. Twardy says:

    Mexicans are total shit. They like to mad dog white people in the street. They are violent. Carry yourself with the attitude that if someone fucks with you that you will instantly kill them. You have to carry a gun but it only works if you use it. That’s because they are so fucking stupid. They are proven to be stupid. Living proof the Indian fucked the buffalo. Avoid Them & straight out kill them if necessary.

  1050. Iron Man says:

    I agree with you bro spic asses ARE SHIT. THEY are the downfall of this great country. I say fuckem, run them. Outta here, No Questions Asked; Shoot First Ask Questions Later. THEY call Trump a racist, but that’s because they don’t know me and how much I hate them and their so called culture. They’re STUPID BACKASSWARD BURRO RIDING FUCKS. What really bugs me is their FUCKING BULLSHIT RELIGION thinking that their virgin Mary is more important than Jesus Christ. I mean this really fucks me up. Man they’re just FUCKING LOST & Don’t Have a Clue!!!!!!!!!! Man FUCK THEM ALL THEY SUCK SHIT BURRITO

  1051. jay says:

    Fucken retards full of shit rants hope you get it one day loosers

    • Rejoice! Spic's are going back to that shit hole they call a country! says:

      Awww.. What’s the matter? Afraid Trump is going to kick your ass back to taco town?

  1052. F.c says:

    Work in your own country. But your not willing to go to war. Cowards. Want it easy in the usa. Trump will change that.

  1053. Hdhdbajebduakebsk says:

    Filthy spic subhumans, BUILD THE WALL VOTE TRUMP

  1054. Mike says:

    Why don’t you come to my house, you redneck degenerate so that you can explain your vile hatred to my Mexican wife? After she’s done with you, I would like to have a word or two with you. And by words, I mean bullets. There is no place for your disgusting hatred in our country. You might as well tattoo a swastika on your ball sack you piece of shit.
    And by the way, before you respond with any of your racist nonsense, you Richard Spencer disciple, I am all for building a wall, and deporting any violent criminals that are illegal in this country. I totally support vetting all immigrants that come into this country, I support getting rid of all of the globalist bullshit that goes on in the Jewish controlled media (and my sister-in-law is Jewish by the way) I am not however stupid enough or ignorant enough to make broad racist statements like you. And by the way, I would support deporting ignorant fucks like yourself from this country. FUCK YOU. ..AND have a nice day :-)

    • Steve Bannon's voice says:

      Race traitor. You put hot sauce in between that taco snatch? With the help of President Trump we’ll make America white again! No more gutter spic talk. Silly burrito lover. Didn’t you know that Trump is the white man’s salvation? Get rid of that beaner and get yourself a nice white woman. You’d be better off being a fag than being a race traitor. Heil Trump!

  1055. they can steal anything ,lazy motherfuckers mexican ,they just steal money like rats ,definitely they are wasting money and resource,
    slaughter out this trashy nation ,i cant stand any place i found any of them ,unfortunately nowadays they are everywhere ,once one of them got a hold of a good position ,they start recall for there families and make it a mexican territory ,fuck them ,they make this country look bad with those ugly lazy mean asses ,nobody like them include themselves ,those ppl i’ve been working with them for my bad luck ,they are the worst nation ,that u might think about having any business with them ,stingy and talkin shit about all other races as if they are the owner of the country ,when they are all some parasites ,fuck em ,wish that trump get em all out for good ,no more ugly mexicans

    • You mama says:

      Jack….why don’t you do something like,work on any field,and take with you,all your friends, because of you.and people like you
      Who don’t want to do those jobs…..they hire them.
      You are the one who should be in jail,because we break the imigration laws,we have laws,why we don’t fuking follow them,
      You don’t do those,jobs,because,you so delicate,you are a white!
      OMG,estop that bull shit.and work,in those fuking jobs,so the white owners of our companies,don’t hire them.
      You don’t do those jobs because,you know,your job,rigths,you must be pay higher wages,because we are the best worker in the are rigth,and who is going to do all those fuking jobs??The Afro American??,they don’t give a shit,ether,they know…..
      We are fuking esmart ass,they are not pay enuft,they go to the welfare,easy! Don’t you think
      All the white people in this page shoul get to gether,and go find a job,any job,like cleaning the bath rooms,on the restaurants
      Or picking the lettuce ,or the tomato,or what?you are allergic to the sun??we must put on jail any white owner of a house who hire any iligal worker,as maid,I don care if is polish,or African or European ,or wet back.or from any part of the fuking world.they don’t have to came here…
      And esteal our jobs,(I’m talking the cheap jobs) because this
      Are the ones we the white workers,don’t want,I don’t think,Jack
      This undocumented. not even !in a million chances.they will take your job??or the CEO,from you great,company,or you plant ,manager job??or the governor from you estate??or your supervisor,that happens to be whites the majority of them..they take wath we don’t want to do,because the fuking companies don’t want to pay,a decent wage to the USA ,any more!!
      did you watch the news when in Illinois the workers.were protest.
      For the lousy.$10 doll.minimun wage??its this ok.with you Jack?
      Why you did not help to boycott this companies who outsource
      Our jobs ,that happens?…. they are white… fuking rich owners!
      You did something about ?did you Jack?
      You complain about everything! You are rigth,but we have fuking laws…. imigration laws,work,laws,drug laws,and what? We are the fuking ones who brake them,yust because,we are esmart ?we are white yes!..but this is nothing new,why don’t you ask to jail any one,any one regardles of color,20 or 30 years of jail.if you give any undocumented a job,and you,don’t do nothing like round this people and jail ,or deported,forget this shit,we are a free country,thank.GOD.
      They can came here es they please ,but…. is no work if you have not the rigth papers,what?about Jack?
      but jail…any who give them any opportunity,because we have the law,and who. ever brake the law ,will pay.
      Not a fine….with jail.are you with me jack?
      And for the drugs. Just to be clear.
      They came from sout America to Mexico,and Mexico?
      Guess,jac… Bingo..USA .
      Why Jack??
      Be cause we the white …. Drugs!
      We create this market…and to get our fuking dollars,they bring them here.because we don’t want to go to their countries because the jails are not humane like USA poor thing…
      so is easy and les problematic if they bring them
      We can get away with a lot of shit because we are whites and can blame any one rigth Jack.dont tell me you don’t do medical grass Jack,ore sniff many of that shit??
      what do you are going to do about,Jack??
      See..Jack we are the ones who create the mess,not only here all over the fuking world.we are the great country in the world? But now is not 1950. This is the year 2016.dont live in the past.if you don’t,beliveme…. in the past,if you were resident you have to send a imigration your address every year,you must report your address if you move,they use to have better control of imigration.
      Europeans,over estay their visitor visas,and now they are proud USA citizens,why Jack?they break a imigration law,but because
      They are “white”our dep.of immigration make a blind aye,all so how you know if they are not from Poland??yes from Poland or,from Yugoslavia ,or Russians,you tell me Jack.
      Because this Europeans yes if they espeak I glib they can take your job.ok
      and for you to know,before to came-to.USA you must pas a medical check up.and be check,if you have no disease.or lice,now,you tell me Jack.what hapen with this laws ???..all so if we did travel to other countries,like Europe we need a medical check up.what happens??they did not let you boar any plane.if you don’t have the medical check up….Because you coul have.TB.
      See Jack we are the ones who fuking break the laws,our own fuking laws.not new laws,the same fuking laws.

  1056. Snow Flake says:

    You’re a fucking ignorant piece of shit. People like you are the reason this so called ‘great country’ is the laughing stock of the world. Fuck white bread motherfuckers like you. And don’t forget your ancestors came to this country and stole it from someone else. So if anyone’s not allowed here that’s ‘illegal’, then you should pack your shit and go back to wherever it is you descended from. And yes, I’m a white male US citizen. But it’s a humiliating claim to be from the United Stars of Assclowns

  1057. Go fuck your self fucked white boy .You must be a broke ass white boy red neck. You must if got picked on as a kid un school by some mexicans or dud some mexicans fuck ur wife or ur daughters and kicked them to the curb after these mexicans fucked them dont get mad stupid fuck . By the way we are all illegal white boys mexican all most every one her is stupid fucked red neck mother fucker low life broke mother fucker . lol all i have to say is ur wife and daughter are fucked sluts it not every ones falt ur dick is to small . lol

    • Steve Bannon says:

      Taco taco… Burrito burrito….

      Stinky shit colored nasty Paco the talking taco.

    • Shelly miller says:

      Fuck you and learn to speak English wetback .you must if not gone un to the school dud you. Everyone her is.what the fuck I can’t even continue there’s to much to pick apart HERE hahahahahaha WETBACKS I hate them

    • Latifa Jackson says:

      Hey shit licking wet back. I went to Stanford and I still hate you stinky, unclean, Tecate swilling half breeds. You’re not even a proper race but rather an impure mutt of a superior race subjegating a bunch of short, weak, Indians.

  1058. Jameka says:

    Yeah I Agree With Everything You Said & I Hate Fucking Mexicans Too. I Would Love To Actually Kill Them All

  1059. The Truth Was Said says:

    Well just like Trump said, it is time to Drain The Swamp.

  1060. Shelly miller says:

    I hate the filthy bastrds to I would personally shoot every one of them if it wasn’t the biggest sin in america cause let’s be honest our government loves their wets GO TRUMP



    • Steve Bannon says:

      Go back to Mexico or Africa or wherever you can be with your own ghetto shit skinned kind.


  1062. Shit Is Everywhere Nowadays says:

    God sucks filthy cock and swallows like the Homo filthy low life pig that he is for creating filthy shit like them in the first place.

  1063. Clint says:

    All other hispanics groups know the Mexicans are the shit niggers of the hispanic race and many other Hispanics consider Mexicans nothing more than glorified spanish speaking fucking indians, which is exactly what they REALLY are, and they know better than anyone. Of all the indians of both North, Central and South America the Spanierds concluded that Mexican to be the most bloodthirsy and untrustworthy indians of them all.The “shit” that makes up the Mexican race bloodline comes from deeply seeded primal savagery and a disdain for law and order which is why Mexico is the POS country it is and will always be until the kill off the cancerous race of savages . Every descendant of every mexican was nothing more than a illiterate wandering savage wearing animal skins for clothes and throwing spears. These people lack emotional and mental development, true maturity, and a real desire to better their community etc. They very much are still mentally and emotional..savages. This notion has strong evidence when you see the lack of development in thier country and the wastelands they make of American neighborhoods, school systems and welfare programs. We as an advanced social and economic society of Europeans who have been wearing fine woven clothing and reading books and attending universities for thousands of years (Greek Empire) should not have to live with people of such an inferior and low grade evolution. Its insulting and degrading to us americans and we do not deserve and should not tolerate the continual social and economic damage and blight these criminally minded prairie monkeys dump upon our great nation every day. Every illegal needs to go back!!! That wall can’t get built fast enough.

  1064. your mom says:

    You do realize there is no law saying you have to pay taxes also being racist is as stupid as a person can get. Grow the fuck up chump

  1065. Suger suger says:


    • Steve Bannon says:

      All I heard was “taco taco burrito burrito”. Ok you shit colored skin hot sauce drinking gutter language speaking mariachi music listening leaf blowing spic. Time to go back to that shit hole you call a country. Make America white again! Make America great again!

    • Maya says:


  1066. Michael says:

    Them bitch ass wetbacks. Fuck my PAPERS up! Chinga tu Madre

  1067. Latifa Jackson says:

    I will fucking shoot any goddamn illegal brown piece of shit I see in this country that my white ancestors created. There’s a reason the U.S. isn’t a Third World cess pool (yet) and it’s the same reason why Scandanavia, Australia, New Zeland,and Western Europe are all succesful (until recently for Europe with all the impure scum pouring in and killing good white people).

    • AyraHatesMexicansandPuertoRicans says:

      I dont blame you at all, brown people are so fucking loud and causes too much drama! Useless creatures smh…

  1068. no color says:

    its sad how if you are not white , you can basically go fuck yourself and die. whoever wrote this article , i hope god forgives you, you can insult me all you want but that will never change the fact that you are a hateful human and i feel sorry for the kids you are raising to hate and to think its ok for someone of different colored skin to be harassed , to be hated for being different , that it is ok for people of different skin to be treated like animals , but god forbid a white person gets treated that way , god forbid a white person has to wake up every morning and go work in a field, god forbid and forgive all the white men and women who beat their women and kids , have sex with animals and think its ok, forgive the white men and women who rape, evade taxes, who steal and insult innocent people, forgive all the mistakes they make right? if the day ever comes where your kids are getting beat up , bullied and getting hateful comments on their lockers, and you come to find out its all because of the color of their skin. sit back and let it marinade in your mind that you should of taught them better because believe it or not white folks while your enjoying the food these colored people are making, while you teach your kids hate, your forgetting that there is a mexican, a black , a asian , an arab , ect out there that can be teaching their kids the same thing and to you i say , hate , love ,death, life and consequences see no color.

    • Steve Bannon says:

      Go back to Mexico and you won’t have to worry about how badly you non white ghetto loud smelly fucks are treated.

  1069. Man I hate white people you are born with all the intellegnce and are still ignorant as fuck mankind is doom because of u fuckin boy lovers your heads are to much for you to handle Mexicans are a very strong and resilient people we deal with the majority you whites and we have to deal the blacks with killing you stupid racist people

  1070. Mexicans and natives were in the united state before you white waste of humanity and we’re gana take it back one day we’re gana do it playing you peoples bullshit game because we’re a smart people and smart people play both sides so get ready for the ride whitteys

  1071. You whites are week and coward race and want everything handed to you, you pieces of shit your race manipulates people for there dignity.You people think your entitled without earning you use another race of people that were broken to help build this American experiment that promises false freedom. In cities people are suffering and no one seems to care you whites are about money and bilt the system around it the white race just took advantage at a right time to kill all intelligent people of other race that’s how you fucks are we’re your at to day

    • Steve Bannon says:

      Wetback smelly gutter language diarrhea colored skin mannerless cockroaches. You said a lot of stuff. All I heard was “taco taco burrito burrito”. Yeah, start heading south.

  1072. girlnotinterested says:

    The hispanics working outside the asian grocery stores are fucking despicable all they do is STARE at you with their perverted fucking eyes and try to get attention so they can talk to you- HEY! GUESS WHAT I’m Asian and I am NOT INTERESTED!!!! so stare the FUCK at SOMEONE ELSE- if I don’t even smile at you or even look at you there is damn reason – because I’M NOT INTERESTED!!! DUH! You hispanic creeps are the very reason I stopped shopping at the asian grocery store – I’d rather shop somewhere else because you make it so fucking creepy and unpleasant to shop there!! FUCK YOU HISPANIC PERVERTS you’re not even attractive looking to me so get real and stare the fuck at someone else. Also if you’re living in America you MUST SPEAK ENGLISH- this is NOT mexico or spain or are you that fucking stupid?! BYE NOW

  1073. ivan jofre says:

    white power fuck mexicans

  1074. GOD says:


  1075. GOD says:

    Ever heard of a mexican genius ? how about a mexican prodigy ? how about a mexican the helped progress humanity in evolution ? NOPE NOPE NOPE.

    I mean hey if you want me to rub sht all over my skin and beat my brain in to the point where im half rettarded and claim to be good at cooking beans and tortillas I can.

    • MEXICAN says:

      Ever heard of Guillermo González Camarena well he invented colored TV if you didn’t know, you stupid bitch thats the only thing you know to do sit on a couch and watch TV which was invented by a Mexican bitch. Medrano Martín del Campo she won gold on international mathematics Olympics and you americans didn’t come even close. Theirs your GENIUS and your PRODIGY bitch anything else you poor dumb bitch, I’m sure your some fat ass old man so no worry you will die fast, and by the way let Donald Trump build the wall Mexicans get through everything, Mexican pride beats any kind of weapon so start a fucking war we are waiting, with Spain, China, and Japan besides us and many other countries to join.

      • Steve Bannon says:

        Taco taco burrito burrito. Beano peeno weeno deedo blah blah blah.

        Just because 1% of you pope sucking cheese dick wetback cockroach breeding loud disrespectful wetback spics might contribute something worthwhile doesn’t negative the fact your entire ethnicity is a blight on western society. If it wasn’t for the fact that Europe came along and brought your people out of the stupid ages, you Mexicunts would still be running around in loincloths committing human sacrafices and worshipping your farts.

        Everything about your modern culture you can thank a European for. From your language to your religion to much of your modern culture, a European gave it to you.

        Whites have done more for your ethnicity then any thing that your ethnicity has done for whites- ever. All we ask is you stay on your own side of a line that separates modern civilization from the third world country you people have. Go back there and take all 50 of your brat kids with you. You’re not wanted here but you are wanted there. I don’t know why you want to be somewhere you’re not wanted. So go back to where you’re from- you’ll be happier there and you’ll do us an enormous favor. You people are like unwanted guests who come into a house and fuck it up and break the dishes and dirty it up whilst spitting on your host. And you honestly think your host wants you around after that? This is the part where you pack up yourself and your cockroach sized family into your old beat-up pickup truck and drive back to where you came from.

  1076. Johnathan Dimbleby says:

    Man, I agree with you 100%. These friggin Mexican roaches are like pests. And when they cum here
    here illegally they produce like rabbits just so they
    can get freebies from the state government. Here
    I include all Hispanic as well as ragtag useless Arabs and Muslims. Voted for Trump so we can push them out as soon as possible.

    • Maya says:

      Actually douche it’s come*** and reproduce just be cause you have a dick doesn’t mean you have to be a dick

  1077. I never met a white boy with a dick bigger than mine. Or a brain bigger than mine. FUCK YOUR MOM AND YOUR BITCH ASS WORDPRESS SITE, LOSER.

    • Steve Bannon says:

      You comparing your dick with white guys? You’re not just a worthless taco eating wetback cockroach spic. You’re a fag too. You do know you don’t measure that nasty foreskin you got hanging from that unclean shit stained burrito you call a cock? Stupid wetback.

    • Xuxa says:

      Liar. You have a double digit IQ if you’re lucky and a tiny brown pecker that I’m sure looks like a tootsie roll! Ha!! Back over the border with you brown boy!

  1078. Insane S60 says:

    You’re so right. I hate them too. They want to come over and act like it’s their country. Can they not see nobody wants them over here? Most of them end up with the poor jobs, I’m sure they made just as much or more is Mexico.

  1079. Ramiro says:

    Fuck you racist piece of shit suck my ass pinche gringo

    • Steve Bannon says:

      Speak English you stupid spic. Go pray to that cunt slut Mary and ask her to make your skin less shit colored . Why you want people to suck your burrito butt? Fag. Go back to Mexico since you love it so much.

  1080. Wow, there’s a lot of internet crusaders on here. Someone might actually be afraid if you all weren’t busy beating your wives, and fvcking your cousins and uncles.

  1081. Alice Rona Lopez says:

    HASTA LA VISTA💝💝💝💝💝💝💝

    • Steve Bannon says:

      Taco taco burrito burrito. That’s all I heard beaner wetback.

      That’s all you got? Donor? So basically what you’re saying is the only good Mexican is a dead one that we can harvest their organs for. You said it. Stupid spic. Go mow a lawn or something, you shit colored Pope loving gutter language speaking blight on the human race. And fuck your stupid Spanish bullshit. The reason why you can’t use English words is because you’re so fucking stupid to use English that you just have to throw in a Spanish word. Dumb fucking Mexican. Spic ass piece of shit. Go eat your taco with all 50 of your brats and all your ugly fat cockroach relatives. Fuck Mexico. Go the fuck back there since you’re so fucking proud to be a Mexican. Burrito brain. Paco the talking taco.

      • La Concha Negra De Tu Madre says:

        You mad bro? LMAO

      • Steve Bannon says:

        La Concha Negra De Tu Madre (obviously a bunch of spic words), are you a stupid taco eating spic troll with a fat slut whore mom and dirty knees from sucking a priest cock? It sure seems like it you ghetto trash wetback shit-skin colored taco eating spic. Go now a lawn or something. You’ll be deported sooner or later. Been paying attention?

      • Steve Bannon says:

        *mow a lawn…

        Or in your language…

        Es your yobe. Taco taco burrito burrito me yada yada yada underlay mow de grass

  1082. The Truth says:

    Blame the U.S. Democratic Party for illegals being encouraged to come to the U.S. just so they can eventually vote for them. Mexicans don’t bread with Whites (that would be the niggers) so what the fuck is the real problem? You White people are drowning in a cup of water… Like I said, blame the Democrats… They are the masterminds of this problem.

    • Maya says:

      Why wouldn’t they want to get with whites, I’m living proof that they would. Btw I don’t think they’re ghetto at all

  1083. The Truth says:

    At least Mexicans are willing to work for money (e.g. standing outside the Home Depot), unlike Blacks and Whites that go around asking for money by putting up homeless veteran signs while standing in the middle of the street.

    • The Truth says:

      However, their kids are hella ghetto and are worse than their parents… They copy everything the ghetto Black culture does against Whites.

  1084. Andy says:

    It’s sad to read all of this comments full of hate and racism, we all are the same: Humans. And we are the most hated race by the nature for what we did, for what we do and for what we will do. We destroyed so many kinds of plants, of animals and habitats and yet we complaint about global warming and we don’t make anything to change our future. We only carefor our own good and we are so mean to each other.
    As Tears for Fears would say: Everybody wants to rule the world.

    • Steve Bannon says:

      All I know is wetback spics have ugly fat whores for mothers, mustache obsessed gutter trash for fathers, and than they grow up and the cycle starts all over again- with each generation trying to outdo the last generation on how many little burrito brats they can breed and they all bend their knees for child molesters (priests) whilst worshipping Mary with tacky art and following only one Christian rule religiously- the one about using contraception (hence all the brats their slut women shit out). And yes, I said shit out. It’s the only thing that explains why their skin color matches my diarrhea.

      Maybe pointing that out is racist. I don’t know. But frankly I just want them all to go back to the country they came from. Their country is shit and I don’t want them turning my country to shit. Mexicans suck at governing. They ruined their country and so now they came here to ruin ours. In fact, the only thing they seem to be good at is making tacos and breeding. Anything else they do it’s solely for the benefit of those two things. They should all be rounded up and thrown back across the border and shot if they try to come back. I consider them domestic terrorists. Their job is to destroy our nation and turn it into another Mexico. They must be stopped at all costs.

      • Maya says:

        Actually a domestic terrorist is a person who commits terrorist acts in their own country against their fellow citizens. The best example of a domestic terrorist would not be Mexicans but the white American people who shoot up schools. That would be a domestic terrorist

  1085. guillermo says:

    nigga fuck you we do it and work our asses off for you fucking white people im half white and half mexcian so fuck you i choose the better side mexico for life

  1086. And That Is The Truth says:

    The wall will be built soon to get rid of all this evil.

  1087. Xuxa says:

    Mexicans don’t belong here, they have their own country called Mexico. Back over the border with you! MAGA!

  1088. Whitepride says:

    Dirty spics bastards! You effin cockroaches can’t even speak English!

  1089. Whitepride says:

    Dirty spics bastards! You effin cockroaches can’t even speak English!

  1090. And Who Cares says:

    If a spic, nigger, jew, and a mexican fell out of a airplane then who would land first? Anyone? Answer is, Who cares.

  1091. Fuckoff says:

    Fuck mexifucks. They will tear america apart. Fucking rat urd fucjs just like the mother fucks that let them in.

  1092. Maya says:

    What the hell! You are basically just pooling all Mexicans together in this, but not all of them are like that. What you described is fucking sick and it’s not cool. But it’s also not cool for you to pool all of them together like this.

    • Steve Bannon says:

      I have yet to meet a Mexican who is a well educated, English (only) speaking, non pope worshipping, middle class (or above), law abiding, respectful (of neighbors and strangers alike), cultured, small family oriented, proud American flag waving patriot who isn’t a border hopper or product of one and who has integrated well to American society and culture.

      One way to see what that looks like is to see Asian Americans. They even name their kids with English names like Steve Wang or Jennifer Chow etc. That’s what Mexicans lack. Dedication to this country. And that’s why we want them out. That and they smell, breed like cockroaches, listen to sucky music, refuse to speak English, have more gangs than any other ethnicity, are a strain on US resources, are rude and vulgar, can’t seem to follow rules or laws, and frankly have the ugliest spoiled brats ever.

  1093. Keep Mexico out says:

    How do I get stupid fucking Mexicans to stop using our facilities

  1094. Andrew Jackson says:

    Yeah mezcans are worth SHIT. There ain’t No Excuse for their Backassward behavior! Fuckem, shootem I say!

    • Steve Bannon says:

      I have yet to meet a Mexican who is a well educated, English (only) speaking, non pope worshipping, middle class (or above), law abiding, respectful (of neighbors and strangers alike), cultured, small family oriented, proud American flag waving patriot who isn’t a border hopper or product of one and who has integrated well to American society and culture.

      One way to see what that looks like is to see Asian Americans. They even name their kids with English names like Steve Wang or Jennifer Chow etc. That’s what Mexicans lack. Dedication to this country. And that’s why we want them out. That and they smell, breed like cockroaches, listen to sucky music, refuse to speak English, have more gangs than any other ethnicity, are a strain on US resources, are rude and vulgar, can’t seem to follow rules or laws, and frankly have the ugliest spoiled brats ever.

  1095. Jennifer says:

    I love this rant site.
    I did some good rants here.
    Wish I could find them.

  1096. USN! says:

    Feeling is mutual with you white people. My people have been here for quite sometime and your obnoxious European has the audacity to chatise people whom have always been here. I know growing up i had to get down; i suggest you tell your kids do the same. Oh i do pay taxes and served my country! Wow! The nerve of some!

    • Steve Bannon says:

      Before us white people, Mexicans were part of a human sacrificing primitive empire that didn’t come much further north than parts of what is today southern California, New Mexico, and Texas. Even if we were to give that territory back to modern Mexico, it doesn’t explain why they use the “we were here first” argument to justify their infecting the rest of our nation with their pope worshipping taco eating smelly wetback gutter Spanish speaking trashy low class backwards roach breeding selves.

      And, of anything, they should be thanking us whites for bringing them out of the stupid ages.

      If you really served this country then you should have enough patriotism to defend our laws! Illegals are here ILLEGALLY!!!!! Time for Juan and Jorge and Paco and all the other spics to go back to the country they love oh so much.

  1097. Lalo says:

    This is a dumb & stupid song. All the shit ur saying it’s wrong!

  1098. Xavier says:

    This is a dumb & stupid song. All the shit ur saying it’s wrong!

  1099. Smith says:

    Fuck Mexicans. And it’s just not white people that hate you guys. The whole America fucking hate you beaners.

  1100. Smith says:

    Mexicans shouldn’t be allowed to the USA. They just lower down our economy. Canada doesn’t allow spics to enter their country illegally, so they’re much cleaner and crime free. Look at how corrupt and fucked up the Mexican economy is. Now all these illegals are bringing in their fucked up corrupt culture into the U.S. I used to know U.S. as a proud country, now it’s “infested” with spic culture everywhere. Even the whole world knows it! U.S. should bomb this fucked up country called Mexico and teach them a lesson. Spics act like terrorists anyways scaring all the white people and others. They move into a neighborhood and “ghettorize” American suburbs. Fuck Spics. Whenever they move into a neighborhood, it goes to hell. They’re like blacks but at least blacks are Americans. Spics work hard but all they do is send money back to their shit, ghetto Mexico to buy drugs and prostitutes. Seriously, why does the U.S. government allow this is way beyond me??? Maybe Mexico is U.S’s drug and prostitute outlet?? Well, maybe Americans aren’t perfect because they allow wetbacks to taint the country and terrorize other citizens. I live in a neighborhood where Spic construction workers act like terrorists or gang leaders. I hate these Spics because of their cocky attitudes to the society. They’re pests to educated citizens. Maybe I should move out.

  1101. Jack Anderson says:

    they can steal anything ,lazy motherfuckers mexican ,they just steal money like rats ,definitely they are wasting money and resource,
    slaughter out this trashy nation ,i cant stand any place i found any of them ,unfortunately nowadays they are everywhere ,once one of them got a hold of a good position ,they start recall for there families and make it a mexican territory ,fuck them ,they make this country look bad with those ugly lazy mean asses ,nobody like them include themselves ,those ppl i’ve been working with them for my bad luck ,they are the worst nation ,that u might think about having any business with them ,stingy and talkin shit about all other races as if they are the owner of the country ,when they are all some parasites ,fuck em ,wish that trump get em all out for good ,no more ugly mexicans

  1102. I appreciate, lead to I found just what I used to be taking
    a look for. You’ve ended my four day long hunt! God Bless you man.
    Have a nice day. Bye

    • Steve Bannon says:

      You know you’re a Mexican when…..
      1. You always have hot sauce on you or nearby
      2. Candy isn’t candy without chili
      3. You’re primary mode of transportation is a piece of shit car or truck that you’re always working on
      4. Every meal involves rice, beans, tacos burritos, or at least has tortillas
      5. English is a second language
      6. Every song you listen to sounds exactly the same as the last song you listened to
      7. You’re a Catholic who follows only the rules involving sex and family
      8. You’re a Catholic
      9. Either you or your ancestors came across the border illegally
      10. You have an affinity and love for the Mexican flag that you do not share for the American flag or any other flag
      11. Culturally and statistically you are more racist than any other ethnicity in the US
      12. You’re incapable of respecting your neighbors
      13. You’re a coward when you’re forced to fight alone
      14. You have a large family and your entire family lives together proving that you are incapable of independence or free thought from your family
      15. You resort to violence more than any other ethnicity and equally are more likely to be in a gang
      16. Everything you do has to be loud and obnoxious
      17. You breed like a roach
      18. You litter more than anyone in any ethnic group
      19. You either stink of BO or you smell like a Mexican restaurant
      20. You were personally offended by this list- because it’s true you wetback waste of space!

  1103. Herschel Waxman says:

    Your a ugly stupid person. Your going to die young and a very painful death.

  1104. Dave cox fla keys says:

    So true they laugh at us

  1105. kiko says:

    Fuck you, America needs to clean house when it comes to racist ignorant uneducated white trash who think they’re better than everyone . Chances are you’re poor and dont contribute anything to the US, when people like my family who are educated and make more money doing legit jobs unlike the racist hillbillies who live in shitty red states and use up the most welfare .

    • King Donald Trump saviour of white America says:

      How do you make more money using a leaf blower? Wetback burrito. Fucking shit colored diarrhea factory. Nobody would miss any of you scum if you simply just disappeared.

      Build the wall! Deport!

  1106. Steve says:

    That’s about covers it! Well, expect for all the trash they throw around, all the drugs the bring in. There total selfish drunk behavior. The horrible polka music. The funny thing is they just can’t understand why there so discussing, it’s just normal behavior for them!

  1107. Evette Coronado says:

    I like You!!!!! Who said there aren’t any Americans that have balls? I bow down to you Sir. You just said it like you SEE it! I married a fucking Spic! So you ain’t saying anything but the got dam truth! Dirt bag married me for status of green card . Told me his roommate was cousin, was his girl friend. Sold my condo used my profit to remodel the shit hole duplex he owned 15 years!

    Americans can’t buy property how the fuck do they? They fucking lie, cheat, manipulate and will take over America because Americans have lost concept ” Fight for what we believe in. Instead they bow down to these mother fuckers and watch the Mexicans push their way through America taking what they want with no percussion! I’m divorcing the Macheesmo MF, who believes he has the right to have 5 wives! No respect for woman . He represents a seat for Mexican Consulate collects money for highways, businesses for Mexico. I recently found out I am toxic from implants need surgery. He agreed to pay half and had no intention to do so even after dumping 38,000 in his properties. I said instead of helping Mexico go collect money for your wife to live!

    He wants me dead that way he can have his citizenship my money and live happily with his Mohatha Bitch!

    Your right about you don’t fight one you fight all of them! Next door lives twelve of his visa workers! These pinche Putho lil bitches have broke into my place broke my cameras got into my account on line disarming my alarm! And when I get home all are sitting outside drinking and laugh at me!

    I ain’t no push over and I sure the fuck ain’t letting these dirty Mexicans scare me! So I went registered a gun took some classes went about my business kept fucking with me and I went bitch ass crazy ! Walked outside leaned in their face and said this fight is between me and Gabriel, you think you scare me you pinch putho”s I said I’m fucking crazy bitch and any of u have the guts step up cause I see this I threw my piece down and said come in my house again I blow your fucking heads off!

    Do You Comprende pussies! Want to see Mexicans run. For two weeks they walked around Hi, Hi , Hi. Than my spic husband send another crew who pulled up in work truck jumped out like ninjas. I was looking in my truck for something I looked up went back to what I was doing looked up again they were standing out side LandTech truck. I stepped away from my truck looked at them raised both my arms up and sad kaketes puthos? They got shocked jumped back in truck drove off.

    Two nights later I was cleaning out garage they were partying. I heard the other side gate open I looked out garage door to see one of them opening the back gate walking away. I knew something was up and went out there shut it and went back in garage. I heard a car driving up slow I said shit ducked under pool table no phone on me but I did have my holster and sat under there as they walked around looking for me saying where is she? Knocked on door just hidding still. One said WHERE ARE YOU ? I felt like a helpless animal back in corner. I was praying God please protect me don’t make me shoot this gun over and I’ve I swear to God I thought it was my death? I was talking in my head saying my name calm down calm down breath, can’t shoot shaking. I heard them walk behind garage and heard BOOM BOOM. So intense I felt it vibrate my body! They weren’t there to scare me they would of killed me! They don’t need a witness identifying them!

    I was there till sun came out turned my Heep alarm on hoping to wake up neighbors. I walked in my house grabbed phone to call 911 and I could hear dial tone but my iPhone screen was pitch black! They came in and fucked up my phone! Reason I know is because I went to T-Mobile that morning the incriminating pictures of husband cheating the before and after pictures of duplex were erased!

    I knew that they been doing coca they were up all night so I know from back in the day you don’t want loud noises! So I started scratching the walls and walked to back seen one said BOO he jumped and said pointed up in tree said I was watching u guys looking for me . Laughed in his face said pendehos walked away like I ain’t scared bitch! The hell I wasn’t! So I’ve called the police four times police won’t respond once! They won’t talk to them will let your Attorney handle it ! So no one not even the police stand up to these Mexicans! I don’t care I ain’t leaving my house I ain’t letting them push me out! I am a woman no friends no anyone except me! I said to my husband after a red laser light was at my head reflecting off window in truck, i s confronted him? He laughed said ain’t my people it’s your dads! Another story my father was killed by ex girlfriend and realtor. I lost three half million only child father never married or lived with that bitch! She hid his death came up with will disinheriting me. Spelled my name wrong!!! Never would he do that I was named after his mother!!! It’s not my fathers people she on her death bed I’m not fighting for it.

    It’s just a matter of time before he kills me! The police no one stands up so this is how these fuck evil Mexicans think and live in our country!

  1108. Pancho says:

    I am a Mexican.
    You are totally correct. 98-99% of the people from my country are just shit. They should friggin die.
    But you know? There’s this kind of ugly and bad people all around the world…
    I understand that youre fed up with Mexicans because we’re very near… And as I said most of Mexicans ( my people ) are trash…. But there’s also good people in this country… I know very, very few good ones and I have lived here for over 30 years! Any way… You should just deport them all and protect the beautiful land that you real white us citizens have built.

  1109. Jameka Evans says:

    I Hate MexicansMexicans & Asians So Fucking Bad That I Would Love To Gather Them All Up & Put Them All Into One Massive Gas Chamber With A Viewing Window So I Could Watch Them Die After I Push The Gas Chamber ButtonButton. !!! :-)

  1110. Mark d o says:

    All i can say is the white race is truly the DEVILS SEED, No other race is more devoted to Satan worship, contracting the devil and demons than the white race, it’s like blacks have been saying for years white Devils, that’s all the white race is, filled with hate, filled with ..demons…..impure molesting children all the time, my girlfriend who is white, lived in terror from the time she was 5yrs old til 12 yrs old because her dad was licking her asshole, her pussy and fucking her, it seems to be a tradition in white families for the father and brothers to go ahead and fuck the daughter and the youngest and oldest women in the family, I have seen it and I have arrested and taken white pigs to jail for it, I guess you know what I do for a living, anyway white women should and are interbreeding with Hispanics because white boys always turn gay and can’t keep their women satisfied with their 3 inch penises, they are into very sick stuff as well, another of my white girlfriends won’t date white faggoty boys because two of her white faggoty boys, asked her to shit on them and asked if they could eat it. She was horrified and never went to Ward a white pig faggot ever again….white people are white devils, evil people child molesters, oh yeah I do hate border jumping dirty wetbacks and niggers as can lump them into the same category

  1111. Curtis says:

    Let the Mexicans stay (Mexicans are civilized), get rid of the rest of the spics. Especially FILTHY Dominicans! YUCK!! GET RID OF THEM PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! Also Arab (Arab speaking) countries.

  1112. The Very Sad Honest Truth says:

    God is a filthy cock sucking piece of shit faggot for creating these low life filthy diseased infested pigs to begin with since this world is very contaminated enough as it is. God is just a total moron as well since he loves to create evil which that filthy scum jew bastard should burn in hell with Satan. I never believed in that fucking pathetic loser anyway since he just keeps punishing us innocent good people for no reason at all either.

  1113. Richard says:

    Love the way you put it so true but I’d take it one step farther I’d like to disen bowl them with a wooden dowel rapped in treble hooks and barbed wire then skin them with a Rusty potato peeler there garbage wouldn’t even consider them humans

  1114. Joey bishop says:

    You make me laugh your a joke first let me give you a little insight on the world spic it’s a derogatory word for Puerto Ricans and about Tylenol costing $40 for one pill well if you had any Sense wouldn’t you just go to the Corner liquor store and buy the little pack of 2 for like a dollar but you probably owe them money huh so you can’t go to that store I understand now and then again you say about when the Mexicans are going back to their country they kidnapped a little white girl they don’t have to kidnap a little white girl dirty hoes they want to go yes your daughter included why are you so afraid of the Mexicans did they take your milk money and you were never a police officer quit lying to yourself and to anyone with common sense but you are a funny little man visions of grandeur in your own mind

    • Steve Bannon says:

      You must be a spic. Ever hear of end of sentence punctuation? Go clean a house like a good little burrito. Make sure you have ‘Spic N Span’. Wetback taco shitskin loser. MAGA! TRUMP FOREVER! Deport!

  1115. Norman e coffee says:

    you have got to be the most stupid motherfucker in the world.

    • Steve Bannon says:

      Trump is president. Republicans control most everything. It’s not stupid when we’re now the mainstream. Mexicans go back to Mexico if you don’t like it.

      You whiney little liberal taco lovers are stupid and can’t win!

  1116. It’s awesome designed for me to have a web site, which is useful designed
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  1117. Russell boston says:

    I’m Russell Boston resident at 804 NE 19th St Oklahoma City, I am a single father blessed with 2 daughters. For a while now I have been searching for a genuine loan lender who could help me with a loan as I no longer have a job, all I got were hoodlums who made me trust them and at the end they took my money without giving me any loan, my hope was lost, I got confused and frustrated, it became difficult for my family to feed with a good meal, I never wanted to have anything to do with any loan lending companies on the internet again. Not until I met a Godsent loan lender that changed my life and that of my family Through the help of a fellowship member “a lender with the fear of God in him Mr. Raymond Bryan, he was the man that God sent to elevate my family from suffering. At first I thought it wasn’t going to be possible due to my previous experience until I received my loan worth $225,000.00USD in less then 24hours. So my advise to anyone out there genuinely in need of a loan is to contact Him through this official email:- ( )

  1118. Chris says:

    I live in Ft . Lauderdale,’s becoming just like gross ass Mia where nobody wants or can’t speak English..
    Wtf.,. So sick of people coming into my my salon that don’t speak English and have that thick, Mexican hair to cut…gross.,..go to a Mexican barbershop with ur loud ass unruly Mexican kids.,

  1119. Cracker joe says:

    I hate all the polocks fucking taking our jobs and the fucking Russians are just as bad working our system

  1120. Wetbacks Suck says:

    Illegals need to get the fuck out !!! Wetbacks are the bain of society – their dreams of becoming criminals in this country are destroying America. Again, wetbacks and your illegals kids…………GET OUT !

  1121. Anonymous says:

    God is a real cock sucking faggot for creating these piece of shit mexicans to begin with. And God should really burn in hell with Satan which that would be real justice.

  1122. Andrew Jackson says:

    Yeah mexicans are worth SHIT! They’re always crying about some imagined injustice. They are useless pieces of SHIT!! Man FUCK them. They need to stay in mexico and NOT come to America. We Don’t want them here!! They are free-loaders. They fucked up the Southwestern US.

  1123. Susan white says:

    Lmfao. Everything u just said bout brown skin colored people.. Lol white trash dont like it huh but back in day when yall cracker asses rape our women it was ok.karma is a bitch thats how the 🌎 gets even given u a dose of ur own in your own misery. 👌 2018 pray for ur kind boi.ur no man but a coward and a waste of skin that was was created

    • Donald Trump says:

      Go suck the Popes cock you stupid beaner. I’m still president. I’m going to deport all you taco eating shit skinned smelly gutter rodents!

      2018 is the year I build the wall between prosperous white America and dirty poor Mexico. 2018 is the year I get rid of all you stains on our glorious white nation and send you back to the shithole you came from. That I can tell you!

      Make America White Again!

  1124. Anonymous says:

    Well there goes the neighborhood with these low life piece of shit losers that have destroyed America altogether. And these scumbags should go back where the fuck they belong since this world is contaminated enough.

  1125. Jr says:

    Fuck yourself white punk you stink like a wetback all you eat is taco bell your so jealous of mexicans because they make love a lot to there women you white bitch suck you own dick you jack off daily your women suck mexicanAaaas dick yes and your so evil and lazy that being a cop ampowers you hell is waiting for you. Its full of mexicans ha ha ha ha. Quit loving yourself white punk dirtyasshole. Oh ya your daughters are all whores lazy people you ran up the welfare system generations on welfare bastards

    • Donald Trump says:

      All I heard was “taco taco burrito burrito”.

      All we eat is taco bell? You do realize that only Mexicans eat only tacos. Americans tend to eat a wide variety of foods from all over and don’t limit ourselves to only tacos and hot sauce for every meal. Stupid fucking beaner.

      No one cares how often you fuck your slut. Just don’t look to us to take care of all those ugly fat brat burrito kids you have.

      Make America White Again!

    • Paul Kris says:

      Jr i do not follow your miss written broken English fucking comment. You are clearly taking shit to white people … but did you say we stink like wetbacks? lmmfao… thought you were the Mexican aka wetback and we damn sure dont smell the same. so are you a spic gook or a nigger its hard tell

    • Anonymous says:

      Said the low life piece of garbage that is still breathing which is very disgusting to us.

    • Anonymous says:

      Mexicans are scum.

    • Anonymous says:

      JR is the scum on this earth.

    • You Scumbag says:

      Said the dirty cock sucking scumbag himself.

    • Well I Agree says:

      Eat shit and burn in hell, you fucking loser.

  1126. Anonymous says:

    These pathetic low life piece of shit Mexicans deserve to burn in hell with Satan where the fuck they belong since this world certainly has enough crime in it as it is.

    • Johnny says:

      This coming for the race with the highest crime rate world wide which would be white people IM SO GLAD BOTH MY SISTER IN LAWS ARE WHITE AS WELL AS THE SLUT IM BANG’N BY THE WAY IM MEXICAN

      • Paul Kris says:

        you stupid fucking spic whites are not even close to having the highest crime rate.. those fucking Niggers do then its you piece of shit wetbacks stealing shit trying to drag what ever you stole home to mexico. the reason you taco bending mother fuckers stats aint higher then they are is cuz we just usually kill yall stupid fucks and leave yall out in the sand… HAHA what do you think about that mass wetback grave they found on the boarder not long ago? Someone had the right idea probably a local farmer who kills everyone he sees after you needle dick fucks tried to rape his wife… and we all know how you spics are like the niggers and lie like hell about being in a white girl… whats a brick and a fat white chick have in conman? they both get layed by spics… you can take your shit else were you lying dumb ass

  1127. Dan Kety says:

    If you’re white- God loves you
    If you’re Mexican- God loves you
    Whoever the fuck you are- God loves you

  1128. ClassicRant says:

    I was a wetback once, now Im in Mexico and its very sorry to read how mexicans treat central americans crossing their southern border, Guatemala, pretty much those foreigners tell stories of abuse, rape, kidnapping, etc., all this by gangs that pay police a monthly fee to not bother them. Never heard this happen to any illegal crossing into the US border (Unless its done by a mexican group). Mexicans on average have more children then they can financially care for. Mexico is one of the first places in metabolic syndrome, a group of chronic degenerative diseases that are generally brought by the individual, not a genetic predisposition disease, this stat tells more then the health problem, it shows that mexicans knowing what lifestyles to avoid this syndrome, they still do otherwise (psychologically nuts really). For NATO, this stat is the equivalent to an underdeveloped population where freedom of choice exists, in laymans: plain dumb. In the scope of evolution of a species, this trait/behavior can predict that in time it will be wiped out. Keep cutting corners or keep on keepin’ and citizens of other countries will welcome us, but behind our backs wish us to leave.
    There are morally sensible, neighborly respectful and cordial people in every country, just the percentages are different.

  1129. Isaac says:

    Well I’m Hispanic and my dad married this fucking wetback whore and now she thinks she ownes everything around here living from my dads retiring check and wants to put my dad in a retiring home but it ain’t happening not while I’m here so I have something to say to you wetback son’s of bitches go back to Mexico spics

  1130. Johnny says:

    Ok first learn to spell. Second some of my closest associates are white priders and third i only date white woman fourth your family immigrated here mine has always been here

  1131. Jr says:

    Sounds ike an angry person at mexicans i agree illigal people are here only for free food welfare handouts us citizens and yes just like dogs they breed and breed see they are dumbasses most of them are rapists murderers cartel like drug addicts and snakes thieives loserd ..only kind come to the usa

  1132. Mortisha Sara Styles says:

    I like you.I live in hell it is called Phoenix 46% mexicans mostly ilegals.They are popular for running redlights in someone elses car no licence T boning an American sometimes when the T bone hits the drivers side they are killed.happens constantly.I’ve lost money having to sell my house 3 houses in 16 years.because they move in turn the whole street into a shithole.

  1133. May says:

    I think we should go to war with Mexico and bomb the country out of existance

    • ClassicRant says:

      I like where your mind is at. I would want to do the same for all those drug addicts in the USA, just so they can stop using drugs that way Mexico wouldn’t be a drug corridor anymore and hopefully after that our govmt would focus more on its citizens welfare instead on security and the violence commited with guns that come from USA. That fast n furious operation reminds me of the US Navy Cocaine-Oliver North operation.

      • President Donald Trump says:

        I think we should just round up all undesirables in this country and gas them.

        Make America White Christian Conservative Straight and Obedient to me!

        Make America Great Again!

      • Aurelio Jimenez says:

        I see where you’re coming from…I’m sure it’s frustrating to see major sports being dominated by non-whites, and that the top US business titans come from Jewish backgrounds.

      • Paul Kris says:

        the drugs is where the US has fucked up they declared a war on drugs back in the 70’s and it has done nothing to stop drugs it has only made the cartel richer they need to stop arresting people for drugs make drug where they are not illegal anymore they no one would be killing for them

    • Fuckbeaners says:

      I like the way you think. Let’s exterminate them all!! Trump get er’ done!

  1134. Nannie says:

    Thank you for some other fantastic article. The place else may anybody
    get that type of info in such an ideal way of writing?

    I’ve a presentation next week, and I’m at the search for such information.

    • President Donald Trump says:

      In my country you may only use Trump’s English. That wasn’t it. That I can tell you.

  1135. Juan says:

    Well said amigo. I am a Spaniard and my people fucked up when they discovered these fucking peasants. We should have kill them all just like we did in Cuba. Kill all indians/mexicans. Mexico is without a doubt the lowest of them all. They cross the border illegally and are nothing but worms. Yes they crawl to get their way.

    • ClassicRant says:

      Dear Juan, I don’t need to add much to show how big of an idiot you are, but I think I will enjoy it so I will. Indians were pre-colonization. Mexicans were post-colonization. Add it up Juan !!

      Do yourself a favor and run your statements through your counselor before you make a fool of yourself again.

      Btw, love how your government conspired with the power at be to allow the influx of african immigrants and make a joke out of your country. You think that the refugee situation was not a planned one?? Juan, your country has been overtaken again by africans,
      ( remember the moors ) and here you are supporting another country through your tax payments instead of being a proud citizen defending and supporting your own country.

      Add it up Juan !!

      A US born citizen.

  1136. Anna says:

    I am Mexican and i have better grammar than you do. Please do not generalize. Un abrazo, persona ignorante.

    • President Donald Trump says:

      Why do spics always have to add non English to an English language discussion? Oh. Right. Because you haven’t been deported yet and you gotta remember your language for when you are. You will be deported. That I can tell you.

      • pk31982 says:

        oh i thought those taco bending beaners spoke like that so no matters whos cock they had in their mouth they can feel like its the white mans dick he is licking his sluts wifes pussy juices off of…….. yeah beaners we past your wives sister mothers and daughters around like fuck toys when we catch them over here. He fuck them all we want and if they get knocked up we just kill em and no one misses them hahaha stupid spics

    • Ingrid Niehaus says:

      You didn’t capitalize all of the words, I. Also your paragraph was very short and simple. Therefore, it does not provide sufficient evidence to judge your proficiency in grammar.

  1137. Jennifer Hensley says:

    I wish we could ship all of them back where they came from!!!! Build the WALL at their EXPENSE — with barbed wire or electric shock— to keep them away from the USA. Too many here are taking away the AMERICAN’S EMPLOYMENT!!! I am SICK of them ALL. AFTER 9/11 I trust no one who wasn’t born in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!! And of the brats that have been born here of illegal aliens should be sent back with the illegals!!!!!

  1138. UR papa says:

    finally ,fuck all mexicans ,they are full of hates and crime ,they do steal all the time ,i see they dont do anything to use except stealing and they never work they are damn lazy asses ,screw them all who need them anyway

    • Celi says:

      Lmao. Which is it, mexicans are only here to steal jobs or are we lazy? You fucking white piece of shit. You’ll never work in the fields or even learn proper english. Look at your idiotic punctuation. Im more american than you. Go fuck your sister you inbred. White Americans are the fattest and most retarded people to exist. Ya’ll should of stayed in Europe and died.

      • pk31982 says:

        It is both dumbass Mexicans are fucking lazy and everyone of them here illegally are fucking thieving pieces of shit just breathing our air is stealing and should be a good enough reason for death

      • President Donald Trump says:

        Fat? That describes every shit colored spic bitch over 30.

        Go back to eating your diarrhea food. By the way, great way to criticize punctuation. By failing at it.

        And I wouldn’t be criticizing white people as being retarded. American whites made America the most powerful nation on Earth. Mexico is nothing more than the ghetto between North America and South America.

        And Mexican music is so retarded that you have to be retarded to like it. Which makes perfect sense since Mexico is so retarded that they’ve never achieved the power or wealth that the United States has or even come close. Mexico is so retarded that corruption is rampant in their country.

        Mexico is so retarded that crime families have more control of communities than government. Mexico is so retarded that most Mexicans live below what Americans would consider the poverty line. Mexico is so retarded that Mexicans come here where retards aren’t running things for a better life. Mexico is so retarded I want to BUILD THE WALL!

        You all should have stuck to human sacrifices and killed each other.

      • Fuckbeaners says:

        You’re a bean nugget and deserve nothing. Go back to Mexico and fuck your chola trash. Take a fucking shower, get circumcised and castrated, then you may speak to me. Go home!!! Trump should pour gasoline on you and watch your whole family of 999,999,999,999 people burn with glee. You fuck. I hate you.

  1139. Celi says:

    Lmfao. Yall are sad pathetic pieces od shit

    • pk31982 says:

      yep here i sit my ass a flexin givin birth to another Mexican

      • UR papa says:

        @pk31982 you said it all boss ,wasting our resources on em ,thats all must stop ,then that desperate come up n say “”Camilo Fernando Restrepo Muñoz says:
        September 23, 2018 at 8:33 pm

        Muerte a america””

        Go back to mexico cos no one ever invite ur lazy ass to here at the 1st place ,

      • pk31982 says:

        yes exactly wish the government would allow us to “fix the problem” the best way possible. And that is shoot anything that crosses the boarder and hang em on a fence like a coyote em tho wetbacks are a lower life form then them maybe they will get the message

  1140. Halla says:

    Spanish jews, (not English speaking White people), cleaned house on the Natives in the 1400s,. The Spanish GENOCIDE of Natives began in earnest in 1499 , conquering all the NATiVES lands right up to 1604, when finally the first non-latino Europeans began to slowly trickle into the East Coast.
    Spaniards had already all but conquered and decimated The West. Greedy latinos, egged on by huge “Land Grants” arrogantly appropriated violently from the Natives by the Spanish/Mexican government and offered to these Spanish peasants, the first and ORIGINAL Manifest Destiny. A HISPANIC CRIME.
    Hateful latinos came from Spain and proceeded to rape and slaughter the Natives with over 100 years of colonization and subjugation before the more enlightened peaceful and pacifist, Christian Non Jew, non-hispanic Europeans arrived. These were the people who wrote the Constitution, Bill of Rights and sought to stop the barbaric genocide initiated by Spanish jews and other opportunists who came before them.
    Mexicans and all South American latinos hypocritically wish to claim the land as theirs, but refuse to pony up that as they were “here first”, then it is they who genocided the Natives and they should be held liable. Not the non hispano White man.
    Merchant jews later operated the Slave trade with their fleets of ships and affinity for colonization and power.
    With their hatred of Christian Europe (The Marannos, crypto jews,forced conversion) and their lust for gold, Spanish jews had already genocidally cleared these lands, centuries before the first non jewish, non latino Whites arrived permanently. (Although the Nords were here briefly, centuries before the “Natives” crossed the Bering Strait into Alaska.)
    England finally shows up on the opposite coast in 1604, by then, the Natives had already been slaughtered for over 100 years by Spanish conquistadors!
    The Spanish Jew priests shoved religion down their throats and gave them Spanish names. The Pilgrims came 100 years later and broke bread with them at Thanksgiving. I know. My great, great grandmother was there. And she was NATIVE, married into New England high society.
    Although today’s latinos feel that justifying the genocidal rape of Natives by creating a mestizo race of victims gives them a pass to become the rightful heirs of America; to try and pass off this progeny as “Native”, is a double insult to the true Natives their ancestors raped. Native they are NOT. The progeny of the genocidal conquerors, they are.

  1141. Adam says:


  1142. Joe Powell says:

    YOU ARE RIGHT 100%

  1143. Remarkable! Its genuinely amazing article, I have got much
    clear idea on the topic of from this article.

  1144. Ingrid Niehaus says:

    I agree. I never heard anyone else call them cockroaches. One of them lay a thousand eggs. They are taking over by sheer numbers. They are just give me give me give me and have a holier than thou attitude. They use American’s SSN to work & get “their” tax return & when they get their green card or US Citizenship, they apply for their own SSN & transfer their wages without getting in trouble for Identity theft. They use guilt trip manipulation. Family separation! You can go back to your country “together”! We are racist? This country was made from immigrants? So was yours! The whole Western hemisphere! And that’s right it WAS ESTABLISHED, so we don’t need “new” immigrants! But if dumb American’s want to let them take over & let them turn this country to shit then I’ll leave. What’s funny is when these immigrants spend our resources, they’ll leave to the next sucker country and the next. They’re selfish parasites!

  1145. Bobby Senior says:

    I get the feeling that this is ironic, based on the obvious accent trying to be portrayed here. But looks like you pissed off over 2k people so good job there I guess

  1146. Andrew Happ says:

    I have had similar experiences with Mexicans as well. I’ve been held up at gunpoint in San Francisco twice by Mexicans.One problem is that they are Catholic and don’t believe in birth control, another is that their culture leads them to believe that living in this country is their birthright. I know your country is filled with gangs and corruption, but if you are going to come here, at least learn the language.

  1147. Jay says:

    Jesus fucking Christ dude

  1148. Mike says:

    The Mexicans will ruin this country. Thank god I can go back.

  1149. sidewinder says:

    Mexicans think their owed the free stuff, living off social security, food cards and free medical care. The gov even lets them work while receiving benefits. Three thousand nine hundred for a family per month. Amercian people do not know how much of our money is going out the window to lazy musilums & mexicans. Did you really believe they are tossing babies over the fences and under them just for a job? Man if Trump don’t cut these lazy bastards off this free stuff the country is doomed. If the shoe was on the other foot and mexico was given Americans free money, food and health care breaking the system then Mexicans would be killing us knowing one day their social security would be cut if not completely gone.

  1150. Chris says:

    You hate illegal immigrants, not Mexicans.

  1151. Anonymous says:

    This is why they come here to get all the Freebies they want. And that is why America is in the Toilet because of them.

  1152. Hanz says:

    Fuck America, fuck all the whites from america, your the shit of england, we german people are the whites and smartest of all. died America, all the continent.


    Ever since Nixon war on drugs the US has been making money off the Mexican drug trade. Trump wants his cut and will now take control of drugs with a wall and stronger security involving the multi million dollar tunnels that the mexicans dig. The evil Clintons and many other evil deep state identities have profited off of this drug trade for years and they also use it as a way to kidnap children, eat them or their adrenaline. This also helps boost their votes because they target the tired minds of legal slaves(many known as mexicans or other immigrants)! Lets face it this world is fucked. I am a construction worker and a millennial I have been dumped the shittiest of jobs because there are so many illegal and now legal mexicans taking construction jobs that I never have work. I went from living by the beach with lots of work to moving into a van and loosing my construction license because I wasn’t willing to lower my hard earned skills to a third world country price and operate black market practices with no insurances or bonds in place. Meanwhile the pro vote mexicans (california democrat politics) running scaremento hill just love their new voters because their saleries have gone up and up. There new slaves are in town to build their homes cheaper, even though these shitty politics have put all the tax codes / regulations of construction in place to push me out of business so they can use their loop hole of cheap labor. What it comes down to is America has lost its integrity altogether, we have literally raised up the bullshit jobs of America (office workers, real estate agents, film industry, lawyers, interior designers, developers, the thousands of paper jobs with nothing tangible, stock market fags, bu·reauc·ra·cy jobs plenty, bankers, politics, corporate ass hats making money off third world countries and the idiot wealthy who buy the shit) while the jobs that actually matter to a society have turned to slave jobs.

  1154. Anonymous says:

    These filthy low life loser pathetic scumbags are the real reason why we have so much crime today.

  1155. Yo daddy says:

    U racist cocksucking motherfucking butt shit eating ass crackheaded ass cunts keep eating shit for brains u fuck lames!!!!!!!!

  1156. Jade says:

    Fuck these dirty worthless mexicans, I can’t stand them. God is a cock sucking faggot for creating such a vile group of people. I hope these beaner spics would be wiped off the face of the Earth like the dinosaurs!! Mexican women are ugly as fuck and breed like disgusting rodents while the men would fuck and rape anyone! I hate mexicans and hispanics, they are bad as Mexican rats as well, annoying Spanish speaking freaks of nature. DEATH TO THEM ALL

  1157. Deanna says:

    Anyone who isn’t white or north east Asian is just trash. Only Europeans and East Asians should inherit the earth. The vast majority of niggers, mestizos, Indians, south east Asians and people of the middle east/north Africa region are absolute trash and need to be wiped out for the good of humanity.

    Whites and east Asians shouldn’t interbreed any more than they already are either. They need to preserve themselves and their cultures. Globalists will stop at nothing to destroy white European culture, heritage and bloodlines by promoting mass immigration, feminism, race mixing and other degeneracy within Europe and western society to destroy whites and this is known as the kalergi plan. They have made their point clear many times what exactly their goal is. Israel needs to be wiped out first.

  1158. Daniel Morris says:

    May the lord forgive you for saying you hate Mexicans ,and definitely get a life;and remember a Mexican may save your life one of these days!

    • Fuckbeaners says:

      You should be gang raped by a bunch of beaner spic trash and see how you feel afterwards. You’re s piece of garbage and I hope you die.

      • Deanna Harvey says:

        100% Fuck that guy. Most mexicans, muslims and niggers are absolute pieces of shit.

    • pk382 says:

      There is no fucking Lord that was something made up to keep brain dead idiots like you In line I say we make the wall out of the bodies of dead wetbacks

  1159. Fuckbeaners says:

    I fucking HATE mexicans too. They’re vermin who reproduce at an appalling rate. Trump should put them all in concentration camps and burn them alive.

  1160. Atheist Man says:

    And God is a very fucking retarded cock sucking loser for creating this filthy garbage in the first place.

  1161. mEDVERDE says:

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  1162. Thomas Paine Patriot says:

    Cletus, and the universe hates your guts for beimg a dipshit Nazi cocksucker. One can only pray that your little swimmers are as mutated as your morality. The problem, Cletus, is that you are an immigrant here in America. Unless you are a Native American, then GTFO! I think since you can’t assimilate with Native American culture, then you need to be deported or sent to Gaun6nanamo to find out more about your local KKK salad tossing boyfriends.

    And, Cletus, morons should NOT be judging anyone’seen intellignce. You are too f-ing stoopid to judge intelligence at all, Cletus, you Nazi Buttfuck. I bet you can’t even add 2 + 2 in base 3 and come up with the right answer. I bet yiu are too fucking lazy to evn try to look up how to solve it because it would explode your turd nugget sized brain.

    Cletus, anyone who refuses to believe or is too stupid to understand that CO2 emissions contribute to climate change is too stupid to deserve to draw breath. Do, Cletus, show us your KKK dunce cap street cred. Tell us how the Earth is less than 10K years old, and how it’s flat and has four corners, and really spew the most ridiculus of lies like how Conservatives are for smaller government and how Roy “the Kid Diddler” ‘Moore’s pedophilia was just what Jesus taught.

    Cletus, I can prove the Earth is a ball shape with it having to go to space, with nothing more than a pencil, plumb and an inclinometer (look it up dipshit)

    Now Cletus, no discussion about white supremacist pieces of shit who are too stupid to even know they are stupid would be complete without asking why you KKK Birther Taliban scum adore right wing pedophiles. Do you cock worship Roy “the Kid Diddler” Moore because you live vicariously through his slimy pedophile fingers, or is it because Roy Moore is pro-911, pro-slavery, self dealing charity thief and a terrorist emboldening liar and traitor deserving of summary execution for treason, terrorism and pedophilia? Cletus, I have zero fucking tolerance for assholes who worship evil. Do you worship Roy “the Kid Diddler” Moore?

    Cletus, it wouldn’t be fair to you amd your mental disablity if I didnt point out areas where you may have a convoluted yet valid point. I think immigrants should assimilate to a point but also keep their unique point of view amd some aspects of their culture. I know from years of life and because I have a brain, Cletus, that there are smart people, stupid people, evil people and good people in every race and religion. Howrver, I can’t stand it when someone for a particular group does one thing amazingly, and then the entire group tries to take credit for it. How fucking lazy can these assholes be, Cletus?

    Cletus, how fucking dare these raciat KKK pieces of shit take credit for what white geniuses have invented as if it’s their own invention. The KKK has only ever invented assholery. If you are so adamant about intelligence and capability in judging races, Cletus, since Neil De Grasse Tyson is a phD level physicist, and you don’t evn know the first fucking thing about a gluon, you shouod self deport to a like Russia or commit suicide because Tyson is an intellectual and moral giant compared to you, better in every single positive way. Yes Cketus, I bet you can burp louder than Tyson and I bet you can hold yor meth better, but that does t make you superior.

    And if you think we should get rid of stupid races, Cletus, I agree. First, we need to categorize all racist piece of shit as a race, then we can find a final solution to stop the racists race from spreading evil, committing terrorism, spewing seditious lies, raping children and applauding themselves for it.

    You can start with yourself, Cletus, because you are part of the race of stupid people who have a variety of skin colors and eye colors. The only common theme among the race we will call the Stoooopids, is stupidity and adoration of right wing peopdhiles and terrorists.

    Serious Cletus, go to Afghanistan where you can join Afghanistan version of Birthers, the Taliban. They too are America hating scum, and just like yiu and yoir KKK terorirst pals, they too love pedophile terrorist mullahs almost as much as you love Roy “the Kid Diddler” Moore. It shoild have been charged as rape, Cletus, but it was only molestation because Roy Moore, being the typical terrorist emboldening right wing faggot, is next to dickless, so he thinks by molesting children young enough, he can find a hole small enough to feel something besides depression. Isn’t it nice, Cletus, that I don’t blame the entite White race for the stupidity, evil, pedophilia, dishonesty of the white pieces of shit who are Birthers, pieces of shit like Roy “the Kid Diddler” Moore, Tim McVeigh, Donald Trump, Dylan Roof, James Fields, Alex Jones, Adolf Hitler? How fast would you sick Hitler’s fossilized cock if Putin dug him up for you?

  1163. Thomas Paine Patriot says:

    Oh. Cletus, I just read where you claimed your mom was an RN, ROTFLMAO. Cletus, since when does an RN’s job entaik sucking her own shit off of some Mexican John’s cock for meth money? Your mother is a fucking whore, Cletus! She fucks Mexicans, Muslims, dogs, pigs and her rectum is the most famous gerbil habit trail in the universe. You are so funny Cletus. Hell, R Kelly could be your dad, Cletus. You know all about her rectum Cletus, It’s the Birthers Birth canal. You came out all peanutty and chocolatey and all the doctor had to do to clean her up is wipe her ass. All he needed to do to abort you is flush the toilet. Cletus, before you get too arrogant over your skin color, does a green turd smell better than a brown turd? You are a piece of shit, Cletus, atupid, racist and probably a fucking pedophile seeing how Cletuses across the nation are cheering Roy “the Kid Diddler” Moores criminal sexual perversions.

  1164. Jak Stone says:

    Why are all spics such filthy disgusting cockroaches?

  1165. Anonymous says:

    God is a real filthy scumbag for creating them.

    • Deanna Harvey says:

      God doesn’t exist. The real people to blame for this are the spaniards and portuguese who went to latin america and instead of bringing their own european women, fucked natives and niggers for centuries and never thought once thought along the way to exterminate the mixed breeds and start making a white hemisphere. Obviously, modern spaniards and portuguese have nothing to do with this. It was a means of controlling the masses by confusing them through race mixing and destroying their identity. But its a problem for whites in the u.s. and it won’t go away unless a police state forms with millions of ICE agents hired to raid house after house and threaten illegals with penalty if they don’t self deport. The border should be militarized.

  1166. Deanna says:

    If real white people controlled this country, there would be way less nonwhites here in every way. JEWS are the ones doing this. Encouraging mass muslim and hispanic immigration to profit from cheap labor and calling anyone racist who stands out against ILLEGAL immigration all in the name of exterminating whites. Look up Barbara Spectre and Noel Ignatiev on youtube. When will white people wake up?

  1167. Rmare says:

    Tell me about it I live next door to some Mexicans and nobody hates them more than I do. They are so disgusting they’re like cockroaches even worse people like that should be euthanized. First of all those stupid no quiero Taco Bell dog and another stupid white pooch just bark continuously since I’ve lived here three years and she don’t even tell him to shut up it’s like she likes it how could it not get on your nerves anyways I’ve been battling with this b**** and her stupid Spic husband for a while and it just gets worse. So they’ re immigrants the man and his wetback friends, but the wife is from here so she just married him and he’s not even really illegal citizen. All they do is drink all the time they are always outside tailgating. They are so disgusting me and my daughter won’t even go outside because I feel like they’re trying to rape us with their eyes so I never make eye contact. To boot when we first moved their daughter told my daughter that every time her dad’s friend goes to the bathroom he touches her. There’s always trucks over there like four and they’re in the driveway there in the street there aliens smuggling over there dude bunch of those men are guaranteed without a doubt molesting that little girl she’s only 11 years old. Even my neighbor across the street knows. Recently they just put up a fence to make it virtually impossible for any passengers to get out. Now I’m having to fight them to with property Deeds hiring a surveyor and contacting the city going to court for the shit. But I called Ice immigration and told him that situation about the lil girl and them Mexicans over there touching her. I’m counting down the days until these fucs are gone. Oh and the b**** ugly fat nasty ugly she wears the same shirt every day meaning she never washes her ass dude is the same he’s so gross he just looks like a f****** dirt ball in the face they’re just disgusting people all around. If they were on fire I wouldn’t piss on it to put it out I would throw some butane on it!!!

  1168. Most Honest Person in the World! says:

    Not all but most Mexicans (like 90%) are dumb, rude, and inconsiderate people. They have no sense of dignity. The more I live with them, the more I can’t help but dislike them for what they are. They’re so dirty! It’s like they don’t mind the dirt and cockroaches. Sadly, they actually resemble human cockroaches! They multiply like crazy and over occupy any apartment they live in. They lie about who lives there and even lie about having pets to avoid paying extra deposit and I know because I’ve seen many families move in without a pet then a few days later they have 1 or 2 dogs. And, when they see immigration or cops, they flee like cockroaches in a room where a light just turned on.
    This results them in over populating an area and causing more traffic and parking problems. Mexicans are so fucking rude they will take up all of the sidewalk and expect you to walk around them in the grass. So insensitive and rude. They’re even fake, too. They are all grateful and nice when they want something from you and once they get it, it’s like they don’t give a fuck what you did for them once they get what they want.

  1169. Brian says:

    Come across the border collect the freebies SSI FOOD CARD Free heathcare hell there’s even what’s called a tax exempt card as well. Making chumps out of the American people. 3 thousand a month in cash taken right out social security. Most people wouldn’t believe how much food stamps these free loading Latinos get either.Lay on their ass make babies just have a great time drinking smoking pot doing drugs having so much fun who would leave here. Don’t you know justice will prevail. Until that comes yeah stupid americans huh yep but things will change

  1170. Brian says:

    Remember it’s not about hate it’s about getting smart and getting these freeloaders out of our country. Make America great again like it was when most who can remember. Also I meant food card not stamps. So use your head to restore this great nation not your hatred.Mexicans Latinos Musilms are freeloaders we need to get them the hell out of our country especially the illegal ones.

    • MyNames says:

      Many take jobs away to look it up.There are no jobs americans wont do.

      • Deanna says:

        The whole argument that they do jobs americans won’t do is NO justification for illegal immigration not in this country or any other one. Many white americans would do those jobs just for a more reasonable wage. White people don’t want to work for NOTHING. Mexicans have nothing to lose. Over 100 bilion dollars was sent back to latin america because of spics. That’s money going out of the u.s. economy, which is fucked up. They’re here to take, not give. Most spics and niggers are on welfare disproportionately compared to white people.. I wish all spics would just die off along with all niggers and muslims. The world would be so much better off and peaceful.

  1171. Deanna says:

    Adding to my comment up above, if white people didn’t bring niggers over here and then proceed to fuck natives and blacks in the americas, then we wouldn’t have the problem with these subhumans that we have today. White people were greedy and now they have to eat their own shit.

  1172. Beowulf says:

    What none of you ignorant yanks mention is that Mexico is historically continuous with the kingdoms of the Spanish Empire, which, as none of you would know was the first nation in the world, not to mention that it defended Christianity against Moors, pirates, and ridiculous protestants. Of course, none of you thick heads can even imagine any other history but that which you register in terms of sensations every day, like passive morons untranscendential morons. There was a time when Rome was one with Hispania and on the other side were the barbarians, that is, the germanic tribes that gave rise to you cock sucking anglo-saxon tossers. Those germanic tribes had no clue, that’s why they took it up the arse and accepted as their own the romance languages like Spanish and French, in addition to accepting other Roman traditions like Roman catholicism. The german idiot Luther sold you all a bunch of crap and now you are headed for hell, protestant morons. Despite that, even America’s founding father’s respected the Roman tradition, proposing to reproduce Rome in America. In the light of this past, you all are fighting over some Mexican immigrants and showing your ignorance. Those Mexican immigrants are the heirs of a Roman past, transmitted through the Hispanic tradition of kingdom, evangelization, catholicism, seen in equal terms to such majestic kingdoms as Castille, Navarre, Aragon, etc. And you, heirs of barbarians have the gall to disdain them? Ha! Talk about seeing the speck in your neighbour’s eye before seeing the beam in your own. You are but the heirs of barbarians!

    • Deanna says:

      Oh shut the fuck up and stop acting holier than thou. Modern people of latin america who call themselves ‘hispanics’ aren’t hispanics as only people from SPAIN or people with full spanish ancestry are the real hispanics/latinos. The mixed race people of latin american have simply had hispanic ‘culture’, language and genetics interbred through the centuries. Most of them are simply mestizo people with varying amounts of european/native and sometimes african on average depending on the specific country. You have no right to claim that these people are superior just because Spain once had a great empire. We’re talking about security/immigration issues RIGHT FUCKING NOW dumb fuck. No one cares if anglo saxons/germanics were barbarians. Anglo saxon/germanic whites formed the backbone of what the U.S. is and all the vast majority of illegal immigrants do is fuck all of that up. Idiots like you always try to twist reality and divert the actual argument. No one gives a fuck about history in this context. The u.s. is a country that deserves proper immigration security for its citizens like all other SHITHOLE non western countries on this planet. Guatemala has a border to keep Mexicans out just like you lock your fucking door at night to keep undesirables out you stupid fuck. If anglos/northern european whites in particular are so inferior then no shithole people would want to come to their countries and take advantage so please, go fuck yourself because you’re full of fucking shit.

  1173. BacalaoDisfrasao says:


  1174. Brian says:

    Democrats want mexicans for votes, open borders is their policy. Musilums & Mexicans are Freeloaders a parasite to our nation.Sucking off our Social Security,SSI and our Food card program plus healthcare. Invaders expecting us to be open arms playing us for suckers. This free ride will end though these roaches will cling to staying here until that day until they are finally run out of our great country. Screw make babies lay on their asses lazy bastards living off the fat of the land the hard work of the American people who built this country.

    • Deanna says:


      I hate when motherfuckers say that the u.s. is a melting pot. It’s a melting pot of european ethnicities and was always mean to remain majority white since white people built this bitch. It wasn’t meant for muslims, spics, indians, niggers or other mixed race pieces of shit to become the majority and turn it into another shithole ass country. More non white immigrants=more problems for white people.

      White people don’t owe shit to anyone and if anyone wants to live in white countries, u.s. canada, european countries, australia, they need to go by WHITE PEOPLES fucking rules like anywhere else on the planet. If I went to live in Myanmar (Burma), I’d have to abide by their customs and traditions and codes of mannerisms. It’s that fucking simple. I’m so sick of PC white traitor, liberals and other undesirable PARASITES.

  1175. John C Clark says:

    Well…I sure hope you can find the written ettiquette to suspend your inclusion of entire populations as all pos.
    Not all of them are.
    Yes there are a bunch of ALL KINDS from EVERY nationality that suck ass and need to be brought to true and real justice. And yes Im for shooting those who willingly violate the laws especially where children and narcotics are concerned.
    And who cares if you have to fight the whole community…If you win they cease out of fear. Id make sure I won.
    However if youre going to go that route,please include White Supremists,BLM,LBTHGQB,ANTIFA…ALL of them deserve the death penalty,none of them will have righteous justice effect them.
    Tell ya what…Itll be a slow process, but buy a good commercial grade meat grinder…Do ya like fishing?
    Chum in ground beef form works great for most game fish.
    Hope you can find the time…thats alot of people to debone and grind up…
    1 or 2 is one thing but thousands? Hmmm.
    Frankly I think a beautiful bloodbath on MS13 would be super beneficial…I mean wipe them all out…brutally.
    As for the mexicans on here commenting…
    Its true…Weve watched as you came here and drove our labor rates through the floor, took jobs from hard working veteran Americans. Were tired of it…Been going on too long. And more n more of us are seeing our govt fail us where youre numbers and rights are concerned.
    So were pondering ways to erradicate you all from here. But fret not…Were working on Black Lives Matter and the muslim faction also.
    We will figure it out…trust me.
    But bank on us exacting revenge…
    Ya know why we know we can wipe you out?
    Because we have a saying in America…it goes;
    If you wont fight for your own country, you wont fight for ours.
    Implying youre a cowardice pos for running like putos from your own land.
    Thats…pathetic and weak.

    • Deanna says:

      You’re 100% correct. But I’d like to add that there’s nothing wrong with white supremacy as white people are supreme. That’s why everyone wants to immigrate to white countries for a better life. That’s why these spics want to come here but at the same time, they want to take it back by having tons of illegal wetback babies because they’re jealous and want to control it although they know that this country would just turn into another shithole like mexico if they became a large majority. If the u.s. wasn’t better or worse than mexico, these wetbacks and niggers from all over the world wouldn’t want to come here. Those are facts.

  1176. SW says:

    And God is the filthy cock sucking pig faggot for creating those animals.

  1177. God's Fault says:

    God is a very fucking retarded cock sucking infested piece of shit loser himself for creating them in the first place. Blame that scumbag God for that one.

    • Deanna says:

      God didn’t create anything because no God exists. The whole God thing is impossible. You should blame the spaniards and portuguese for racemixing and making the whole latino abomination. They should have just mixed with other pure spanish/portuguese like the english did.

  1178. Agree says:

    Beautifully written, brothet. I completely agree with your frustration.

  1179. Agree says:

    Beautifully written, brothet. I completely agree with your frustration.

  1180. Atheist With A Good Reason says:

    I blame that filthy diseased infested cocksucker God for all this horrible mess we have in this world today, since this world as it is has certainly have enough problems today to begin with. A real God would’ve never did this in the first place.

  1181. I ‘d personally also like to state that the majority of people that find themselves with out health insurance are normally trainees, self-employed and those that are laid-off. Over half on the uninsured are really under the age of 35. They do not experience they are wanting health insurance considering that they’re young in addition to healthy. Their particular earnings is generally invested in property, food, and entertainment. Lots of individuals that do go to work either complete or part-time are not provided insurance coverage by their tasks so they get along without due to the increasing expense of health insurance in the u.s.a. Thanks for the pointers you go over through your blog

  1182. Fuck Mexican Scum says:

    Mexicans are not human beings. They are the leftover organisms of failed evolutionary processes. The only reason they multiply is the artificial lifestyle humans (not them obviously) have created to survive; that they have assimilated. They are less than roaches! Filthy, stupid, lazy, cheating, evil and overall ill intended animals! They should be eradicated from foreign land and controlled properly so they don’t spread outside that shit hole country that they love so much and are so proud of. It puzzles me how proud they are of that garbage dump that they desperately want to escape from it! Hahahaha. Pathetic good for nothing waste of oxygen is what they are!

    • Deanna says:

      I think you mean latin american people in general are just trash leftovers from spanish and portuguese colonization. It’s not just mexicans, we just have mainly a mexican problem but its all these garbage people that we have to fucking deal with, ricans, cubans, colombians.. all those trash nationalities. Yep.
      Overall, I agree with you obviously.

      • Diana says:

        Please don’t take out your anger on us because of your sexual abuse on behalf of your own father Deanna. Stop and contact the police so they shoot him in the face like all pedophile rapists deserve, then you can go and find yourself an actual man not an inbred rapist that’s related to you.

      • Deanna says:

        @Diana Bitch, get a fucking clue.
        Your people are the ones coming here and raping people/kids, not us. You’re trash by default just by being nonwhite so don’t even come at me trying to talk shit when you’re in MY country.
        Go back to your shithole and talk shit there you fucking mexicunt piece of beaner 3rd world low iq shit.

      • Deanna aka RACIST CLOWN says:

        @Deanna, go shut your old crusty-inbred ass up! Being racist and uneducated isn’t getting you nowhere in life, grow up ffs. You’re embarrassing yourself. I’m 16 years old and more mature than you are! And before you assume my race I’m Russian and I don’t live in the US either. Don’t want to live there because there’s clowns like YOU being retarded and racist for no reason. Are you inbred or naturally dumb? You know what Deanna you’re acting like child with your dimwitted, lame and racist comments. Your life is really that sad and laughable isn’t it?!?

    • a mexican fuking god nigga says:

      just kys self you white fucking fag

  1183. Go Back To Europe says:

    Eurotards like the ones here are the “people” that can’t do shit right they needed to steel land and then have slaves because theyre too lazy to do any work themselves, instead they went over to rape their own kids and then rape their own inbred grandkids and voila you get modern day Eurotard Trump cock guzzlers. Its ok they can’t even reproduce sucessfully and are dying off either by age rot, by shooting each other in the face in their bedrooms with their moms or at their school, its sad they don’t care to murder their own kind including children. So go on bitching all you want Eurotards we’re repopulating this country with the first and original and actual human beings, we will wipe you out you retards are just closet LGBTQ thats why you wont actually reproduce. It’s ok nobody will judge you come out of the closet instead of raping kids.

    • Deanna says:

      “the first and original and actual HUMAN beings”
      Please explain.
      You guys are animals and this country will become another shithole with a hispanic majority because you’re all shithole 3rd world low iq people. Real pieces of shit and cowards too, which is why you leave your shitholes instead of defending them to come to OUR country.

  1184. LOL says:

    So what else is knew?

  1185. Maya Sirak says:

    Excellent blog you’ve got here.. It’s hard to find excellent writing like yours nowadays. I honestly appreciate individuals like you! Take care!!|

  1186. to fucking stupid white niggas says:

    damn all y’all niggas need to shut the fuck up Mexican’s aren’t the fat fucks feeding the dogs cheese burgers all day till they die its the stupid ass white ppl who made there fucking retarded ass decision to let them come in. all i got to say is that Americas a shithole and mostly stupid white fucks is who makes it a shithole not the fucking mexicans or the africans just you fucking retards. you fucking disappointments selling meth to kids rednecks fucking patriotic bitches saying WERE THE BEST COUNTRY actually just go fucking kys if you fucking believen this fucking crap bro

    • The educated says:

      Us whites know our history, I bet you don’t even know without google how to say anything educated whatsoever, because the last thing you said was dumb as fuck you stupid Spanish filth, you look just like the food you eat. Stop raising families off our tax dollars

  1187. J.A says:

    Fuck man you ain’t right ,I’m I’m a citizen and I agree WETBACKS think like dirt.butt so do many whites too.then there’s those above all these sorry fucks who have morals proper edict who can’t stand the shit out of those who don’t know the meaning of acting like a human being cause they brought up like savages and continued that theme.Butt your incorrect in saying all with brown skin are the same cause I’d be right there too with a shotgun if some wetback tried to rape my kid.fuck what skin color they are it’s all about how you carry yourself I agree most WETBACKS are filthy scum butt so are alot of whites scumbags come in all colors they exist most in the brown and white.I could say alot of shit just cause I seen a piece of shit white priest rape a Mexican alter boy what about the white folks in the forest who kill their own mother’s rape their own sisters who consiat of being some of the most sickest evil twisted worst killers just like the ones that are in the slumbs of know they say that mexican men like white women the most because they will do any sexual act and Mexican women won’t butt I’m quite aware that there’s also scumbags bitches that are can’t be pointing fingers when your own race is the either choose to be like them or be above them and live your life in a better way. It goes both ways.

  1188. Ripper says:

    Mexicans are nothing but the bastard offspring of Spanish sperm. If wasn’t for the white man, Mexicans wouldn’t exist. Mexicans exist due to the Spanish breeding with the Aztecs.

  1189. Ur Momm says:

    There is a lot of hate speech but basically Mexicans need to go shoot themseves! Dirty cuntly turd sticks are no good for anybody

  1190. You thought says:

    Mexicans have ruined America, they stole California, they stole Hollywood. And now they are fucking our daughters, driving around like they own the road. They are fifth generation garbage who won’t listen to their bully parents! They want War!!! Let’s give it to em

  1191. pk31982 says:

    Haha look at all these stupid specks getting pissed off over the truth. Bunch of pathetic Brown losers

  1192. There Goes America Down The Toilet says:

    If Biden Wins, all these low life loser piece of shit like them will be in our country. Then crime will really sky rocket altogether. Where is that filthy scum sucking pig God when we really need him now?

  1193. And that Is No Lie says:

    What is worse than Covid-19? Biden 20.

  1194. pk31982 says:

    Why can’t you fucking spics come to our f****** country come steal our f****** niggers and use them to make your country good leave us the f*** alone you God damn wetbacks

    • pk31982 says:

      Oh yeah! I also like mexican dicks far up my ass during anal sex!! I am gay and proud. Sincerely, pk31982

  1195. Pam says:

    dr kola kolawole of hamilton convicted of numerous images of child pornography on his computer. three months prior to his arrest on this conviction, he was arrested in hamilton ontario for soliciting two girls, ages 13 and 15 and was required to register there as a sex offender.

  1196. crackakilla says:

    White crackers (specifically anglos) have their head so far up their own ass that they can’t see how full of shit they are. These white americans forget that they came to OUR(mexican) motherland. This is a brown continent, just like africa has black and you inbreds pale scumbags from europe continent. So I will say it like your master trump says it, don’t like it here? then go back to where you came from !
    White trash with generations of education and still lack a sense of who they are.
    Imagine coming online to create a post about hating mexicans. hahha fucking miserable no culture having ass. We are multiplying in our home land gtfo if you cant learn a new language like the beautiful Spanish.
    (p.s – your wife and daughter loves this brown cock)

    • "crackakilla" the uncivilized border donkey says:

      Stay pissed at the comments. Stay pissed at this blog. Facts got you all in your mexi-rat feelings lol. The US was NEVER YOUR HOME LAND! It belonged to the Native Americans and you pinto bean-brained border donkeys sold your land to the white men. You are a special kind of stupid too! You uncivilized, inbred imbeciles aren’t wanted here.. go better stay in your disgusting country called MEXICO. Parading your ugly eyesore mexican flag shouting VIVA MEXICO like a bunch of crackheaded retards in a country that IS NOT MEXICO!! You are in NORTH AMERICA. You dont see me and my people parading the Japan flag around the US now do you? I hate all of your people here. Not only white Americans cant stand you dirty mexi-craps. We Asians can’t stand you dirty vultures either!! Mexico is for mexican dirty uncivilized shits like YOU! Go take your inbred midget brown shit skinned, fat out of shape, bean tortilla eatin’, beaner spic baby breeding, lazy ass down there to MEXICO! You will feel happier at home where you belong .. MEXICO! Get your dirty butt to packing and stepping bean!

      NOBODY wants to learn that annoying language of yours lol keep dreaming. Gtfo out of the US. The US DONT WANT OR NEED YOUR KIND HERE. GTFO DO IT NOW BEAN. YOU SHOW ZERO RESPECT. This coming from a Korean who lives in the US LEGALLY

      • BIG CHRIS says:

        This has to be Yoon or their friend lol. Hey you dumb chink-eyed bitch, don’t you have any stray animals to catch to eat for dinner so you don’t starve to death, you ugly pale skinned anorexic Korean piece of shit! Kill yourself

    • continued says:

      I was adopted by a Japanese family like so yea I dont go around parading the Japan flag or the North Korea flag. I dont go around being a dumb uncivilized, disrespectful racist to Americans UNLIKE YOU!! You dont need to live here when you cant respect the people who live here. Arent you spics known for being government rodents off of tax payers and coming to the country ILEGALLY??? take your ass to mexico, home sweet home for you lil bean

  1197. Pamela says:

    dr kola kolawole, male psychiatrist from Hamilton Ontario had been convicted of second degree felony, forcible sexual abuse, and third degree felony forcible sodomy molestation of three juvenile patients at the ontario facility where he worked and sexual assault of a highschool girl in a park. He destroyed my daughters life, Merry Christmas

  1198. Johnny Q says:

    You are so correct. Mexicans are the lowest life form on the planet. They are stupid, obnoxious, unrefined PIGS.

  1199. Db says:

    . All of you dirty loud poopskins will have to go back. Enjoy blasting your shit sounds in those crappy apartments while you can, you cockroach infested family rapers. Even gyspys are better than the trash filth known as mexiturds.

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